VISUAL INFORNATION PROCESSING IN VARIOUS DEGREES OF ALERTNESS by ANTONIO MEDINA PUERTA E.E., Universidad Politecuica, Madrid (1978) O.D., Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1978) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY October 1982 Signature of Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, October 15, 1982 Certified by Thesis Supervisor Accepted b y____ Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students 1 VISUAL IRFORMATION PROCESSING IN VARIOUS DEGREES OF ALERTNESS by ANTONIO MEDINA PUERTA Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on October 15, 1982 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT The performance of the visual system under different attentional situations is unknown. This research has been undertaken to examine the normative characteristics of the peripheral visual field and how these functions change with allocation of attention to progressively demanding visual central tasks and when the auditory system is also stimulated. For this purpose experiments were conducted with 24 subjects in which they responded to a variety of stimuli affecting their central and peripheral visual fields. Using a YES-NO method, their performance was evaluated for every task and stimulus position. Reaction times were also measured for every target as well as the effect of different audio inputs. Hardware and software were specially designed for these experiments. Some computer programs were also developed for data analysis. An experimental function has been obtained for detectability of peripheral targets versus central task load and the size of the visual field has been determined under different conditions of visual and audio stimulation. It has been found that peripheral detection is improved when subjects are occupied with a central task and that the visual field narrows when listening to speech. A model of attention is proposed to better explain up-to-date observations in this field and some suggestions of applications and future work are also given. Thesis Supervisor: Robert V. Kenyon Title: Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study could not have been undertaken without the instrumentation and facilities of the Man Vehicle Laboratory ware and techniques devised by Robert V. Kenyon and Joshua Y. use of and softZeevi. The author is also greatly indebted to Prof. Kenyon for insights gained through numerous discussions of the experimental protocol and attention mechanisms. He has generously devoted much thought and many hours of his time to guidance and supervision of this investigation. Appreciation is expressed for the assistance, advice. and support found from all members of the Laboratory. The existence of this completed text is due to the careful proof- reading, correcting and typing of Mrs. Sherry Modestino. This work has been supported by NASA Ames Research Center Grant Number NAG 2-103. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 3 ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 2 BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT AND MOTIVATION 1.1 Historical Perspective 1.1.1 Introduction 1.1.2 Evidence of Selective Aspects of Attention 1.1.3 Attention Models 9 9 11 13 1.2 Objectives of Thesis 1.2.1 Summary of Findings 1.2.2 Signal Detection Theory 19 19 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Experiments and Experimental Procedure Set-up and Experimental Description 2.2.1 Peripheral Stimulation Procedure 2.2.2 Central Task 2.2.3 Experiments with Other Attentional Tasks 2.2.4 Test Runs Hardware 2.3.1 Peripheral Stimulus Hardware 2.3.2 Central Stimulus Hardware 2.3.3 Subject-Computer Interface Software Subjects and Subject Protocol Data Analysis 3.2 3.3 3.4 28 29 29 31 34 36 36 37 39 40 40 44 47 50 RESULTS 3.1 22 28 METHODS 2.1 2.2 3 6 Detection of Peripheral Flashes versus Central Task Load Distribution of Peripheral Target Detectability 3.2.1 Definition of Narrowing 3.2.2 Measure of Narrowing of the Visual Field 3.2.3 Narrowing for the Right and Left Visual Fields Synchronized Central and Peripheral Targets Audio Inputs 3.4.1 Audio Inputs and the Detection of Targets 3.4.2 Effect of Audio Inputs on Visual Field Size 3.4.3 Right and Left Field Narrownig 4 50 50 52 54 62 62 65 65 69 69 3.5 3.6 4 Detectability and Narrowing for All Tasks Tested Reaction Time 3.6.1 Reaction Time for Nine Subjects Randomly Chosen 3.6.2. Average Reaction Time Profiles for Each Task 3.6.3 Average Reaction Times for Each Task DISCUSSION 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 SUMMARY 6 APPENDICES I II III IV Schematics Computer Programs d' Tables Table of normalized d' 73 76 76 88 Peripheral Detectability Narrowing of the Visual Field Reaction Time Proposed Model of Attention Justification 5 71 73 88 92 94 95 100 102 and C/P values REFERENCES 5 CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND OF PROJECT AND MOTIVATION Detection of targets in the peripheral visual field is a task on of us rely to successfully interact with our environment. which all Drivers, pilots, cyclists and pedestrians especially make continuous and competitive use of their central and peripheral visual fields as they must allocate limited attention resources to both central and peripheral tasks such as listening for signals or mes- tasks and other non-visual sages. It is important to know how peripheral visual detection is to other events affected when attention instance, will be interested increases. A driver, for to know whether a over concentrating on a central task or maneuver will make him temporarily blind to peripheral events such as other vehicles overtaking, or on the other hand how non- visual tasks such as talking with a passenger or listening to the radio or the noise of the engine may influence the detection of targets necessary for efficient driving. plane makes extensive Pilots will especially benefit as flying a use of both central and peripheral in continous competition for attentional resources. visual fields Pedestrians and cyclists listening to portable radios may change their habits if the probability of seeing a lateral object decreases ning to music. 6 while they are liste- are provided with a surface at the back of the eyeball Humans called the retina, where of photosensitive millions images The are formed. retina and cones. cells called rods present in a significant number (see Figure 1.1) Cones in the center of the makes it very sensitive to small detail and for this reason it in line with the object being fixated. rods are responsible for detecting rods per mm 2 the number of light and objects, outside the decays towards the periphery of the retina fovea are sensitive to high spatial frequency their main task is to detect light, is always Outside of this area, mostly central area of + 15 deg as shown in Figure 1.1 (Woodson, the are only This area is called the fovea, its high concentration of cones retina. at contains 1954). Cones (high detail) and shapes and orientation. Sensitivity to light versus location of the stimulus on the retina has been studied verifying follows the supposition that the sensitivity (Pirenne, 1967). the rod density This is not, however, always so, for instance visual acuity decreases when viewing a bright object if the periphery is dimmed peripheral sensitivity can be influenced by other than anatomical characteristics. Many exter- nal factors affect the perception of peripheral targets, for example (Davson, 1963). This suggests concentrating on a particular that task, central and such as an interesting book, makes other events in the surroundings pass unnoticed. This and other examples show that prediction of sensitivity to peripheral events based on the distribution of rods alone may in some cases be completely wrong, particular attention allotted to central tasks to peripheral targets. 7 may decrease in sensitivity 180.000 Blind spot 160.000 E Rods Rods 140.000 120.000 100.000 z 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 Cones C ones 0I rn-I 70' 60 50c 40' 300 200 100 00 10* 20' 30* 400 Temporal on retina Perimetric angle (deg) F I G U R E 8 1 . 1 50c 600 70c 80* Nasal It appears tion exists to be very likely that some unknown property of atten- which selects some sources of information in the visual field over others to achieve an optimum input of relevant information to match the processing requirements tigate how likely it introduced 1.1 at that time. This study will inves- would be to detect a target or what can be changes to improve detectability. Historical Perspective 1.1.1 Introduction The mechanism by which some external events are selected is called attention (i.e. for processing and others are not In visual perception, such mechanism is believed responsible for some Berlyne, targets being ignored in favor of others that are classified as more interesting or important at that particular moment (Berlyne, 1967, 1970; Berlyne and Lawrance, 1.2 illustrates this point, 1964; McDonnell, 1967, independent of fixation, 1960). 1950, 1970). 1951, Figure either a goblet or a pair of faces is seen indicating a perceptual or central selection. It seems obvious that rules governing attention must exist make the most of our capailities outside world. However, cannot, for instance, there is a limit to the number of things to listen watching a television program. switched we are to to deal with information from the which we can attend at any given time, We if regardless of how alert we are. to a person talk while effectively On the other hand, attention can be from one event to another without difficulty, for example anyone can watch a TV program on one set, tuned to a different station next to it. 9 while ignoring another set FI G U R E 10 1 .2 (Berlyne, The early experimental investigators unrepresentatively simple experimental situations. 1969) began with were situa- These at any tions in which one stimulus was presented virtually alone or was, rate, so much more intense than any other that might be present subject's response could be safely ascribed to its every day life of higher animals and human beings, the way things stimuli, this is not however, all of which are capable of evoking unlearned and, However, especially, hardly perform more than a very we can small proportion of the responses associated with the objects There is severe competition stimulating our receptors. for control over our behavior. to supplement In the influence. Our sensory organs are generally flooded with are. learned responses. that the Laws of attention are that are among stimuli therefore needed the laws of learning and the laws of unlearned behavior if we are to predict what responses will actually occur in realistic stimulus situations. 1.1.2 Evidence for the Selective Aspects of Attention physical world by biological transducers called sensors. tion is coded, up from the to future behavior is picked Information relative transmitted, This informa- processed and then used to make and/or stored for future reference. a decision The amount of information available from a single source (sense) can be enormous and only partially used due to psychological or physiological tion of such information receive the treatment in memory, that is, limitations. is often selective necessary to elicit Processing or utiliza- in that some senses a response or to gain a place the processing is not enough to guarantee 11 do not their (Shaw, perception This phenomenon of selective attention has 1982). been studied by a number of investigators and tested in many experi- ments, arriving at two basic findings: a) The perceptual mechanism has limited capacity in an informational arrive sense. simultaneously, the When stimuli for extend of the two tasks interference they between them depends on the amount of information conve ( Webster and Thomson (1953, Solomon (1955), 1956)). one's studies, the primary message to listen Webster and 1956) Broadbent (1952, Poulton (1953, In each of these 1954), to ability was impaired when a second message was added which had more information than the primary message. It seems quite clear there- fore that dealing with too many stimuli at one time is perhaps due difficult to a limit in the amount of information that some central mechanism can process in a given span of time. (b) reases The probability of perceiving a target decif the number of separate sources irrelevant (Duncan, information increases. Many investigators 1980; Erikson and Spencer, Taylor, 1964; Fidell, Swets, 1966; Kinchla, 1970; Shaw, 1970; Gardner, 1969, 1974, containing 1969; Estes and 1973; Green and 1977; 1980; Shiffrim and Gardner, Runelhart, 1972) found that error rate and response time typically do increase with the number of signal locations. 12 Many theoretical mechanisms have been suggested to account for such can be classified in one of two proposed models of attention. however, 1.1.3 All of them, aspects of human information processing. attentional Attention Models Whether attention is unitary or divisible was hotly debated in the nineteenth century and by experimentalists since 1950, but the question Two common observations are relevant unanswered. is still to the ques- tion of the unity of attention, but the answers they suggest are contradictory. several The first activities of these observations is that one, often performs in parallel, among the activities, and apparently divides one's attention for instance driving and talking. The second basic observation is that when two stimuli are presented at once, often only one of them is perceived, while the other is completely ignored. If both are perceived, the responses that they elicit are often made in succession rather than simultaneously. There is a common experience observation. for this Sometimes when we are deeply concentrating on a task and someone asks us a question, answer which is a good example we answer "what?" and a few seconds later we the question without having the question 13 repeated. One possible explanation for this is that there in perceiving* the is difficulty task before responding to second stimulus and a need to end the first the new one. The frequent occurrence of suppresion or queuing in the organization of behaviour suggests i.e. a bottleneck, internal processing which can only operate on one stimulus A sensory person's by some bottlenecks and motor performance a stage at a time. is obviously in his biological constitution. of constrained a For example, person is equipped with only a narrow field of clear and sharp vision and is therefore dependent on sequential scanning for acquisition of A person is also equipped with a high spatial frequency information. single tongue and must therefore arrange his verbal responses in sequence. Attention theorists have speculated that there are similarly liin the central aervous system which would make a person mited processes unable to think, remember, time (Sternberg and Knoll, perceive, or decide more than one thing at a 1972). The modern study of attention has been dominated by theories which assume a bottleneck somewhere in the system; but the localization of the has been contraversial. bottleneck be summarized neck is in by looking at Figures located at different *Since 1913 tion as (Watson, neural reference Discrepancies 1913), activity to subjective 1.3 in the two models can and 1.4 in which the bottle- stages. the general able to experience. tendency is elicit In this that sense. 14 a to consider response, thesis, it percep- avoiding all is also used in SOURCE PROCESSING SOURCE 2 --- PROCESSING DECISION MAKING SOURCE n - PROCESSING PARALLEL MODEL F I G U R E 1 . SOURCE SOURCE 2- DECISION PROCESSING MAKING SOURCE n - SERIAL MODEL F I G U R E 15 1 . 