Great graduates with great prospects Professor Sue Willis Pro Vice Chancellor (Social Inclusion) Data prepared by Dr Lucie Joschko Widening participation strategy Students aim for higher education University offers them a place Students graduate with good prospects Access Monash 2 Monash low SES admission pathways 2012 n=274 61% of LSES Monash commencers are from the first generation in their family at University Only 22% of HSES Monash commencers are. n=678 Variables: Commencing, Course type:-Undergraduate, Citizenship: domestic with permanent home residence = Australia; SES National, All ages (Census District 2006 Census) Data source: OPQ, Equity Access and Participation (IPP) pivot table, updated 24 August 2012; Snapshot Extract Date: 12 August 2012. 2012 data are preliminary. CCD-based SES is obtained by geocoding permanent home residence of Commonwealth Assisted students and allocating Census Collection District (CCD), which is classified as Low, Medium or High by the ABS 2006 SEIFA Index of Education and Occupation (IEO). Access Monash 3 Retention and attrition 2010/2011 — domestic Bachelor commencers RETENTION ATTRITION Monash: 87.67% Monash: 11.99% Victoria: 82.99% Victoria: 16.72% Australia: 80.58% Australia: 19.05% Variables: Commencing, Course type:-Undergraduate, Citizenship: domestic with permanent home residence = Australia; Data source: DIISRTE, HE Statistics; 2011 Full Year data, Appendix 4 – Attrition, Progress, Retention; Access Monash 4 Retention of UGs from a commencing year Variables: Commencing, Course type-Undergraduate, Citizenship: domestic with permanent home residence = Australia; SES National, All ages (postcode 2006 Census) Data source: OPQ, Retention Rates, updated 20 May 2012, data snapshot: 20 May 2012 Access Monash 5 Retention of UGs from a non commencing year Variables: Returning (non-commencing) year, Undergraduate, Citizenship: domestic with permanent home residence = Australia; SES National, All ages (postcode 2006 Census) Data source: OPQ, Retention Rates, updated 20 May 2012, data snapshot: 20 May 2012 Access Monash 6 The transition year Retention of domestic low SES undergraduates Variables: Commencing vs Returning year, Undergraduate, Citizenship: domestic with permanent home residence = Australia; SES National, All ages (postcode 2006 Census) Data source: OPQ, Retention Rates, updated 20 May 2012, data snapshot: 20 May 2012 Access Monash 7 Discontinuation of domestic Bachelor degree students: What do we know? More than 900 Monash Bachelor degree students are not retained annually from their transition (first) year 15% of them are from low SES CCDs Of students who discontinue their studies at Monash: approximately 16% are excluded a further 14% transfer to another institution another 40% formally discontinue their course and the remaining 30% fail to re-enrol Data source: Callista MRS, Enrolments/Discontinued Students Access Monash 8 Discontinuation of domestic Bachelor degree students. What do we know? DISCONTINUATION GROUP DISCONTINUED EXCLUDED BY FACULTY TRANSFER TO ANOTHER INSTITUTION FAILED TO RE-ENROL FIRST YEAR WAM 55.2 40.5 63.5 52.5 Data source: Callista MRS, Enrolments/Discontinued Students Access Monash 9 Discontinuation of domestic Bachelor degree students: What do we know? DISCONTINUATION REASONS DISCONTINUATION - ALTERNATIVE EXIT TAKEN NO LONGER INTERESTED IN COURSE; COURSE EXPECTATIONS NOT MET; UNHAPPY WITH ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE AT MONASH OR CAMPUS LIFE FINANCIAL OR HEALTH REASONS; MAJOR LIFE EVENT; UNABLE TO BALANCE STUDY/FAMILY/WORK; EMPLOYMENT RELOCATION MAY REQUIRE UAP REVIEW UPON RE-ADMISSION DISCONTINUED- NO REASON PROVIDED FIRST YEAR WAM 65.8 52.8 57.7 44.2 55.9 Data source: Callista MRS, Enrolments/Discontinued Students Access Monash 10 Admission ATAR and later discontinuation Discontinued Bachelor degree students (VTAC entrants: V14/V16; Jan 2010-July 2012) Commencing Bachelor degree students (VTAC entrants: V14/V16; 20102011) Data source: Callista MRS, Enrolments/Discontinued Students; OPQ Bachelor’s Pass pivot table Access Monash 11 Retention, SES and admission ATAR of commencing UGs 2011/2012 All SES Non-Low SES Low SES Below 70 ATAR: LSES n = 22 Variables: Domestic commencing Bachelor degree students, Admitted on the basis of ATAR, N = enrolment in a base year. 2009-2011 combined; Data source: OPQ, Bachelor’s Pass pivot table Access Monash 12 Retention of commencing UGs who pass (by WAM) n=462 n=200 n=55 n=29 Variables: Domestic Bachelor degree students with WAM > 0 in their commencing year. N = enrolment in a base year. 2009-2011 combined; Data source: OPQ, Bachelor’s Pass pivot table Access Monash 13 Towards Social Inclusion Enrol Progress Succeed Good graduate prospects Offer Apply Access Monash 14