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Of 0 COMMUNITY P ARTiCiPATION: A TALE OF:TWO PROJECTS AWDREW FRANKL1N MLRR\ELL SUMTTED IN PARTVA& PULILLMNT OF ThE REQUkEEMENTS FOR ThE EGREE OF MASTEk OF ARC TECTURE at the MASCM4USETTS 1NTITUTh OT HNO LOSY S nathrc cf AutYhr....0 A ccpt 0b Cha~ rmarn Departmednal Gommi {e On Sracuat SiiudentG OCT 18 1973lm m I- COMMUNITY PARTC1VATiON' A TLE OP TWO PrnJECT ME SANDEW on May cf Arhiftctre KTnh in par tel fuifi11ment of the £ubroited to tKuDcpartment S requAremente for -he terof ArchitAu >a c- eg of re. AB'STkACT aThn " K(6G don't aprct i n&ou do for Thcm. Tr nm e-aboutn me tear. Wdowrn.'s a for kds. t4 not ThAt 4ds a re pad What 6V i1VtW i tat n bod can do &oVTil , for kK W realij 6od thinG Gt\ Kve Pce-n noe for 4s have $l5o ben 4one a4d - Spc for 1d4 hould b dd the 5eGce ino bg Vd.It makIt but an accompilshmext ?s wel. as ho.wn hxc by two cxampK vdhould b bhuPft much rrore than apace esua to do) howeva, ncW inwhich fte tmpt.w int b a fur Kde wherC therc, was non& before in nothr C~~ca &vdiit~ ±fn\hd happefn- andC inl nqthr @ase, was it the6 faw~t ct the V4; to'buALd aspa S ies aWdare vviTh Qbservtn o thvvo ttmp ThGS Supervior Janmpcr AssatnrIt 1kofesso ?o A rchtChrA Tit _BSTRACT 0 m fl-4 ; A COMMUNITY Ak C \TE CTURE P2JMEr And Merrie lI ILUtrated by th& author U' . vEruon& cvred card Able tKe ned A AnkVet t±o make a housre hfdt As we ow older, to einvolved rwith v( environ mnt ~who, a; cap 'i, a th kecan o[4 vle- conGructi eJ rr comp ca a nd k Ce&j tobul gmore or chn .R\ often ned or buildcrs to h61P thCm 4 tkis. archfttcts Architeds, VeolE and buildInv Usua11 rflo nr ~NitV~ r (rfami k)who vio oeperson eackher wh iAthevre.ThrnI orn vex ha vnug on&u to h(r&qv aThdcfvnd buiivv4 and tAt ~fr £)haiCj wat hc nd an want&. I ~ Most buildinV g& aVCh~te-ex Co t UheC boin ,areyot ri Tfor fhcsL uth pple- ohavtto ut IAVI yot way ,beca &gwhx' vce4J ot have cr tsaderan mon#gt iCothr ohr-nacie not enou ms to buUi wVi din orchngcteon c Often \,/ I I a POpe-VVhO c used rmotly b I k -,v ----- '- ---- ~-.~--.--. I I - I tVha Vto ]iveorvrk inq WJ n paiy T a 1 5~uu~2:2~22j:~ U, ~ 9 Molwjov6o'elw pace, nit F savpO color, )l h aVed Jh4ves 4oD arsh,new .tootheylace. now ngoaprtm 4vI'VhI0O Ie .thave noj tWnR Choson A 2Y\d bi 1d 06 thVt mag not he.rc fo~- pcrson. Them yy b too mY'aYg SepartZ or too f e. The, pac, aujrrub be -oo a Or too sa\1 ~r MJDOt ohOWV r;on'tAdd ocJtrAct vw\s17, or floors, or jwndowsj", or oo \din~m the hej would paint U __ FOfREWORED __ m ID Thgre of tveAntdvlu reasone for iWt 2 : .ndlordamrfd bC channSi1 th euit An WCvindve'. Cman Ins thK popert not even A\owd Somc re4nrs nCThe laMlord tv pint- tVcr own Artment, cite budinryvzrm nrTI cho, thecolor;. It f; ofter Kard to gH ritheprsonaP jnfor theperaitI inotAlcn cvtrAcor or A pr ope doit know ver muchA bout archikturt avd baHdivp ndAv\& re 4rcaof:o1i v omel to tU ir hou VVhil mi" t caueit to coflaser.. nf p oplc dont hav ag i O p i~aof h ranr ot acchit+etura1 optbone to them. aaWk obi2Vvv\ ar not un~so1 vab000. () t wva s to mG A rchiA a\ IAZ to 1eple who norrn~ wou±d Ynot vgAeab-o V\2WJ/~tDp hj~ ThArdA "i 4 T 2 Kpoi ble fThrcItext hscom MdeIn' rvwt wag of povVng tbr Nr YanV kih f2aoluo* Avtvhtr was;to bid e Who IJve) wtOrgofpeD in r v& budmp or work or Tern thcrec can cn hea ithouQ11 AeK abot or-w na b prv71on of te lan4lord or ob g I Alk I I BinGermit the buidin tfa\indown. I b Tthat everg peron hc a :fonsivP; hie no&, anid ri#Th Vhlm an~ Arc IYte4 I ?t \~ I cand a bi *s 4 1o- WIr 1Kh t~ie2 XsThc sr e~t4 V~cbooK I __ ~fORfV\RORD_ I, ermn flesplce wicut whoma6a, th p L~ th no haVe- bcen polble- . 7hreb a &f6w, .se rve countes ThAnks for thdrinvalueV4I3eA howve-r, whv 4e hp. Amon6 thmry are w'ri aru6 Wvork, wvoud Anne -PRsbCh2, gSenaanI l~kaSuvanto Jim i -I. Wnd -cgu wi l {or h4x I mut thcm I ce Aent photo&raphic vvor in 'spitcaf nuj own bunn& j ,support, Of th Jan Wa mpIcr, for raninv rnths and rubber -15tarnps th& kdG of the ORC aKYn the, archi t urC, coore At c\T( fo t-~ bejdng mtj tcachfr I and Kynn Cawallader, for bein 2 mj friu4. Camb~ridff, dACL(NOVVLLEEG][> M2(.s I __ r&vvoor, cowidAeemnt The {irt*rojech The. Secn C. pro 9Se PT.s U D -4 ~'9 7LDUNG* (Arawin% ratebd. to b*h 4 P4 ~raj£ctGs _0A Iu .. 1 * - : -- *** . . * 4 ~~- T *li it1 -4 * ; 4.',--.. fetpt Ir6 ro0 e o ripe Sc 00 yr 1 I I CRC c4oung Vd sivvXe or wtrp jko 4wdv Pdb of h4 I" chODl cdK thatm Tha Kid' 2 that live4 threV Kad CotptkA COuIJ t $rou 3 soca\ or ecM L ceamk ev vd it we ab Vovecx k ha6 o01. AGIs\ea wJrec K hX \YY§m.Th "an\iv itaM 2ropouK. 'Thc c2Ckwantcd 0rtkk V X% D60 J0Frov f toVk vivV&\ icc1 Vr wl-h llrmjtca o ior2c~ fa 1 mVileotg frorm minor I, L CL FT f(OVVT L.Ltvc6op g AV(~1 C')tA rlrYL \I CW fUeah*lor 3. U lArr korc t& s ERc c A 4GA )E 4-F 6 C , chnt> the CRCmrveA IV\ I A (/\~47 I Th~xy ~,'O~ tt J~/~ ~xa\t0oW'cd to, UA td C JS~ +0 YA irCA4E ot has and rv Cietg unused. L thee wutn't k;u fVC. wAI 7ith gm(g T F and oWntird \As t5L}*DU~dnDeQ C 0-O )jve4, iMd~ .I vrA6c 'el CoM2min d I cc home, hoostwa r ;\nCtfi AG1 EdC4'torA\ thC CY001 I Th. tmr YA2trtc prokrl ViU) % oUndw( hDiorTho Wc h ov%6. to K4 fthen D1CI'h0c Dr onB )L hOUL 6f hDo&,t codzr vW-vacrc WithV WAstYat O K. of #70UFCG CoMY\U4l\t%. HOWvgr, Ik li frV\e p \t amt of 6w#\ Wet nopcn fnin v Ir-A whOlC 0 So 60 pol rd floor 7Cpc. iN1TR(DUTT I 'S OF THlE oiPRc: Ij atWc of I. ThrY *about L00 ,% 2r-Fet Gace in-f-o a schoo &vmptud for kick ")i 2. LkC~th& desJ) of tec0hoo an jtG onsvtruict'or a an ducadonal rour c I II I , for th 62Choo I 2'. TVelop or tfov rtcpaton E0t~In Ord~tr to lY\\/O '(VC~ 2 \( Iv) imn peopke a po/iA, LValU t4k ThoC04 ±0016 anM AJOUTIAE In order to avoid mbr rent- oe yone, who V&irnvolv& rnth 1 Vh ueA wen mae-up I havecchand the rame. kcr:w pifckureciLerv t' and . Th were chosEn for 1hebrW rcs DhcT charct~r I Vave VeA to mirt te charAl to t4r i Qounttrpari4 Vxt I vlut he omt vilC 0016( CRG TFF/ADVsERS - W-0-0- - , - A VV Icfield kir& Micawver LUrih Fcelp Dr h-r ABe6j Trotwood TDan Iel hn i/\iG. dff1~0C I4 Iteftr,&IA 5ShVtKT7C TommTradKes& ..- a EmUfij j kMVAle Po~tOc >AcV Y\W&r dehty I r Q,Iinlor n AV O fit -, tkjT J..**& 1 . I 0 19GUESS IT ALL . STA~JTPDt t-4 I GOTwik freudo4 ± rd atthechool Pt Ths prjcct vv ava $afre';obuealDo reo\e4p tog v t-m dT happe to buan opev house therc S t-o Io a a4VeI" aODfrmw 1 0-t C~ VeIK orr tcmaouio SEP Aicwber, whicVh i2i cattaPc* Wil and incharg of bectheca6tW 1chiMIT ar coneck4 oriind had ur SwhomembvWr ahav Cvr4un &qfl4fns 0vc , .e- e, C0C VS s I . tI ry$renova-he tctu~ral hel p. VAK' a nYeAd4±&Vts from tVIV~Were>I Veryvac. wh~ somvLof ThL k th1%rQ)j we& ' a OI 52do1 welot wnrE F) PAin tVa .tor.:7 thc rv4k vih \ of myo C vKrh .ltfl IYh)run t,,q.vo I y ttr;t 9a a ;%coetuaI keveJ. 2&~k2~L ~b~r&. v =-...db. B' N ~fz? CAh ou t cin &?ofa Ad tk WholtOrd$ floor Ths wv&Thdert K he4 havrwued Vocg anr tha4 eta~~~ir 1d1VA YO. ur po thr. urn -~ coure ;uspecQu4; mto erc04' 4a rntean4 D\ vn nn rcrn was obviolvg witv tht waskbringnlgto hM tYX ) ep a hooo.oo frr mre~At AW of'ue thc avi4 verg wor4 5about monaj.. )-l k~r AdrIA F7MMY. a CA 4o4d eted my v;i was c\\ea prjd a ok ho WTh4DoIW&e. IhcAff4l Me-se4A . exreitc Th CRC §choo) ~JI - --. a Mon /3 I pot Cl V adfoolAstu w a-o NmlT rb \2(ommtiwnmin contk asrn4mu nA as4fOl ft %I*- OneQ with tfto N of f," I d200 mm Wred i i were when tK Cp$ .Gohoo.1 com yl- 1ga thCe.v1 hn omTct mItmt WOud6 enfer with thm CEC stafh I met wih tC Kids durne;, OIhours )onet or tW-wawekTdath VX17tudent in tK peon of projcy iked p ao1her Annie6 cAmeongtThr0efv Tch. hL at whiCV 1Inte4neA to do two.tPr: EtDh I Agn - wvort of mnia\ trwk betwcve m Ifrv adth~t 'M,and begnv fro acqvant arwVemturI 4k eaff with' somwt d {rst ob2e- to Iwmn thc V (a1a) opton oQ tVhe- Ac0no. I mad a st me4 @9 intent tovrdV the Th ,A showid §lde and oldthe TctorSof 6rnma K ojdc6thc .0 1^ 000%Jh . L -% I-J / 0m ',I-' - a JPart {thce mctmC tVird flor to some41deA m t be alabebt tor hd d on th 2was of thG cae cxpctc4)A peA somerogmmnidea -Al&onconf 4 & move as rmn activiIas14 b n up T frivd 1oor ordr to bckrne morC Thoro u&kIcqnainte VCYZ thm AYothr WhiTh tKc, an WL& fo thI i& o4 @uvvvAt -r4 ofO er v rc K tcs 1.. nee~Sd. I C dear that ii .ca\(vK"4j) Ang' 4qn4 effct F14eA fthe ar arod wa;~OutL) naar to- of meenrv4g fulItwrton be~ my1Udf and' thThK. Thcdainu t 1 arcT)wou w tI foma(hA mod eJ IV\ It e AMC W JThea Wfrddip oWihout-ali II "rDom. Wah2 &dle'?ho0 VWwithocUfl, fK4 ( CCp[L 1MPORTT 1tUcIot mphrantig 1 wac o pprova hvo noi4 r&fovApoVd as L1 tAu nst~\ 0Yn ctimec of ov(r m(; ard yme invo)lveime-nt. tj 4v corce up wda fourcetive wa t pulinglepartmnnt taad ep irrjuced)d ageA tt to prd frVne bwi trh tnt btor.. oVVoMl pJ Ot ini vn;WorkWou PLANNNG b4 m(eIm_____ 1 Em k-N lr% f I +- -T'N I CDDEr fr~~ cW~tof~& r~1tvi~it~ pvr -- -r-- __00 AbOUBIUG A fromcattop hereufI ting prevt is rnoig ~tdcd to coe Unforitut pceop)& to prvfrct *emAoneein. T1 poor construchonor c6bap of w2an Puidnrand m ul tv insur CA6% exit r! the code- wm wnitkn~ may~ r upra(941Y'or4er to kb6 Vwry gn2ral. It i6 uftLn7i that rzw boldng { workie,2It I( innovahvC~ m fr dCi AThOA_4 p ch fr, 4o not coviform to \Xr f BLUILYTITG 1USPGCTO. eosrm6e The nd~ ddThvich udrge+ anu kind1 oi con Job~ri oncovconform~s stricthes with whdh tW c tothecode.. Thc coAnfPiorce4 vvk for thC ecvernmenVt and tan4 to bW conarvativcearcitcura1 and~c3 P enfrced dene pGctovr Th ir iYbjpctoV2 a neW hfItG iothH'j e v&g m arYY~ to thC b4i&dcn furwhich 1W eo 616 was wrttexn orewneovateo i i2irbuWt to rn fti on ?ort I and mYgjv iolatJ thi oa& f Per. ae.1 ih IypctOr VcAn vcfuAe- to Fermit crnructiwn of such a huildinaW' saL wil\~ -for thlce rn@O :J DHd'be&ves thm buldis ungfr eVen bceeust ti z projec buildrghec hasev er thc rpedor fbr fori I vnot bevwy)(r g kCno I)Thc-p codec j d sm.' Mctovrna vot ~ vfewththAr4ioKn4oi pnso r ofthC rts of Th& I.'TthLbui[- twheVI workonC com it .or\\ the;e, raow cdeam with th& DW vnJnepector rcchter&reprojcth tto avoi4d "aft y/henevCr Pol)e-. I Ps noetO muhAh "brnthelw 0 ) tn-Th -raf rmirnft~orx vW ndcits Ie r~ &Vidne T#A4E CREA ,N ALX CABES ThW RCikTET SP+OUt VPNTD )NGURE Tih SfETY OF AtLTE OCC&PAT OF A BUJLDIN T ALL TMES CDES-SAETYv Id 3' SLP mode -1 t Yw4 6LuremVn Snede-d rvore ) and we&nt to gt them. Tvmmuj vs noter en vobo t e; w;a villin t ehfJo Iwore aone. N/D'oOAu we uGithe-third 40)rOfordnjActivvi , drpam remmevdation oEte- n)gt bforo . A m m ~ m mm Z mm o" m U T I Aomk Oft n eve4 wore nformation 2nd Aynie-cnd I w~ t to 5 I I * r ~. .. i~. .