Rosemount Elementary School Newsletter December 2013

Independent School District 196
Rosemount Elementary School Newsletter
Getting To and From School Safely
Parking Lot – “Ins and Outs”:
With the arrival of our winter weather many more students are
dropped off at school by their parents in the morning. Please follow
the directions for student safety in our parking lot during the mornings and afternoons.
Drop-off and pick-up students in the upper lot. Please do not drive
through, or drop off students on the BUSES ONLY area between 9:00
-9:20, or before the buses leave at the end of the school day.
Please park your car in the parking lot if you elect to walk your child
to the door, or if you need to come into the office.
You can drop off students at our back door. You can enter this area
on 144th Street coming from Cameo Ave. Please do not make a Uturn on 144th Street. Students should be dropped off in the designated
area by the yellow poles.
Bus Stops:
Bus stop safety begins with you and your child. Please review the
following expectations with your child, and help monitor your neighborhood bus stop.
Be respectful with one another.
Students need to stay out of the street and off private property.
Students must avoid climbing snow hills, running, or playing catch
while at the bus stop.
Be prompt at the designated bus stops, but do not arrive more than 10
minutes before the designated stop time.
Be in a line approximately 10 feet back from the roadway. Maintain
this distance until the bus has stopped. Load in an orderly manner.
School safety patrol members with stop flags are stationed to assist
students in safely crossing streets. The patrols are available from
8:50-9:10 and 3:45-3:55 each day. Please instruct your child to use
the sidewalks and paths whenever possible.
A reminder for parents of walkers and car riders:
Students should arrive at Rosemount Elementary no earlier than 9:00
a.m. Students enter the building at 9:10 a.m. and unless it is below
zero or raining, students wait outside until the bell rings at 9:10 a.m.
Thank you for your support in insuring our students’ safety as they
travel to and from school.
District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with regard
to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX.
Rosemount Elementary School
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November was a busy
month with conferences
and dinners, Scholastic
book fairs, the Veterans
day program, Open
Gym for 4th/5th grade,
and music programs for
the 2nd and 4th graders. We have some very
talented students and volunteers! At our last
REPTO meeting, we had a presentation on bullying from Susan Piepgras, and Nancy Asmus
was elected as the new co treasurer.
THANK YOU to Sarah Rothstein for her term as
co treasurer of REPTO and for all of her involvement at RES!
We are excitedly waiting for the final results of
the Toys for Tots drive and are looking forward
to seeing the winning team on Kare11. Thanks
also to all who continue to clip and send in Box
As you know, the levy referendum passed by a
wide margin, ensuring our children will continue
to receive the best educational opportunities
possible. Through all of these efforts, our RES
students are learning how each and every person can make a difference. Thank you for participating.
REPTO is thankful this year for committed and
creative teachers, staff and administrators, our
great Irish Way students, and for all of our RES
families and volunteers. Rosemount Elementary
is a very special place because of you.
Finally, congrats to the Rosemount Irish Football team! Good luck in the championship game
at the dome! Happy Thanksgiving from your
REPTO officers!
Way to go RES students and
families! A er three collec on
weeks, just over 40,000 Box
Tops have been collected for
Rosemount Elementary! In November, Mr. Gonsioroski’s fourth grade class collected the most Box Tops
for the second me with 1,867, closely followed by
Mrs. Taylor’s fi h graders with 1,850 and Mrs. Slingerland’s first graders with 794. Fourth grade is leading
the way, turning in 10,101 Box Tops already this year,
followed by second grade with 7,777. All results are
posted by the Box Tops Train in the media hallway.
Thank you and please keep clipping! The next collecon week is December 9-13.
Remember to shop online and help our school as you
make your holiday purchases! Did you know that you
can earn Box Tops online by ordering from your favorite sites? For every $10 you spend at a par cipa ng
retailer, our school will earn between one and twenty
eBox Tops.
Here's how:
1) Go to the Box Tops website, www.b In the
upper right-hand corner click on "sign up" if you are a
new user or 'Login' if you already have an account.
2) Once you are logged in, click on the brown 'EARN
ONLINE'. This will take you to a page with hundreds of
your favorite retailers. Choose where you want to
shop and it will take you to that website. Most of the
me coupons/discounts s ll work. Be sure to watch
for the box that pops up as it redirects you from the
Box Tops page to the retailer's.
3) SHOP!!!!! 4) Watch for an email from Box Tops confirming your earnings. You can print this out and send
it in to be included in your child's class total!
Remember to always start at www.b when
shopping online!
Becky, Amy, Chuck, Jackie, Nancy and Annie
Use of e-mail at Rosemount Elementary School:
We value effective communication at our school. The use of e-mail has increased over the last few years. Most of our staff members do not
have their e-mail accounts open during the school day while they are working with students. As stated in our handbook: The staff at RES
have an agreement to reply to e-mails within two school days. If your need to communicate with a staff member is urgent, please call the
school office (651-423-7690) and we will relay your message to the appropriate person.
