GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 22, NO. 2, PAGES 105-108, JANUARY 15, 1995 The 1993 Klamath Falls, Oregon, earthquake sequence: Source mechanismsfrom regional data JochenBraunmiller, John Nfib•lek, and Beate Leitner Collegeof OceanicandAtmospheric Sciences, OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis AnthonyQamar Geophysics Program,Universityof Washington, Seattle Distribution Abstract. We use regionalbroadbandseismograms to obtain Aftershock seismicmoment-tensorsolutionsof the two September20, 1993, Becausethe nearestseismicstationswere approximately70 Mw=6, KlamathFalls, Oregonearthquakes, their foreshockand km fromtheearthquakes' epicenters, initiallocationswerebiased largestaftershocks (My>3.5). Severalsub-groups with internally 5-10 km to the northwest [Qarnar and Meagher, 1993]. consistentsolutionsindicate activity on severalfault segments Deploymentof portablestationsby the U.S. GeologicalSurvey andfaults.From the estimatedmoment-tensors anddepthsof the andOregonStateUniversity(OSU) andinstallation of permanent main shocks and from the aftershock distribution we deduce that stations(Figure2) in the epicentralregionconsiderably improved both main shocksoccurredon an east-dipping normalfault, pos- later locations and allowed "master event" relocations of earlier siblyrelatedto the Lake of the Woodsfault system.Rotationof events.Quality locationsfor eventswith M>0.5 are available T-axes between the two main shocks is consistent with the two from Oct., 1993, on. More preciselocationsfor the sequence's dominanttrendsof the aftershocksand mappedfaults.We pro- early stageswill be possiblewhendatafrom all portablestations posethata changein fault strikeactedastemporarybarriersepa- are analyzed. ratingtheruptureof themainshocks. EmpiricalGreen'sfunction Figure2a showsthe aftershockactivitybetweenOct. 6 and analysisshowsthat the first maineventhada longerrupturedu- Dec. 3, 1993 (primaryaftershockzone).Most activityoccursin ration(half-duration 1.7s)thanthesecond (1.2s).In December, the 4-12 km depthrange. Aftershockssouthof the first main vigorousshallowactivitycommenced nearKlamathLake'swest- shock(event2) alignin a northwest-trending patternwhileafterern shore,5-10 km eastof the primaryaftershockzone. It ap- shocksto the north show a north-southtrend. Activity outside pears a Mw=5.5 aftershockoccurringthe day before, though thesetwo segmentsis limited. Cross-sections throughvarious withintheprimaryaftershock zone,triggeredtheactivity. partsof the aftershockdistributiondo not reveala fault plane. The dispersedseismicitymay be a real phenomenon, but it is Introduction partiallytheresultof inadequate depthestimate precision. Installation of an additional station (HOG) in Jan., 1994, im- Two strong(Mw=6) earthquakes struckthe KlamathFalls reprovedlocationquality.Figure2b showstheaftershock activity gionof southern Oregonon September 20, 1993,at 8:28 pm and between Dec. 4, 1993, and Mar. 10, 1994. Aftershockscontinue 10:45pm local time (Figure1). The epicenters (Table 1, Figure 2) were located25 km northwestof KlamathFalls. Strongshak-122 ø -120' -126' -124' -118' ing producedground crackingand landslides,but no surface • ' faulting was found [Wiley et al., 1993]. A foreshock(Mw=4.2) precededthe first maineventby 12 minutes.The aftershock sei•'• SSW ß quenceis vigorouswith morethan3000 eventsrecordedduring the followingfive months. KlamathFalls