DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF HUMAN LINEARVECTION by WILLIAM HON NING CHU B.A.SC., University of Toronto 1973 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February, 1976 Signature of Author-Departmn of Aeronau cs and Astronautics October 3, 1975 Certified by / / Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairan, Departmental Graduate Committee Archives JUN 9 1976 Nraas q I' \~ 4 ui 4 t 4 V 4 p I d DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF HUMAN LINEAPVECTION by WILLIAM H.N. CHU Submitted to the department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on OCTOBER 3, 1975, in partial fulfillment of the reouirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT The of function linear motion the investiaate linearvection and increasing studied. It It was upward motion. moving was shown was There that also sensation than seemed than the human the decrease for was also induced downward sensation the to to both that response visually stronaer the of shown in The designed steady Asymmetry sensation examined. was response exhibited freauency. induced mainly were frequency phase sensation visually (linearvection) mechanism. moving backward human performed experiments gain of be forward a stronger one. break frequency was found to be approximately 0.1 Hz. Thesis Supervisor: Laurence P. Young Title: Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2 of The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author Professor Laurence guidance Thanks are thank Mr. stage offered by provided due express whose E. of Chao this Mr. significant Tole of advice this M. Oman their his cooporation also Technical Mr. contributions and wishes in the assistance William to and valuable author and to research. The research. John patient for for gratitude Charles Curry suggestions. Alfred his realization Professor Renwick and to Young the also discussions early R. permitted Professor to wishes the Morrison success of the experimental work. Finally, to his greatest dedicated the wife, Grace, burden to author his of who expresses without graduate wife and deep doubt life. parents appreciation carried This for thesis their the is constant support and encouragement. The research was supported 22-009-701. 3 by NASA grant NGR TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter No. CHAPTER I Page No. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 8 1.2 Objectives of the Thesis 9 1.3 Results of the Thesis 1.3.1 Response to Constant Velocity stimuli 1.3.2 Linearvection Frequency Response to Periodic 1.3.3 Inputs 9 10 Linearvection Frequency Response to Pseudo Random Inputs 12 Effects of Manual Pursuit Tracking 13 1.4 Outline 14 CHAPTER II EXPERIMENTS 2.1 Brief Outline of the Experiments 2.2 Experimental Facilities and 1.3.4 of the Thesis 15 Organizations 2.2.1 Description of the Equipment 15 2.2.2 Experimental Organization 20 2.3 Experimental Software 23 2.4 Experimental Procedures 2.4.1 Static Case 29 2.4.2 Dynamic Case 33 CHAPTFP III 3.1 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Cross Correlation Analysis and Results 3.2 35 Fourier Analysis 3.2.1 Periodic Input 39 3.2.2 Pseudo Random Input 47 3.3 Asymmetrical Response 54 3.4 Effects of Manual Pursuit Tracking 55 4 I CHAPTEP IV CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOP FURTHER PESFARCH 4.1 Summary of Human Linearvection Dynamics 61 4.2 Suggestions for Further Pesearch 62 A Operational Details of the Fxperiment 64 B Operational Details of the Data 68 A Appendices Analysis C Program Listinqs References 72 101 I I I I 5 I LIST OF FIGURES Fiaure No. 2.1 2.2 Page No. Overview of Experimental Set up Film Loop Motor Response to Dicitize d 16 18 Inputs 2.3 Motor Linearity Curve 2.4 System Configuration 19 for the Experiment 2.5 21 System Configuration for the Data Analysis 22 2.6,2.7, Test Cases on Cross Correlation 25,26 2.8,2.9 Coefficient Program 27,28 2.10 Bode Plot of a Known Transfer Function by the Digital Program FFTPLT 2.11 Typical LV Response to Pure Sinusoidal 2.12 30 Input 31 Results of Fast Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals Shown in Fia.2.10 by Digital 3.1 Program FFTPPT 32 Typical Subjective Response to Hozontally Moving Stripes with Constant Step Velocity. 3.2 Cross Correlation of Signals Shown in Fiq. 3.1 3.3 36 37 Summary of Cross Correlation Between Horizontal LV and the Constant Step Velocity Input 3.4 Typical Vertical LV Response to Pure Sinusoidal 3.5 38 Velocity Input Harmonic Analysis 6 40 42 3.6,3.7 3.8,3.9 3.10 Summary of Vertical LV Frequency Response to Sinusoidal Input, Gain 43 vs Frequency and Phase vs Frequency 44 Comparison of Results of Berthoz et al, 45 Gain vs Frequency and Phase vs Frequency 46 Typical Vertical LV Response to Pseudo Random Velocity Input 3.11 I 48 Results of Fast Fourier Transform on Fiq.3.10 by Digital Program FFTPPT 49 3.12,3.13 Summary of Vertical LV Frequency 3.14 Response to Pseudo Random Input, 50 Gain vs Freguency and Phase vs Frequency 51 Sketch of Discontinuity and Method of Adjustment for the Gain vs Frequency 53 Curves in Fig.3.12 3.15 Comparison of Pursuit Tracking Tasks 3.16,3.17 Effects of Manual Pursuit Tracking on the Response to Pseudo Random Input, 57 59 60 Gain vs Freguency and Phase vs Frequency A.1 Flow Chart of Program BVECTN 66 A.2 Data Flow During the Experimental Phase 67 B.1 Data Flow Durinq the Data Analysis Phase 71 TABLE 3.1 Normalized Output DC Amplitudes 56 t t I I 7 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Flight full six degree limited motion study is to be linear the always a with the function self-motion, based fixed of fidelity flight between compromise and the The purpose of this of induced freedom motion in the laboratory. in inteqrated improve of examine of sensation is simulation the air visually may which eventually simulator motion to and ride cues also of his simulation quality. Besides play an arises there when is an vestibular information. vestibular information man's judgment Disorientation orientation. and position spatial in role important visual stimulation, vestibular incongruity conflicting These are visual and visual and between considered currently a main contribution to motion sickness. Visually induced is (linearvection) experience the of movement system, being let visual the self-translation neighboring acceleration system of illustrated easily sensing of sensation take 8 vehicle. sensitive, over the linear motion a common by while The cannot task noticing vestibular help of but motion I in perception a effects Self-motion tilt (Dichgan et Oman 1974; velocity been have al,1972), studied pitch, environment. in roll, yaw, lateral yaw (Young and Young, Oman and Dichgan 1975) and in linear (Berthoz et al 1975). motion Berthoz's and constant aft studies horizontal study present were direction, is carried the whereas investigate to in out the the goal fore of the response of linearvection in the vertical direction. 1.2 Objectives of the Thesis The objectives of the thesis are twofold: (1) To study magnitude the and causal in phase, relationship, both between a static in constant visual stimulus and linearvection. (2) To study the dynamic response of linearvection in the presence of varying visual stimulus. 1.3 Results of the Thesis 1.3.1 Response to Constant Velocity Stimuli The basis of the first part of the experiment is the static phasic relationship between visual and for subjective both motion perception. constant vertical and The stimulus response latency horizontal moving 9 I stripes holds is for is for about most approximately 3 seconds. all stripe the maximun value, the subjects of velocities up This to before 30 field. induced sense of environment. visually under above. the Secondly, throughout Some is the of first latter in the motion is complete and suggests This definition this subject's self-motion definition occurs, experimental meanings motion. which 2. that saturation time in still maximal definition of saturation which is implied this thesis. subjects increasing case of only sensation the two implies possessing includes It has sensation induced certainly this it Firstly, visually the 'saturation' word cm/sec saturation condition described in detail in Chapter The delay stripe does had slightly velocity not occur auicker under response saturation. frequently enough to However to render the finding conclusive. 1.3.2 Linearvection Frequency Response to Periodic Inputs The steady peripheral generally as the field state with periodic. frequency sinusoidally The of subjective gain of stimulus 10 response varying the to velocity response increases. moving is decreases The result 4 (Fig. the shows 3.6) drop average between of Hz 0.03 and range exhibit strong agreement with However, Berthoz's result (Fig. 3.8). greater than 0.02 Hz. was only one The between lowest The patterns and is adopted moving fore by stripe 0.8 Berthoz indicated in this gain difference aft Berthoz patterns and moving and around experiment condition of in The Hz. of significant direction gain frequencies used experimental the in those to The horizontally were down Hz. present Berthoz's response frequency 0.03125 the field. for db 11 frequency data the an that of peripheral moving random while vertically were used up in this experiment. As as a expected, function phasic of phase frequency. relationship stripe-velocity is agree with those below 0.2 Hz. limiting about Hz. However, a steady increase collected decrease in phase 60 lag may for increase illustrates the input even The results frequency is the beyond reaches frequency (Fig . 