Proposal 12713 (STScI Edit Number: 14, Created: Friday, March 23, 2012 8:05:04 PM EST) - Overview 12713 - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Cycle: 19, Proposal Category: CAL/WFC3 (Availability Mode: RESTRICTED) INVESTIGATORS Name Dr. Peter McCullough (PI) Dr. John W. MacKenty (CoI) VISITS Visit Targets used in Visit Institution Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute E-Mail Configurations used in Visit Orbits Used Last Orbit Planner Run 1A (1) HD-80606-MIDPOINT S/C WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:01:34.0 OP Current with Visit? yes 1B (1) HD-80606-MIDPOINT S/C WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:01:53.0 yes 3A (3) -GAM-ARI-MIDPOINT S/C WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:02:10.0 yes 3B (3) -GAM-ARI-MIDPOINT S/C WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:02:22.0 yes 7A (7) WDS-J12151+0959ABMIDPOINT S/C WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:02:36.0 yes 7B (7) WDS-J12151+0959ABMIDPOINT S/C WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:02:52.0 yes 4A (4) WDS-J11567-3216BCMIDPOINT WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:03:02.0 yes 1 Proposal 12713 (STScI Edit Number: 14, Created: Friday, March 23, 2012 8:05:04 PM EST) - Overview Visit Targets used in Visit Configurations used in Visit Orbits Used Last Orbit Planner Run WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:03:11.0 5A (4) WDS-J11567-3216BCMIDPOINT (5) HD-207929-MIDPOINT OP Current with Visit? yes WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:03:20.0 yes 5B (5) HD-207929-MIDPOINT WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:03:28.0 yes 6A WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:03:40.0 yes WFC3/UVIS 2 23-Mar-2012 21:03:49.0 yes 8A (6) WDS-J10395+3142ABMIDPOINT (6) WDS-J10395+3142ABMIDPOINT (8) HD-134942-MIDPOINT WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:03:59.0 yes 8B (8) HD-134942-MIDPOINT WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:04:08.0 yes 9A (9) HD-206931-MIDPOINT WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:04:18.0 yes 9B (9) HD-206931-MIDPOINT WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:04:30.0 yes 2A (2) BD+13-2954P-MIDPOINT S/C WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:04:43.0 yes 2B (2) BD+13-2954P-MIDPOINT S/C WFC3/IR 2 23-Mar-2012 21:04:56.0 yes 4B 6B 36 Total Orbits Used ABSTRACT We will scan a double star across the WFC3 UVIS and IR detectors in order to validate the L-flats generated by the traditional "gold-standard" method of observing globular clusters. This program is meant as a path finder to prove the technique. This program uses boustrophedonic scans which are not yet available to general observers. There are 9 pairs of double stars listed in the targets. There is one target suitable for UV (e.g. F225W), four each for visible (F606W, F814W) and infrared (F125W, F160W). The associated filter is labeled in the comments of each target, although we only specify F606W or F125W in the comments, although any wideband visible filter will expose equally well as F606W, and any wideband IR filter will expose equally well as F125W. There's enough margin below full well that one needn't worry about adjusting scan rate for each filter. IMPORTANT: because four of the double stars are interchangeable (targets 1, 4, 5, and 6) and another set of four are interchangeable (targets 2, 7, 8, 9), we have defined in this program a pair of visits for target 1, a pair of visits for target 2, etc, although we do not need (and are not allocated) orbservations of all those pairs. We provide them 2 Proposal 12713 (STScI Edit Number: 14, Created: Friday, March 23, 2012 8:05:04 PM EST) - Overview to assist the schedulers to see what will schedule. We do require both visits of each pair, so e.g. visits 5A and 5B is good, but visit 5A and 6A is bad; it's possible that a pairing like 5A and 6B would suffice, but let's try to get 5A and 5B for simplicity (or 1A and 1B, or 4A and 4B, or 6A and 6B). Until we better understand how long the scans will take, we haven't tried to pack the orbits. The priority will be to do F606W first: four 220"x120" scans in Y and four scans in X; the four scans of each are dithered by 10" as indicated in the comments at the exposure level of visit 1A. Ideally the Y scans and X scans will be interleaved, i.e. Y scan, X scan, dither, Y scan, X scan, dither ... If the first orbit's test works, then the next priority will be to repeat it with the orient at -90 degrees to the first visit. And once we have confidence from the first visit's success, we can proceed with the remainder of the program in parallel. Below we list priorities, but they need not be done sequentially. Assuming those two work, and assuming that each visit took one orbit and observed only one filter per orbit, then we wish to observe another pair of visits, but replacing F606W with F814W. And then doing one pair with F125W (and changing the target appropriately). Finally, we will observe F225W at only one orient with the final, seventh orbit allocated to this calibration program. By then we will have a better idea of whether the shearing-interferometer analysis is required or not, to obtained the best results in the presence of variations in the scan rate about the nominal rate. If the shearing interferometer analysis is not required, then perhaps we can dispense with the second visit (i.e. second orient) for each filter. Note: we couldn't get targets 3, 4, and 6 to produce any schedulable windows with our nominal (4x6 min)*2 exposure-minutes per orbit. That's ok, if target 1 or 5 will schedule. But we don't have any alternative for target 3, so we adjusted it to (3x6 min)*2 exposure-minutes per orbit, and then we could find a schedulable window. I propose to revisit this phase 2 after some feedback from Merle on a preliminary timeline for packing an orbit. 3 Proposal 12713 (STScI Edit Number: 14, Created: Friday, March 23, 2012 8:05:04 PM EST) - Overview OBSERVING DESCRIPTION We will scan a double star across the WFC3 UVIS and IR detectors in order to validate the L-flats generated by the traditional "gold-standard" method of observing globular clusters. This program is meant as a path finder to prove the technique. This program uses boustrophedonic scans which are not yet available to general observers. For the purposes of preparing the APT file, we define a normal, spatial scan but express in comments of this file the parameters of the boustrophedonic pattern for STScI experts to implement. 