26/04/2013 Student Mobility at Monash Ms Wendy Tran, Executive Officer, Monash Abroad Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) 19 April 2013 Some key facts • • • • Monash ranks 1st in Australia for most forms of international study experiences. Monash ranks 1st in the Go8 for proportion of students undertaking study experiences in Asia. Were it to be included in US rankings, Monash would rank 2nd (after NYU) in annual outbound international student experiences. 7 of Monash’s last 8 Rhodes scholars are alumni of Monash international study programs (sources: Australian University International Directors Forum 2012 & comparative data from Institute of International Education Open Doors data 2011). Sector leadership • • • Internationally - Forum on Education Abroad. Nationally - International Education Association of Australia (IEAA). State based - Victorian Exchange Consortium (VicX). 19 April 2013 2 1 26/04/2013 What’s the value-add? Living up to our messaging: “Our global network gives Monash students more opportunities to experience different cultures and ways of seeing the world. Our programs and travel grants make it easy for you to spend a semester or more at one of our international campuses or academic partners” (source: ‘Study at Monash’ http://www.monash.edu.au/study/rankings/access.html 19 March 2013) 19 April 2013 3 What’s the value-add? The aspirational value proposition Stakeholder Future students Proposition The global mobility options at Monash helped make it my first choice. Current students Monash’s mobility offerings extend the academic experience, allowing me to develop as a ‘discoverer’. It equipped me for employment or my next degree. Employers Monash students have great opportunities to work across cultures and borders. Monash graduates show adaptability needed to work globally and capacity to act as agents of change. Mobility partners The Monash experience adds value to our own degree programs and we guide students to Monash as a preferred international partner. Monash Monash is more attractive to the best students and those desiring to become global students. Our degrees are valued by employers because of the attributes our mobility programs help develop. (source: Monash Abroad 2012-2015 Plan, approved by GEC (1/2012) and Academic Board (2/2012) 19 April 2013 4 2 26/04/2013 Students come from and go to (region) Region 2011 INBOUND TO MONASH No. Students Australia/Oceania Percentage % 2011 OUTBOUND FROM MONASH No. Students Percentage % 0 0.00% 265 10.19% Americas 140 24.87% 278 10.69% Europe 198 35.17% 970 37.29% 8 1.42% 17 0.65% North East Asia 27 4.80% 526 20.22% South East Asia 14.96% Middle East/North Africa 186 33.04% 389 South Asia 0 0.00% 30 1.15% Sub-Saharan Africa 4 0.71% 126 4.84% 563 100.00% 2601 100.00% TOTAL 19 April 2013 5 Students come from and go to (Faculty) Faculty Art, Design and Architecture 2011 INBOUND TO MONASH No. Students Percentage % 14 2.49% 2011 OUTBOUND FROM MONASH No. Students 87 Percentage % 3.34% Arts Business and Economics Education Engineering Information Technology Law Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences 186 141 4 43 14 22 88 33.04% 25.04% 0.71% 7.64% 2.49% 3.91% 15.63% 658 619 83 192 120 279 365 25.30% 23.80% 3.19% 7.38% 4.61% 10.73% 14.03% Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Sciences TOTAL 11 40 563 1.95% 7.10% 100.00% 29 169 2601 1.11% 6.50% 100.00% 19 April 2013 6 3 26/04/2013 Financial available to students Monash Abroad travel scholarship $200-$2,500 Complimentary travel insurance OS-HELP loan up to $6051 per six month overseas study in 2013. Students can receive up to two loans in their life. International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) scholarship $2,500-$5000 for certain countries Student loan – interest free (Monash Connect) up to $3000 Monash global equity bursary $2,500-$4,000 (Coursework Scholarships) Foreign government scholarships (from some host universities) Centrelink payments can still be received 19 April 2013 7 Homecoming Forum Melbourne Forum for returning exchange students Universities in Melbourne area come together to celebrate the success for returning students This forum provides students opportunities to: o share their overseas exchange experiences o receive expert advice on cultural de-brief and career enhancement o speak to employers representing non-profit, corporate and volunteering sectors 19 April 2013 8 4 26/04/2013 Some recent cases James Brooks Arts/Law student one of 12 Australian students selected to take part in the Uni-Capitol Washington Internship Program (UCWIP), placing him in a US Congressional office for 8 weeks during the Presidential inauguration. Michael Chin received the 2012 Prime Minister's Australia Asia Outgoing Postgraduate Award, currently completing a Master of Laws, undertaking a one year placement at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and internship in the Shanghai office of King and Wood Mallesons in cross border transactions. Laura Driessen current Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program) student exchanged to Warwick with an Australian Government International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) Scholarship. On exchange Laura represented Warwick and Monash University at the Intercultural University Forum in Meknès, Morocco and presented as an international panellist at Warwick One World Week. . 19 April 2013 9 Some recent alumni Victor Finkel 2011 Victorian Rhodes Scholar completed degrees in Music and Aerospace Engineering (aerodynamics and computational fluid dynamics), exchanged to the University of Miami – Coral Gables. William Moore 2010 Monash Alumni student awardee completed a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with intercampus exchange to South Africa where he co-founded the Students Involved in Free Enterprise, challenging students to address business and economic issues in their local communities. He was instrumental in growing the reach of the Monash Saturday School for disadvantaged students in the Zandspruit settlement. Geoffrey Pascoe 2013 Victorian Rhodes Scholar completed a Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours, participated in the MURPA program to University of California, San Diego. 19 April 2013 10 5