4 some central aspects of the filter The serial model illustrates first proposed by Broadbent theory theory assumes This 1958). (1957, so that only one bottleneck at or just before the stage of processing, stimulus at a time can be perceived presented at once, The observer image. to the other can attend to while the is held briefly as an such images and perceive message their content only after the perceptual analysis of the first In this model, has been completed. In the parallel model, are two stimuli one of them is perceived immediately, sensory information that corresponds unanalyzed When (Figure 1.2). a attention controls perception. which is associated with Deutsch and Deutsch the bottleneck is located at or just before the stage of deci- (1963), sion making (see Figure 1.3). all are stimuli bottleneck extracted According to this model, in parallel and without the meanings interference. The later. that imposes sequential processing is only encountered This bottleneck prevents time and selects the initiation of more the response that best fits of at a than one response the requirements of the situation. As an example of how the two models provide different answers to the same question, consider a person at a cocktail party who actively in the many loud conversations participates Assuming that the sensory messages conversations ask: (1) others? penetrate? reach that take place in the room. that correspond to several of the central nervous system of the listener, these we may at what point is the attended conversation favored over the (2) to what level of processing do the unattended According to the serial model, 16 the unattended messages messages are "heard". According to the parallel model, the conversations all but only one is responded to. heard, Several experiments For example, after it have been performed to answer these questions. the serial model soon strong evidence was advanced against was formulated. Although the serial model accounts for the cocktail party phenomenon of selective attention, own name as soon as it Moray (1959) that subjects very well it fails to The detection of one's explain another common experience at parties: tion. are is mentioned in an otherwise ignored conversaHe observed documented this everyday experience. likely to notice were much more preceded by their own name, than if it a message were not. if it was Moray's results are incompatible with Broadbent's assumption that the sounds arriving at the ear are not analyzed as speech. Neisser tion, (1969) developed and he obtained results subjects to read coherent a visual analogue very similar to the auditory situa- to Moray's. He required text aloud and to ignore words printed in red under each line of the selected text. Subjects could do this very well since this situation is similar to ordinary reading, just above and below the attended line do not intrude. where the lines Neisser also showed that subjects do not recognize the words presented in the ignored lines, even when the same word is repeated in the text several times. Two thirds of his subjects, however, noticed their own name on a rejec- ted line. The evidence from these studies indicates 17 that selective attention to inputs affects perceptual analysis, This is contrary to the parallel model. processing of other inputs. However, messages. attenuating or rejecting the man is also capable of dividing his attention among concurrent This is contrary to the serial model. conclusions of research on attention is that are far more flexible man's Thus one of the main cognitive operations than either of these bottleneck theories would suggest. In Chapter 4, I shall propose a new model lar problem of the serial account the particu- and parallel models and represents of the experiments investigators' that solves described observations. 18 in Chapters a good 2 and 3 and other 1.2 Obiectives of the Thesis Summary of Findings 1.2.1 If we review the attention literature shall find a considerable amount of work, of the last few years, we mainly in hearing and vision. These two senses are easy and practical to experiment with and they also represent the most important source of input information as they are used almost constantly in everyday life so that any finding in attention mechanisms in this area would be of interest by itself, sions could not be generalized to other senses. even if conclu- However, many experi- ments in this area have mixed both audio and visual input, results that should be considered as general rules of attention but not necessarily applicable to vision or hearing alone. the experiment obtaining A typical example is in which the subject must read a text and simultaneously listen to recorded speech (Treisman, 1969). The differences in proces- sing of audio inputs would make one caucious in applying the results of this experiments to vision. Another example is the experimental proce- dure to measure workload indirectly by means of a secondary task in a simulator (Wierwille et al, 1977). In this case, the subject is asked to drive safely under different conditions (usually different simulated velocities) and to perform a secondary task, such as reading numbers aloud Assuming that the total whenever he thinks that he has time. processing capability is a constant, the performance in the secondary task is an indication of the difficulty of the primary task. if the assumption of constancy is false (Easterbrook (1959) However, and others admit that total processing capability may be a function of central task demand), the only way to assess workload 19 is using a primary task measure. is that allowing intrusion from a very The conclusion therefore task can be useless unless different been determined previously (Broadbent, some data on vision has baselilne Since task changes. with well defined 1958 it has been known that the attention mechanism within 1958), the hearing sense is capable of selecting one of two speech messages. there have been no equivalent experiments However, to show how two visual inputs compete for reason for lack of experiments this visual system is that it has in for the visual system attention resources. selective attention several characteristics that within the make experi- to design as compared with hearing; the most important ments harder The may be that the visual system has an additional mechanism to select a particular target, i.e. the fixation system This way, target for maximum resolution. from the central very poor field are automatically in the periphery) whatsoever. It appears clear, the fovea that aims to the many other target inputs away attenuated (visual acuity is without diverting any attention mechanism however, that it would be of great impor- tance to assess the performance of the visual system under different attentional situations. The purpose of this thesis is to determine how subjects allocate their attentional resources when they must respond to a variety of tasks. All experiments measures of the subject's involve detection of peripheral flashes as awareness of peripheral visual field events. The results of these experiments are described in Chapter 3.3. total number of correct detections also very useful as it peripheral task. (the hit rate if a percentage) The is is a measure of the attention assigned to the In this case, the d' values 20 will be calculated and thus independent of changes in subject criterion. According to models of attention this function should decrease monotonically as the central workload increases. The effect of audio also be discussed. An audio input is systematically used to investigate how perceptual detection inputs on visual detection will performance is affected while attending to a con versation, sim ultaneously radio program or acoustic signal. 3.4 describes the effects observed for this and other Section types of audio input such as white noise and music. In Section 3.6 we will look at the reaction time needed by the subjects to detect lar range position and will see how it flashes in each particu- may vary according to central visual field task load. In the light of the results obtained in this series of and considering up to date literature in this field, experiments I shall propose model of attention in Chapter 4.4 together with other experiments a that would naturally follow the ones that this thesis covers. Some of the results from this- thesis could be cated to some real life operators of vehicles activities. For example, immediately appli- pilots, drivers, and in general are engaged for a great part of their time in performing a primary task continuously are simultaneously searched. while peripheral Inputs in the experiments noise could simulate conversation, radio listening, or the background niose of the engine. radio events such as talk or communication The performance of the subject in the laboratory under controlled conditions will show what effects are attributable to each variable, measure under real which otherwise would be impossible life conditions. 21 to 1.2.2 Signal Detection Theory The detectability measure of in the peripheral visual field of flashes the psychophysical theory of thres- The classical threshold. is a holds assumes that a real physiological threshold actually exists. fixed stimulus, but 1.5). A stimulus then be detected although it when is not always judged to have the same inten- however, a normal distribution will follow the sensation sity, changes his 1967). (see Corso, 50 percent of the time a long time, This criterion. (see Figure threshold to the with an intensity corresponding has been used successfully for the subject A This will theory, faces problems for instance, may happen, when he is offered some reward according to the number of correct deteche will probably increase the number of detections by taking more risks; that is he will say 'yes' to a doubtful stimulus. tions. In this case, On the other hand, if he is going to be penalized according to the signalling detection number of false detections he will be very careful, Obviously, only when he is very certain that a stimulus exists. different thresholds criterion is unpredictable and varies obtain a collection of different for the same subject interested All due to changes experiment, the criterion during 22 may subjects or in this thesis in detectabi- the course of the take a long time. To described in the next chapter, to understand signal detection theory. we will briefly review the fundamentals we threshold we are described the experiments subject's to subject, to get rid of changes understand the design of the experiments it is important the As for different experiments in the subject's which is possible as subject times while at different in has not changed. from thresholds make use of signal detection theory lity in these cases. would be obtained two of this For this theory and reason, how it will NO YES DENSITY FUNCTIONS CORRESPONDING TO STIMULUS INTENSITY S1, S 2 & S3 A SENSATION INTENSITY (SUBJECTIVE) THRESHOLD I Si S3 S2 F I G U R E NO - i STIMULUS INTENSITY (OBJECTIVE) 1 . 5 YES d -Moll 106DENSITY FUNCTION CORRESPONDING TO STIMULUS INTENSITY 3 SENSATION INTENSITY 11-s ,Un CRITERION (VARIABLE) _________________________________________________________________________________________ I 2 1 _______________________________ 3 F I G U R E ' 4 1 23 . 6 - STIMULUS INTENSITY (ARBITARY UNITS) be applied to the experiments which are the object of this study. The roots of signal detection theory engineering. sion theory and in electrical first proposed its Tanner and Swets (1954) Swets and later application to visual detection, (1964) and Green and Swets (1966) deci- lie both in statistical compiled an account of its theoretical and empirical bases. Signal detection theory assumes that no true sensory threshold is in fact a response that exists. criterion. sensitivity is continuous What appears and to be a threshold The only reason that the observer appears to have a threshold is that he is forced to distinguish between a signal and noise. The noise either is produced by internal events, such as random activity of neural origin, or is introduced by the experimenter as background. Since rather than discrete, variable, the observer's is continuously he must set some criterion for deciding whether a signal was presented or not. the criterion sensation , he responds as if task is like that of a statistical When a sensation does not exceed no stimulus had been- present. decision maker, who, His on the basis of noisy or variable data, must decide whether or not his experimental manipulation produced a true difference. The decision maker is well aware that even a large difference could have been produced by a combination of chance factors. the risk one, He therefore sets some criterion that defines he is willing to take in accepting the difference as a true when there is no difference. The location of this criterion assumed to be affected by non-sensory aspects of the experiment, is such as the probability that the signal is presented or the rewards and costs of right and wrong decisions. 24 A necessary experimental condition to test signal detection theory is the inclusion of a substantial proportion of noise trials on which no signal is presented. signal pre- Thus there are two types of trials: sent, occurring on proportion p of the trials, and signal absent, occurring on i-p proportion of the trials. Noise alone and signal plus noise distributed in classical theory. are assumed to be normally Since the two distributions overlap (Figure 1.6), a sensation of given magnitude could be produced either by a noise alone or by a signal plus noise. Usually the standard devia- tions of the noise and signal distributions are assumed to be equal. The measure of of the subject's sensitivity the two distributions m. observer constant. and a given is the distance between the means and ms and is signal intensity, called d' is d'. For assumed a given to remain This can be checked by plotting the hit rate against the false alarm rate in what is known as the "receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve" (Figure 1.7). For a fixed stimulus, the ROC curve can be plotted by systematically varying the ratio flash/blank trials or by asking the subject checked with the theoretical to change curves his criterion. This plot (Figure 1.7) or tables (Swets, is 1964). The value of d' can be calculated from the hit rate and the false alarm rate alone. Broadbent, This can be done by calculating the Z scores (see 1971) or consulting tables family of d' curves (Swets, such as that of Figure approximated by a number of analytical of these, modified 1.7. These curves functions (Broadbent, to suit our experiments, 25 1964) or from a plot of a can be 1971); one is used in the computer 1.0 0.9 -(b 0.8 II 4 N 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 u0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 F I G U R E 26 1 .7 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 program to calculate Of course, d' (see chapter 2). for signal detection theory to be sensitive For these experi- the stimuli have to be dim enough to be barely seen. ments, the stimulus intensity was adjusted so that them were detected in test runs with no primary could have been made for every subject, but it about task. 50 percent of This adjustment was not necessary never exceeded the range 20 to 80 percent detectability. 