Automatic SCHOLARSHIPS Competitive Scholarships Transfer students who apply for admission and postmark application materials by the priority deadlines of Feb. 15 (Fall Semester) and Nov. 15 (Spring Semester) will automatically be considered for renewable university scholarships. Competitive scholarships require action beyond applying for admission. The awards range from $250 to full tuition. Students who are automatically awarded the Chancellor’s Transfer scholarship also are eligible for the competitive Curators’ Transfer and Phi Theta Kappa scholarships. Medicine, Pharmacy and Conservatory students are not eligible because their academic units offer their own scholarships. CURATORS’ TRANSFER SCHOLAR AWARD CHANCELLOR’S TRANSFER AWARD DEADLINE: Apply for admission by Feb. 15 or Nov. 15 DEADLINE: Apply for admission by Feb. 15 or Nov. 15 3.5 GPA, associate degree 3.0 college GPA, 40 transferable hours, full-time enrollment AWARD RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT RENEWABLE GPA $2,000, plus nonresident fee differential if applicable None 2.75 AWARD RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT RENEWABLE GPA $1,000, plus nonresident fee differential if applicable None 3.25 Requires separate application. Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Conservatory students not eligible. Chancellor’s Minority NONRESIDENT Award DEADLINE: Apply for admission by Feb. 15 or Nov. 15 frican-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American. Must indicate A ethnicity on application for admission. PHI THETA KAPPA DEADLINE: Apply for admission by Feb. 15 or Nov. 15 3.25 GPA, associate degree, member of Phi Theta Kappa AWARD RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT RENEWABLE GPA AWARD RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT RENEWABLE GPA Nonresident fee differential Nonresident 2.0 $500, plus nonresident fee differential if applicable None 3.0 Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Conservatory students not eligible. Requires separate application. DIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS UMKC Herman Johnson Scholarship DEADLINE: Feb. 1 Victor Wilson SCHOLARSHIP African-American, 2.5 college GPA DEADLINE: File FAFSA by March 1 AWARD RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT RENEWABLE GPA Varies Missouri and Kansas counties in the Kansas City metro area 2.5 Requires separate application. Must demonstrate financial need AWARD RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT RENEWABLE GPA Varies Longtime residence in Kansas City, MO 2.0 Requires separate application. UMKC Hispanic Matching Scholarship DEADLINE: March 1 ny Hispanic/Latino student who receives the Greater Kansas City A Hispanic Scholarship AWARD RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT RENEWABLE GPA Matches amount awarded by the Hispanic Development Fund None n/a Apply directly at Contact uS University of Missouri-Kansas City Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships 816-235-1154 SCHEDULE A VISIT UMKC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. Relay Missouri: 1-800-735-2966 (TTY) ADM 14040198 APPLY FOR ADMISSION