REDCa ap Proje cts Over rview 

REDCaap Projects Overrview (Audien
nce: Facultyy & Staff) Contentts Create Pro
oject ................................................................................................. .................................................. 1 Main Projject Settings ...................................................................................... .................................................. 4 Data Colle
ection Instrum
ments ........................................................................... .................................................. 6 Practice D
Data Collectio
on .................................................................................. ................................................ 12 Project Ussers ................................................................................................... ................................................ 13 Move Pro
oject to Produ
uction ............................................................................ ................................................ 15 Create Project 1) Click Create
e New Projject. 2) Enter a title
e and choo
ose a purpo
ose of the project. Seelect “Creaate an emp
pty project (bla
ank slate)”.. Click <Cre
eate Projecct>. 3) The page w
will redirectt to the Pro
oject Setup
p tab. The Pro
oject Setup
p tab consists of a checklist of ssteps to bu
uild the pro
oject. The steps caan be comp
pleted in aany order aand not all steps are required for every project.. The Pro
oject Status is at the top of the content inn the Projeect Setup ttab. When a project is created,, it starts in
n Developm
ment Modee. Develop
pment Mod
de means tthe project is still bein
ng built. De
nt Mode haas the sam
me featuress and function
nality as Prroduction Mode. Ressearchers ccan use thee project in Develop
pment Mode to colle
ect practice
e data to teest the pro
oject. The project willl be moved from Deve
elopment M
Mode to Prroduction M
Mode wheen it is read
dy to collect real datta. When m
moved to P
Production Mode, praactice dataa is removeed. Structural changes can be m
made in Pro
oduction M
Mode in thee same waay changess are made in
n the Development M
Mode. Changes madee in Producction Mode do not happen immediattely in orde
er to preve
ent the acccidental deeletion of real data collecte
ed. Main Prroject Setttings 4) Main Projec
ct Settings a. <Enable> “Use longitudin
nal data co
ollection w
with repeatting formss?” if the fo
orms will b
be used rep
peatedly to
o collect data for eacch subje
ect/record in the project. By deefault, this is disabled
d; all data collecction instruments on
nly collect ddata once for each subject/reccord in the
e project. N
Note: For tthis tutoriaal we will leave this d
disabled. b. <Enable> “Use surveys in
n this projeect?” if thee project w
will collect data from survey resspondents. Projects ccan collectt data from
m project userss, survey re
espondentts or both. Note: For this tutoriial we will enab
ble this featture. c. Click <Modify p
project title, purposee, etc.> to change the project ttitle or pu
urpose. d. Click <I’m done
e!> when these settinngs have b
been madee. Note: Markking a checcklist item as complette is only ffor your vissual referrence. Settings can sttill be modified after having beeen marked
d comp
plete. 5) Design your
r data colle
ection instruments –– in this steep, you’ll decide whaat kind of dataa to collectt, how to d
display it annd how to store it. There are tw
wo methods av
vailable forr designingg data colleection instruments: a. Onlin
ne Designe
er i. Quickest way to ge
et started
ii. Entirely o
online b. Upload Data Dictionary
i. CSV file ii. Capturess the same informatio
on as the O
Online Dessigner but displays it differenttly odified outtside of REDCap and iii. The Dataa Dictionary file is mo
d to make changes to
o the projeect. Note: Both N
methods ccan be use
ed interchaangeably.
Note: In
n this tutorrial we willl be using tthe Onlinee Designer. Data Co
ollection In
nstruments 6) Click <Onlin
ne Designe
er>. The On
nline Desiggner has a list of Dataa Collectio
on In
nstrumentts. Data Co
ollection Instrumentss are the w
webpages u
used to entter and collect data. “My First In
nstrument”” is created
d automat ically. Clickk on “My FFirst In
nstrument” to view tthe fields in
n the instr ument. 7) By default, B
the only field is the R
Record ID.. It is used to store th
he names o
of th
he recordss in the pro
oject and cannot be ddeleted or moved. 8) Click <Retu
rn to list o
of Data Colllection Insstrumentss>. Click <R
Rename> under “Instrument acctions” for “My First Instrumen
nt”. In this ttutorial, th
he fiirst instrum
ment will b
be used to collect dem
mographicc information so we w
will re
ename thiss to “Demo
ographics””. Click <Saave>. 9) In
n this tutorrial, demoggraphics data will bee collected in a surveyy versus it being enter
red by a prroject user. Click <Enable> under “Enableed as surveey” to
o allow this data to b
be collected as a survvey. The p
page will re
edirect to tthe Set Up
p My Surveey tab. From this pagge, project use
rs can set Survey De
esign Optio
ons, Surveyy Access and Survey n Options. Terminatio
a. Surve
ey Design O
Options i. Survey Title – enter a title thaat will be d
displayed tto participaants at the top of the su
urvey pagee. n Numberin
ng – selectt “Auto numbered” o
or “Custom
m ii. Question
ed”. urvey respondents to
o view agggregate surrvey results iii. “Allow su
after com
mpleting th
he survey??” – Select “Disabled”” or a displlay option frrom the drop‐down m
menu. iv. Logo – an image can be attached and displayed above the survey title if desired. This is optional. v. Survey Instructions – type instructions for participants using the survey. Default text is already entered. b. Survey Access i. Survey Expiration – set an expiration date if desired. This is optional. For this tutorial, we do not enter an expiration date. ii. “Allow ‘Save & Return Later’ option for respondents?” – select “No” or “Yes” from the drop‐down menu. c. Survey Termination Options Choose one of the following: i. Redirect to URL – enter a webpage the user will be redirected to upon completion. ii. Survey Acknowledgement Text – a message is displayed to the user upon completion of the survey. Default text is already entered. Click <Save Changes>. The page is reloaded and a confirmation message will appear at the top of the window. Select <Return to previous page>. 11)
Click on the Instrument name to edit the survey. To add a field, click <Add Field>. The Add New Field pop‐up will appear. Select a Field Type from the drop‐down menu. Fill in the fo
orm and cliick <Save>
>. 12)
eat step 11 to add additional fieelds to the survey. M
Make selecttions in
n the Add New Field pop‐up acccording to
o the data you want tto collect.