~~4:-; tle roof framin AVout Z.5/er bodytheresaw camp lavi and tup to D OfG of2e- Y(2 l9r& Te third f1oor 'AlI I 4m . ......... / We hro t the cormpket modeJ to th 3WhoX\ Comr e Wcting a ht Wor&4 theK reAl majc TLhad &een intVY1 project Ttwa *1 a BVr f ceto-fr th1ki ,Dcil cou\d unde-r4tn hvi V here ben frJ Vda th4u Evev £irt tim, or montr& MiV c{ a ude, ad uden cOmine&croen witha WealTh oF d VAt out Wfhovv itehoudk eu ed, ac -tome1hre. hy wanTed sxer\ 44b of Dandact I 0 I ( o D U0 0Th&.4~b~rn~o 4., t1namtn acited Wnted some-of.them ~rand a I '4/ tAA shOuld~ ae- ±o -- m-own- M WORKI1 a ripping out 2chaion wa preM-ure h~CIAv2YYth(n and comrni\trrnrnr I1 a phup 2aC aMcM ?uWh Whe k to poc ht I S 0 'ii Ann rNeAnd '1mt to qv th~ ;mrG60..0oi K fidea; from th4 Sug IC6t'INhadpe&VM ttVcY1 iW2v) QOet m6toz, owowme np (fr,0 t 4 1act~ rOgrr ed6&. urDownY\ COMMUITTY ALOPAIECT someme;2 a tccnIcAl took ofthecommunittae U' 4eten who can prOVkie &rcVini±ctural iVdoloIj tDo1mpeVn d&cJ I*oV m v hrYieWnti %mmuntj. ThW'is, o cour3Y\ qot~Ant roke of th-rc1ct bu-t t hnArdltek vith . ead' .. i cxprt n ~ E' E )a rc If v I 106 0 rc)wTccr'X op s, i not- wort neort. A ~Y~LACJfl ~ mjor part iv t C~ecf6~ the crhm11ntj if K does inotaKo pl ot I' I w )aYY-j9 proce.iimm m FTLD TIP to l MIT: E ID 9c thne architert§rW be £tu\ena irdo a place fr stue. Thc kd 1iked tVemplace do thc 9ame Aundc &f The prospect o&bein I 2rjrnuchi,Kbutmot19 wcre cected~ b chan w to thej ui6 cCHOOLbClMMIT TE METIN: Annv nVC Gktch aY I hade prepanred thrtfatr d Iav ard secthon&) to iluc+t& wawd; of ipImentmn; tVe cde kMha tald alout VA thce lask reetvv4. Aft~r someoprem re t-non,; the- tbfE via; veryj o4 ar readi van Crhba~c% e 26nltionV. vA\u&4 theo jSCAS pre1 or tioV Thec. 'wor~~ ou~ do, av4 th& \Mk ni orPn- gOu N to b, kw*sfrd W5to vxmat tus am; 4 asTd tojevr weremarc n vvwdV f{ wa&s wer4E od or hadc )EE\TELY IN~ arcmtinart un~cr 4Wc dormr Aolocab raVYA Vroom tDr tD vvhC ~chm [$ I-' menCL r1 Ti1vi1Tiii I s G an exam\Aofe cWO( ThCot ae t cdei a CV asy ca pend# cShOWC6 wet cre rd6 t M thO )%%~i 3a- tK CRC Th oThw C SCAI. ----- - CA--' - *.- - - - - -.- - -- I . - - - . -0*3; kMArI -* --- FLOR I LA -i 6CALE .1 - 4- ( ~ 0 I, ii I N - C~4~A~ 1 I I-- *I*- H-V~f ~secrioi~ f,4~W7I~c~. .1.* 664TJbA.-4 ~ (Al - x 5c~ME. t JI~AVJ~~J~ %acreT1Ot'er( U~d~~v - ~ SiCTI - s~ ~ >/ Theath c'bfundY) in t owi 6TCVcOn ±ta b2C2 t frevious Pk W. Wp M U 2Th \S WHj hc-DfC With thu #'20o00 an ir mucohyCR Eh kaer tK CkC drws up a contract, or ffudIn rofosaew then' This bdi(abou t 0,000b Ivv perAfv expve, 4 ub0M\*dto fel CthC Govcrnor a 6,ofvwh ICh the n Ci CmmItte e onLw Enforcemnt ne. ' I A t S oto £x-eVo on thc conijor Ththc anysm thAtY This up t Cth6r %mt other ourc ooo from MF for bUii dvm6rf4l v6s000 ota fur thc 0CP. Th Vs whe 5eo 4LanXu tot t cotK4mHtolrromj ND Nrn I befjtof I A. ThcrL rc howcver, rorb i WA n IQanAvoid Inv vIchC vo\v nm y tInt bu too n bVus ce.ct ryandotmrcnui Y-4 tfor -tMTh6 contrct yn2 0 0 0 fiWrCpenVL SACh I b to 50( ± cLrrrcctIk rogwohw1teo 'ec h Nvvtht I wn Tch-.,e ce+c e. a TtcnA ca'seh orSChoo( CDmmTemcab ntvcr Vruj thersome.v Wit hl incei-ant demard&tV dbfOrthC pFOJtCt to hinY\. £ or4 the Lubai Set the means&mawncg fnwme4 plan) ,vhickh caerm i' 2 bu nraff the it of W proJ-eot f6ermv6 4owvn un nend\ to bc 9puI pru on kmebo& who v1r times2brin ivn morncij. I f- ttlC 6 that 4km6 Ps very Cfnou of vwero hanWlv of the mtonej An yeo0 oF an One..or"anjthing that threaten hG poitio. 1TK & lot to hi - it hMi&nrte4 prct \&A in A vJ cofC inter6st, an\d he he Choen nut- to be- nVolveci 4 tO Ihi poiT 2thi~nlk Y10OW ee.s hiW opporturnihj fOr in\VoMW~~lnt Wn Th9Z projcct in th©form f ho14n finy c Vinl cO n< Thcrc is aeyemutua dtrwGt betwen mJ2f ans4-Vep. hope ThI, d rimst of vim does no cxten& to othcrG .w the st. ~ThreatenIr Ne I., F 4jY lvi i\h A I with th terms of de4 de1 Wer6Veae ot podran is4 +qvaread mmtioned, w pa a tuff we hon fth uh rCad I hi he4tich of conC. o4t t efW a CmW GTA there, a Comph ate cmniyproj ec.t wa/EnA ot ~ wioovkspeifi deAl with thexdG. CRC KDS- who 'l. nes In term' to broacv who needsE t rrerial fr WTher thbas throo u e Mowe throug>h~s YSELF f vhee "ptaiuaaalads 3. ANNTh4- who nedA 4. I thiG project ofce adt thti dGcaho hve mot byn bp to this pbirit-h&rea2U Leen r yvht isrojctak ; shool5psc for th& dt ooh of the- pvojct ht i far CrnoddIhas beYv .eon j depl I/ ve benx to rlte to, so that w ( Y-corn6 th frcA frorn ru vvhCn worir w1h both Ndk ard ~ae sfC UI, - a What wasnee e asa buIn1,60 9iste-m wMYidc w~e fixb anhanp~able and tYat could beedV ir te mode inMuc VmeGJ ftmWould tu caed fua) the...C yatms r flUo \.The bzet ol cf f$rnithre. wich doublad as a badm./J tem , and wa moee ulnrOduvWr S5\id b o UU for dver ard Qinveh, and Ip w~voWd arcRt cnm Tor snevL. Gxre y0rc, Eo podePcJO for Arersntin a - - va\cwo floor;. Thcimocd k6zcman e."cdp%housC'9r 6esgI6 - spacfe - wd\\ a az; dramANc concptual pVauj .6c -twasVoped cYcoldA (e4%proje4 into thc mcdei aynd be klc tD tMQ tWtspct. 9tad PARTIIPATON 1 'V I I b I £CM&0L. COMNA TT --Mmmmdm Av'VI NC: We~ hou~tv tv rei IIt ) cxdiM byw h<-vjch I IJ& pr~~re~ t'% mo el \MW\t\mcaTrrxt~r6, kbut'IYo, ta~ urthe4fl Tr A(o14<&.W irvnpor- Th4 ±Cm i et ft -tW ~ou ,h-J'ofW H y\ .v± SV~tiLCAX foui rmee-npkcc to t c oev'A2 ihot CM el scofE1tcoui c 'TK 5L tW~I 2e9l hA ThK 'n v b -ep forWn hc~prbremtfrWt t~o l'U1 V'S otr C O l Wfr±C V\ mwti s~~xc~r&If ~k7( Av~v ~~~eo Work tVhyptr a t% z %.w THiS QD~AAND WA?' L1\~Z T1o CAusr7, TED DGWFAVVOF %EPIZOJ VT ~pcrmi.t inhv&CitW\ordkrt jOLA YLlTO V",a HIceyflLdp uI 17wkior Tmc.. &VVWXhf Th- HH v.Notonl VWAE?)1Knot a ftl I v, tI ei )A4 wLQ t4\Vfa~t t (kG V)o r ihL. r V tJom Th w~rcp1YvmnrIcxtarfv cOr64 TKowprn'or o cog ,eoOkm)Lrc h,VQ96n4 c c\ ,mVcx {Ouv that ey,t or C Th2),of co ors&..,Thr wnI c Vvi%5fN6TA}h1§ko OWC vv ,'nTer cc UCWAor,not) 246A *-p K (vv xuWll d 4tY1J-ti\/COreV, ) tK roj-t. A67Vh ,'pIth v\rwon vv tA;Of ihard trc,'t-Du'ldi Kn woW HA7E-vTOOVOV/ W4-4kAT ~nw ~Wh4 4a hpon ~.I.Drv 4 N. C-&rIa &v~e.± &pro prtj Iof Churc pzrso r~ &* ~Coun e4 CI 'Kdcr to tkou Ii C@ARmL) W cir *I _ Hs U dvm ~ II Conf Mr ininininin~in~in7I d and confoune4d4,) Anncand ran to 4;er MT for prituq advirvA moral port I DcKat s tot tvo4 Tbgtrwedccded CC15ita rted1 out on thCgrojec~t Wc dea wVh thK CRC 'ta the Va I)f COfienc nd und adr emitr, fCn WCJ eth t thc 5taI has btr'LjedA. havin hh in our comprknoe that trst not or oMC deicatIon to th projerk, aV VVeJnow Pez\ wc cannot cntiVne.inthe waj we.started. Wieyfu vvwAmuf rmG ab6 Su6re waC not btIn6 taken advanta cf for thcsaLe of the monWJ warc bri~nnb the ceytcr, and\ Kv to know how th; roncg i lo usd for vve g on. # Vbut IookeA ke. weIernow r\thc Qosten of mY~in~ vtct- dmwnds in~ ondgr to avoid enfr ev Mvanta5. t. Pr IkC WAsgito write a ktttr to hc CRC I'cotcMt4 unfcrunea hVo position as tV& prGonl incpnVroI off mvoneg~ fromn Y\T to Vdm. a copy ofC thur an dwnn the f from thc 0R wr OChncr thing wew pin f r heat vvwre- not comiout of rAgv fromoW or I wouk not-t respan {frm GCE funds mAY thrn6tt mon3 ostrwctionk. for an~j nrnra to aondt ~p4~lr I tctey4 Csm Mumbs t\c'cknd BC1Th I hcd drawn Lp a plan frrthL urps; of NRW. ovviut (A a bA I /C A A 4., pfoIr-andra I Vxii iV W .\ tcmelt t0foc+Ae wvth hdfromw Mr. i*c a nd tha1t- es.. ett 11 .~p-Ji. A"A. nV06[RAN %j~. male cam*Lcee de vvaK' s9hOn in hopi T "k t espacWoW4 I suWt canv'e n -0 4to. 400 j thce nsetat it vs cr\'woc4uld nvr k bechd ofteto ed e. I W - SFS I U0 1 wen4 to thK plan fr tuildin6 sho iv'pE.toOv an4 h t (alones withnomc miorconcptscompTihuj Whotdownl. ThL ide of . hrcC count(F) itwas open nMtn PL-ATEVRMG w cormplt to thVrsX anA (7)ft made-thK housc mtv Gat4ctorlj ( .1. 