Eastview High School En-Lightning CONNECTIONS “coming together is a beginning...keeping together is progress...working together is success!” January 1998 Volume One Number Three Registration Process Begins at Eastview High School The registration process at EVHS offers students, with the assistance of their parents, an opportunity to plan their educational path for the 1998-99 school year. The registration process begins in January and during the month, parents and students learn about EVHS curricular opportunities, discuss options and, finally, make decisions about the courses they will reserve for the entire 1998-99 school year. Because these decisions will impact course offerings and staffing decisions, adjustments will not be made to student registration course selections after February 20th, unless they occur during the Registration Review Period prior to each semester and are supported by the school course change guidelines. The following timeline will help you plan your registration decisions. Registration Open House for Parents 1998-99 REGISTRATION TIMELINE January 7 Thursday, January 8, 1998 5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Students in grades 9-11 receive registration materials. January 7-February 20 Counselors meet individually with parents/ students by appointment to review registration options. January 8 Registration Open House, EVHS 5:00- 9:00 p.m. January 12 Registration meetings for parents of 8th graders, 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. at EVHS in the Performing Arts Center. January 13 Students in grade 8 at SHMS and St Joseph’s school receive registration materials. “Helping parents help students make good decisions about course selections and post-high school planning.” The Registration Open House will offer an opportunity for parents (students are also welcome) to better understand the registration process and how they may assist their student(s) in making quality decisions about course selection and post-high school planning. The evening will include information regarding : ● January 20 Students in grade 8 at BHMS and FRMS receive registration materials. ● ● January 21 Students in grades 9-11 return completed registration materials. January 20-February 4 Students in grade 8 return registration materials (dates vary by middle school). February 20 Final date to make adjustments to student registration for 1998-99. Students from DHMS, RMS and VMS who are scheduled or choose to enroll at Eastview High School will be contacted on an individual basis to discuss registration at EVHS. ● ● ● ● Academic advisement on course selection, including appropriate courses and level placement Advanced Placement/Honors courses NCAA Clearinghouse Information Post-Secondary Planning Required curricular course offerings Elective curricular course offerings Co-curricular opportunities at EVHS This evening will also include informal teacher contact time to allow parents to visit with teachers in their classrooms on an informal basis. This period of time may not allow for extensive discussion of individual students. Parents who wish to have such a conference at a later date and time will have the opportunity to schedule one. 1 Graduation Rule Update For the past seven years, educators, politicians, concerned parents, business and community leaders have worked to define what students should know and be able to do before they graduate from a Minnesota high school. The Minnesota Graduation Rule is the result, taking its current shape after myriad meetings, hearings, debates and discussions. The Graduation Rule consists of four major components: the Comprehensive Goals, the Basic Standards, the High Standards (also called the Profile of Learning) and the Standards of Distinction. The Comprehensive Goals are the five complex goals that describe the well-educated graduate: purposeful thinker, self-directed learner, effective communicator, productive group participant and responsible citizen. The Comprehensive Goals are part of the philosophical underpinnings of the Graduation Rule and are reflected in the Task Management Skills which teachers may use as part of their instruction and assessment of student work. The Task Management Skills are intended to model and describe the qualities of a student as s/he approaches a task, including such things as perseverance, the ability to work collaboratively and responsible citizenship. The Basic Standards, as described in the fall issue of Connections, are basic skills tests in reading, writing and mathematics. These tests are the safety net to ensure that no student leaves high school without mastering skills so vital for life-long learning and career success. The High Standards, also addressed in the fall Connections, define what students should know and be able to do to demonstrate a high level