4 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 1A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 1A, completed Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: S/C, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 267D TO 267.1 D Comments: UVIS F606W Sat Mar 24 01:05:04 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! The idea is that all the scans in this Visit when combined will form an X/Y grid on the detector with each cell of the grid being 6"x6" in size. (Visit 1A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 1A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 1A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (1) Name HD-80606-MIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Miscellaneous RA: 09 22 38.6900 (140.6612083d) V=9.06 Reference Frame: ICRS Dec: +50 36 14.00 (50.60389d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database.This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA 140.65658 50.60375 09227+5036 2004 SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 87 21.1 9.09 9.17 G5_G5_____ -0.08 167.42917 44.31123 5 Proposal 12713 - Visit 1A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -103.86 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 1 Secs 27892,-206.9492839; t in Visit 1A [==>] GS ACQ SCENARI [1] O BASE1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -69,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 365 Secs ep OINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 1A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (1) HD-80606-MIDP S/C, POINTING, V1 OINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 3 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -63,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 365 Secs ep OINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 1A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -57,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 365 Secs ; t in Visit 1A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -51,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 365 Secs ; t in Visit 1A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 6 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 1A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep OINT UVIS-CENTER F606W POS TARG -45,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 365 Secs ; t in Visit 1A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 7 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,69; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 8 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -115,63; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 365 Secs ep OINT UVIS-CENTER SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,57; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 10 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,51; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 7 [2] Proposal 12713 - Visit 1A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 11 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep OINT UVIS-CENTER F606W POS TARG -115,45; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 8 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 1A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 9 Proposal 12713 - Visit 1A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 10 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 1B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 1B, completed Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: S/C, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 1A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. (Visit 1B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 1B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 1B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (1) Sat Mar 24 01:05:07 GMT 2012 Name HD-80606-MIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Miscellaneous RA: 09 22 38.6900 (140.6612083d) V=9.06 Reference Frame: ICRS Dec: +50 36 14.00 (50.60389d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database.This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA 140.65658 50.60375 09227+5036 2004 SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 87 21.1 9.09 9.17 G5_G5_____ -0.08 167.42917 44.31123 11 Proposal 12713 - Visit 1B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -103.86 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 1 Secs 27892,-206.9492839; t in Visit 1B [==>] GS ACQ SCENARI [1] O ONEB1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -69,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 370 Secs ep OINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 1B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (1) HD-80606-MIDP S/C, POINTING, V1 OINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 3 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -63,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 370 Secs ep OINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 1B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -57,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 370 Secs ; t in Visit 1B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -51,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 370 Secs ; t in Visit 1B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 12 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 1B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 Y scan, X st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep OINT UVIS-CENTER F606W POS TARG -45,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 370 Secs ; t in Visit 1B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +6" from the previous exposure. 7 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,69; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 370 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1B [==>] ,3.7702 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 8 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -115,63; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 370 Secs ep OINT UVIS-CENTER SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1B [==>] ,3.7702 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,57; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 370 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1B [==>] ,3.7702 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 10 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W ep OINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,51; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 370 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1B [==>] ,3.7702 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 13 [2] Proposal 12713 - Visit 1B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 11 X scan, Y st (1) HD-80606-MIDP WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep OINT UVIS-CENTER F606W POS TARG -115,45; Sequence 7-11 Non-I 370 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 1B [==>] ,3.7702 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 120 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -6" from the previous exposure. 