4 ' ) - OuDr estoruj\ god a r e4 ra framC houDLhAs ini&nsedors Wxa4plCoftfxibiK of udin to dealwith an %nnoccrntplarfbrm cyegr unable an ad or) Poor 5KYULHTS Vextouct bec an theA 1 west don'teIo10ovvrtomftha dool- SDT/IP. ow t Whcv gw he-c.a vwA ouDt as rndfloor e. dat 1the rceon~ Wethm4tv\Ls 1 f Vre, hard BAr. N/rdetone r&ph6 " beraue of thc ipe of eds vin ith&r1." That IsAfai ndcc3ion of whar vE weep2in< to h'iYitKC JWrdtofnc ak1o s20'Dci it'Joo4k&d flk a v r icOh jen* or norC wop stV& 4fInihcr n < K IniYh havet tyw vvO XVtrUcte4d ov tivvcD ad a WDepartEnt Of Potc 2fotAif that vs+t.A TC 5tart th&- 0 otfonec~ shoo\ 6dnoo t age" IVY OSSIb)C. worth of 0,0007-o,00'o CeodeL \N Owm)d ihVL r&flvdxk thetV Chool CofntuCAionr StD(n ve hadt d osb 2p1on b for 9eC 6enIthen vvCLCou crput h hous a deper..... hi floor Depr thC on rdationhip kbtwvrn rjsf adthe CR2%C Z~tc~&S V\f~ aprett irnportanW 6rossroaW at Thr ua r n inwhichthe and I trr[ej1eoSt Th o0o projedIYwdwc b2ocA6 De-CYvi h fS I I r . a Wd the waff vvaotvl\vito tak ozn)e fair% their thme tu do thi whcVh raI evni 6ff tkir increst an comrntmenVtro tVec IndJ (4 U rnc kcsA- col4Io VV;t-o fyetO meQton th reguar pr(ojeo roec uravlcz that t V hwitla thc wdool Kommi e rmtVi w ud bethe- fi rst - Iv e-.,Ir a 0 Air IF 0 1 I MIT Libraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER MISSING PAGE(S) l2xc OV th OARD)1 CkC tKhe bignG of vc a Couci\o ChurcbCs actrnstowarThbnr T§ ord 4proved atopA. a~ \ildn6 rmit Cvhkope6) KW regird thet (renovtionG wX a spU.jal ? xrJ meeI Wf62 of bW dlIrmts gePad vv.t went ove m~thuj vvorrcd 9akJou~t jnc Cot1 f -thcpine:6,and f ThC metim aboA thejj(foKnh tim. ThLrsC partgr ML2MC7tLA aPt '4 bcalle 9r {nIap roval C ik tan thiroK wirthe bdivpt was Gk wiTh th6 EXC P u of rC~h~v $V. cft u~aoutwhcre wEtrte4, was LI16emje-xpla ra2tilOn D froCth n hC(de.prmssas ses t1md \2i G1Dcpart mevW KDS IN Th4 PCJC.T ThDL+ Tb MODE - IT WOKPD (INVOLV.N@T. rIA I 6pace, InthC for NctonI jLA thwjinveci mod\ot iv2vl h QwVch\ ! I w%; WVi4d of AVinWth for ue )das #ioor-; on) pitVt NO'v wVr t r\n spport ±br foor SCn-~to, and 7ace 61\c1ourc. d cco1Jdat ro1tc to thceA aF rIn!5als4\ byvAnijne.upthC'fCrir& i'o ojrtrialt it rnv a 6Ot Ccc4a4 doie. 5Aport platforms; r4 usje thos.Cp!rC iIr ho~tweer, to wvrc mostljrto m vvtr(U 6ll zae44r4atf\hm from and eguMpn fth or AV&1WYx r-ivuaron thaj wer reag tWnkni nt VY maid W spactsvvth --- I U EvVi c dek dgr4a - Ed-loo plaIJ wiW a~ prAjhue \f\t yt U ~1 U t ech of whicV 5evrAd ldtcrvMtIv& p[n, wereone a co\\ aboraltvC effortrCNa-cr\ vi6Kd a 6%fort, VvtV he chstudent worIrnmn _ep_______ araccLctfon of the mode). Thut VV2 a sro Wm r4 rthW n ofireOvce betTan whn a rcctLrc;D sand wenr h rt rog " ( t4hid; not wantr was fbhdthn\ IIwa; I to pK. It- was Karc £Un for h- ds1 to /pThK Pea of Rp(maent' c ngab ij. l pin how (VnC. t1 C' ApLA2nd'4& photoaphe4 vvhat thej had camcr, ASrC 1ath V4d What 4yir4 of piccs wvr& Tat Wr rot incude4, or wkht pif sthWre 4rr&nt 6/endg4 of.Th C4frmwtvvor ofa tarc W ftf creatVC in wtI ncfCAI w4ab bht loWt- ivnx thc Atmp to r smnujthine; AfTh- point! ea> IVC od6 buin- 5t nowh />tJde ds 0 Cof 4e\ .rL6ucd-tior\ of t - t\LY--tCU of thL e atieng. ramevvork -hav i*n r wo re. n ore DvrrVnt\tg fiL iv\ tiv nnode (on the. £ 8sis of tAf4 ddee[4 2ci3ioVY) VAch thimv i havc one SS1vi reas of tte Sw +sons. HI I a PROSKE'.K 'o YvD&,Th2 name s H\ ahbuMdrwith Ay' 2frwcd fbr U . P~rrmncout VfrIL4 wVtWtawi\aythPrit ter604 Vddio- ?egI'frooem noo deve4omvit- &r. SDone of the CQ vprM tncIneourc~; CX o Omni II )n U I, At' tkis pownt thinrg were so confse4 thamt I h~ NO~V d jc4 t wh e wrC now Sandafin th0nK worvlnev for d what 'achK of the "CeClnt6J rtjireA O int~rro of Work from md6edf ar AnnC rn W I fweint pretts I for Thc CRC I certain STAFF ve haveto sp&[ fCVIOOl) In4 bt gt- Ame CTfe.2A a4nda XVamotesesir, o c the t ito mKrC h (w poess for cerce egpmmWtare ce. room oc VnC6 Ir opere Ik GVnFvro cvr. 2o thae cf5spacs. w \avc th mak He fVmj invovmen confirm at thC tar kvd tht 4st sess6ion wit Wce modeA. T mea ns comrir4p wth mout nvwThfir t Up. thir $o . for th6 CkC.A4DS Ke 3. for pan r IrKT FP LONSM GFCTOW W hv to corne uo w vViJ It 0e pmit hi meancdnvinncer vhich dj e { "furniWcArdr mOt Of WhaTwe wv vef n yrCYon n StfL (A rl VVavt to 4c pervYnent1 is ta4 out sa A. for theyCDUNLIWQorCHURCHES conceQt of c (AV)est4a wvanT To maKE ean 2 /W have.&to?rKe -dont one, This veil S5. I partc lk ipator d towat Thm wh g or unders>tandi) drawr& dericr ara csowca ua ofpVut&tff tWwe, tVMG wRM~avfC~o We-cirtn o. Itf YL whole jotf wort pPn! 66fof so 4csf1 MIT (A NE) cLdeir' courseC (0 25 ffor t n4 or (a i far caorgrojetAn arch qt for VY\/ tE, inC tVt+I; (4 not f'rfrYnd cAVtivMe re;ouse<to kecp thec' no __fARTlIC;IIATIo i I etu ra vi I I I r WVV ntto nirhc oF an 7A@f thCb th show T00hON ArchItettVal dCI Wrnhih could be.' wh\n shoWin6thc proje4 to gou up (uuchq a thC Counci l andt Th of Churche&; wits vvhom wlcc cMdIb ti pk~Cvnceto exain cocept of %rt ator d. Just trCJ oon~ne YV an'! (dofrt ud t) to exranv dof arcVf ur projEcV(witho ut An 3fmfulA of ~ to ao prct drawin vm we-rgan mon Elipport from, an4 oVLVt 6)e- "frlcuVura\denm wu3r ner d - v ou r b pVoujbW ma Yj xTo notnt thin~ep9tt 1tk meetire was that, for~ trn0, Mlr bibV carnw aon§. TogtVer we. vnt ov r m thc re 8fa; te staE rmade Vh trhj Q§ thE pro&ct so I "An w,Th& Brif to convinPc >vAr. vvorTh thk mon% ck1V frorm thaWtin projcot was worth coniPtAgr 44T h, Was rnot theare... owver, m This timC wethoe-4tt W( Wd-c4proaKh[he YDAS \din4npctor WiTh fWhcrL3 tation of th )L K wo\C projn t to an hope an' aoin& e 4 iEor he~p Would %ftenl ' oppeal\ heart &urprisvnej enouA&~ itworke4- +oye4 n'e4 T lh&, and - tW pemi t ufi ruct& wd\ mougl to hut - 'nanduIned QWnion, \out M stone /rrt thc Ii ~ vv Stib Vworri ed confne ofWIkuMld rurnc tKr tKerc wer acsnml, dcsyztc ay~oV la b ThWhole. docn'f devwn vary frtwx 4dJthe-e, anfortmttj on tW4 mothv& ccsdovwn oftnec CRCand\ w&J Lbe, trdin-to id ou permy)* on a davv wn / pla Qtdt W}V qio W+ c Wf P& iTh a \pl ejud~ anujwaj r-tone 1vecubmw WtLeti7Ob- thC t if\ Joozee, th rdaj tKac>ll- rt Tr ) %. L li (1' S. ~ JfW9; Ij~I. ___ I 1. /-*N ;,-N I I /-- /-\ I SCLHUUL m ±6tumec UMVWl I I Mht IfNU :h ±0 + bltprd jmbryt I (t in on t lonf dAAsion of tlec dirActon and procoAtrm oft cice oot. Thc 7AQC prol1m va/%that thQ VdM ind; the center y'jthec wantcd nor fCt t nAooKTese wVzrt Kd; wino had found rojte rcnt Who carKd sboutiVntct Ova a c1O I Staff tWh(,m, &p& fed al trt rdiatt noL. Ir 4roo$l there -Th e'rc aout havin d0i&d't Ivc ih + e CKC we Ome st4m $lrvvkb yvVho realk&j fTedt nedzd 1Gh ooI but thurev that anc r acondea\t amount of cor{Ili c kten a9 $f 'th of thlvKiV) dc wasnt eou$ d6 the \a- I dl~sccm crn Vo" v)IoIngthe outie. NdZ ri4t-Wan thG Thj could are Wt ,I I dmurgme am0d 1C T 1I 'c hoo\ wYe 9M Watj 1%edr mWi Outmupofrv\tha 1Vpr mhtrationAndl he i ther nol9od aroud at all or modij interuttc1 ) Waj aVnti not thon2Vj vo.luntr to whom tmh ad Vha4pprnc. 'The &o1hon to 1rce vrobem; w sc-n ac(s pration of Thsc rdoo\l cb\fvWfi from thOst of tVhC CDen tr ar4 obin na cowtition af maYxf5 out4ee Vds Lvvith &; poc Able. Theat I #arie4 worr yt-c ±h GCca wasworrnanu weaI wes afra to vcr0 ExsteCL~ oIt wa t Th;G n thefutue 6f tYt--(A r \ th hrcofutrethh 4ead~5 tno foi in~ buIldn WSTh kvafncd. lV'\ O'e~ ApproprietL a tt h bLsi' flmr tvan) eadu even LpcE -Wd 4;Choo It- vvhosec WDoUlc\ KaVe. keoen schoo&\ VtataeVudWtor\ w1oo ucJh ah A pro 4civ . ha or-Hn harder andLeter; hAVcL proVided forrt>cCvtior\ CAt tat ponV - SCH/OOLDAYS__ ml In ~X ~& w Iad mt mor& apcrmeno4tinwiTh the moddl to vvhi c1h I hadMddd&1e WK&tinae r , thc room m-cence. new p-td wehacOmerh 1 wXIW 6verbodu%Immcitd i no had acl a ot Frints cf 1thc loor ac2n, parn An4 brouft thm adon6 witYh somvwatercolor rna rG. WeA~e d a th dsto dsitefor p to covchff wiTh colored c~fpe -. I V e a *1 LI I1j '5 VJ' LA idto temdls ~0 glanntwork Yvc flo rarx frn~i±Oreecould bevmanpw SVAFF M1EfC We our itc4tn car, tD amunC of IaKa vaca on durntheinVvin vacAton 0d tand the CZC was or yAcation not tarnMi W/\t 1D. toV 4Yo EthKofu 2 Ghould qecio out v have~ ,bu it was/1141.;Irvej.'D Teggvir~and 'Or~ ~ £V Y\ Yml(&. f Chrtmm VAatos, WL theactua\ KuldfrguntiI rer tw rot lb I P beaK~ crezpi afd'I VIn& wCW L)d I 9 A 0-.# ____% i DEC k I & A i QCLASS METINV: tGv 6%i6on than '4 e Ts was avey cffrent 4nA theprV~ioU0thCo, ndd4 all It vva"kfI"r6 b e6 4due jto they mn heYn n6ds.hadi mti on v ~in;caion ,an4 etr wvc a 14nd6 uC cwncomfor bie- estranfprnot Gf from thCpoetfloor jnG intu pC cc, andL mountV I hd cut the dcboard ;o t fheI nto the th~ iMd 7 ed themon ca im Up )I fndcut b mode.,line16Aa wac ck apiece xdco fvru h 9 plan could rC w ud V in te v4n prod omfr nnrd thL; endl, bur I ~K~4 ~ tr& Yr soon rvrteA t aj4 motof each indivd ua ypaarn, an i6he com f pn Yi )oKe UnrtuAntc4 1< he4t A c4affmrn~cr hadc1 donethe oni etvtw Ch DGen) Aft the floor van re wes a penid Of rrannfrnitmre in theomoDell t it xrcse Wa4 VptrepmAch old k4 to tgc zdW hg tt r'e CV\T Thd n had introduc4 nPww.i c2a1car ILL Shcr forth macwaort ofz 5 r Sf Thc\ eornemta\ cabin I 7:i ThrC WCo\orfi to wx\c2 in into r do I 4Ihtime"too, Wth 4f floor but onI oe 4k Cv(o ent eThe flor~esqorDreQ plu 9tonwiTtht mod h& lot crmdIbI1)wItht C.r (2cof XAt rd tme to at Tem& n6 provI ea connchon VwVftn thc rvioddl and:I desif frimhto KL denratcd into a Ac At UVscc bu\ f060n toW fbr Id16 Pavj.