Civic Engagement Course Development Mini-Grant

Civic Engagement Course Development Mini-Grant
The Civic Engagement Course Development Mini-Grant is a program to assist faculty in creating or
redesigning courses to meet the Civic Engagement Cornerstone requirement. Faculty awarded minigrants will participate in a workshop about the pedagogical and practical strategies appropriate for their
course, create a plan for implementation, and develop their course with one-on-one assistance from the
Center for Civic Engagement. Faculty will receive $525 in professional development funding.
Proposals are due Friday, November 13, 2014.
Please email proposals to Stephanie Stokamer, Director of the Center for Civic Engagement, at (and ask questions beforehand if you have them!) or drop off to Scott Hall 109. A
brief email of support from a department chair may substitute for a signature.
• Participate in a course development workshop from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Thursday,
December 17, 2014. Breakfast (beginning at 8:30 AM), lunch, and afternoon refreshments are
• Meet at least once between course development workshop and first offering the course with
the director of the Center for Civic Engagement
• Get approval for the course to meet the CE Cornerstone
• Teach the course at least once during the 2016-2017 academic year (applications for courses
taught during Spring 2016 will be considered on a case-by-case basis)
• Participate in at least one follow-up meeting and/or information sharing session about the
• $25 gift certificate to campus bookstore upon completion of the workshop
• $500 in professional development funds upon successfully teaching the course in 2015-2016
academic year (to be used by June 30, 2016)
1. Applicant Name:
2. Department:
3. Email:
5. This course  is new
4. Phone number:
 is an existing course that will be redesigned or improved
Please provide the current or proposed course name and title:
Expected enrollment:
6. Please provide a tentative description of the civic engagement component and how it fits into the
rest of the course. Include ideas or plans about working with specific partnerships in the community if
7. How often will the course be offered:
 Every /  Every other
 Fall  Winter  Spring
Other (please explain):
8. Are you likely to be the only faculty member teaching this course?  Yes  No
If no, please explain how you will ensure that your colleagues agree to and understand the civic
engagement component:
9. Why do you want to participate in the Civic Engagement Course Development Mini-Grant program?
10. Is there anything else you would like to explain about this course or your desire to participate in
the Civic Engagement Course Development Mini-Grant program?
Applicant name
Department Chair name
Notification of awards will be sent via email by November 25, 2015.