FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 1 University of Missouri – Kansas City Proposed Uses of FY 2005 Beginning Operating Fund Balances November 11, 2004 TO: Jakob Waterborg, Chair of Faculty Senate FROM: Larry Gates, Vice Chancellor, Administration & Finance SUBJECT: Fund Balance Report As part of the University's move to decentralized budget management, each academic and administrative unit now retains its annual fund balance, either positive or negative, which is then carried forward into the next fiscal year. This change in budgetary practice has resulted in additional financial flexibility at the unit level and as a consequence more attention has been given to the sound fiscal management of these resources. Once the University begins implementing the Budgeting for Excellence model, prudent use of fund balances will heighten in importance as academic and administrative units try to optimize the use of their total resource base for operating purposes. In August of this year, each major operating unit was asked to prepare a report listing the planned uses for fund balances that would be carried forward into fiscal year 2005. This information was prepared by each academic and administrative unit and submitted to the Campus Budget Office. The Budget Office then prepared a preliminary consolidated report of the information received. The preliminary report was shared with the Chancellor's Cabinet for review, and the academic and administrative leadership was given the opportunity to make appropriate corrections to their unit information. That process has been completed, and the report has been finalized. I am pleased to forward to you a copy of the final report on proposed uses of fiscal year 2005 beginning fund balances. The information contained herein reflects the intended expenditures of these funds, as of the first of the fiscal year (i.e., July 1, 2004). Recent budget adjustments initiated to provide capital funds for strategic facility projects will, in all likelihood, alter the plans for most, if not all, units. Therefore, the information in this report should not be construed as the current planned use of beginning year fund balances. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained in this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances Table of Contents page Chancellor ........................................ 3 Chancellor Innovation Fund ............. 3 Administration and Finance ............. 4 Institutional Effectiveness ................ 6 University Advancement .................. 6 Research ......................................... 7 Student Affairs ................................. 8 Scholarships .................................... 9 Academic Affairs – Provost .............. 9 Center for the City ............................ 9 Cultural Events ................................ 10 Information Services ........................ 11 Institute for Human Development .... 12 Libraries ........................................... 12 College of Arts & Sciences .............. 13 Biological Sciences .......................... 13 Business and Public Administration . 14 Computing & Engineering ................ 14 Conservatory of Music ..................... 15 Dentistry ........................................... 15 Education ......................................... 16 Graduate Studies ............................. 16 Law .................................................. 16 Medicine .......................................... 17 Nursing ............................................ 18 Pharmacy ......................................... 18 2 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 3 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Chancellor's Office FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 161,165 $$ Amt. 5% Reserve $ 41,000 Extended Cabinet $ 10,000 Progress Report/Materials $ 15,000 Cabinet Retreat $ 5,000 Life Science Website $ 10,000 $ 80,165 $ 161,165 Special Projects Other One-Time Operating Expenses/Capital TOTAL - Proposed Uses DIVISION/SCHOOL: Chancellor's Innovation Fund FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Future Innovation Awards TOTAL - Proposed Uses 499,951 $$ Amt. $ 499,951 $ 499,951 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 4 DIVISION/SCHOOL: ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Diversity in Action - Beginning Balance 3,286,541 $$ Amt. $ 54,804 Purchase furniture, computers, and pay moving expenses for DIA office 12,500 Incentives 25 faculty participation in the Diversity Curriculum Infusion Institute 25,000 Administrative costs to conduct 35 Diversity Empowerment Workshops 17,304 Diversity in Action - Proposed Uses Affirmative Action - Beginning Balance $ 54,804 $ 7,981 3,500 Affirmative