GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. ???, XXXX, DOI:10.1002/, 1 2 Modulation of subtropical stratospheric gravity waves by equatorial rainfall Naftali Y. Cohen and William R. Boos Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Corresponding author: Naftali Y. Cohen, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, P. O. Box 208109, New Haven, CT 06520-8109. E-mail: D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X-2 3 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL Internal gravity waves influence a variety of phenomena in Earth’s strato- 4 sphere and upper troposphere, including aviation weather turbulence and 5 circulations that set high-altitude distributions of ozone and greenhouse gases. 6 Here coupling between the dominant mode of subseasonal variability of the 7 equatorial atmosphere – the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) – and subtrop- 8 ical stratospheric gravity waves created by flow over topography is documented 9 for the first time. We use three different meteorological datasets to show that, 10 during boreal winter, the MJO modifies the vertical distribution of internal 11 gravity wave drag induced by the Tibetan Plateau and the deposition of mo- 12 mentum into the stratosphere. This interaction, however, has no significant 13 impact on the vertically integrated wave drag. Our findings raise new ques- 14 tions about how future changes in tropical rainfall might affect stratospheric 15 variability and highlight the importance of local processes over Tibet for the 16 circulations that set distributions of climatically important high-altitude trace 17 gases. D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X-3 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL 1. Introduction 18 Planetary scale anomalies in winds and precipitation propagate eastward at a speed of 19 about 5 m s−1 across the equatorial Indian and Pacific oceans in a pattern known as the 20 Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO; Fig. 1) [Madden and Julian, 1971, 1994]. The MJO is 21 known to affect a range of tropospheric phenomena, influencing the intensity of regional 22 monsoons, the genesis of tropical cyclones, the predictability of midlatitude weather, 23 chemical and biological components of the global climate system, and even the develop- 24 ment of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation [Lau and Waliser , 2011; Zhang, 2005]. The effect 25 of the MJO on the stratosphere is less well understood, but work in recent years has shown 26 that subtropical upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric ozone can be modulated by trop- 27 ical intraseasonal variability, e.g. Liu et al. [2009]; Tian and Waliser [2012]. In addition, 28 other studies have shown that precipitating convection and planetary scale winds in the 29 MJO can produce a variety of equatorially trapped waves (Kelvin, Rossby, and internal 30 gravity waves) that propagate upward across the tropical tropopause into the stratosphere 31 [Weare, 2010; Garfinkel et al., 2012, 2014; Virts and Wallace, 2014]. Yet, despite much 32 research on interactions between tropical and extratropical atmospheric phenomena, no 33 clear associations have been established between tropical rainfall and the extratropical 34 waves (Rossby and gravity modes) that propagate upward into the stratosphere. These 35 waves are particularly important because they drive the Brewer-Dobson circulation [Cohen 36 et al., 2014] – the slow overturning of stratospheric air that sets high-altitude distributions 37 of ozone, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and other trace gases [Butchart, 2014]. D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X-4 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL 38 Here we show that the MJO affects vertical propagation of topographically induced 39 internal gravity waves over the Tibetan Plateau, the world’s largest highland that spans 40 about 2.5 million square kilometers in central Asia. Internal gravity waves (hereafter 41 GWs) are produced when stably stratified air flows over obstacles [Bühler , 2014]; these 42 waves can propagate vertically and transport momentum from their source to the region 43 in which they dissipate, consistent with a non-local form of Newton’s third law in which 44 action is balanced by equal and opposite reaction [Bühler , 2014]. For example, the east- 45 ward jet stream exerts an eastward force on the Himalayas and Tibet when it passes over 46 this orography in boreal winter, and the gravity waves that are excited propagate ver- 47 tically and provide a westward force on the stratosphere when their amplitudes become 48 large enough to nonlinearly and irreversibly mix stratified air (i.e. “break”) at that level. 