

For graduates of a:

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

See Engineering Faculty website for a full list of all double degrees with a Materials Engineering component: eng.monash.edu/prospective/ug/double-degrees

The following information provides career titles, employment opportunities, professional associations and links to salary information relevant to these qualifications.

Careers that can be moved into with these qualifications:

 Adhesives Engineer

 Biomaterials Engineer

Biomaterials Engineer

 Ceramicist

 Composite Engineer

 Consultant on Materials

 Corrosion Engineer

Injection Moulder

 Local Government Engineer

 Manufacturing Engineer

 Materials Engineer

 Metallurgist


 Performance and Failure Analyst

 Plastics Engineer

 Process Control Engineer

 Quality Controller

Research and Development Engineer

Note: further qualifications will be required for some roles.

For further information see: eng.monash.edu/ prospective/ug/disciplines/materials.html

Professional accreditation see: monash.edu/ pubs/handbooks/undergrad/eng-03.html

Potential employers of students with these qualifications:

Government apsjobs.gov.au

, careers.vic.gov.au

and jobdirectory.com.au

are good starting points for information about career opportunities within the federal, state and local governments.

 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial

Research Organisation (CSIRO) csiro.au

 Defence Material Organisation defence.gov.au/dmo

Defence Science and Technology

Organisation (DSTO) dsto.defence.gov.au

 Environment Protection Authority epa.vic.gov.au

 Heritage Victoria heritage.vic.gov.au

 Melbourne Water melbournewater.com.au


 ACS asc.com.au

 AECOM aecom.com

 Airbus airbus.com

 Alcoa alcoa.com

Aurecon aurecongroup.com

 Autodesk autodesk.com.au

 BASF master-builders-solutions.basf.com.au/

 Bendix bendix.com.au

BlueScope Steel bluescopesteel.com.au

 BHP Billiton bhpbilliton.com

 Boeing boeing.com.au

 Bosch bosch.com.au

 Dow Australia dow.com

Downer tenix.com

 ExxonMobil exxonmobil.com.au

 Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited ford.com.au

 GE Plastics Australia ge.com/au

GM Holden Ltd holden.com.au

 Hella Australia hella.com

 HRL Technology hrlt.com.au

 Huntsman huntsman.com

 Lyondell Basell lyondellbasell.com

 Metlabs Australia metlabsaust.com.au

 Mondelez International mondelezinternational.com.au

 Nexans Olex olex.com.au

 Nissan Casting Australia nissan.com.au

 One Steel (Arrium) onesteel.com

 Orica orica.com

 Perkin Elmer perkinelmer.com

 Qenos qenos.com

 Rio Tinto riotinto.com

 Rio Tinto Alcan riotintoalcan.com

 RUAG Group ruag.com.au

 Smith and Nephew smith-nephew.com/australia

 Telstra telstra.com.au

 Thermo Fisher Scientific thermofisher.com.au

 Toyota Motor Company toyota.com.au

 Unidrive Pty Ltd unidrive.com

 Vcamm vcamm.com.au

Webforge webforge.com.au


For information regarding international employment opportunities, please visit: monash.edu/careers/students-grads/ find-a-job/working-outside-australia.html


 Graduate Destination Survey (GDS),

Monash University

Graduate Opportunities graduateopportunities.com.au

 Career Gateway careergateway.monash.edu.au


The skills and attributes these qualifications aim to develop:

 Monash Graduate Attributes Policy policy.monash.edu.au/policy-bank/ academic/education/management/ monash-graduate-attributes-policy.html

Employability Skills (Employment and

Career Development) monash.edu.au/careers/studentsgrads/employability-skills.html

 The Australasian Corrosion Association corrosion.com.au

 The Institution of Engineering and

Technology (IET) theiet.org

Young Engineers Australia engineersaustralia.org.au/youngengineers

Professional associations relevant to these qualifications:

 ASM International asminternational.org

 Consult Australia consultaustralia.com.au

 Engineers Australia engineersaustralia.org.au

 Institute of Public Works Engineering

Australia ipwea.org.au

 Materials Australia materialsaustralia.com.au

 Materials Research Society mrs.org

 Professionals Australia professionalsaustralia.org.au

Royal Australian Chemical Institute raci.org.au

 The Australian Ceramic Society austceram.com

Helpful Links:


 monash.edu.au/students/career-connect/

 seek.com.au

 jobsearch.gov.au

 careerone.com.au

 adzuna.com.au

 graduatecareers.com.au

 graduateopportunities.com

 myfuture.edu.au

 unigrad.com.au

 fairwork.gov.au

Industry specific

 nerb.org.au

(National Engineering

Registration Board)

 concentis.com.au

 asphar.com.au

 stuartsimon.com.au

 baysidepersonnel.com.au

Salary Indicator:

Please visit these websites for the most current figures:

 Fair Work fairwork.gov.au/pay

 Graduate Careers graduatecareers.com.au/ research/gradjobsdollars

 Job Outlook joboutlook.gov.au

Michael Page michaelpage.com.au/ salary-centre

 Hays hays.com.au/salary/default.aspx

Monash Clubs and Societies

Enhance your employment outcomes; become involved with clubs and societies at Monash


Monash Student Association is a good starting point for a list of the range of clubs and societies at Monash University. Some include:

 Monash Engineering Students Society

(MESS) (Clayton) mess.org.au

 Engineers Without Borders Monash

(Clayton) ewb.org.au/explore/chapters/vic/monash

 Female Engineers at Monash (FEM)

(Clayton) monashclubs.org/clubs/FEM

AIESEC Monash aiesecmonash.squarespace.com

 Gay & Lesbian Engineers At Monash

(GLEAM) monashclubs.org/Clubs/GLEAM

Monash University accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of its content and persons wishing to rely on the information contained in the publication should verify the accuracy of that information at the time they intend to use it. Published February 2015. CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C.

This publication is prepared as a guide only. The content is based on information publicly available.

Each list provides a sample only. It is not intended to be comprehensive.

Did you find the information in this flyer useful? Remember to respond to Australian Graduate Survey

(AGS) when it’s your turn. For more information: graduatecareers.com.au/research/surveys/australiangraduatesurvey

Careers, Leadership and


T: +61 3 9905 4170

E: careerconnect@monash.edu

W: monash.edu/careers
