CONNECTIONS En-Lightning Eastview High School

Eastview High School
May 1998
“coming together is a beginning...keeping together is progress...working together is success!”
Volume One Number Five
Eastview Principal Honored as Outstanding Service Award Winner
On Thursday April 23, Eastview Principal Dr. J. Richard Dewey was honored as one of six recipients of the District 196 Outstanding
Service Award at the Partners in Education banquet. Dr. Dewey was nominated for this award by a committee of Eastview community
members including teachers, administrators, parents and students. This award provides the
special recognition that Dr. Dewey deserves, serving as the leader in the creation and success of Eastview High School. His vision, principles and leadership are at the core of what
makes Eastview High School such as special place to be.
Finding teachers, students, parents and colleagues who wanted to support Dr. Dewey’s
nomination was an easy task. Here are a few of the comments included in the nomination:
one parent wrote, “Dr. Dewey had a real vision for what Eastview should become. He has
worked tirelessly to see that vision become a reality. The results are an outstanding facility,
spirited student body and satisfied parents.” A colleague reflected, “ He is master at portraying positive self -regard in others and sincerely looks for the best in everyone.”
Students continue to feel Dr. Dewey’s passion for and commitment to education. Several students commented on their principal’s school spirit and how he attends almost all
concerts, plays, games, dances and other school events, before, during and after the school
day. One student remarked that Dr. Dewey is “kind of like the father of Eastview High
School.” Be it father-figure, mentor, team-builder, or leader, we are extremely proud of this
recognition for Dr. Dewey and his commitment to Eastview High School.
A Dozen Juniors Top PSAT
Scoring List
1.1 million juniors from across the nation took the
PSAT test in October of 1997. Of these students, approximately 50,000 with the highest scores have been selected
for the first round of National Merit Qualification. Twelve
EVHS juniors scored in the top 5 percent of the nation on
this test, qualifying for this first round of Merit Scholarships. The Merit Program annually awards more than
1,400 scholarships worth about $28 million in total. Look
for more information about these top students in the fall!
Dr Dewey receives congratulations from board
member Mary Hamann-Roland and superintendent, Dr. Haro.
National Honor Society Induction Set
for June 2
As its name indicates, the National Honor Society recognizes students
for academic achievement and also for leadership and community service
activities. The EVHS Honor Society has been active this year in a wide
variety of service projects. Most recently the NHS helped at the Dakota
County Crisis Nursery Spring Thaw fund-raiser and is currently planning
for the spring Bloodmobile, to be held in the auxiliary gymnasium on May 22
from 7:30 -12:30. New NHS members will join this organization at the annual
induction ceremony held in the Performing Arts Center on June 2.
Make the Connection....
Front row: Michelle Mathews, Heather Purdy, Andrea Arnold,
Tracy Gerber, Sarah Bisson and Natalie Ballinger.
Back row: Jessica Kleen, Christopher Leitschuh, John Matthei,
Tara Bergen, Melissa Wilking.Not Pictured: Kerstin Hartzler.
From the School Nurse .......................................... 2
Perspectives from the Principal ............................... 3
Guidance Office Notes .......................................... 5
Student Activities ................................................... 8
Sports Overview ................................................... 9
Summer Opportunities ................................... 10, 11
Travel ‘99!
From the School Nurse
Deanna Mason, RN LSN
Immunization Information
All District 196 students must meet the requirements of
the state immunization law before the start of the 1998-99
school year. Students who have not met the immunization requirements by the first
day of the 1998-99 school year will not be permitted to attend school until the requirements are met.
The law sets specific requirements for immunizations which children must receive
by certain ages in order to enroll or remain enrolled in school. For a student to enroll
or remain enrolled in school, the student’s parent or guardian must have on file with
the school a statement that the student is either:
Up to date on required immunizations, or
Legally exempt to one or more of the immunizations through a statement of medical exemption from a physician or a notarized statement of conscientious exemption from the parent or guardian.
Immunizations are available for $5 each from the school nurse with the written
permission of the student’s parent or guardian. (Immunizations are also available in
doctors offices and at monthly walk-in immunization clinics held by the county.)
If there are still students who are not properly immunized on the first day of
school, the school will contact each student’s parent or guardian, and ask them to
come to school and do one of the following:
· sign a permission form allowing the school nurse to give the student the required
· take their child to be immunized at a different location;
· give the school nurse a signed, notarized conscientious exemption form;
· give the school nurse a medical exemption form from a physician, or
· take their child home from school and not return the child to school until he or she
has been immunized or an exemption form has been submitted to the school.
