Publications Books JACQUELINE LIPTON, CYBERLAW 2.0: THE CASE FOR CYBERLAW (work in progress, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2013) JACQUELINE LIPTON, INTERNET DOMAIN NAMES, TRADEMARKS, AND FREE SPEECH (Edward Elgar, 2010) RAYMOND KU and JACQUELINE LIPTON, CYBERSPACE LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (3 ed, Aspen, 2010) RAYMOND KU and JACQUELINE LIPTON, CYBERSPACE LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (2ed, Aspen, 2006) JACQUELINE LIPTON, SECURITY OVER INTANGIBLE PROPERTY (Thomson/LBC, 2000) Major Law Review Articles A Taxonomy of Digital Borrowing: Copyright, Derivative Works and Plagiarism in SelfPublishing (FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, FORTHCOMING, 2014) Copyright, Plagiarism, and Emerging Norms in Digital Publishing (VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT AND TECHNOLOGY LAW, forthcoming, 2014) Imperatives of Private Arbitration in International Intellectual Property Disputes, 24 SINGAPORE ACADEMY OF LAW JOURNAL 978 (2012) (with M. Wong) Trademarks and Free Speech in ICANN’s new gTLD Process, 38 MONASH LAW REVIEW 188 (2012) (with M. Wong) The Law of the Intermediated Information Exchange, 64 FLORIDA LAW REVIEW 1337 (2012) Combating Cyber-Victimization, 26 BERKELEY TECH L J 1103 (2011) Copyright’s Twilight Zone: Digital Copyright Lessons from the Vampire Blogosphere, 70 MARYLAND LAW REVIEW 1 (2010) Bad Faith in Cyberspace: Grounding Domain Name Theory in Trademark, Property, and Restitution, 23 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 447 (2010) (selected as one of the best intellectual property law articles published in 2010 and reprinted in the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW REVIEW, forthcoming, 2011) “We, the Paparazzi”: Developing a Privacy Paradigm for Digital Video, 95 IOWA LAW REVIEW 919 (2010) Mapping Online Privacy, 104 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 477 (2010) (solicited, symposium edition) 2 To © or Not to ©? Copyright and Innovation in the Digital Typeface Industry, 43 UC DAVIS LAW REVIEW 143 (2009) Celebrity in Cyberspace: A Personality Rights Paradigm for a New Personal Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, 65 WASHINGTON AND LEE LAW REVIEW 1445 (2008). A Winning Solution for YouTube and Utube? Corresponding Trademarks and Domain Name Sharing, 21 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 509 (2008) (selected as one of the best intellectual property law articles published in 2008 and reprinted in the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW REVIEW, 2009) Who Owns ‘’? Political Speech and the First Amendment in Cyberspace, 49 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW REVIEW 55 (2008) Commerce versus Commentary: Gripe Sites, Parody and the First Amendment in Cyberspace, 84 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 1327 (2006). IP’s Problem Child: Shifting the Paradigms for Software Protection, 58 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 205 (2006) Solving the Digital Piracy Puzzle: Disaggregating Fair Use from the DMCA’s Anti-Device Provisions, 19 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 111 (2005) Beyond Cybersquatting: Taking Domain Name Disputes Past Trademark Policy, 40 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 1361 (2005) (selected as one of the best intellectual property law articles published in 2005 and reprinted in the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW REVIEW, 2006) The Law of Unintended Consequences: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Interoperability, 62 WASHINGTON & LEE LAW REVIEW 487-546 (2005) Information Property: Rights and Responsibilities, 56 FLORIDA LAW REVIEW 135 (2004) Balancing Private Rights and Public Policies: Reconceptualizing Property Rights in Databases 18 BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 773 (2003). 