SPACECRAFT TRAJECTORY TARGETING BY BOUNDARY-CONDITION ORBIT FITTING by DALE GORDON STUART S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1982) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REOUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1984 @ Dale G. Stuart The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics June 4, 1984 Certified by Prof. David L. Akin Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ?rof. Harold Y. Wachman Chairman, Departmencai Graduate Commictee SPACECRAFT TRAJECTORY TARGETING BY BOUNDARY-CONDITION ORBIT FITTING by DALE GORDON STUART Submitted to the Department on May 11, of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1984 in partial requirements fulfillment of for the degree Master of the Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics ABSTRACT The finding classic orbital feasible fixed extends the nation to three of apogee at for powered flight, use a and into chronous Earth Orbit Results Low provides a initial a between values the Orbit choice of any combialtitude, the are The the a transfer orbit targeting for computer studied: and a be actual very achieved, and spacecraft simulation in of space- launch from the from LEO indicate that of technique target to optimal targeting generating a satisfies is with typically desired close that earth's to Geosyn- a easy difficulties, to for values, a large technique feasible chosen extremely good less than 0.001 and (in some a implement, contains and can be applied David L. (75063i7 close target no to a wide Akin Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics cases. fast and cases combination of % resulting number of provides two-body space flight navigation problems. Thesis Supervisor: has its technique is transfer computer simulations can means computational are attention is (GEO). orbit-fitting trajectory Special algorithm (LEO), and a developed that target velocity, altitude, and guidance in is parameters: In addition, the implemented means of position method target case where Two cases from the straightforward major a allows four choice of the general Earth targeting accuracy ditions. to is trajectories. optimal) and following and as surface Overall, an thesis, problem the the target altitude. adapted delta-v through this the algorithm allowing path angle, error pass In problem angle, velocity, and flight path angle. flight craft that position. boundary-value of downrange paid orbits target boundary-value to con- inherent range of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .Special thanks to Professor Dave Akin, for being my thesis supervisor," for keeping me on target, and for knowing how to keep me encouraged despite his being the busiest person I know. Thanks also to Professor Battin, who provided inspiration and valuable tips when I most needed them, and whose courses taught me -- always one month too late, however -- how I could have done everything much more easily. An education at M.I.T. is not provided by the professors alone, and I wish to thank all my fellow friends in the Space Systems Lab -that's you Mary, Sarah, Janice, Russ, John, Cliff, George, Dan, Ray, Janet, Joe, and too many more to mention -- for reminding me there's a lighter side to M.I.T., for sharing my enthusiasm for space exploration, and for not letting me get hopelessly submerged in work, although I hope you'll forgive me for "always bein-g so organized!" And, of course, to one of the most valuable people in the Aero/Astro department, Susie Fennelly, who knows everything you always wanted to know about surviving The System, many thanks for helping me throughout these years. My sincere thanks considered me lost in and encouragement all thank my husband, Dave, to my parents and sisters, who may have long ago space, but who never ceased providing me support my life. Last, but not at all least, I deeply to whom I owe more than words can tell. This work was supported by fellowships from the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, and from Zonta International. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT ................................................ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF SYMBOLS ....................... ........ 2 ....................................... .............................. 3 .......................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES .......................................... CHAPTER I Introduction .............................. 9 ............... 10 CHAPTER 2 Development of the Orbit-Fi tting Targeting Technique 2.1 Orbital Boundary-Value Problem .............................. 12 2.2 Solution Technique for Any Choi ce of Target Parameters ...... 15 2.3 Altitude, Velocity, and Flight Path Angle as Target Parameters ............................. ............. ...18 2.4 Finding the Required Velocity ............ ............ . ...19 2.5 Specialization for Target Point at Apogee ............... 25 2.6 Range of Feasible Velocities ............. ................ 27 CHAPTER 3 Guidance Algorithm 3.1 Overview ... .... ........................................... 29 3.2 Velocity-to-be-Gained Determination ...........................30 3.3 Thrust Angle Determination ................................... 31 3.4 Thrust Level Determination .................................... 32 3.5 Guidance for Infeasible Target Velocities ....................34 CHAPTER 4 Technique Applications and Results 4.1 Overview ............... ........ ..................................... 37 4.2 Simulation Technique ......................................... 38 4.3 Orbit-to-Orbit Transfer Trajectories ........................ 