The goal is to help ensure, with the cooperation of parents and guardians, that
every student is in compliance with the state immunization law so that the district is
not forced to keep students out of school on the first day of the 1998-99 school year.
For more information about the immunization requirements and procedures, please
contact our school nurse, Deanna Mason at 431-8923.
Several EVHS groups are planning
travel adventures during the 1998-99 school
year. These travel opportunities provide the
chance to experience another culture first
hand. Experiences may include a family stay
or an exchange with an international family.
Trips currently in the planning stages include:
Summer 1999
Three weeks including Paris, the countryside and a family stay.
Contact ---------------- Ms. Mary Kuettner
Summer 1999
Four weeks with a host family
GAPP program includes a German student
coming to Minnesota.
Contact ------------------ Mr. Bruce Buscho
Summer 1999
Three weeks in Spain.
Contact -------------------------- Liz Kircher
Spring break 1999
Contact -------------------- Dianne Telshaw
AP European History
Paris - London
Spring break 1999
back row: Michael Langhorst, Jennifer Brand, Stephanie
Hansen, Daniel Smith, Nick Johnson
front row: Deena Grotjohn, Meagan McIntosh, Thomas Tan
Contact -------------------- Mr. Todd Beach
Several EVHS students participated in the Minnesota State Career
Development Conference in Minneapolis, March 9-10. Each of these
students qualified for the conference by placing in the top ten events at
the district competition, involving over 320 students. EVHS participants
included Stacy Tamble, Nick Jensen, Michael Langhorst, Jennifer
Brand, Deena Grotjohn, Dan Smith and Meagan McIntosh. Dan Smith
took fifth place in the Quick Serve Restaurant Management Event. Stacy
Tamble took eleventh place in the Apparel and Accessories MarketingManagement Level event. The advisor of this group is Andrea Mohr.
Featured Teachers
English teacher and
head cross country
and track and field
coach, Mark
presented the
Academic Triggers
Process to the
Minnesota Athletic
Directors Convention in March.
This program
allows teachers to
alert parents and
coaches to the progress of student athletes
during and after their athletic seasons.
Judy Sagan
accompanied the
All State Mixed
Choir in its
performance at
Orchestra Hall,
February 14, in
conjunction with
the American
Choral Directors’
Technology teacher,
Rob Franchino,
was named the
Central New Jersey
Technology Teacher
of the Year for 1997
by the New Jersey
Association. Mr.
Franchino is now
the head of the EVHS technology and computer
design department.
specialist, Cliff
Dodge, along with
the students who
produce The Flash,
EVHS’ weekly onair magazine,
appeared in the
feature article of
Panasonic Pro, a
magazine for
professional video
technology users.
The technology students use to produce their
weekly programs is the most sophisticated
available, allowing for professional quality video
for the Eastview community. Students see The
Flash at 10:10 a.m. each Thursday.
Perspectives from the Principal
Dr. J. Richard Dewey
By All Accounts….
.....A Great Beginning !!
“….I am excited to meet each of you, get to know you, listen to your
thoughts, and share some dreams together. I am looking forward to coming together as a community and a family, with the plans, the resources,
the people, and the courage to make this school the kind of place we
want it to be. This will be a great school!….” (March 20, 1996)
We did, and this IS a great school !
These were the first words written in a letter to each of you on March 20,
1996. Soon thereafter, literally thousands of students, parents, staff and community members joined forces.
“….High School #4 will be an exciting, inviting, caring place to be. Students, parents, school people and members of our communities will work
together to develop outstanding programs in a great new facility. While
the building, the technology available to students and staff, and the surrounding athletic facilities will also be outstanding, the greatest strength
of the school will be its people. Over the next 17 months, we will be
working together to give High School #4 a name of its own, a mascot,
school colors, a school song, and begin to develop the identity, the sense
of community and the culture of our school….” (March 20, 1996)
We did, and people ARE our greatest strength !
“….I have talked with many parents, students and community members
who share my excitement, as we look forward to the unique opportunities
that await us as we launch High School #4. This is our chance to be a
part of history, as we establish the traditions and develop the culture of
the school for ourselves and for the generation of students to follow. We
will do it right; and, it will be a powerful source of pride that will make
our school a special place to be….” (March 20, 1996)
We did, you ARE now a part of history, the pride IS everywhere and
Eastview High School IS a special place to be !