of achievement in specified areas of learning. The Profile identifies ten broad areas of learning along with important subcategories, or standards, under each heading. To earn a diploma, a student must complete work in at least twenty-four standards. To earn credit for a high standard students must complete a series of related assignments called an assessment package. While the Basic Standards have been in place for three years, the High Standards will be implemented with students entering 9th grade in the fall of 1998 (current 8th graders). The high school registration guide for 1998-99 (distributed to students in January and available in the guidance office) outlines the placement of standards in 9th grade courses for next year, and the proposed placement of standards in courses offered to 10th, 11th and 12th graders. Questions regarding the implementation of the Graduation Rule at Eastview High School can be directed to Dan Bishop, Kathleen Kohler, Randall Peterson or Patty Strandquist. Additional information is available from the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning, 733 Capital Square Building, 550 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55101. This information is also available on the Internet (http://children.state.mn.us), and may be requested by phone (282-5438), by Fax (282-6779) or by TTY (297-2094). Search Institute results at town meetings The Dakota Partnership for Healthy Communities will report on the Search Institute survey findings at Apple Valley, Rosemount and Eagan town meetings. Eastview High School parents are encouraged to attend any of the three town meetings to learn more about how the secondary students in your community compare to hundreds of thousands of students across the nation on the 40 Developmental Assets as outlined by the Search Institute. The following town meetings will take place: 2 Basic Standards Testing Scheduled for February The Minnesota Graduation Standards Basic Standards Tests in reading and math will be given to Eastview High School students in grades 9, 10 and 11 who have not previously passed one or both of these tests. The reading test will be given on Tuesday, February 3, 1998 and the math test Thursday, February 5. All Minnesota public school students, beginning with the class of 2000 must pass these basic standards tests in addition to satisfying the district graduation requirements to be eligible to receive a high school diploma. The basic standards serve as a safety net to help ensure that no student graduates without basic life-work survival skills. Students who will be taking these tests will be notified by mail by December 19th and special tutoring sessions to help prepare for the tests will be available in January. Technology Connects EVHS Technology continues to play an important role in both the instruction and support of instruction at EVHS. Each Thursday morning, students tune in eagerly to The Flash, a ten minute, student-produced television program, highlighting student athletes, school activities and feature stories covering a wide variety of high interest topics. Computers link the school in a variety of ways: each academic cluster houses fifteen networked computers, and from these computers, students can access their computer “lockers”, a network storage area; the Media Center data bases and resources; as well as the Internet for academic research. In order to access the Internet, students must have submitted a parent permission form to the Media Center and received a sticker on their student ID cards. Check with your student(s) to make sure they have completed this process for easy access to on-line research. Report cards for quarter one were generated within the building at Eastview this fall. This addition of technology on-site will allow for quicker reporting of grades to parents and accurate updates of student progress and transcripts. Several teachers within the building are now recording their attendance on-line which also allows for more accurate reporting of absences and ease of record keeping for both instructors and the attendance office. Look for more innovations in technology as we continue to develop its use and integration in the curriculum to prepare students for the twenty-first century. Monday, February 9 Apple Valley Town Meeting Shepherd of the Valley Church 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 19 Rosemount Town Meeting Rosemount Community Center 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Eagan Town Meeting is still to be determined Call Cathy Mackiewicz, Dakota Partnership for Healthy Communities at 552-3112 for further information. From the Nurse’s Office Deanna Mason, RN LSN Beginning with the 1998-99 school year all students in grades 10-12 will need to show proper documentation of a Tetanus - Diphtheria booster (TD booster) before the first day of school or they will be asked to leave until this requirement is fulfilled. This booster must have been given after the age of 11 years. Proper documentation includes a note from a physician, public health clinic, or from a parent or guardian but documentation of the immunization must include the day, month and year of immunization. Please review your child’s health records to see if a TD booster is needed. If you are a conscientious objector, please contact me for proper forms that must be signed and notarized. Eastview will be offering TD immunization in the spring for the cost of $5.00; watch for further details. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 431-8923. 8th Grade Parent Meetings To assist 8th grade parents with the registration process, we have scheduled the following opportunities: Monday, January 12th 6:30-7:45 p.m. for eighth grade parents whose last name begins will the letters A - L. Monday, January 12th 8:00-9:15 p.m. for eighth grade parents whose last name begins will the letters M - Z. Location: EVHS Performing Arts Center Parents who attend these meetings will have the opportunity to learn more about the Eastview High School registration process, course offerings, four-year course planning, and to ask any questions they might have. Perspectives from the Principal It is our philosophy at Eastview High School to offer a balance of learning opportunities for our students in meeting the wide variety of student needs and to be responsive to the goal of educating the “total child.” By balance, we are referring to: 1. 2. 3. our core of required curricular offerings; our elective curricular offerings which serve to provide enrichment and acceleration opportunities; and our cocurricular offerings. The registration process for the 1998-99 school year begins in January. This means that students, with assistance of their parents, will be involved with the process of choosing classes for the next year at Eastview High School. These choices will, of course, involve selections from both our core or required offerings and our elective curricular offerings. This is also a good time for students to explore the many cocurricular offerings available to them at Eastview High School. On the dates specified in the 1998-99 Student Registration Timeline, students will receive a registration guidebook and related materials that describe all of the courses that will be offered next year to students at EVHS. Students will select those courses they wish to take for next year; parents are asked to take part in this decision-making process and signify their approval of the registration by signing a registration form, and registration materials will be collected on the specified dates. Counselors will be available to meet individually with students and parents from January 7th to February 20th by appointment, to answer questions students or parents have regarding registration. As of February 20th, we will consider all registrations final, as we use this information to hire teachers, determine course sectioning, assign teaching loads, and make many other decisions that help our school be one of the very best for young people. Therefore, once these decisions are made, it will be very difficult to change course selections. Obviously, the course selections about to be made will be very important. In many instances, they will have a significant influence on the future academic welfare of the student, so we strongly encourage parents to become involved with these selections. Make sure you review the Registration Guide with your student; discuss options together as you focus on the student’s interests and goals; and develop your registration plan carefully. If a question arises, please call the appropriate EVHS guidance counselor at 431-8914. The academic welfare of the student will always be a high priority at Eastview High School. We look forward to our continuing partnership with the parents of our students as we work together to provide an outstanding high school experience. 3 JUNIOR N EWSLETTER E G D ASTVIEW UIDANCE EPARTMENT WINTER 1998 Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarship The Discover Card Tribute Scholarship program honors outstanding high school juniors by making available $16,500 for nine scholarships in each state and $135,000 for nine national scholarships—for a total of almost $1 million each year. To qualify juniors must have a cumulative 2.75 GPA in 9th and 10th grades, they must also demonstrate accomplishments in four out of these five areas: Special Talents, Leadership, Obstacles Overcome, Community Service and Unique Endeavors. Applications may be picked up in the Career Resource Center Scholarship file. Deadline for the receipt of the application is January 13, 1998. DISCOVER - Career Options at