39 4.4 Launch Trajectories ........................................ 47 CHAPTER 5 Conclusions ............................................. APPENDIX A Alternative Choices of Target Parameters A.1 Altitude, Velocity, and Transfer Angle as Target Parameters .... ..................................... A.2 Velocity, Flight Path Angle, and Transfer Angle as Target Parameters .......................................................... A.3 Altitude, Flight Path Angle, and Transfer Angle as Target ?arameters ..... ............ ..... ........................... 53 .54 56 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) APPENDIX B PAGE Alternative Technique for Finding the Required Velocity ...... .................. ......... .......... 58 APPENDIX C Spacecraft Equations of Motion ............................ 60 APPENDIX D Tangential Thrust Transfers .... ...... ........ ......... 63 Sample Trajectories LEO to GEO Transfer ......... ......... ....... ................ 65 Earth Launch to LEO ............................................... 70 APPENDIX E E.1 E.2 APPENDIX F Computer Program Listing ....... .. LIST OF REFERENCES ..... .. .... ..... .... 72 ................................................. 91 LIST OF SYMBOLS Variables in parentheses are the variable names used in the computer program. A - perpendicular distance from V a - semi-major axis of an elliptical orbit a - coefficient of a term in a polynomial to the radius - coefficient of a term in a polynomial a2 - coefficient of a term in a polynomial a a - maximum feasible semi-major axis ain - minimum feasible semi-maior axis - normal component of acceleration min a (SMA) (Amax) B - perpendicular distance from V 2 to the chord b - coefficient of a term in a polynomial C - chord c - exhaust velocity c - coefficient of a term in a polynomial D - drag e - eccentricity of an elliptical orbit c - (c) (Drag) circumferential component of force - F (chord) radial component of force g - gravitational acceleration h - angular momentum of an orbit I - sp (g) specific impulse L - lift m - vehicle mass m. - vehicle mass at start of time interval k M (Lift) final mass (Mk) LIST OF SYMBOLS M o Pi - initial mass - initial point (cont.) (MO) P2 - target point p - parameter of an elliptical orbit r radius - (Rk) rI - initial radius r2 - target radius (R2) ra - apogee radius of an - rGE O - r p elliptical orbit GEO.orbital radius perigee radius - T (RO) thrust of an elliptical orbit (Thrust) V - vehicle velocity VI - vehicle's (Vk) current velocity velocity (Vk) (V2) V2 - arget V2c - chordal Vmax maximum feasible target velocity V2min - minimum feasible target velocity V2p - radial component of V 2 V2t - a temporarily assigned target velocity a - apogee velocity of an elliptical orbit - chordal velocityv component of V 2 and V V c - V VG V a velocity component - GEO component of V 2 velocity-to-be-gained - GEO orbital velocitv (VCR) (VG) (V2Max) req (VC) LIST OF SYMBOLS (cont.) V LEO LEO orbital velocity V radial velocity component of V 2 and V re p V - r V rc radial component of vehicle velocity - chordal component of V radial component of V V a velocity component (VRR) a velocity component (VSig) - - V (Vrk) req V rp rr (VP) req a substitute variable thrust angle, angle between V I and V G angle between extension of V 1 and V G 1 angle between Vc and V 2 O-0* 8- (alpha) (beta) (gamma) angle between chord and r2 angle between Vc and V at target point angle between V 2 and extension of the radius angle between V a '- - req and local horizontal gravitational constant of 0- (theta) the central body transfer angle between r. and r 2 (Mu) (sigma2) downrange angle between launch site and vehicle position (sigma) vehicle's flight path angle (Phk) target flight path angle 02 - delta-v required for orbit circularization iV t V total - delta-v required during initial thrusting phase (DeltaV) delta-v required for the entire mission angular compoonent of vehicle velocity (Vomk) LIST OF FIGURES ANDTABLES FIGURE PAGE 2-1 Geometry. of the Orbital Boundary-Value Problem .. 2-2 Hyperbolic Velocity Loci at P 2-3 Detail of Geometry at P 2-4 Geometry of Velocity Components at P1 and P 3-1 Velocity-to-be-Gained Determination 4-1 Sample LEO to GEO Transfer Trajectory ............ .. ....13 and P .... ..17 ...... 21 .... ............. 4-2a Thrust, Thrust Angle vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transf 4-2b Altitude vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transfer ......... 4-2c Velocity vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transfer o .... ....... 31 ....... 41 ....... 43 rrer o .o er ......... ....... 43 ....... 44 4-2d Flight Path Angle vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transfer ree ....... 44 4-3 Partial LEO to GEO Transfer Trajectory .......... roe ....... 46 4-4 Sample Launch Trajectory ....................... r 4-5a Thrust, Thrust Angle vs Time -- Launch to LEO ... ....r~rr.... ,r ....... 48 ....... 49 .... 4-5b Altitude vs Time -- Launch to LEO ............... ....... 49 4-5c Velocity vs Time -- Launch to LEO ............. ....... 50 4-5d Flight Path Angle vs Time -- Launch to LEO TABLE 4-1 LV .................... 