27 and useful, as we CHAPTER 2 METHODS 2.1 Experiments and Experimental Procedure Measurement of peripheral field sensitivity with increasing central attention was accomplished by having subjects center of a wide field display, used to indicate then at a random time, The number of hits, the performance of the misses, and false alarms were subject and the sensitivity of peripheral visual field. the To control the amount of attention allocated field the subject's task whose subject to the central visual central visual field was occupied with a primary level of difficultly were devised for use was controlled. in these experiments. Several The first tasks central the presents with two numbers in his central visual field and he must detect when they differ by a-specified amount. attention task, numbers or 3. For example, to make this a low the subject was required to detect only when the two were equal, i.e. the difference amounts of attention are needed when 2, an additional and the subject's task appears in the periphery, target would briefly was to detect it. fixate on a target in the is equal to zero. this difference is increased Presumably the need to perform a mental calculation at a decision of whether the central value would increase Increased to 1, to arrive target numbers are at criterion the attention this performed 28 central task requires to be Other attention loading tasks involved having the subject listen to or music, speech, white noise, central number display of 3 as and a task which requires detecting a already mentioned, with peripheral but targets flashing 200-400 ms after a central change. 2.2 Set-up and Experimental Description 2.2.1 Peripheral Stimuli Procedure For all experiments, in Figure 2.1. the set-up is as depicted consists of a cylindrical surface (arc perimeter), whose center coin- cides with the subject's eyes and is one meter away from them. perimeter contains 20 green 550 nm light It This arc emitting diodes (LEDs) flash randomly in time and singulary in space for 100 ms. which To accomplish this, a computer program randomly choses one of twenty possible numbers which then selected one of the LEDs. sends the appropriate voltage to the selected ler to drive the LEDs, light to make it flash with the same preadjusted luminous intensity and duration of 400 ms. Subjects if they saw a flash. press a button, This switch triggers held in their right hand, a one shot and debouncer especially designed for this experiment circuit pulse Then a specially designed control- to trigger the computer. the subject's response button is pressed to send an adequate The program is then capable of storing to the flash and his reaction within a determined maximum time onset of the flash, the computer interprets it miss is scored. 29 time. (2 sec) as a hit; If the after the otherwise, a I A/D CC vER L|1__ TR I i CONTROL'* 12 lo 11 9 14 13 8 15 6 16 -17 la 192 20 5 4 3 I P J I I II C w %L -I -I T BEEPER IMETER E AME :ENT a ,~ F I G U R E ILLU i41 A T Io! 2.1 " C G.P Y R RG /34 must be inserted According to signal detection theory, blank trials This was among those with flashes to determine the false alarm rate. The computer sellected either a flash or done in the following way: blank trial, then after 400 ms sent a 5 V pulse to a buzzer to produce a If he pressed the short beep to request an answer from the subject. the false the computer increments response button in a blank trial, alarm counter by one; again the maximum waiting time is two seconds, after which the program will start a new cycle after a random time of 1 to 3 seconds or 1 to 7.5 seconds, 2.2 shows the timing for both versions of version (Program ARCTRO) number of trials (ARCTRL). The total although the fast version had 60 percent flashes and 40 percent blank trials, while the slow version was 50 -50. The reason for the use of two versions will be explained 2.2.2 the fast the experiment, and the slow version is always 250, Figure depending on the experiment. later. Central Task The two seven segment displays showed two random numbers generated by the computer between 0 and 9. seven segment displays The central task display consisted of two placed in front of the subject, the center of the arc perimeter, the subject is asked to press a second button, when the difference between the two numbers is 0, The the subject's attention in the central visual field in a controlled manner. 1, 2, 3, or 7. level in and at the middle of the LEDs. numbers on the display were used to concentrate equal, at eye In each experiment, held in his left hand, that is when they are Runs with difference 0 require less attention to the central task than runs with a higher difference. 31 Difference 0 is 2 3 P (BLANK) P (BLANK) FLASH OR BLANK 100 ms 16 192ms ms - I Sec V.' e RANDOM TIME FIXED TIME BEEP Z) FLASH OR BLANK I 2 Sec MAX ARCTRO P(BLANK) FLASH OR BLANK BEEP v a FIXED TIME 192ms 1004 + -2 I P (BLANK) I Sec Sec ARCTRL F I G U R E 2 . 2 a I1 FLASH OR BLANK RANDOM TIME 6.5 Sec-- - detected by simply mentally matching the two numbers, or 7 calculations while difference 3 have to be done quickly before the numbers change. Thus the subject must concentrate on the central task so relevant calcu- lations can start as soon as possible after a change of numbers since he must decide and then press the button before the next change in numbers. (1954) Woodworth when a subject is attending showed that and expecting an event to happen, the reaction time is approximately 100 ms shorter Therefore, than when he is not. perform their central task if our subjects will find it easier to they pay more attention to it. al- The pair of numbers displayed was changed every two seconds, though there were runs with the difference 3 and 7 when the time was reduced to 1 second to increase even more the attention required from the subject. It was however, not clear whether the task required froni the subject was really a visual task or if only mental calculations were involved without intervention of any mechanism dealing with central visual field attention. To check this, central task digits dimmed two subjects were to the point of making run with the them barely visible, then run with a normal intensity; this sequence was repeated for four runs. If looking at the peripheral profiles showed any sign of percep- tual narrowing when the central task was made more difficult to see, it would indicate that the paradigm used to increase the central task load by means of two changing numbers was not suitable to measure perceptual funneling. In all experiments with central tasks, press a button when he detects a match, to let the computer know of his performance and to be able to determine 33 the subject is required to if it is good enough for the corresponding peripheral performance further pressed, Similarly, analysis. to be included in the data for targets is when the button for peripheral the one shot and debouncer circuit sends a pulse to the Schmitt trigger input number 1 of the computer and a hit is stored if there was actually a match, a false alarm if there was no match, and a miss if there was a match but no response. 2.2.3 Experiments with Other Attentional Tasks Other additional experiments were included. They were mainly variations of the basic experiment with no central task, but included several audio sources to the experiment such as recorded speech. types of audio input were tried such as music and white match occurs, a synchronized which flashes the LEDs To version of the main program was developed just after a match (difference 3) are also flashes which don't follow a match, the results and occurs; Other details to learning as then he could change his distri- bution of attention according to his expectations. timing of this run. there but they are irrelevant their mission was only to prevent the subject that a flash always follows a match, sequence noise. attention concentrates on the central task only when a investigate if this Other concerning are discussed in Section 34 2.4. Figure 2.3 shows the the software to generate P(BLANK) P(DUMMY BLANK) 01 P(FLASH) P(DUMMY FLASH) CENTRAL CHANGE: MATCH CENTRAL I CHANGE FLASH ORI BLANKI BEEP FIXED TIME =0.4 CENTRAL CHANGE FLASH OR BLANK RANDOM TIME BEEP BEEP__- 166 ms -.1200ms a________A 2 + -400msJ L166ms 600ms+ MAX -lOOms 1.2 Sec 1.2 Sec MATCH TRIAL DUMMY TRIAL TIMING FOR ARC SYN P (MATCH TRIAL ) z.14 P (DUMMY TRIAL) = .17 P (BLANK TRIAL ) = .68 F I G U R E 2 . 3 1.2 Sec -- BLANK TRIAL Test Runs 2.2.4 Some test experiment average time between trials runs were done and results subject must usually take part in five runs, become prohibitively 2.2 were long. The fast tried and gave identical central task. be discussed the This is very important because could be. are needed for meaningful 250 trials how short to find out considering the whole session could and slow versions results that each except shown in Figure when there was no The possible explanation of this interesting effect will later, but whatever the reason, it is clear optimal solution was to run the no central task experiment that the with the slow version and the more demanding central task with the fast version to save time. Experiments were run in a room with illumination adjusted to be Luminous intensity and brightness within the mesotopic region for rods. of the LEDs and the seven segment display, illumination, 2.3 are given in the hardware as well as average room section. Hardware Basically the equipment used in the experiments consisted of: - arc perimeter, 20 LEDs plus a central double LED seven segment display - Digital PDP 11/34 computer - LED driver and controller - dual display driver and transcoder - dual one shot and debouncer 36 such as momentary - other additional complementary materials, switches, beepers, tape recorder, ambient light source, and filters, power supplies. Other instruments were used solely for calibration and testing. These include: photometer, the equipment Most of these experiments. eye movement monitor and pulse counter. was specially designed and constructed For those pieces of equipment, for a more detailed description will foLlow and circuit diagrams and schematics can be found in Appendix 1, where applicable. Peripheral 2.3.1 Stimulus Hardware The arc perimeter consists of a black cylindrical surface of one meter radius. Figure LEDs were Fairchild type FLV 310, 2.1). intensity Twenty LEDs are placed horizontally every 5 degrees (see whose relative luminous pattern is depicted in Figure 2.4 . They were coloured green with a wavelength of 525-625 nm. also black, was placed in front A small pinhole, of each LED. 0.1" in diameter, The LEDs were adjusted to have the same luminous intensity of 50 micro-cd measured from the center of the arc, that is from the subject's eye position. The fact that the eyes are separated by a distance of about 60 mm could make it the luminous intensity measured from a single point would not so that corres- pond to the intensity received by the two eyes, especially if the had a narrow radiation pattern or if LEDs they were badly aligned with the 37 I- x 0 w4 1 I n 0 w a - .000 ~- ~-i L. ... * . 0 a & a. i 1, 0 -a - 9 % -,4". s - a "w -0 .4m- - - f -M.., t-- 9-v # - --- t -.- t-*0.7-,t - I..m~m.inuI S ~ a - r lo o . ~ - 0 4 / ..L. mE a PRAtIV INtl NSIIY - ~ K' * W. ww -4- -t~- I - r In 2 C) C) rn S n rn [z 8 U' the photometer was To check this possible source of error, pinhole. shifted about 60 mm to the right and to the left for each measurement to detect any large deviation from the central value. No significant change was observed. This also guarantees will not effect experiment subject's head during the of the that small movements the results. Control over the 20 LED targets is mediated by a digital interface to the PDP 11/34. This special allows to address the computer purpose interface, Using this controller, timing of placement in-house, and activate any number of LEDs for any duration and intensity. and built the peripheral we have control over the target and its luminous intensity. The current through the LEDs could be adjusted simitaneously to the required value by means of a single knob; LED has an ajustable resistor calibration and also each individual in series with its anode matching of the LEDs for purposes of luminous intensities. 2.3.2 Central Stimulus Hardware The central stimulus was placed in the middle of the and at the displays, any digit luminous same height as the Texas LEDs the pair of LED seven segment Model TIL 308 were capable of displaying from 0 to 9 in a red color with a wavelength of 660 nm and a intensity measured from the position of 900 micro-cd. mm. Instruments arc perimeter The width of the of the observer's eyes, side by side display assembly was 20 This allowed the subject to shift his line of gaze + 10 mm so that the peripheral LEDs might also move on his retina. ral plots will be accurate to within an error of e = tan-10.01 = 0.57 deg (about 10 percent) 39 Therefore, periphe- illuminance A 60 watt bulb illuminated the room with an average The contrast ratio measured twin seven segment display. 2.1. for each LED is shown in Table an A/D converter was designed A device using to of 1 fc. illuminate the The description,block diagram and schematics of this device are shown in appendix I. Subiect Computer Interface 2.3.3 The mission of the one is to produce debounced shot circuitry pulses from the two switches operated by the subject triggers of the computer. to fire the Schmitt was used as The IC 7400 (see Appendix 1) a bistable to output a debounced 5 volt output each time the switch was pressed. The IC 74-121 generated a pulse of 300 ms with the positive going edge of the anterior level When the signal. the computer are set to positive going Schmitt edge triggering, triggers in the pressing of a switch will be immediately detected exept for a few microseconds delay due to the digital gates. 2.4 Software Software was control the duration, Kenyon to written by professor placement and timing of the peripheral stimuli on the LED controller. interface using the issue a stimulus to Three programs the arc perimeter to 40 have been developed light position of the illuminated target and when it arc perimeter up one diode. to The is turned on is rando- II I -,, AMINO,, - ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT (DEGREES) CONTRAST RATIO -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -]5 -10 -5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 6.2 6.5 6.4 5.8 6.4 6.2 5.7 6.5 6.0 6.6 6.6 5.7 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.4 5.8 6.2 All LEDs adjusted to 50pCd to IC q 8 '1 6 x 0 S 15 3 3 -go'-.s'-4O' -3'-so*-a -zo'-15'-o'-5" T AB LE 0' 5 * 2 . 