Rosemount Elementary School
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If you have an old digital camera that you
no longer use, please consider donating it
to Rosemount Elementary! We are looking
for cameras the students could use to document observations in science, take photos
for group projects, record video if possible,
and more!
Stephanie Ringaman
5th Grade Teacher
Toys For Tots…
chugging along strong!
We are so proud of our
RES families- thank you for
bene=itfromyourdonastepping up to help us
make our first
After School Classes
Start Monday, December 2nd,
January 27th, 2014,
3:50-4:50 pm.
Please pick up children promptly at 4:50 pm.
Thank you.
Toys For Tots toy drive a HUGE success!
The contest concludes on December 2nd
and the winning team will be announced on
December 3rd. It is going to be a very quick
turnaround for permission slips and getting
logistics in place, so we ask for your expedited cooperation in advance. Students from
the winning team will be provided a pizza
party with a guest Marine immediately following the close of school on December 6th and
will then board the bus sponsored by REPTO
to go to Kare11. Please remember the toy
drive when you're hitting up the great deals
on Black Friday!
Rosemount Elementary School
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Art News
As Trimester One
winds down, I would
like to congratulate
all our RES students
on a very successful
All School Art Show. Thanks to all the students
who participated! Many positive comments came
in from parents, staff, and the students themselves.
These students’ realistic Pencil Animal Projects
were selected to hang in Mr. Idstrom’s Office
Art Gallery! Broten Sabo, Grantham Green, Patrick Grunklee, Alexis Buresh, Jenna Johnson,
Natasha Lapshina, Lana Kestner, and Sydney
Sheppard – great work, guys and gals!
The District Office Art Show is also underway,
and will be open to the public from November to
May. Artwork of these fine artists were selected
to go on display in the hallways of District 196
main offices, located at 3455 153rd Street West in
Rosemount: Fifth graders Maggie Soileau, Jake
Zimmer, Ariel Thigpen, Nicholas Roopram, and
Regan Morris; plus Fourth graders Milo Glaser,
Ava Webster, Mark Shvetsov, Tyler Honeycutt,
Cierra Phillips, and Tony Byersdorfer. Congratulations, everyone!
In the classroom, we are completing Landscapes
in every grade; each using a different Art Media.
These drawings and paintings will soon be on
display as well.
Our next project series will be Clay Sculptures:
each class will be working along different lines.
Please Note: Students in Fourth grade will be
asked to save a small clean milk carton from
lunch for their work. Projects will air dry, be fired
in the kiln, and painted before going on display.
IN 2014!
Tom the Turkey
Hattie Chappuis and Abby Brand
Ms. Hunt’s First Grade Class
On November 13th, Farmer Nelson brought
Tom the Turkey to visit First Grade. Tom was
very big! He had one black feather in the
middle of his back and he had a black
beard too. He came in a cage. Tom’s caruncle changed colors for us. He likes to eat
corn and soybeans. When Tom puffed out
his feathers, he looked like a football player.
It was the best day ever!
Students have excelled in learning drawing skills,
shading techniques, and visual methods for
showing depth and perspective in their work. Ask
your student if they can explain the definition of
the horizon. Even our younger artists are mastering art vocabulary and solid skills. I am very
thankful to be teaching your students! They are
great folks and every day I enjoy it even more!
Rosemount Elementary School
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Calling all photographers!
Share your candid images...let's include
every super cute RES face in this years'
book. To do so we need your help. Don't
forget to take your camera when attending school events or field trips. We don't
want to miss any of the awesome things
going on at RES!
REPTO is hos ng a Family Cra Night on
December 13th from 6-8pm. This event is
for all grades, but students will need to
sign up so enough materials are available.
Cost is $5.00 per family. Please join us to
make a special cra for someone you care
about! Watch your Friday folders for
more informa on!
To submit photos to the yearbook team go
to and register
with the access code JXGJHZ. Once registered you will receive an email from LifeSock Hop
touch with an activation link. You must
click on the activation link before you can Danny and the Juniors sing it best…
log into the Lifetouch Community Image
Let's go to the hop, (oh baby)
Upload site.
TIPS: Upload 5 images at a time, 10MB or
smaller. Enter a description for each image so the yearbook team can easily identify what is happening. Please refrain
from submitting images that are blurry.
With your help, we will
make the yearbook
Tuesday, December 10th
At 7:00 PM.
Students report to the
cafeteria at 6:30 PM for
warm up and tuning.
Rosemount Elementary School
Let's go to the hop...
Come on, let's go to the hop...
Well, you can swing it, you can
groove it...
You can really start to move it, at the
Where the jockey is the smoothest
And the music is the coolest, at the
All the cats and chicks can get their
kicks, at the hop...
Let's go!
Mark January 10th
on your calendar
for a fun night of
dancing to the
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