50 PAGE Comparisons for LEO to GEO Transfer ........................47 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Since Shuttle the Apollo program, have era, and especially with the advent of guidance flourished. techniques for spacecraft in the Space powered flight Elaboraee algorithms exist that find an optimum tra- jectory for given mission, and these target conditions, algorithms sophisticated spacecraft. perform It and for a given spaceflight the task very well for today's is of course necessary to use an exact, optimal guidance technique with an actual vehicle, but the requirements for exactness and optimality are precisely what lead to the enormous complexity of these algorithms. When a real vehicle is not involved, and such precise accuracy or optimality is not required, the currently available guidance techniques -- such as those based on Pontryagin's maximum principal, Bellman's dy- namic more programming, or Raleigh-Ritz type procedures elaborate and detailed than necessary. studies, can end up being Especially early in design when a vehicle can be modelled by a small set of parameters, and a quick, easy method algorithms based on these for finding a feasible trajectory is needed, optimal control theories are and time-consuming to implement. rithm is around one specified set of position, -- developed velocity, transfer angle, In addition, and flight zannoc be used for anv other zombinacion of too cumbersome each particular target parameters path angle, :ese paramecers. algoamong and usually No technique exists, optimum, however, that is easy to implement, and works for more than one combination of target parameters, or for more than a limited type of spaceflight missions. classic calculus-of-variations-derived simplest form, works tightly more versatile, it linear tangent algorithm, very realistic -- spacecraft the requirement that guidance techniques conditions are satisfied. so 1) can be filled by reand by mechanics to ensure that the target A means already exists, known as the orbital boundary-value problem, for finding an orbit that passes initial point and a selected target point, through a thus providing a technique for guiding a vehicle to a desired target position. boundary-value problem, its (See Space the trajectory be exactly optimum, using basic methods from orbital given in and when made too becomes complex and cumbersome. Shuttle Ascent, Guidance, Navigation, and Control, ref. This gap in Even the for only a very narrow range of problems -- constrained that they aren't laxing close to however, The allows only choice of target parameters, with the restriction that the target be a fixed position in space. The intent of this thesis, therefore, is to extend the basic boundary-value technique to allow multiple choices of target parameters, including space missions. choices better suited to the requirements for current The technique can thus be adapted for use in a wide variety of two-dimensional spaceflight targeting problems, ranging from planetary launch trajectories to orbital insertion and orbit-to-orbit transfers, as well as interplanetary missions, and most two-body targeting problems in general. CHAPTER 2 Development of the Orbit-Fitting Targeting Techniaue 2.1 The Orbital Boundary-Value Problem The starting point the classic two-point orbital formulation is: tion for the technique developed in this thesis is measured boundary-value problem. The problem given an initial position and a desired target posi- from a central body, find the feasible orbits that pass through both points, and find the required velocity vectors at the tial point transfer that correspond orbits. to flight paths along any of ini- the feasible The technique for solving this problem has been des- cribed in detail by Battin (ref. 2) and will be summarized below. If a points, (the chord) is drawn connecting then any velocity vector at terms of radius line a component vector (see parallel figure equal to 180 degrees. to 2-1) If the initial either point the chord and provided the transfer and defined in one parallel angle, or, then from fundamental properties relationships V re ItD to the is not Vreq and V2 are velocity vectors at PI and P2 respectively, and if they correspond to an orbit that passes P1 and P2' target = V 2c = V c D3 through of orbital mechanics, the _____ __ __ __ _ _ I_ _ _~ _ _ _ _ - ----- - - ---- -- __ _ _ __ _ ',N \ at \ 9 /p, Vrp Figure 2-1 can Geometry of the Orbital Boundary-Value Problem easily be derived, where tial position; components; lity, the radius. 2 denotes and target target or radius can city the final position; be taken to c denotes or inichordal Without loss of genera- be greater than the initial The chord can be found from the law of cosines 2 the subscript r denotes current p denotes radial components. C and the 2 = r 2 + r2 - 2rr 2 cos (2.1) product of the chordal velocity component, Vc, and radial velo- component, Vp, can then be expressed as a function of the chord, initial and final radii, and the transfer angle, a, in the form VV - c p This relationship at the initial (2.2) r r2(1+cos) defines an infinite family of velocity vectors point and at the target point, and is in the asymptotic form of an equation for a hyperbola -- with the chord as one asymptote and the radius as the second asymptote. sents the locus of all This hyperbola at PI repre- feasible velocity vectors at the initial point, and the hyperbola at P2 corresponds to the locus of the resulting velocity vectors at the target point-, as shown in figure 2-2. N Properties N N N N r Figure 2-2 of this hyperbolic the orbit-fitting veczor, e from P. co ?) Hyperbolic Velocity Loci at P locus will be exploited later in targeting (chat PI technique. wnich corresponcs :o Since the and ? the development of required velocity light along a feasible orbit is not yet uniqueiv specified, one more parameter, such UI as target velocity or target flight path angle, may be specified. Se- lecting either one of these will uniquely determine a feasible transfer orbit, and hence will also determine a unique required velocity at the initial point. permit The orbital boundary-value problem, desirable means does not the