1 41 1 1,5'0 2o*2- ac3g'b 0' t ' mized by the programs to prevent any subject prediction. They also display a set of random numbers independently to a two digit display. When the two agree with a predetermined difference between them, program looks for a response from the subject to indicate detection. These three programs copy of them, 2. the ARCTRL have together been named ARCTRL, ARCTRO, with their flow charts, lights an LED every 10.50 seconds and ARCSYN, and a can be found in Appendix (average) and then waits 2 are seconds forthe subject's response. Fifty percent of these trials flashes (see Figure a fast version of ARCTRL, the only difference 2.1). ARCTRO is is that the mean time between trials has been reduced to 4 seconds and that the proportion of flash trials over blank trials is now 2 to 3. This reduces minutes (ARCTRL) the duration to 12 minutes of an experimental (ARCTRO), run from 25 the results being same except when no central task is used, exactly in which case, the the fast and continuous flashing seems to keep the subject in a state of alertness that would disappear during the slow run of ARCTRL. ARCTRL was used in the experiments task was so little The program ARCSYN, other programs, from them. previously in which the arousal of (no central task or music), of the LEDs could arouse the subject as far as the observer occurred synchronicity between will not (400 ms) in the central that the to a comparable although designed This program For this reason, the and central fast flashing level. to perform similarly is concerned, allow the is quite different a flash unless central task peripheral to the a match has display. tasks This is achieved without letting the subject know by introducing other non-synchronous flashes (catch flashes) and by making by a flash (see Figure 2.2). matches 42 not necessarily followed ARCTRL and ARCTRO are provided tion control and staircase with two additional features: methods. loop insures The fixation control subjects are fixating on the central that target fixa- and not inadvertently looking at the periphery by checking that the eye position monitor has a value within the central controller. field before issuing a command to the arc used for testing that the eyes This feature was only looked to the central task 99 percent of the time, eye movement monitor unnecessary. making the use of the On the other hand, the use of the infrared eye movement monitor would have made the experiments tiring for the subject and tedious for the experimenter as the D.C. periodically checked. Provision for the staircase method of determining each LED threshold was also originally made. not used as it drift has to be However, this method was would require a prohibitive number of trials. index for programs are capable of calculating d' (the detectability each run) from the hit and false alarm rate and are analysis features including: displayed as a histogram, All the provided with other reaction time for each peripheral hit, mean and standard deviation and maximum and minimum values for reaction time data. Other programs are used for data analysis, DPLOT plots d' versus central task load and normalizes these curves. PPLOT prints out the peripheral profiles for different It should be remembered that each run is stored on a disk with a name for access at any time. To print subjects or runs and averages them. out the histograms, out histograms the program BPRINT should be used. of reaction time averaged for all the subjects angular position and for each central taskload. 43 RTPLOT prints for each 2.5 Subjects and Experimental Protocol including nine members of Twenty one subjects the Most of the population that took part in the experiments mentioned them were students, graduate were laboratory They were all previous- and undergraduate. ly checked and asked about any eye pathology; none of them exhibited any sign of vision abnormality. Those who wore spectacles were asked to wear a black shield around their head to prevent any ambient light from reflecting on their glasses through the sides, which might change the contrast ratio of the peripheral LEDs. This could happen because arc perimeter was painted black and therefore reflected which could be comparable of the spectacle glasses. light reflected on the to the light, temporal edges The black cardboard shield prevented back light from reaching the glasees. This shield caused no interference with the experiment as the shadow cast by it, the subject's head, little the together with that cast by fell on the table in front of the subject, from the arc perimeter display. well away Peripheral vision was not restricted in any way. All subjects were sufficiently informed of the purpose of the experiments and were told what was expected from them not only in an informal way while showing them the apparatus, but were also given the instruction sheet which follows: You are going to participate in an experiment to study the relationship between central and peripheral vision perception. 44 You be will required press to one of two buttons depending upon what you observe. Please be seated and extend your arms on the table so that you feel comfortable. You should be relaxed during the experiment. You will see They will in front of you two numbers. change randomly and you are required to press the button in your left hand every time the difference between them has a certain value. In the first experiment, the value is 0, so you have to press the button when the two numbers are the same-. While you are performing this task, you will see green lights flashing for a short time at various distances the central task. Each time a flash occurs, followed by a beep sound. However, occur at other it will be the beep sound will also times. You should press the button in your right hand as soon as you notice a flash. Never try to look for the flashes; keep your attention on the central task. during the experiments. Try to keep your head still The two pushbuttons should be pressed only once and then released each time the conditions are met. Before the main experiment of about 30 minutes, you will have a five minute trial period. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have concerning the experiment. Thank you for your participation. 45 Subjects central runs, were task change never and informed peripheral as this would have defeated of the subjects instructions onset existing target its purpose. the illumination of the room for about last minute synchronization Subjects five minutes. between the in one of the were adapted During this to time, the were given according to any questions might have. Before the actual experiments began, all subjects had a test run of five minutes to familiarize them with the experiment. changed randomly for every subject as possible instructions and The order of experiments was all the to check that they had understood improvements to prevent any unwanted in performance due to practice. Subjects were scheduled for three duration of the experiment, preferably supposedly more rested and alert. two parts experiments, was as this might when the usual they were never split introduce into important Between runs and at the subjects usually made comments spontaneously about their performance and experiences. These comments were noted, together with other points of possible interest. also be asked questions at the end of the experiment at this was the morning errors due to changes in subject alertness. end of the as The experiment and run on different days, Between runs, and willing to go on. hours, in such The following run there was always a rest period of about ten minutes. was never begun unless the subject felt relaxed effects The subjects could after a quick look the data obtained. Subjects came on a voluntary basis 46 and were not paid for their In addition to the instruction sheet, collaboration. they were asked to read and sign an informed consent statement with a brief description of the purposes and apparatus of the experiment. 2.6 Data Analysis Experiments were data was discarded conducted with a total of 24 subjects. was when some perturbance to suspected However, have inter- fered with the normal experimental procedure or when performance in the central task (usually 1.0 < d' between runs. < 1.9) differed than one unit more This happened only with three subjects and was very probably due to subject fatigue or a drop in interest in the experiment. The amount of information recorded from each subject was enormous. deal with data from 21 subjects, were designed. To some computer programs and algorithms The next section summarizes how the data analysis proce- dure can answer questions concerning: 1 Detectability of flashes as a function of central task load 2 Narrowing of the visual field as a result of increased central task load or an additional task .3 Effect of central task in reaction time along the visual field and 4 Effect of audio inputs (speech, music, peripheral detection and visual field size 5 Effect of simultaneous central 6 Differences between right and left visual fields noise) in and peripheral target onset The total number of hits and false alarms in a run is a measure of the detectability of the peripheral targets. 47 For all runs, the total number of hits, d' value function analytical from however, logarithmic real as calculated was tables Its as such where HR is value the one expressions The program designed d' in described d'. for or exponential curve. was recorded and false alarms misses, = 3.01 and from them the Section 1.2.2. There is no can be calculated, in the which are to calculate easily Appendix approximations using of the d' used the equation: - 6.02 (log HR/log FR) the hit rate and FR is the false alarm rate. 3.01 nd 6.02 were chosen to fit the region of interest or the real curve as The constants closely as possible in (low false alarm rate and for the experiments about 0.5 hit rate). It can be checked from the table in the Appendix that approximation this is a good values have been calculated for each experiment has same area (area between for d'(better for every run, than 5%). These d' then each group of d' values been normalized so that every group has the the curve and the horizontal axis). This rids us of effects due to differences in target intensity for a given experitherefore, measu- in sensitivity versus central ment or difference in subject sensitivity. We are not, ring absolute but differences threshold, task load. All d' values for the same central task were then averaged. Some of them, however, pened when the d' were rejected before the averaging; value for that task was very different from the d' value for the other tasks, i.e. the subject did not pay attention to the center or he attended the center in a markedly the other tasks. for these reasons, this hap- different manner than in Only four runs out of ninety seven had to be rejected however. 48 For each subject and each run, the ratio of central hit rate over peripheral hit rate (C/P) was calculated as a measure of narrowing of the visual field and then all C/P values were averaged across each task. This was repeated for the right and left visual fields. Reaction times were printed out by the computer after each run for every target position in the form of histograms and the average reaction time and standard deviation were displayed. From this data, the mean reaction time and standard deviation was calculated for each target for every task over all subjects and the profiles of the reaction time versus angular displacement were plotted. 49 CHAPTER 3 RESULTS 3.1 Detection of Peripheral Flashes versus Central Task Load In Figure 3.1, the average detectability plotted for both central and periperal of values). four changes little this points (N increases that to 2). increased its peak for difference of However, peripheral the central of the central task performance performance task load was not gained at The peripheral d' curve correspondng to detecting a 2 in the center and then decreases. Distribution of Peripheral Target Detectability of peripheral The detectability the appendix IV for table from no task to a difference the expense of the central task performance. 3.2 is except for the highly demanding task of difference 3; suggests reaches subjects showed this rise to be significant at the p < 0.02 level The t-test for all targets(see across The detectability of peripheral targets shows a significant rise as the central task load 2. d' lumped detectability targets, for all targets (-45 shown in Figure 3.1, deg to 45 deg) is and there- fore it does not indicate how the changes in sensitivity are distributed along the visual difference field. 2 could be For example due to the increase an increase 50 in sensitivity up in sensitivity to in only a .8hMAN 1.7 - I.6H- 1.51- CENTRAL TASK 1.4h. PERIPHERAL TASK n=18 N n= 16 n=5 n=ll I 2 0 n=17 3 CENTRAL TASK NORMALIZED DEDECTABILITY OF CENTRAL & PERIPHERAL TARGETS FOR INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT CENTRAL TASK FIGURE 3.1 51 such as the central area. portion of the visual field, a narrower of Narrowing For instance, g(x); would imply visual field. Definition 3.2.1 This Figure 3.2 depicts two bell shaped curves: f(x) and we would probably say that f(x) has higher values the periphery. is narrower than g(x) because f(x) than g(x) around the center and lower ordnate values n This intuitive notion of narrowing can be mathematically defined in the following way: Given two functions f(x) and g(x) defined for -xo < x < X0 , we shall say (see Figure 3.2) that f(x) is narrower than g(x) for x = xi if J If(x)d(x) g(x)d(x) f::g(x)d(x)+fg(x)d(x) -Xo+- :f(x)d(x)f: Px i f(x)d(x) xi -xo What this definition of narrowing means is that the ratio of the area beneath the curve f(x) between -xi and xi -xo to -xi and xi be said (center) and the area between to x 0 should be greater for g(x) if f(x) is going to to be narrower than g(x). It should be noted that this definition requires a region where the narrowing will be tested (xi). It does not make much sense about narrowing if we do not say where it occurs, intuitive narrowing first the central area, to speak at least roughly. The observed in Figure 3.2 was assumed to be in although it was not specified what the center was. 52 f(x) g (x) I -xo I I -xi xi F I G U R E 3 . 2 xo x tested, is a property of this definition which should be There any curve f(x) or g(x) is multiplied by a constant, narrowing should not be affected, both the numerator ments visual field beause the constant would multiply a constant subject's sensitivity. is the equivalent This definition fits detection as it If the definition of and denominator of one of the ratios. multiplying by too. is In our experiof a change in very well therefore with independent of drifts in overall subject detectability profiles. 3.2.2 Measure of Narrowing of the Visual Field There are several parameters that can be narrowing or funnelling of the visual field increases. This the retina for different tasks, they all that to measure a when central task load The simplest one is to use hit rate for each individual LED. represents Figure used the sensitivity that profile particular of the horizontal task. By comparing we can check for any concentration 3.3 depicts meridian of profiles towards one subject's profiles for different have an overall bell shape as Pirenne (1967) the center. central tasks, measured. the notch at around + 15 deg is due to the blind spot. that some targets sometimes show a very different probably due to the low number of flashes was usually around 10, Note Also note hit rate; this for that target but could drop as low as 4). for position is (it Thus these plots are not the best representation of a possible narrowing visual field. Although a very large funneling effect would be visible this way. There are two reasons why this profile would not show small amounts of funneling. Firstly, the low number of flashes 54 for each angular position o oao~,ooo a a - a a JPNJPTJPO z a a 2 z LJi ul --- ... . .,. - --- % OF HITS VERSUS TARGET POSITION FIGURE 3.3 (a) . . JPS IJ1 % OF HITS VERSUS TARGET POSITION FIGURE 3.3 (b) JP3 - 0* * - -. % OF HITS VERSUS TARGET POSITION FIGURE 3.3 (c) SML3 0 00 - % OF HITS VERSUS TARGET POSITION FIGURE 3.3 (d) SMLS % OF HITS VERSUS TARGET POSITION FIGURE 3.3 (e) (around 10) makes narrower it to see small changes difficult curve implies a greater slope). hits does not necessarily have compared making comparisons Secondly, targets in the center of the visual field time profiles the curves being especially considering that are seen 100 percent of the making the peak of the curve invisible. peripheral slope (a the total number of to be the same for very difficult, in the "sa'turate" in the center The reason why these (flashes are seen 100 percent of the time) is that since all LEDs have the same intensity and the peripheral sensitivity from the center, is so greatly diminished as we go further flashes seen only around 10 percent of the time in the periphery are always seen in the center. If LED intensity were reduced to make central flashes visible 90 percent of the then peripheral flashes wuold not be detected at all. time, for example, Figure 3.3(d,e) is an example of how mistakes can occur if based solely on an estimation by eye of the peripheral profiles; anyone would say that the profile SMLS corresponds to a visual field narrower that that of SML3. We shall see with the more elaborate ways