Eastview DISCOVER is a computer-based career guidance program available through the Career Resource Center. It is designed to allow students with little or no computer knowledge to work on their career planning and exploration. Some of the components of DISCOVER include: · · · · · Personal Inventories (interests, values and abilities) Occupations (search and description) Vocational-Technical schools Two-year colleges Four-year colleges · · · · · Graduate schools Financial Aid Scholarship search Job seeking skills (resumes, application letters and interviews) Military training In addition to the DISCOVER Program, the Career Resource Center (CRC) contains information on ACT and SAT testing, career outlooks, scholarships, college rating books and more. Occasionally, college representatives from area colleges will host small sessions in the CRC for students to learn more about their prospectus schools. There is a wealth of information in the Career Resource Center so come and take a look. EASTVIEW GUIDANCE STAFF Name Angel O’Regan Cheryl Cross Kelli Foster Terri Greener Mark Hamre Sue Luse Jerry Vollmer 4 Position Receptionist Registrar Diversity/Tutoring Counselor Counselor Counselor/College Placement Counselor Student Han-Ok A-Ham Ol-Sl Sm-Z Phone # 431-8914 431-8913 431-8927 431-8929 431-8931 431-8926 431-8930 Junior Year Planning Calendar ACT or SAT? December-March ____ ____ ____ Begin researching various post-high school options. -visit with college representatives at Eastview. -visit college campuses. -use the DISCOVER School Search Program to help identify school possibilities. -write to schools for literature. -talk to friends, parents, relatives about various options. Register for senior-year courses that are appropriate for your post-high school plans. Find out what high school courses various colleges and schools are requiring of their applicants. Register to take a spring ACT and/or SAT. Many questions arise on which college entrance exam to take, ACT or SAT? Should I take both? When should I take them? Can I take them more than once? What are their differences? How do I register? The ACT is the most commonly accepted college entrance exam in the United States; however, most colleges will accept both ACT and SAT. There are some colleges that will only accept the ACT. Please check with the college or with your counselor on which test you should take. Our advice is if you plan to attend a four-year college, definitely take the ACT during the spring of your junior year. You may take both tests if you are looking at a wide variety of schools, particularly on the east coast. ACT or SAT should be taken during the spring of the junior year. April ____ ____ ____ Take an ACT and/or SAT I. If interested in a military academy or ROTC, begin the application process by obtaining a pre-candidate pack from the counseling department. If interested in PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) as part of your senior year schedule, talk to your counselor about the application process. May/June ____ ____ ____ Take an ACT and/or SAT I. Take SAT II (subject tests) if they are required by some of your prospective colleges. If you are a prospective DIVISION I or DIVISION II college athlete, begin the NCAA clearinghouse process. NCAA forms are available in the Guidance Office. Summer ____ Visit the college campuses your are interested in researching. STUDY TIP ACT ($20.00) Test Dates April 4, 1998 June 13, 1998 Reg. Deadline March 2, 1998 May 11, 1998 SAT ($22.50) Test Dates March 28, 1998 May 2, 1998 June 6, 1998 Reg. Deadline Feb. 20, 1998 March 26, 1998 April 30, 1998 College entrance exams may be taken more than once. Most colleges will take the higher of the two scores. Some schools will start averaging scores if the test is taken more than two times; however many will continue to take the higher test. The ACT is an achievement test that measures: English, Math, Science, and Reading. The average of the four tests are averaged together to determine the over-all composite score which can range from 1-36. The SAT is an aptitude test that measures verbal and math aptitudes. Each test is scored on a scale of 200-800. To register for either test, a student may stop by the guidance office to pick up a registration application as well as a practice exam booklet. The application is to be filled out and mailed directly to the testing agency in the envelop that is provided. Don’t forget to include a check or money order for the appropriate fee. You will be asked to provide a testing code for Eastview High School. Our testing code for all tests is: 242-123. The testing agency will communicate directly with you on items such as test location, test admission ticket, and any missing items or fees. PROCRASTINATION Does it seem like your friends always have more time to get their