14 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 1B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 15 Proposal 12713 - Visit 1B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 16 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 3A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 3A, pi Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: S/C, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 176D TO 176.1 D Comments: UVIS F225W Sat Mar 24 01:05:09 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! The idea is that all the scans in this Visit when combined will form an X/Y grid on the detector with each cell of the grid being 9"x9" in size. (Visit 3A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 3A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (3) Name -GAM-ARI-MIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections RA: 01 53 31.7300 (28.3822083d) Dec: +19 17 43.70 (19.29547d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F225W target RA DEC WDS 28.38233 19.29406 01535+1918 YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 2010 356 10.2 4.52 4.58 A1pSi_B9V_ -0.06 142.54770 -41.20061 17 Fluxes V=3.88 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 12713 - Visit 3A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -103.86 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 1 Secs 27892,-206.9492839; t in Visit 3A [==>] GS ACQ SCENARI [1] O BASE1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W POS TARG -69,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ep POINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 3A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (3) -GAM-ARI-MID S/C, POINTING, V1 POINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 3 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W POS TARG -60,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ep POINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 3A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +9" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -51,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ; t in Visit 3A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +9" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -42,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ; t in Visit 3A [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +9" from the previous exposure. 18 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 3A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep POINT UVIS-CENTER F225W POS TARG -115,65; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 7 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W POS TARG -115,56; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs ep POINT UVIS-CENTER SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -9" from the previous exposure. 8 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,47; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -9" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,38; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3A [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -9" from the previous exposure. 19 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 3A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 20 Proposal 12713 - Visit 3A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 21 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 3B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 3B, pi Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: S/C, WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 3A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. (Visit 3B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 3B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (3) Sat Mar 24 01:05:10 GMT 2012 Name -GAM-ARI-MIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections RA: 01 53 31.7300 (28.3822083d) Dec: +19 17 43.70 (19.29547d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F225W target RA DEC WDS 28.38233 19.29406 01535+1918 YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 2010 356 10.2 4.52 4.58 A1pSi_B9V_ -0.06 142.54770 -41.20061 22 Fluxes V=3.88 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 12713 - Visit 3B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -103.86 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 1 Secs 27892,-206.9492839; t in Visit 3B [==>] GS ACQ SCENARI [1] O BASE1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W POS TARG -69,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ep POINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 3B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (3) -GAM-ARI-MID S/C, POINTING, V1 POINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 3 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W POS TARG -60,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ep POINT UVIS-CENTER ; t in Visit 3B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +9" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -51,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ; t in Visit 3B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +9" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -42,-115 Sequence 1-5 Non-In 365 Secs ; t in Visit 3B [==>] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +9" from the previous exposure. 23 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 3B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep POINT UVIS-CENTER F225W POS TARG -115,65; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3B [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 7 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W POS TARG -115,56; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs ep POINT UVIS-CENTER SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3B [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -9" from the previous exposure. 8 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,47; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3B [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -9" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (3) -GAM-ARI-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F225W ep POINT UVIS-CENTER POS TARG -115,38; Sequence 6-9 Non-In 365 Secs SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 t in Visit 3B [==>] ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 108 :Scan-Number-Lines 4 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -9" from the previous exposure. 