of measuring narrowing described next that it is just the opposite. Another alternative to check what curve is narrower is to consider these profiles as normal distributions and then the standard would be a measure of how peaked or narrow the The third possibility rate is to calculate deviation curves are. the ratio between the hit in the center and the hit rate in the periphery. The angle that demarcates that is, if center from periphery is the angle that defines the two curves are compared in this way, the boundary between center and periphery, 60 narrowing, choosing 30 deg as for instance, the profile with a higher C/P ratio has a higher concentration occurring between + 30 deg than the other. alarms are evenly distributed for flashes If we assume that the false along the visual field the detectability for targets between + 30 deg is greater. evenly distributed, of hits If the false alarms are not but had for example a higher concentration in the periphery the ratio between d' in the center and would change slightly for all subjects. d' in the periphery In the last case, C/P is still useful in measuring narrowing if used only for comparison with other C/P values, as it is in our case, between + 30 deg will still These two following way: last and therefore detectability for targets be greater for that run with a higher C/P. algorithms have been used in this data for one task, the standard deviations, central hit rate (C) and peripheral hit rate (P) values were obtained for C/P, in the the ratio of was calculated. Two for targets between + 15 deg; the only difference between them was that targets in the blind spot (15 - 20 deg) were excluded from the calculation of one of them. In all three cases (standard deviation, spot), the results were very close, C/P and C/P excluding blind indicating that they are good ways to measure narrowing. The third method (C/P for all tages. and targets), however, has some advan- Compared to the standard deviation, C/P can be used for right left visual fields separately and the definition of "periphery" can be shifted in or out as wished. Thus narrowing was calculated using C/P, the values obtained are shown in table 2 in appendix IV. 61 The plot in Figure 3.4 shows C/P versus central task. These data is almost independent attention to a central task load, of the central task does not appear show that C/P that is, increasing to reduce or narrow the visual field. 3.2.3 Narrowing for the Right and Left Visual Fields for the right and left visual The ratio of C/P has been calculated field independently, the right hand hemivisual C/P for that is: 25 deg and the hit rate for - is the ratio between the hit rate for 0 to As described in Chapter 2, 30 to -45 deg. and averaged 3.5, for every central task. C/P values for are plotted in Figure are represented field by triangles. values for the left these values are calculated The results the right field significant difference between right and field by squares and did not show any The t-test left fields for tasks N, 0, 1, 2, and 3, indicating that for this type of task, both visual fields are equally detectable. 3.3 Synchronized Central and Peripheral Targets Section 3.2 has shown that no narrowing occurs when central task load increases. performed. match, To further test this, a synchronous expermiment was The hypothesis is that when the central numbers a high concentration of attention to the center the subject for a short time. the subject was unaware is required from This could cause a drop in the number of targets detected in the periphery, course, reach a whose onset was only 200 ms later (of of the synchrony; 62 see Section 2.2.3) C/P 2.2- T i 2.01.8- I L 1.6 1.4 n=18 n= 16 n=5 N 0 I n=l1 n= 17 2 CENTRAL TASK NARROWING FOR INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT CENTRAL TASK FIGURE 3.4 63 3 75 A C 70 0 P 6.5 + LEFT RIGHT TOTAL 6.0 5.55.045 II 4.0- I II 0 Il I 11I+ 3.5- l 3.0 2.52.0 A 1.51.0- V I 11 I n=2 n=4 w M n=~9 I -- T A I n=18 n=16 n=5 n=l n=17 n=5 N 0 I 2 3 3S FIGURE 3.5 In addition to the normal protocol, five subjects performed an They experiment in which central and peripheral onset was synchronized. not informed of this and many of them did not find any of course, were, graphically the results obtained of the targets peripheral when comparing detectability for the Both detectabilities center and peripheral targets. shows Figure 3.6 difference from the run with simple difference 3. drop when the onset Both is synchronized with a match in central task. and central level (p < 0.035). task reductions significant are the 0.05 beyond Figure 3.7 plots C/P for difference 3 and difference 3 with synchronized tasks. It shows clearly that simultaneous target onsets do not make the visual field narrow, even momentarily. 3.4 Audio Inputs Three different audio inputs, speech (T), white noise (W) and music (M), were introduced in three independent runs with no central task to study the effect of such auditory signals in peripheral performance. (d') and narrowing Values for overall detectability (C/P) have been calculated and compared with the value for no central task (N). 3.4.1 Audio Inputs and Detection of Targets The mean detectability and standard deviation of peripheral targets has been plotted in Figure 3.8 for the number of subjects indicated, when listening to white noise (W), According to this figure, music (M), listening detectability of peripheral flashes. to speech (T) or no task (N). speech increases Easy listening music seems 65 the to have d' 1.71- 1.6 PERIPHERY 1.5 1.41- '.3- 1.2 CENTRAL TASK 1.1 1.0O- n=17 n=5 3 3S CENTRAL TASK DETECTAfILITY OF CENTRAL & PERIPH1ERAL TARGETS FOR DIFFERENCE 3 WITH AND WITHOUT SYNCRIIONY BETWEEN TASKS FIGLRE 3.6 66 C/P 2.5 24 2.3- 2.1 2.0 '.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5n=: 5 n=17 I I S 3 CENTRAL TASK NARROWING FOR DIFFERENCE 3 WITH AND WITHOUT SYNCRHONY BETWEEN TASKS FIGURE 3.7 67 d' .8 1.7 I 1.6 - 4 I 1.5 - 1.44I .31- .21- n=2 WHITE NOISE n=9 MUSIC SPEECH NOTASK DETECTABILITY WITH AUDIO INPUTS FIGURE 3.8 68 18 the same trend as silence and white noise makes detection of peripheral targets even lower than silence. These results however, very carefully because the t-test significant difference beyond number of samples. should be taken for differences of means shows no the 0.05 level, probably due to the small The difference between no task and speech is signi- ficant at the 0.1 level. 3.4.2 Effect of Audio Inputs on Visual Field Size Figure 3.9 depicts the ratio (C/P) tested and no central task or silence. for the three audio The (C/P) mean value inputs for speech is significantly different than the other means beyond the 0.05 level < 0.03). Thus, listening to speech narrows the visual field although the overall detectability is not reduced tion of hits in the periphery (see figure 3.8). can be seen depicts the profiles for one subject. for speech (T) (P shows central detection less detectable 3.3(A), which can be seen that the profile a lower hit rate for peripheral is not diminished. makes central targets It in Figure The concentra- Consequently targets while listening to speech as compared to listening to white noise, music or silence. 3.4.3 Right and Left Field Narrowing The ratio (C/P) was also calculated for the right and left field for every run with audio input and all runs within the same audio were averaged. The means and standard deviations for right, 6 9 left input and C/P 3.6 3.4- 3.2II 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 4 II 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 II 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2, ~ n=2 I WHITE NOISE n=4 n=9 n= I8 MUSiC SPEECH NO TASK NARROWING WITH AUDIO INPUTS FIGURE 3.9 70 total are depicted in Figure 3.5 together with ther central tasks for comparison. It must be noted that tasks with an audio input, a (C/P) and speech have difference higher the right field, for white niose, music significant) (but not statistically especially for speech, involving the central display do not show this trend. while tasks To find out if audio inputs do make the right field less detectable (higher (C/P)) a (C/P) value was calculated single averaged right and left field and for all audio inputs for the same for the other runs. the The t-test applied to the latter showed no significant difference, audio inputs did not show significant differences beyond the 0.05 level, 0.1. The fact that the difference betweeen right and left field becomes more significant that but they did at a greater when all audio inputs number of subjects are could considered makes one think have shown a significant difference. 3.5 Detectability and Narrowing for all Tasks Tested Figure 3.10 depicts the detectability for all tasks tested, audio inputs, increasingly difficult central that is tasks and synchrony. Syn- chronizing the central and peripheral target onsets decreases peripheral target detectability central task. listening from the peak at 2 similar The lowest physical detectability to white noise, synchronized targets. to the decrease for no was reached when - with a d' value even lower than that for The drop in central task detectability or perfor- mance for synchronization is huge and significantly different from 71 any .81.7 1.6 1.5 141.3 1.2 l.1- 1 CENTRE 1.0- n=8 n=4 n=2 n=9 n=5 n=16 I W M - T n=17 n=I1 n=5 I N 0 I 2 CENTRAL TASK _ 3 S DETECTABILITY OF PERIPHERAL TARGETS FOR ALL TASKS TESTED FIGURE 3.10 72 _ _ In Figure 3.11 are plotted all other central task detectability. the (C/P) values for all tasks. It is obvious from this plot that there is no narrowing effect except for T (speech) which might show some narrowing if is lower tested than the rest of deviation prevents 3.6 with a greater population. it the values, however, (C/P) for white noise its great standard from achieving any significant difference. Reaction Time It is detectable well known targets that reaction time (Green and Swets, (RT) 1966). is longer for less Measuring RT for every target position is therefore an indirect measure of detectability. 3.6.1 Reaction Time for Nine Subjects Randomly Chosen Before calculating averages across all standard deviation for targets subjects, located at 5, the mean RT and 25 and 40 deg have been plotted for nine subjects (Figure 3.12) to see individual trends. nine subjects were chosen randomly difference 3 in the central task. represents a high central among all subjects run The with Difference 3 was chosen because it task load and it was thought that differences in RT between several angular positions might be more visible under this condition. As Figure 3.12 shows almost all subjects 73 (seven) needed a longer C/F 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 n= 2 0.2 T W n=4 M :9 n=18 n=16 n=5 n=II T I N 0 CENTRAL TASK 2 n 17 n=5 NARROWING OF THE VISUAL FIELD FOR ALL TASKS TESTED FIGURE 3.11 74 3 3S REACTION TIME FOR NINE SUBJECTS AT 50, 25* S 40* (CENTRAL TASK = 3) TARGET I 130C I POSITION (DEG.) ( A) KEY: *:SB A=JB 1200H_ 1100' m=AM x=PP A=AS +=RK *=NA *=ML o=AK 1000 POINTS IN PARENTHESIS ARE SINGULAR AND HAVE NO STD AT N - I WEIGHTING - 'a 900t- z 800H- * 700t- T 600H- (.*ijI (*) 4 500- 4 4001 50 250 FIGURE 3.12 75 400 A reaction time to detect targets at 25 deg as compared to those at 5 deg. From 25 to 40 deg, reaction time. 3.6.2 All again, only two other subjects showed a drop in subjects had a longer RT for 40 deg than for 5 deg. Average Reaction Time Profiles for Each Task The average reaction time profiles for each task are plotted in Figure 3.13. Each plot represents data from a particular central task or audio input as the letter longer indicates. Reaction times are invariably in the periphery. This increase in reaction time in the periphery is more impressive with audio inputs music and white noise (M,W). (more than 400 ms) especially the Experiments with syncrhonized central tasks showed the opposite trend; no significant differences between center and 3.6.3 periphery. Averge Reaction Times for Each Task The average for each plot in Figure 3.13 was calculated, loss of the angular position information. These averaged reaction times have been plotted versus central task in Figure 3.14 audio input in Figure 3.15. with the and versus type of It should be noted that reaction time is longer in the synchronized runs and shorter when there is no task (P > 0.05). There is no significant difference between reaction times for the other tasks or between reaction times with audio input. 76 RT (ms) 700 -700 600- -600 500 - 500 400- ,-400 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 LEFT FIELD 0 5 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 RIGHT FIELD (W) RT(ms) M 700 -700 600- -600 500r -500 400- -400 i g -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 LEFT FIELD 0 5 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (M) 10 15 _ _ j 20 25 30 35 40 45 RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) T 700 700 600- -600 500 -500 400 400 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 LEFT FIELD 0 5 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (T) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) 0 0 700[F -- 700 600F- 600 5001- 500 4001- -1400 I I I I I I I -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 LEFT FIELD I I -10 -5 I I I I I 0 5 10 15 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (0) I I I I 20 25 30 35 40 45 RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) N 700H 700 6001- -1600 /j wJ I-J 500 4001- I 500 -1400 , I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 LEFT FIELD DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (N) RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) 700 - 700 600 f600 - 500 -500 400 -400 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 LEFT FIELD 0 5 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (1) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) 700 -700 600- -600 500-- -500 400 - -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 LEFT FIELD -5 0 -400 5 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (2) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) 3 700 -A700 600[- -1600 5001- 500 4001- --1400 co I I I I II -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 LEFT FIELD 1 I 1 -10 -5 I1 0 1 5 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (3) 10 15 1 I 1 I 1 I 20 25 30 35 40 45' RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) C. -U.. - 7001- o700 a 600[- 600 'a 500[- -A500 400[- -1400 II I I I I I I -20 -15 -40 -35 -30 -25 LEFT FIELD I I -10 -5 I 0 I 5 I 10 DEGREES FIGURE 3.13 (3S) I 15 I I I I I I 20 25 30 35 40 45 RIGHT FIELD RT (ms) 700 z 600F- L 5001- 4001- II N I 0 II I II 2 I 3 AVERAGE REACTION TIME FOR INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT CENTRAL TASK LOAD FIGURE 3.14 I 3S RT (ms) 700 6001- 5001- 400h- I N M w AVERAGE REACTION TIME FOR AUDIO INPUTS FIGURE 3.15 87 TI CHAPTER 4 DISCUSSION 4.1 Peripheral We Detectability have seen that shows a the detectability of peripheral targets as the central task load increases from no task to a significant rise difference of 2. This suggests that a greater demand of attention to the center task also increases detectability of flashed Experiments stimuli. described in Chapter 2 were designed to measure mainly three parameters related to peripheral detection as a function of a central or primary task. One parameter is overall detectability (d') of the peripheral visual field (+ 45 deg). detecting a target in a random This measures the probability of position of the peripheral visual field. The variable in these experiments is the complexity of the central task. According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908) to move from a simple to a complex task keeping the same quality of performance, level of arousal has to be increased, secondary tasks not contemplate does not say how the increased level of arousal will meet the demand of the second task. However, Kahneman (1973) included so that it but the law does the this possibility in his electrical analogy (an electric generator plays the role of arousal or supply and several tasks are the load connected enough to to it) and suggested that the increased arousal is only compensate for the higher demand of the primary task (up to a 88 so that the spare limit), capacity allocated to the secondary task will According to this, detection diminish and performance will deteriorate. of should targets peripheral We have found increases. the task central demand the opposite up to a differe- (see Figure 3.1) Kahneman's electrical nce of 3. when drop however analogy can be modified to supply" accommodate our finding by changing the shape of the "total curve as shown in Figure 4.1. data This figure has been plotted from the overall detectability The x axis (d') for central and peripheral tasks (see section 3.1). represents the central task load and the y axis the supply or arousal for a particular central task. much supply should 'increment The line "supply = load" indicates how the when to the central task, the d' value performance was used to plot this curve. task does not change as the central task becomes The lower curve demanding to keep the same performance. supply central for represents the task central the more As long as d' for the central increases, task difficulty the supply meets the demands of the central task and the curve coincides with the straight line "supply = load". difficulty 3), requirements load". When d' drops the supply is not enought to meet (for central task the central task line "supply = and the curve diverges from the straight The supply to the central task is not the total supply. The total supply consists of that to the central task plus the supply to any other tasks, in our case the peripheral task. Therefore if we add to the central task supply curve in Figure 4.1 the supply to peripheral task, we can plot the total supply. Detectability of peripheral targets (d') and supply to peripheral task are closely related, creases detectability increases; therefore d' values 89 as supply in- were added directly SUPPLY = LOAD K THEORETICAL -J -k EXTRAPOLATION.