So many have done so much these past two years and you have made a
difference. THANK YOU !
Dick Dewey
A Message from the EVHS
Police Liaison Officer
Officer Doug Baird
Safety at School
Eastview High School is fortunate to have the
services of Doug Baird, Apple Valley police liaison
officer. Students should feel free to come to him
for information, or to ask for help in any situation
where they feel they are being bothered by another
All students should be aware of the concern
for safety at school and should take precautions
for minimizing the risk of theft of students’ personal
property. Here are a few suggestions for reducing
the risk of theft:
Leave personal electronic items such as
pagers, portable CD or casette players at
Keep an eye on personal property including
backpacks and calculators while in class or in
other areas of the building.
Lock your car and keep valuable personal
property out of sight.
Don’t share combinations for school, physical
education or athletic lockers.
Officer Baird is also available to engrave
personal property such as calculators with
students’ names or ID numbers. This helps in
returning items when they appear in the lost and
found. With this thought for safety in mind, we
wish all students a smooth close of this school
Eastview High School Summer School
June 15-July 8, 1998
Eastview High School will provide a summer school experience from June 15July 8 for students wishing to earn credit toward graduation. Courses offered will
include: English, math, social studies, science and wellness for grades 9-11. These
classes will be for make-up credit only. Classes in basic standard reading and basic
standard math will also be available for students wishing to receive tutorial help in
preparation for the basic standards tests. There is no cost for any of these classes.
The summer school program will run Mondays through Fridays. Each day will
have two sessions: Session 1 from 7:50-10:00 a.m. and Session 2 from 10:10 a.m.12:20 p.m. Each session is worth the equivalent of a one-quarter course or .75
credits. A student, therefore, could make up as much as 1.50 credits or two quarter
length courses if he/she signs up for both sessions. There will be no school on
Friday, July 3, 1998.
a. All students will be responsible for providing their own transportation to EVHS.
b. A student who exceeds three (3) absences in any class will not receive credit for
the course and will be dismissed from summer school. Three tardies will equal
one absence.
c. All regular school rules are in effect during summer school.
d. The campus is closed between classes.
e. All courses are subject to change or may be canceled due to the number of
students enrolled or the availability of teachers to teach the course.
Application Deadline
Students may register for summer school by picking up an application in the Guidance Office, filling it out and returning it to the Guidance Office by Friday, May 29,
U.S. Department of Education
“The Hope Scholarship” and “Lifetime Learning Credits”
As a result of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 the HOPE Scholarship and Lifetime
Learning Credits were established to help college students reduce some of the financial
burden of their college education.
For students in their first two years of college (or other eligible post-secondary training),
taxpayers will be eligible for a tax credit equal to 100% of the first $1,000 of tuition and fees
and 50% of the second $1,000. The credit is phased out for joint filers between $80,000 and
$100,000 of income, and for single filers between $40,000 and $50,000. The credit can be
claimed in two taxable years (but not beyond the year when the student completes the first
two years of college) with respect to any individual enrolled on at least a half-time basis for
any portion of the year.
For those beyond the first two years of college, or taking classes part-time to improve or
up-grade their job skills, the family will receive a 20% tax credit for the first $5,000 of tuition
and fees through 2002, and for the first $10,000 thereafter. The credit is available for net
tuition and fees (less grant aid) paid for post-secondary enrollment after June 30, 1998. The
credit is available on a per-taxpayer (family) basis, and is phased out at the same income
levels as the HOPE Scholarship.
Academic Letters
Awarded May 19
Students in grades 9-11 will be
awarded an academic letter based
on attainment of outstanding academic achievement over the past
three quarters. This special recognition ceremony will take place in
the Performing Arts Center at 7:00
p.m. on May 19. Students earning
this special award and their parents
are encouraged to attend. The criteria for earning an academic letter
is a “cumulative GPA” after the third
ninth grade
tenth grade
eleventh grade
twelfth grade
3.800 or higher
3.666 or higher
3.666 or higher
3.500 or higher
Academic Progress
Quarter 3 Report Cards
sent home April 24 with students
Quarter 3 Incomplete Deadline is
April 24
Quarter 4 Mid-term Progress
Reports sent home May 11 with
End of Quarter 4 June 12
Junior Year Planning Calendar
__ Take an ACT and/or SAT I.
___ Take SAT II (subject tests) if they are required by some of your prospective
___ If you are a prospective Division I or Division II college athlete, begin the NCAA
clearinghouse process. NCAA forms are available in the Guidance Office.