is locatedat the northwestern-most edgeof the BasinandRangeprovince.The regionis morphologically dominatedby north-to northwest-trending normal-faultescarpments, • COR someof Holoceneage [Hawkinset al., 1989].Prior seismicityin the area has been, however, low. Only six earthquakeslarge 44' 44' enoughto be felt occurredin the KlamathFalls vicinity during the 50 yearsprecedingthe 1993-94 sequence [Shetrod,1993]. IDBO ß Installationof a sparseseismicnetworkof three-component digitalbroadbandstationsin California,OregonandWashington • KLAMATH FALLS (Figure1) hasmadepossiblesourcemechanism retrievalof mod42' vp(kin/s) 42' erateearthquakes (M>4) usingregional(A<1000kin) waveforms 4 6 8 YBH [Ndb•lek and Xia, 1994]. This paper presentsmoment-tensor analysesof thesedata for 21 of the KlamathFalls earthquakes. We alsoshowaftershockdistributionlocatedby the Washington WDC ß RegionalSeismicNetwork's(WRSN) localandregionalstations; MIN 40' 40' describeempiricalGreen'sfunctionestimates of sourcedurations ORV ß for the two main shocks;and concludewith a descriptionof the -120' -118' -124 ø space-timeevolutionof the entiresequence. •© LTY 46' 146' .,. . . o Copyright1995 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Papernumber94GL02844 Figure 1. Map of epicentralarea(star)andbroadband seismic stations(circlesandsquares)usedin thisstudy.Squares:OSU temporary arrayin Oregon.DBO (Univ.of Oregon)wasinstalled in thespringof 1994.Not shownarestations MHC, CMB, BKS, and STAN located further south. Inset shows the P-wave veloc- 0094-853 4/95/9 4GL-02 844 $03.00 ity/depthmodelusedin thisstudy. 105 106 BRAUNMILLER ET AL.: THE 1993 KLAMATH FALLS EARTHQUAKES Table 1. Epicentral and Source Parameters for Earthquakes Investigated in this Study. Ev. OT # date h:m Lat. Lon. S/D/R (øN) (øW) (ø) M0 M w DC C (km) (Nm) CD (%) # 1 930921 03:16 42.32 122.02 331/45/246 6 2.6 15 4.2 76 36 2 930921 03:28 42.32 122.03 331/47/255 9 1.1 18 6.0 96 39 3 930921 04:16 42.27 122.01 339/23/263 6 7.1 15 4.5 84 16 4 930921 04:34 42.30 122.03 320/50/243 6 3.6 15 4.3 88 18 5 930921 05:45 42.36 122.06 351/42/269 9 1.1 18 6.0 89 39 6 930921 06:14 42.39 122.05 355/52/259 5 2.1 16 4.9 83 21 7 930921 07:28 42.40 122.09 23/36/285 6 1.6 15 4.1 64 15 8 930923 06:21 42.30 122.04 353/46/266 6 7.4 15 4.5 46 36 9 930924 01:57 42.34 122.06 10/55/283 6 5.8 14 3.8 85 29 10 930924 16:53 42.37 121.94 330/38/256 3 1.2 15 4.0 93 28 shore,5-10 km east of the primary aftershockzone. It appears the largestaftershock(event13) occurringthe day beforethe onset of this activity, thoughwithin the primary aftershockzone, triggeredtheseevents. The aftershockdistributionshownin Figures2a and 2b, indicates activity on severalfault segmentsand faults during the KlamathFalls sequence. Regional-Waveform Inversion 11 930924 17:25 42.29 122.00 6 4.1 14 3.7 89 12 12 931130 03:30 42.28 121.99 304/56/247 6 2.5 14 3.6 84 12 13 931204 22:15 42.29 122.01 331/48/264 6-9 2.0 17 5.5 82 36 14 931204 23:50 42.23 121.96 7/26/25 6 1.2 15 4.0 97 15 We inverted seismogramsrecordedby regional broadband digital stations(BerkeleyDigital SeismicNetwork, WRSN, and IRIS/OSU stationCOR; Figure 1) to obtainthe seismicmomenttensor,sourcetime historyand centroiddepth.For the smaller shockswe alsouseddatafrom a temporarybroadband arrayoperatedby OSU in western-centralOregon(Figure 1). The inversionprocedureis describedin Ndb•lekandXia [ 1994]. We filtered