--SUPPLY TO / PERIPHERAL TASK (d) -- N .--- . k I 0 I I I 2 I 3 FIGURE 4. CENTRAL TASK LOAD 1 ~~ curves The of d'. plotted in Figure 4.1 this way have a remarkable to the hypothetical "performance resource function" proposed resemblance (see Wickens et al., by Norman and Bobrow p. (1973, names, 15) hypothesized plot capacity curve. supplied All 1980) and with Kahneman's although using different curves, to concurrent tasks versus capacity demanded by primary task. The most distance or aspect interesting substraction between of these curves is the vertical total supply and central task supply, is supply to the secondary task or peripheral task in our case. that Figure 4.1 shows, increases supply to the periphery faster than to As the center; then for highly demanding tasks the supply starts to be insufficient for differences all accomplishment efficient 2 and 3) of the central and for the increasingly difficult task central tasks available supply is in the limit theorethicaly directed central (around to the task in detriment to the periphery. What these results seem to indicate is that occupation in a primary task can improve performance task is not difficult. too high. It as long as may be hard the compelxity of the primary to say what task is easy or According to the scale of these experiments to detect when two changing (every 2 seconds) numbers were equal was an easy task while detecting when they were three digits apart (changing every second) began to make performance drop. Detecting difference 2 put peripheral performance at a maximum. 91 It is visual interesting central task to note has as concerned (see Figure 3.10). as speech, however, has, 1968; Broadbent, speech as arousal has the and same effect detectability as are Noise and music played at the same level Very loud noise did not show any arousal effect. been reported though, far that to be an effective 1954; Hockey, 1970; Houston, arouser (Boggs and Simon, 1968). Another very interesting result has been obtained for the run with central synchronized and In onset. target peripheral case, this detectability of targets, either central or peripheral drops drastically (see Figure 3.10) time indicating that two events happening very close in (peripheral onset was 200 ms pass undetected. later than central) As can be seen in Figure 3.10, which points out how deteriorated two signals followed one reaction only to this the second (see peripheral within 0.5 another signal was markedly delayed. Section but 4.3) also a detec- Vince (1948) found tion of targets is when there is no central task. that whenever in the detectability run is almost as low as when no the periphery for this synchronized task was presented, are very likely to seconds, We have found considerably the not lower detectability. 4.2 Narrowing of the Visual Field The motivation of the experiments which are the subject of this thesis was to find out if the visual field narrows becomes demanding. when the central task No narrowing of the visual field has been found (see Figure 3.4), except when recorded speech was played while the subject was engaged in the peripheral task (see Figure 3.1). 92 Bursill (1958) reported narrowing of his subjects' visual field or a "funnel effect" when they were exposed (1979) to extreme hot and humid conditions. suggested that the visual field is smaller figure in the central visual field. Therefore it Ikeda while detecting a would have been a reasonable guess to expect some narrowing in this experiment as the central task difficulty increases. It should be pointed out that the absence of a funnel effect has been observed when subjects were informed and expecting peripheral flashes. They should therefore of their attentional resources to the periphery. argued that in real life conditions jects to listen to recorded speech, for talk or speech). It should also be Narrowing of the visual however observed clearly and significantly were asked some such as flying a plane or driving a car, peripheral events can be expected as well. field was allocate in runs when sub- as Figure 3.11 shows (T The ratio of hit rate in the central field and in the periphery (beyond +30 deg) increases from 2 without speech to 3 with speech. This narrower of less detection, detectability tal conditions visual field is not accomplished but rather the opposite, for speech (T) is quite high. to real life situations, it at the expense as Figure 3.10. depicts. Translating the experimencould be predicted that the probability of detecting peripheral events while listening to a sation or any other speech source will decay significantly. can be important The when flying a plane or driving, conver- This effect as detection of peri- pheral targets is necessary for efficient control of the vehicle. Audi- tory inputs may divert attention from visual events. Another interesting finding, observed also related to audio inputs, when plotting the C/P values for the right and left 93 was visual fields independently involving field. audio inputs (Figure 3.5). It can be It done the in processing that all hemisphere of the visual could be argued that as word processing is predominantly left hemisphere, in detriment to both visual the visual and (maybe auditory also to tasks the view which would predict visual field as the left hemisfere a higher detection rate is share auditory) supporting the tendency observed in figure 3.5 in contrast opposite tasks have a lower detection rate for the right visual The right field ends up in the left cortex. seen with the in the right more active or dominant than the right. 4.3 Reaction Time Reaction time (RT) has been found to be longer in the periphery than in the center. Figure 3.13 showed that this increase in reaction time towards the peripheral expected because is a sensitive is gradual and steady. it is known (Green and Swets, and predictable 1966) This result that reaction measure of detectability was time that decreases as probability of detection increases. We also know (Vince, within 0.5 seconds, delayed. central (3S), the 1948) that when two signals follow one another the reaction to the second signal is markedly The RTs for the run with synchrony (flash 200 ms later than change) RTs confirms this rule, are considerably higher as can be checked than the rest. in Figure 3.13 It is interesting to note that the extreme periphery is not affected by this delay. suggests that - that there the center and periphery are processed is no possible synchronization between 94 independently, central This so task and periphery because they are processed by independent 3.3 confirms channels. Figure the hit rate for each angular position is this finding; plotted for difference three in the central task and difference three with synchrony. Central targets are much less detectable when the tasks are synchronized, however, the detection of peripheral targets is very affected. little A parallel model of attention would easily explain these observations just assuming that central channels, targets we have however, less detectable, different channels, and peripheral vision are independent also seen that speech makes peripheral obviously speech and peripheral processing are so that there is no explanation for it in a parallel model, but in a serial model where processing capabilities are shared. These results stage suggest that there are both a parallel in processing of information. and a serial A model with this feature will be proposed in the next section and how the model predicts results obtained so far and other observations will also be discussed. 4.4 Proposed Model of Attention Two basic models of attention can be found in the literature. are the parallel and serial models, already described in Section They 1.1.3, and depicted in Figures 1.3 and 1.4. My proposed model takes features from both of them and adds new capabilities necessary to account for up to date observations. simple as possible. We have tried nevertheless Figure 4.2 depicts the model. 95 to keep the model as Information from the MEMORY SOURCEI 0- SOURCE 2 DEDICATED T fAT R 1IPROCESSOR DEDICATED PROCESSORS ATTENUATOR MAIN PROCESSOR (LIMITED CAPACITY) a' SOURCE N DEDICATED PROCESSOR ATTEN- UATOR 9 FIGURE 4. 2 TO DECISION MAKING MOTOR SYSTEM outside world coming from a variety of sources is processed, to their nature in independent preprocessors. peripheral visual fields could have For example, according central and independent preprocessing. These dedicated stages would work independently and no interference among them is possible. The main processor will then take care of preprocessed information. This box, labeled MAIN PROCESSOR in Figure 4.2, is capable stage of dealing with information which has passed the first eously, for example central, peripheral visual field simultan- information and speech would be processed at the same time in this box as long as its capabilities are not exceeded. capacity is in agreement That the main processor is of limited with classical theory (Webster and 1955; Poulton, 1953, Thompson, 1953, 1954; Webster and Solomon, 1956; Broadbent, 1952, 1956). there is no reason why this processing power should be reduced, We shall further assume that this capacity is constant as is what the results and it of the experiments suggest (see level K in Figure 4.1). The main consequence of a limited processing capacity is that it may not be enough to deal with all the information arriving from the dedicated preprocessors. The decision making stage is then in charge of deciding which sources of information should be favored attenuated can handle. to match the amount of information The decision making stage also mands to the motor system to initiate that takes and which the main processor care of sending com- a response to the stimuli. The main processor has other input apart from the ones from the sensory organs, which informs the processor of past experiences and is therefore coming from the box labeled MEMORY. 97 Inputs from memory alone can trigger the motor system, telephone call, for example, if we suddenly remember to make a the main processor will receive this request from memory and after informing the decision making stage of this and inputs competing decide to move the Again, for a response, the decision making box will probably arm to reach for the phone and dial the numbers sent from the memory are converted ments. the other the number. into finger move- The decision making box will also send signals to the main processor to attenuate other inputs such as listening to a conversation. The decision making stage has another important stimuli to which we may not want to respond mission. There with the motor system, may want to store in memory for future reference. are but The decision making box will then decide which information is considered useful for storage. This requires some processing as the decision comparisons with past experiences will probably be based on to make sure something new is stored. The main point is that the processor can be utilized to process external and internal information, the decision making stage decides what portion of the total capacity of the processor is dedicated illustrate simple this task, point with an example: like watching a sunset, to them. If we are engaged Let us in a very the decision making stage will detect the under utilization of the processor and will use the remaining capacity to organize internal information. and will attenuate interference. detection is information This example so coming from the may help us low in the experiment task is imposed on the subject. This is what we call thinking outside understand why described before In fact, many subjects to the prevent any peripheral when no central commented after the experiment that they could not concentrate because their imagination interfered. 98 is There a state completely ignored, in which stimuli that is sleep. from outside are almost can be checked that the visual It system is no exception with the following simple experiment: Open the eyes of a sleeping person with your fingers and put an object in front of his eyes, was. model it with external is not occupied therefore, During sleep, to say. He will be unable processor wake the person and ask him what it then hide the object, information, the main according to the Several authors, must be processing internal information. looking for a reason for sleep have proposed models that consider sleep as a state in which reprogramming takes place with the new information acquired in the day (Dewan, Greenberg and Leiderman, model proposed. 1967; Newmann, 1966). According 1965; This hypothesis to the model, fits Gaardner, very well 1966; in the sleep could be a situation in which channels bringing information from the outside are shut off to allow the main processor to organize the data collected and stored in memory. There is some evidence presented by Livingstone and Hubel (1981) to support this view. They recorded from individual cells in the visual cortex of sleeping cats. The recordings showed irregular bursts of spontaneous firing although images on a screen stimulated As soon as they were awakened, reduced and replaced the spontaneous by a smoother firing their retinas. (noise) was and more regular pattern,suggesting that visual signal transmision was blocked during sleep because increased signal to noise ratio. This experiment seems of the to suggest that the attenuators of Figure 4.2 are rather controllers of the signal to noise ratio. 