assignments done than you do? Though it may appear that way,. remember that time is an equal opportunity resource. All people regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin have exactly the same number of hours in a week. Learning how to manage your time is the key to beating procrastination. Make a chart of your week. Schedule in fixed activities first; games, practice times, work hours, etc… Next block in some fun time. Take time to do things that you enjoy. All work and no play can make a very dull week. When you make out your weekly schedule set realistic goals. You will set yourself up for failure if you only allow one hour to complete a three hour job. Be flexible in your schedule. Leave time for unexpected things and give yourself time to get from place to place. Another tool that can help you overcome procrastination is a “To Do List.” Each day write down what you would like to achieve and prioritize the items on the list. As you finish each task cross it off your list, it will give you a real sense of accomplishment. 5 Sports Shorts In state competition, Courtney Hugstad-Vaa finished seventh in the state cross country meet in St. Olaf on November 1. At the state swimming and diving meet held at the University of Minnesota Aquatics Center on November 15, Kim Paradeise finished second in the 200 freestyle and 3rd in the 500 freestyle. Lindsay Marko finished 5th in the 500 freestyle and sixth in the 200 individual medley. Sophomore David Olson was a member of Dakota United, which won the State Championship in Adapted Soccer. The team is a consolidation of the high schools in Dakota County. They won their game by defeating White Bear Lake in Stillwater on November 8. The team elected to display the state championship trophy and a first place medal at Eastview High School. Juniors Kendra Rick and Charlie Weise have been chosen as Eastivew High School nominees for the ExCEL (Excellence in Community, and Leadership) Award. ExCEL is a unique recognition program designed exclusively for Minnesota high school juniors. Students who are active in school, who demonstrate leadership qualities and who are model citizens in their community are nominated and recognized weekly on WCCO Radio. The ExCEL Award program is its second year and is sponsored by the Minnesota State High School League, Minnesota’s Private Colleges and WCCO Radio. 9th Grade Core Program meeting its goals Making the transition to the academic and social rigors of high school from middle school is always a difficult task for many adolescents. Eastview High School’s 9th grade Core Program’s purpose is to make that transition a positive and successful experience. Each student is assigned a team of teachers who teach in the content areas of English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Science or Math. All teams of teachers are working with students and families to build the lasting relationships necessary for setting the expectations and tone for the next three years at EVHS. Ninth graders will be also exposed to study skills, decision making, goal setting, problem solving, technology and career awareness. Each team of teachers and students is working toward developing its own personality after its day long team building and risk-taking experiences at Camp St. Croix in October and November. 6 Winter Sports Inaugurate Season We welcome your attendance at our games this winter. Please enter EVHS through the west doors for basketball games and wrestling meets. We will use the lower entrance to the gym. For gymnastics, use the northwest doors. Sites of our games: Boys Swimming and Diving Boys and Girls Hockey Some Boys JV Hockey Gymnastics Falcon Ridge Middle School Apple Valley Sports Center Hayes Park Arena North Auxiliary Gym Schedule Posters Are In Our new winter sports season schedule cards and posters are available in the athletic office. Special thanks to Norwest Bank in Apple Valley for their generous contribution for the printing of the posters. Stop by and get your schedule. New Sports and New Coaches Jeremy Sartain has been hired as the head Nordic Ski coach for our new District 196 team. He brings great experience to this new position. He skiied for the University of Minnesota at Duluth Bulldogs for two years. Following that experience, he coached at Duluth East High School and at Spirit Mountain Ski Area in Duluth. About 35 studentathletes are currently on the team, comprised of student-athletes from Rosemount, Apple Valley, Eagan and Eastview High Schools. Jorjean Fischer, the head girls’ cross country and track and field coach is his assistant. Coach Sartain’s voice mail number is 683-6969 vm 8635. Mike Flaherty has been hired as our head boys’ golf coach. He has been an assistant golf pro at Valleywood Golf Course in Apple Valley for the past four years and has developed several