Action Plan 800 Unit Reports Training/Conference 2,080 Mock Audit 1,600 Affirmative Action - Proposed Uses Mediation Services - Proposed Uses $ 7,980 $ 5,811 Carry over Mediation Services - Proposed Uses Police - Beginning Balance 5,811 $ 5,811 $ 61,204 50,000 Replace two marked patrol vehicles with new vehicles Law Enforcement Accreditation Expenses Police - Proposed Uses Business Services - Beginning Balance 11,204 $ 61,204 $ 29,124 29,124 Vehicle replacement (Mail Services) and C.T.O. software upgrade Business Services - Proposed Uses $ 29,124 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances Facilities Management - Beginning Balance 5 $ (25,241) M&R Deficit will be covered by FY2005 Funds Custodial - Balance will be used to cover operational expenses in Fy2005 Facilities Management - Proposed Uses Human Resources- Beginning Balance (24,474) 767 $ (24,474) $ (21,873) (21,873) Currently working on business plan to address deficit Human Resources - Proposed Uses $ (21,873) Finance- Beginning Balance $ 614,856 Consulting resources for Cashier/Student Financial System implementation 75,000 PayRoos processing fees 25,000 Cashier/Loan Office space redesign and workspace modules 100,000 Budget Office space redesign and workspace modules 25,000 Student Customer Assessment Survey 10,000 Business Process Redesign 10,000 Senior Staff Professional Development Training 15,000 Bank Credit Card Fees 61,800 Travel Card Management Software/Implementation 75,000 Temporary Help - Enrollment Periods 10,000 Document Imaging/Scanning Equipment 50,000 Future Year E&E Reserve 158,056 Finance - Proposed Uses $ 614,856 Vice Chancellor - Administration and Finance - Balance $ 2,559,109 VC Administrative 20,605 VC Admin Desktop Replacement 109,667 VC Admin One-Time Reserve 1,093,773 Assistant VC Operations 15,064 Division Capital Equipment 500,000 Customer Service Training 45,000 Property Acquisition 750,000 Division Strategic Management 25,000 VC-Administration and Finance-Proposed Uses $ 2,559,109 Total Proposed Uses $ 3,286,541 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 6 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Institutional Effectiveness FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Reserve for Current and Future Year Operating and Program Needs TOTAL - Proposed Uses 8,112 $$ Amt. $ 8,112 $ 8,112 DIVISION/SCHOOL: VICE CHANCELLOR UNIV. ADVANCEMENT FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 1,426,115 $$ Amt. 5% Reserve of total FY04-05 GRA @ $3,207,499 $ 160,375 2 new fundraising people (S&W/Benefits) - $70K @ 3/yrs Supplement S&W/Benefits for new Life Science position in ACR @ 3/yrs-already committed $ 545,340 $ 140,571 Fill vacant position in ACR (former N. Benassi) S&W/Benefits - $45K @ 3/yrs $ 174,388 Staff compensation/parity @ 3/yrs. -- already committed $ 104,393 New copy machine $ 10,000 Capital Campaign Kick-off and other expenses, including printed materials $ 291,048 $ 1,426,115 **Additionally, supplement S&W/Benefits for Asst. Vice Chancellor Special Events position--already committed $181,780 TOTAL - Proposed Uses FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 7 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Research FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 ANNUAL SUPPORT OF UNDERFUNDED PROGRAMS 1,663,450 $$ Amt. $ 495,000 CBARS $ 120,000 Lab Animal Program $ 375,000 $ 300,000 Cage Racks $ 300,000 OPERATIONS $ 558,160 Start-up cost, matches for grants, and equipment requests $ 247,280 Dentistry Commitment $ 100,000 Chemistry Commitment $ 15,000 OTSP - UM System $ 29,000 Lab Animal Restricted Fund Equipment Upgrades $ 166,880 $ 310,290 Research Incentive Extended Program $ 211,719 National Office ATTC Grant $ 43,700 ATTC Curriculum Grant $ 13,026 Travel Grants $ 37,883 FRG $ 3,816 UKC Fellow $ 146 $ 407,700 Laminater Flow Hood/Remodeling HH Facilities/Rederiving Animal Strains $ 150,000 Business Officer $ 68,000 IRB Administrator $ 52,000 IRB Equipment/Software/Training $ 67,700 Consultant for Grant Writing (i.e. Architects -- $100-$250/hr.) $ 30,000 Website Updates/Publications/Reports $ 20,000 E&E (Vice Chancellor) $ 20,000 $ 1,663,450 HOSPITAL HILL ERADICATION DESIGNATED OPERATING FUNDS (Restricted Use) UNFUNDED OPERATING NEEDS** **Unfunded items not reflected in the total. TOTAL - Proposed Uses FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 8 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Student Affairs FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 VC-Student Affairs-Beginning Balance 2,134,470 $$ Amt. $ 332,321 Mandatory 5% Reserve Mandate 100,000 Physical Facility Renovations 556,138 Student Affairs awaiting transfer in to cover negative balance in Model Cam Living and Alumni Center (332,725) Reserve for Current