Be sure to keep communication open
between your students and their teachers
regarding their progress in Quarter four
classes. There will be no parent-teacher
conferences this quarter. Remember, all
teachers can be contacted by voice mail
at 683-6969.
Applied Technology
Eastview High School was developed
with a unique opportunity to combine
technology infrastructure, facility design,
and curriculum integration to maximize
technology opportunities for our students.
Technology as a tool for learning, teaching,
communication and productivity has been
a focus that has created immense
opportunities for the Eastview High School
We expect that our students will
eventually enter the workplace with a rapidly
growing need for technology savvy
employees. The explosive growth of the
Internet has given rise to expanding use of
video and graphic information. We also
believe that our students will increasingly
be called upon to interact, manipulate, and
create multimedia information.
Opportunities are available for all
students to be involved in courses ranging
from Computer Applications, Programming,
Design, Multimedia and Video Production.
Although these courses are important to
our curriculum, it is also a goal through
close proximity of our cluster labs to all of
our classrooms, to teach and integrate
technology skills within the existing
curriculum of all courses. Within the 9th
grade, all students are exposed to a wide
range of multimedia technologies. During
the 10-12 grade years, students will
continue to be challenged as their teachers
require them to use, refine, and expand their
technology skills in order to succeed in their
course work.
___ Visit the college campuses you are interested in researching.
Senior Year Checklist
If necessary, complete the application for taking the ACT or SAT unless you
are satisfied with your previous score. The test should be taken in September
or October.
Use the DISCOVER Program to investigate post-high school options.
Fill out applications if interested in military ROTC programs or Academies.
Deadline is Nov. 1 for military academies.
Schedule a meeting with your counselor to discuss high school credits and
post-high school plans.
Attend the National College Fair.
Visit those post-high school institutions in which you have an interest.
Call the admissions office to make arrangements for your visit.
Submit completed college applications, recommendations, and application fees
to the Guidance Office. Colleges want applications and transcripts sent directly from the high school.
Investigate scholarship opportunities with parents, schools, internet, career
resource center books, and on the DISCOVER Computer Program.
College applications should be submitted before December 1.
Priority Deadlines: U of W-Madison Dec. 1, U of Minn.-T.C. Dec. 15.
Eastview Opening Marks Firsts
Student Activities
Speech - The Eastview Speech team completed its first season with its Spring Speech
Showcase - a performance of speakers in the
EVHS Performing Arts Center April 23. Many
speakers had great success during the season. Special congratulations go to sophomore Allison Gillmore for qualifying for the
National Forensic Tournament as an Extemporaneous Speaker. She will participate in
this national tournament in June in St. Louis,
Missouri. Jennifer McCarty is the head
speech coach.
Mock Trial- This group of aspiring barristers completed a successful first season of
trial competitions. At the Lake Conference
Mock Trial competition, two students earned
awards: Jodi Ward, three merits of excellence
as a lawyer and Mariya Marchevskaya, recognized as the Best Witness. This team is
advised by social studies teacher, Scott
Oxley and assisted by local lawyers, Soldo
and Carlson.
Eastview Lightning
Dance Department
Spring Concert:
“Dancing Up A Storm”
Friday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Adults - $5.00 ~ Others - $3.00
Eastview High School Performing Arts Center
Tickets may be purchased the night of the performance.
The Knowledge Bowl Team also capped a
successful season, advancing to the subregion competition facing difficult opponents. The Knowledge Bowl team is coached
by French teacher Mary Kuettner.
“I’m Dreaming of You”
History Day - For the first time in our school
district, a high school group has entered the
Minnesota History Day competition. With
their advisor, social studies teacher, Virginia
O’Neill, the students took their History Day
project to the Minnesota History Center in
St. Paul. They will now compete at the state
level in May. Team members include Jamie
Compton, Ryan Miller, Mike Olson and
Chris Verhaege.
The first Eastview Prom will be held at the First Trust Center
in downtown St. Paul, May 30. Eastview juniors and their
guests will begin the evening festivities with the Grand March
at 5:30. Following the dance which concludes at midnight,
students will head to the Mississippi River where they will
board the Jonathan Paddleford for a midnight cruise. Tickets
for this evening are $55.00 per couple and will be on sale in the
Student Store during lunch periods between April 30 and May 22.