designation of both the target velocity and target flight path angle as target parameters. is however, Since, for many types of missions, it to specify both these variables as target parameters, must be found to eliminate a this restriction from the boundary- value problem. If either of the target parameters upon which the boundary-value based -- problem is target radius fied as a target parameter, or transfer angle -- the restriction is is not speci- removed and any two of the remaining three unspecified variables may now be selected as target parameters. velocity, Thus, of the complete set of four parameters available -- altitude, may be chosen as the flight path angle, target parameters, and transfer angle -- any three and they will uniquely deter- mine an orbital path that passes through the initial point and achieves the desired target conditions at the target point. sections, In the following the necessary relationships will be established that allow a solution to be found for any of the four such combinations of target parameters. 2.2 Solution Techniaue for Any Choice of Target Parameters When any three of the targec parameters are specified and the initial oosition is known, the fourth parameter is also determined, and can be found as a function of the three specified parameters and the initial radius. completely specify The fourth parameter must be found in order to th-e geometry at the target point and to eventually find the required velocity at the initial point. To start, the geometry at the target point is expressed in terms of the angles 3 and q , as shown in figure 2-3. The perpendicular dis- tance, A, from the the radius to the tip of V2, can be found as A = V 2 sinr (2.3) and the perpendicular distance from the extension of the chord to V 2 is B M -V 2 sin(3+) A and B can also be expressed and V in (2.4) terms of the velocity components, Vc as A = Vc sinS (2.5) B = V (2.6) sins Since the locus of possible velocities at P2 is a hyperbola (as established in equation 2.2), using the property of hyperbolas that the product AB is equal to a constant, AB can be found by multiplying equations (2.6). (2.3) and (2.4), and also by multiplying equations (2.5) and Setting the resulting expressions equal to each other gives AB = -V, Now equation sinr sin( +i) 2.2) can be subst _tutea = V V sin (2.7) for :he product 7 V and if the c D' r C Figure 2-3 chord, C, Detail of Geometry at P is replaced by sinr C = r sina (2.8) the resulting expression is ,u an'-= s slnn t2 -s2 2 scnn sin(--) (2.9) To eliminate 3 from this equation, a useful relationship can be developed by expressing r2 as r 2 = rl cdsc - and substituting equation (2.8) for C, cot3 = cota - 3 Then C cos (2.10) for 5 then solving gives (2.11) rI sino can be eliminated between equations (2.9) and -(2.11), with the final result + r 1 r 2 V2 )rl(1-cose) Recognizing that rq =T/2 - )rl(1-coso-) + r r2V2 This is the parameters -- to desired -- sinrlsin(a+q) = r 2 2 V2 2 2 sin 2 (2.12) 2' equation (2.12) can be written 2 22 cos42 cos(2-cr) = r 2 V 2 expression which relates altitude, each other, 2 velocity, and once any flight all cos 2 (2.13) the possible path angle, three of 2 target and transfer these parameters angle are spe- cified, the fourth can be found directly from this relationship. 2.3 Altitude, Velocity, and Flight Path Angle as Target Parameters In city, variable, this V2, particular case, and flight o, must the target altitude path angle, be metry of the problem. found in 2', are order To solve for or radius, specified, and r,, velo- the remaining to comoletelv determine a from equation (2.13), the the geo- substitution x = (2.14) cot- 2 can be used, with sina = 2x2 -+x 2 1+x cosa - l -x 2 i-Cos' = -2 l+x 1+x The result is a quadratic in x, of the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0 where a = 2 2 (r2-r1 ) cos-0 (2.15) 2 (2.16) c = 2=rI - r2V 2 2 (r+r 2 2 ) cos .02 (2.17) The quadratic can easily be solved with the standard quadratic equa- tion, and once x is found, equation (2.14) gives the answer for a. Equation (2.13) parameters. 2.4 used for any other combination of target However, only the case completed above will be explored in further depth, since missions. can be this case is the most useful for common space (The remaining three cases are solved in Appendix A). Finding the Required Velocity Once the values of all four target variables are known, the geometry of the feasible transfer orbit is fixed and the velocity at the initial point can be determined. the geometry is To find the required velocity, figure 2-4. set up as shown in The internal angle, g, between the chord and the radius vector to P2, can be found from the law of sines sine r sin C (2.18) (2.18) but the geometry also shows that 2 '- - Substituting equation (2.19) for 8 - *2 (2.19) into (2.18) and using a trig iden- tity gives cos(4 which allows solving for 2 + 2) - sincr (2.20) 2 once 02 and o are known. The velocity at the target point, V2 , can be resolved into its component in the chordal direction, Vc, and its comDonent in the radial direction, V p V 2 cos* 2 = Vc cos(6 V2 sinO2 = VC sin(,2 + 02 and Vp and Vc can be solved 2) 2 ) 2.2) - Vp (2.22) for in terms of V 2 from equations (2.21) and (2.22) V V tan(- - ) oso - sin1 (2.23) _ ___ _____ _______ _______I____ ________________ ________ VVI Figure 2-4 Geometry of Velocity Components at P and 1 1 an ? and V If equation (2.24), V c (2.20) is and V used can be p c V2C = cos# 2 (2.24) cos(2+ 2 to eliminate $2 from equations expressed solely in terms (2.23) and of known target parameters and r 2 sin Y 1V cos2 - sino- = V (2.25) - sinW cC V c 2C cos2 rI sincr (2.26) Additional useful