Program Review Planning and Review Committee 1999-00 I.

Program Review
Planning and Review Committee 1999-00
General Education Category: Analytic Reasoning
Committee Chair: Eileen Zito
PRC Consultants: Howard Nelson, Rich Rothaupt and Dick Lowery
Purpose of Review: To assess the quality of the analytic reasoning component of the general
education portion of UW-Stout’s curriculum, as a part of the seven-year review cycle required of all
general education components and degree programs.
Committee Findings: The Planning and Review Committee recommends that the “program” of
courses designed to satisfy the analytic reasoning requirement continue through the next seven-year
The analytic reasoning component of general education meets the university general education
objectives, because it assists students to develop abilities to think creatively, analyze critically and
to synthesize knowledge. It also meets the analytic reasoning skills requirements to teach inductive,
deductive, quantitative and formula-based reasoning skills. It also has a good process for both the
initial placement of students into courses and to evaluate their progress in these courses. The
program of courses used to meet the analytic reasoning requirement includes courses in
mathematics, statistics, computer science and logic. While most students meet this requirement
through completion of courses in either mathematics or statistics, a number of students –
particularly in the Early Childhood Education program – take the Elementary Logics to complete
this requirement.
Process Followed for Current Review:
Under guidelines developed by the PRC, information regarding the analytic reasoning component
was gathered from Institutional Research, the program director, key instructors, program committee
members and graduates. The consultants met with the chair of analytic reasoning assessment
committee to discuss the process and the committee chair presented her report to the full PRC.
Previous Review:
This is the first review of the analytic reasoning component of general education.
Current Review:
Overall quality of instruction
Faculty availability
Course content
Course assessment
Source of Information
Student surveys
Student surveys
Student surveys, advising committee
Program director’s report
Issues of Concern
1. Classroom facilities
2. Class sizes
Committee report, instructor survey
Program director’s report, instructor survey
1. The committee chair should work with the dean to develop a plan to improve the facilities that
are used for these courses. There is a particular need for additional computers for the
classrooms. While this problem may have a permanent solution if the Mathematics and
Computer Science Department moves to the Science Wing – following its renovation – this
problem needs to be addressed now.
2. The committee chair should work with the dean to obtain additional allocation to further reduce
the class sizes, which still average 40 students in many course sections.
3. The committee chair should work with the appropriate staff to develop a formal assessment
process, in preparation for the next NCA visit.