3 Other Publications Cyber-Bullying and the First Amendment, 14 FLORIDA COASTAL LAW REVIEW 99 (2012) (solicited) Speech for Sale: Commerce and Free Speech in ICANN’s new gTLD Process, 87 AUSTRALIAN LAW JOURNAL 24 (2013) (solicited) Violent Video Games and the First Amendment, 85 AUSTRALIAN LAW JOURNAL 545 (2011) (solicited) Cyberspace, Exceptionalism, and Innocent Copyright Infringement, 13 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT & TECHNOLOGY LAW 767 (2011) Moral Rights and Supernatural Fiction: Authorial Dignity, and the New Moral Rights Agendas, 21 FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 537 (2011) Cyber-Victimisation and the First Amendment, 84 AUSTRALIAN LAW JOURNAL 748 (2010) (solicited) Wikipedia and the European Union Database Directive, 26 SANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 631 (2010) (solicited, symposium edition) What Blogging Might Teach About Cybernorms, 4 AKRON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY JOURNAL 239 (2010) (solicited, symposium edition) Digital Multi-Media and the Limits of Privacy Law, 42 CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 551 (2010) (solicited, symposium edition) Online Social Networks and Global Online Privacy, 87 DENVER UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW ONLINE 41 (2010) (solicited, symposium edition) Secondary Liability and the Fragmentation of Digital Copyright Law, 3 AKRON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY JOURNAL 105 (2009) (solicited, symposium edition); reprinted in VIII ICFAI UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 105 (2009); reprinted in COPYRIGHT PIRACY: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS (Amicus Books, 2009) (A Vavili, ed) Internet Law: Jurisdiction in Cyberspace, 21 LEGALDATE 9 (2009) (solicited) “Ph.D. Lite”: A New Approach to Teaching Scholarly Legal Writing, 2009 CARDOZO L. REV. de novo 20 (available for download at: We, the Paparazzi: Privacy in the Facebook Generation, IN BRIEF 4 (Winter/Spring, 2009) (Cover Story, Case Western Reserve University School of Law Magazine, solicited) From Domain Names to Video Games: The Rise of the Internet in Presidential Politics, 86 DENVER UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 693 (2009) (solicited, symposium edition – “Special Issue on the Historic Election of President Barack Obama”) 4 Internet Domain Names: Real Virtual Property?, 3(3) GLOBAL ACTION 2 (July, 2008) (solicited) Clickfarming: The New Cybersquatting?, 12 JOURNAL OF INTERNET LAW 1 (2008) (solicited) Facilitating Fair Use in the Digital Age, 14 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY LAW 279 (2005) A Framework for Information Law and Policy, 82 OREGON LAW REVIEW 695 (2003) Mixed Metaphors in Cyberspace: Property in Information and Information Systems, 35(1) LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO LAW JOURNAL 235 (2003) Can Intellectual Property Survive the Global Information Age? 3(2) STS NEXUS SUPPLEMENT: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND SOCIAL NEEDS IN A NETWORKED WORLD 18-26 (2003). Databases as Intellectual Property: New Legal Approaches 25(3) EUR I P REV 139-145 (2003) Intellectual Property in the Information Age and Secured Finance Practice 24(7) EUR I P REV 358-367 (2002) Information Wants to be Property: Legal Commodification of E-Commerce Assets 16(1) INT’L REV LAW, COMP & TECH, 53-66 (2002) The EU Database Right and University Teaching Materials 1 THE JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, LAW AND TECHNOLOGY (JILT) <> (2002) (online journal at Warwick University, UK) Trading in Information Products: Global Legal Framework 4(1) ELECTRONIC BUSINESS LAW 9 (2002) Copyright in the Digital Age: A Comparative Survey, 27(2) RUTGERS COMP & TECH L J 333 (2001) Protecting Valuable Commercial Information in the Digital Age: Law, Policy and Practice, 6(1) J TECH LAW & POL’Y 1 (2001) (also available at <> ) (Florida Levin College of Law) Security Interests in Electronic Databases, 9(1) INT’L J LAW & INFO TECH 65 (2001) Financing E-Commerce: Legal and Practical Risks, 1 THE JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, LAW AND TECHNOLOGY (JILT) <> (2001) (online journal at Warwick University, UK) How to Get an E-Venture Off the Ground, 3(7) ELECTRONIC BUSINESS LAW 6 (2001) Secured Finance Law and Practice in the Global Information Age, 11(1) JBFLP 17 (2000) (awarded Banking Law Association Research Prize 1999) Security Over ‘Information Products’, 11(1) AUSTRALIAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 5 JOURNAL 23 (2000) Finance Law and Practice Into the 21st Century, 73(4) LAW INSTITUTE JOURNAL 75 (1999) Security Over Australian Intellectual Property, 14(9) JIBL 277 (1999) A Revised ‘Property’ Concept for the New Millennium? 