SECRET FOR TRAINING ONLY Return to Index HEADQUARTERS, CFC 9518 Seoul, ROK 1June 19XX APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX E TO CFC OPLAN (KOREA) 9518X-XX (U) ENEMY PRISONERS OF WAR, CIVILIAN INTERNEES, AND OTHER DETAINED PERSONS (U) REFERENCES: a. Geneva Conventions, 12 August 1949. b. AR 380-200/OPNAVINST 5530.6B/AFR 205-30, "Armed Forces Censorship," 13 June 1969. c. DA Pam 27-25, "Prisoner of War Rights and Obligations Under the Geneva Convention," 1 March 1980. d. AR 633-51, "Civilian Internees Administration, Employment, and Compensation," 8 August 1963. e. DOD Directive 5100.69, "DOD Program for Prisoners of War and Other Detainees," 27 December 1972. f. AFP 110-31, "International Law -- The Conduct of Armed Conflict and Air Operations," 19 November 1976. g. Naval Warfare Information Publication 10-2, "Law of Naval Warfare," September 1955. h. Status of Forces Agreement, UNITED STATES of AMERICA and the REPUBLIC of SOUTH KOREA, 1 June 19WW. i. Status of Forces Agreement, UNITED STATES of AMERICA and the JAPAN, 1 June 19WW. 1. General a. Purpose. To set forth policy, responsibility, and planning guidance on matters pertaining to enemy prisoners of war (EPW) and captured or detained persons during periods of conflict. b. Scope. Programs relating to EPW, civilian internees (CI), and detained persons (DET) encompass all matters related to the capture, detention, release, or other disposition of personnel in the custody of the US Armed Forces. c. Policy. Treatment of EPW, CI, and DET will be according to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and other applicable international laws. 2. Situation a. Enemy. Annex B, Intelligence E-1-1 SECRET FOR TRAINING ONLY SECRET FOR TRAINING ONLY b. Friendly. Annex A and C. EPW/CI/DET Activities. The South Korean government is ultimately responsible for 3. Execution a. Concept of Operations. CFC provides implementing guidance to components regarding procedures for treatment, administrative control, reporting, and transfer of EPWs, CIs, and DETs. CFC will ensure the cooperation of the command with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and their local appointed representatives or other humanitarian organizations. b. Assignment of Tasks. CFC provides theater policy and directives coordinating matters pertaining to EPW/CI/DET activities. (1)CFC CJG3, in coordination with CFC CJG2, develops gross, time-phased estimates of expected number of EPW/CI/DET. CJG3 provides estimates to medical planners and Provost Marshal (PM). (2) Operation and administrative control of EPW, CI, and DET is a South Korea responsibility prior to deployment of US forces. (3) The establishment and operation of EPW/CI camps is a host country responsibility. Host country is responsible for activation and operation of EPW information centers and branches. Upon deployment, JTF Korea will establish and operate temporary holding facilities for entry of EPW and CI into appropriate host country channels. (4) Upon deployment, JTF Korea will coordinate with host country counterparts to plan for and establish collection points and processing centers. c. Coordinating Instructions (1) COMJTF Korea will establish in-country liaison with ICRC and other humanitarian organizations. (2) Arrangements for transfer of EPW/CI/DET from US to host country control will be in accordance with CFC CJG3 directives and supervised by a PM representative. 4. Special Guidance. Commanders are responsible for: a. Handling, Processing, and Evacuating EPW at Capture Point. This includes initial classification and administrative processing of enemy or suspected enemy personnel. These personnel will be remanded to South Korean control after interviews are conducted to obtain tactical intelligence information. b. Accountability for EPW/CI/DET. Local commanders are responsible for developing appropriate procedures for and maintaining continuous accountability for all persons captured or detained by their forces. Personal property and the remains of those who die in captivity must by accounted for. Reports will be submitted according to Annex P. c. Interrogation and Exploitation. Consistent with subparagraph 4a above. E-1-2 SECRET FOR TRAINING ONLY SECRET FOR TRAINING ONLY d. Granting of Legal Status. Captured enemy or host country civilians who do not fall within the definition of EPW, but whose internment is deemed necessary by proper authority, are processed and administered as CI. The apprehension of CI who are citizens of South Korea is a South Korean responsibility unless the individual commits an act which is detrimental to the security of US forces. Apprehension by US personnel at any other time is not authorized unless requested by a South Korean official. e. EPW/CI/DET Advisory Assistance Program. Not applicable. f. Transfer of EPW/CI/DET to Another Detaining Power. South Korea is responsible for detaining EPW/CI/DET. These personnel will be remanded to appropriate host country authorities when the tactical situation permits. Specific transfer criteria will be coordinated with appropriate host country commander. g. Investigation, Reporting, and Adjudication of Alleged Violations of the Laws of War as Applicable to Detained Persons. In accordance with applicable Service directives, regulations, and procedures. 5. Administration and Logistics. Refer to Annex D. a. Accounting for Personal Property and Deceased EPW/CI/DET. Commanders will establish procedures to safeguard personal property accompanying EPW/CI/DET and will establish graves registration procedures in coordination with host country authorities. b. EPW/CI/DET Documentation and Records. Appropriate records will be maintained to ensure identification and accountability. c. Medical Care and Treatment. The capturing unit must provide medical care and maintenance to prisoners under its control. d. EPW Canteens and Welfare Funds. Not applicable. e. EPW/CI Labor Programs. References d, e, and f. 6. Command and Control. See Annex J, JTF Korea coordinate with CFC CJG1 for EPW/CI/DET affairs. 7. Reports. IAW CFC/JTF Korea TACSOPs and directives E-1-3 SECRET FOR TRAINING ONLY