24 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 3B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 25 Proposal 12713 - Visit 3B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 26 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 7A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 7A, implementation Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, S/C Special Requirements: ORIENT 245D TO 245.1 D Comments: IR F125W Sat Mar 24 01:05:11 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! The idea is that all the scans in this Visit when combined will form an X/Y grid on the detector with each cell of the grid being 5"x5" in size. (Visit 7A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 7A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 7A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (7) Name WDS-J12151+0959ABMIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections RA: 12 15 2.6700 (183.7611250d) Dec: +09 59 21.60 (9.98933d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA 183.76442 9.99086 12151+0959 2004 SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 245 25.8 9.46 9.46 F5_F5_____ 0.00 274.62337 70.83571 27 Fluxes V=9.5 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 12713 - Visit 7A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (7) WDS-J12151+09 S/C, POINTING, V1 59AB-MIDPOINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -109.18 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 1 Secs 919489,-197.417442 t in Visit 7A [==>] 58; [1] GS ACQ SCENARI O BASE1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -60,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep 59AB-MIDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 3 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -55,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep 59AB-MIDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -50,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -45,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 28 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 7A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -40,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 7 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,61; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 8 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,56; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] ep 59AB-MIDPOINT 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,51; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 10 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,46; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 29 [2] Proposal 12713 - Visit 7A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 11 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,41; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7A NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 30 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 7A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 31 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 7B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 7B, implementation Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, S/C Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 7A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. (Visit 7B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 7B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 7B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (7) Sat Mar 24 01:05:12 GMT 2012 Name WDS-J12151+0959ABMIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections RA: 12 15 2.6700 (183.7611250d) Dec: +09 59 21.60 (9.98933d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA 183.76442 9.99086 12151+0959 2004 SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 245 25.8 9.46 9.46 F5_F5_____ 0.00 274.62337 70.83571 32 Fluxes V=9.5 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 12713 - Visit 7B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (7) WDS-J12151+09 S/C, POINTING, V1 59AB-MIDPOINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -109.18 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 1 Secs 919489,-197.417442 t in Visit 7B [==>] 58; [1] GS ACQ SCENARI O BASE1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -60,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep 59AB-MIDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 3 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -55,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep 59AB-MIDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -50,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -45,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 33 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 7B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 Y scan, X st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -40,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 7 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,61; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 8 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,56; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] ep 59AB-MIDPOINT 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,51; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 10 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,46; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 34 [2] Proposal 12713 - Visit 7B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 11 X scan, Y st (7) WDS-J12151+09 WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep 59AB-MIDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,41; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 7B NSAMP=8 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 35 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 7B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 36 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 4A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 4A, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 88D TO 88.1 D Comments: UVIS F606W Sat Mar 24 01:05:13 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! An expert will need to assist with gyro-controlled scans. I selected "Exp PCS mode = gyro" at the exposure level, but that is all. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (4) WDS-J11567-3216BCRA: 11 56 42.9000 (179.1787500d) MIDPOINT Dec: -32 16 5.00 (-32.26806d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Fluxes V=7.7 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 179.17625 -32.26814 11567-3216 2010 88 15.2 7.67 7.83 G8V_G8V___ -0.16 289.68662 29.19198 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit 1 Y scan, X st (4) WDS-J11567-32 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -69,-115 360 Secs X 4 ep 16BC-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER ; [==>(Copy 1)] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 [==>(Copy 2)] ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; [==>(Copy 3)] EXP PCS MODE G [==>(Copy 4)] YRO Comments: In the nomenclature of Merle Reinhart's email of 9/29/2011, we want the number of lines N = 4 and the width of the scan W = 120 arcsec, and the scan length L = 220 arcsec. Note that by convention, we s pecify a "forward" scan (always, to maintain our sanity) and the first turn is to the right (clockwise). A Powerpoint slide set associated with this program is available upon request from investigators. Exposures This scan shall be forward, shift to the "right" by 40 arcsec, scan backward, shift to the "right" another 40 arcsec, scan forward, etc. We want the forward scan at 7.5"/s at angle=90 degrees (i.e. scan in Y), from POSTARG X=-69 and Y=-115 to Y=+105, so 220" of travel in the Y direction (or 29.3 seconds). Then we want to shift in X POSTARG by 40 arcsec (from -69 to -29), and scan in reverse at the same rate and duration. Then repeat another forward-back pair, so we end up at POSTARG X=+51 Y=-115. We allocate 6 min for this scan, although there's only 2 min of actual scanning (4*29.3 sec). We then want to shift the whole thing by delta POSTARG in X = 10, i.e. begin at POSTARG X = -59 and repeat. Then we want to shift by another dX=10 (to begin at X = -49). And one more time (to begin at X = -39). It's not clear at this point how many of these we can fit in one HST orbit. 2 X scan, Y st (4) WDS-J11567-32 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep 16BC-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER F606W POS TARG -115,65; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Same as previous scan except for the scan orient and the initial starting position's POS TARG. 37 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 4A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 38 Proposal 12713 - Visit 4A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 39 Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 4B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 4B, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 4A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (4) WDS-J11567-3216BCRA: 11 56 42.9000 (179.1787500d) MIDPOINT Dec: -32 16 5.00 (-32.26806d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Sat Mar 24 01:05:14 GMT 2012 Fluxes V=7.7 F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 179.17625 -32.26814 11567-3216 2010 88 15.2 7.67 7.83 G8V_G8V___ -0.16 289.68662 29.19198 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups 1 Y scan, X st (4) WDS-J11567-32 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -69,-115 ep 16BC-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER ; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO 2 X scan, Y st (4) WDS-J11567-32 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -115,65; ep 16BC-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO 40 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] Orbit [1] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 4B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 41 Proposal 12713 - Visit 4B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 42 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 5A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 5A, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 165D TO 165.1 D Comments: UVIS F606W Sat Mar 24 01:05:15 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! An expert will need to assist with gyro-controlled scans. I selected "Exp PCS mode = gyro" at the exposure level, but that is all. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (5) HD-207929-MIDPOINT RA: 21 31 11.5100 (322.7979583d) Dec: +86 52 12.00 (86.87000d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Fluxes V=9.268 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 322.78808 86.87200 21312+8652 2010 165 15 9.36 9.59 K0_K0_____ -0.23 120.28356 25.09590 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit 1 Y scan, X st (5) HD-207929-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -69,-115 360 Secs X 4 ep POINT UVIS-CENTER ; [==>(Copy 1)] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 [==>(Copy 2)] ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; [==>(Copy 3)] EXP PCS MODE G [==>(Copy 4)] YRO Comments: In the nomenclature of Merle Reinhart's email of 9/29/2011, we want the number of lines N = 4 and the width of the scan W = 120 arcsec, and the scan length L = 220 arcsec. Note that by convention, we s pecify a "forward" scan (always, to maintain our sanity) and the first turn is to the right (clockwise). A Powerpoint slide set associated with this program is available upon request from investigators. Exposures This scan shall be forward, shift to the "right" by 40 arcsec, scan backward, shift to the "right" another 40 arcsec, scan forward, etc. We want the forward scan at 7.5"/s at angle=90 degrees (i.e. scan in Y), from POSTARG X=-69 and Y=-115 to Y=+105, so 220" of travel in the Y direction (or 29.3 seconds). Then we want to shift in X POSTARG by 40 arcsec (from -69 to -29), and scan in reverse at the same rate and duration. Then repeat another forward-back pair, so we end up at POSTARG X=+51 Y=-115. We allocate 6 min for this scan, although there's only 2 min of actual scanning (4*29.3 sec). We then want to shift the whole thing by delta POSTARG in X = 10, i.e. begin at POSTARG X = -59 and repeat. Then we want to shift by another dX=10 (to begin at X = -49). And one more time (to begin at X = -39). It's not clear at this point how many of these we can fit in one HST orbit. 2 X scan, Y st (5) HD-207929-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep POINT UVIS-CENTER F606W POS TARG -115,65; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Same as previous scan except for the scan orient and the initial starting position's POS TARG. 43 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 5A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 44 Proposal 12713 - Visit 5A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 45 Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 5B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 5B, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 5A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (5) HD-207929-MIDPOINT RA: 21 31 11.5100 (322.7979583d) Dec: +86 52 12.00 (86.87000d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Sat Mar 24 01:05:16 GMT 2012 Fluxes V=9.268 F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL GB 322.78808 86.87200 21312+8652 2010 165 15 9.36 9.59 K0_K0_____ -0.23 120.28356 25.09590 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups 1 Y scan, X st (5) HD-207929-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -69,-115 ep POINT UVIS-CENTER ; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO 2 X scan, Y st (5) HD-207929-MID WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, F606W POS TARG -115,65; ep POINT UVIS-CENTER SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO 46 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] Orbit [1] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 5B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 47 Proposal 12713 - Visit 5B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 48 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 6A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 6A, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT 215D TO 215.1 D Comments: UVIS F606W Sat Mar 24 01:05:17 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! An expert will need to assist with gyro-controlled scans. I selected "Exp PCS mode = gyro" at the exposure level, but that is all. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (6) WDS-J10395+3142AB- RA: 10 39 27.4900 (159.8645417d) MIDPOINT Dec: +31 42 10.70 (31.70297d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. Fluxes V=9.4 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 159.86621 31.70500 10395+3142 2005 215 17.7 9.39 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture 1 Y scan, X st (6) WDS-J10395+31 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep 42AB-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER sptype dm GL GB 9.39 G0_G0_____ 0.00 195.85083 61.01018 Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit F606W POS TARG -69,-115 360 Secs X 4 ; [==>(Copy 1)] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 [==>(Copy 2)] ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; [==>(Copy 3)] EXP PCS MODE G [==>(Copy 4)] YRO Comments: In the nomenclature of Merle Reinhart's email of 9/29/2011, we want the number of lines N = 4 and the width of the scan W = 120 arcsec, and the scan length L = 220 arcsec. Note that by convention, we s pecify a "forward" scan (always, to maintain our sanity) and the first turn is to the right (clockwise). A Powerpoint slide set associated with this program is available upon request from investigators. Exposures This scan shall be forward, shift to the "right" by 40 arcsec, scan backward, shift to the "right" another 40 arcsec, scan forward, etc. We want the forward scan at 7.5"/s at angle=90 degrees (i.e. scan in Y), from POSTARG X=-69 and Y=-115 to Y=+105, so 220" of travel in the Y direction (or 29.3 seconds). Then we want to shift in X POSTARG by 40 arcsec (from -69 to -29), and scan in reverse at the same rate and duration. Then repeat another forward-back pair, so we end up at POSTARG X=+51 Y=-115. We allocate 6 min for this scan, although there's only 2 min of actual scanning (4*29.3 sec). We then want to shift the whole thing by delta POSTARG in X = 10, i.e. begin at POSTARG X = -59 and repeat. Then we want to shift by another dX=10 (to begin at X = -49). And one more time (to begin at X = -39). It's not clear at this point how many of these we can fit in one HST orbit. 2 X scan, Y st (6) WDS-J10395+31 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep 42AB-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER F606W POS TARG -115,65; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Same as previous scan except for the scan orient and the initial starting position's POS TARG. 49 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 6A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 50 Proposal 12713 - Visit 6A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 51 Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 6B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 6B, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 6A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (6) WDS-J10395+3142AB- RA: 10 39 27.4900 (159.8645417d) MIDPOINT Dec: +31 42 10.70 (31.70297d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F606W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 159.86621 31.70500 10395+3142 2005 215 17.7 9.39 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture 1 Y scan, X st (6) WDS-J10395+31 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep 42AB-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER 2 X scan, Y st (6) WDS-J10395+31 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, ep 42AB-MIDPOINT UVIS-CENTER Sat Mar 24 01:05:18 GMT 2012 Fluxes V=9.4 sptype dm GL GB 9.39 G0_G0_____ 0.00 195.85083 61.01018 Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups F606W POS TARG -69,-115 ; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO F606W POS TARG -115,65; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO 52 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] 360 Secs X 4 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] Orbit [1] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 6B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 53 Proposal 12713 - Visit 6B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 54 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 8A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 8A, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR Special Requirements: ORIENT 112D TO 112.1 D Comments: IR F125W Sat Mar 24 01:05:19 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! An expert will need to assist with gyro-controlled scans. I selected "Exp PCS mode = gyro" at the exposure level, but that is all. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (8) HD-134942-MIDPOINT RA: 15 10 49.2700 (227.7052917d) Dec: +46 50 56.90 (46.84914d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL 227.70150 46.85017 15108+4651 2004 112 20 9.92 9.98 K0_K0_____ -0.06 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. 1 Y scan, X st (8) HD-134942-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT Fluxes V=9.84 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS GB 78.12433 56.32802 Opt. Params. SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 25; NSAMP=10 Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -69,-115 [==>(Copy 1)] ; [==>(Copy 2)] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [==>(Copy 3)] [1] rd; [==>(Copy 4)] EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: In the nomenclature of Merle Reinhart's email of 9/29/2011, we want the number of lines N = 4 and the width of the scan W = 120 arcsec, and the scan length L = 220 arcsec. Note that by convention, we s pecify a "forward" scan (always, to maintain our sanity) and the first turn is to the right (clockwise). A Powerpoint slide set associated with this program is available upon request from investigators. Exposures This scan shall be forward, shift to the "right" by 40 arcsec, scan backward, shift to the "right" another 40 arcsec, scan forward, etc. We want the forward scan at 7.5"/s at angle=90 degrees (i.e. scan in Y), from POSTARG X=-69 and Y=-115 to Y=+105, so 220" of travel in the Y direction (or 29.3 seconds). Then we want to shift in X POSTARG by 40 arcsec (from -69 to -29), and scan in reverse at the same rate and duration. Then repeat another forward-back pair, so we end up at POSTARG X=+51 Y=-115. We allocate 6 min for this scan, although there's only 2 min of actual scanning (4*29.3 sec). We then want to shift the whole thing by delta POSTARG in X = 10, i.e. begin at POSTARG X = -59 and repeat. Then we want to shift by another dX=10 (to begin at X = -49). And one more time (to begin at X = -39). It's not clear at this point how many of these we can fit in one HST orbit. 