and Future Year Operating and Program Needs VC-Student Affairs-Proposed Uses Student Affairs Departments-Beginning Balance $ $ 8,908 332,321 1,029,695 Career Services-(equipment, furniture, audit, staff training & development) FY05 &06 139,000 ISAO - International Recruitment 116,321 Registration - new student self-service center, training, new furniture & computers 38,450 Fin Aid - salary restructuring and office renovation 135,591 Minority Student Affairs - new position, expanded outreach programs, furniture 77,070 Counseling, Testing & Disability - new positions, furniture replacement, computers 158,530 Mandatory 5% Reserve Mandate 364,733 Student Affairs Departments-Proposed Uses $ 1,029,695 Student Activity Fees-Beginning Balance $ 297,418 Mandatory 5% Reserve Mandate 174,861 Student Programs 60,557 Allocation to Student Organizations 62,000 Student Activity Fees-Proposed Uses $ 297,418 University Communications-Beginning Balance $ 335,451 Mandatory 5% Reserve Mandate 81,776 Reserve for Current and Future Year Marketing Program Needs 253,675 University Communications-Proposed Uses $ 335,451 Scholarships - FFELP $ 139,585 Mandatory 5% Reserve Mandate 139,585 Scholarships - FFELP $ 139,585 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 2,134,470 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 9 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Scholarships FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 626,962 $$ Amt. Scholarships/Waivers $ Funds earmarked to renew UMKC scholarships for continuing students in 2005-06 626,962 626,962 Scholarships/Waivers $ 626,962 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 626,962 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Academic Affairs- Provost FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ 2,204,004 Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Provost Leverage Fund and Provost's Reserve Reserve for current and future operating needs TOTAL - Proposed Uses $$ Amt. $ 1,755,924 $ 448,080 $ 2,204,004 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Center for the City FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 156,812 $$ Amt. Reserve for Current Operating Needs Pending Urban Core Funding $ 45,000 Community Engagement Awards $ 8,000 FY2005 Faculty Incentives $ 75,000 Faculty joint appointments $ 31,000 Balance available for computer replacement/repair $ (2,188) TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 156,812 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 10 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Cultural Events FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 MRT INC Contract - Balance (89,333) $$ Amt. $ (50,025) (50,000) General Revenue Funds for Contract between UMKC and KC Rep Theatre (25) Transfer Unknown amount to K1461 MRT INC Contract - Proposed Uses $ (50,025) Cultural Events - Beginning Balance $ 65,377 25 Transfer Unknown amount to K1461 from K1464 5,352 Possible additional programming for the Department of Theatre 60,000 Amount retained for potential equipment purchases (possibly a new stage lift?) Cultural Events - Proposed Uses $ 65,377 Theatre Storage Rent - Beginning Balance $ (14,622) (14,622) Reconciliation with Dean Realty, owner of the storage facility Theatre Storage Rent - Proposed Uses $ (14,622) Theatre-Hallmark - Beginning Balance $ 31,169 31,169 Beginning Balance will be used to fund day-to-day operations for Cultural Events - Hallmark Theatre-Hallmark--Proposed Uses $ 31,169 Academic Theatre - Beginning Balance $ (121,232) (121,232) Negative Beginning Balance will need to be addressed in FY2005 Academic Theatre - Proposed Uses $ (121,232) TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ (89,333) FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 11 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Information Services FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ 2,786,212 Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Mission Enhancement Funds-Travel Expense & Registration for Faculty and/or Staff to attend Technology Conferences Workstation Program On-Campus - Support & Replacement of Faculty/Staff Desktops and Peripheral Equipment Workstation Program Off-Campus - A Specific Agreement Between IS and University Leadership Academy to Support their Technology Needs MoreNet Co-Location Agreement - A Specific Agreement between Networking and Telecomm and MoreNet; this is an ongoing balance that is used to cover, maintain, replace or repair a MoreNet switch in Newcomb Hall. Instructional Computing Fees (TIF) $$ Amt. $ 113,221 $ 159,803 $ 54,908 $ 87,103 $ 929,640 College of Arts & Sciences equipment & technology upgrades, security systems in student labs, etc. 500,000 Facilities costs for structural work in some