University Assessment Plan and Timeline ‐ 2015‐2020 2015‐16  2016‐17 

University Assessment Plan and Timeline ‐ 2015‐2020
Fall 2015‐16 Spring/Summer Fall 2016‐17 Spring/Summer Fall 2017‐18 Spring/Summer Fall 2018‐19 Spring/Summer Fall 2019‐20 Spring/Summer Academic and Co‐
Curricular Program Assessment ‐ Annual Assessment Reports due Oct. 15 ‐ Assessment plans for all degrees, minors, certificates, SA programs, dual credit, and high impact practices in Weave ‐ assessment included in program review protocol ‐ UAC reviews annual program reports ‐ Feedback from reviews of annual reports sent to deans, chairs, and program directors ‐ Revise narrative report format to include action plan status update ‐ Revise the UAC’s assessment report review process ‐ Program Assessment Reports due Oct. 15; ‐ UAC reviews reports ‐ Review online program assessment to ensure alignment with HLC and SARA requirements ‐ Feedback from UAC reviews of assessment reports provided to deans, chairs, and program directors ‐ Evaluate efficacy of revised review protocol ‐ Program Assessment Reports due Oct. 15 ‐ UAC reviews reports ‐ Feedback from UAC reviews of assessment reports provided to deans, chairs, and program directors ‐ Program Assessment Reports due Oct. 15 ‐ UAC reviews reports ‐ Feedback from UAC reviews of assessment reports provided to deans, chairs, and program directors ‐ Program Assessment Reports due Oct. 15 ‐ UAC reviews reports ‐ Feedback from UAC reviews of assessment reports provided to deans, chairs, and program directors General Education Core Program Assessment ‐ Validate rubrics for Anchor I, Discourse I, and Focus C ‐ Implement Cycle 1 of revised Gen Ed assessment plan ‐ Disseminate 13‐14 and 14‐15 results ‐ Develop plan to disseminate results of institutional assessments ‐ Analyze and disseminate data ‐ Continue data collection for Cycle 1 ‐ Consult with Community Engagement staff on assessment of Anchor/Discourse 3 ‐ Validate rubrics for Anchor II, Discourse II, Focus A ‐ Implement Cycle 2 ‐ Analyze and report Cycle 1 results ‐ Continue Cycle 2 data collection; ‐ Review Cycle 1 assessment results and plan program improvements ‐ Validate rubrics for Anchor III, Discourse III, and Focus B courses ‐ Implement Cycle 3 ‐ Analyze and report Cycle 2 results ‐ Continue Cycle 3 data collection ‐ Review Cycle 2 assessment results and plan program improvements ‐ Repeat Cycle 1 of Gen Ed assessment ‐ Analyze and report Cycle 3 results and plan program improvements ‐ Continue data collection ‐ Meta‐analysis of three‐years of Gen Ed assessment results and process ‐ Repeat Cycle 2 ‐ Analyze and report results of Cycle 1 ‐ Review meta‐
analysis and plan alterations ‐ Continue data collection ‐ Information sessions on alterations to Gen Ed program ‐ Develop strategies for communicating results to students ‐ Analyze and disseminate data from institutional assessments ‐ Reaffirm with chairs the use of MFT for program assessment ‐ Analyze and disseminate data from institutional assessments ‐ Analyze trend data for ETS PP and exit survey ‐ Analyze and disseminate data from institutional assessments ‐ Design targeted professional development, e.g., for new faculty, assessment coordinators, student affairs staff ‐ Faculty share effective practices in assessment at FaCET conference (each semester) ‐ Survey faculty and staff on professional development needs ‐ Analyze UAC assessment report feedback and Spring 2017 survey results to identify professional development needs ‐ Develop assessment certificate program based on survey results and annual UAC feedback ‐ First year of assessment certificate program ‐ Develop handout of assessment framework ‐ Discuss incorporating assessment into hiring, P&T, and post‐tenure review ‐ Work with chairs and program directors to post SLOs on web pages ‐ Establish criteria for annual award for assessment achievement ‐ Survey faculty and staff on culture of assessment ‐ Present annual assessment award (ongoing) ‐ Analyze Spring 2017 survey results ‐ Review program web pages to ensure SLOs posted ‐ Develop strategies to strengthen culture of assessment ‐ Develop assessment document library to support HLC Assurance Argument Institutional Assessment Data (ETS‐PP, MFTs, NSSE, exit survey) Professional Development Communication Strategies and Building a Culture of Assessment UAC – September 2015 ‐ Contribute to new FaCET faculty development series ‐ Mentor programs not meeting expectations or requesting assistance (ongoing) ‐ Revise University Assessment Handbook (2011) and General Education Assessment Plan Handbook (2012) ‐ Post examples of effective practices on web page (ongoing) ‐ Evaluate certificate program and make alterations ‐ Analyze and disseminate data from institutional assessments ‐ Repeat certificate program ‐ Add to assessment document library to support HLC Assurance Argument ‐ Participate In meetings with HLC site visit team as requested ‐ Update assessment plan and timeline, incorporating HLC feedback 