- DE~lEATON IW a S Ta timw W hA4 arrande wh±K ft AC to leo thrc, and nobo NaG h om% at '1 wcJ ha to 2cK he\Y Anrwv and I Kowed §. .I DEC 1 camy at rnu reC&Ar time for "c1a ut tound toda therce wWL nD Adkjc arotma. ]nmtad~ V p2 or 7eV. taff wa ev4rntI sff mnctin rt Tn rc had en confrontiTIt~fl~c, bad1L bre&a b t wJ and Ae (6vdentt dnimrno*t% rn vc (~2 fl * I er T hwa W on bdlwe chr 'ng rackrn, anct 4e&ndyW . were ech \ woU.d thK 'nnin6 to be f re8 troubl& t This point The, cmter wasc but they feAin' Wa T -12,ij), 4cp Wa5 res{ 6t Th6 blacA #ff chcol projet &h0cud qt Tthe. bcome more ar more 6eparate ro ccrn. ItoP I* looked to m kthd vVr in-troubtand it-wa;vr hard for rnt to r npthi frvameork of conIU4on. I wared 9Oo a comnplcc rC~port vvith~ 6uKThYntivc. dafonr4 o th abu-th thud toffti1 O~,~ic AVk4 ps cifocA 1t gt T OtI The "daese wwr6 no lonrv worir '2; rea\ lahon corrtucton hn A canl rsumC ih nj 3. nIot I was uten for e I.ack- of referurn to 3' aG tobejn beforc cla e V{dt tVat forr invrtt in the proj Ct ha4 nuPb fov thm to earrnt on bone. whi Ie for Chrtm; tha)aeA 2 wek in and construc-oi0 rokablj start %xcmpr kbr posib a demoonturm n n va if the wantcd),th cCoUo4l (r ni dO ijz ' te C sThouldYW JTDT4ALXJA NJ ConcGdratonv of politic tce4ndto bto importaknthedrterra ofa0da\ chrj ornAiorn such a 4thE CO. ce- crE of judtcc to thc ljacK Thrn is no wauj to uro clue\; peo e.TrC probabL nojustCouj, mondern he hiorujfr c4K a WhWC t reat C2ak OMPher pAcV Khav foundk thur xa t n unit and broterhoo24,Which 15 que beuti9W, ndr a pprrpKte cvn in itw csoThaC of theC ; vhere th6 P2acV rlidcbe n ha for power ~Lp\pTh et~&e H-p Vhi haot to do with@L thrWr oO othe 'SVox rebr VW it won4na a dcion projcont -two*ltat whrc he to jo cit lp hPr mmmT studert%vvAorH wh lnccI s intresMt in The 6choo) Wvho wfrreatmo 1eexcuj Whit®. HNatuV This vouidr r4 to rcpreont~ thrat to Hw I eforCThc project(wnheadbn Uma stadhjfrom fird frorn thc aff and hM used Qcu irns d racirn toward h(rdntaemerht) to ThccM CNC K hehai acnfo cal1ng himsf the c rdor of thC CL)} .%Ve schoo1 pr 0 bnbetkween Iac crcpthvC eno( j-ct ga AbandonA the0 in one- (v WhA to r torea tr regs.nd another ftt? L ttatI ?rc andlkhad Lbec wuld hv)"\e- proteig ~ct. hlac- 6d1iintrest K[n oropostion to tVhe projerV wap worKr much limitA toththec wwrrj.)acuw. 4Ki6c7wr __ fl acV y~dc ACVSN4s 4seP r. t 1mc<Frryto &DutDofrton, nt yt Thoo vr hP&a them Vin)re e rdrThpaf a mdalcsxon about What rolZ1VIfanydt vv orsd in the CPCc; , thEchoo1 vv I No cha bt sdup to rvce- C !Xd lvirIn th C PCI projec with ra na\ particxp4tion bj tuald% Vdi& wyl QQKV'e plarnn CMDST I .0 V4YN) I I -. (MAYDp] .t QC%.Cvv i.1(, fal Caparj a2oghtor 3.CKEA'T V~f4bY1 ThrrQ1tc chang, tm bui l dcX bv ecorin prmn sr foOl Yrdher Thanx 'rc ±nta CeJ*$ vvith rno ' cl thanv ?Ye%idsch oo1 wou ld mott(§4fIrletDcr. PrOb}ag numbYer7 10 a bove . (IA Ffy Ovr thu Kho4L While. thtC CR0 wa clD(#6 vI wa brtoken nrto avd I *aioup1 of ids,1h$( Ie4 vvas aformr 1itt of frk cer 1Card'oiV Jot of' Kace YfhWK di whcI Cd Mtor 2~pr&. ~rw9 NU A fyE9 9 VU 'inalth IqW.# II Todauj I was 6on tGo start 2ff m nw WjAr at *Kirnhorerr~ the C0JG with some reA firYwoKI I Would crut Aown-to the budin6Dpt wit h j gid OVVe to an p -Apthe peCrmit. Thm 4vee te, --- - I hM ked up 4since9,Ch~rlistrn, t onxin thev aftrncon ?rc rc for tKeLmoltion hb cleanin out- mc.thCira floor t, a mOre or V\% nvv or naeavr bIrn&&owrd tkvc stair vve&1\. thvex thend lo\ Cr {or thC projSet& When 6 ?e6oiand Afge jnd I to thb had ret {ound VXWrdone T nh a&Ycure..rnou , hnat Ieho4iof tout-t The VndX4mr AGi he Vas teJ n rnlo4 to O fl asi tado h R wynot wrn. 4V refuSe to [&U Ue;a permIttou c from thR th@ prmiunti! Wc aaekkr the: Echml buidin Ito Jurdi 0± lrk theI fthc C) ±foud out iEr tvat cCon is up to thbifIdin I L. 1,,V3 o I woJe sVMaand p rctK sllc 4howv o{ thc project o far, hopin to tur ThcnW d on Vo it bUt The (eW thcre~ was a b confrontaton WJ rn the 1i&ve- Kdsrd on of leav r- with Th e It K6; WhTh rehu td in t&ni v )idC Se tVE whv busin2ss vx arWped. pver corin9 baacV I The. OC LE h bj ftkhs t~ime{akm Dver taxc dired n of h CRC inan aftempyt to svc it- frrm catr clue to confb and lac* of or naTon, I am startin6 to V ThC ftdnt*at therewa no placefr 6 m thr& unt\ fhe QCL ha, /t the- cnnto back on% Ws PU!1RAILPJ\ I U It I Sine. the 6CEre%Imc an th re acment o6 I VwaG ophmDstic1 shoo\ pro rwm d work r/rrn a as bdraiupG achitdCcuradr-tinJr\ 'j aKfor e ecVool contruction, wc would necd omtthinto wrk from W wc wc c 4ra I r~iI~I/ Goonl - ts had alka u Pubbt 1 eht cad fhoritC to rule6on thushoo\ fd tanrWtv k n questtion) andbacMd\ but h with tl oc rfut\ fyan pWrsonr Sthru oimfttaiout {f6W head 12 IP.Even so, i vv st! lejarndu ( I- pp my A fvalJ p{ DPS hod ofThepn tKhechoo\ addoo frstrudento beof D? conx pla V)4 and d tat h would call carn athwa frhz Ust buildng permWVtuvm6b\i blocK , t, andth prm)V Vas aG9sO4d Ars . Wrdstorn . I Cal 4 c-a~ to 9% trtat the project ha 4b off Adccionxha b lezn rrndto Kir Wu\-time- drctor {ortK, C2.,who would 1VinthC heue. Tht thjon place -to put$ 2 tf a&CL drtr Apartrnnt wasl thc Thrd Poor dE of the&oIL -1 1 - I.- -vI .0 -b. h4 bUh tcmporariu putadc n ordcr to rn6 fr e*ntP I,' 0 fun.ctio of th CPL work. ThIvasVe end of rn nvolvemot -- AA B3 10 m I =Wb PROL/\CO;AN)TY 3VOUP NOT TQQTHEg V Thcn CRC Was rn der a or on'tA\ ftA{ fV stm , Thie reant tha rot onj wer j*bs at t ORC rott4 amo thc #aff, Vut thcr member Tc cntals one Th ecAt p0wer with an Wa no real an a0 \tec adminitrat/c vver £ncu mand are difficuAt for nPne pe.opie todree On ep eatw whn thoce peopi werC 6chad Tstaf? c' ca\ \1 cYhosen tobe Iferent in thC tirGt piac. ~C~of I asues nohr xinmand a m buil Dtln prnomsW~h raciw r and 6ftrenvce Tobt arthina ata\ done a stafrnmrnbr ha to 4 offt , in5 theact of thk bv'jnnin toartn ot haf coc(d a -fftovvard fhe comp for I w aouf towinr upportofher other of the project tm sdhool proj4% It vwas; ThK i&eeyVia\\ vvhttrpened had uj rawnewwvvhtthu, wa nted Mawr Eforc eth Vtr0 ownnd cmort Impratat wa starxd much contaccd IN on V[Ct'oitMff before thCPRCsffwas c apae of scoIn throw4'$ w r tE projec vva more ±Vtan teycould oWchews and$ H wasuopped a bvcQon-d de but Micwibr complef6 ( tan of support d&ciion to hir6 a hvewn ~A-tinne& ditor was~ mnnaden ht t th&fact that the tGff w nt evcn tothtr h S he CC worK as a r;identli1 achtua. noc Chn(tma. rdL trouP2e, ~pon 2& roug to h4atw Yvin4 '4 FRPk1fM: I V SUAK.1 INTO TOO \,NKY JD) ta I was &Thn6subthj ued a . ftraVw\ {fundI tra taff mtmbnwer and vvaes olvdd' takingupon m6yifthe to carrug'the projct throu2 thac of or4nngthk staenou a'b rot onig too bf6 orme,1AtCnon.C 1 Vad no #orvthec repovnklbr C12 rnorL Sto 4o. A I took on mora C, p ,thL 4ni o6 thog 3jmost no su pport for i tal\. YOu cart vvirn wtrout the+pport ir vvtrc ±No cpthVrone6' I Cou\d haveJuet hrndt thei hVV ca3 1/tu COuldnt avt carri4 V)av adn th ba\ \ ( in tk sAff pjt esn 0 II teu LIL WE Who\c t hYn a\e wV en WOUld h haveon a, iIGoud tVen conrr to thc wVhole de f p'arrfIcipatDri arch&cctur YOu cant have participatorj archlc(tLre- if the roup n WI\ \ly TT to part Iclpat. 0 RLDT M@THV try to or rnim the k djn forDavof the projcct I h a as, much anfl ron them L xpport mant~aVn more otrorna prfstee a thc pthc pro3t W\ pcopk1&4 mids Cio j un v@ put up with the low priDfTh Th- proet ac1t a S\a~d~ ther& hav- een rnorc perce-pivc of th intena\ pro bvtm4 of QR whchh at Iet part l y spele4 theJamioftY-rojed Thc IP up ___FTfRSTHTS_ U AbDut th rniddIlc of Marchth CQC do . 7Kj ther directr due- fo bureaucrat Prob6rrs with th Node t ntvvr [ Ct contractf 19 CrC had lost credibi NMcdek Ci{Vs waec{nm reat hi. ard 6Appor± with th6 otj vemment ard the, communij, Modc Citi had~ aYmlc sha Watiip with the CGtg vrent, and The hLAo-vVcwas nceA {or a nwhealTh cmer irE th bRI ~The Council of Churchea, tire2 c{ fiin k hdo bu6n's tvvlch VK Cfr A,andvc C 3i an A %e Wd\AeI wftharv tir {ivn(, sponsorship TP e(3C LE Ec iMesd it- was tmGh to(0&the centradimitt s±tk had Shad ben iven a "mandate for -aHr& in the vv& bern £decc and trained, or rather no tratxfred. Webruar 5nce. tPe wit h a 4 Wfnte hndIng bdin. evr&nt n Dn~ctIon was , oD s Vhowvcr, the- 6cool had W unti the n tseparaom oa nes, drectro mc the cenfr dEcd , was nr teh as §2 Ltaff hne scho\ .ha '5 Kcdj accr5dt& A Thc thmcoF This wit upport, &4was t -atrmendouS amount of Comrnunt vowin and i + n strong 0to tfeparationfrom te.m CRC to rcA( fin(5to Work( we)\. vt*r and it look1).K kt m4& N ELOUE -s tr~ w on thewfol owin 6 Thc projeot dcrIbeA Thcvvo for n inroductory architcctre- courGce or 4aar) tKt'b mpsif andtwo cocicp 6tuen2 a1nd VA AVn o. was cGld&4 Th~COLJU2KE thVe PeopleIcVWho cchr, Cifies, arv n h' oK ''the ArchiktedurcrCurse" for L-iwv Itinc ude shrt - 1ArcV of art rispesnaloset el Cture, aias ad\ ftYh; projet 0 1GLALISwvh the COurse wae caec for V&hic\6 YuTh, a the aditrativc srv lnteractn Communvh C.a ccboal WiThout vvawl proyam t cuncl WhltcVOVffe&-reaccdi{tte VolunfltceY4a 100 to studentG from itwo area hi' scho\'2. int iven Ecourse 4d Ge4'ro[l.dinh1t prorn. te n CGCt Ta lAn n4 dorren fo r thCe,.-A rditeu reCo u ra th e Ie.a rr nn4*te Thro4u sen-l CiTY Kad TheAr& or wAra admintfrat, off c. "home b)a!o brthtudenG was no who nonctce ItcAt ommur a+e 6for t off (cus of the pr Tkhe Wp I Yefic C\T." rVVan+edVan3 aCtk r t.Lonafpth&U had pice tKn&- R furnie1r6 na cT ainwan r 2ou Avrv~tturc thec 1rstew i thc of The Gtudcnt Lun ~fbr or part cf the- course rt w IKs4 hfe, excet 1di reJate -toT W for tse kutt V AVeotr th\ prt $ D I -' Hl OE ThE PRDJEC I I. T rD wvidecthe 6entsinteV co ur6C.,W 10 oe r~t -ar architctra\ desin andcon 2. i rov Ide An eXctn mtti p\ace for thCstden inw h pro/ramr tu mncouragn 4rmore vIfra\ tudicnt commun I 3. fOher th student com munItV p involvintudentG Th from 01 1Lco ur (n te. projedt 4' Atg in, .Kve chndthe. r2 Chare Dicken, thoic story don't fit the 'i th/ I I - ntT nameI arc frorrn efromv CJivc tiKT sn counrparts caC in thm prtvibu t'or but v) &fe I it re v- to work vvth. CTY SJA, )OUg) r. milaritieCS 0LP% TUDNLIS Mr,- Vann Vlr&. yALotrne! 