7(2) INT’L J LAW & INFO TECH 171 (1999) Documentary Credit Law and Practice in the Global Information Age, 22(5) FORDHAM INT’L LJ 1972 (1999) Security Interests in Trade Marks and Associated Business Goodwill, 10(3) AUSTRALIAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY JOURNAL 157 (1999) What’s in a (Domain) Name? Web Addresses as Loan Collateral, 2 THE JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, LAW AND TECHNOLOGY (JILT) (1999) (online journal at Warwick University, UK) Property Offences into the 21st Century, 1 THE JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, LAW AND TECHNOLOGY (JILT). <> (1999) (online journal at Warwick University, UK) Good Faith and Letters of Comfort, 28(1) UNIVERSITY OF WA L REV 138 (1999) Role Playing Exercises in First Year Legal Process Classes, 16(1) J PROF L ED 97 (1999) Insurance for Environmental Liability: Some Policy Issues, 6 OIL & GAS LAW AND TAXATION REVIEW 229 (1998); 6 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE LAW REVIEW 198 (1998) Creation and Registration of Security Interests in Bank Deposits and Other Book Debts, 9(2) JBFLP 101 (1998) Security Interests in Business Goodwill, 26 AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS LAW REVIEW 25 (1998) Much Ado About Charge-Backs, 72 LAW INSTITUTE JOURNAL 62 (1998) Property Offences in the Electronic Age, 72 LAW INSTITUTE JOURNAL 54 (1998) (awarded Taft Writing Award, 1998-9) Responsible Government, Representative Democracy and the Senate: Options for Reform, 19(2) UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND L J 194 (1997) Lender Liability in Unjust Enrichment to Third Party Service Providers, 20(1) UNIVERSITY OF NSW LJ 101 (1997) Case Note: Langer v Commonwealth, 23(2) MONASH UNIVERSITY L REV 441 (1997). (This note was instrumental in deliberations leading to the amendment of the federal Electoral Act in 1998.) Environmental Damage: Risks to Secured Financiers, 12 AUSTRALIAN BANKING LAW BULLETIN 129 (1997) 6 Financial Management of the Elderly: Legal and Health Care Issues, 3 PSYCHIATRY, PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW 25 (1996) (with Jennifer Todd) Third Line Forcing in Australia: Current Problems and Future Directions, 4 TRADE PRACTICES LAW JOURNAL 19 (1996) Project Financing and the Environment: Lender Liability for Environmental Damage, 1 JIBL 7 (1996) Security Over Electronically Registered Shares, 6 JBFLP 165 (1996) Sharing the Burden: Equitable Contribution and the Corporations Law, 70 LAW INSTITUTE JOURNAL 49 (1996) The Equitable Rights of Contribution and Subrogation: Recent Australian Judicial Approaches, 13 AUST. BAR REV 21 (1995) Common Law Liability for Environmental Damage, 69 LAW INSTITUTE JOURNAL 1120 (1995) Powers of Attorney: Their Operation and Effect, 69 LAW INSTITUTE JOURNAL 660 (1995) Security Over Electronically Registered Shares and Section 47 of the Trade Practices Act, 22 AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS LAW REVIEW 426 (1994) Electronic Securities Transfer and Registration in Australia: Issues for Lenders, 12 JIBL 526 (1994) Exclusion of the Equitable Right to Contribution between Co-Guarantors: Recent Australian Developments, 11 JIBL 488 (1994) CHESS: Stalemate for Lenders? 