49 The force transferred by the waves is loosely called a wave “drag” because the waves 50 decelerate the flow towards their phase speed [Andrews et al., 1987], which is zero for 51 orographic GWs. Since most surface flow over orography is eastward, the wave drag is 52 primarily westward. The Tibetan Plateau and adjacent orography in Asia provide the 53 largest source of GWs and orographic wave drag on Earth (Fig. 1). 2. Data and Methods 54 We investigate covariations in tropical rainfall and subtropical GW breaking during 55 Northern Hemisphere winters (December-February) of 1979-2012 using two different atmo- 56 spheric reanalysis products: the Modern Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Ap- 57 plications [MERRA; Rienecker et al., 2011] and the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis [JRA55; 58 Kobayashi et al., 2015; Onogi et al., 2007]. MERRA was developed by the Global Modeling D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL X-5 59 and Assimilation Office and supported by the NASA Modeling, Analysis and Prediction 60 Program; we use daily data with resolution of about 1.25 degrees in the horizontal and 61 42 vertical levels that span up to about 0.1 hPa. For the JRA55 reanalysis, we use daily 62 data with resolution of about 1.25 degrees in the horizontal and 37 vertical levels that 63 span up to about 1 hPa. Extrapolated values below Earth’s surface in both reanalyses 64 are omitted from our analysis. 65 Both reanalysis products approximate the distribution of orographic GWs based on 66 observationally constrained estimates of horizontal wind speeds and densities; no direct 67 observation of the global distribution of orographic GWs exists. Global weather and 68 climate models (GCMs) usually cannot explicitly represent orographic GWs because the 69 1-10 km horizontal length scales of these waves fall below the typical 100 km horizontal 70 grid spacing of the models, necessitating parameterization of the production, propagation, 71 and breaking of GWs in GCMs [Fritts and Alexander , 2003]. Both MERRA and JRA55 72 use the GTOPO30 topography dataset to obtain the subgrid scale surface height variance 73 that is used to estimate the GW source. 74 We also use outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) at the top of the atmosphere as a proxy 75 for precipitating convective activity (reduced OLR signifies enhanced cloud cover and con- 76 vective motions), with OLR derived from high-resolution infrared radiation sounder obser- 77 vations onboard National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) TIROS-N 78 series and MetOp satellites [Liebmann, 1996]. Here we use daily data with resolution 79 of about 1 degree in the horizontal. Anomalies in OLR, GW drag and other variables D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X-6 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL 80 are computed as the deviation from the corresponding boreal (December-February) mean 81 during the years 1979-2012. 82 The MJO is classified by values of the Real-time, Multivariate MJO (RMM) index 83 [Wheeler and Hendon, 2004], with components RMM1 and RMM2 that represent the 84 amplitudes of orthogonal perturbations in equatorial cloud amount and winds at upper 85 and lower levels of the troposphere. When the amplitude of the MJO signal in the RMM1- 86 RMM2 phase space is less than one, the MJO is considered weak and it can be difficult 87 to discern MJO location. For amplitudes above one, the MJO is considered strong and 88 there is more certainty in determining the current phase. We refer to the latter as “highly- 89 defined” MJO events. 