99 4.5 Justification Some examples of the real justification proposed. However, superiority as compared to existing models to in many experiments. Broadbent 1971) and Fearnley, sources is evidenced. Deutsch (1963) The parallel model, experiments where selective on other performance associated tasks, however, 1970; Treisman two or more independently. cannot explain those it attention to a source because it by with Deutsch and assumes that each source is processed This way attention can be divided, proposed attention to in which division of in its explain results obtained (Treisman, those experiments the model the model is model first or filter The serial to explain fails that support already been described have or task reduces would imply that the processing is not parallel or independent. In an attempt to solve the problem, capacity model was formulated. It the assumes that there is a general limit on man's capacity to perform mental work (Moray, 1967). The parallel model with this feature could be able to explain those cases of reduced performance in a secondary task due to load in a primary arose total difficulty intrinsic with this capacity model. capacity of was not the task. however, Very soon, simple overload of the processor. Experiments task as a a new problem that the showed evidence constant whatsoever The effort invested but varied with is determined the by the demands of the task (Kahneman et al., 19.68). This apparently reasonable finding is actually quite puzzling. level At an intermediate of difficulty, the subject makes a significant number of errors. Yet he since he exerts greater effort when does not work as hard as he can, difficulty is further increased. harder at the initial Why, level of difficulty 100 then does the subject not work and avoid all errors? The model proposed in this processing capabilities only utilized thesis answers that question. are constant for each subject, but The total they are not for processing external information but for internal processing also. No task (external or internal) has the privilege of exclusive use of the processor, but they all must share the available capabilities according to the subject's needs at that time. 101 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY The main objective of this thesis has been to assess the performance of the visual system under different attentional situations. As a starting point, Chapter 1 has reviewed the literature in selective attention revealing that the mechanisms involved are far from being understood. this study, The coexistence of different attention models, discussed in is evidence of our limited knowledge. Experiments were designed and conducted to determine how subjects allocate their attentional resources when they must respond to a variety of tasks (Chapter sensitivity 2). The experiments measured changes in peripheral with increasing central attention and with audio inputs, accomplished by having subjects view a wide field display while fixating on a target in the center of the visual field. additional target appears detect it. in the periphery, At a random time, an and the subject's task is to The number of hits, misses and false alarms were used to indicate the performance of the subject and the peripheral visual field. Results obtained from these experiments have they are applicable to real ment as a simulation life situations (Figure 3.1), desired we peripheral if we consider of a particular activity. a function of the primary task. could change performance. double value: FirsI, the experi- Peripheral detection is Knowing the shape of this function a variable For instance 102 central if task we wanted to obtain a to optimize the peripheral visual field detection of a pilot should make sure he is engaged in a task detection in the peak of Figure 3.1. narrows the visual field; flying a plane, that puts we his peripheral Experiments have shown that speech we can conclude that activities requiring peripheral target detection will be performed less effectively when simultaneously listening to speech. Thus it will not be desirable to listen to any speech source while engaged in a task that requires maximum peripheral detection, although it can be advantageous if the rele- have shown that selective attention is vant task is in the central field. Secondly these experiments involved in visual perception although the performance of the visual system under various attentional situtations from what could have been expected. appears to be different We have therefore gained some knowledge of the attentional mechanisms themselves and a model of attention to account for these and previous experiments has been proposed in Chapter 4. The use of the C/P ratio has shown a simple and effective way of measuring the narrowing of the visual field and we recommend its use in further experiments. Several experiments have shown interesting although non-significant results, such as the effect of white noise and music in peripheral detection and the higher detectability of the left visual field when the 103 listening to any audio input. signi- The lack of statisitcal subject is ficance could very well be due to the small population of subjects participated in these audio experiments, therefore to design who a collec- of experiments with simultaneous audio and visual inputs for a tion larger population seems to be a future step. All experiments gets. It in this work have been conducted would also be very interesting with static tar- to know what differences dynamic targets may introduce. Also, before using the results of this work to predict performance in real life situations, an evaluation should be done with gradually increasing intensity targets, instead of the sudden onset used in the experiments and targets with different adapt the experiment to particular cases. 104 shapes should be used to A P E N D I X SCHEMATICS A device using voltage between on s even the the why using and is all LEDs. It that be arrives is in a single purpose block pulse generator of voltage, autput requires of the code; bits is when the ram is be on and in BCD. of A/D however the A/D is when the and of is peripheral schematics to conversion start till the next pulse then another computer converter tead for both D-7474 A/D pulse will later, to drive diag this directly, bin taking conversion conversion changes ary and only (see an later, it will be displayed 15 microsec onds BCD significant this The display Thus place. are used reason for ins d isplay two b etween con version, the this 15 microseconds takes A/D hexadec imal used was any acepts in in illumi- integer. The computer to drive it vo 1 tag e nearest required seen 15 ms). (duration the the digital outputs can there the to device and di splays to outputs designed This Any' of therefore converters. The autput output was display. display. rounded the digital that converter 15 volts s egment analog purpose The 0 and values integer A/D s even segment twin nate the an output maximum. the the display four schematics), most the -15V REF +5V ANALOG INPUT 2K 1 IOOpF 10 K - K 7 7 TIL 8 308 15mrs CL )CK PULES C 7414 7 414 L 2 74121 9 5KK 14 7I +5V DUAL DISPLAY DRIVER DIAGRAM 3 ANALOG 2 ANALOG IOK OK -Isv ~-15V - -15V+V +5V 2 2K 4 K IK 1 2 31 100 17 1K 13+5 2 17 2 4 I 200K IADI 7574 7574 IOOpF 6 3 +5v 15 lI 74121 100 7 5 6 5,812 TIL 308 15 6 5,8 12 7417 1 2 TIL 87 30 j OK ~~~~H DUAL DISPLAY DRIVER SCHEMATIC 62 5 10 9 1-01 10 6+ 5V OUTPUT BNCI BNC2 LEVEL PUSH BUTTON SWITCHES PULSE +5V ma4 +5 V O0K + 5 14 10 9 5 5 74121 7 IOK 74121 7 6 10 6 10K 21 15 5+5 -- K V 5K DUAL ONE SHOT a DEBOUNCER 5 IOK A P E N COMPUTER D I X I I PROGRAMS TWO RANDOM NUMBERS BETWEEN 0-9 SENT TO THE D-A CONVERTER N-=900 y END N y DIFF - 3 N. RADMY NUMBER n m. 8 N COUT MATCH FLAG MATCHN WAIT CLEAR Si FLASH FLAG I CLFLAG FLOW CHART FOR ARCSYN RANDOM TIME ns FAHy OR tNK. N Oct ham ANDOM &I || TDECLAM I~ns r- . IVE01 VA.'ASS.ES -E '00" - R~ge T CT S E3EOO too06-t.?S, TO UINE FUA,,, aTOO mn~ to" "mis 'wATIUV" TURN stE~u OF 11 4 PA T P.e0. 10 P.0. FOE0i AECTEF IWVTntsposu( 400E04 - 0. AUC TAD NAME FI C TAS Ifow IE aI "OpNtOltm toMUSv MOIIIDN MATRIX 14 ND WTINO UP y tU Awll NUPUT t C Ikp$y PER of4REE 16 DEGREES f T F 0PE IND Vt amISSIGLE OLTAGE POO [I 00A IdOviilT$ C.EC ITVT FO 70S CLLA- I T NMET1EC OPU ? CINSEAL TA$SK is CNIANoN O Um' USED IT~A T !ASK TiME UERICAL E Fl POT.0%OV CALCULAE UT I ti fiG ,g 0 ko Gis TO STATEMENT NAUC Twfat PLASM A 7 To--- starg~ffiffT .1y0. NoV 1160 00 0 LAEL10 USED T pil $fLA i OF i I as FLASH meEWESNO ViSNDCNT64L coDt To *DATA NNO usste 0 04 TOn NO OPU $CtI RIG, IT NCOTION TooS: "10JC FLAG R4GE4 ls - $it SLAMS TIAL FtE LA NO $ i 0"I'll. $TOP CENTRAL] TA84.ulx*OR UINCEMETe V~o~ Utf FROO LASH i f90 P LOAOl oS TEE ME4Y EA PLAS. FICNu T FLMES NO i I - i T02 MTL TT- I'D- TFLASILEOI FA C 0"S AST10OT M 1 AS A WION AAST VISAL40AfTEN NO NNo MARC No 0PITTIONE TIMES SI STATISTICCS F-MINT 11HOL FLA CLEAN .T j1 IF IO Y A A4 CLEAI FLAG L VO~iN QUEUE . 400.. Its INN STOS HITORA a O ~tSGucL 6fthiffNi ONr tu GEl 4,14404 of SET L11 .3 CxPMUE-41 % 1 LOOP STAOTS totilt tkyT 21 A7 f1MSTA FL ASMo OP EE .1000 OUT U TOOTOAn OF F %I 115E0 'I's NIO 8415 TIME SET SCOEMI C TIO MS - TA CASE C $50 NOA STEALCT FtW~its? 1960 40 SCN Tal ESULT (100.010AIe0, wen iu sA GavEN LEO INCEIMSTNITALO In *I IULtT 0450 C4, -0, vs LED NO 101TEPIN 17 $ NCt, T fCLEAN LTAG "' 11>INTEINSITT TE1.0T . tINTIN$ -too*to c0 i"T TO 'sQ FLOW CHART FOR ARCTRL r CMET80. CLEA FNTO LGiF as NEs fe C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C PROGRAM TO CONTROL THE LED ARC PERIMETER. WRITTEN BY R.V. KENYON FALL 81. LINKING OBJECT FILES NEEDED ARE: RVKLIB.OBJ - LIBRARY WRITTEN BY R.V. KENYON FOR LPS11. LPSLIB.OBJ; - LPS11 LIBRARY WRITTEN BY DEC. ri-ls PROGRAM WILL ILLUMINATE ONE LED ON THE ARC IN A PSEUDO-RANDOM SEQUENCE AFTER WAITING BETWEEN FLASHES SOME RANDOM TImE BETWEEN 1 AND 7.5 SECONDS. CONCURRENTLYP AT A USER SPECIFIED INTERVAL THE CENTER DISPLAY NUMBER WILL CHANGE VALUE PRODUCED BY A RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR. THIS FEATURE IS IMPLEMENTED BY CONNECTING t TO A CHANNEL t2 (DACI) TO A DVM DISPLAY. C C C C C THE SUBJECT RESPONDS BY TRIGGERING ST2 WITH A PULSE. AT WHICH TIME THE REACTION TIME IS STORED IN A DATA.ARRAY. IF NO RESPONSE IS RECIEVED .AFTER 3 SECONDS THE TRIAL IS A MISS AND A 1 IS STORED IN THAT LOCATION. C C C C C C A HIT WILL DECREMENT THAT TARGET INTENSITY BY A FIXED AMOUNT WHILE A MISS WILL INCREMENT THAT SAME TARGET INTENSITY BY THE SAME INCREMENTAL AMOUNT. THUS EACH TARGET LOCATION ON fHE ARC WILL HAVE ITS OWN INTENSITY VALUE THAT WILL CHANGE WITH THE NUMBER OF HITS AND MISSES. (STAIRCASE PARADIGM) C C C C C C IF A RESPONSES IS RECIEVED BEFORE THE FLASH OCCURS AS SEEN BY STl, A FALSE ALARM IS SCORED. AT THE END OF TRIALS, THE DATA IS STORED ON THE DISK: REACTION TIME IN MILLISECONDS, [rjTEN.ITY PROFILE FOR EACH LAMP AS FUNCTION OF TRIAL, 3TA TICTICAL AND HISTOGRAM RAW DATA. C tUrPUT LINES ARC: D TO A 1=-= VARIABLE LED FLASH INTENSITY fD TO A === CENTRAL LED DISPLAY #1 fD TO A 3-.==CENTRAL LED DISPLAY t2 D TO A 4m== GALVONOMETER CONTROL TO A _j BEEF " TONE CONTROL. c INPUT LINES ARE: ATo C C C KEYDOARD c C Cft C C C C c C D 0-==EYE POSITION. COMMANDS TNCLUDE: TP n iATA ACQUISTION JUMP ro A Pr. iCEs5IN.3 :.PR.IUCE NO HISTOGR1AMS 1H NHII.LIT LL [ATA PRINTOUT CoMMANDs MAY ,E PUJ T [N BACK Ti) BACK: -3P RET: STOP DATA ACQUISTION AND NO DA TA PRINTOUT SH .RET*:STOP DATA ACOUISTION AND No HISTOGRAMS 3- THE sUEROUTINE RUN VARIiF4LES :N COMMON ASYNCHRONOUSLY AND ILOCKS. ARE CONTROLLED VIA PROGRAM ARCCTL C C DEFINE ARRAYS AND VARIABLES C EXTERNAL BOOL , MIRRORLEDGEN VIRTUAL RESUL T(256,.20) ,INTENS(Z56 2O0) INTEGER*4 ATIMEBTIME rNTCGER thAXC:ARTR(10),STHP.BELLON(') -BELOFF(Z) INTEGER NOPLEFLGINH ,IMISSIHITNCOUTTIMMER(4) INTEGER TARGET(6,20) plNCrImNICHARPFICNT INTEGER FALSE, IOP, ICNT TICKP JSW INTEGER IDAT(1) rILOWvITOP pOUTPUT(6) REAL MTIMEPR(') S( 256) NLAT REAL TIME X DTIME iFRE0120) PCT(203 ,STAT () REAL UBO(3) ,4BXC(6) SECDNSPMAXPMXPDELXPEMPEMCALXY INTEGER iP(2),NUN TIRR(41tTICKR'ZTIME INTEGER NLFT IVLLEDFLSLEDCNT LEDMISPRUNotPFFC() INTEGER IFLGDIFFCALPMIb, TOTHIT TOTMIS LGOTCAL*1 RGTLFTPAUTOOIMON&ASSOCNTSKvQlMRCAL,QSTAIRQMRGAL', .NOPECTR r, QOUTDV COfLMUH /TOALL,'IP COMMON /CBOOL/'IHITP IMISS COMMON /ClGEN/TICKtTIMPLEDMISPLEDFLSPLEDCNTYLEDHITDIFF-RUNVID1l COMMON /C:ilR/TICKRMXODELXPPMAX,PMINCALID',OFFSUBMRX C DEFAULT VALUES FOR EYE MOVEMENT WINDOW DATA VALUES tTOP/000/ILOW/O/ FOR MOVING CA TA CAL/40 /T TARGET JOB IC1c.R/ 1 /DELX/ 1.0/ C )ALLES FOR CONDITIONAL LOGIC C I)ALUES FOR UPPERLOWER 2OUNDS iwirA UBU/100. C 3 INTERVALS *'0. Q71000./ ICJfr:EMENT FrFR L.GHT [wTENSITY C ArTO~R I'EYDtARD BR~ANCH IIG !tAT,A DELL00 ( 5) 3000/BELC)FF ( I) /2048/ LiA ArGT'O2/LFT/7./AuTO/6Z/Y/'9 NJPE/ 7f3//1/C'TR/7/ LArTA GT/83 H/7:/P /O TARGET ARRAY: ROW NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO AN LED ON THE ARC PERIMETERP AND ENTIRE ROWS ARE OUTPUT AT A TIME TO THE LED CONTROLLER. C C C DATA TARGET/32383v-1,31767'-9'-1 -' .32447, -I,31767,-9,-I,-1s . 245 7-1,31767 -9v - -It .32511 ,-105,31767 -9 -1 .32ii ,-33,31767,-9,-i . -, .3511,-1,731767-9-I p-i, . 35 ,-i73,3767 -9,- p-i 1 -I 325 11, 2 4 E317 6 - 9 C DO t E=t 2~ [it 2!N=1~0'3 LINTENS(i4,t)= J=-27 46 .L I - RE.EUL r ( Jrr)=o . o CALL tJTAX(BELOFFPF1,5) 2 ENrER FILE NA.ME, 0~~ A/D LIMITS FOR EYE MOVEMENTS. AND NUJMBER OIFTIL. TYPE 600 FORMAT(' ENTER NAME OF OUTrPUT STORAGE f*ILE.'P/ FORMATAi. tr;S:!IGN (3v'DtJM' 9 NEW-' 2N9, 3r7 F C.ALL OPEN r'YFE xv 'ENTrER .'F,1 .f r T . 3tCEF, 1I'LA'3H COUNT' -3-GLE 7W -UM9EERS INIOM -T7, --9, 3--( L 7 * F(2) O 37SI7TOU-ofOU WISH TO MONITOR EYE .T PE*, "CC EFT 60' p0IMC:N 705 i'(1T[4(N.NE. 'Y)GOTO 01 TYPE *,'ENTER AMPLITUDE OF PERMISSABLE EYE MOVEMENTS(DEGREES).' ACCEPT *vEM EM=ABS(EM) TYPE *p'HOW MANY VOLTS=5 DEGREES., ACCEPT *PEMCAL EMCAL:=ABS(EMCAL) EMCAL= ! /EMCAL EM- (2048./EMCAL)*EM ITOP=2048+IFIX (EM) 1LOWn2048-IFIX(EM) C 705 TYPE *,'DO YOU WISH CENTRAL TASK?' ACCEPT 601,QCNTSK IF(QCNTSK.NE.Y)GOTO 701 TYPE *9'CENTRAL TASK PARAMETERS INCLUDE:' TYPE *#'INTERVAL BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE NUMBERS(SEC).' ACCEPT *vSECONS TYPE *P'DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NUMERICAL PAIR(0- 9)' ACCEPT *EDIFF TIMuIFIX(SECONS) TICK-IFIX(60.*(SECONS-FLOAT(TIM))) RUNmlO0/(TIM*60+TICK) !RUN IS TRIALS PER 2 SECONDS C 701 C TYPE *P'ARE YOU USING MIRROR GALVONOMETER?' ACCEPT 601.QMRGAL IF(QMRGAL.NE.Y)GOTO 700 TYPE *.'***LED ARC PERIMETER CONTROLS DISABLED***' TYPE t.'VALUES FOR TARGET MOTION INCLUDE:' TYPE *,'VELOCITY OF TARGET (DEGREES/SEC).' ACCEPT *.MX TYPE *, 'AMPLITUDE OF TARGET MOTION( DEGREES).' ACCEPT *vbX CONVERT DEGREES TO PTS FOR DACS PMAX=(BX*40.96) MXw(MX*40.76) /60. TYPE t.'CALIBRATION OF MIRROR SYSTEM? (-1U/0/10 DEG)' ACCEPT 401 ,QMRCAL GOTO 707 TYPE *.'***LED ARC PERIMETER CONTROL ACTIVATED***' TYPE *, 'DO YOU NEED STAIRCASE PARADIGM FOR LED rNTENSITY?' ACCEPT 601,OSTAIR C ' ET TIMER FOR 707 C SEGMENT IF (QCNTSK.NE , I Drii=L TDt= CALL IPOKE( 4500 7 0ISPLAY RUNNING ASYNCHRONOUSLY )GOTO 702 MEANS DO OUEUE CENTRAL TASK SUBROUTTNE. 170404-0) IF(IPEEK( "170404).3E.O)GOTO4500 IWAIT FOR 3UBJECT (ST1). QUEUE LEDGEN SUBROUT INE. [F(ITIMER(0,O,TIMTICK, TIMMER , ,LEDGEN).NE.o)PAUSE 'NO 0 =oUEUE, NO 0=CAN'T SCHEDULE .ELEMENTS LEFT:: FROM MAIN PRG.' CCNTRAL TASK tS NOW RUNNING. C C C a5 FIND NEXT EMPTY SLOT IN DATA ARRAY FOR STORAGE. rUM IS THE PERIPHERAL TARGET TO BE FLASHED. N01 660 IF(RESULT(NOrNUM).E.0.0)GOTO 68 NO=NO+1GOTO 66 68 IF(IMAX.LT.NO)IMAX-NO C DECIDE ON INCREMENT OR DECREMENT OF TARGET ILLUMINArION. IF(QSTAIR.NE.Y)GOTO 70 IF(NO.EQ.1)GOTO 422 IF( INTENS(NONUM) .GT.O)GOTO 420 INTENS(NONUM)=INTENS(NO-1,NUM)+INC GO TO 421 420 INTENS(NOPNUM)=INTENS(NO-1lNUM)-INC GOTO 421 422 INTENS(NOPNUM)=1000 C c OUTPUT VOLTAGE TO LED CONTROLLER FOR INTENSITY. C USE CHANNEL DAC1 FOR INTENSITY (D TO A *2 ON PATCH PANEL) 4^1 OUTPUT(1) INTENS(NONUM) CALL DTOAX(OUTPUT, 1P) C C C C GET RANDOM NUMBER FROM 1-> 3.0 SEC. FOR VARIABLE DELAY BRANCH HERE AFTER BLANK TRIAL. X=RAN(IP(1),1P(2)) NLA T=9*3.0 IF(NLAT.LT.1. )NLAT=1.0 tL WAIT JARIABLE TIME AND CHECK FOR FALSE ALARM (ST2 FIRED). TIME=SECNDS(0.0) T'YPE *,' C WAITING' WHILE WAITING, OECIDE IF THE NEXT TRIAL IS PLANK. 