Dean’s Evaluation Form

Dean’s Evaluation Form
Developed by the Administrative Issues Committee of the Faculty Senate
Approved by the Faculty S on December 7, 2004
On each of the following topics please rate the Dean's performance on the scale from excellent to
very poor, or indicate that you lack sufficient information to rate him. Then, if you have any
general or specific comments about any of these specific dimensions of the Dean's performance,
or his performance generally, please type your comments anonymously on one sheet of paper
and enclose it with the questionnaire. These comments are especially important as a way of
giving substance to the rather abstract scales.
1. How would you rate the Dean’s accessibility to the Faculty?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
2. How would you rate the Dean in developing and supporting good teaching
within the School?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
3. How would you rate the Dean in motivating and supporting faculty research
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
4. How would you rate the Dean's success at mentoring and developing new faculty?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
5. How would you rate the Dean in providing for faculty participation in decision
making and School governance in general?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
6. How would you rate the Dean’s fairness in allocating resources?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
7. How would you rate the Dean in discussion of matters of concern to the Faculty?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
8. How would you rate the Dean in allocation of space among the units of the School?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
9. How would you rate the Dean’s representation of the School to the University at
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
10. How would you rate the Dean’s representation of the School to the School's
external community?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
11. How would you rate the Dean’s success in obtaining resources (salaries, capital
equipment, new positions, etc.) from the higher administration?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
12. How would you rate the Dean’s vision for the School?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
13. What is your overall assessment of the Dean’s performance in the last five years?
1 (Excellent) 2 (Good) 3 (Acceptable) 4 (Poor) 5 (Very Poor) 6 (not able to judge)
14. Should the Dean be retained?
1 (Yes) 2 (No)