ng Fields a. Fields in the Daata Collectiion Instrum
ment can b
be rearrangged by clicking a field and draggging it to tthe new lo
ocation. b. Fields can be ed
dited by clicking the pencil icon
n ( ). c. Fields can be du
uplicated b
by clicking the copy iicon ( ) aand clicking “Copy field” in the pop‐up. d. Brancching logicc can be ad
dded to a field by cliccking the green arrow
w icon (
). e. Fields can be de
eleted by cclicking thee red “X” ( ). f. Stop Actions caan be adde
ed to somee question types thatt will prompt the u
user to end
d the surve
ey based onn feedbackk that matcches the defin
ned stop acction. The ssurvey can be preview
wed by cliccking <Preeview Instrrument>.
Addittional blan
nk data collection insttruments ccan be add
ded to the project by c
clicking (A)) <Create>,, (B) clickinng <Add in
nstrument here>, (C) entering a n
name and (D) clickin
ng <Create>>. 16)
Existiing data co
ollection in
nstrumentss from the REDCap Shared Librrary can be adde
ed to the p
project by clicking <D
Download>>. Practice
e Data Colllection 17)
Click Add/Edit Records in
n the menuu on the rigght‐hand sside of the ate a practtice data collection rrecord. page to cre
ew record>
>. Click <Add a ne
he practicee data. Seleect a comp
pletion stattus 19)
Fill out the survvey with th
omplete drop‐down menu. Thiis is used to
o categorizze the reco
ord frrom the Co
as Incomple
ete, Unverrified, or C
Complete. N
Note: Reco
ords can be marked Complete e
even if questions are left blank.. Click <Savve Record>>. Project Users 20)
Add u
users to yo
our projectt by clicking <User Riights> in th
he Project Setup tab. 21)
Enterr the usern
name of the user youu’d like to aadd to the project an
nd hit the TAB key. Selecct the featu
ures the usser should be able to
o access. Th
he user’s D
Data Entry Rightts can be se
elected forr each dataa instrumeent. n the form.  View & EEdit – userr can enterr and modiify data on
 Read On
nly – user ccan only se
ee existing data  No Acce
ess – link to
o form will not be avaailable to tthe user 23)
In the
e Basic Use
er Rights m
module, chheck the ch
heckboxes next to tools and feature
es the userr should haave access to. 24)
Click <Add User>. 25)
ect users arre listed in
n the Comp
prehensivee User Righ
hts View taable. Move P
Project to P
n 26)
Afterr creating, building an
nd testing your projeect with prractice dataa re
ecords, it ccan be movved to production w hen you arre ready to
o start collecting re
eal data. From the Project Setu
up tab, clicck <Move p
project to >. production
e: Extensivve testing o
of the dataa collectionn instruments should
d be perfo
ormed by multiple users before moving aa project to
o productiion. Be surre to test not only th
he collectio
on instrum
ments but tthe data ap
pplication tools to ensu
ure the datta collected
d is accurate and in tthe desired
d format. 27)
In the
e pop‐up, it will ask ffor confirm
mation thatt the projeect is readyy to be moved t
to production. The op
ption to deelete all prractice dataa is availab
ble as well. Onlly REDCap administraators can m
move a pro
oject to pro
oduct. Clicck <Yes, Request Admin
n to Move tto Producttion Statuss> to request the project be m
moved to p
n. 28)
An ad
dditional confirmatio
on pop‐up will appeaar asking if the existin
ng data should
d be delete
ed if the ch
heckbox waas selected
d in the preevious pop
up. A con
nfirmation message w
will appear at the top of the window lettting you know the requestt to move tthe projecct to produ
uction has b
been sent to th
he REDCap
p administrrators. 