Junior golf programs. Flaherty has coached Valleywood’s traveling golf teams. He has competed in tournaments in Minnesota at the highest levels and has also competed in the South Florida Golf Tour. Coach Flaherty will be assisted by our head boys’ hockey coach, Mike Gibbons. Coach Flaherty’s voice mail number is 683-6969 vm 8633. Special Recognition for Student Athletes This past fall, over 540 student-athletes participated or competed in 12 different athletic activities sponsored by the Minnesota State High School League. We salute those individuals who chose to be a part of something special. Interscholastic athletic programs enrich their education with qualities that help students succeed in the world around them. National studies repeatedly report that school activities build character, increase self confidence, support classroom learning by generating school pride, a sense of community and by nurturing a feeling of belonging that makes students want to achieve. Still more statistics reveal that participation in activities encourages the aspirations of youth and provides young people with countless opportunities to develop leadership skills. Several of our individual participants have been recognized by others for their achievements in the athletic arena this fall. The Lake Conference honored 13 All -Conference athletes for their excellence. Freshman Courtney Hugstad-Vaa was named All-State in cross country and Junior Kim Paradeise and Sophomore Lindsay Marko each received All-State honors in two events each in Swimming and Diving. Kim excelled in the 200 freestyle and the 500 freestyle and Lindsay excelled in the 200 individual medley and the 500 freestyle. Perspectives on Parenting Do you need some new perspectives on parenting your teen? Let’s get together and discuss what’s really important when it comes to raising our teens in our new Eastview community. Post these dates on your new 1998 calendar: Monday, March 2 7:00-8:30 pm EVHS Media Center Prom, Spring Break Trips, Home Alone for the Weekend, Hotel Parties….help us figure out what the EVHS community believes so we can respond when our kids say, “But, Mom, everybody else is doing it.” Monday, March 9 7:00-8:30 pm EVHS Media Center Challenging teens(s) at your house? An open forum to hear what works, where to go for help, hear that you’re not alone and get support for the limits you’re putting on your own teenagers. Semester Two parking tags for sale Parking tags for the second semester will go on sale during lunch the week of January 26 to 29. Tags cost $45.00 with all monies going to the ISD #196 general fund. Students choosing to purchase a tag after the beginning of the second sememter may do so on a prorated basis or students may purchase a daily tag for $2.00. Students not displaying a semester two parking tag will be issued a $10.00 ticket starting Feb. 5. Pay those fines! Students with parking fines will not be able to purchase a semester two parking tag. Students are highly encouraged to get those fines paid off before January 26th or they will not be able to park in the EVHS parking lots during the dead of winter. Sick child? Be sure to call EVHS’s Attendance Call-in numbers to report your child’s absence. Dial the main voice mail number of 683-6969, then the EVHS Attendance Voice Mail extensions of #8677 or 8678. Leave your student’s name, grade, reason for absence, and your day phone number in case we need to verify an absence. Call before 2:00 p.m. the day of your student’s absence and you won’t have to write a note the next day. Safety in numbers and under the lights Does your student have an after school activity that gets out after dark? Please have them move their car immediately after school to a parking spot close to a school exit and near a light. Students should always use the buddy system when going to the parking lot after a co-curricular activity. Bravo! Warms Hearts The first annual musical production of Bravo “Deck the Halls” played to packed houses as a warm up to the Holiday season. We hope your family was able to be a part of this showcase of the breadth of talent at EVHS. Kudos go to directors Judy Sagen, James DeBrito, Jeff Brown, Kelli Foster, Kay Huhner and over a hundred students, parents and friends of the EVHS Performing Arts Department who all worked to make this magical performance a reality. Fine Arts Activities Gear Up for Winter Seasons EVHS sports teams are not alone in their Lake Conference competitions. Several of our Fine Arts activities will be involved in conference, high school league and state competitons in the upcoming months. The EVHS Debate Team has been competing throughout the fall at various tournaments with great success in their inagural year. The highlight of their season thus far has been the capture of the Governor’s Cup at the Mankato West