relationships are Va V To find the cr required sin(o+S) V = V c (2.27) icos(a+S) velocity (2.28) vector at the point, initial two cases must be considered: 1) a + g < r/2: From the geometry, clearly V = V p rr and the angle, veloci=v vec=or is 9, between the local (2.29) horizontal and the required V 9 - + V cr V V p arctan (2.30) then the magnitude of the required velocity is given by V req 2) a + S > 2 ) (V +V p cr - 2 + V a 2 (2.31) /2: In this case the geometry shows that V = V - V rr p cr (2.32) 9=arctan (r (2.33) leading to V req Substituting equations 2 2 2 MV + V rr a the appropriate expressions (2.30) (2.34) for Vrr' rr' V through (2.34) yields expressions for V , and req Vcr into and 9 which hold for both cases V 2 req = 2V V p c cos(a+6) + V V9 = arctan V V 9 c (2.35) cos(a+8)l (2.36) sin(ca+) c where S is found, from equation (2.18) as i arcsin C sinr , (2.37) To 9 eliminate from equation (2.35) are expanded, and equation (2.37) substituted for cos(0+) cosa = cos(o+S) and (2.36), - sin cr - S and sin(a+S) to give sin o - C (2.38) and sin(a+S) = sin 1 cosa + 2 sin2c and (2.39) (2.38) substituting equations and finally, 1 - (2.39) into equations (2.35) and (2.36) gives the result 2 req req 2 2V V cp cosa - 1 r 2 sin a 1 - -C 2 I 2 a + V 2 c (2.40) with F r cosa 1 --- sn r -- a SV arctan (2.41) Va sina I- These expressions coscr+ involve only the chordal and radial velocity compo- nents of V2, found from equations variables, sin a (2.25) and (2.26), and other known and provide a way of finding the required velocity once all the target parameters and initial point are specified. technique for finding V req (An alternative and 9 is presented in Appendix 3.) 2.5 Soecialization for Target Point at Apogee Since most orbital tually fer flight transfers reach a. circular orbit, and maneuvers are intended to-even- it is useful to specify that the trans- orbit reach the altitude of the desired circular orbit with a path angle equal to zero. the transfer orbit is vector perpendicular This means that the apogee radius of the radius of the circular orbit, with velocity to the radius. The transfer angle, a, can now be determined directly by using an additional relationship specific to the case of the target point at apogee of the transfer orbit. Knowing V 2 and r2 , the semi-major axis, a, of the transfer orbit can immediately be found from the Vis-Viva equation V ( 2 - (2.42) thus a = - -- (2.43) From Battin (ref. 3) the parameter, p, can be expressed in the form rlr p = r 2 - 2 r I cosO (1-coso) (2.44) and the eccentricity, e, is found from r e where a still remains to r2 - r 2 - r be found. (2.45) c o s cr 3y using the relationship 25 p = a(i-e ) equations p and e, (2.46) (2.44) and (2.45) can be substituted into equation (2.46) for and o can be found in terms of the semi-major axis, with the result 2ar coso = ar I - 2 2 - yr I r 1r2 V2 this 2 r r2 V coscr = check, r2 finally gives r2 As a - (2.47) ar Substituting for a from (2.43) - (2.48) 2 - yr agrees with the result obtained from equation (2.13) if 02 is set equal to zero. With o now determined, 02 can (2.25) and (2.26), be set and the chordal and equal to zero radial velocity in equations components become V2C V c V2 V p The required and (2.41). = = r r. - (2.49) sino* sin 0- (2.50) sina" velocity and 9 can now be found from equations (2.40) 2.6 Range of Feasible Required Velocities At V 2 as a this point, it is advantageous to explore the feasible range of function ding on rl and of r 2 -- ble orbit passes satisfies the target are selected, the r and r2. i through both the less initial conditions. and target points and also This is true because once r 2 and V 2 semi-major axis of the orbit is fixed from equation r is of V 2 is restricted, depen- there being a maximum value above which no feasi- (2.43) and the perigee radius of If rl The choice than r , then = 2a - r2 clearly through the initial point, actual maximum value the orbit is no (2.51) point in the orbit and the problem cannot be will pass solved. of V 2 can be found by determining The the maximum feasible semi-major axis for the transfer orbit r a +r 1 max (2.52) 2 corresponding to an elliptical orbit with perigee at r i and apogee at r2 . This gives an upper limit on V 2 2 2 1 a(2.53) r 2max 2 max) The lower limit of V 2 that still yields a feasible orbit is V2min = 0 2min and :he associaced semi-major axis is (2.54) a min = "2 2 (2.55) corresponding to an orbit that travels a straight line from P to P and reaches P2 with zero velocity -- not very useful for practical purposes. The upper limit will become important later, however. CHAPTER 3 Guidance Algorithm 3.1 Overview The technique developed required velocity vector can algorithm for a spacecraft spacecraft's nated trajectory, the initial in the preceding chapter for finding the easily be incorporated into a guidance in powered flight. the point, Pi, At any point in the vehicle's current position can be desigin the boundary-value problem, and the problem can be solved for that particular initial point and a specified set of target however, it will not velocity, and with the conditions. Unless be able the process to the vehicle has instantaneously achieve the required must be repeated some time interval later, vehicle's updated current position as the problem. infinite thrust, This procedure therefore the new initial point in lends itself well to computer trajectory simulations in which the vehicle's position is determined-at discrete time motion. At has intervals each time been chosen, the interval, integrating the equations of then, once a set of target conditions required velocity vector for the vehicle at its current