1 =O.o FOR ARCTRO, AS OPPOSED TO P=&).S FOR ARCTRL. 'Y=RAN( IPFF( 1), IPFF(2)) DTIME=SECNDS( TIME) IF(CDTIME.L .NLA)OTO C 79 TH-iEN CHECK FOR TTY rNPUT 1OR PROGRAM BRANCH. CTo:'RL CHARACTERS iN ARRAY. USE .)NLY THE FIRST :?i-AR= t HTR ( IAR =TTINR ( ) F (CHAR TR ( [ICHAR ) .L T.') GOTO LL1TO 99 401 C.HARACTER. C C 702 C C IS THE GALVONOMETER BEING USEDP AND IF SO DOES IT NEED CALIBRATION? IF(QMRGAL.NE.Y)GOTO 703 IF(QMRCAL.NE.Y)GOTO 703 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE PMINS-1 ID2W2 uK To QUEUE MIRROR ROUTINE TICKR-100 IF(ITIMER(0,0,0,TICKRTMIRR,2,MIRROR).NE.O)PAUSE 'NO !MIRROR IS QUEUED. .LEFT FOR MIRROR FROM MAIN' TYPE *, 'CALBRA TION:CaCTR;RRGT;LLFT;A=AUTD;Q=aUIT' 710 ACCEPT 601,PASS C COMMUNICATE WITH MIRROR ROUTINE VIA COMMON VARIABLE. IF(PASS.EO.CTR)PMIN=-I IF(PASS.EQ.RGT)PMIN--2 IF(PASS.EO .LFT)PMIN=-3 Q IF(PASS.EQ.AUTO)PMIN=-4 C WHEN DONE TURN OFF CAL. IF(PASS.NE.Q)GOTO 710 PMIN=-1 TICKR=1 ID2-6 C 709 'STOP QUEUEING MIRROR ROUTINE. WAIT TIME=SECNDS(0.0) DTIME=SECNDS ( TIME? IF(DTIME.LT.2.)GOTO 709 PMIN-O C C JGW-JOB STATUS WORD; e 44) :03 rPEEkI .JW= CALL [PW)KE( 44, SET BIT-6 To INHIBIT CONSOLE WAIT STATE. 100.OR.JSW) C C C BEGIN E.PERIMENT CONTROL. TYPE .01! !,4M(:GAL TYPE 4. 'EXPERIMENT RUNNING; YOU MAY ENTER KEYBOARD COMMANDS!" C C C C E.'PERIMENT LOOP "ET RWNDOM BEGINS. NJMBER FROM 2- [0 FOR LED NUM=.:[FTX(X*13.) 1ET 'JP FFSET r F (]IMRtAL . NUM. GE . [ FOR MOVTNG rAR(3ETn E. () cTO 6.Zo 0)0NJM=rMJtM+L F 111. CC . C0 NUM= t 9 FF 2)4. J.4FLUAT (NUM) -FLOh T ( MAX/2) .UBMR X=0. O ELLUNINATION. C C 401 HIT CHARACTER 'S" TO STOP DATA ACQUISTION. IF(CHARTR(1).EG.ST)GOTO 1100 C C C 403 IS WITHIN LIMITS WAIT TILL EYE POSITION IVL=1ADC(8) IF(IVL.GT.ITOP.OR.IVL.LT.ILOW)GOTO 403 IF(QMRGAL.EQ.Y)TYPE *P'TARGET MOVING' C C C SKIP TO MOVING TARGET CONTROL SECTION IF(QMRGAL.6E.Y)GOTO 1450 C IF(XY.GE.0.6)GOTO 156 'SKIP THE NEXT SECTION FOR A BLANK TRIAL. C C TURN ON TARGET BY SENDING DATA TO LED -CONTROLLER. DO 155 155,*1i1,5- CALL IDOR(,o0,-,TARGET(MvNUM)) CONTINUE C C C UUTPUT rRIAL TYPE TO CONSOLE, AND TURN OFF TARGET. C 115s lF(XY.GE.0.6)TYPE *,'BLANK TRIAL' IF (XY .LT .0.6)FICN.T=FICNT+1 rF((QMRGAL.NE.').AND.(XY.LT.0.6))TYPE *,FICNT,'FLASHES' IDOR(,0,-1,TARGET(6,NUM)) IF'XY.LT.0.6)CALL C C SET. TIMER TO ZERO FOR TIME-OUT CHECK OF MISS TIME=SECNDS o.0) C WAIT FuR '3TC C HIST READS TIME FROM CLOCK INTO IDAT, CALL HIST(IDATt ,1,FLGNLFT) TO [fDtICATE DETECTION OF FLASH. THE SETS IFLO TO -1 C C rST t [=(FEEK ( "170404) 'START TIMING. IEFLGOVERFLOW FLAG CALL SETR(4.3v0.v IEFLG) CALL IFOKE( l70404.[PEEK( t 7O404).OR.("100000.AN..ZSr1)) DEErER CONTROL CALL OTII(ATIME) CALL JJCVT(ATIME) tvTIME.AJFl...T(ATIME)+25. Ci.;LL GlTIM(DTIME) CALL JJCVT ( flTrME) iF( (mITIME-IAJFLr (TIME) .i. .3T.0.J)GOTO 18 tWAIT 400ngS, THEN BEEP. CALL DTOAX(EBELLONrip ',5) CALL GTIM(A TIME) ,ALL JJCVT(ATIME) MTIME=AJFLT(ATIME)+1C. C..ALL (TIM(EBTIME) CALL JJCVT(r4TIME) IF((MTIME--.JFiT.(ETIME)).GT.0.)GOTO CALL rTOA^ (ItELOFF I , -) 17 'WAfT L92aitS,7TH. N UtNBEEP. C 1455 C IF(IFLG.NE.O)GOTO 145 !IF TRIGGER IS SET STOP TIMING IF NO RESPONSE IN 2 SECONDS SCORE AS MISS. C C DTIME-SECNDS (TIME) IF(DTIMELT..0)GOTO 1455 IDA(1)=L STORE 2 SECONDS AS R.T. -i.e. A MISS) IF(QlSTAIR.NE.Y)IGOTO 145 INTENS(NO+1 NUM)a1 C C CHECK FOR FALSE ALARM IF((XY.GE.0.6).AND.(IDAT(I).NE.1))FALSE-FALSE+1 145 C C CLEAR INTERRUPT BUT HOLD FOR FALSE ALARM. IST1:[PEEK( '170404) KILL TIMER FOR HIST CALL SETR(-lv,,) CALL IPOKE(1-70404,I-PEEK(*170404).OR.(IST1.AND.*100000)) NLFT-NLFT+1 C C C CONTROL FOR 2CORING MOVING TARGET REC1GNTION IF CORRECT GIVE 2 IF WRONG GIVE 1 IF(QMRGAL.NE.Y) GOTO 97 1450 GIUEUE MIRROR ROUTINE C 'LET THE MIRROR ROUTINE QUEUE ITSELF. ID2*2 IF(ITIMER(0 ,oOTICKR,TMIRRP,2,MIRROR).NE,0)PAUSE 'NEED LS' TIME =C3ECNDS (0.0) 3150 ,DTIME=SECNDS(TIME) C rIFDTTME.LT.4.0)GOTO 4150 'DO r r!= o NOT QUEUE MIRROR ANYMORE TYPE t.'RESflNSE [S HIT OR MISS' 1CCEPT 6.0i PASS r LA r(.t=2 TF AE. .E.H) [F TYPE 7 )= L A'33.aE.d) tDArT 3T IMULUS ;.' REACTION ;TORE COMPLETE.' FtME AND CONTINUE EXPERINEN4T .0.6) RESULT (NO rNUM) =FLOAT( IDA T( 1) IF(XY.L ICNT= CNT - 1 t CJ iCO!IT LE T. Fr/Y.G .E0C . . [ICHT !. tYPE 4- IF COUNT NOT EXCEEDED. ' coTr UTTs OTO1100 ~' fiATA REDiuCTION REGINING' STOP TIMER ROUTINE FOR CENTRAL STIMULI. C C ID1=0 ID2-0 C STORE DATA ON DISK FORMAT(I4) 452 5WRITE(3,452)IMAXpFALSE WRITE (3,*) ( (RESULT ( IJ) ,I=1, IMAX) ,J=1, 20) WRITE (3#*)(<(INTENS (I, J) , =i, IMAX) ,J=lpa20) WRITE (3,*)LEDCNT ,LEDHIT , LEDMIS LEDFLS IF(QCNTSK.NE.-Y)GOTO 4003 TYPE *,'*******CENTER TASK PERFORMANCE SUMMARY*********' TYPE *#LEDCNTP '(MAX POSSIBLE HITS)' rLEDHITP '(ACTUAL HITS)' TYPE *PLEDMISP '(NUMBER OF MISSES)' PLEDFLSP' (FALSE ALARMS)' TYPE C *, PERFORM STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND HISTOGRAMS. C DO 4000 Nw1,20 1003 = i fl=FLOAT(N001) CALL SUBST(RESULTCRvOOLS,2 6 2) 2 CALL TAB1(RESULT,.SN001,UOBFREOPCTSTATP256v20) C ;AVE DATA FROM EACH ANALYSIS WRITE(3,J)N0OIIHITIMISSSTATPFREGPCT rd = FT'( (UPO. 2) 3 HWAS 40c - o4: 2 COMMAND TO STOP? (CHARTR(2) .EQP) )GOTO 4002 .E.P.OR. 1T.(t) (CHARTR(2) .EO.H) )GOTO 4001 !F ((CHARTR(1) .EQ.H) .OR. Ir(QMRGAL.NE. f)CALL HISTG(N001,FFRE0NP) , ' "HIT' . M1S3, '(MISSES) 'FALSE , ' (FALSE AL ARMS)' rYIE *HIT )GOTO -1002 EF'11MRGAL .E. TYIE 4,ST,,T(2),'(AVERAGE)',STAT(3),'(STD)'.TAT(1),'(TOTAL.S)' ) 'M X ' T ) .T r4 '(I .T TYPE r7r!IIT=TUTHIT ItHIT OTf! TOTMIS-jiISS TIHERE , CONSULE IFC ( I I IT=0 C f'.'EfRAL.L =TATTOTICS R *T (3, 3 52' T0THIT . TOTMIS . ToTAL HLTS=-,iIrT, 1 Y.PE :30 OSE ENIT:=.) TOTAL MIS3E1 '- TOTM[ C C C SUDROUTINE TO GENERATE VOLTAGES ON DAC TO CHANGE NUMBER ON CENTRAL SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY. SUBROUTINE LEDGEN (ID) EXTERNAL LEDGEN INTEGER IP ( ),lIDN, IOUT3)VOLTS11)TIMMER(4) TICK ,TIMRUN ENTEGER LEDMISLEDFLSIST1,LEDCNTSAMFLGLEDHITDIFF TNTEGER COUNTr IDfl SF REAL X COMMON /TOALL/IP COMMON /CLGEN/TICKTIMLEDMISLEDFLSLEDCNTLEDHITDIFFIRUNID1 C C C VALUES FOR DAC ro GENERATE 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY NUMBERS DATA VOLTS/:048 ,2:52 ,2457, 2662,:867.3o7:,3276,3 4 81;3684 3s 9l' .2048/ C C C 45 43 CHECK FOR DATA EQUAL RECOGNITION IF'SAMFLG.NE.1)GOTO 44 COUNT-COUNT+1 IST1=IPEEK(*170404) !IF SEEN CLR FLG IF'IST1.LT.O)GOTO 45 lF(COUNT.LT.RUN)GOTO 46 mISS, TYPE *?' LEDMISmLEDMIS+1 GOTO 43 LEDHIT=LEDHIT+1 HIT' rYPE go' 'CLR STI FLG (ALL POKE(0170404. 077777.AND.IST1) C0)'NT-O LEPCNT=LEDCNT+1 GOTO 46 C C 44 CHECK FOR FALSE ALARM IST1=(PEEKJ(170404) [F IST. LEDFLS=LEDFLS+-1 CALL F[POKE( "170404, C C 1= I INC PLASE LR AM 077777.AND.EST1) GiENERArE RANDOM NUMER FOR CENTRAL DISPLAY. mrsISI! 46 'CHECK FOR FALSE TRIG GE.))GOTO 46 xR~ P(l P(C J= [F[' (X*10. 1* oUr (C)= OL rs( IJ) FOR FIRST NUMBER. THIS I3 FOR SECOND NUMBER C C X=RAN( IP(1) PIP(n) ) I=IFIX(X*10.)+l OUT(3)=VOLTS(I) C C OUTPUT VOLTAGE 0=-9 FOR CENTRAL LED SEGMENT NUMBER. C IF((SAMFLG.E,1).AND.(IABS(I-IJ).EO.DIFF))OUT(3)=VOLTS(I+1) CALL DTOAX(OUTp2,2) IF((SAMFLG.Eo.1).OR.(IABS(I-IJ).NE.DIFF))GOTO 40 TYPE *,' A MATCH' SAMFLG=1 C C KILL TIMED EVENT IF ID1:1. C 40 C IF(ID1.NE.1)GOTO 41 IF NOT RESCHEDULE EVENT. C IF(SF.NE.1)GOTO 49 SAMFLG=O 49 IF(ITIMER(oo0TIMrIcrIMMERILEDGEN).NE.O)PAUSE 'MORE . ELEMENTS NEEDED:: FROM COPLETION RT.' 41 RETURN END C C C SUBROUTINE TO ASSESS NUMBER OF HITS AND MISSES GIVEN UPPER AND LOWER VAULES IN UBO. C SUBROUTINE BOOL(RT) DEMENSION R(2) CGJMMON C F'(t) .'CBOOL. IHITp IMISS IS I IF RESULT=L; THUS SUBJECT MISSED. IF(R( 1).E. c IS 1 R1(2) 1)'EMISS=IM1SS+1 [F RESULr t; THUS SUBJECT DETECTED IF(R(2) .EQ.l. ) [HIT=IHIT+1 C rETIJRN NEEDED E:ND VALUE TO CALLING PROGRAM. FLASH. Q SUBROUTINE TO OSCILLATE MIRROR GALVONOMETER SUBROUTINE MIRROR( ID) EXTERNAL MIRROR INTEGER TMIRR(4),OUT(6),IDTICKRINCAL INTEGER ZEROOFFINCNTIP( ' ),-CAL,1ID2,PMIN REAL MXPMAXSUBMRXDELX,OUTW CUFF COMMON /TOALL/IP COMMON /CMIR/TICKRMXDELXPMAXPMINCALID2,OFFSUBMRX 1ATA ZERO/2048/ CHECK FOR CALIBRATION TYPE *ePMINPUT(4)vCAL IF(PMIN.GE.0)GOTO 3 START CAL AS CENTERRIGHTPLEFTAND AUTO INCAL=IABS(CAL) IF(PMIJ.EG. -1)OUT(4) =048 !CENTER IF(PMIN.EO.-2)OUT(4)=2048+INCAL 'RIGHT 10 IF(PMIN.EQ.-3)OUT(4)=i2048-INCAL 'LEFT '10 rF(PMIN.NE.-4)GOTO 4 'AUTO 10/0/-10 QUT(4)=ZERO+CAL :ERO=0UT(4) IF(OUT(4).LT.2048)CAL=-CAL IF -OUT(4) . GT.2048) CAL-CAL CALL DTOAX(OUT,1P4) 4 3()T '5 C CALLULATE rRIANGLE WAVEFORM oJI rw=r1e-*,i impx 4(4)IT (Otjrw+OFF) ALL iDT0A.X(UUTplp4) tGUTr k ir ( UUT W+MX,.13E. PMAX) .OR. (OUTW-MX.Lr.-MX ))ELX=-DELA INCREMENT COUNTER DY DELTA iUEBMRX=:U.JBtRx F-DELA IF( ID2.0E. )tiOTO 1l)o . .0 .k NEEDED '-:ET E IR N 'MORE AT iMilIR A P E N d' D IX TABLES I I I VALUES Pv(A) .01 OF .02 d' FOR THE .03 YEs-NO .04 PROCEDURE .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 PsN(A) .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 0 .27 .44 .57 .68 .77 .85 .92 .98 1.04 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 1.09 1.14 1.19 1.24 1.28 1.33 1.37 1.40 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 - .27 -. 44 - .57 0 -. 17 - .30 .17 0 - .13 .30 .13 0 .41 .24 .11 .50 .20 .33 .41 .58 .28 .65 .48 .35 .71 .54 .41 .47 .77 .60 - .68 - .41 - .24 - .11 0 .09 .17 .24 .30 .36 -. -. - 7750 -. .33 .20 .09 0 .08 .15 .21 '27 .8 5 .41 .28 .17 .08 0 .07 .13 .19 - - .92 - .98 .65 - .71 .48 - .54 .35 - .41 .24 - .30 .15 - .21 .07 - .13 0 - .06 .06 0 .12 .06 -1.04 .77 - .60 - .47 - .36 - .27 - .19 - .12 - .06 0 - 1.48 .82 .88 .92 .97 1.01 1.06 1.10 1.14 1.17 1.21 .65 .70 .75 .80 .84 .89 .93 .96 1.00 1.04 .52 .58 .62 .67 .71 .76 .80 .84 .87 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1.28 1.32 1.34 1.38 1.41 1.44 1.48 1.51 1.54 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.88 1.94 1.98 2.04 2.08 1.65 1.72 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 1.94 2.00 2.05 1.62 1.66 1.69 1.73 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 2.14 2.20 2.28 2.36 2.44 2.56 2.68 2.86 3.12 2.11 2.17 2.24 2.32 2.41 2.52 2.65 2.82 3.09 Pi. (A) .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 PSN(A) .62 .63 .64 .65 1.68 .86 .60 .63 .66 .68 .71 .73 .76 .78 .81 .84 .58 .60 .63 .66 .68 .70 .74 .76 .78 .81 .55 .58 .60 .62 .66 .68 .70 .72 .76 .78 .92 .94 .97 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.16 .89 .92 .94 .97 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.08 1.12 1.14 .86 .88 .91 .94 .96 .99 1.02 1.05 1.08 1.10 .84 .86 .88 .92 .94 .96 1.00 1.02 1.06 1.08 .80 .83 .86 .88 .91 .94 .96 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.23 1.26 1.28 1.32 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.20 .122 1.25 1.28 1.32 1.34 1.38 1.41 1.44 1.48 1.16 1.14 1.11 1.19 1.16 1.14 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.32 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.45 1.19 1.22 1.26 1.28 1.32 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.16 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.08 1.10 1.14 1.16 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.58 1.62 1.66 1.70 1.56 1.59 1.62 1.66 1.49 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.65 1.69 1.74 1.78 1.84 1.89 1.46 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.62 1.66 1.44 1.47 1.50 1.54 1.60 1.71 1.68 1.73 1.78 1.84 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.66 1.70 1.76 1.80 1.95 2.01 2.08 2.16 2.25 2.36 2.49 2.66 2.93 1.92 1.98 1.90 1.96 2.02 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.44 2.60 2.88 1.86 1.92 2.00 2.08 2.16 2.28 2.40 2.58 2.84 1.74 1.72 1.82 1.87 1.92 1.97 2.02 1.78 1.84 1.88 1.94 1.98 1.76 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.96 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.68 1.72 1.77 1.82 1.87 1.92 2.08 2.04 2.10 2.18 2.26 2.34 2.46 2.58 2.76 3.02 2.02 2.08 2.14 2.22 2.32 2.42 2.56 2.72 3.00 1.98 2.04 2.11 2.19 2.28 2.39 2.52 2.69 2.96 1.78 2.14 2.21 2.29 2.38 2.49 2.62 2.79 3.06 . 1.76 1.81 1.86 2.05 2.13 2.22 2.33 2.46 2.63 2.90 1.64 PN(A) .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 -2.06 -1.80 -1.62 -1.50 -1.38 -1.30 -1.22 -1.14 -1.08 -1.02 PRN(A) .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 -1.82 -1.54 -1.38 -1.24 -1.14 -1.04 - .96 - .90 - .84 - .78 -1.85 -1.58 -1.41 -1.28 -1.17 -1.08 -1.00 - .93 - .87 - .81 -1.88 -1.91 -1.61 -1.64 -1.44 -1.47 -1.31 -1.33 -1.20 -1.23 -1.11 -1.14 -1.03 -1.06 - .96 - .99 - .90 - .93 - .84 - .87 -1.94 -1.66 -1.50 -1.36 -1.26 -1.16 -1.08 -1.02 - .96 - .90 -1.96 -1.69 -1.52 -1.39 -1.28 -1.19 -1.11 -1.04 - .98 - .92 -1.99 -1.72 -1.55 -1.42 -1.31 -1.22 -1.14 -1.07 -01 - .95 -2.02 -1.74 -1.58 -1.44 -1.34 -1.24 -1.16 -1.10 - .98 -2.04 -1.77 -1.60 -1.47 -1.36 -1.27 -1.19 -1.12 -1.06 -1.00 .11 .12 - - - - - - .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 - - .84 - .79 - .74 - .70 - .66 - .60 - .56 - .53 - .50 - .46 - .13 .72 .67 .62 .58 .54 .48 .44 .41 .38 .34 .92 .87 .82 .78 .74 .68 .64 .61 .58 .54 - .95 - .90 - .85 - .80- .76 - .71 - .67 - .64 - .60 - .56 - .98 .92 .88 .82 .78 .74 .70 .66 .62 .58 .21 .22 .23 - .30 .26 .24 - .50 - .52 .46 - .49 .44 - .46 - .55 .52 .48 .24 - .20 - .24 - .26 - .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 - .17 .14 .10 .08 .05 .02 - .20 .17 .14 .11 .08 .06 - .24 .20 .17 .14 .12 .08 - .26 - .2.3 - 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1.26 1.31 1.36 1.41 1.46 1.03 1.06 1.10 1.14 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.32 1.38 1.43 1.01 1.04 1.57 1.63 1.70 1.78 1.87 1.98 2.11 2.28 2.55 1.54 1.60 1.67 1.75 1.84 1.95 2.08 2.25 2.52 1.52 1.58 1.65 1.73 1.82 1.93 2.06 2.23 2.50 1.49 1.55 1.62 1.70 1.79 1.90 2.03 2.20 2.47 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 1.08 .22 .26 .28 .30 .33 1.02 1.04 1.08 1.13 1.18 1.23 1.28 1.34 1.40 1.47 1.55 1.64 1.75 1.88 2.05 2.32 A TABLES OF P E N D I X I V NORMALIZED d' AND C/P VALUES VALUES TABLE OF NORMALIZED d' --------------SUBJECT M w T N S K 0 1 2 3 1 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 1.8 2 1.8 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.0 3 11.9 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 4 1.8 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 5 1 .6 1 .6 1 .6 1 .7 6 1.5 1 .7 1.8 1 .7 7 .6 1.9 2.0 2.3 2.0 8 .7 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.8 9 .8 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.9 10 .5 1.8 2.2 2.5 1 .6 11 .9 1.8 2.1 2.0 2.1 12 1.6 S 1.6 1.6 .5 13 1.9 .6 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.3 14 1.2 .7 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 15 2.0 .1 1.5 1 .7 1.8 2.0 1.4 16 2.0 .6 1.8 1.7 1 .7 1 .7 1.4 1.4 .7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 0 1.7 8 1.74 1.54 1.5 17 1.2 18 1.6 19 1 .6 1.6 1 .6 20 MEAN T A FOR ALL TASKS 21 1 .6 : 1.56 1.38 1.8 1 .3 1.8 1 .2 1.67 1.53 1.6 5 TABLE OF C/P VALUES FOR ALL TASKS T A M N 0 1 2 3 1 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.2 2 2.3 2.8 2.3 2.3 2.7 3 2.5 2.3 2.2 3.2 2.2 4 2.4 1.4 2.4 3.0 2.8 5 0.6 1.2 1 .7 1.5 6 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.1 SUBJECT W T 7 6 .3 2.8 1.8 0.8 2.6 8 1.8 0.9 2.6 4.8 1.2 9 3 .7 3.5 2.1 1 .6 2.1 10 3.8 3.4 1.9 1 .6 2.2 11 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.5 S 4 .8 0.9 13 2 .7 7 .9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 2.4 14 3 .4 1.1 4.8 2.6 2.3 1.4 1 .7 15 2 .7 1.8 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.1 16 2 .6 2.2 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.0 2 .8 2.0 12 1.2 -. 3 2.9 17 18 3.1 19 1.8 2 .0 1.8 20 MEAN S K 21 2.1 : 2.09 1 .29 2 .8 2.9 2 .3 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 1.7 3.06 2.31 2.10 2.10 2.27 2.56 1.98 REFERENCES BERLYENE, & Co., in Neurophysiology. 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