2 X scan, Y st (8) HD-134942-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,65; 25; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 NSAMP=10 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Same as previous scan except for the scan orient and the initial starting position's POS TARG. 55 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 8A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 56 Proposal 12713 - Visit 8A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 57 Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 8B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 8B, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 8A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (8) HD-134942-MIDPOINT RA: 15 10 49.2700 (227.7052917d) Dec: +46 50 56.90 (46.84914d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL 227.70150 46.85017 15108+4651 2004 112 20 9.92 9.98 K0_K0_____ -0.06 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. 1 Y scan, X st (8) HD-134942-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT 2 X scan, Y st (8) HD-134942-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT GB 78.12433 56.32802 Opt. Params. SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 25; NSAMP=10 Sat Mar 24 01:05:19 GMT 2012 Fluxes V=9.84 Special Reqs. Groups POS TARG -69,-115 ; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,65; 25; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 NSAMP=10 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO 58 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] Orbit [1] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 8B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 59 Proposal 12713 - Visit 8B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 60 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 9A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 9A, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR Special Requirements: ORIENT 6D TO 6.1 D Comments: IR F125W Sat Mar 24 01:05:20 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! An expert will need to assist with gyro-controlled scans. I selected "Exp PCS mode = gyro" at the exposure level, but that is all. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (9) HD-206931-MIDPOINT RA: 21 45 59.2900 (326.4970417d) Dec: -26 42 36.90 (-26.71025d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL 326.49671 -26.71300 21460-2642 1998 6 20 10.03 10.09 G0_G0_____ -0.06 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. 1 Y scan, X st (9) HD-206931-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT Fluxes V=9.89 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS GB 22.50340 -48.90279 Opt. Params. SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 25; NSAMP=10 Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -69,-115 [==>(Copy 1)] ; [==>(Copy 2)] SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [==>(Copy 3)] [1] rd; [==>(Copy 4)] EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: In the nomenclature of Merle Reinhart's email of 9/29/2011, we want the number of lines N = 4 and the width of the scan W = 120 arcsec, and the scan length L = 220 arcsec. Note that by convention, we s pecify a "forward" scan (always, to maintain our sanity) and the first turn is to the right (clockwise). A Powerpoint slide set associated with this program is available upon request from investigators. Exposures This scan shall be forward, shift to the "right" by 40 arcsec, scan backward, shift to the "right" another 40 arcsec, scan forward, etc. We want the forward scan at 7.5"/s at angle=90 degrees (i.e. scan in Y), from POSTARG X=-69 and Y=-115 to Y=+105, so 220" of travel in the Y direction (or 29.3 seconds). Then we want to shift in X POSTARG by 40 arcsec (from -69 to -29), and scan in reverse at the same rate and duration. Then repeat another forward-back pair, so we end up at POSTARG X=+51 Y=-115. We allocate 6 min for this scan, although there's only 2 min of actual scanning (4*29.3 sec). We then want to shift the whole thing by delta POSTARG in X = 10, i.e. begin at POSTARG X = -59 and repeat. Then we want to shift by another dX=10 (to begin at X = -49). And one more time (to begin at X = -39). It's not clear at this point how many of these we can fit in one HST orbit. 2 X scan, Y st (9) HD-206931-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,65; 25; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 NSAMP=10 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Same as previous scan except for the scan orient and the initial starting position's POS TARG. 61 [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 9A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 62 Proposal 12713 - Visit 9A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 63 Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 9B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 9B, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 9A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (9) HD-206931-MIDPOINT RA: 21 45 59.2900 (326.4970417d) Dec: -26 42 36.90 (-26.71025d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA SEP m1 m2 sptype dm GL 326.49671 -26.71300 21460-2642 1998 6 20 10.03 10.09 G0_G0_____ -0.06 # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. 1 Y scan, X st (9) HD-206931-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT 2 X scan, Y st (9) HD-206931-MID WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep POINT GB 22.50340 -48.90279 Opt. Params. SAMP-SEQ=SPARS 25; NSAMP=10 Sat Mar 24 01:05:21 GMT 2012 Fluxes V=9.89 Special Reqs. Groups POS TARG -69,-115 ; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,65; 25; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 NSAMP=10 ,0.0 Degrees,Forwar d; EXP PCS MODE G YRO 64 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] [==>(Copy 1)] [==>(Copy 2)] [==>(Copy 3)] [==>(Copy 4)] Orbit [1] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 9B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 65 Proposal 12713 - Visit 9B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 66 Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 2A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 2A, implementation Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, S/C Special Requirements: ORIENT 213D TO 213.1 D Comments: IR F125W Sat Mar 24 01:05:21 GMT 2012 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit orient = position angle of double star + i*180 degrees, with i=0 or 1, which will place double star axis at ~45 degrees to the X-Y coordinates of the WFC3 detectors. The 45 degrees is advantageous because then we can scan in X or Y and have the same separation