completethree-component seismograms to a frequencybandwith goodsignal-to-noise ratio.For themainshocks and the largestaftershockwe usedfrequenciesbetween0.01 to 15 931225 12:33 42.28 121.95 9/43/301 6 1.3 15 4.1 85 30 0.05 Hz, for smaller events between 0.03 to 0.1 Hz. In these fre- 16 931231 18:08 42.29 121.94 8/25/290 3 1.8 15 4.1 79 24 17 940107 09:39 42.27 121.92 46/70/338 6 1.8 15 4.1 18 940108 02:55 42.25 121.92 55/62/338 3-9 6.1 14 3.8 97 30 19 940109 19:03 42.26 121.92 42/70/339 6-9 2.6 15 4.2 63 30 20 940119 22:27 42.29 121.95 346/34/269 6 1.7 15 4.1 55 24 21 940413 20:41 42.24 121.97 342/76/283 6 2.9 14 3.6 98 quencybandsthe simplecrustalmodel shownin Figure 1 providedan adequatematchto the data.A 0.29 Poisson'sratio was chosenby matchingwaveformsat distantstations.All seismogram amplitudeswere normalizedto 100 km epicentraldistance assumingcylindricalgeometricalspreading. Our analysisincludesall eventswith MD>3.5'exceptoneevent whosesignalwas contaminatedby codaof event 13. Epicenters andsourceparameters for these21 earthquakes arelistedin Table 1. Fault planesolutionsare shownin Figure3. Within the source time function'sresolution(-2 s), all investigatedeventshad simple rupturesexceptevent 11, whichhadtwo episodesof moment releaseseparatedby 10 s. The solutionsdo showdefinite variability, but they are consistentwithin differentsub-groups, indicatingactivity on variousfaults. As an examplewe showthe matchbetweenobserved(solid) and synthetic(dashed)seismogramsfor the secondmain shock (Figure4). We observelarge azimuthally-dependent amplitude variationstightly constraining the sourcemechanism.The ampli- 4/39/272 53 24 10 Ev.: eventnumber.OT: origin-time.S/D/R: Strike,Dip, Rake. CD: centroiddepth. Mo: seismicmoment,integer number is exponent.DC: double-couple part of momenttensor.C: number of seismograms usedfor inversion. to occurvigorouslyalong the two segmentsactiveearlier with activity extendingfurther southeastthan before.Deeperevents (blue) plot consistently eastof shalloweraftershocks (red) indicating an eastwardfault dip for both main shocks.The most striking differencebetweenFigures2b and 2a is the vigorous, mainly shallow(0-8 km) activitynearKlamathLake's western 42.4' 42.4' . VRC ' LAB X!\ HOG 42.2' -122.2' -122.0' -121.8' Figure2. Aftershocklocations. Deepereventsplottedontopof shallower ones.Topographic contours in 200 m stepsfrom 1000 to 2400 m (higherelevationsdarker).Faulttracesarefrom Walkerand MacLeod[ 1991]; LWFZ: Lake of the Woodsfault zone.KF: KlamathFalls.Blacksquares are short-period stationsof theWashington Regional Seismic Network installed in Oct., 1993; HOG installed in Jan., 1994. Stars mark locations of first (event2) and second(5) main shockand of largestaftershock(13). a) Oct. 6 - Dec. 3, 1993. b) Dec. 4, 1993 Mar. 10, 1994. BRAUNMILLERET AL.' THE 1993KLAMATHFALLSEARTHQUAKES Z 107 R T Time (s) Time (s) LON 42.4' I'•A MHC ___• _..•.%a__ 42.2' -122.2' -122.0' -121.8' Figure3. Locationsof eventsstudied(circles).Faultplanesolutions (lower-hemisphere projections)with size proportionalto Mw; numbersinsidecorrespond to eventnumbersin Table 1. Bold fault tracesof the LWFZ (marked A, B, C) are from highresolutionmapof Hawkinset al. [1989]. tudesof the observedseismograms arewell matchedand,except for nodal arrivals (transversecomponentat ORV and MIN), the waveformfit is alsogood. The sourceparametersof the investigatedearthquakesare generallywell