3.9) Furthermore, imply frequencies range asymptotic which results lag. visual the lag degrees phase to nature. in phase Berthoz's (Fig. 3.9) in observed the in 3.7 the Berthoz Also observed Figure when of of 0.2 was periodic characteristic value lag a greater a of showed the data possible than 0.5 11 I Hz. However, this fact remains to be proven until more data above 1.0 Hz can be gathered. The harmonic made as to the shape which of sinusoidal strong the first figure 3.5 of the (Fig. The of significant. of the down-moving measure of clearly sugaests as great this The synthesis illustrated in resemblance to of the third harmonics the typical subjective of loss sudden three However, pure Fourier process out attaining it. of not were subharmonics stronger auantitative a to to the harmonics. emphasis slow other 3.4) shows terms in and linearvection of to be most response third harmonics the sensations: Fig. third confirmingly explained reported of and the can presence and the contribute results The presence responses. conclusions linearvection 2.11 typical be permits subharmonics input. transform the analysis found four of sensation asymmetry The to be subjects up. than is discussed The in Chapter 3.2. 1.3.3 Linearvection Frequency Pesponse to Pseudo Pandom Inputs The stripe figure response linearvection velocity 3.13. is summarized Essentially, there 12 to in is pseudo figure a random 3.12 steady drop and in I both gain and phase within considered. However, two response different from as Firstly, the gain the distinct is that features of higher frequency range mark the periodic at low the input. freqencies. Secondly, the phase lag exhibits steady increase. As far as concerned, the of obtaining pseudo-random favored unanimously though the pseudo-random input even ease stripe be the velocity visual best unpredictable at task difficult to linearvection the magnitude times due to of the estimation high the was stimulus, nature made is a frequency contents. 1.3.4 Effects of Manual Pursuit Tracking Due to tracking in the the should tracking response. of be modified pseudo-random figure 3.16 manual significant response claim figure and curves that 3.12 both and The far results of the off In general, task altering concerned. the large phase lag the were Hence, pursuit results pursuit to data summarized the were the correction were 3.17. 3.13 up, input is figure manual taking tracking as of set by velocity figure pursuit as task experimental obtained with inherent we and mainly effects not shape can gain due in very of the safely drop to in the 13 I linearvection mechanism. 1.4 Outline of the Thesis The 2. were experiment Hardware considered experimental made the and about vertical described software are dynamic of suggestions for the futher analyzed Finally, thesis work are detail of In response direction. conclusions in portion separately. results the is are the in Chapter experiment Chapter and of 3 the discussions are linearvection in Chapter stated made. A and the some Appendix A B describe the operational details of the experiment. 14 in and CHAPTER II EXPERIMENTS 2.1 Brief Outline of the Experiments The a basic simple subject block what block is of block were move stick to to magnitude tape input and was to moving film in a meter increase estimation. processed provided at the and 2.1. two by human blocks. find. The inputs which were in The essence to this made by the side windows of the subject was seated. the subject was instructed spring provided data end restrained stick was such were of made visual of sequenced the a control in turn method in of stored on analog run. The system digitally 2.2 Experimental Facilities and Organization 2.2.1 Description of the Equipment To feedback PDP-8 computer. 15 The was accuracy The illustrated generator control which the into loop onto which The is figure stripes proportional, accordingly. drive order strived linearvection, the in functionally moving trainer the shown setup linearvection visul a Link report to divided thesis projecting the diagram human this experimental by the r G (S) I SI------ H(S) MFTFR H FIG. 2.1 OVERVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL as 0* *as 00. SET UP |11OUTPUT a consists communication The computer. permitting digital and analog the of details operational GPS loqic diqital some the between the is facilities hybrid and circuits DECTAPE(magnetic computer are included Also 290-T. under analog The computer hybrid the computer PDP-8 system. tape) of portion digital (1) The system are documented in the Man-Vehicle Laboratory. (2) The motor film-loop of bandwidth 2.2 Figure input of the the motor waveform was motor desirable to amplitude made the The The The was of low pass on filtering the linearity 2.3 showed programmed input Figure calibrated. was responses typical unnecessary. amplifier satisfactory. very waveform. linearity. the motor the hence the the digitized digital the of illustrates to motor nature were the motor 's the waveform, input the a Torque Within PL-5011A-233BA. characteristics response the model design, System is unit amplifier and limited operated well under to 3 volts, its linear range. (3) The 35 opaque mm and film loop transparent consisted stripes of of alternating approximately 3.2 mm in width. (4) A Prodo Universal projector 17 with high resolution 4 -J - -IjjH Digitized Waveform, input to the film loop motor a I Filtered version of the above 0 4 0 A 9- Film Loop Motor Response, Signal from Motor Tach Feedback -C g 0 Figure 2.2 Film Loop Motor Response to Digitized Input. 0 18 0 0 100 VELOCITY (CM/SEC) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 -10 -8 -6 2 -4 4 8 6 -10 10 VO LT -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -.-90 -100 FIG.2.3 LINEARITY OF THE FILM-LOOP MOTOR; STRIPE VELOCITY VS INPUT VOLTAGE LOOP MOTOR AMPLIFIER. 19 WINDOW TO THE FILM- 4 lens was used. (5) Link The GAT-1 the subject and projector Through images a was trainer was seated. the The film were mounted on series of loop top of prism and were projected in which simulator transport the mirror trainer. arrangement, onto the side windows trainer. The width width. The shortest of the stripes distance was from 80 the of the mm in subject's eye to the side window was about 32 cm. (6) The control stick was basically the model airplane joystick made by the Rand Manufacturing Co. Inc. (7) The Brush Mark 240 strip chart recorder displayed all the inputs, responses and results. (8) A Sanborn model 2000 FM tape-recorder handled all the storage of raw data. 2.2.2 Fxpeirmental Organizations Figure 2.4 the system and data was completely and figure 2.5 depict an configuration analysis. The used in both the experiment of the experiment hybrid computing seguencing controlled by overview of the facilities. The digital clock on the automatically computer analog was basically computer. sequenced The through slaved digital a to the program predetermined 20 0 0 0 n FIG. 2.4 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FOR THE EXPERIMENT. .V 6 v -A/D-- FM TAPE RECC RDER ANALOG COMPUTER --- D/A DIGITAL COMPUTER - (AMPLIFICAT ION, FILTERING etc.) [ STRIP CHART RECORDER (CROSS CORRELATION, FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM) DEC PDP-8 GPS 290 T TELETYPE OUTPUT FIG.2.5 0 0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 00 0 FOR DATA f0 ' ANALYSIS 0 Idb aAm of pattern analog input waveforms. of counterparts D/A After digital the conversion, the was fed waveforms to the amplifier which drove the film-loop motor. The subjective linearvection created signals was through were magnitude represented the then use by of amplified estimation a on the analog control the analog on signal stick. The computer and subsequently recorded on FM tape. During the analysis reversed. The results outputed onto the converted and The details of the the digital Teletype displayed on phase, on data data data strip flow and was analysis were and/or D/A machine, the flow chart data recorder. manipulation were summarized in Appendices A and B. 2.3 Experimenral Software Proqram BCP computed cross-correlation coefficient pXY X(k)Y(k+T) I__TT) X(X - X(k)Y(k) 2 -2 -2(21 (k)-Y(k) (k) -X (k) 2(Y T=1,2,...,9 sec between response fitting X(k) to time and Y(k) perceived delay was being LV chosen 23 the film respectively. to be the speed and The best which gave 4 the maximun coefficient. This program was also written to be real-time executable. To 2.6) demonstrate with known resulting in cross cross figure this program, correlation correlation 2.7. Since was cross two were as signals (Fig. processed. expected correlation and The shown coefficients 6 were and actually bias final of