90 Confidence intervals were assessed using a bootstrap method. Using 34 years of data 91 we classified each day according to its MJO phase. We then gathered data with the same 92 phase and averaged over a subset of the set of days having a given MJO phase. Each 93 subset has the same size as its parent set, but the elements within it are chosen at random, 94 where repetitions are allowed. We repeat this process 1000 times, which allowed for the 95 computation of the 95% confidence interval about the mean, using empirical quantiles, 96 as shown in Figs. 2, 3, S1 and S2. Supplementary Table 1 summarizes the statistical 97 analysis of Figs. 2a, b of the main text and Fig. S1 of the Supplementary Information. 3. MJO and GW drag interaction 98 MJO phases associated with enhanced precipitation over the equatorial Indian ocean 99 are accompanied by modified GW breaking above the Tibetan Plateau, with OLR over 100 the tropical Indian Ocean and the eastward acceleration by GW drag at 100 hPa over D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X-7 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL 101 Tibet having a Pearson correlation coefficient of about -0.8 when binned by MJO phase 102 (Fig. 2a, b). Although the range of the composite variations in GW drag at 100 hPa 103 is only about 20% of the mean, fluctuations of GW drag in individual MJO events can 104 be much larger, reaching ±6 m s−1 day−1 (Fig. S1). The linear relationship between 105 tropical OLR and subtropical GW drag across MJO phases is statistically significant in 106 both reanalysis products at a 5% confidence level (Table S1). When we examine only 107 “highly-defined” MJO events (see Methods) the correlation decreases slightly to about 108 -0.75 (Fig. S2a, b); in contrast, when NOAA OLR data is replaced with OLR from the 109 JRA55 and MERRA products, slightly higher correlation coefficients are obtained (about 110 -0.9 in both JRA55 and MERRA datasets, see Methods and Fig. S2c, d). This robust 111 statistical relationship is somewhat surprising because the MJO is typically thought of as 112 a tropical phenomenon operating in a domain that is geographically distinct from that of 113 the vertically propagating orographic GWs over Tibet. 114 To better understand how the MJO modulates orographic GW drag, we examine com- 115 posite dynamical structures of MJO phases 3 and 7, which have the weakest and strongest 116 GW drag, respectively, at 100 hPa in the MERRA dataset (composites of the JRA55 ex- 117 tremes yield similar conclusions and are not shown). During phase 3, enhanced convection 118 occurs over the Indian Ocean and anomalous eastward acceleration by GW breaking oc- 119 curs at 100 hPa over the Tibetan Plateau (Fig. 2c). Remember that enhanced GW 120 breaking produces a stronger westward acceleration, so reduced GW breaking over Tibet 121 is occurring when equatorial convection is enhanced in MJO phase 3. Opposite signed 122 anomalies of convection and GW breaking occur during MJO phase 7 (Fig. 2d). D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X-8 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL 4. Simple mechanism for the interaction 123 We argue that GW breaking is modulated through the MJO’s effect on upper-level 124 horizontal winds over Tibet. Upper-tropospheric anticyclones accompany equatorial pre- 125 cipitation in the MJO on each side of the equator [Cassou, 2008; Rui and Wang, 1990]; 126 these Rossby gyres are consistent with the linear response to equatorial latent heating by 127 precipitation and extend thousands of kilometers off the equator [Gill , 1980]. Enhanced 128 equatorial convection in MJO phase 3 is accompanied by anomalous eastward flow at 100 129 hPa over Tibet that is part of such a Rossby gyre (Fig. 2c; the vorticity associated with 130 these gyres is shown in Fig. S3). Both MERRA and JRA55 estimate GW-mediated momentum transfers [McFarlane, 1987; Iwasaki et al., 1989] using linear theory that predicts wave breaking in critical layers (regions where wave phase speeds match the mean flow speed) and using estimates of when nonlinear processes (e.g. convective instability) initiate [Andrews et al., 1987; Fritts and Alexander , 2003]. During boreal winter the mean zonal wind is far above zero throughout the troposphere and stratosphere over Tibet (Fig. 3a), so there are no critical layers for stationary GWs and it is the latter process of nonlinear wave saturation that is relevant here. In particular, vertically propagating waves amplify with height due to the exponential decrease in air density; convective stability is maintained when horizontal winds increase with height rapidly enough to prevent streamlines in the wave-modified flow from folding over. This stability condition is approximated to hold when F r ≤ 1, with the nondimensional local Froude number F r defined as s Nh ρ0 N0 U0 Fr = , U ρN U D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL X-9 131 where h is amplitude of the orographic perturbation, ρ is air density, N is stratification, 132 U is mean flow speed, and zero subscripts denote values at the wave source level. Below 133 the peak eastward wind, which occurs around 175 hPa in the climatological mean during 134 boreal winter, GWs amplify with height but do not break because of the increase in 135 eastward winds. But at higher levels, ρ and U both decrease so that F r exceeds unity 136 and wave breaking and momentum deposition occur (see Supplementary Information for 137 details on the “wave saturation” approximation used in MERRA and JRA55 to represent 138 wave breaking). This results in the maximum GW drag occurring at 75 hPa in MERRA 139 (Fig. 3b); in JRA55 there is a local maximum at 75 hPa, but a much larger maximum 140 exists at low levels due to the fact that GWs with wavelengths around 10 km are assumed 141 to be trapped and dissipate in the troposphere in the JRA55 parameterization [Iwasaki 142 et al., 1989]. 143 The upper-level Rossby gyre in the MJO modifies the level at which zonal wind speeds 144 decrease sufficiently to allow gravity wave breaking. When precipitation is enhanced over 145 the equatorial Indian Ocean during MJO phase 3, upper-level eastward winds are stronger 146 (Fig. 3c) and the level at which the Froude number exceeds unity shifts upward. This is 147 associated with a reduction in GW drag (i.e. less westward acceleration) between about 148 75 hPa and 250 hPa (Fig. 3d). There is a region of enhanced GW drag at higher altitudes 149 in MERRA, indicating that the level of wave breaking simply moved upward together 150 with the level at which F r = 1. In JRA55 there is a compensating increase in GW drag 151 at low levels, although the uncertainty of that low-level signal is so large that it is not 152 statistically significant; nevertheless, this low-level increase in GW drag is consistent with D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X - 10 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL 153 the eastward wind weakening at low levels during MJO phase 3 as part of an opposite sign 154 Rossby wave gyre at low levels [Rui and Wang, 1990]. In both datasets, the wind and 155 GW drag anomalies have opposite signs during the MJO phase associated with suppressed 156 equatorial rainfall in the Indian Ocean. 157 Note that surface wind anomalies are expected to affect the magnitude of the GW 158 source, but the MJO-related changes in surface winds are very small. Furthermore, the 159 change in GW drag above Tibet, vertically integrated above 550 hPa in both MERRA 160 and JRA55 and during all MJO phases, shows no statistically significant change (at a 5% 161 confidence level, see Supplementary Information) – thus, the total drag is approximately 162 conserved. This means that the total, vertically integrated drag over Tibet does not 163 depend on the MJO and that the drag simply shifts up and down with MJO phase. 