position can be that by numerically found, and a guidance algorithm followed such the vehicle's velocity vector eventually equals the required velo- city vector. The control are :he vehicle :hrusc variables available for use in this problem level -- most convenienivy measured as a per- centage of the maximum available thrust -- and the thrust angle, the angle between the thrust vector and the velocity vector. While a spacecraft cannot directly control the thrust angle, it does so indirectly by controlling the rocket nozzle gimbal angle, but using the thrust angle as a control variable avoids the necessity of including the dynamic relations between the nozzle gimbal angle and resulting thrust angle; these relations are vehicle-dependent, and contribute nothing to the analysis of the original problem. Hence the choice of thrust angle as the second control variable. 3.2 Velocity-to-be-Gained Determination Once the required velocity for the vehicle's current position has been found, the velocity-to-be-gained, VG, is defined as the vector difference between the required velocity and the vehicle's current velocity (see figure 3-1). If 0 is from the the current flight path angle of the vehicle, measured local horizontal, and V 1 its current velocity, then V G can be determined from the V 2 G law of cosines 2 = V + V 2 - 2V Vl cos(*-9) (3.1) req 1 req and the angle,p , between V I and VG can be found from the law of sines /3= arcsin re \ vG sin!o-l) (3.2) __ __~___~___~___~_ ___ _________I____________________ e<0 Figure 3-1 In many cases, 0 is Velocity-to-be-Gained Determination greater than 90 degrees, but the arcsin function will return values only between -90 and 90 degrees, so for the case where 2 V G 3 must be corrected +V 2 1 <V 2 req to V ?T - 3.3 arcsin (VG sinL4-9 (3.3) Thrust Angle Determination For choose the sake of simplicity, the guidance algorithm to be used will zhe thrust vector such :hac its direction is aligned wich :he angle, IF v, it easy to find the thrust This makes velocity-to-be-gained direction. as follows. 9 < 1: and if 9 > 0(. = 7T - (3.4) 0( = - T (3.5) p: and of course if 9 = p: C<= 0 3.4 Thrust Level Determination A spacecraft will rl) in powered flight, and must avoid target occurs, its main engines tune" its it can reduce therefore, thrust interval the be that corresponds predicted, if to the increment to the must orbit vehicle than Vreq. (provided the 2 > for the velocity must be vehicle can either stop thrusting using smaller the vehicle has level required overshooting vehicle's and r During the time interval to the target, or trajectory, required velocity without this, the Specifically, and coast its its its energy beyond that required from becoming greater before this "fine increasing transfer orbit. prevented the energy of increasing be continuously thrusting in the VG direction, then to a velocity increment it. engines to engines, throttleable to exactly match the In order to accomplish velocity during the next the thrust that is level time must be found less tnan or equal to VG. This can be done in the following manner. The propellant mass flow rate is determined from the vehicle thrust, T, and exhaust velocity, c dm dt -T T (3.6) c and for a given time interval, Dt, the change in vehicle mass, Dm, is T Dt c Dm = - (3.7) IF mk is the vehicle mass at the beginning of the time interval, and mk+ 1 is the mass at the end of the interval, then mk+1 = mk - Dm (3.8) and substituting equation (3.8) into equation (3.7) for Dm gives mk m T - -- Dt (3.9) The rocket equation can be applied now, since, if Dt is enough, pulsively the behavior of the vehicle will be as if at the beginning of the time interval, small it had thrusted imand the velocity increment, DVk, is then DVks i -cfoimk+0e n solving for mk-1 g3ves (3.10) finally, substituting for mk+ (3.11) mk e mk+ 1 from equation (3.9) and solving for T 1 determines the thrust required to achieve a specified DV DV T 1- Dt e (3.12) c At- the point where using maximum thrust would cause DVk to exceed VG , VG should be substituted thrust level when a new V G is priate thrust level zero, way the to than its the process determined it has be repeated and Once achieved and the new At the next time interval, should again. (3.12) VG the appro- becomes exacly equal to perfect the rest of alignment with the the maximum altitude, as has ter than V if with discussed the target climbed the feasible position. orbit and Infeasible Target Velocities arrises current vehicle time interval. since for problem the low equation transfer orbit. elliptical is that found, target, Guidance A for in vehicle can stop thrusting entirely and coast the desired 3.5 used for DV. target (Recall the in selected vehicle's section high high, is the current 2.6) In it enough altitude During :his phase of velocity, velocity, V2max) that V2max velocity to a target V2, for is the vehicle apogee if could be that its perigee the vehicle some at velocity of an altitude as fact, greater time x -he flignht a "emporary" thrust before the becomes grea- guiaance scheme must be used, and several options exist for doing this. First, a temporary is almost target velocity, equal to V2max* V2t ' can be chosen, where V2t (If V2t were set exactly equal to V2max , the 180 degrees, where a singularity exists in transfer angle would be at At each time step, as the vehicle altitude increases, the algorithm.) V2max will increase, and therefore V2t can also be increased. Even tually V2max will be greater than the original desired V 2 and the targeting technique may be used. orbit-fitting abrupt changes in the required has the disadvantage path angle of zero, phase to the second, from the