3wnFo DPr Mw F)(AWIn a a s vva Dkvcr TDr. Fan6 2 J2r.e NJ2ward .Krv'l5 $elin g IWarry bTmL X~IA~OI'~ .4 I _____ ~ K __ U Kenaarn a5n4 went to -ta 1to Mrs be~vwiNon a o t - th CrseawrpKeni topev&. We tod he of00 r tnd4 a4se Thr, of bu din,, ur ( .cvenK none camie. w&a WoFr fcspecifxc prQ Wc could NorJC on t hF CYIT'1' sztudt a tour VOLd bem ot CThuA\n6 Was that the uder t thuj khA sore vvor<iV4n onr a CIeA b %- !qP~~~ ma p n t ina Sh@ rep\ Ied tVat CITY vvas mvir iQ ther was rwrn. ( Wv was pann-intoi have a uckIint Lur vun habrn Onf for4Poutr much 1ater that a stud&mt &rnts) no sThncin rcjiest of the- staff by the1u tVat CIT h2\ Later\. Y% d FD&win \wa tr ca LActo studrnt ourn. WhVn I wvmt was room moveA, rs,frtG fur thc s had tD 5w f, rt undthi room t Ut0c V7u 6V or so h16 IMvfh was can* ,innr r conft&&rcg room , 6 aarpet on th tor and no wirdowsfL%. Therb jwo panleAv V4 sa Sond vvom of lIk dc1ripytibon hj osmad \er) WicIh w3$ I Y sa erva 2easc beinMat asa t ot iG oAd pacL ome loun4(acvities cssorb was I \which-th' ta r lra rc$uleA. it was aXout thecIJast inir Dp covd onft ra posslb imrQy) ht S Wholt 6tc YY\\ T'i V . Worae.bL I in. front, magb lungvwith ftwo or thrc tihxcas es b,athc , that pao had n Waj\ &lX wiow& buf bern ~Arau Wa; roorAnth I4tn for thC 4irectar, Mvr&.NMnn. gramx offce~ o{ thm pro- tnaa n ta anrnI founrdiciat Cou tiM tat hatfront et , ol O for eti> and#Qti& irw vtinc dienesr ?twolJcrt hAIe cr Vtdi1~ alkcm noind cr6.on aUJstudents ha4 evr bezm there __ BAKGROYV\IE I At the outset we Th4t we should evo one pro'ct. the lon mkto c2 o thetWoWkI introduceZ + ee At thVfir*0otn ofe4Arn rIn u~befiiues resentatio n ewt iSC pvoct. The hopeir tK bewein th and n & of Th tvvo g6po of ThC 4 thinIn64hout 4KdG would Yhit homc and i r own spacen. \. nKiV WOrkd va Wthg could chanT wv prehu a I reAlized4, Vowever; tVhat tkhre vvcr vast +hC CRC6Ws4and thP soup. 1K CFTh Ai d aW arQwhit. ThjaLI corre,{rom tWe arnmmIdd1e da %scia c gou V\ hw the/ind of ejpporl which te. CkC aGwervdeFpr ied. As ltYht CTY Idc anoaj not be ablC to SUVr(ivt 2 We\ on the, treet, kbutthw I 1.1 71ajThu/e wi a re have-an erer som~er~ wthad a tL s ut the cutuvrebri-r fdfcult Th waa Vno&w roC canpe ds LbievK Kv I f mcre ___ ophisticAted I n as of' aampkt; drawin I and 4 W@ saie tve 4Md& to bn~nia nwsured drawing, thc pn of C\7Y OffcsC for - ncxt wek. SCAIOOHOS SL I ro ufin from the CkC Thds ..Wd alo ap a how to tak m2sur t a hDw to C mesured draw inV / And scme tecouArseP ue.,,-In Gad iwed WC do't hav norC amixur n the CITYroup, twen mujsdf and the Cc 4i I tv wVor around - and from.tec GTY mor tnd rstandin and a mch Vv0rk than frm tYn lid; A thC cC. t\KcV ome about df ) rcnt I t ml I Y _ U I B I I The meeting Was A cAr, cae o f tOo rYan colo po'fnrthe c16a. I' Was supro d to have ban a c.l whde V Worked oust Progam for the, Dln\4..I a pIt1ia. valualtjzorce, but ve muff6Cd it 4Kna4n,. ,an I ai kt nngn bCam L thesuje2 nd confuisi n6 he hard to tci whether we vwetr into idveop a profaym ,o & or What Tn. studnts ha4darawf of the CTI offices which c\ar uj V'howcd tVthat not much of Vvhat vve, hadc d bout drawV Va Sun4 in. VW wTht Dvr that art ari. asut. mm~m~mm§Zmrnm~j a - /- I - - I At - !- ll A 1Tatcsntf theass wa that aftu ta.n a oo2 lK at theCITY oWfces tVL td 4nt realzc frt ih bi {rnt room (Mr;. Man offNC& VV)c would b a uch morC Approrn4 1 ac for tfr \our tha that' hoZDf bacV roam VVhidon wvappoe4 qu)ton s how \)cft !DVun6C spaCZ {or 100 etud.ts TVR ^ /0 IN ACI,%I bSS: I)yGNIEzrNT \ 0 for thK ne&) t1mv. 1.mow CompAnd aUrat-C drawing~ &f CITY Dffes ' the slc of 4itng > m\itur&in thc 4 $fthc direct<4 nmovfr4 f'6A t outzucA ou.'jk n about whatV fnh woutd do in a ekudent loun , Ir ounq t% 0 vvor propow4: CONV ET(0V STUADING a4na MEET N 3 Mrmntaof at±tadEabout& the- an Mann fats o{{-fc& 35. &\ out Ww p ossb ktug 4~ mwa Mr -s, dej loUrgL ST UDYIN'S .0 ___MI 44=R-1 WEB TPkPRto thcCY, chaen' J\Asem: There, 32, oriente4 ardcit{4ura\ 3a wh~k 1et of ca\ Ncv.idn thee and I hop4cc thd Ndc ides in physK pick VwcWDY Qonon [A was hels irpresive rto & of+DY% th{ Mo of~ nntmi~al nov tho thtm Qcardcard~ , Tu~, plas Vca t - if~C - Cbme)anc\ a Md&sie4 6efnc~ce Winfear wt asdo in 1 floor6r andvotof £olde-ptC1 /vo4 tInore e',om cn apr e4vde were The tSea%._W 2 h v DJ tim6 a ltlt( Vha an 1 fft mainft CoUrSe an4 vc hv bnotyt kv a 1cms inacuabk, photogaph Ndc ie &D P Wrc~ i jonafriejdTrY. Onftus vhave to Prt brynnA acm d2 G to a ad)o that CiTY vv I We, .eArn4 toda defdne1 movLcut of la preserfrtoff sn 3ptkm bcr bcau& tkme j arc Iuv nTh" revfn sY inkVf sh \t CIste J somebod4 tha\\g rkOie rente IrvaverIh ns wi\ YnAu IC vl IoW be dece ^n I 16 ZI CAtax %Ia 4 I atfeot thc prcjed. in 1 l a lounttha curniturc Iptm wvhIc bl\, mduarc Ir Ckf bcd to advantl wkrvr CTY WL earn4 this from Yr. Lobor DC,1 +1 Thc Cour. / Jc Ke) trak Of theckg nte~ cwuraeand act as ad~v6eA- tou Thcikarnin4 coord~inator;. M/1vdi1g J tkmrd& h ;th~r0 to maeKrC- tK Out he ha hoFyvn a ra ntere jt 9Of o9f or oDt come toh cs an vw hoptp toinvoc vt im more in tk da. in frk curse rfor The~ "learnWn maa2 sI MdCdont DVLp I ii I ~4 n adincr to jh Toda% Diver Vo4Ai meurecd drawirn of thet o(c& a drawin6 sho\Jir Iocatbn and c{ tthe-fuurtr a4 ciru1( on K v0 to ,v rn.It made mce{ 6J prdte WcKt £vmr been Vf onf work.ton th6irovvn thrat $, bu& Vacaton for the s y\ thVn WsnteA to hdp CuiLd the base rnodd . eDhoiormm durn h t vVek.Th W4G #fS1N NT for next jrnc we merk ko W cour maper onone.of th&Lour ACTMTI r cadn student to rpre. whie sn vw-ha discusse6 In th progmmwin V~WOl put IVtV A IKndE bf c\eSgl handbx. , ' .t 16 W$ ~te{ IDn Ovtr and i pent NmoDme\ fromK. VDabout\ a arunnin6 arCnFt oua it worked. Thibdthe a yvjeli Lthat 4rd o tutor,\StuAtinIt was refreshrn6toSasuo IV vp so rmucha of Yhs fre trne to doth kr Y$fc tvworke, and rveMs ma ifr. studentX Whowd. ~Trc j On te rir~ Vacacton I tme o hp huid the mode). Tho wor- wcnt faand thCy foppt N excitcmenft. 8oub the-rct r( Kir DW ro tezm to h2 v . &oThrn( reA\ 52t4 in th\s YYLuf I '1 3 _____ \A'x}iu\ _____ I I 1 :3 AO% to kep KcA ThCstdenAt the henichnr we pu9rr), or nobiook CwhCV woul8 con:e i &f spe- rnents vv&rv andInt erro petrda iof angI )15'7±K stdent Vv2kAftec to doI -rY IVW coU~rs,cfurthx Welto .e thhOtS, or CntI Drt dotn I 4imn Wo' tae a lot ofd' n enranasnotA tOV)CIT oA . VV6 dscuedI-VV6 6C the( idea and(urpos of ±Vm noteboK somc rorc, and vvhat WL ptornth i4n ,and (don'± kU8dG, bt{. some)h0W Amnovv none I oi ln ThI w ,% 0 1- cped w \AevIr SC ficaynt worW Tr worvvhr6 some Wati not 1n ad n thj I tk flnotebooks unics Dgmta. are some empicc oF' MODULAV SY-motivj to \W4 4ik&xdVo bb1CKstinlY4Youj andcV so on, to introd--ucz attudc of rMvobility wn b ddin tO thLr7jYc Wc had6 W& of kui dinf tialea b tin5Crtoruemafomy, vvc vvas projU3 cardoar4 tu We hac lann Ptt studrnts o whA a; invgnt a KId'nsji m wYicV vv -,I pro3j . -L.t PL.4I -ro 6A--___ & 0 R4 a - undone. CaXalo %nd'r rrd th b een ver Intres i ut X also fe I coruSftent WivtK thc arcv dG toth arc trc pro s% and mportantr in\ a If th e - SPm assiyrrmt. Duivd Ylot UCse ilthKcOU COUY e kmm2kc 4anrouEluj4 re.hnd. crnV)ue a)pe42encL±o th d Th& pvojeot. maj 1a% rdr ar-chItett ure ±o b 4rDcD 64 WOVtY. _ a'A Mrs. Mnn aboth tflc iront- ro rn (Mher her ofp4oi\W of ct vf Keoun and £r&-turnec down VMr. Mnn Pe moved, ha cAustrophobian, And Vnt Onig CbLdt tdet olE ~ bu neede4Allthtpa. r in clas, 19 r Losomc W§and th weNVtudnt hd \ oon csson v/vh us abo~ut their pxrception(; o{ thcnner oi es&o twand( ue CETY. ~ha hadvngsro . totaKvrba ThDjnr opiion of the tdisClan Dr osbornc) was uinffis, fhc, progrn wis bein cor kj mir4Ad Aon4 da W of thine; she hd jon& Wcr& rs. Vnn. b3 C\TY Ste b6sp(ciou hirrngrr scEnigO mal 1 OoUT r06 ncin&Cf - oescmentr o{ 5tLudkntk bu mVing rprriss in' - 'fht - w exrKC4?, ±hqi aern nThC promiscG Were o/er-mn~a. e rn a I y such of ther orymtfo actions a eirniVnatInQ 1 0f 0 I communit student s fN 0* d postCn d rsudent (pupsda (fi'acr, an1m)d withstud ent unvvdWr\ k 4W CI of stc4n4 thcm tsj T hce ofrai ung Xnrthat bci dont Vnow hoW muCV) of tnat vvas e '4bn nd how much WaS frth, but oneningwas pYyCi j §Vl eflt - T WA$ IMI N PoSjEE To TM% PM GD1N@ OCA4V\ HAD ANYTH\NG3 TDD VVITH eC fg duc tYhez. ft sexme to INTO TI-AT YD TOFC$ Thmrb W;1tt AT The PRD- XPYk &d- hXVth si Qaticn wlThowh QflmereAX ffort to kee tYevcds inve ble. t iYsnot prny tat- thc progam doen ca-aor&u thD m (1 thn t UOu ron't u yyit-,st bclownr4trnbarmetn f mog $ TPf'2MQ H ___I t dipI ]F~~OLh'FS _ -1 Thc~~&,~ea\ pT dtrll\, (Vvi5Wart wc&vHard reacsrnl SC sv wh \OVeC tabKt, [\ich re-n ad\Sppos ~ i love~~~~~~~ @u &f th & reat thrt- t To thY estr9, 1f ejtcmai andtft pro5 iAn 4ehool comrnli .Stf hetre am afrad t6 prot 2Wm S angro I9 jcbcc ucationa\g nruprt tobn juta pu~ oo lc~c ARI was b nnin5 to fedA that The werc nThC da isttrmernouo add. 1t wa§ novvekar tht Mrc. Dann cutodUa6n of theo- vvr, va opoCd in tK ron room. Th>ntucV to thida of a ou I ip WVC ndwi ovI orkna pan for ttMcw I. t room.thc stu4& >4 Yna)vn rThat \oug \nthC front~roomrto rnaga ofan Wa. Thtrc waevo th\ Wof "quttine fl thmThr roorn tu toha. Tho Lan 1ha was firA\ 1Ad cn tne CIT t knnp4 commutK rcl4t Couwnci\( 0XThVoVfl On Mrvdh1 or'L% tmrevv wil ComnunW b3 a rnand Athn en tyXa arch tctuwc~ courgc wvi m4Aa vv h will preenta-tDn lcV; pLnQ2 - a me of thc protoed . drou po Uanalpiapf, FD"lstak ati onm rorareas 4 cuestlo nnaalrtes -1~~arectuJra\ drevvi~ng, C~t3IO4 --V a) - aalg £ 1 "2iE~2 flrC~v-'I& vv Q{ in n the1)Do1dIn / meddsap o)ung Thm p2'an WohW t' arnoThcr oom '" NMr;. Mna ec-e,, front DDmY ptm tla \ thom, ff c. PA\TC9 anad iW ctar , Fb BdS MTA E on wsn nde unduIr h& tthe Jac of the Com to Avo4ir'V Ivi;. '\vmr unyrt upportvntj tht Yt e Co h rrm n thc Idk in r~ parents an m nxfe of theccommunivtg wv1W Pdani. is tNmed out tW ev mrstak beave firr iv was noV f&r to MbVann and thc- rst of the ff, aboout hom privaT beorc r; mavM AThdnts, oftr w\e VVX& mafin maVnomWYHptWos, true. or not, ye h6 no bu? §OandO&PcondI c3ant L 9 a irt O1vehr a S td 4oWU4 cjp hY~ theWst mocV@\, wivth)K We pantcd it rut n tclt rg turat t hdp Kmaand I. andj £oon Th V4&id' comroitmrt'to thCs Vrojec4 ra to Comc 0(4 trn vv TIS mrI tin rCl sc 6fscvers\ t t rk mtl e4 d for of GThcft Df out VV wxactomod the pvirt on. At I VVs C.v&re, w,thougY the 1&ds wre conStmn tYur w-ndcv4 t(rC TO d 5was te daj t t e to mrnetxV vv\(ntv % araid f Th werC optiot tkm prodec. mTKou-+rin -in-a-bu4 body rvare hd Wnrh c&pf Jcanic a done.vvhla t wGa m 6orIKe- aaC4 ti a daripton of a sutem Im nt\uj jumpd on ±hcm for it 0 1 rd1V\, who for ThetounfA \ [nav ort b t wa bca wvjrch wfr a 'ar4 Thrthtmhuy tut "arr tdura I p e we ha4 sou at an rttc 1- adi to accept- what thj hd Cd nd Im afraid t Whe4js-hcoj itwvih was a in&cu ab error, persona I. I have- a 1ct to [earn alocut teadinV. thh SCHOOLDAS M dWA45to 6discus a questionna ire. n Qmon6 The othcr CITY tudentG, vvth MOST.