68 LAW INSTITUTE JOURNAL 955 (1994) Uniform Regulation of Standby Letters of Credit and Other First Demand Security Instruments in International Transactions, 8 JIBL 402 (1993) The Meaning of “Acquire” in Section 50 of the Trade Practices Act and its Impact on Secured Financing Transactions, 21 AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS LAW REVIEW 353 (1993) Contributions to Legal Reference Works Contributor to BUTTERWORTHS AUSTRALIAN LEGAL DICTIONARY (1997), and BUTTERWORTHS CONCISE AUSTRALIAN LEGAL DICTIONARY (1997) Prepared 1994 and 1995 updates for chapters 15.3.1, 15.3.2 and 15.3.3 of LAWS OF AUSTRALIA (equitable rights of contribution and subrogation) 7 Book Chapters and Published Conference Proceedings Jacqueline Lipton, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in ICANN’s New gTLD Process: Debating Top-down Versus Bottom-Up Protections, in HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: FROM CONCEPTS TO PRACTICE (C Geiger ed, Edward Elgar, forthcoming, 2014) Jacqueline Lipton, Making Waste in Cyberspace: ICANN, the GAC, and the New gTLD Process, in FLASHPOINTS: CHANGING PARADIGMS IN MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW (A George ed, Quid Pro Quo Law, forthcoming 2014) Jacqueline Lipton, Cyberlaw 2.0, in THE LAW OF THE FUTURE AND THE FUTURE OF LAW, Volume II (TOAEP, 2012) Jacqueline Lipton, Security Interests in Intellectual Property, in THE REFORM OF UK PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY LAW: COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES (J de Lacy ed, 2010). Jacqueline Lipton, Across the Pond and Back Again: Digital Database Protection in the European Union and the United States, in INFORMATION PROPERTY AND INFORMATION WEALTH (P Yu ed, 2007). Jacqueline Lipton, Balancing Private Rights and Public Policies: Reconceptualizing Property in Databases, in CROSS-BORDER HUMAN RESOURCES, LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ISSUES 589-675 (A Morriss and S Estreicher eds, 2005) (reprinted from 18 BERKELEY TECH LJ 773(2003)) Jacqueline Lipton, Intellectual Property in the Information Age and Secured Finance Practice, in SECURITY INTERESTS IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 247-268 (H Knopf, ed, 2003) Jacqueline Lipton, Databases as Intellectual Property: New Legal and Regulatory Approaches, in ISLAT/IASTED THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 45-53 (S Lesavich, ed, 2002). Jacqueline Lipton, A Revised ‘Property Concept for the New Millennium? in COMMERCIAL LAW: ISSUES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 95-108 (Agasha Mugasha, ed, 2001) Jacqueline Lipton, Financing E-Commerce: Legal and Commercial Pitfalls, in LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 80-87 (M Hamza, ed, 2000) Jacqueline Lipton, Documentary Credit Law and Practice in the Global Information Age, in 2000 ANNUAL SURVEY OF LETTER OF CREDIT LAW & PRACTICE, 154-165 (Byrne, J and Byrnes, S, eds, 2000) Jacqueline Lipton, Documentary Credits in the Global Information Age, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE IASTED INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: LAW AND TECHNOLOGY, 179-185 (M Hamza, ed, 1999) Jacqueline Lipton, Good Faith and Letters of Comfort, in PERSPECTIVES ON COMMERCIAL LAW, 43-60 (Agasha Mugasha, ed, 1999) 8 Jacqueline Lipton, What’s in a (Domain) Name? Web Addresses as Loan Collateral, in PERSPECTIVES ON BANKING, FINANCE & CREDIT LAW 201-208 (Wickrema Weerasooria, ed., 1999) Book Reviews Jacqueline Lipton: Review of CROSS-BORDER SECURITY AND INSOLVENCY (Michael Bridge and Robert Stevens, eds, 2001) in 1(2) JOURNAL OF CORPORATE LAW STUDIES 522 (2001) Jacqueline Lipton: Review of LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY (Ian Lloyd, 2000) in 26(2) MONASH UNIVERSITY L REV 404 (2000) Jacqueline Lipton: Review of THINKING ABOUT LAW: PERSPECTIVES ON THE HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF LAW (Rosemary Hunter, Richard Ingleby, and Richard Johnstone, eds, 1996) in 7 THE AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST LAW JOURNAL 197 (1996) Jacqueline Lipton: Review of RESTRICTIVE TRADE PRACTICES LAW (S G Corones, 1996) in 22 MONASH UNIVERSITY L REV 192-3 (1996) Jacqueline Lipton: Review of RESTRICTIVE TRADE PRACTICES: COMMENTARY AND MATERIALS (A Hurley, 1996) in 22 MONASH UNIVERSITY L REV 190-2 (1996). Jacqueline Lipton: Review of ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND DUTIES OF DISCLOSURE (D Campbell, ed., 1993) in 3 JIBL 133-4 (1995) Jacqueline Lipton: REVIEW OF A FIDUCIARY’S GUIDE TO FEDERAL SECURITIES LAWS (American Bar Association, 1995) in 6 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY AND COMMERCIAL LAW REVIEW 224; 7 JIBL 317-8 (1995)