of the A&S labs 150,000 Distance Ed Support and development (Blackboard & WebCT) training & Materials 158,000 Additional installs of ILE equipment in New Dorm - Oak Hall & MNLibrary 75,000 Replace outdated printers & scanners in Student Computer Labs 46,640 Computer OH-Network $ 912,860 Correction of transfer of $800,000 of funds out-dated HUBS to IS; corrected to Equipment Rerserve 800,000 Maintenance and Upgrade of Large Mainframe Printers and Scanners 112,860 Balance Available in IS Department DeptIDs $ 67,500 Week-long AMX training for ILE Programmers 5,000 Oracle Training and Programming for Central Systems Staff 7,500 Lenel Software and Server for Project for Police Department 25,000 Microsoft Certification Training and Updates for Support Services Staff 5,000 Purchase of Information Services Shirts, IDs and Lanyards for 80 staff 5,000 Office Supplies, Equipment, Cubicles, etc for the new Staff Members Remaining Projects from FY04 19,210 $ 405,500 SBC - Purchase of Catalyst 6500, Communication Modules, Firewall Software, Firewall Baldes, etc. 111,000 Fine Arts - Wiring closets, racks, CFM Ladder rack, switches, wiring, labor & material 150,000 Chemistry - CFM closet 50,000 Core Switch - Sup720 Network Upgrade 40,000 12,000 Administrative Center Fiber; Printing Project - Fiber Costs TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 2,786,212 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 12 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Institute for Human Development FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Research Incentive Funds - Carry Over from Prior Year TOTAL - Proposed Uses 78,112 $$ Amt. $ 78,112 $ 78,112 $ 233,676 DIVISION/SCHOOL: University Libraries FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: Proposed Uses In FY 2005 $$ Amt. $99,672 Student, Part-time, Temporary Wage Payroll/Benefits $85,148 Operating Costs Research Incentive Funds - carry over for travel/training and equipment needs $7,356 Reserve for current and future year operating needs -- capital cost (library vehicle) $15,000 Reserve for current and future year operating needs -- operating cost (network) $26,500 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 233,676 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 13 DIVISION/SCHOOL: College of Arts & Sciences FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ 2,778,240 Proposed Uses In FY 2005 $$ Amt. FRG/UMRB Grants - Carry Over from Prior Year $ 154,655 New Faculty Start-ups - Carry Over from Prior Year $ 889,129 Faculty Awards (Curators Prof/Disting Teaching) - Carry Over from Prior Year $ 37,066 Research Incentive Funds - Carry Over from Prior Year $ 834,904 One-Time Special Event Costs - Center for Creative Studies $ 261,640 *Carry Over of Student Funded accounts $ 207,972 Reserve for Current Year Space Renovation Needs $ 392,874 *Summer Debate Camp, Penn Valley CC fees for Applied Languages, WiredMind, University News, Study Abraod Programs, New Letters Writing Contest, Student Computer Lab Fees TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 2,778,240 School of Biological Sciences FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Carry over Research Incentive Funds Future Salaries & Benefits Committed grants for Individual PI's (UMRB, FRG, etc) Equipment purchases New Faculty Start-up Funds TOTAL - Proposed Uses 2,053,972 $$ Amt. $ 918,375 $ 338,000 $ 124,770 $ 343,514 $ 329,313 $ 2,053,972 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 14 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Bloch School of Business & Public Admin FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 98,106 $$ Amt. $ 98,106 $ (65,000) Balance available for Faculty Incentive Programs $ (3,106) Student Services recruiting needs $ (30,000) TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ - FY 2005 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE Faculty research Support (Projects/Travel) DIVISION/SCHOOL: SCHOOL OF COMPUTING & ENGINEERING FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Research Incentive Funds, New Faculty Startup Funds - Carry Over from Prior Year One-Time Special Program Costs (Internet-based Instruction) Intramural Grants (UMRB, FRG) - Carry Over from Prior Year Reserve for Current and Future Year Operating and Program Needs TOTAL - Proposed Uses 872,919 $$ Amt. $ 507,092 $ 237,983 $ 26,954 $ 100,890 $ 872,919 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 15 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Conservatory of Music FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 172,120 $$ Amt. $ 475,780 $ 100,000 $ 75,000 $ 85,000 $ 50,000 Carry Over of Various Prior Year Grant Matches $ 8,456 Materials/Booklets for On-Line Instruction Program Costs $ 2,675 Student