Office of Residence Life Resident Assistant (RA) Employment Agreement _________________________ _________________________ _______________________ Name Student ID number Building ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. Terms of Employment 1. The Resident Assistant Employment period is for the 2015-2016 academic year. This appointment period is from Sunday, August 16, 2015 through Monday, May 9, 2016. 2. Participate in staff training: the purpose of which is to facilitate continued learning of Residence Life personnel. A. Spring In-Services: All Resident Assistants are required to participate in periodic staff meetings during the spring semester of the year in which they were hired. B. Fall Orientation: All Resident Assistants are expected to report to campus by August 16, 2015 for the beginning of the Orientation session. Only extenuating circumstances, acknowledged in advance by the Office of Residence Life, will be considered justifiable for missing Orientation. An example of something that may be excused are other school-related activities scheduled during the Orientation period (i.e. band, sports, etc.) in which you are aware of and inform the Office of Residence Life prior to the end of the current spring semester. C. Winter Training: All Resident Assistants are required to participate in training prior to the start of spring semester. This training takes place the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday prior to the beginning of spring semester. D. Monthly In-Services: During the academic year in-services will be held one Sunday each month from 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. These in-services are an opportunity for the staff to learn about new topics, procedures, and to develop as a group. Attendance is required of all staff members. Only extenuating circumstances, acknowledged in advance by your Resident Director and confirmed by the Office of Residence Life will be considered justifiable for missing an inservice. 3. Assist with opening and closing of Residential Facilities: All Resident Assistants are required to be on the job until facilities officially close for vacation periods, and are required to return the morning that facilities reopen after vacation periods. The spirit of this term of employment is to ensure adequate coverage of each hall before and after each vacation period. 4. Assist with resident checkout: This is a necessary procedure for the Office of Residence Life and our students. Resident Assistants must follow checkout procedures as outlined in the staff manual. 5. Weekend Commitments: The Resident Assistant position is a demanding/time intensive position, and the Office of Residence Life realizes the importance of taking time away every now and then. Resident Assistants should be on-campus three out of four weekends each month, including those weekends with major University events scheduled. Any weekend request, made several days in advance, will be approved at the discretion of the Resident Director. 6. Academic Performance: Resident Assistants must stay in good academic standing at all times (overall accumulative G.P.A. of 2.25). Any significant drop in academic performance could warrant review of the Resident Assistant’s continuance in the position. 7. Academic Standing: Resident Assistants must be full-time (12 hours) students. Resident Assistants must confer with the Office of Residence Life before falling below the required number of hours. 8. Programming: Develop, implement, and evaluate at least one passive and two active programs per month in accordance with the A.C.H.I.E.V.E.M.E.N.T. programming model. Additionally, Resident Assistants are to implement the six-week academic challenge in their community the first six-weeks of fall semester. Finally, Resident Assistants need to participate in all-campus programming with their staff, in accordance with guidelines established by their Resident Director and the Office of Residence Life. All RAs must attend every all-hall event sponsored by Residence Life. 9. Community Walks: Perform community walks as assigned by your Resident Director on a rotating basis within the hall staff, and attend weekly staff meetings as designated by the Resident Director. Page 1 of 2 ONU RA Employment Agreement 10. Legal Liability: As an employee of the University, a Resident Assistant will be covered for liability by the University when performing the duties of the position. 11. Performance Evaluation: Resident Assistants will be evaluated in writing at least once per year. 12. Office Hours: RAs must post 10 office hours for which they will be available and in the facility for their residents. Additionally, RAs will follow up on discipline issues and outstanding Community Service as delegated by the Resident Director and will follow up on all work orders in the hall/apartment. RAs are also required to work 1 hour per month in the Office of Residence Life at the front desk. 13. Role-Modeling/Behavior: As employees of the University, Resident Assistants are expected to conduct themselves as role models for their residents, by personally upholding residential and University policies. Failure to follow University policies (i.e. Student Code of Conduct) and/or Residence Life staff expectations may result in termination from the position. 14. External Employment: A Resident Assistant may not be employed in any other position, on or off campus, without the written permission of both the Resident Director and the Office of Residence Life. Approved additional work commitments are limited to 10 hours per week. Outside work and activities must be acceptable to the extent that they do not interfere with the expectations and responsibilities of the Resident Assistant position. The only exceptions to this are externships, internships, clinical rotations, and student teaching as part of the academic program. 15. Collaboration: As a member of the Office of Residence Life staff, the Resident Assistant is expected to be supportive and respectful of his/her colleagues, faculty, staff and the University, at all times. 16. Other Duties as Assigned: It is impossible to anticipate all future needs and problems that may occur, therefore, there may be duties and responsibilities that will be asked of the Resident Assistants during the course of the year, which are not specifically outlined herein. Resident Directors have their own styles of leadership and each individual’s expectations of their staff will differ from others. Consistency will be maintained as realistically as possible. 17. Meal Plan: All Resident Assistants must be on a meal plan. 18. A salary equal to the cost of housing per year will be provided for the services performed. The compensation will be divided into two semester payments and applied to the Resident Assistant’s room charges. It is expressly agreed and understood that if a Resident Assistant resigns or is terminated from the position prior to the end of the semester; the Resident Assistant is responsible for reimbursement for compensation to the University for the remainder of the semester. I, (print) hereby accept the duties and responsibilities of Resident Assistant at Ohio Northern University. I agree to fulfill my academic commitments and to serve out the terms set forth in this document. I understand that, as a Resident Assistant, my performance will be evaluated and assessed periodically/annually. In the event that my performance is determined to be unsatisfactory, I may be terminated from the position regardless of the time of the academic semester and forfeit all compensation from that date. At all times, I will endeavor to implement the objectives and purposes of Residence Life and Ohio Northern University. ______________ Date Signature of Resident Assistant (RA) Resident Director (RD) Director of Residence Life Justin Courtney Page 2 of 2 ONU RA Employment Agreement