WRITING AND ORAL COMMUNICATION TASK FORCE Minutes of February 6, 2003 Present: Steve Bernhardt, John Courtright, Pam Beeman, Michael Chajes, Carol Vukelich, Jack Baroudi, Leila Lyons, Karen McCready, Erin Sicuranza, Julie Demgen Karen has a schedule conflict this semester but will find an alternate for the task force. Steve and John talked with Clyde Moneyhun about the impact on the Writing Center if a Communication Center is established. The WC would likely be moved from Arts & Science to become University-wide, possibly through Undergraduate Studies. Clyde is drafting a concept paper. It was noted that the faculty in the Center would have to have home departments. Eventually we might approach business and industry for sponsorship. John advocated the 4-credit course combining E110 and oral communication. Clyde and Robin Vagenas are asked to put together a curriculum and do an assessment, hopefully by next fall. The course could be generic, thematic or discipline-specific. The Center would advance pushing the course responsibility to academic departments by acting as catalyst, providing workshops, doing outreach, assigning grad students to work with departments. Michael suggested using the UniDel grant to try some of these things, for example a Writing Center Fellow. Steve sees advantages of the Center as development, outreach, and an existing facility. There would be no new faculty lines at first but possibly a full-time Center position. Staff would be half time WC, half-time teaching. Do we call them Professors? John suggested “thought leaders”. The English faculty’s reaction so far has been to protect graduate student positions. It would make sense to convert the current supplemental contracts to full-time, as Steve proposes. What is needed now: written agreement draft of a Pilot Project an A&S department to take ownership assessment Although B&E faculty are OK with content but feel inadequate to assess writing, they would be working with an experienced person. Michael said that his department has an efficient assessment model for the student writing portfolios they do in Winter Session. Jack’s concern, as always, is how to sell the idea to faculty – what’s in it for them? Regarding the proposed portfolios, Carol pointed out that most students don’t save their old papers. Erin suggested targeting departments that are going through accreditation. John reiterated that this will all entail a major culture change and that the Provost will want to see that what we do makes a difference. Pam reminded us that we will need approval from OVPR for Human Subjects. Steve said that Debby Andrews is interested in working on outreach. He is still interested in expanding the Writing Fellows, and Karen thinks that it would be beneficial to recruit them from other colleges, although that could bring up issues in compensation. Jack asked if the WF pool is big enough, and Karen replied that applicants are always turned away – some of them qualified, others not. Erin requested funding for a half-time person to work with Carol on electronic portfolios. The FIPSE proposal currently in the works would be $320,000 for 3 years and used for faculty development. Regarding delisting COMM 312 – it could be just one option instead of a requirement. John and Leila will meet with Marcia Watson-Whitmyre to discuss supply and demand.