\vvha)tVwE i thobe~ circ Ulte CITY questorm rtain(0n to th amount of tvc froc kds pnt4 3nd whther thaj tVOU6t a stuDenA t Iourn Waz od d ard Woulcd thj be VW nvpatcpate. in un din6 c1aesdede4 to maeL it a L Wct whioh vvould V put u Fn tK prcnt th ort hi turnM ung\ C\TT to collect- rApon2t4 - lt 6lVt vvw K a WXh shoud cmoX\ idrsn jha?- Thwr vwas ndmorc The tachncrs arc, veru !itk rcsnscmrt1 no ron to ( ±o thm CTY thK *4+d of spacc tat i Y bsYacomPn pt to ha vc tvo hadX bern set of9ces aidC for thcrvn tY tvint 4 1CASt tDfthlV as wecn ever eptct thn To bc. Tt 1 \ true NoW, vi'T on two wecK to LAVIthe \. ?RET AT) N. The cours$v\\ hvCto bozomeC and.thteachers ma YMLj §tructurA, thC Work hVc to Co A m2 or Ymonf § o Tht4d vof4tx vc As~ At v&d thEi {dr tmWorin thv ihav in w Ih to operate rnmtwor talid tov(a hcs epccia f2pte\(u ~e ~ ~ ~ j flow. 6- --- 3 .4- 4q- / To-' (xbs .0 Acifr og~ trlCXC #rr, #rAt Knab worKd Out 2 ffheAu mtt an Il {br thvc yot tvwo vvu&k. It loog6 prdty r0 . Wc also vdope4 a furniThre& cRc'N {mnr9 ncxt odAem 2 n re (j ha4 boeen TH AC bU LDINO fSYSTEM\ PREPARATION I) I ml IW TLJ i3ic vv 4 box, vvIqth diae'na bracin to mafQ iLh strutural . t is co\1sbV for I MO mo n6J - one - 6 Was ned ofdrnr2str N/ mac to be, sppostc< mode oE a rlpeand piptjoint s-st), pwdVcA vwihn but o itimef. PLA N I I f / y 4- dOw6 \otche4 vvood joi w IE w NIG ri? p Er . did more Kn das t+od2 njupirn on m tmron Krnan tooagliddi ws h hadthu' tn He~T~Y suitC bulig approach toto hW L) r#EkyCm h- w \as a\ovvin thc sudhen i6a to mtr into in onj A verC min.rr) chmr thact-F\ {1ni wa Thc rran war4t Th& tchCr' or aG one) the most importat {ec3Laue 6kwe h b n 7d odrbd i it as inf or deco5tUde-n Shcme CDud becornc raiorn 6uh as raIin , seat, nd 6D on CN i-- N echtme . ad ucce&de my. pxrpetr cnf usion and L4V mru%fy& p 1 tirn nirmoi b I ri n r dacos-G. am comi\n6 to reas that own preocopaton with pv±fcxpatio@ and mye Ihmsm iscornn6 I toward th courtw rnu atttde andmj ogacton; in thC coursc cftcn cau's Ir rne to worn t c Fss K or pOVVVs Vnaanr lK G-' ID -. tho ohe fp mf arC Y0 or dro da t bsfaCt\On VI( hg tVhes nterckar N . V hav othe,'courL r-)r -FAC O-H Pr ' nr I ard{ M 4117 004 lb I (-S 1'.f L L~Y 1% inIiV ianeuiorn whj SMKEN LN -S --- %0 % ftop 640 ETUPEN4TV0LEP4Er AR. [dndvvprh4uV onnthc kd - w&had divik4it a acLh vvith thee up Onto 5"h (on&§oreachl VVCdi) would I WOrL Anc4ch fQonC teahr, prtwoul Kbupervii b5 I donV VVDrV a s lf rn on j one par{ of C-h pha&.1T&r %ch ad 1WoW if VVC CAY\ 'fnh. * *JGV'A 1.~, r'* 410i GDAY all0SD~fD FRI DA M, a .4. 4 I P '~ 1) ___ C If 1/1(1// 'K~L I 10 I ~ 4, 4. .4 K1 / ::, 16;4I 4. 4. 6' 1\j. K Li______________ i2 4, - i4.~4 - 7' 'I I 24 rn~ir 4.- *4.*p' N.4.4. - -qmmmwm - no Vf~1A& VAC\ I'4 if", '.4- 2b 000 ITI I - - - "O"OML ~' 'r-~ 4i '7 problem with tcamworK S Mm6ThtheeYm. #ort. .an an evspeor acK othcr% hovvcever probLm, o adWorV.. Siven the samc abi~+th to .fcDvvyv\ cc ±rso\wvinncomltj in e1 Cfrym w WouldaouAt VA cDmpktel jCi4ffer*n8t atiud. Thc reu th amont of tire- and irhd Ao do an± tig togther, an enewa0st VI A4 mEnt t requird & \ot of openrninden% on g s to wor "thd dffernce out andunfortunate% that neA throui con 0n mndedneY +could fo a whikle ong be I c? ar4 ar I have 1 et ~~o\Virat thormous Ak smoothlU Y)1V. t T OpeCratn Tham, however can be vergd two 6ouof pe pcop- that can bVCf4 are at from the team I "cWnit"0or communitu The {O vwhom thC teamv ( vit ShaU d 0 ~opr (or stuetitn The'ccJ nf of at±itudeseip£rCncQ- 3and Vcauar canr offe ra~ raofaterntives, can furthcr ossib)ties o and d hdp in "d&moistfbngachitecdur- Th demnrstratctherc ts not DnL to a prob\en. aa 3 '2.1 ml~ernb~xe of th# frvam themsdvese, vvTho (if Thoj (ot' Thervi elv&) Crwan enr(C ±er own vocabularies Throm thmeve(6,sach tam ThC oer manbcr fedn contact wiWh orn the opcrnce This ind~ o{ rdationTh#can be rea\ vauable f purpos, muarpe, t s one the requWreu6eompat lf-despcn and 5om £fleseness to 0Avod b - , ~ g TEjAMWARK I I faulou vvorl wee wt pt phm IintDo motion. goup ben to fa\i Knan Anotc 7 bu'Lin< sdrnm, uunrv, odaL esnoril mce-\ 3u andc modI of xini i& thK aSte±Cf the4dntxs~ aKbought to thsfion. 4V eouy has ±+h& hardt job, tho m~osI mrr f the 4vi'son of thc VVor 0t too ineautable the iftereCnt goups Wi havc to help each other 0ut &ecsion to ai the 1kkae gup. WA husy gtn an sis rmp into prz;&n av e havifnt aleadco ,ecedte- ntet ssana dv toWth CVT( Dtfice Thc dr vvcre urninS u to ut wrn roftiDna oob n adDatf rr%~ uwoZOn postrGdcrnT N4 fdea ............. for th&e WASt e as aao4b arfor t rAson ablC W1h~ tcht~r;\ dX 24a WurVC (de%to ThcThortv'm e finih pna~u to C \w-C Work ihfirst s IoDn. ar amount of thQ iTthe-hmJ) an tam, with tvcruonc as ar(A\ tah ' a prek mudh qAl p&Q tchers*And pup acC4 V d. fes 7ds pdn' t4 waj to wcor adn c,th lp on 00r wajs of doin part(ipa ine;in $to oinn thin Arme Athc an tmrne. I? 7 I U,) '4 a U U I 4p LA. M~ LOP L%. e7 ) Thi~s one o§ tVh< an\\' 2 marduce ivmother can b foun4 inWu6 thenbac. b5% 2ror color64 U dr4 GET A ______ caKcis :Hrs BRA h hu chairmar of Wc CT Communwt hass bcen to A-A work ftv thW o1~ass vcnt m n a th put The a CaS \xestatirn on jte d and to pubt ____the_ Tn tin othat peopl I) comc Td% ht Thrn ~lCoc ~ geforth etaia . Th t ~uG fnezmedn rter woud be onr) rfrehi'4 becawvvOrkD t This point ha nc r( on. cnedu ilceoept for the tian.scm oupV wy made con OthtrQh Tnc , The Ya muchm morto dO 4tan a uhir fVArdnQ to dferPh j TyV totrcVt \w4th nre thhu}lin&/pternar tpela d~igon.ppr to. ma,* drwn in oe n I t C Y)d l sIerlIISITTIFOG_1SLEEPIOG .0~0~~~UP Wo Vhc an impromp than mnocK jun to ideA of tInu thr rmx(~4 tventualig r A:e fptrou. P. 5S &rgUrn poxrft 74 w Counciar wor c e n hovv 1-Yenrsent Thc ation should ehndc4. N hsha prctt4 4o ar4 rnents to counter out cv Kjth n Vw camc u yvith, SbmY cofi nt tVh Can r Arcst ArekU vvej\. Co u out tom C11 arc C3 t 0 LI ar4 tW Kd ancc ofaornnt o&u nse4 sgc& Dr not eroffk Spctor V(tihhoninhtVh&c arop5 o pCople. an overWj cro wc)c4 comrior invto thC: roorn, and 4) thcrc suxs to V 5 \ot of stunt inttreA t in havr a 6cznt 1oung. (n wwvontrooomj) Dopotth flDu no ac vlshusn5 Panswe;mae CITY offtic s o t hEIj noulJ commmek3 an4 ogtahr& gVhr REVIEW1 a 6 eN;2 6, 4 9570 fromry 3 'I f ,~--- .~.. ~1 I 4. lo ma~keL th& bu(~(r6 We~ me y4 finA,at lest 1in tcrmse ofrth pr&erT~honr ' a. k chnepin atucdL h3a comVe 3ahu(1 6IneJ thad 'thAt Ith C44 Qd ard &K)hadX {wst tbrOugtstm tO cdass, andc {&vor had~ shi'ftd {VCO Th -n te Vwod ardc e/ampkeS to I the card boAWd vurmetn §us stemYs, k'( 4Avantares: It 1Vv carA barJ b&ox sjstcvn has nmcddk of {he scl desf with Th& modWei verj make )the c~~angcuse as bu\ \Win4 bocK Jn the ceamc vva ac!ua~\ pacC. Vcr% flexi b\e- the -VA c~ boYs6 WVvL\d Ke pp several easy 4 eas \g rno At tYh\s on thvc £6S\io W6 Imprved orh6m\ o dei1b iV Ori 'notminurtsfmi andk useftu\ than~ a §xmpzCtan4\arsolid. With ther nw Vrxapnvg Pt-P4A c x~ Kmkx(WAL) er a o1'4 t Tk b aps k0&swith~ other bxes;.* stffas iv hi ~L.yWOD ~;' Ml II ~VAT1ON arA umit wVich ~o~iW~ NV~ ~ 2a platformn k0Cos~r& or rrivte pVad e2 wou)ld 9perate Win t&'m; OFc as uvWirath& ri n ; iistem. wa can rbx rCpo Q\nc6 the bu no C'-Y~4' UN'& BUDIGSYTMSW Ea1cr~ todacj <maan andA k buzvt modeci cf I_______ The rnvv buildi stkrr but w 6ecA not tr ntrodct ttm otx KLfdslutI \4oUt thu rnicHc cf the dash. r o tr des Wc vvantd ftrt htme on pr nt5 o6tc pkanwA dr in.I introcTeh6 concopt, butiW hadnt rea(j k n' tEbccnoc NtC tD eauYht rn, and~ homwN~lk a6VmcYMts Ja~ck howV vrow~y un 5IopL1_ spac do someP- t Morep eoenT-wormode\ e& rof someramp IcsopIng DVr for thefront rorm, and a cub witha ladcr, 3rd thesuff _e uthad to ,bi trfed of in thC mvo6dek rtawaU. §&c& diaaE S brO des&np t 0'u r rno2&6,u Thu wtih m Kn CK mode)vth 2. A ra\ 6t offtK'on4. We an er ±Vwst ,ivdstae \ odJ orVG much betterdh-an drawing 9engaJ34 a; a dec J To WAe hAvc not p f, Kovecr, v6rn cp tYhe lcde4 of doinxsome Adsp +4 on raver vvth thK va\lda e ,,L trC a neoer fhe kxds Wc fd IME it \urtcn e/ haavisun +arr w'i fhe Cyovummunit Counc1L, 4For threc mzettn 1 aYnd wnaQrJttt wvornedao tha would out apou 1CH./0- ~hor~ r',t nd it a S1G /~Th,~~~1 th st6-starths to wher O[(vr Cae < 6 ood. as vth,'2ame nn24*M tt cKa+ 4Ckvo&9Q had this infor rYataOe a \ctr announcv th CommunIt Coundi \. he, Kcd e- and tKC our% VVth th o n ai me tn vresentationvR$anot rn I-KsVed, th arda h. tns lookcI so LerirsthtD 5f £vru&ag bunes on it nobodvwoud e/ur .ray'itto (ornc us on f t to vws whost ~jb '4. Hrout -rrv agndahad drop-ed tharcttu recourGe and coula not bCt ahold of wor Cd gt ~whc> gt KVnaArn immreda~?teY cA\cd mc. tcl Thc rcspon\i in two kar