Registration Fees for Board Certification $ 2,000 Reserve for Current and Future Year Operating and Program Needs $ 176,171 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 975,082 FY 2005 Salary/Benefit Budget needs for current Part-time Faculty/Staff positions Start-up Costs for new degree program - FY 2005 Reserve for FY 2006 start-up costs for new degree program Research Incentive Funds - Carry Over from Prior Year One-Time Special Event Costs (e.g., Ground Breaking; 1st Year BSM Gradation Program) DIVISION/SCHOOL: School of Dentistry FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ 1,045,842 Proposed Uses In FY 2005 $$ Amt. Operations Fund Research Incentive Accounts "owned" by various PI's Fixed Price Close-Out Accounts "owned" by various PI's Start-Up Funds "owned" by various new faculty granted as part of recruitment package TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 608,866 $ 291,429 $ 145,547 $ 1,045,842 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 16 DIVISION/SCHOOL: SCHOOL OF EDUCATION FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ 1,061,568 Proposed Uses In FY 2005 $$ Amt. $ 233,044 $ 108,831 $ 62,736 $ 248,930 $ 12,837 Reserve FY05 Sponsored Program Initiative to Close Old Grants $ 28,930 FY05 Funding Support Commitment to Berkley Childcare Center $ 20,000 Reserve for Current and Future Year Maint/Repair/Equip per Unit's Replacement Plan $ 77,230 Reserve for Current Year Operating and Program Needs $ 269,030 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 1,061,568 Carry Over Remodeling of IMC Space Project KC54771 Research Incentive Funds- Carry Over from Prior Year Carry Over of Various Prior Year Gift/Program Income Matches Reserve- 5% Required Carry Over of Various Prior Year Grants (FRG, UMRB, Diversity) DIVISION/SCHOOL: Graduate Studies FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 Fee Remission Increases Targeted Fellowships Recruiting TOTAL - Proposed Uses 788,168 $$ Amt. $ 20,000 $ 30,000 $ 20,000 $ 70,000 $ (416,151) DIVISION/SCHOOL: School of Law FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: Proposed Uses In FY 2005 No fund balance to carry over. TOTAL - Proposed Uses $$ Amt. $ (416,151) $ (416,151) FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 17 DIVISION/SCHOOL: School of Medicine FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 4,105,178 $$ Amt. Operating Fund Balance (0000) 654,975 Mandatory 5% Reserve Mandate 489,142 Residency Program-Special Contract 206,919 Purchase Teaching Time Contract Obligation 239,506 Women's Health Program-Dr. Derman 502,994 Research Incentive Student Computer Fee Balance 36,525 C-Shore-Dr. Spertus 48,903 Advanced Cardiac Life Support Class 40,354 Pulmonary Research-Dr. Salzman 2,958 Office of Educational Resource Sales 60,063 Research Grant-Dr.Huang Subtotal 2,239 $ 2,284,578 Future Obligations Fund (0000) Program Development: Humanities 100,000 International Affairs 151,600 Women's Health 380,000 Re-Key Medical School Old Security Office to Research Office 100,000 Student Offices 125,000 Red Quadrant to Clinical Research 64,000 Program Planning for Medical School Following Completion of Health Sciences Build 300,000 Translational Research 500,000 Subtotal $ 1,820,600 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 4,105,178 FY 2005 Proposed Uses of Operating Fund Beginning Fund Balances 18 DIVISION/SCHOOL: Nursing FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: $ Proposed Uses In FY 2005 1,165,239 $$ Amt. $ 190,157 $ 475,780 $ 75,000 $ 100,000 $ 85,000 $ 50,000 Carry Over of Various Prior Year Grant Matches $ 8,456 Neonatal Instruction Program Costs $ 2,675 Board Certification Registration $ 2,000 Purchase Data Base for Management of Clinical Contracts & Student Placement $ 25,000 Reserve for Current and Future Year Operating and Program Needs $ 151,171 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 1,165,239 $ 1,466,970 5.0% Ending Fund Balance Target FY 2005 Salary/Benefit Budget needs for Faculty/Staff Start-up Costs for New Positions Reserve for FY 2006 Start-Up Cost for New Positions Research Incentive Funds - Carry Over from Prior Year One-Time Special Event Costs (e.g., Ground Breaking; 1st Year BSN Gradation Program) DIVISION/SCHOOL: Pharmacy FY 2005 Beginning Fund Balance: Proposed Uses In FY 2005 $$ Amt. $ 268,125 $ 689,725 $ 24,265 $ 267,287 $ 95,793 $ 111,775 Commitment for Start Up of Columbia Program - travel expenses to Columbia $ 10,000 TOTAL - Proposed Uses $ 1,466,970 5% reserve Faculty Research Incentive Funds Internal Research Grants (UMRB and FRG) Commitment for Start Up Packages for Recently Hired Faculty Commitment for Start Up Packages for 6 New Faculty and 1 Division Chair Commitment for Future Rotational Sites for Experiential Program