of the two stars' trails on the detector. For each double star, one of the two possibilities, i=0 or i=1, is much more schedulable (from the roll angle reports). We select only the more schedulable possibility in our orient requirements, in order to keep the definition of the scan directions consistent and correct, i.e. so we don't miss the detector! An expert will need to assist with gyro-controlled scans. I selected "Exp PCS mode = gyro" at the exposure level, but that is all. (Visit 2A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 2A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 2A) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (2) Name BD+13-2954PMIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections RA: 15 30 38.0600 (232.6585833d) Dec: +13 03 16.20 (13.05450d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA 232.65987 13.05642 15306+1303 2006 SEP m1 213 16.4 m2 sptype dm GL GB 10.16 10.25 G0_G0_____ -0.09 20.25974 50.27263 67 Fluxes V=10.2 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 12713 - Visit 2A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (2) BD+13-2954P-M S/C, POINTING, V1 IDPOINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -109.18 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 1 Secs 919489,-197.417442 t in Visit 2A [==>] 46; [1] GS ACQ SCENARI O BASE1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -60,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep IDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 3 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -55,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep IDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -50,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -45,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 68 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 2A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -40,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 7 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,61; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 8 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,56; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] ep IDPOINT 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,51; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 10 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,46; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 69 [2] Proposal 12713 - Visit 2A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 11 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,41; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2A NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 70 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 2A - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 71 Fixed Targets Diagnostics Visit Proposal 12713 - Visit 2B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Proposal 12713, Visit 2B, implementation Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: WFC3/IR, S/C Special Requirements: ORIENT -90D TO -90D FROM 2A Comments: Same as Visit A except the visit orient is -90 w.r.t. Visit A. (Visit 2B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 2B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN (Visit 2B) Warning (Orbit Planner): VISIBILITY OVERRUN # (2) Sat Mar 24 01:05:22 GMT 2012 Name BD+13-2954PMIDPOINT Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections RA: 15 30 38.0600 (232.6585833d) Dec: +13 03 16.20 (13.05450d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the SIMBAD database. F125W target RA DEC WDS YEAR PA 232.65987 13.05642 15306+1303 2006 SEP m1 213 16.4 m2 sptype dm GL GB 10.16 10.25 G0_G0_____ -0.09 20.25974 50.27263 72 Fluxes V=10.2 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 12713 - Visit 2B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder Exposures # 1 Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture (2) BD+13-2954P-M S/C, POINTING, V1 IDPOINT Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time/[Actual Dur.] Orbit POS TARG -109.18 Sequence 1-6 Non-In 1 Secs 919489,-197.417442 t in Visit 2B [==>] 46; [1] GS ACQ SCENARI O BASE1B3 Comments: The purpose of this exposure is to establish the pointing under FGS-control prior to executing the rest of the visit under GYRO-control. This effectively zeros out the 14-22" blind-pointing error of a GYROonly visit. The POS TARG on this exposure puts the spacecraft pointing at the starting scan ramp-up position of the following exposure. 2 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -60,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep IDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 3 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -55,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] ep IDPOINT 50; ; t in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa [1] rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 4 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -50,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 5 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -45,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 73 [1] Proposal 12713 - Visit 2B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 6 Y scan, X st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -40,-115 Sequence 1-6 Non-In [==>] 50; ; t in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 ,90.0 Degrees,Forwa rd; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [1] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in X by +5" from the previous exposure. 7 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,61; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 8 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,56; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] ep IDPOINT 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 9 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,51; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 [2] The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 10 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,46; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 74 [2] Proposal 12713 - Visit 2B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 11 X scan, Y st (2) BD+13-2954P-M WFC3/IR, MULTIACCUM, IR-FIX F125W ep IDPOINT SAMP-SEQ=SPARS POS TARG -115,41; Sequence 7-11 Non-I [==>] 50; SPATIAL SCAN 7.5 nt in Visit 2B NSAMP=8 ,0.1738 Degrees,For ward; EXP PCS MODE G YRO Comments: Add the following to the tdf define-exposure (immediately after the other scan parameters) to enable the boustrophedonic (serpentine) scan prior to running Trans: :Scan-Width 100 :Scan-Number-Lines 5 The POS TARG for this exposure is shifted in Y by -5" from the previous exposure. 75 [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 12713 - Visit 2B - Spatial Scanned L-flat Validation Pathfinder 76