resolved.Figure 5a showsthe varianceas a function of centroiddepthfor the threelargestevents(2, 5, and 13). The centroiddepthsof the two main shocksare well resolvedat 9 km, while the centroiddepthof the largestaftershockis between 6 to 9 km. The fault plane solutionof the secondmain shockis stableover a wide depth-range(Figure5a). Figure5b showsthe resolutionof the event'sstrike,dip andrake. Assumingan eastward dippingfault and a 9 km centroiddepth,we find strikeand rake are moretightly constrained thandip. Relativeto thebest-fit the bounds for a 5% increasein variance are +1 ø for strike, +2 ø for rake and +5 ø for dip. For the aftershocks,boundsfor a 5% varianceincreaseaverage+10øfor strike,rake,anddip. Empirical Green's Function Analysis For the two main shocks we obtained source time function es- timatesby simultaneous aleconvolution of three-component displacementseismograms.Aftershocks(events1, 6, 8, and 9) lo- Time (s) Max. amplitude: 842 gm Figure4. Observed(solid)andsynthetic(dashed)seismograms for the secondmain shock (event 5). Z, R, and T are vertical, radial, andtransversecomponents. lier aftershocks(Figure 2a) is consistentwith these rupture dimensions. Discussion and Conclusion The KlamathFalls earthquakesequence is markedby a complexrupturehistorywith severalfaultsandfault segments being activatedduringdifferentstages.Faultplanesolutions(Figure3) aredominatedby normalfaultingconsistent with theregion'sextensionaltectonics[Hawkins et al., 1989; Sherrod, 1993]. The aftershockpattern(Figure2) showsthreegeneralareasof activity: the northwest-trendingsouthwesternzone where the foreshock,the first main eventandthe largestaftershockare located; the northern zone trending northward where the secondmain cated close to and with similar mechanisms as the main shocks were chosenas empiricalGreen'sfunctions(EGF). The analysis was carriedout individuallyfor eachstation.In orderto decrease the sourcedurationestimatessensitivityto poorly resolvedtails of low moment release, we describe resultsin terms of half-dura- tions (tu2), the durationaroundthe peakof the sourcetime function duringwhich 50% of the seismicmomentwasreleased. Figure 6 showstheseresults.First main shockhalf-durations for stationstowardssouth-southwest (WDC andYBH) arelonger thantowardsnorth(COR) indicatingnorthwardrupturepropagation. No consistentrupturedirectivitywas foundfor the second main event; and the results dependedstrongly on the chosen EGF. The first event's averagetl/2 is 1.7 s, while the secondmain shockis shorter(averagetl/2 1.2 s). Assuminga circularcrack model[Madariaga, 1976] with equalruptureandhealingvelocitiesof 2.0 krn/s,we obtaina roughestimateof ruptureradius,average stressdrop and averagedisplacementof 3.4 km, 125 bar, and 85 cm for the first, and 2.4 km, 360 bar, and 105 cm for the second main shock. The aftershock distribution's extent for ear- m 0.3 1 , 1.1, 89 ß' ' • ' ' ß ß i 10 .... Depth(km) , 15 . Deviation(deg) Figure5. a) Variancevs. centroiddepth.For event5 estimates of thefaultplanesolution,seismicmoment(in 10•8Nm, firstnumber) anddouble-couplecomponentof momenttensor(in %, second number)are shownfor eachdepth.Circles: event2; triangles: 13. For plotting purposeswe added0.05 to variancesof events2 and 13. b) Variancevs. deviationfrombest-fittingdouble-couplemechanism for event5 for 9 km centroiddepth. 