Document 10843571

Intro: Advertisements often suggest conditional statements. For example, an ad might imply that if you
buy a product, you will be popular. Ads come in all kinds of media: magazines, billboards, TV commercials,
etc. In this activity you will explore the different implications that are present in multiple types of ads.
1. Al sees an ad that states, “You want to look good at the beach this summer. Join GoodFit Health Club.” So Al
figures, “I am going to join GoodFit Health Club so that I will look good at the beach.”
a. Write the statement in the ad as a conditional
b. Write Al’s statement as a conditional
c. Explain why the statement in the ad does not have the same meaning as Al’s statement.
Activity 1: We will now watch a couple of TV commercials as a class. For each commercial answer the
following questions:
2. What does this advertisement imply?
3. Write the implication you found in #1 as a conditional (if-then statement)
4. Why do you think the advertising company used this particular implication for this product?
Activity 2: In your groups, walk around the room and look at each magazine ad that is on the wall. Answer
the following questions for each of the ads:
5. What product is being advertised?
6. What are the sellers trying to imply with the ad (if there is more than one implication write them all
7. Write each implication that you found in #6 as a conditional statement (if-then statement)
8. Why do you think the company used this particular implication for this product?
Intro: Advertisements often suggest conditional statements. For example, an ad might imply that if you
buy a product, you will be popular. Ads come in all kinds of media: magazines, billboards, TV commercials,
etc. In this activity you will explore the different implications that are present in multiple types of ads.
1. Al sees an ad that states, “You want to look good at the beach this summer. Join GoodFit Health Club.” Al
figures, “I am going to join GoodFit Health Club so that I will look good at the beach.”
a. Write the statement in the ad as a conditional
b. Write Al’s statement as a conditional
c. Explain why the statement in the ad does not have the same meaning as Al’s statement.
Activity 1: We will now watch a couple of TV commercials as a class. For each commercial answer the
following questions:
2. What does this advertisement imply?
3. Write the implication you found in #1 as a conditional (if-then statement)
4. Why do you think the advertising company used this particular implication for this product?
Activity 2: In your groups, walk around the room and look at each magazine ad that is on the wall. Answer
the following questions for each of the ads:
5. What product is being advertised?
6. What are the sellers trying to imply with the ad (if there is more than one implication write them all
7. Write each implication that you found in #6 as a conditional statement (if-then statement)
8. Why do you think the company used this particular implication for this product?