computed, the theoretically signal coefficients. should This fact have was the no amplitide effect also on the satisfactorily 6 demonstrated different figure by processing amplitude 2.9 were and very signals bias. similar to (Fig. The 2.8) results those with shown shown in in figure 0 2.7. Program BVECTN timing of pseudo random controlled calibration, pure the sequencing sinusoidal and input and 0 input. calibration as implemented into lines. well Pure The as the capability calibration program sinusoidal at through inputs of repeated random the were use time of was sense calculated internally in this program. BRAND generated was the called from pseudo-random BVECTN. inputs by This summing routine up the same number of sinusoidal signal used in BVECTN. FFTPLT performed Fast Fourier Transform on both results were 6 the input and LV response signals. The 24 0 0 0 w @ 5 sec Uj FIG.2.6 ZERO-MEAN AND EQUAL-AMPLITUDE SQUARE CROSS CORRELATED. WAVES TOBE w DELAY 0.8 T(SEC) exY 0.6 0 0.99 0.4 1 0.62 2 0.24 TIME 0 -0.14 4 -0.52 5 -0.90 6 -0.72 7 -0.34 -0.6 8 0.04 -0.8 9 0.36 a THEORETICAL 0.2 3 FIG.2.7 a 1.0 CROSS CORRELATION COEFFICIENT 5 8 9 -0.2 -0.4 -1.0 RESULTS OF CROSS CORRELATION OF TWO SIGNALS 0~ a SHOWN IN FIG.2.6. a zc 00 0 A FIG. 2.8 w 0 - SIGNALS TOBE CROSS CORRELATED;(A) (B) BIAS. 5sec - ZERO MEAN DELAY 1.0 CROSS CORRELATION COEFFICIENT 0.8 T(SEC) exy 0.6 0 1.00 1 0.61 2 0.20 TIME 0.4 0.2 0 3 -0.19 4 -0.57 5 -0.93 6 -0.73 7 -0.28 -0.6 8 0.18 -0.8 9 0.57 FIG.2.9 THEORETICAL 1 2 5 8 9 -0.2 -0.4 -1.0 RESULTS OF CROSS CORRELATION OF TWO SIGNALS SHOWN IN FIG. 2.8. 00 0' 0 0 0 aS aa 'a 'db on plotted by its an such judged input, output signal of illustrated as basically was plot of condition working the hence 2.10 Figure Bode The example. and can be function. transfer expected the program a pair on performance known with of reliability The diagrams. Bode terms of in recorder chart strip the the program was assumed. of information Teletype. the obtained manually from the analysing typical result from sinusoidal input. Figure a Fiqure results. 2.12 a found of details these to pure input. can be series of programs digital be representative a output from an analysis on pseudo-random The on showed 2.11 response gave out thus can information plot Bode on phase and printed were subharmonics the Transform Fourier amplitude the However signals. the Fast only FFTPPT performed in Appendix A and B. Procedures 2.4 Experimental 2.4.1 Static Case Six subjects constant velocity to the move perceived visual control LV. The to exposed were field stick visual 29 motion according field a steps to motion the was and asked amount in of the 4 |(t) 2+- (volt) - 1 4 (a) -1-LL -2- O(t) A - 10 SEC -F-.-,-. 2 - (volt) ~ 1 4 (b) -1- -2- 4 -I 20 (c) GAIN (db) 0 4 4. a 180PHASE (deg) (d) 900 6 -90 -180 1.0 .1 .01 i(t) 1 s+1 10 rad/sec 01 o t) 6 FIG. 2.10 BODE PLOT OF A KNOWN TRANSFER FUNCTION BY THE DIGITAL PROGRAM FFTPLT.(a) INPUT WITH VAN HOUTTE'S SPECTRUM( REF.10 ) (b)OUTPU T (c) GAIN (d) PHASE 30 01 ST RIPE VELOCITY o 1 ik7~f I tm T~i~-4 - - 30 - '-=1 (c m/sec) (a) 0 f= -Lhz 64 -30 10 sec SUBJECTIVE VERTICAL LV RESPONSE: OUTPUT OF CONTROL STICK (volt) (b) 23 1 (c) 0.0000 0.0456 F = 2 =OUTPUT F F F F F F F F 4 =INPUT = = 0.0000 = 0.0151 0.0305 = = = = = = = = - 3 0.0456 0.0610 0.0761 0.1066 0.1372 0.1525 0.2287 z II f i -3 fI I ,-- - ,* j 4~o~n A = A = X222 0.3271 5.8691 0 = 0 = -180.00 - 89.29 A A A A A A A A A A -3 X2 0.9472 0.4638 0.5761 6.2695 0.3857 0.3759 0.3613 0.7031 0.3710 0.4492 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -180.00 -170-33 +178.06 -105.11 +132.45 1.49 +140.53 - 33.66 -102.91 + 31.28 F - FREQUENCY (HZ) A - AMPLITUDE 0 - PHASE (DEG) FIG.2.11 TYPICAL VERTICAL LV RESPONSE TO PURE SINUSOIDAL VELOCITY INPUT (a) INPUT STRIPE VELOCITY COMMAND (b) SUBJECTIVE RESPONSE (c) FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM RESULTS FROM DIGITAL PROGRAM FFTPRT. 31 55 FFTPRT 1 = = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = F = 2 INPUT 0.0000 0.0151 0.0227 0.0380 0.0532 0.0837 0.1296 0.1752 0.1831 0.2136 0.2211 0.2822 0.3583 0.4499 0.5568 0.6789 0.8161 0.9687 1.1367 1.3198 1.5180 1.7470 1.9147 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A A A A A A A A A A = = = 1.5087 6.7968 6.7675 = 6.6259 = = = = = = 6.4941 5.9912 5.2783 4.4970 3.9501 0.3271 =OUTPUT = = = = = = = = F F F F F F F F = F = 0.0000 0.0151 0.0227 0.0380 0.0532 0.0837 0.1296 0.1752 0.2211 0.2822 xz5 1.4697 6.8359 6.8603 6.8212 6.8896 6.8115 6.8701 6.7675 0.3173 0.3271 6.8798 0.6884 0.6738 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.6835 0.6542 0.6640 0.6738 0.6640 0.6445 0.6005 0.5957 0.5566 0.5371 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -180.00 - 82.70 +101.42 - 71.19 +116.54 +131.74 - 25.83 3.07 -179.12 -165.32 -160.31 + 50.80 - 93.33 +133.85 + 5.97 -114.25 +104.23 -150.99 +114.25 -156.53 +121.64 + 54.66 - 42.01 0 0 0 0 = = = = = = = = = = -180.00 - 88.15 + 92.98 - 84.90 + 97.55 +103.27 - 65.74 - 51.67 +144.75 - 11.95 xz5 0 0 0 0 0 0 F- FREOUENCY (HZ) A - AMPLITUDE 0- PHASE (DEG) FIG.2.12 g RESULTS OF FOURIER ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS SHOWN IN FIG. 2.10 FROM DIGITAL PROGRAM FFTPRT. 32 horizontal was steps obtained and fore designed by cross aft direction. to be of the sequence Hence random. the method correlation time delay for all average The results would be an the possible step jumps. 2.4.2 Dynamic Case Four part of exposed the subjects the to a number exact told the They were also the appropriate speed the the stick of data in this the subjects were step is the velocities film to move the control visible a under This position. control could subject the exposure. stick to was task which output, even though stick was the They meter procedure indicate for display device. spring-centered training and take as the calibration purposes. by to control constant relative assisted to Firstly, instructed corresponded the of as well were calibration used experiment. training further were This repeated until film speed correct without being told. Calibration cm/sec in calibration sinusoidal peak both frequencies up and period, inputs velocity down the with namely was were velocities directions. subject 30 cm/sec. chosen was different at 33 15 30, Followinq exposed frequencies The random in and order order of 7.5 the to pure but same the input to minimize 4 the inputs, the effects. order the stripe to exposure sinusoidal subject might be asked to track his LV(not velocity) against the was done in order to This again. the During speeds calibration see how the strong habituation was if there were any. and response differ was to reach duration of exposure The slightly. frequency was produced from between was taken One two longer total when for experimental breaks state each steady also duration of about response record being A pause of ten frequencies. successive were each for state the response two varies, frequency exposure strip chart recorder. from the seconds or of end determined by judging assumed steady time the the therefore is desired to take data of steady state it Since the within taken 45 minutes as it 0 might be requested by the subject. After were sixteen discrete sinusoidal all given, pseudo-random velocity the subject was pattern. instructed perceived velocity was subject the of to exposed During the faithfully self-motion rather velocities the to whole run, indicate his than that of the film stripes. 34 01 CHAPTER III ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 3.1 Cross correlation Analysis and Results To determine constant step algorithm was velocity of the input, The in response real-time scheme was to a analytical based on the coefficient correlation cross inherent 2.1 equation correlation time delay 2.1). However, assumed LV developed. application (equation the to was assumptions coefficient. property invariant compute Mainly, stationary be to adopted the ergodic and was existed also the when cross signals were processes. The Figure 2.6 implied. to figure 2.9 illustrated the use of this algorithm. Figure response 3.1 horizontally to correlation results in 3.2. figure of The as essentially similar to with The subjects. An stripes. The are summarized of those was deviation average 3.1 all shown average response standard moving shapes curves linearvection typical figure coefficient linearvection. a illustrates the 0.75 of to for in 3.3 were vertical horizontal be 2.67 seconds seconds 3.15 cross correlation figure delay computed value also obtained time of 35 in subjective for seconds six with FI LM BACKWARD -f --$--- FILM FORWARD -41- t - SUBJECTIVE' FORWARD Jl i - FIG. 3.1 TYPICAL HORIZONTAL LV RESPONSE TO MOVING STRIPES CONSTAN T STEP VELOC ITY. a -- - - - BACKWARD - Q a WITH Ah w W. U w v o a w w 1.0 DELAY 0.9 TIME CROSS CORRELATION COEFFICIENT 0.8 T(SEC) eXY 0 0.62 1 0.674 2 0.694 0.5 3 0.702 0.4 4 0.703 6 0.693 0.2 7 0.682 0.1 8 0.665 0.7 0 0 0 0 00O 0 0 0.6 4 O0 -J 0.3 0 I 0 . .-. 1 2 1 3 4 5 .I . . 6 7 8 9 9 ' (SEC) FIG.3.2 CROSS CORRELATION OF SIGNALS SHOWN IN FIG. 3.1. 