Odyssey of the Mind - These creative thinkers placed first in their regional tournament
and went on to win the state championship.
(See separate article.) The Odyssey of the
Mind team members are Annika Moe,
Michael Gant, Heather Cross, Sarah Gant
and Jenna Sachs.
Lightning Dance Team
Dance Team auditions for fall and winter of next year are set for the week of
June 15. Girls in all grades are encouraged to audition for both Varsity and
Junior Varsity Teams on June 16-18 from
6-9 p.m. Workshops will be held, with
auditions at 9:00 a.m. June 19. Contact
Dance Team Coach Kelli Foster with
questions at 431-8927.
Theme of First EVHS Prom
¡¡Aupa, Eastview!
EVHS Spanish students and their teachers have had a very busy and successful
school year! Forty-one EVHS Spanish students took the written portion of the National
Spanish Exam in March. The following students were finalists in their respective levels
and were invited to participate in an interview at the state contest:
Joshua Mueller (level 1)
Jessica Raddatz (level 2)
Rebecca Collis (level 3)
Christopher Leitschuh (level 3)
Lindsey Miller (level 4)
Elaine Tymchak (level 4)
Also, special congratulations to Elaine Tymchak for placing first in the state for level
four and to Jessica Raddatz for scoring in the top 5% in her level state-wide.
During the weekend of April 17-19, eleven adventurous Spanish students representing
all levels traveled to Concordia Language Villages. The theme of the weekend was “The
Voices and Legends of the Andes”. The students used their Spanish skills to pass
through customs, exchange their dollars for real Spanish pesetas and buy items in the
camp stores. They learned about the ancient civilization of the Incas, tried traditional and
modern dances, made crafts and ate food from Argentina and Chile. All of the students
had a great time using their Spanish (especially with the various native speakers) and
meeting new friends. Everyone is looking forward to this experience again next year!
On April 23, Spanish IV students enjoyed a performance of “Radio Mambo” at the
Mixed Blood Theater in Minneapolis. After the show, the group traveled to El Meson,
where they had a delicious Latin American meal.
Sports Overview
All Conference Athletes
This spring the Minnesota State High School League amended their bylaw that
creates opportunities for high school student-athletes in summer camps and clinics. In
the past, high school coaches of some sports were only eligible to coach studentsathletes on their high school teams during their sport season. While the MSHSL
accepted summer coaching waivers for some sports, other sports were not eligible for a
waiver. Now, all coaches for all sports may apply for a waiver to coach student-athletes
on their teams during the summer.
This waiver will allow you to receive coaching from your coach beginning on
Saturday, May 23 and ending on Friday July 31. If you are on a non-school team or an
individual that is competing in an end-of-the-season tournament that is a natural extension of your summer season you may participate in that tournament and receive coaching from your coach through Labor Day. Remember you may not receive coaching from
your coach outside your high school sports season and this summer waiver. To do so,
is a violation that carries a penalty of a two week or two game suspension, whichever is
If you plan to participate in a summer camp, clinic or non-school summer league
coached by your high school coach you must apply for a waiver. These waivers will be
available in the athletic office and must be returned to the athletic office by Friday, May
You must understand that your participation in a summer camp, clinic or nonschool summer league coached by your high school coach is voluntary and your placement on your high school team is separate from you participation during the summer.
For more information, you may contact your coach or Mr. Miller, Athletic Director,
in the athletic office or by calling 431-8905.
Eastview High School Student-Athletes
Recognized on National Student-Athlete Day
National Student-Athlete Day was created to honor student-athletes who have
achieved excellence both in the classroom and on the playing field, while having made
significant contributions to their schools and/or communities. The event was nationally
recognized on Monday, April 6, and is co-sponsored by the National Consortium for
Academics and Sports. Northeastern University’s Center for the Study of Sports in Society, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
The following student-athletes from Eastview High School were recognized.