5. Summary and Conclusions 164 In summary, a new influence of tropical tropospheric intraseasonal variability on wave 165 propagation into the extratropical stratosphere is identified. Although the MJO and 166 orographic GWs operate in domains traditionally thought to be geographically distinct, 167 their activities are strongly correlated in two different datasets. Estimates of GW drag 168 in the MERRA and JRA55 reanalyses are based on parameterizations rather than direct 169 observations of GW activity, but the mechanism by which the MJO’s upper level gyres 170 seems to influence the vertical propagation of GWs is consistent with simple theory of 171 GW saturation. Our results raise multiple questions about the vertical propagation of 172 GWs into the upper atmosphere. For example, if the number of MJO events increases 173 as Earth’s climate warms [Subramanian et al., 2014; Arnold et al., 2015], how might this D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL X - 11 174 affect orographic GW propagation into the upper atmosphere? How accurate are the 175 parameterizations of GW drag that are used in the MERRA and JRA55 reanalyses, and 176 might the actual GW drag be much more or less sensitive to the MJO? Our results moti- 177 vate the collection of more observations of GWs over the Tibetan plateau, more detailed 178 assessment of orographic GW variability on a range of time scales, and development of 179 better understanding of the conditions fostering wave generation and breaking. Lastly, 180 this work emphasizes the importance of local processes over Tibet for circulations that set 181 distributions of high-altitude trace gases (e.g. ozone) which are known to be modulated 182 by the MJO [e.g. Tian and Waliser , 2012]. 183 Acknowledgments. Both authors acknowledge support by Office of Naval Research 184 awards N00014-11-1-0617 and N00014-15-1-2531. 185 Adam Sobel, Ronald Smith and Joan Alexander for useful comments and discussion. 186 MERRA data was acquired from the Goddard Earth Science Data Information Ser- 187 vices Center, JRA55 188 data files were obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency, http://jra.kishou.go. 189 jp/JRA-55/index_en.html. NOAA OLR was acquired from NOAA’s National Centers 190 for Environmental Information, MJO phase classifications 191 were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 192 climate/mjo. D R A F T Both authors thank Tiffany Shaw, December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X - 12 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL References 193 194 Andrews, D. G., J. R. Holton, and C. B. Leovy (1987), Middle atmosphere dynamics, 40, Academic press. 195 Arnold, N. P., M. Branson, Z. Kuang, D. A. Randall, and E. Tziperman (2015), MJO 196 Intensification with Warming in the Superparameterized CESM, Journal of Climate, 197 28 (7), 2706–2724. 198 Bühler, O. (2014), Waves and mean flows, Cambridge University Press. 199 Butchart, N. (2014), The Brewer-Dobson circulation, Reviews of Geophysics, 52 (2), 157– 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 184. Cassou, C. (2008), Intraseasonal interaction between the Madden–Julian oscillation and the North Atlantic oscillation, Nature, 455 (7212), 523–527. Cohen, N. 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Chapter 18 in 250 Intraseasonal Variability of the Atmosphere-Ocean System (2nd Edition), Edited by 251 K.-M. Lau and D. E. Waliser, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 569–585. 252 Virts, K. S., and J. M. Wallace (2014), Observations of Temperature, Wind, Cirrus, and 253 Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Transition Layer during the MJO, Journal of 254 the Atmospheric Sciences, 71 (3), 1143–1157. 255 256 Weare, B. C. (2010), Madden-Julian Oscillation in the tropical stratosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D17113. D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X - 15 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL Integrated GWD above 400hPa (DJF, 1979-2012) %! ! "! (!)!# latitude &! (!)!$ $! (!)!' 12345678 ! (!)!& ($! (!)!+ (&! (!)!" active MJO ("! (!)!* (%! (!)!% ! "! #$! #%! $&! '!! longitude Figure 1. '"! Pa The spatial structure of time-mean GW drag and MJO precipitation. Shading shows vertically integrated GW drag above 400 hPa (in Pa), averaged over all winters between 1979-2012 using the MERRA reanalysis data. This shows that the global maximum GW drag lies over Tibet. The numbers 1 to 8 mark the approximate location of maximum precipitation in a particular phase of the MJO as it propagates eastward across the Indian and western-central Pacific oceans. The red line illustrates the location of peak rainfall during MJO phase 3 (an “active” MJO). Brown rectangles mark the integration domains used in Fig. 2. 