108 BRAUNMILLER ET AL.: THE 1993KLAMATH FALLS EARTHQUAKES EVENT 2 EVENT themainruptureepisodes. High-resolution mapof Hawkinset al. [ 1989] showsthattheLWFZ formsthreedistinctsegments (A, B, C; Figure3) in the epicentralregion.The relativelocationsand 5 WDC ,',x",v 192' '• -I v •'7• • mechanismsof the two main shocksand the largest aftershock - • ß 19s f• arebroadlyconsistent with thefollowingscenario:thefirstmain shock(event2) initiatednearthe step-overseparating segments C and B, propagatednorthwestward alongsegmentB (Figure3), and stoppednear the fault bendseparatingsegmentsB andA. A 1.5s . YBH 218' • 11A A . [ The secondmain shock(event5) occurredalongthe north-trend- • A --• COR 339' •...i....i....i....i....i....i....i i....i....i....i....i....i....i....i 0 • 2 3 4 5 6 70 • 2 3 SOC 4 5 6 7 SOC Figure6. Far-fieldsourcetime functions(normalized) fromsimultaneousdeconvolutionof three-component EGFs. First main shock(2): solid line, event 1 as EGF; dashedline, event 8 as EGF. Secondmain shock(5): solid line, event6 as EGF; dashed line, event 9 as EGF. Half-duration estimates' filled triangles correspond to solidlines,openinvertedtrianglesto dashedlines. Number beneath station code is station azimuth. shock is located; and the eastern zone near Klamath Lake, acti- ing segmentA. The largestaftershock (event13) appears to have occurredon segmentC. Initiationandterminationof earthquake rupturesat geometrical barriers(e.g.faultbendsandstep-overs) hasbeenobservedfor manyearthquakes [e.g.King andNdb•lek, 1985]. Scholz [1990] presentsa model of "subcriticalcrack growth"to explainre-initiationof temporarilyarrestedruptures acrossa barrierwhichcouldexplainthe delayednucleationof the secondmain shockandpossiblymostof the aftershocksequence. However,the shiftof activityto the easternfault zonefollowing the largestaftershock requiresa differentmechanism, probably involving stressrelaxation within a complex fault zone as responseto the main events. Interestingly, many recent continentalnormalfaultingearthquakes occurredas sequences of two or morelargeshockswith comparable magnitude(e.g.Dixie Valley-Fairview Peak/Nevada, 1954; Corinth/Greece,1981; Ethiopia, 1989), possiblyreflectingintrinsicsegmentation of normalfault systemsaspostulated by Jacksonand White[1989]. vated on Dec. 4, 1993, trendingnorthwestand dominatedby shallowactivity. The distributionof later aftershocks suggests thatthe two mainshocksoccurredon east-dipping faultplanes. The sequencestartedwith a foreshock(event 1) followed 12 min. later by the first main shock (2). The epicentersof both eventsareadjacent.Largeraftershocks (3, 4) aredisplaced to the Acknowledgements. Comments by J. Ritsemaandtwo anonymous reviewershelpedto clarifythe text. This research wassupported by the U.S. GeologicalSurveygrant1434-93-G-2326.Operationof broadband stationsin Oregonwassupported in part by grantsfrom the Oregon south-southeast.The secondmain shock (5) occurredtwo hours after and north of the first. In the following three days, after- References shocks(6-9, 11) occurredin the primaryaftershockzone.Event 10 is unusual;it falls in a regionnot very activethroughoutthe Dreger,D., J. Ritsema,andM. Pasyanos, Broadband analysisof the 21 September,1993, KlamathFallsEarthquakeSequence, submitted to Departmentof Geologyand Mineral Industriesand the NationalScience Foundation(EAR-9207181). Geophys.Res.Lett., 1994. entireearthquake sequence. Event12 andthelargestaftershock Hawkins,F.F., L.L. Foley,andR.C. LaForge,Seismotectonic