first tees a smooth transition that since it velocity or flight path angle, but it the perigee of the temporary transfer orbit Since a vehicle under tends to spiral outward and its flight path angle tends to increase, against with no attempts to keep the vehicle at a flight is always placed at the vehicle's position. thrust naturally This technique.guaran- this the radial scheme would require that the vehicle thrust component of its velocity -- an inefficient proce- dure and wasteful use of fuel. A second possible scheme would simply allow the vehicle to thrust tangentially to its flight path and follow a natural gravity-turn is spiral trajectory until it has reached the altitude where V greater fer orbit than V2. at vehicle will its first perigee, it has intersected the feasible trans- where the flight path angle immediately be required to 1hrust against city component. the At that point, scheme, It spends much since now the less flight is zero, and the its radial velo- time doing so, however, than in path angle transfer orbit increases wi:h altizude, and :he cesul: of the feasible is better :uel efficiency than the first scheme. thrust angle rate of change, If a constraint is placed on the abrupt changes in the vehicle's pitch can be avoided, and the transition from this first phase into the orbitfitting targeting phase can be made smoothly. The third possible scheme would involve intercepting the feasible transfer orbit at some point other than at perigee. where the difference between the tangential-thrust An a-ltitude exists trajectory velocity and the transfer orbit velocity is a minimmum. ,Presumably, it would be most efficient VG point to perform the transition at this point, but the minimum cannot be found analytically, and can only be identified during the trajectory by monitoring VG and watching for the point where VG just starts to increase after reaching a minimum. By that time, however, the required thrust angle is very large, often greater than 90 degrees, is and if required the transition is performed at this point, to thrust at a large angle from its flight path until it aligns itself with the desired transfer orbit. of the vehicle minimum VG could be found, since sharply away from the vehicle's inefficient the minimum VG usually points velocity, use of fuel during this Even if the exact point transition the result would still be to the orbit-fitting targeting technique. The second scheme ends up being the most efficient of the three alternatives trajectory than V 2max' described, simulations and this is the technique implemented in the to handle cases where V2 is initially greater CHAPTER 4 Technique Applications and Results 4.1 Overview Two missions were technique: LEO These represent cases spacecraft the case fairly GEO two of LEO to GEO of any for the as and of given technique thrust transfer is but For to find blished in launch launch optimum and the to LEO targeting insertion. maneuvers in future operations as and involve from therefore well. the be In perforcompared this case can also be orbit-to-orbit of current can be found paper can easily this of maneuvers results can be effects the are earth involving case, trajectory, from any celestial situations the which circular transfers, LEO to GEO one example. the body, frequent The results which broad class earth the atmospheric another maneuvers the launch level, developed other is for transfer, a near-optimum trajectory applied this most probably in near-optimum values. since applications earth the with known to test transfer,.and operations, easily mance to selected while a body, compared case and is considerably reasonable neglected launch it value with or are can this has known changed be the results launch and insertion more difficult into to considered been well value. match If the those of an example may be applied any orbit. esta- of to other 4.2 Simulation Technique The simulations were performed by applying a standard trajectory Fourth-Order Runga-Kutta integration algorithm to the spacecraft equations of motion. (For a description and development of these equa- tions, see Appendix C.) The set of initial conditions -- velocity, and flight path angle -- altitude, were selected according to the specific mission being analyzed. Constant thrust was used throughout most of the engine-firing phases, without regard to maximum accelera- tion limits,- limits could be imposed if although acceleration desired. For all of the missions studied, however, the acceleration levels never became high enough that constraints would have significantly affected the performance. The vehicle was therefore allowed to use maximum thrust until the end of the burn when the vehicle velocity ap- near proached the required velocity, at which point the thrust, assumed to be throttleable, was reduced as required. Values could be chosen to limit the maximum thrust angle (hence vehicle pitch rate) and the maximum thrust angle rate of change during the thrusting phase. However, after thrust was reduced and the veloci- ty-to-be-gained below left fell unconstrained the trajectory. listic, -- 1 m/s, the thrust angle and pitch rate were to allow "fine-tuning" or continuous corrections While an actual this type of continuous adjustment spacecraft lified. not rea- would only perform a small number of discrete mid-course correction burns -ments, is to by allowing continuous adjust- the accumulated numerical and roundoff errors end up being nulThis occurs exactly at each time because the desired transfer orbit is calculated step, wich no approximations, and the guidance algorithm corrects numerical for any deviation from thisb transfer orbit. arising from