0.643 0.9 DATA FROM 6 SUBJECTS 0.8LL L- w OE 0 U z 0 w 0 U U) U) 0 0.61 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DELAY TIME (sec) FIG.3.3 SUMMARY OF CROSS CORRELATION COEFFICIENT BETWEEN HORIZONTAL LV AND CONSTANT STEP VELOCITY INPUT. 38 standard deviation vertical used on 0.88 linearvection in the of the two vertical means seconds response. case. showed was Four Standard that significant with significance found the level for subjects t-test the were performed difference was not of 0.1. 3.2 Fourier Analysis 3.2.1 Periodic Inputs The was software mainly the of and by response this Van part of Houtte, the a the analysis former frequency involved in of Cooley algorithm student components signals were analyzed. technique the basically in Both Transform Fourier was developed laboratory. input the used of The Fast the analysis and Tukey (Ref.1, Pef.3). 2.11 Figure example. the obtain observed dc from accurately level, frequency. again gain the This to frequency its input since reliability, 39 in periodic other the order information. than component of results. typical oerformed the performance strengthened more difference data, analyzed, only be phase and these some showed had calculation Hand were 3.4 Figure representative a illustrated As signals some small the input was computer and to the software results 4 4 STRIPE 30. V ELOCI T Y (cm/ sec) z f =. 0 30- 4 SUBJECTIVE VERTICAL LV RESPONSE: OUTPUT OF CON TROL STICK (volt) 3- 0- I -3- 22 FFTPRT 4 1 = INPUT F = 2= F= F= F = A A 0.0305 x2-2 0.7470 0.6347 4.4824 0.4931 0.3271 0.3417 0.5029 0.0000 0.0151 0.0305 0.0456 0.0610 0.0915 0.1066 = F A FREQUENCY(HZ) AMPLI TUDE PHASE (DEG) FIG. 3.4 0 = -180.00 0 = - 88.33 4 OUTPUT F 0 -2 x2 0.1513 5.9082 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = -180.00 + 83.84 = -103.18 - = + 40.60 = - 35.33 = - 25.40 + 64.16 I I TYPICAL VERTICAL LV RESPONSE TO PURE SINUSOIDAL VELOCITY OF FREQUENCY 1 /32hz. 40 4 from the digital output The composed of the which response outstanding had the the This of input. typical response response by existence the of The led strong and third among all the of the figure 3.5 third harmonics One harmonic the other reconstruction the summing in large the to general amolitude. response to between the resemblance that shown a was in linearvection appropriately as harmonics varying amplitude observation shape sinusoidal with harmonics greatest were signals many harmonics of harmonics. of analysis would be more trustworthy. reconstructed first and third confirmed distortion in the the linearvection response to sinusoidal input. Other than amplitude not harmonics that specially of other than considered remnants smaller third and were therefore However, all the frequency the analyzed. components substantially contained of the to had fundamental the be response linearvection process. gain The fundamental and frequency gathered respectively. subjects were in the which and phase were together figure results summarized from computed in Averaged data difference in figure Berthoz 41 et for 3.6 for each and subject figure across the 3.8 and figure al (Ref.2 ) the 3.7 four for 3.9 the 4 10 SEC 41 //O,***\ 1ST HARMONIC 0.03125 HZ /*O"\\ 4 6 3RD HARMONIC 0.09375 HZ 6 61 1 ST+3RDHARMONICS 6 0 TYPICAL VERTICAL LV RESPONSE TO 1ST HARMONIC 6 0 FIG.3.5 HARMONIC ANALYSIS 42 01 4 FREQUENCY (HZ) 2 GAIN (DB) 001 0 II U 0.1 I U U 1.0 Nm I I ~~ a I ~ ~ * 1 -2 O - -4 -6 0 -8 -10 -12 x X X -14 0 -16 -18 -20 FIG 3.6 VERTICAL LINEARVECTION; FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO MOVING WITH SINUSOIDAL VELOCITY; GAIN VS FREQUENCY . I STRIPES 40 PHASE 20 ( 0 ) 0 FREOUENCY(HZ) - 0.01 0.1 a I I I I I U I I S U S 1.0 I I I -20 X -40 0 AD -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 FIG.3.7 VERTICAL LINEARVECTION: FREQUENCY WITH SINUSOIDAL VELOCITY; -200F e ~T e 0 00 0 0e RESPONSE TO MOVING STRIPES PHASE VS FREQUENCY. a F-1 4 GAIN (DB) 2 FREQUENCY(HZ) 0-1 1.0 0 -2 I TI -4 -6 -8 Un -10 -12 A-BERTHOZ(HORIZONTAL O-MEAN -14 I OF LINEARVECTION) 4 SUBJECTS _ 16 -16 -18 -20 FIG.3.8 VERTICAL LINEARVECTION: FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO MOVING STRIPES WITH SiNUSOIDAL VELOCITY ; GAIN VS FREQUENCY. I 40 PHASE (o) FREQUEN CY(HZ) 20 0.01 1 0-1 T -20 T -40 I -60 40 1 -80 .ol w' \T {-4 o----*o -100 A- -120 -140 BERTHOZ (HORIZONTAL O-MEAN LINEARVECTION) OF 4 SUBJECTS -+16 -160 -180-200 FIG.3.9 VERTICAL LINEARVECTION : FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO MOVING STRIPES WITH SINUSOIDAL VELOCI TY ; PHASE VS FRQUENCY. I' similar experiments in the horizontal plane was also were used here included. 3.2.2 Pseudo Random Input Similar to analyze velocity the digital linearvection input. the and phase the This were complex input procedure software of used. and Again plots obtained by those computed directly hand diagram to of the the fact gain response. check the the Bode that were hand components double calculation the was directly getting those the by software frequency helped random Neverthless, in the pseudo the Bode performed between random redundant the to recorder. also difference pseudo feature plotting chart programs response added of strip computations of An capability onto computer similar computer proved to the consistency of the software. Figure 3.10 to vertical LV and subsequent the programs subjects' and figure response FFTPLT pseudo Fourier and results to 3.11 random analysis FFTPPT. are displays The shown typical velocity by summary together a in both of input digital the four figure 3.13 figure 3.14. Although subjects did there not were response limited to 47 high instances when frequencies some during 4 -pie down s 30 PSEUDO RANDOM VELOCITY INPUT (cm/sec) - (ai) A t 4 SUBJECTIVE VERTICAL LV RESPONSE (OUTPUT OF CONTROL STICK) (volt) (b) 0 I1 3 O~VV~~r 4 (C) GAI N (db) 0 -20 I I 20T 2KLi I - 1 ~ I - ---- ---- PHASE (deg) (d) 180- 6 0- 6- 1 -180 a .01 FIG.3.10 1 1.0 10 r ad/ sec TYPICAL VERTICAL LV RESPONSE TO PSEUDO RANDOM VELOCITY INPUT (a) INPUT (b)SUBJECTIVE RESPONSE; (c)GAIN AND (d)PHASE OF BODE PLOT DONE BY DIGITAL PROGRAM FFTPLT. 0 48 0 0 w 0 2 FF TPRT 1 = F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F INPUT = 0.0000 = = 0.0305 0.0456 = 0.0761 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0.1066 0.1677 0.1982 0.2592 0.2897 0.3508 0.4423 0.4729 0.5644 0.6254 0.6560 0.7170 0.8085 F A 0 FIG.3.11 -4 x2 1.0156 3.3593 3.3691 3.3447 3.3837 3.3349 3.3886 3.3056 3.3935 0.3320 0.3320 0.3466 0. 3271 0.3320 0.3466 0.3271 0.3222 FREQUENCY (HZ) AMPLITUDE PHASE(DEG) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -180.00 - 76.11 +111.26 - 54.84 +139.74 +168.22 + 2.37 + 30.67 -154.42 + 74.79 - 66.44 +130.42 6.76 -159.43 + 35.24 + 66.09 - 75.14 =OUTPUT = 0.0000 F = 0.0151 F F = 0.0305 0.0456 F F F F 0.0761 0.0915 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F RESULTS OF FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM OF DIGITAL PROGRAM FFTPRT . = = = = = = 0.0610 0.1066 0.1220 0.1372 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0.1525 0.1677 0.1831 0.1982 0.2136 0.2287 0.2441 0.2592 0.2746 0.2897 0.3051 0.3508 0.3662 0.3813 = = = = 0.4118 0.4423 0.4729 0.5034 ON xz5 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3.6279 0.4443 6.1572 4.2578 1.2158 2.9101 1.2792 2.7685 0.4345 1.0156 0.9619 2.2509 0.8691 2.1728 0.5468 0.3808 0.7031 2.5781 0.6738 2.4316 0.8593 0.5859 0.5810 0.6689 0.3271 0.3710 0.4980 0.3662 SIGNALS IN FIG3.10; OUTPUT -180.00 - 56.68 - 77.43 + 79.45 + 66.88 -106.52 -130.16 + 94.30 +139.57 +126.56 -127.52 +108.98 - 27.15 - 59.76 - 58.18 - 77.43 + 34.18 - 50.97 +112.06 +137.72 +162.77 7.20 - 14.58 +176.66 - 40.07 - 99.84 + 48.16 - 94.57 4 GAIN (DB) 2 FREQUENCY(HZ) 0.1 1-0 0 03 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 0-~~ U, C) -10 -12 -14 0\ C -16 -18 0/ -20 a, FIG.3.12 VERTICAL LINEARVECTION: FREOUENCY RESPONSE TO MOVING STRIPES WITH PSEUDO-RANDOM VELOCITY; GAIN VS FREQUENCY. 0' 0 0 a Ba' a 'm e o e w S~~ a e 40 PHASE ( 0 ) 20 FREQUENCY (HZ) 0 1-0 0.1 0.01 t- -w -r w - E II 1 a i i II - - - I - - v - -20 A -40 -60 0,- -80 U, H 0 -100 0 -120 -140 x\ -160 180 F 0 -200 FIG.3.13VERTICAL LINEARVECTION: FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO MOVING STRIPES WITH PSEUDO-RANDOM VELOCITY ; PHASE VS FREQUENCY. I 4 discrete sinusoidal inputs, responses to- random In instances. components signal. pseudo other of the From the data of having above Hz was 0.5 For large. phenomenon of a increased some high not appear collected, no response considered example, observation input words, input did probability the figure subject's those frequency the response qualitatively to to 3.11 in on input be frequencies significantly showed response the this to low-pass pseudo random input. Intuitively, by in the inherent the this 2 to static velocity input response phenomenon 3 second constant beyond delay be explained response delay as input. 