257 Wheeler, M. C., and H. H. Hendon (2004), An all-season real-time multivariate MJO in- 258 dex: Development of an index for monitoring and prediction, Monthly Weather Review, 259 132 (8), 1917–1932. 260 Zhang, C. (2005), Madden-Julian Oscillation, Reviews of Geophysics, 43 (2). D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T X - 16 COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL a (%*- MERRA (DJF, 1979-2013) MERRA !"#$%&' (%*, (%*,# JRA55 (DJF, 1979-2013) b JRA55 ,-./0..1,234561 !"#$%&( + m (%*-# (%)" ,-./01# phase 1 (%)"! ,-./01! phase 2 (%)"$ phase 3 ,-./01& (%)"& phase 4 ,-./01' (%)"* phase 5 ,-./01% (%)$ phase 6 ,-./01* (%)$! phase 7 ,-./01" phase 8 (%)$$ ,-./01+ /010 23114/567894 (%*+ (%*+# (%)$& () !"# !$% !$# !#% ' W c &! !## (%)$* !"# !&% !$% !$# m-2 W d MERRA, phase 3 MERRA (DJF, 1979-2013) (! &! !#% !## m-2 MERRA, 7 MERRA (DJF, phase 1979-2013) (! %" %" latitude $# "! $% $# "! $% & & ! %! '& ! %! '& '$% '$% '$# ! '$# ! '%" '%" '(! ! Figure 2. !&% ' "! #! $%! longitude $&! W m-2 '(! ! "! #! $%! longitude $&! W m-2 The interaction between the MJO and GW drag over Tibet. Top panels show the relation between GW drag over the Tibetan Plateau (vertical axes) and equatorial NOAA OLR (horizontal axes) in a particular MJO phase using MERRA (a) and JRA55 (b) GW drag. GW drag is averaged between 60-120◦ E and 30-50◦ N at 100hPa, while OLR is averaged between 60-120◦ E and 20◦ S-20◦ N at the top of the atmosphere (brown rectangles in Fig. 1). Each dot corresponds to a different MJO phase, and the 95% confidence interval for the mean is marked using the black error bars. Pearson correlation coefficients are shown in each panel and the linear regression lines are marked too (see Methods). Panels c and d show horizontal structures of MJO and GW drag anomalies during MJO phases 3 and 7, respectively, using the MERRA dataset. MJO convective activity is indicated by OLR (shading, W m−2 , with reduced OLR indicating enhanced cloud cover and precipitation), and upper-tropospheric MJO gyres are indicated by 200 hPa eastward wind (blue contours, interval 1 m s−1 , negative dashed). Anomalous GW drag at 100 hPa is shown by black contours (interval of 0.05 m s−1 day−1 , negative dashed). Only anomalies statistically significant at the 5% level are shown, and values are locally smoothed about 2×2 degrees in the horizontal. D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T COHEN AND BOOS: GRAVITY WAVES & EQUATORIAL RAINFALL climatology climatology JRA55 and MERRA (DJF, 1979-2013) !" !" #"" #"" #!" #!" height (hPa) height (hPa) height (hPa) JRA55 and MERRA (DJF, 1979-2013) $"" $!" %"" %!" $"" $!" %"" %!" &"" &"" &!" &!" !"" !"" !!" #" #! $" $! %" %! '& !" #"" #!" #!" height (hPa) height (hPa) height (hPa) !" %!" '# " $ MERRA (phase 3) " JRA55 # (phase 3) MERRA (phase 7) $ JRA55 (phase 8) % $"" $!" %"" %!" &"" &"" &!" &!" !"" '& '$ " $ zonal wind (m s−1 ) zonal wind (m Figure 3. '$ MERRA anomalous and JRA55 (DJF, 1979-2013) #"" %"" '% GWD (m s−1 day−1 ) MERRA anomalous and JRA55 (DJF, 1979-2013) $!" MERRA " JRA55 # !!" zonal wind (m s−1 ) $"" X - 17 & s-1) !"" '"($ '"(# " "(# "($ GWD (m s−1 day−1 ) GW drag (m s-1 day-1) Vertical structures of wind and GW drag anomalies, illustrating the mechanism of interaction. The vertical profiles of zonal wind and GW drag shown here were averaged above the Tibetan Plateau (top brown rectangle in Fig. 1) using both the MERRA and JRA55 reanalyses datasets. Panels a and b show the climatological profiles of zonal wind and GW drag, respectively. Panels c and d show deviations from the climatology of zonal wind and GW drag, respectively, during early and late MJO phases. Solid and dashed lines mark the mean profiles, while the 95% confidence interval about the mean is shaded. The black arrow in panel b marks the height at which the Froude number computed from climatological mean fields, and source at 500 hPa, exceeds one. D R A F T December 16, 2015, 11:26pm D R A F T