Student Name
Tara Bergen (11)
Chas Chasney (11)
Adam Fokken (9)
Carrie Hortsch (10)
Courtney Hugstad-Vaa (9)
Becky Kjeldsen (11)
Lisa Kopachek (11)
Heidi Maskas (10)
Kim Paradeise (11)
Max Peek (11)
Adam Rychwalski (10)
Yon Vetter (11)
Melissa Wilking (11)
G.P.A. (4.00 scale)
Swimming and Diving,
Gymnastics, Track and Field
Football, Track and Field
Football, Wrestling
Cross Country, Nordic Skiing,
Track and Field
Soccer, Track and Field
Volleyball, Basketball, Softball
Tennis, Track and Field
Swimming and Diving
Football, Basketball,
Track and Field
Cross Country, Track and Field
Swimming and Diving
Hockey, Softball
Boys’ Basketball
Jon Wagner
Carrie Horst
Breanna Korsman
Girls’ Hockey
Melissa Wilking
Girls’ Soccer
Becky Kjeldsen
Melissa Barlament
Girls’ Swimming
Lindsay Marko
Kim Paradeise
Tony Rodin
All State Athletes
Carrie Horst
Breanna Korsman
Girls Cross Country
Courtney Hugstad-Vaa
Boys’ Basketball player Jon Wagner
has been chosen to play on the Minnesota Select Basketball team. This
select AAU team will travel throughout the Midwest to play games this
Yon Vetter, EVHS diver won the Section 3AA diving championship in
March and also was the student to
earn the highest score at EVHS on the
AHSME math exam. He now advances
to the national level of mathematics
Yearbook Arrives
in June
The first EVHS yearbook, the LIGHTYEAR, will
be distributed to students in early June. A
supplement, which will be available in late
summer, will cover spring activities. Orders
for the Lightyear were taken in October and
February. Students who may wish to purchase one of the very few extra yearbooks
should listen to the daily announcements for
further information. Orders are not being
taken at this time.
Summer Opportunities for 10th - 12th Grade Students
Listed below and on the adjoining page are the many summer camp opportunities that are available to the Eastview
community. Contact names and phone or voice mail numbers are listed if additional information is required.
Please note Summer Waiver information on previous page.
Lightning Baseball Camps
Pitching, Catching and
Hitting Mini Camps
(Grades 8-12) and a week
long instructional camp
for Grades 4-10
Eastview Complex
Baseball Field
1. Pitching-Catching
Mini Camp
(Grades 8-12),
Tuesday, June 16th
2. Hitting Mini Camp
(Grades 8-12),
Wednesday, June 17th
3. Instructional Camp
(Grades 4-10),
June 22nd - 25th
$15 for the Mini Camps
$60 for the week long
J.D. Bickle
Head Baseball Coach
683-6969 ext. 6734
Girls’ Basketball Camp
Fundamentals, shooting,
breakdown drills will be
the focus along with the
introduction of a new
secondary fastbreak and
new offensive sets.
Eastview High School
Monday - Thursday
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
June 22nd - 25th & July
13th - 16th
$35, T-shirt included
Paul Goetz
Head Girls Basketball
431-8946 or 683-6969
ext. 2022
Lightning Football Camp
Students entering
Grades 3-12
Eastview High School
Practice Fields
July 27th - 30th
$50, includes football
shorts & T-shirt
Kelly Sherwin
Head Football Coach
Summer Gymnastics Program
A gymnastics program
developed to focus
primarily on learning
new skills and progressions with an emphasis
on dance and choreography.
Apple Valley High
Session I, June 22nd July 9th
Session II, July 13th July 30th
Monday-Thursday 9:00
a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
*registration and
payment due June 17th
Tifani Shaffer
Head Coach Gymnastics
683-6969 ext. 4546
South Suburban
Track Club
Traveling Track and Field
for ages 8-18
Apple Valley High School
Track (Eastview When
Volleyball camp for those
interested in participating
in the Lightning Volleyball Program.
June - August, Tuesday & Thursday night
practice (optional) and weekend meets throughout the summer.
Eastview High School
July 13th-16th, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
& 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Mark Wahlstrom
Head Cross Country & Track and Field Coach
Jon Hegerle
Head Volleyball Coach
683-6969 ext. 8695
Open Wrestling
Wrestle, drill technique, conditioning and
strength training, games
Speech & Debate
Eastview High School Wrestling Room
June 22nd, 29th, July 6th, 20th, 27th,
August 3rd, 10th
Returning members of both the
speech and debate teams have the opportunity
to work with peers and coaches for these four
$7 or free if a member of Summer Weight
Eastview High School (Cluster 3A)
August 17th - 20th (1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Kurt Habeck
Head Wrestling Coach
(w) 431-8900, (h)
Todd Hering or Jennifer McCarty
683-6969 ext. 8689 (Hering) or ext. 8692
Lightning Volleyball Camp
(Grades 9-12)
Summer Weight Room
The Eastview Summer Strength Program will be sport specific and designed to meet
individual needs. The program will include strength training and speed development.