ofndin +sad that frts& ha~d tKn anid bhoul-d bThe-nxt On\ c(ss 64G out betsj ?hd1'thc famvous anyucrcou\dcn't conac{ 4rr w\rt 3a cal KK. HK wm Wcdnda4 rrnornn t CVTY 'th sc , he oul4 (t tVh prsmntaton put on thc 4HV waXe4 r ar&dten~rC i4into a C\T( JoursC. *ff ra Tth& ,adn Vsenm there V22c bxen some~ Jncd ofinomn asttcmpt to kep h r'tr inth the nfortunt, mi §crYdt o &chtonvv WCmer to tag~ 4gt mrnY ifieJ vn {our or five winsperd voK oftmouth 5copc and purpos& rtrou tha'ttIlmeourda% My4.Mann. sca s, nt( tIto looYl2 mss1Ve c4rV a\ mov(ement o tKC over thc CITY id\6cd presontation' 1V w ad h ivenrT the thwholc £\VpI fK cour; bea v4 deger aboD~tvfat we wre pann as d omatiCa & CRISS p2W(; wihout- I nc, and os borne, who ccarnictnvkandt Oiu L\ka ways rathr shdcn ba tP opTr ca\kmd mm Ir asked m tho cal Dr had exn &t that- htaff wvnat hlad pne on at the dit Ika wasynotthrere part the r n6ngwhey T# vva6 Dr LsbOrnW §OrA: remt[n thC sbff tiAhr&te to a Vn4 deee, an4 had was fc atded rn1 Dr. Wsborne CVcauSe.hC K.was therQ wi-h ai vmnrr of accuations , amnon% Thern tKC accusatVion~ that hV perona1 was aain6 tsa nst thC CITY profan annoged (adC& 6r consu\ted earl InI thc &eig Thc, staff was to trg andz rmintain Yt thte had nc± bern pro css )f was A compAdu tIo) secreecg &abou(t ±his projet 'Therc are LVCt 4ro up s rInde.d who V0havC not bee-n repremente2 fn the rd(Cs, and cannot be recal\ed advocac, pnninor vwut t thC 4kmpPJ Tk part cpatoruj archftucrct a serwj khas Voen an mormus mi~understandin Of C/crubo mx&taVe \\.V rnoti ves ~and lan ; WL,[te to hern) were, abou t {theA /rogafm heavI ItIA&dXt Vrcjudices that vvas cau p i and 1s aWf, and1 inapropna~te. 1ThE pshot of tro vvholc- dea& isfrat Ars V\rnn refused to Of som Akow IthC cor to rcsrnt wok Kefor& th& cornuwnit couneol urt' thc sta{f had a- Hrvatc presevntation. We~ wNre {oLd Te~ cxlir&etaff thetf C vVOuld cme., dass nt Tu U' I r Most da&S wataJLg up in doCB and iK rrobi Iqnn65 Tr riWn teICVe(eOpmre hdag, VVV\e-thV\ wh~o CITY safftWould T W v &dedcL sectKC work. Th of6o2d bout thson T beVhontr 11 bemndoin6. outawehv Aftr\,w arc not planrnne masive V hV'e- approached IT>Y offcs. r. tvr ofth haic Sprobrn in a profssol0rv wayjandp noIg bern §hown A& stf~ becaue nov have beme prpand upto now. W arc ycommecndcn# the front room b uses for the ~- £ssona\ ~D&~A5 'oq.0 have 4&~' but2 afirhpbM n6 {nrh, icstcm, a V\V(nith& Itaf et6 7ij dv' vVithtc- rod C\. T preentation 5. tver 3ar3\si. a 4that paticp ti e\ but6f it with focn _Q' Would b1 Thse WorK 5omc Wxat we wtouZ Q r ndcperdor studer W or K , hoto6@ph ,and hopef udj sor ne Qspac3dara. 7khe model wbuV4 8K nrna\ Lj tbc s1 up rK th wa that qflo4 u x-ac no vv wa thc off{can dr&;ttioon b 3a etudeVnt p In6 how Th - ~t same bal LA1, trnis wrcnot.n6to at AII mnan ~ee 4-r; tc\i thc 4tArS pranmtaon I md 4&6 alonc. th oud Vhvc to be,6 handce that ay avvordi rn thgi'r frehou t irto trolue. \ ±thV thcjv ountarvV Wn pan s Ion We& fCf vne tohod- on Sondauj ractc to *or nijz Th e presrntati0n * Ii IAL. it ka bMd &ea to havc a dass At n5ne o'cdocK,-A - ovcrfhdlmin6 thn or thcworK ovtthCetu were, n to tW conue as to &)one...wasG. no exctmen{ 5tudent ,ahe ch% tac1ous oneo , ebceCIIa £undaj mornfin on S adenathjws pvesentaIon, but-raThre1 camb stuf* overaard ovcr i tc; wdcs wouLd not be I red reth thc {e6ir gt 2 capaeofsd1\\n4thc of eme concern , not p---Idn laGs TA w f th w ) - vWiH 4. 'DIcK Jac r- smt;Ommt a4 Fve- aa rt course. is cus thL AMASV dGsf. the catAo60 - wlW diww; th \ t SCHqyDUV introduwe thc vrojcct histor cur ammr up ~Jhee", Too AM Su 60owed 3. orn rInnio rejt ratJ on kdbut onf, was tha ai the at ment nvo\ve4 in Comin T{od Chr t .t archikoture the prenttoK. Aiin'tood 1. 11&Lj nd be;t kagor rtn o the wAodd.f~ sm on~r,2ri Wema apl ea -for t4 ounT o{ t ACTNIT u9aLDc SY T-MV1 n"nIAltohe r andc5n th& 1DE616NN?\Th £m5onlN WRYT Il pm W SoMEA PSYCHOOO CAL WAkEHR AND EMERSGE,, VICYO9JDUS. AWn vvc {inlhed puttin1Vc ArAvv(nf On thc CW2V and nWt tabe, W reflected a trenos thK iono obviouG Irnorrvc lU ta ihadc sWWhiC amount cf 4tudert work.T\ Dr osbornerved v] wih thihi;dor Mr&/f Mann hajWs- b'z1 to\c'd hrn that h was not ComWn 1h sadthat sVmhe hadancher arnej ard Vrs bedin b±K enCpmt, corn w VC hb wm 5h thouW n - V ufdicent". expectl ngfht whole..-e was ( the studots, "WK4 Ou '4 for me to WasZ rn tim V7 not m arld cera' nfot important enough to £ed rmorC than thwIo staff i was notantI I fd"'t1 to tirC thhcX%out 1 to mank t hrn fz\d 1h(r I- WYVEdc. Wh~en fra and Mr.pwi~n csaw- thCwalian te-tI a Wennhatc h migt fiVnd andwha was KhapK pbonc&and 1edt fra htc vfKhk. rwnut; tlater Mr Mann2r and two othcr stCf4mwed up9 I considered that somewhaKt c a morA vctorg. WAS cnx bci 2. .TLEUSE .s,- D?7THEFRMT HARDLYANIG Dpk mu ovvOrri CCM E. Thekd5 job vvith the abolute)j boutifu presenration - and no onc cha\cngd hem usinthre frost ror\. Thn nt iVda' of o in eoppor tan, nobod camc eutirtI 3n othe idea that theq ua(fj ar\ i Pro mo t"ion pv Ot t h. \& OK9to I I n ror1 %UC was ete... rpct of fth work wa eo atKat rt c SV~duc t th&C\T pro am thAt thV wor coul havc. prem t mnu Qoun6\ m tin& 1 K( )[( that sei thi stuff, v - . ___RESVEiTJATIONkJ - - I -&;, th& bedter . 67' I On3 TTEhHDDK speak Sarne n6 for th s had far had bcn tattha Th CT dfor a Otce te vvOrvkto Whch a6hr presJni teCommunit 1t woulrvd meanntann Cun. ides, dQfmite% chdV nt tho 6o. (orn staff bydUdents who wrnr+t wouldhappe ±i; is Thc va(ue or rumor sprcadin dueW tattmpted somhit% then sta had bn+odtn cn Wv ard WE cre, dnhv\ tm iYv&Whmaav io of Kbrhar& IvvVwhn tnc 5tf haK 6W that prafin )c (nr d tlatr o Ip Attr th GItaff hadcX ll lft, andc the daosasna;s I t1k to us. k was part Anpaame from out cf town that hv orn cntrade4 to cvau of consutn tmnouslj \ouhIm Wn o CVTTr at th couroeo ±ar;ano abo tnrna Wppene \ Nin our ,,-eAW b.1 - / 1 A II n/ ,,- "\t -VV(YJ Hc carei to r'/ I I I .VVCL UelK1% IuAr I J eA, MG supp os ecauseour co urGe wa so recznte ut~4 wcal&ofound cut thatfthc arch£;VT~v aeyc reord~ ot 31 thec ftre coAur2Le had th was nb'foutc aju4 about at COT'( ab cours bxinth6 hnoftt rumbcr tKC proarY Yd to zrTh mA, v n tnbKh i o,a me as tcckrs fecX prtP, rfai conro gven a \vt ofwat nes atto heLdistt c{ prior\ 6tak inth Cprojcc± andY ikd\ r co pr<o datnd th1enutrz K e-curefrp thcomoUos AmoUnW tYhaj~v haVA Thej hav& Alo{ of pride, thi r own.. 4F4 fdn6 atoAt communit' y oups. SYaV my\D W~kh( Ien6 ed. a VlunteeCr in vvorkin t& hb DvounfecrYnthatAouWa flv/arai a czttin announvt of\\en job. 3l(' 6ivcs of IDs\ng in whu4sO d, Wt hour JOL specd , hou o workC §0oro. J± je GOOD go gour th4 ujou atf or at kst spe4 out a Int those, probems with concepfho ncj o9f work. thI d i wl rVS& 4 JInvariab op\e- whichr~ In the C\T xpeXrcc 1 was abk {o spe quIfte frey aotf h wasI nvwh'hChou 4t the prog UAu~~f T~f ** admion israted , 10 a\IWnbamwV wi hth p69 BUt &vcvn mor impyortant) it means r gou taktiontem It Hs 6&D to be, a voluntvyrsbn moet Wbviou% Iudo iner forthc vVrK bcaus§C .wDlIjouronldOrcompnse SIa tion2 CNich &can\ bprtj YnA %r ncondc, because in a mon concciOUG soCpeltd th wortne WhA± aYVthiniThW dont.J j onj Th gpcopk if VThK0as c;pec tre- n thY 1 hadc\ kbn hirCc to do bucn tn & Iot more-,C SeriOus1 ht C2G project- worK I \ Knowv d Vav )t%hard to et aro unC -t probtm, nd Anfortu n atl vru rare to finda communita fgoup vwvth which ujo cAn' stakush the kn4 of m~Iuua tVrASt Vthat CEan ma&6 thc jagoff {DV V0lt6e-rin Tk e -'4 V0ENTERINGNT **J 5j NI We wanted to buic afulKsc proote ofth> box to 4how at te CommunI'tj Council med , 3n went toth \AKa and 6Q6 tri -w1 HI one Si to don aSiF Htyt d t that for maton2,. The6 onla ha fntoK orl4 sieofset4 ?{ 4'< Wcfr{yrd out- to an th, box4sdegneA MS t on a4d iWwouldifakt 75had- at mr. W& found, hovwmverp, einrain\ the bottom an fnner brac wo couLd de itnvIt '2 shet if W&euced thc i p ea in das wGbud partkcpatCA verb xr 1G W THEWAY V TT ,tC opraiTons. Consoien-\ Stvva tK went frst titm Pg thC wa, 1vvowant VU cormmn d aain i th(S W2Q OU t Sconci Arne4 dia W6 Wn werecfrcJd i4rac&. pran V orrowced somc o\nts from the 6ViI 10onr oom o show ho hat tuF nvvct \Wa andA the dd s mroad ator. a sortk ofg4raffe out &fit. %-.0-01 i f MdWs lee, a er noon, arde seen prettc . confdc'nt abou CO0 buindc. W L----C ORKN7 WI *1 I I ft ~ m ~ DAl.D TIT, 2 ~f)7~) 1)a 4-. V-P 7 T---------- 11 .1 N It Dl Lr@) . . .~ *.. i 10a a JD 2~2 anio -=u';s I.F. .1 a, -1 . v a P., I. -- - . - - M07 - -- MG: COMMUNITY COYNCkL I TS V0MVWOPY OPPOT\QN I I E,U) Tht AdW &cd a beuWfA jot of p&grntirftheir worK tIf anujthin 6tef6 vmorc coo1 more bo\d han tff Kis, tkne- 1st Prcsefation, and\ the pepoplc threI varent, commnunit ?10eopland u\ar$wa Verj inr tin. Mlobod% had over vidntMwn who getdv K(m4tthc he vv5o &oor. V. was inteirs+4 IcauSe sdovvn. vo ca\ In theatopt to arcthe Cne vistor sein him 4 af&orc eerigt 6- tos , HPs manr ponW vasI 1ha't taknalgS w;a Incomple9\teC bQcetVhe kds hadn't irter(vie9\Id sPcI. l was a Whvv' owvas eto usethK en, bt Poin- wvej\ made a nd v~\t wcr& WThk4 jyM it~to tKhgont of crue&t. c 2 pYa a ot of st1f-r( IanYcc a*. and arfd Koutifulj iw h thesj 70ne prsntion enck~d, ow{ver, wizthzth of jt t had beef hot dowln e, off cia\ positi on Cof te councI\ was Thc cemt shou1c doa §spacef ne-edos ana\ if the CITY'saffRborc 4inan {urther with thn projtctV Lmstruj man frurrned utto befrormthe JuGtce'Dartrmnr nt. uaVion of thm learncd th4 hk to him n ta\Vn ttshat W,Ac tocr;, hadscriptA the #ho\Ce sWlhowTh o~ur OD G2 n p pct5 sCa , nfo r u(. Iand rat the Wd wfw uA ±fromW tht a aussd Woud not bvLweve thysdvc ; evrone ear- I )I 2 " - a I . I cd unequa\\&d capac to0nov ptowR. Pf-rod ar( For VVhat -jik Wort h the p ant -T do)Wr. in front nOvV aVA nvbr A of Thc Comrunt awfu\ mvin4 e nnt arego ouOnC.Ht roJct jot abut sL~n I -r O00Te fov -E Wb FLAIT72 On th whl\, hovVer pwpvv6rC* nunmoVe4. Ina fact, t vent thc v\uin quitc auhfuI for thC CITY sbhment--em vVa mp rSsed' and the, kids fKt hof &own. V th%tW dweren sKh6hot dOwn 1aelst nOt 1Ih lnt fct tec thou t{r thCVwas d& Irhuj dda fbWou j yl val ea, e Uerilence .. in teCOursE so far., wehadtrWC. cou\dn'gt hvCVen them a\ m~or6 reA~a\tuaiofor4 aardntec prentati on' t Aa k Iarning ag, .OF A El l " I wen to C\TY bcfort thec nwt ctaesWoa r\n5 da1n &tcr thc Cmun found an enormous conference tabl\,at ast tWdvefe t lon/ h bCen nstaW-4di n the mni c of thc front room, cornp9kt \u LAn uSVcp ai\ tVZ §pacC thc \Vd ha prov ecd to bc unus&I at thC prcevntaiont. ThC efret of The, tabl, natuAralis t ma e nn's off front room uselss ecpt for Counc)- A o V I c weVhad th@ \/Vornt cnu(nCan dis None, OQ LuG tAchr realj knwv wVht to Vo In 1he cOnfvUion and dpression wvich invavriaj.