0.5 time might The Hz was constant found variation of certainly within the of the linearvection system. Also results 0.359 observed were Hz. the A made phenomenon occured components equal amplitude ten the was of because and the shown of greater times less components. identification gain discontinuities sketch adjustment frequency from 'shelf' figure the fact than 52 frequency occured phenomenon than a which in Such is versus 0.359 those a the 3.14. that Hz of high standard and at This frequency had the input lower frequency practice in GAIN FREQUENCY o.359 N (HZ) 'K EXTRAPOLATION P EXTRAPOLATED o DATA A ADJUSTED FIG. 3.14 POINT FOR CONTINUITY. DATA SKETCH OF DISCONTINUITY AND METHOD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR GAIN VS FREQUENCY CURVES IN FIG.3.12. 53 4 manual done by the simple accordingly argument of the Bode of section latter by The control(McRuer,1974). start to extrapolating at the continuity. plot portion was not of was the observed were Hence was the point which front however, phenomenon, adjustments the shifted determined curve. in This the phase 4 versus frequency results. 3.3 Asymmetrical Response A the difference dc in components suggest a sign of and/or input possibility of and amplitude output asymmetry between signals in the would vertical linearvection response. The signals input small was dc not bias recordings dc originally was not during showed up slight bias after inherent components in noise the intended. detected the the in input Even on the experiment, it Fast the input in the Fourier was command though strip this chart neverthless Transform. possibly amplifiers of due The to the the analog computer. If moving input in an g 0 the LV stripes bias equal responses were would to the same, appear quantity. in then is, and downward the response the output That 54 upward the response dc to the signal amplitude of 6 the output the case 3.1 in eauals as observed which dividing that of were the from input. the data tabulated dc output hypothesis data determine how different from level of 0.005 value of 0.3 occasional three for to output were the moving moving signals plus confirmingly subject the in done results by the on dc subjects the level show of with that their than level that in the hypothesis what a However larger dc and reported sensation. The agreement of who had stripes was stripes. Table The significance three consistently did that output input. moving in not obtained was the for fourth upward upward downward the obtained stronger subjects response of was of by testing significant that summarized amplitude Standard was this was the cuantities input. to However the test three subjects had reported after the experiments. 3.4 Effects of Manual Pursuit Tracking Task Inherent of manual to pursuit Conventionally, pursuit the tracking which consist 3.15). The minimize the the of task experimental set up was tracking as illstrated inputs to the task the are involved distance in the pursuing the target target 2.1, in a variables follower the task Fig. operator displayed and between 55 human both target in the and (Fig. is to the 4 4 SUBJECT o U I-- A B C D 1.37 8.23 3.44 -1.04 1.78 13.53 3.69 -0.61 2.25 11.26 4.58 1.92 1.31 16.74 3.73 2.52 9.65 3.72 0.96 8.13 2.53 (L10.51 6 6 0 - 8.62 2.06 7.07 1.81 18.44 13.11 POSITIVE INDICATES DOWNWARD LV 0 0 0 Table 3.1 Normalized Output dc Amplitudes. 56 6 TARGET POSITION DISPLAY HUMAN CON TROL OPERATOR FOLLOWER (a) LV(QUANTIFIED (b) FIG.3.15 COMPARISON OF PURSUIT TRACKING TASKS. (b) SUBTASK OF PURSUIT TRACKING IN EXPERIMENT; (a) CONVENTIONAL PURSUIT TRACKING. 57 4 follower. inputs to one of the the human the inputs other which was we tracking in tracking and different. the While imaginary quantity a purely as quantified similarity of as the data previous linearvection. the two of types of pursuit conventional pursuit subtask identify the shall experiment the were experiment, quantity, was sufficient task, present a physically displayed label shall Assuming the operator variable we pursuit in However, (Ref. 5) for collected conventional pursuit tracking were subequently used. We can mechanism taking isolate the overall from off Using now effects the the notation in the response manual of Fig. linearvection human 2.1 of the pursuit the system by tracking. human vertical linearvection mechanism can be easily expressed as g Y Data for results LV H(s) of G(s) H(s) (S)= were those in figure adjustment to G(s) same. of to the linearvection 3.16 and the was expected. not were not Hence the large large phase The data were amount and the remained lag altered contribution 5). The response significantly the (Ref. 3.17. very linearvection Especially, frequencies be Elkind modification summarized feature of of at as the of basic the high might pursuit tracking task to the overall experiment was small. 58 6 0 0 qw w 4 GAIN (DB) 2 FREQUENCY(HZ) 1.0 0.1 0 -2 -4 Un -6 -8 -10 -12 s-MEAN OF 4 SUBJECTS ±1d -14 A-CORRECTED MEAN -16 -18 VALUE FIG.3.16 CORRECTION OF VERTICAL LINEARVECTION DUE RESPONSE TO MANUAL PURSUIT TRACKING; PSEUDO-RANDOM INPUT; GAIN VSFREQUENCY. i>d A A -20 mr 4 0r PHASE (0) 20 FREQUENCY (HZ) 0.1 1.0 0 0.01 -20 6 -40 6 -60 TT 0T0 -80 T -100 -120-140 - MEAN OF 4 SUBJECTS!1S A - CORRECTED MEAN A VALUE -160-180- FIG.3.17 CORRECTION OF VERTICAL LINEARVECTION -200- 0 0 RESPONSE DUE TO MANUAL PURSUIT TRACKING; PSEUDO-RANDOM INPUT; PHASE VS FREQUENCY. 0 e 0 e a b 'a CHAPTER IV FOR CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FURTHER RESEARCH 4.1 Summary of Human LV Dynamics in studies future obtained flight simulators interactions. The designs future use the incorporating for in be used also may results vestibular visual groundwork the lay to serves thesis This of peripheral of moving visual fields. Secondly, the increasing frequency. 0.1 in drop sharp The Hz. The input. phase phase frequency. However, sinusoidal input, observed of lag the lags response sinusoidal also lag with 3.8, with a above behind the increasing the predictable to phase the velocity. frequencies for increases due to figure to Referring was gain response decreases response subject's velocity, of periodic to exposed when seconds constant with field visual peripheral moving 3 subjective the for found was time response to 2 of average an Firstly, nature of off to levels approximately 60 degrees. Thirdly, stripes be with frequency the pseudo LV response random velocity in dependent 61 to the vertically was- also following moving found to manner. 4 Similar to steady drop responses larger drop 0.2 of sinusoidal as to those gain was sinusoidal is the the below 0.2 sinusoidal also observed the phase frequency of for exhibits However, Hz were a the generally response. A sharp for frequencies above was larger those lag The increase gain increases, response. continuing which of Overall, Hz. the freauency frequencies than in input, striking phase which difference lag the than above phase lag was 0.2 Hz of the sinusoidal response tends to start levelling off. Fourthly, induced subjects subjective Although, seemed the sensation be of data also moving a were backward alter the that the did not Hence can claim were we in essence the downward. there subjective the peripheral task dynamics stronger available, the horizontal inherent a induced for the tracking had moving not larger field moving fore and aft in Fifthly, of sensation quantitative to generally of plane. manual result pursuit significantly. conclusions of visual human made above linearvection response. 4.2 Suggestions for Further Research Similar 13), to experiments the could study be by done Young in and order Oman to find (Ref. out 62 6 of effects the otolithes that Assuming found that both an erect and orientations, the to linear Another is would the acceleration important improvement of be it were the might sensitive minimum hence and these in least be for maximum since head, human's for then response result. and vestibular conflicts visual linearvection. responsible inverted otolith on motion, LV vertical the vertical were linear vertical of sensing position head consideration magnitude for estimation future work method used in indicating the subjective response. Sinusoidal deserve also be a trend responses further of to frequencies attention, in decrease above 0.8 Hz. 63 since phase lag 0.8 Hz seemed to above there for frequency APPENDIX A OPERATIONAL DETAILS OF THE EXPERIMENT A.1 Digital Portion To run the linearvection, which programs in The BVECTN: the The the Hz. The the basic frequency were termination Program BRAND is called written by Van the was random pseudo at 1/64 set change called it, signals. the seconds, 0.015625 is are only prime multiples used. The of prime of numbers 2,3,5.7.ll13,17,l9,23,29,3l,37,4l,43,47 should numbers These at found represented signals made Houtte which line to Van A.l. original the frequencies 53. starting was for Other can be clearly random modification as were chosen is figure in of computation period frequency, basic used only logic BRAND are 10). pseudo components frequency Sense the program. this and shown generates Houtte. For chart flow which from program programs by Van Houtte (Ref. vertical in appendix C. listed written thesis the digital following were his doctoral (1) by the Program BVECTN was used. for experiment 600 location to bit zero was of each frequency shorten the used wait 64 those numbers in program BRAND. control the replace 617 to exposure. routine if arbitrary Also desired. it was Sense 