Eastview Weight Room (Storm Center)
June 15th - August 14th, Monday - Friday
Check-in - Monday, June 15th
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. (Grades 11 - 12)
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Grade 10)
Tuesday, June 16th
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (Grade 9)
Time - 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Open Lifting
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Speed Development
6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m. Open Lifting
$50, $40 for each additional family member
**additional $5 after June 1st **
Shannon Humbert
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
431-8957 ext. 5329
Name __________________________________________ Age/Grade ________ Phone __________________
Address ________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________
Insurance Company __________________________________________________________________________
Policy # _____________________________ Amount Enclosed $_____________
To register for the Summer Weight Room program by mail, please complete this form and forward to EVHS along with check for the
appropriate amount.
Dates to Remember
They’re Going To Disney
Eastview’s Odyssey of the Mind team
won the State Championship on Saturday at
Armstrong High School. They now advance
to the world competition in Orlando, Florida
in May. In addition to their first place finish
in the state, they were also one of three teams
of the 145 entries to be awarded the RenatraFusca Award for outstanding creativity.
Team members are Michael Gant, Annika
Moe, Heather Cross.
EVHS pitches in
Members of the EVHS
student council, boys’ tennis team
and girls’ track team traveled to
southern Minnesota over spring
break to help with tornado cleanup after last month’s storms. The
students were accompanied by
teachers Dean Jaderston, Jorjean
Fischer, Jennifer Brevik, Naomi
Hagestuen and Mary Dye.
May 1-9
May 11
May 15 & 16
May 19
May 22
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
June 2
June 4
Lake Conference Visual Arts Display Normandale Community College
Quarter 4 Mid-term Progress Reports sent home with students
Dance Show, Performing Arts Center , 7:30 p.m.
Academic Letter Award Ceremony, Performing Arts Center, 7:00 p.m.
Bloodmobile, Auxiliary Gym, 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
No School - Memorial Day
Fine Arts Award Evening, Performing Arts Center, 7:00 p.m.
Prom - First Trust Center, St. Paul - Grand March 5:30-12:00 midnight
Band Concert and Awards, Performing Arts Center, 7:00 p.m & 8:15 p.m.
National Honor Society Induction, Performing Arts Center , 7:30 p.m
Choir Concert and Awards, Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m.
National Art Honor Society
The Eastview Art Department recently received its charter membership into the
National Art Honor Society.
The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) is sponsored by the National Art Education Association, the professional organization for art teachers, and others concerned
with the quality of education in the visual arts.
The purposes of NAHS are to:
Recognize those students who have shown an outstanding ability in the field of art.
Serve as an inspiration for students to strive for higher goals in their work.
Foster excellence and a dedicated spirit in the pursuit of art.
Encourage the creative abilities and talents of the individual student.
Assist students in working toward the attainment of their highest potential in the
field of art.
6. Bring art to the attention of the school and the community.
7. Increase the awareness of art as a viable area within the total school curriculum.
8. Advance aesthetic awareness in all aspects of the total educational program.
The artwork of twelve Eastview students was chosen for the Lake Conference Visual
Art Exhibition. Over 130 students from twelve Lake Conference schools entered work in
this annual exhibit. EVHS students Matt Pepple and Annie Pickens were two of only
seventeen artists chosen by juror David O’Fallon of the Center for Arts Education for
Awards of Merit for their work. Amanda McDermott was given an Achievement Award for
her second consecutive year of participation in this exhibition. These works will be on
display to the public in the Fine Arts Building of Normandale Community College until May
15. The National Art Honor Society advisor and art instructor is Mr. Scott Gustafson.
The Art Department will hold its first annual art exhibition at Eastviw High SchoolMay 15-16.
6200 - 140th Street West
Apple Valley, MN 55124-6912
Kevin Sampers, Chairperson
Jackie Magnuson, Vice Chairperson
Mary Hamann-Roland, Clerk
Mike Roseen, Treasurer
Bruce Endler, Director
Judy Lindsay, Director
Gene VanOverbeke, Director
Dr. John T. Haro
Dr. J. Richard Dewey, Principal
Kathleen Kohler, Assistant Principal
Randall Peterson, Assistant Principal
Kim Martinson, Administrative Assistant
Bruce Miller, Administrative Assistant
Non-Profit Org.
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Rosemount, MN 55068
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