#fol 1w" a period of innrt vorK toward a 1rQsenta7tloY v h n vwv webotche d tc das.W An ids enoug of aancL to oain Cter f&ein& about the prcsentation, or cnoug con&gtulorn on tL T nc jb tghad done. ThCdicu <ion Was disj o inI 2l m evcrn armnt v and in Ncancuv ts 'ssu 4(4on for a Thn0 ntod +hin that came out wv qucstlomarC to fo1ow up the presentahon Wht vva preswte4 do ujouthink- the (our4- 4soul be n t fron 'Dom) and.4 xf Yot, Wvh vot' t Loth MIstJons VV iCthLaccrortnicm. s au toadminwtr t utc, shonnair to ±VhL KT{ st{e. Thc tn fro Comvht cV 9taff membr ovn A% or thL main IdA was i 0thr, toird oukt eaxctuj whcr thc projottstarnd ATR\L I I The 4 werc natgA\ra\j (owin6tircadofthe r ock fee(ng the opst\on to the projtet was so 2t hcfr st±Ion VVs n6ari 0 Vopcdess. !t wVs rt moratoL1rium so we cad a onteV YmL for a rn thc proj-ct, at the, cndc of which wewoui6 havdfhc Md -4) uetionnaire rcsut of tc whvre VVC stand. that, d , cWla4ndwWuldknow cxactl pah4,~ buttir quGIn.rKVir& wab rnOt eok as '&andon To YM& J royoV cO EvW so0ME PYT-- MVR 2THM VX THEPCT : fdt Tat 4 a&tr mitae V Kd m t have6tn uiW- it Kxu e6 of the aner of 1t deveovinto fc2Qe. In wKhIchw woeU Kav a Ver unVCom Or tOSition yf WVhdhe\c~r bj concXdfnce or not .it has hbn a situa-on fNAAN 1ac G opposingwhitson -the ro' thin fathrw havc wwould bk cmwnufrtinc cand r4 of crac rn1Th v&W natuj. got 04APJ$$ sposec for the V14s no 1 ±VrV n rn ;aujing2 ±hak hcrc ioun'ea O )rbuIld\n'the min 1\e forfps, e \(WorvCa t and ha h4 t rnwc eoAnrC.w Oejheha karn from h 4anneZ and s f1t workd n on iT~vvcou c1 he4 carn4h proct fth ar fnra it~ tand4f Jdn't think that uidinta V\2a2)e. ht eduCational in SENE LkCvroboK fcit-vvro £Ie- dr Inrivovcnt nvotved for VVlnbeen ojdt buLt ah4o &m(od 4 lot abouat a ot- ofthn4 Evuer bon 04timc .\2Th wj thr uga %nthe, hAd a I ___ It1F~SL(31~~ Lx _________ rA I Even~ 'cvdnn ik drawback;, ther&is a was n vvIcKh1 hvoWJd Vav& W\t+o sec h proctp 075fn - mosrtle e iausV lhoug r hi ten hikta the.. \oun, rwe un LDosi eehvn Nd dno a rcisAt of tir6ffort§ would have ben a lot toryga) ±0in tofrtihe ; VYhn fthe consoat Ion ±K± thC propect was nota aa karning6exrFn Thuj worke4 hard, an as d&rvtd ror&. end of thv proje4 whave.. catchinguP on r( we had int4nded& dO throu out fW coure- SincL the. Iot c{ thC frh Cfget 1ecturc ben n rsfid ripG andor droppd noticc projch a reat sore of 4& e iT c onfuj anda NIISIAT HAVH in ttdnthas' of pact from tKh hKie ac or thn eds hVc 'At- bn aXj. Ethr thc dnThn is nst imulat1r bvitg of thL vWadeJbg th whole... expernc. canme pafrovio a the dlasses t hes- 0O -XLPED , I .?S Tnc opposrion to thp royCd was hgc) onzed . EvewtWe hC off icL 4 bktnda\ ton af that morchuedY wapr ThffecfVvdiye S t whve one- d{rntl tha±kt woud hve hele4 th 1oung 4gfr bA COTY dmrn ratirn Kcd a\\ Thc anf44e. covured. Not thE 1et bac of the- Krobs A&w ±Yhat vacla\ preven4 'I the CIOT GsudentbKj from rcai\ Iorfming Ps far as could be-, thu; dvqon wcrc n exact diScouraged be the oPbnonyv had discus5edI ear ie o "Sc a tn int dvision adminraton. Te dWecion to &Qrandon thc pr6oect was a &od one. vTh(, ont u rtcommndathon I can safl. 6. WoU\C hav<m mpctl ac.o ha2d3 h6\vc keto cd wu the sftuation l*n r- C\T> -- - o , - - progetn~ th/r vplace. El 1VfJER§THiOVHS NI a m7int ffcs &kt thce dw rr- one o Coomuni®j Conl mutir4 fov a coupie- of that CVerconTthre coLd have. a god chnce to e-h&e work andb another 'GtI to havc, some, ev wce of stuWdrnt acihvitj the-rc. W& 2 Who SVh was~ a \ I went to ta thK stuft 4owvn, Mr >ann vv therc tat Ivas tan ava GometIin4 ththm4 ban, fr a c ocpe of weC now, oftrendoup ValXu to Wef progam. An&as1 as That kMr(M nfor ou, been t~n thecredas soehn6 I O rc i~otIluinA In6 fT 0(3% dici Dlto make a ann hbit cout of th 4 moncerned I SYd Ferr iff. 5V2 hadc a fo6kovw-p" to the flrojc #eshonfor 5n, said we V4hIo do a "space nl s hanaL6< c{ aX\ thc and thenv K;& ch thL Knds of 0aces Thc offices rn * move in Septon - qn wo rdse, 6hewa -archtctuwc couCrc" to o aprtrnt-huit CITY offiC&;. Up to thPs poInt th Loppoton ' r k a n othe onl~ Th projcfr h&4 Keen~ Jownri 1 ~t~ crudc acclu r ~ir4 to Kitnovv itha VuAgr S3 We, WouK d vc L sorrmCtn hearvt whadI V p Th proje C. ~*,4 I 6drawIrn6 uQITY &rawI'%G ( .. - E I& 1 I 77, 1 6A'tA-Pt I' A~4OW\&( tZ 6((tk~Q /kt64~H4~1I' 64 C~- 6 J.'ILC'K~~~yp< lle1 XLt I ivLv40 / ii~ ~Z: #07 /= fA.1 H (' ~ t~- /:'~ ~)eti~tVh\.. c7'X- LA- rtil4c~ A4xt-l atIt-lqll-t% - I . I (tL'tT> k tCkvtA~1 % pop t.Ad&CALZ-Qd, lv 'f76-c~ -t/vf1-~ C~ £4~t~/Cik6ACV/J - I / C~A~( jy ~ 4 I' I, 4 welc do ce &V&\ f!~tSL / - IVA- A5 /~. ~~t(J%. A4L~5L f~ 4kV* ~~~ v ~\AM lPAyC o w/C A 'I ,0,.! -CO -3 ,tIj ~JOC-f ff1A4,v~;IJW -6/ 6 /~i5Lt1i /9 AA / / 1)0007-m Iy ~r4w.- (c&~7~u '4. 1/ / 'IV t%4ir 1 & 7~5~ L. < t1+LQ,'(. -V 100,A ((AL. 7~L1Z{A,%.. / I LL.-C/J~L/( fl ~ IA/Y& 4.~-s.L C (LA. ~4Lc .4rV./i d~ . 6fty( ~/V<,L6{CLkf 1 ~.$/frZ'b..4~ / / Kc~ui (~p~ -7 r p / 41 ,. pIr~ / I. K L. 6:14 'L CY7 - ~ ~ -6~ i-s , :j I !e '-4-. * -) ~. i/~~ *:. 4L f I & 1 0 (C -AX.(.% Il 6C - 4, L-.. I 1' ~L~t/t9~L -L( A~kv p < ~,t / ,/5 - ii C ~~7.4~" 1% ~vZ'~-C~ - I', ~ZA~ thexxt - / / ~-/r ~ ~ - 2~ 6~ ~-!&'~ 4 414? I -4 *k 'S 0 16~ 4b\0 -0.-b, "I -~' £ f I 1.- ~~116, -I .5- * I. TLVLAsLv''. ~tLA44 1L ('-. ,v~cq 42 rl I' 1T%~ $Ty'vC .y - ~4./ ~ P, /570+ ~g 4 .4 j~vt I, 1 A"-~- 45 - ~~&Y&P-fl /~(C(~J(~ 7 /A AC1~Q-LA 4b- t~777R r 72 ~*1 - ~ ~ ~1-~vW / *. *1 A -'7 I W~t~AA k-CA~A 1 # '~0.4 r-~.wj w1hc rrDorr ~~ bw .p ~ft~ fl-- e2 t~< A & COAI\ $44_ A.) j 6/1" 6r2~i ~*4Ad J 0 ~ok & -VK.. 'I ii C ~p~) K) j 71 0 G3 Tand theArfncxt S psarc tat wEre Shown to thC C c Van fund thei tejt a\tatek sta tch ifif and kic Schcme-I Jai /I- y±E)Ae. \.% 'I. o~fC4~ A - Art ~ I 4 AA~ - It: /I- /4 ~ A1t~r~ 64A(~-~ V~N. 4~d~e~tC4J .1 -'----4 ~ it ZI ~O±EThAE. tr SCR-IjMT= - - 11 A~~f d~ ~ ~44~Wii42j- 4AAW? I. K I. 'P '-p Q Lu 4. 7 ELi tzaI @:f :TTS ~I/ vb~. OAS;> .v v V Pl" -. ~,0 vj~ 14 1000, 1~9 ~~VIV~ 4'J~1Mo~f~ 'UT N$LL7~5 ~ ur ~ S -V -d a 514- -A- C iii: _ -I:57~ P -h X\) (J~ czz~ -f -7 c~ -K~ -1tmv 'c,,Dri B 4.- MAIN (YR Lr--V L)PP~R ~-~V~L$ ~RIU RANI -) '~:Ct\~Z' N;. I. N I U" V-c5' V 7F 1i~UA 111 tcrK 'op 1pn. \N& mae4 it rmost\ for Thi§ was hfrn\ ±rxaj thc idea of a Chan/dcaa pwop& who couldnt acp WbtC& t h 6 1iVh4 4omYthn se to an, and nr de-d of pro5-am eA howvcVe It rs 0n intro vej on rLrsnt ontodo. s acurate ~ part of ths. cZt I0 ICCsce L ©© ©©©THUb)®/lc/LfNE rctetobLN]prtc O ()V/A M14N" 4~LI4N. 8 '4 ' ( ( ( 0', f I DIM~N~4ON~' DE(P, c4J FrON Ar, PC-r r(Y47 A I a $ 4- J14?Y3 FUlPCTION5 A P- rE§J _______ 6C'WIJTE;- - PJJUv~ ___ r. W1,_______ v'~j~y~fJQJO%-I77f-4", A, 0_' TrO F~ tItf C-11-~ -r~~ _____________I £~E. _________ ©r -1- 'C' -S MATE R!Arl~jui SrJW E47I L-S /;?.APPS - 2-r c==1 LJL f;~n.9u j~-pf-~r r- ;. X J f'rl CrA L, OCArTIlitj r-4--. RA CA15plpTV ulI I I _____E,_____ -;pop" %If r- - - 2] cc~) I, q. I! i - Fi Fl-AN cxA~: k~' 1, * II I '- -- r-ir~.j - I - , ZZLIE,JI.Qih I -~ ~.z2~zU.A'Ii aLI~.L&W1LWr~Cn41LtI1A ______ I-',- -I- 1)VI PICA ~ECfl3N ~ I -Nisr 5 4-- . I I z - STUDS ( a 4ie-s e,~ L flo o NI Y)II, 7. t-Vo ±VxiprojEicV vvh Ln fc tYC_. d ta" G4~wcr*4 {ro6 44p ~A-r sr C- 4-/ 4P1T Fr f T A rS Of set tY\WV~ w~$ { I 5,, -t _ _ / t~tl CI~i~~t kAO / W~ ~i4r~a~c~E~}MTlAflte4c-P ~ ____ P, Oz'iIS '7 C~~~~l4- '4- ' -l'-t _C_1_A,, -~4 r' X/ VII 6C A'? Tt ( _ PINE _ _ _ -~ -17-' _ S Jt~' ILt'P - "Zr -. _ _ _ _ 60___ rr t-,' A L"5c JIrT S4LT hUt~ ri&~CJ~ C.LOAT IW~I 1C- nfl 5HELT- LNrF- '~s~' I ~ I CrxT,-06zwO'1Wlc N GIAF UNIT PtM 4j e-=CTOt4 S'-:h$Vr-ASC.J, IT_ l4- ______ Liff. 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CITY C(s, cC-lwU 3tiW\ Io of Thc ' %cks Yrn2' 2aYd +hDwe4 At th e ramrY C2V TheC prsn... cntbUrd { t1 1ooCOT1ON 37S SQ.FT. c .1 .1 ROOM AEA ANALY5J NDT5 a #.ovv thccat4, 1 '~iY/o rcc~-ion cFr o VIDVb a 'a 4 4 v* .9".*.~ .*.4g9 * *'~ 4~44~9Wf4... **~ . ~. .* * . * 4 - .1 I' 1 I.- a. LO, I . - .I . - I . a. . ,- - . [I - - - -, . 4 - -. q . . -. .. ---'[l-i I1-.1 I I - - .. - - I - - - p. -1 1- ..- - - ., - - - - - - t p.,- t " -E11 TF, - ,, Fl 17' *44~ -f- I ..- - \ - *9- I . . -t-.-- -. . -1- \\\. BUILDI~' ' 'G~NEHG MA 1 A0AR00 9 71 J \,.% 11 ~ . ~4H I / p SS sAT -rV3. .. -- I , L '\.~ *~i. I- iI -. IT] jj I FVORESGiT CULNGTFTUE VEMILATNG DtU(CTS .,P \4fSE AT IT THER4OTATS W L1 GUIT -APEA~ 52:1s i? /,Pm% flow**, ?uO/MAQC4 1 2 _________________ MJUUULMATE L SUNRVL 1 9 1 1" '1 I. 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