4 line bit one was implemented having calibration at any time. (2) BRAND: This program Houtte's doctoral is the This routine was the well flexibility documented Also needed thesis. which for computes the in in of Van this program sine of an angle. I routine was also contained in Van Houtte's work. A.2 Analog Portion Basically digital in programs order to corresponds Subjective voltage tape. details to a further The signals amplified maximum about response of command were have output magnitude were the 30 also 3 volts. reduced diagram by the voltage cm/sec signals were on in input half and figure 3 of so then A.2 to the computer which £ velocity. control as and by volts stripe terms Both analog of of adjusted in computed give output stick peak signals recorded summarizes on FM the of the data flow. 65 0 FIG. A.1 FLOW CHART OF PROGRAM 66 BVECTN A40 CHART RECORDER FILM MOTOR AMPLIFIER TAPE CH.1 A74 A44 T2 -1 CHART RECORDER A56 A54 A50 P20 SUBJECTIVE RESPONSE 3V P/P TAPE CH.3 OUTPUT OF CONTROL STICK A FIG. A.2 DATA FLOW DURING EXPERIMENTAL PHASE- T AMPLIFIER TRUNK LINE P POT V VOLT P/P PEAK TO PEAK a a 0 000 1 a ' adb is APPENDIX B OPERATIONAL DETAILS OF DATA ANALYSIS B.1 Digital Portion All analysis Fast the were Fourier Digital these Equipment programs thesis. originally Transform The written be this by routine program can in used programs Van was found following in The from Documentation Van gives the Houtte. gotten library. of part Houtte's some the of doctoral more helpful operational tips in using this program complex. (1) Six different programs need to be loaded into the computer. (a) routine which computes square root. (b) routine which computes arc tangent. (c) routine which computes logrithm. (d) FFT routine. (e) constant table for FFT routine. (f) patch program for FFT routine. program listed thesis volume 3, section (2) The in Either the section 4a of Van Houtte's or the program listed in 4c may be used. program complex 68 which includes the patch I from program strip program amplitude Teletype. phase and main This only 4c performs section from includes which complex program The program The main was named the patch this thesis. FFTPLT in (3) This recorder. chart Bode plot on and FFT 4a performs section are printed results program was signals. FFT on named on out in FFTPRT the this thesis. (4) The manual starting inputs addresses are and requested, the such addresses as the where number of I signals, are obvious from the patch program listings. (5) One that one points the of out. amplitudes the two The first amplitudes Proper shown deserve and printed digits of the amplitudes amplitudes special by second are two out that the attention have the to be FFTPRT is for output obtained raised to by the fact adjusted first digits the is for the input amplitudes. negative the of the EPS in appropriate digit mentioned above. (6) Also FFTPRT, to which be noted seems to is the variable determine the U prints multiplying the by called threshold U value 69 a for the amplitudes to be printed out. It may be desired to manually change EPS to vary the threshold. (7) The table thesis should samplinq 1 and be 2 on page referenced rate as well as in the 128 of order Van Houtte's to determine frequency the range that the Fourier Transform can handle. B.2 Analog Portion Figure B.1 summarizes analysis of recorded input command played back Transform. displayed output on the the signals. and A/D the data flow Essentially, and output converted for the the previously response signals are for the Fast Fourier The output of FFTPLT are D/A converted and on the the signals' chart recorder. frequency chart recorder. FFTPRT spectrum However, this not found to be quantitatively useful. 70 can also to be displayed information was AFS1 A BODE GAIN DA1 L A62 A70 S AD1 TO PDP-8 135 P23 T2 CH.1 Plo TAPE RECORDER OUTPUT Ti T2 T3 CHART RECORDER T4 -_j P25 CH.2 A72 T P24 167 A66 X1 A64 T5 BODE TO PDP-8 PHASE AD 2 -i0 'DA-2 L...J AFS 1 FIG. B.1 m. DATA FLOW DURING ANALYSIS PHASE APPENDIX C PROGRAM LISTINGS 72 BVECTN: /VERTICAL LINEARVECTION CONTROL PROGRAM /CALIBRATION OF 30,15,7.5 CM/SEC /PURE SINUSOIDAL RESPONSE /RANDOM INPUT (LOAD BRAND FIRST) /SET CLOCK AT 1/64 SEC /WM. CHU P MVL, MIT 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0250 7200 6454 7240 1055 3014 1056 3050 4212 7402 5251 0000 1414 6564 6454 6461 7610 5216 6 561 1057 3052 4330 2050 5213 6435 7004 7500 5242 7200 1056 1014 3014 1056 3050 5213 7200 6564 6561 1060 3052 4330 5612 *200 CALIBs CLA CLAF SMi TAD LVOLT DCA 14 TAD M7 DCA CNTRC JMS LOOP HLT JMP SINES LOOP 1, 0 TAD I 14 DAL4 CLAF SNAF SKP CLA JMP .-2 DACY TAD M128 0 /20 SEC FOR EACH CALIB SPEED DCA CNTR H JMS HOLD ISz CNTR Ci JMP LOOP 1 +1 LASL /IF SENSE BIT 1 TURNED 'ON' RAL /REPEAT CALIBRATION VELOCITY SLZ JMP .+10 CLA TAD M7 TAD 14 DCA 14 TAD M7 DCA CNTRC JMP LOOP1 +1 CLA DAL4 DACY TAD PAUZE DCA CNTRH JMS HOLD JMP I LOOPI 0251 0252 0253 7200 1062 3051 SINESsCLA TAD M16 DCA CNTR 73 I 0254 0255 0256 0257 0260 0261 0262 0263 0264 0265 0266 0267 0270 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0300 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 0307 0310 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 1053 3054 3065 7200 1065 1454 3065 1065 4464 7421 1066 4463 6564 6454 6461 7610 5272 6561 6435 7500 5257 7200 6564 6561 1061 3052 4330 1060 3052 4330 6435 7004 7500 5322 7200 1056 3050 4212 7200 2054 2051 5256 7402 5467 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0340 0000 6461 7610 5331 6454 6435 7510 5344 2052 TAD LFREQ DCA PFREQ NEXT, DCA ANGL LOOP?,CLA TAD ANGL TAD I PFRE DCA ANGL TAD ANGL JMS I PSINE /JUMP TO SINE ROUTINE(REF. 10) MQL TAD AMP JMS I PMUL /JUMP TO MULTIPLICATION DAL4 /ROUTINE (REF. 10) CLAF SNAF SKP CLA JMP .-2 DACY LASL SENSE BIT 0 ON /IF SLZ /END OF THIS F RFQUENCY JMP L.OOP2 CLA E ALA/ DACY TAD M64 DCA CNTRH JMS HOLD TAD PAUZE DCA CNTRH JMS HOLD LASL RAL SLZ /IF SENSE BIT' I ON, MORE CALIB VELCITY JMP .+5 CLA TAD M7 DCA CNTRC JMS LOOPI CLA ISZ PFRFQ I SZ CN TR JMP NEXT HLT JMP I PSTART /START RAMDOM INPUT HOLDs 0 WAIT, SNAF /WAIT ROUTINE SKP CLA JMP .-2 CLAF LASL SPA JMP .+5 IS9 CNTRH 74 I 4 I I t I I I I 0341 0342 0343 0344 0345 0346 0347 5331 7200 5730 7200 1061 3052 5331 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0000 0000 0000 0150 0000 0070 7771 5400 6600 7700 7760 5741 7401 0000 0632 0400 *50 CNTRC,0 CNTR,0 CNTRH,0 LFREQsFREQS PFREQ,0 LVOLTVOLT M7,7771 M1280,5400 PAJZE,6600 M64,7700 M16,7760 PMUL,5741 PSINF7401 ANGLs0 AMF0632 /1 VOLT AMPLITUDE PSTART,0400 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0120 0121 0122 0315 0146 0063 0000 7715 7632 7463 7632 0063 0315 0000 7463 7715 0146 0146 7632 7463 0000 0315 0063 7715 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 VOLT,0315 0146 0063 0000 7715 7632 7463 7632 0063 0315 0000 7463 7715 0146 0146 7632 7463 0000 0315 0063 7715 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 JMP CLA JMP CLA TAD DCA JMP WAIT I HOLD M64 CNTRH WAIT 75 I 0123 0000 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0002 0003 0027 0035 0065 0005 0023 0057 0021 0053 0015 0051 0013 0045 0007 0037: 0000 *150 FRES,2 3 27 35 65 5 23 57 21 53 15 51 13 45 7 37 I AMP ANGL CALIB CNTR CNTRC CNTRH FREOS HOLD LFREQ LOOPI LOOP2 LVOLT M1280 M16 M64 M7 NEXT PAUZE PFREQ PMUL PSINE PSTART SINES VOLT WAIT 0066 0065 0200 0051 0050 0052 0150 0330 0053 0212 0257 0055 0057 0062 0061 0056 0256 0060 0054 0063 0064 0067 0251 0070 0331 76 /COMPUTES CROSS CORRELATION /COEFFICIENT OF TWO SIGNALS. *200 /TEN PAIRS OF NUMBERS OUTPUTED /ONTO TELETYPE. EACH PAIR CLAF CLA /CORRESPONDS TO THE NUMERATOR AND TAD ACORR /DENOMINATOR OF EQUATION 2.1, P. 23 TAD P19 DCA PONT9 DCA FLAG TAD ACORR DCA 10 TAD M30 DCA CONT DCA I 10 ISZ CONT JMP .-2 TAD BLKB DCA 11 DCA SMAH DCA SMAL DCA SMBL DCA SMBH DCA SMAAH DCA SMBBH DCA SMAAL DCA SMBBL DCA T TENSCsTAD BLXA DCA 10 DCA CYCLE DCA BILL HI, TAD CYCLE CIA DCA CONTR TAD CYCLE TAD CYCLE IAC TAD ACORR DCA TEMAD JMS I PSAMP TAD BLKA DCA 12 JMS CORCM HOs CLA TAD M9 TAD CYCLE SNA JMP RESET CLA TAD FLAG SZA JmP MORE CYC, ISE CYCLE CLA DCA BILL BCR: 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 02-15 0216 0217 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0250 0251 0252 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0260 0261 0262 0263 6454 7200 1026 1031 3051 3050 1026 3010 1032 3037 3410 2037 5212 1027 3011 3073 3072 3074 3075 3076 3077 3100 3101 3102 1030 3010 3040 3357 1040 7041 3041 1040 1040 7001 1026 3042 4452 1030 3012 4312 7200 1035 1040 7450 5265 7200 1050 7440 5272 2040 7200 3357 77 0264 0265 0266 0267 0270 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0300 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 0307 0310 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0340 0341 0342 0343 0344 0345 0346 0347 0350 0351 5234 7040 3047 7040 3050 5230 7200 1047 7040 3047 1047 7440 5261 1051 3042 1040 1036 3041 1035 1040 3357 5247 0000 4453 7100 7200 1044 1442 3442 7430 7001 2042 1043 3020 1442 3021 4531 1022 3442 1040 7041 1357 1031 1042 3045 1360 1445 3445 1041 7450 5712 2357 2041 5352 JMP HI RESETsCMA DCA FAG CMA DCA FLAG JMP TENSC MORE* CLA TAD FAG CMA DCA FAG TAD FAG SZA JMP CYC TAD PONT9 DCA TEMAD TAD CYCLE TAD M8 DCA CONTR TAD M9 TAD CYCLE DCA BILL JMP HO CORCMs0 JMS I PMSUM CLL CLA TAD TEMP2 TAD I TEMAD DCA I TEMAD SZL IAC ISZ TEMAD TAD TEMPI DCA WI TAD I TEMAD DCA W2 JMS I PFLOW TAD SUM DCA I TEMAD TAD CYCLE CIA TAD BILL TAD P19 TAD TEMAD DCA ADTIM TAD PS TAD I ADTIM DCA I ADTIM TAD CONTR SNA JMP I CORCM ISZ BILL ISZ CONTR iMP .