studyfor (13) occurredsoutheast of the first main eventwithin the southFishLake andFourmileLake dams,RogueRiver project,Oregon, westernzone of activity. Events 14 and 21 are locatedat the Seismotectonic Report 89-3, 26 pp., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, southern tip of thiszone.All otherevents(15-20) arelocatedin Denver, Col., 1989. the easternaftershockzone.Here two distinctsub-groupsare ob- served:thenormalfaultingearthquakes (15-16,20) on thenorthern tip and the strike-slipevents(17-19) on the southeastern edge. The rotation of T-axes between the two main events and be- tween eventsin the northern(5-7, 9) and southwestern(1-4, 8, 11-13) fault zonesis well resolvedas waveformsat severalsta- Jackson,J.A., andN.J. White, Normalfaultingin the uppercontinental crust: observations from regionsof extension,J. Struct.Geol.., 11, 15-36, 1989. King, G.C.P., and J.L. Nfi!•lek, The role of bends in faults in the initiationandterminationof earthquake rupture,Science,228, 984987, 1985. Madariaga,R., Dynamicsof an expandingcircularfault, Bull. Seis.Soc. Am., 66, 639-666, 1976. tionslook distinctlydifferent.The aftershock distribution andthe Nfib•lek, J., and G. Xia, Moment-tensoranalysisusingregionaldata: mappedfaultsshowa changefrom north-northwest trendingto application to the25 March,1993,ScottsMills, Oregon,earthquake, northtrendingin the vicinityof the first mainshock'sepicenter Geophys.Res.Lett., in press,1994. consistentwith the T-axes rotation.Our waveform modellingresultsare consistent with thoseobtainedby Dreger et al. [1994]. Qamar, A., and K.L. Meagher,Preciselylocatingthe KlamathFalls, Oregon,earthquakes, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, 24, 129-139, 1993. A direct associationof the earthquakesto mappedfaults is Scholz,C.H., The Mechanicsof Earthquakes and Faulting,439 pp., difficult at this time. For the two main shocks the causative fault possibly wastheeastward-dipping Lakeof theWoodsfaultzone (LWFZ, Figures2 and 3) [Hawkinset al., 1989]. The LWFZ CambridgeUniversityPress,1990. Sherrod,D.R., Historicandprehistoric earthquakes nearKlamathFalls, Oregon,Earthquakesand Volcanoes,24, 106-120, 1993. Walker,G.W., andN.S. MacLeod,Geologicmapof Oregon,scale1: 500 reachesthe surfaceapproximately10-12 km west of the main 000, U.S. GeologicalSurvey,1991. shockepicenters andundergoes a changein trendconsistent with Wiley, T.J., D.R. Sherrod,D.K. Keefer,A. Qamar,et al., KlamathFalls the momenttensorresults.Surfaceprojectionsof 45ø eastward earthquakes, September 20, 1993- includingthestrongest quakeever measuredin Oregon,OregonGeology,55, 127-134, 1993. dippingfault planespassingthroughthemainshocks' hypocenters (10 km, WRSN) are close to the LWFZ's surface trace. JochenBraunmiller,JohnNfil•lek, and BeateLeitner,Collegeof However,no shallowseismicactivityhasbeenrecordedcloseto Oceanicand AtmosphericSciences,OregonStateUniversity,Ocean the trace. Shallow aftershocks are located several kilometers eastward, implyingaftershock activityis confinedto thehanging AdminBldg 104,Corvallis,OR 97331-5503.( AnthonyQamar,Geophysics Program,Universityof Washington, wall. Seattle,WA 98195.(tony@geophys. An interestingquestionis why the main ruptureoccurredas two M=6 earthquakes closein spaceand time insteadof one August27, 1994.) M=6.2 earthquake. We propose thatfaultsegmentation controlled (ReceivedJuly20, 1994;accepted