Tournament where they placed first among 19 teams. Todd Hering is the head coach of the debate team. Following close on the heels of the debate season, competitive speaking continues with the Speech Team. They look forward to their first tournaments at the end of January. Jennifer McCarty heads the team with a staff of five assistant coaches. For those interested in argumentation and a peek at the judicial system, Mock Trial will enter the courtroom this winter as well. Allison Moon and Scott Oxley will head the team this year. Entering the world of competition, the theatre arts department will produce a One Act Play which will perform January 22nd at Edina High School in the Lake Conference Theatre Festival and January 23rd or 24th at the Section 6AA Play Contest. James DeBrito will direct this production. Quiz Bowl throws its competitive hat into the ring with competitions in the Lake Conference and state levels. These students have been matching wits with their teachers in practice rounds to keep them sharp for competition. Mary Kuettner coaches the Quiz Bowl team. The Chess Team has been preparing its moves in preparation for their Lake Conference Meet on March 7. Cliff “Deep Blue” Dodge coaches the Lightning chess team. Dropping eggs from dangerous heights is only one of the feats of the Science Olympiad members who are now busy in the lab preparing their experiments for the Lake Conference competition on January 17. Tom Sharp carefully advises this group of scientists. The Lake Poets will be named in January, as students submitted their poetry to the Lake Conference Poetry Contest, sponsored by the Literary Arts Magazine. The - soon- to- be named-publication will begin to gather student submissions of poetry, stories, essays, artwork and photography in January, as they prepare for publication. Phonemaster starts Semester Two Wondering if your student is attending EVHS classes all day or skipping even one hour? Starting the second week of semester two ( Feb. 17) if your student is unexcused for any reason during the school day, Phonemaster, a computerized phoning system will call you and leave a message regarding the absence. Be prepared to know the scoop! 7 Calendar of Events Be sure to check the EVHS Calendar for listings of athletic events and the first page of Connections for the important Registration Dates in January 5 8 10 12 19 21 Mon Thu Sat Mon Mon Wed 22 Thu 26 Mon 29 30 Thu Fri 2 7 8 9 Mon Sat Sun Mon 13 14 16 23 Fri Sat Mon Mon 2 Mon Return to school Parent Teacher Contact Evening -5:00-9:00 PM School Dance , 7:30-11:30 PM Perspectives on Parenting, 7:00 PM Martin Luther King Jr. Day - no school Junior Parking Tags sold for second semester, 7:00-9:00 AM and 11:00-1:00 PM Sophomore and Freshman Parking Tags, 7:00-9:00 AM and 11:00-1:00 PM Student Leadership Meeting, 7:00 PM Site Council Meeting, 7:00 PM Quarter Two Ends Teacher Workshop Day - no school for students Quarter Three Begins ACT Test Pyramid Band Concert, 3:00 PM Perspectives on Parenting “Prom, Spring Break Trips, Hotel Parties”, 7:00 PM Incomplete Deadline Q2 School Dance, 7:30 -11:30 PM Presidents’ Day - no school Site Council Meeting, 7:00 PM Quarter Three Progress Reports sent home Eastview High School Theatre presents...... The Rollicking Broadway Musical Hit!!! The year was 1960….. Kennedy narrowly defeats Nixon for president. Princess Margaret marries Anthony Armstrong-Jones. Grandma Moses turns 100. Barbie turns 1. Trampolines become all-the-rage. Rafer Johnson of the USA wins decathalon. Lynda Lee Mead of Mississippi is crowned Miss America. Belgium grants independence to The Congo. The Congo becomes Zaire. BYE BYE BIRDIE wins and Tony for Best Musical. Carol Heiss wins the Gold Medal for figure skating. Venetian Way wins the Kentucky Derby. Gidget goes Hawaiian. BYE, BYE BIRDIE performance dates..... THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1998 ............. 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1998 .................. 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1998 .............. 2:00 P.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1998 .............. 7:30 P.M. SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1998 ................. 2:00 P.M. EASTVIEW HIGH SCHOOL 6200 - 140th Street West Apple Valley, MN 55124-6912 BOARD OF EDUCATION Kevin Sampers, Chairperson Jackie Magnuson, Vice Chairperson Mary Hamann-Roland, Clerk Mike Roseen, Treasurer Bruce Endler, Director Judy Lindsay, Director Gene VanOverBeke, Director SUPERINTENDENT Dr. John T. Haro EVHS ADMINISTRATION Dr. J. Richard Dewey, Principal Kathleen Kohler, Assistant Principal Randall Peterson, Assistant Principal Kim Martinson, Administrative Assistant Bruce Miller, Administrative Assistant 8 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Rosemount, MN 55068 Permit No. 1