+1 78 I 0352 0353 0354 0355 0356 0357 0360 0361 0362 0363 0364 0365 0366 0367 0370 0371 0372 0373 0374 0375 0376 0377 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 0407 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0416 0417 0420 0421 0422 0423 0424 0425 0426 0427 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 0435 0436 0437 7200 1034 1042 3042 5313 0000 0005 0000 7200 3043 3044 1027 7001 3046 1033 3037 1446 2046 7421 1412 4425 1043 3043 7501 7100 1044 3044 7420 5532 7200 1043 7001 3043 2037 5620 1453 3023 5423 0372 0000 7200 1033 3037 6454 6461 7410 5226 6545 6532 6531 5233 6534 3070 1070 CLA TAD M3 TAD TEMAD DCA TEMAD JMP CORCM+1 BILL,0 P5,0005 MSUM5, 0 CLA DCA TEMPI DCA TEMP2 TAD BLKB IAC DCA ADRE TAD MS DCA CONT TAD I ADRE AG, ISZ ADRE MQL TAD I 12 JMS I PMUL TAD TEMP1 DCA TEMPI MQA CLL TAD TEMP2 DCA TFMP2 SNL JMP I PINC CLA TAD TEMPI IAC DCA TEMPI ISZ CONT INC, JMP I PAG TAD I PMSUM DCA BAK JMP I BAK PAGAG SAMPLE, 0 CLA TAD M5 DCA CONT AGAN, CLAF SNAF SKP iMP --2 ADCC ADIC ADCV ADSF iMP .-1 ADRB DCA SA TAD SA 79 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0460 0461 0462 0463 3410 6544 6532 6531 5243 6534 3071 1071 3411 4663 2037 5661 1027 3011 1452 3262 5662 0425 0000 0600 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0050 0051 0052 0053 0000 0000 0000 0000 6200 6341 1777 2047 2077 0023 774P 7773 7775 7767 7770 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0421 0361 2000 0000 2050 0000 DCA I 10 ADIC ADCV ADSF iMP 0-1 ADRB DCA SB TAD SB DCA I 11 JMS I PSSUM ISZ CONT JMP I PAGAI TAD BLKB DCA 11 TAD I PSAMP DCA TEP JMP I TEP PAGAIAGAN TEP,0 FSSUMSSUM *20 W1,0 W2,0 SUM,0 BAK,0 I-PDIV,6200 PMUL,6341 ACORRCORR-1 BLKB,B-1 BLKAA-1 P19,23 M30,7742 M5,7773 M3,7775 M9,7767 M8,7770 CONT,0 CYCLE,0 CONTH,0 TEMAD,0 TEMP1,0 TEMP2,0 ADTIMO ADRE,0 FAG,0 FLAG,0 PONT9,O PSAMPSAMPLE PMSUMMSUM5 *2000 CORRO *2050 B,0 *2100 80 I 2100 0000 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7766 2023 5124 4706 5100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0240 7510 0673 3000 0413 3037 5076 1400 1410 1006 A,0 *70 SA,0 SB,0 SMAL,0 SMAH,0 SMBL,0 SMBH,0 SMAAH,0 SMBBH,0 SMAAL,0 SMBBL,0 T,0 SX,0 WORDL,0 WORDH,0 OUT,0 M1O,7766 TIMES,2023 PPRNTV,5124 SPEC3,4706 PSPEC,5100 AMEAN,0 BMEAN,0 PMHI,0 PMLO,0 AAMEAN,0 BBMEAN,0 XRT,0 YRT,0 DH,0 DL,0 K240,240 PSQRTsSQRT PDUP,DIIPRE PFLOWOFLOW PINCINC PSEUDOSEUDO PSPACFSPACE PCRLF,CRLF PTYPTYP PAVEAVE 81 I *600 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 0616 0617 0620 0621 0622 0623 0624 0625 0626 0627 0630 0631 0632 0633 0634 0635 0636 0637 0640 0641 0642 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647 0650 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0656 0657 0660 0661 0662 0663 0000 1070 3103 1072 3104 1073 3105 4273 3073 1104 3072 1071 3103 1074 3104 1075 3105 4273 3075 1104 3074 1070 7421 1070 4425 3020 7501 7100 1100 3100 7430 7001 1020 3020 1076 3021 4531 1022 3076 1071 7421 1071 4425 3020 7501 7100 1101 3101 7430 7001 1020 3020 I SSUM, 0 TAD DCA TAD DCA TAD DCA JMS DCA TAD DCA TAD DCA TAD DCA TAD DCA JMS DCA TAD DCA TAD MQL TAD SA Sx SMAL WORDL SMAH WORDH DUPRE SMAH WORDL SMAL SB Sx SMBL WORDL SMBH WORDH DUPRE SMBH WO RDL SMBL SA I I I SA I JMS I PMUL DCA MQA CLL TAD DCA SZL IAC TAD DCA TAD DCA JMS TAD DCA TAD MQL TAD JMS DCA MQA CLL TAD DCA SZL I AC TAD DCA W1 SMAAL SMAAL I W1 Wi SMAAH W2 I PFLOW SUM SMAAH SB SB I PMUL Wi I I SMBBL SMBBL I W1 W1 82 I 066'4 0665 0666 0667 0670 0671 0672 1077 3021 4531 1022 3077 2102 5600 0673 0674 0675 0676 0677 0700 0701 0702 0703 0704 0705 0706 0707 0710 0711 0712 0713 0714 0715 0716 0717 0720 0721 0722 0723 0000 1103 7004 7420 5304 7200 7040 3323 5306 7200 3323 7100 1104 1103 3104 7430 7001 1323 3020 1105 3021 4531 1022 5673 0000 TAD DCA JMS TAD DCA I SZ JMP SMBBH W2 I PFLOW SUM SMBBH T I SSUM DUPREs 0 TAD Sx RAL SNL JMP CLA CMA DCA SXH .+3 CLA DCA SXH CLL TAD WORDL TAD sx DCA WORDL SZL IAC TAD SXH DCA TAD WORDH DCA v 2 JMS I PFLOW TAP SUM JMP I DUPRE SXHsv 0 83 I 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1060 1061 1062 1063 1107 3037 1026 3010 1110 3011 1112 3513 7200 7421 1411 3060 1410 7421 1410 4533 0000 4424 3117 1102 3060 1072 7421 1073 4424 3114 1102 3060 1074 7421 1075 4424 3115 1115 7421 1114 4425 7040 3105 7501 7450 2105 7041 7100 1117 3117 7430 7001 1220 1105 3116 1102 AVE, *1000 TAD M10 DCA CONT TAD ACORR DCA 10 TAD TIMES DCA 11 TAD SPEC3 DCA I PSPEC CLA MQL TAD I 11 DCA DIVSOR TAD I 10 MQL TAD I 10 JMS I PSEUDO SIHI,0 JMS I PPDIV DCA PMLO TAD T DCA DIVSOR TAD SMAL MQL TAD SMAH JMS I PPDIV DCA AMEAN TAD T DCA DIVSOR TAD StMBL MOL TAD SMBH JMS I PPDIV DCA BMEAN TAD BMEAN MOL TAD AMEAN dMS I PMUL CMA DCA WORDH MQA SNA ISZ WORDH CIA CLL TAD PMLO DCA PMLO SZ.L IAC TAD SIHI TAD WORDH DCA PMHI TAD T I 84 I 1064 1065 1066 1067 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1150 1151 3060 1100 7421 1076 4533 0000 4424 3120 1102 3060 1101 7421 1077 4533 0000 4424 3121 1114 7421 1114 4425 7040 3105 7501 7450 2105 7041 7100 1120 3120 7430 7001 1271 1105 7421 1120 4527 3122 1115 7421 1115 4425 7040 3105 7501 7450 2105 7041 7100 1121 3121 7430 7001 1302 DCA DIVSOR TAD SMAAL MQL TAD SMAAH JMS I PSEUDO AAH I,0 JMS I PPDIV DCA AAMEAN TAD T DCA DIVSOR TAD SMBBL MQL TAD SMBBH JMS I PSEUDO BBHI s0 JMS I PPDIV DCA BBMFAN TAD AMEAN MQL TAD AMEAN JMS I PMUL CMA DCA WORDH MQA SNA ISz WORDH CIA CLL TAD AAMEAN DCA AAMEAN SZL IAC TAD AAH I TAD WORDH MQL TAD AAMEPN JMS I PSORT PCA XRT TAD EMEAN MQL TAD BMEAN JMS I PMUL CMA DCA WORDH MQA SNA I Sz WORDH CIA CLL TAD BBMEAN DCA BBMEAN SZL IAC TAD BBH I 85 I 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1210 1211 1212 1105 7421 1121 4527 3123 1122 7421 1123 4425 3124 7501 3125 1117 7421 1116 4511 1107 3040 1126 4536 2040 5374 1112 3513 7200 1125 7421 1124 4511 4535 2037 5537 7402 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 0000 1206 4210 1207 4210 5600 0215 0212 CRLF,0 TAD K215 dMS TYP TAD 1212 JMS TYP iMP I CRLF K215,215 K212,212 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 0000 6046 6041 5212 7200 5610 TYP,0 TLS TSF iMP .- 1 CLA JMP I TYP TAD MQL TAD JMS DCA TAD MQL TAD JMS DCA MQA DCA TAD MOL TAD JMS TAD DCA TAD JMS ISZ iMP TAD DCA CLA TAD MQL TAD JMS JMS ISE WORDH BBMEAN I PSQRT YRT XRT YRT I PMUL DH DL PMLO PMHI I PPRNTV M10 CYCLE X240 I PTYP CYCLE 0-3 SPEC3 I PSPEC DL DH I PPRNTV I PCRLF CONT iMP I PAVE HLT *1400 I 86 3 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3010 3011 3012 0000 7300 1020 0236 1021 7430 5213 7004 7430 5222 5227 *3000 OFLOWs0 CLA C LL TAD W 1 AND MAiSK TAD W 2 SZL JMP N ENEG RAL SEL iMP P OSNG iMP P OSPO 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3020 3021 7300 1020 1021 7500 7402 3022 5600 NENEGsCLA TAD TAD SMA HLT DCA JMP 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 7200 1020 1021 3022 5600 POSNGCLA TAD TAD DCA iMP 3027 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 7300 1020 1021 7510 7402 3022 5600 POSPOsCLA TAD TAD SPA HLT DCA iMP 3036 3037 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3050 3051 3052 4000 0000 7510 5247 3106 3637 1106 2237 5637 3106 7040 3637 5244 MASKs#4000 SFUDO,0 SPA iMP DCA DCA TAD ISZ iMP DCA CMA DCA iMP /OVERFLOW ROUTINE C LL W1 W2 S UM I OFLOW W1 W2 S UM I OFLOW C LL W1 W2 S UM I OFLOW . +6 0 UT I SEUDO 0 UT SEUDO I SEUDO 0 UT I SEUDO . -6 87 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7520 7521 7522 7523 7524 0000 3302 3370 1304 3307 7344 3306 3367 7413 0003 7550 5331 1303 *7510 SQRTs0 DCA LOW2 DCA ROOT TAD CN5 DCA CNT SM2 DCA DOUBLE DCA REMAN SHL 0003 SGZ JMP CLEAR TAD CN1 7525 7526 7527 7530 3367 1370 7124 3370 SETsDCA REMAN TAD ROOT CLL CML HAL DCA ROOT 7531 7532 7533 7534 2307 5350 2306 5344 CLEARs ISZ CNT JMP NXTBIT ISZ DOUBLE JMP GETLOW 7535 7536 7537 7540 7541 7542 7543 1370 7040 1367 7700 7101 1370 5710 DGNE, TAD ROOT CMA TAP REMAN SLZ CLA CLL IAC TAD ROOT JMP I SQRT 7544 7545 7546 7547 1302 7421 1305 3307 GETLOWs TAD LOW2 MOL TAD CN6 DCA CNT 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 1367 7413 0001 3367 1370 7100 7066 1367 7420 5325 7200 1370 7104 3370 5331 NXTBITsTAD REMAN SHL 0001 DCA REMAN TAD ROOT CLL CMA CML RTL TAD REMAN SNL JMP SET CLA TAD ROOT CLL RAL DCA ROOT JMP CLEAR 88 7567 7570 0000 0000 7502 7503 7504 7505 7506 7507 0000 7777 7773 7772 0000 0000 REMAN,0 ROOT,0 *7502 LOW2, 0 CN1v-1 CN5, -5 CN6s -6 DOUBLE,0 CNTs 0 89 I 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6220 6221 6222 6223 622*4 6225 6226 6227 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 0000 7100 7500 5215 7060 3061 7501 7041 7420 2061 7421 7120 7410 3061 1060 7510 7061 3227 7420 7040 3373 1Of 1 7407 0000 7430 7L,02 3376 7501 3064 1376 7141 7004 1227 7710 7101 1064 2373 7041 7100 5600 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6260 6261 6262 0000 7100 7500 5265 7060 3061 7501 7041 7420 2061 7421 *6200 /VAN HOUTTE'S DIVIDE AND MULTIPLY SDVI,0 /ROUTINES. SEE REF. 10 CLL / ENTER WITH LOW IN MQ, HIGH IN AC SMA JMP POS CMA CML DCA HIGH MQA CIA SNL ISZ HIGH MOL CLI. CML SHP POSDCA HIGH TAD PIVSOR SPA CIA CML DCA DUSOR SNL CMA DCA SIGNN TAD HIGH DV I DVSOH,0I SZL HLT / CHFCX STOP, IF OVERFLOW, HIGH>DIVSOR DCA RFMAIN DCA QUOT TAD REMAIN CIA CLL DV SO R CLA CLL QUOT SIGNN JMP I SDVI 'I I I 1 I PAL TAD SPA IAC TAD ISZ CIA CLL I I / EXIT WITH QUOT IN AC SMULDP, 0 CLL / ENTER WITH LOW SMA / HIGH JMP POSDP CMA CML DCA HIGH MGA CIA SNL ISZ HIGH MOL IN MQ IN AC I I 90 I 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6340 7120 7410 3061 1063 7510 7061 3276 7430 7040 3373 7405 0000 3062 7501 3227 1276 3306 1061 7425 0000 3061 7501 1062 3062 7430 7101 1061 3061 1227 2373 5650 701i1 3227 1062 7040 7430 7101 3062 1061 7040 7430 7101 3061 1227 7100 5650 CLL CML SKP POSDPsDCA HIGH TAD MULT SPA CML CIA DCA MULTI SZL CMA DCA SIGNN MUY MULT1,0 DCA LOW MQA DCA PO TAD MULTI DCA MULT2 TAD HIGH MQL MUY MULT2, 0 DCA HIGH MCA TAD LOW DCA LOW SZL IAC CLL TAD HIGH DCA HIGH TAD PO ISZ SIGNN JMP I SMU LDP CIA DCA PO TAD LOW CMA SZL IAC CLL DCA LOW TAD HIGH CMA SZL CLL IAC DCA HIGH TAD PO CLL JMP I SMULLDP / EXIT WITH LOWLOW IN AC 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 0000 7100 7510 7061 3356 7501 7510 A SMUL, 0 I / ENTRY WITH TERMS IN AC AND MQ CLL SPA CIA CMIL DCA MLTPLR MQA SPA 91 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 7061 7421 7430 7040 3373 7405 0000 2373 5741 3356 7501 7141 7421 1356 7040 7430 7001 7100 5741 0000 7402 7402 0000 CIA CML MQL SZL CMA DCA -SIGNN MUY MLTPLRs0 ISZ SIGNN JMP I SMUL DCA HIGHER MOA CLL CIA MQL TAD HIGHER CMA SZL IAC CLL JMP I SMLUL SIGNNs0 7402 7402 hEMAINs0 / EXIl WITH LOW IN MQ, HIGH IN AC PO=DVSOR HICHER=MLTPLR *0064 0064 0000 QUOTs0 9 I I 92 I *5000 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 50146 5047 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5060 5061 5062 0000 1300 7710 7040 3355 1300 0275 3343 1300 7417 0005 0275 3300 1300 7041 1275 7710 5226 1300 7040 1343 7500 7402 3300 1300 3362 2355 5236 1363 4305 1301 3355 3363 1755 7450 5267 2363 4305 2355 2300 5241 1343 7040 3300 2300 7410 5600 7344 4305 1755 4305 /VAN HOUTTE'S OUTPUT ROUTINE /SEE REF. 10. OUTPUT,0 TAD SPEC SPA CLA CMA DCA SGNPR TAD SPEC AND C0007 DCA DEC TAD SPEC LSR 5 AND C0007 DCA TOT TAD TOT CIA TAD C0007 SPA CLA JMP STOP TAD TOT CMA 1AD DEC SMA / CHECK STOP STOPHLT DCA COUNT TAD COUNT [CA SKIP ISZ SGNPR JMP .+3 TAD SGN JMS TYPE TAD ADD DCA PADD DCA CHFCK OVER1,TAL I PADD SNA JMP ZERO ISZ CHECK INJMS TYPE ISZ PADD ISZ COUNT JMP OVERI TAD DEC CMA DCA COUNT ISZ COUNT SKP JMP I OUTPUT CLA CLL CMA RAL JMS TYPE OVERPTAD I PADD JMS TYPE 93 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 2355 2300 5261 5600 1363 2362 7640 5245 1276 5245 ISZ PADD ISZ COUNT JMP OVEH2 JMP I OUTPUT ZEROTAD CHECK ISZ SKIP SZA CLA JMP IN TAD SPACE JMP IN 5075 5076 5077 0007 7760 0260 C0007,7 SPACE,240-260 C260,260 5100 0000 SPEC,0 5101 5102 5103 5104 5361 5200 5226 5301 ADDTABLEl PSIGNSIGN PVOLTVOLT PCOVRTBINBCD 5105 5106 5107 5110 5111 5112 5113 0000 1277 6046 6041 5310 7200 5705 TYPE,0 TAD C260 TLS TSF JMP .-1 CLA JMP I TYPE 5114 5115 5116 5117 5120 5121 5122 5123 0000 4343 4702 2305 4703 4704 4200 5714 PRNTQ,0 JMS SCALE JMS I PSIGN ISZ TYPE JMS I PVOLT JMS I PCOVRT JMS OUTPUT JMP I PRNTQ 5124 5125 5126 5127 5130 5131 0000 4702 4703 4704 4200 5724 PRNTV,0 JMS I PSIGN JMS I PVOLT JMS I PCOVRT JMS OUTPUT JMP I PRNTV 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 0000 4702 4704 4200 5732 PRNTN,0 JMS I PSIGN JMS I PCOVRT JMS OUTPUT JMP I PRNTN 5137 5140 0000 4704 PRNT,0 JMS I PCOVRT 94 5141 5142 4200 5737 JMS OUTPUT JMP I PRNT 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 0000 4773 7710 7001 1062 7421 1061 7413 0000 5743 SCALE, 0 JMS I PMULDP SPA CLA IAC TAD LOW MOL TAD HIGH SHL 0 JMP I SCALE 5155 5156 5157 5160 5161 0000 3063 7040 3305 5755 INCR,0 DCA MULT CMA DCA TYPE JMP I INCR 5162 0000 SKIIP,0 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5170 0000 3060 7330 7421 4772 3063 5171 5763 DECR,0 DCA DIVSOR CLA CLL CML R, MQL JMS I PDVI DCA MULT /DCA TYPE NOT NECESSARY JMP I DECR 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 5177 5600 5650 5774 5775 5776 5777 PDU I, 5600 PMULDP,#5650 PDVSOR,5774 PMe-ULT, 5775 PHIGH,5776 PLOW, 5777 DEC=SCALE TOT=SPEC COUNT=TOT SGN=DECR CHECK=SGN PADD=INCR SGNPR=PADD *60 0060 0061 0062 0063 0000 0000 0000 0000 / LOCATED IN MAIN DIVSOR,0 HIGH 0 LOW, 0 MULT, 0 *OUTPUT+200 95 PROGRAM I 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5220 5221 5222 5223 0000 3352 1352 7710 5210 1224 3777 5222 1225 3777 1352 7140 3352 7501 7041 7421 7430 7101 1352 5600 SIGN,0 DCA NUMB TAD NUMB SPA CLA JMP NFG TAD PLUS DCA I PSGN JMP THRU NFGTAD MINUS DCA I PSGN TAD NUMB CMA CLL DCA NUMB MQA CIA MOL SZL IAC CLL THRUTAD NUMB JMP I SIGN 5224 5225 7773 7775 PLUS,253-260 MINUS,255-260 5226 5227 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5260 5261 5262 0000 7417 0000 3361 7501 3362 1361 7417 0004 3363 7501 3364 1363 7417 0001 3365 7501 3366 1363 7140 3363 1364 7041 3364 7430 2363 7000 7100 3200 VOLT, 0 L.SR 0 DCA P1H MCA DCA PIL TAD P1H LSR 4 DCA P2H MQA DCA P2L TAD P2H LSR 1 DCA P3H MOA DCA P3L TAD P2H CMA CLL DCA P2H TAD P2L CIA DCA P2L SZL ISE P2H / NOP CLL DCA LINK I I1 I I I U I I A MUST I 96 I 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 5276 5277 5300 1362 1364 7430 2200 7100 1366 7421 7430 7101 1200 1361 1363 1365 5626 TAD TAD SZL ISZ CLL TAD MOL SZL IAC TAD TAD TAD TAD JMP 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5340 5341 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 0000 3352 3361 3362 3363 3364 7346 3200 1371 3316 1372 3323 7100 1374 1352 7510 5327 3352 2361 5315 1226 5322 3226 1200 0357 7640 5336 7430 5325 2316 2323 2200 5316 1352 3364 1360 3200 1373 3352 BINBCD,0 DCA BIN DCA BCD1 DCA BCD2 DCA BCD3 DCA BCD4 CLA CLL CMA RTL DCA CNTR TAD INST DCA LOCI TAD INST+1 DCA LOC2 CLL LOC1sTAD CONS TAD BIN SPA JMP NEXT DCA BIN LOC2,ISZ TABLE1 JMP LOC1-1 BACKsTAD TEMP JMP LOC2-1 NEXTDCA TEMP TAD CNTR AND C2 SZA CLA JMP .+3 SZL JMP BACK ISZ LCCI ISZ LOC2 ISZ CNTR JMP LOCI TAD BIN DCA BCD4 TAD CN4 DCA CNTR TAD INST+2 DCA LOC3 PIL P2L LINK P3L CLL LINE P1H P2H P3H I VOLT 97 I 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 7405 0012 3365 2352 2200 5350 5701 LOOPMTY 0012 LOC3,DCA TABLE2 ISZ LOC3 ISZ CNTR JMP LOOP JMP I BINBCD 5357 5360 0002 7774 C2,2 CN4,-4 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5370 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 BCD1,0 BCD2,0 BCD3,0 BCD4,0 BCD5,0 BCD6,0 BCD7,0 BCD8,0 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 1374 2361 3365 6030 7634 7766 INSTTAD CONS ISZ TAPLEI DCA TABLE2 CONS,6030 7634 7766 5377 5163 PSGNSGN I CNTR=SICN LINK=CNTR TFMP=VOLT BIN=LOC3 NUMB=BIN TABLE1=BCD1 TABLE2=BCD5 P1H=BCD1 P1L=BCD2 P2H=BC D3 P2L=BCD4 P3H=BCD5 P3L=BCD6 9 I 98 I A AAH I AAMEAN ACORR ADD ADRE ADTIM AG AGAN AMEAN AVE B BACK BAK BBHI BBMEAN BCD1 BCD2 BCD3 BCD4 BCD5 BCD6 BCD7 BCD8 BILL BIN BINBCD BLFA BLKB BMEAN CHECK CLEAR CNT CNTR CN1 CN4 CN5 CN6 CONS CONT CONTR CORCM CORP COUNT CRLF CYC CYCLE C0007 C2 C260 DEC DECR DH 2100 1071 0120 0026 5101 0046 0045 0372 0425 0114 1006 2050 5325 0023 1102 0121 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5370 0357 5352 5301 0030 0027 0115 5163 7531 7507 5200 7503 5360 7504 7505 5374 0037 0041 0312 2000 5100 1400 0261 0040 5075 5357 5077 5143 5163 0124 DIVSOR DL DONE DOUBLE DUPRE DVSOR FAG FLAG GETLOW HI HIGH HI GH:FR HO IN INC INCR INST E212 K215 K240 LINK LOC 1 LOC 2 LOC3 LOOP LOW LOW2 MASK MINUS MLTPLR MORE MSIJM5 MULT MULT 1 M-ULT2 M10 M30 M30 M5S M M9 NEG NENEG NEXT NUMB NXTBIT OFLOW OUT OUTPUT OVER1 OVER2 PADD PAG PAGAI 99 0060 0125 7535 7506 0673 6227 0047 0050 7544 0234 0061 6356 0247 5045 0413 5155 5371 1407 1406 0126 5200 5316 5323 5352 5350 0062 7502 3036 5225 6356 0272 0361 0063 6276 6306 0107 0034 0032 0033 0036 0035 5210 3013 5327 5352 7550 3000 0106 5000 5041 5061 5155 0420 0461 PAVE PCOURT PCRLSDVI PDUP PDUP P EV 1 PDVSOR PFLOW PHIGH PINC PLOW PLUS PMHI PMLO PMSUM PMUL PMULDP PMULT PONT9 Pos POSDP POSNG POSPO PPDIV PPRNTV PRNT PRNTN PRNTQ PRNTV PSAMP PSEUDO PSGN PSIGN PSPACE PSPEC PSORT PSSUM PTYP PVOLT P0O Ph PIL P19 P2H P2L P3H P3L PS QUOT REMAIN REMAN RESET ROOT SA SAMPLE 0137 5104 SB SCALE 0130 0130 5172 5174 0131 5176 0132 5177 5224 0116 0117 0053 0025 5173 5175 0051 6215 6265 3022 3027 0024 0111 5137 5132 5114 5124 0052 0133 5377 5102 0134 0113 0127 0463 0136 5103 6227 5361 5362 0031 5363 5364 5365 5366 0360 0064 6376 7567 0265 7570 0070 0421 SET SEUDO SGN SGNPR SIGN SIGNN SIHI SKIP SPAAH SMAAL SMAH SMAL SMAL SMBL SMBH SMBL SMUL SMULDP SPAC SPEC SPEC3 SPET SSQm STOP SUO SX SXH T TABLEl TABiLE2 TAMAE TEMA TEMP TEMP1 TEMP2 TEN T EP THRU TIMES TOT TYP TYPE VOLT WORDH WORDL WI W2 XRT YRT ZERO 0071 5143 6200 7525 3037 5163 5155 5200 6373 1373 5162 0076 0100 0073 0072 0077 0101 0075 0074 6341 6250 25076 5100 511 7510 7510 5026 0022 002 0723 012 5361 5365 0042 2 5226 0043 0044 02 0462 5222 0110 5100 1410 5105 5226 0105 0104 0020 0021 0122 0123 5067 100 I PEFERENCES 1. 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