Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Minutes April 6, 2006 Members present: Gabbei, Gabica, Illovsky, Lee, Mericle, Miller, Westerhold, Kennealy Members absent: Connelly, Meagher Ex-Officio present: Baily, Combites, Helmers Ex-Officio absent: Bracey Guests: Iacono-Harris, Pletsch, Zendt The Council met from 2:00 to 3:25 p.m. in the University Union Board Room. The Council reviewed a proposal from the Department of Social Work to revise its curriculum. The revisions were: 1. to require students to carry a 2.25 overall GPA for entry into the Social Work Program 2. to earn a minimum grade of C in every graded core Social Work course. 3. to require an overall GPA of 2.25 for graduation. 4. to require a GPA of 2.50 in the major for graduation. The Council supported revisions #2 and #4 and revised #1 to require a 2.00 overall GPA for entry into the Social Work Program. Proposed revision #3 was not supported by the Council. The Council will meet again at 2:00 p.m. on April 13, 2006 in the University Union Board Room. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Summary April 6, 2006 Petition Substitution/Waiver Requests: Approved 1 Denied 0 Late Withdrawal: Approved Denied Deferred - 5 1 1 New Freshmen: Approved Denied Deferred - 0 0 1 Late Add: Approved Denied - 1 0 New Start Appeals: Approved Denied - 0 1 Program Changes: Approved Denied - 1 0 Change of Grade: Approved Denied 1 0 - Respectfully submitted, Kenneth J. Mietus, Chair