the use of an approximate errors The integration technique are regarded simply as deviations from the desired path and are thus corrected for, with the end result that the trajectory is closer to an exact actual trajectory and the target values are reached with extremely high precision. Since allowing continuous correction ends up consuming more fuel than would otherwise be necessary, the delta-v required for the mission is calculated at the point where the thrust the is first reduced and the velocity-to-be-gained point at which an actual coast the rest of the way to is vehicle would shut off its the target. below-I m/s, engines and (The computer program to perform the simulations is listed in Appendix F.) Once the vehicle has reached the target altitude, an additional burn must be performed to insert the vehicle into a circular orbit. For the sake least fuel, of simplicity, this and the required and because it burn was chosen is the option that requires to be impulsive in the the simulations, delta-v is simply the difference between the circular orbital velocity and the apogee velocity of the transfer orbit. 4.3 Orbit-to-Orbit Transfer Trajectories The Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV) model was selected on the basis of For what might eventually be in reuseability, space engine, liquid use as part of future space activities. fuels, with an engine such as the advanced would be used, target conditions as follows: with vehicle parameters and initial and specific impulse: 450 seconds initial mass: 25,000 kg initial acceleration: 0.03 to 3.0 g's initial altitude: LEO at 372 km initial velocity: 7684.5 m/s target altitude: GEO at 35,863 km target velocity: 1612.6 to 2110.0 m/s final velocity: GEO velocity -- 3071.9 m/s The apogee velocity of the transfer orbit was varied between 1612.6 m/s -- the Hohmann transfer orbit apogee velocity -- ding on the thrust level. through trial The actual and 2110.0 m/s, depen- target velocity was arrived at and error as the one that yielded the minimum total mis- sion delta-v for a given thrust level. For high thrust, the optimum target velocity is clearly near the Hohmann orbit apogee velocity, since the Hohmann transfer is optimal for infinite thrust capability. The optimum target ses, since, equal for velocity will increase as the thrust level decrea- infinitesimal to the circular thrust, the target velocity is velocity and the vehicle is exactly very close to circu- lar velocity throughout its trajectory (see ref. 4). The near-optimum was to be used for performance found by requiring the vehicle gential it trajectory to would be tude, its in flight if path. it stopped the vehicle was delta-v calculated at to thrust comparisons in a direction always tan- When the instantaneous orbit --- thrusting allowed to stop that point. the orbit had an apogee at GEO alti- thrusting, and the required (For details of how this trajectory can be found, see Appendix D.) The initial resulting trajectory for a sample LEO acceleration of 0.03 g's and thrust angle is shown in polar form in figure J-. to GEO transfer with limit of _ 25 degrees Since the target velocity of 4500 GEO -- I 900 tangential -thrust phase -180 ° -- - earth -- -3600 - - --- ' LEO t ~thrust cutoff 270* Figure 4-1 2110 m/s kin, a tion tude. led to a tangential 3.5, until targeting start Sample LEO to GEO Transfer Trajectory transfer orbit with a perigee at an altitude of 6600 thrust the trajectory was vehicle reached followed, as the transfer After that point, the orbit-fitting targeting explained in sec- orbit perigee alti- technique was used until the vehicle velocity matcahed the required velocity and could stoD the vehicle coasted For the remainder of the trajectory, thrusting. along the elliptical transfer orbit until it achieved the target conditions. Figure 4-2 shows the plots of the individual variables versus time, giv-ing the behavior of the trajectory in more detail. The thrust is sustained at its maximum value until cutoff. The thrust angle moves to its initiated, lower limit as soon as the targeting to a slightly after positive value, thrust cutoff, as discussed in is reached. then climbs and then can be considered equal to zero even though minute corrections are taking place, section 4.2. The altitude increases steadily until GEO The velocity increases at first, vehicle spirals energy. is outward, then decreases as the gaining potential energy rather than kinetic When the targeting begins and the vehicle is commanded to pitch down, the velocity increases again until it velocity for the vehicle's current altitude. reaches the required After thrust cutoff, the vehicle coasts, trading kinetic for potential energy as the velocity decreases until it reaches the target value. increases as the vehicle spirals outward -- at first of the changing acceleration of increase of the the vehicle is The -flight path angle flight unsteadily because as the vehicle burns off fuel. The rate path angle slows when targeting begins and commanded to thrust slightly downward, the thrust angle becomes positive. then steepens as At thrust cutoff, the flight path angle has matched that required on the transfer orbit, and it follows the transfer orbit profile until the vehicle reaches apogee where the flight path angle crosses zero. Figure 4-3 shows a partial listing of the actual output from the 100 S S~ 80 - 60 - o 20 S0 - targeting start-.* S o S i 5,000 l 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Time, seconds Figure 4-2a - Thrust, Thrust Angle vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transfer 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30, 000 Time, seconds Figure 4-2b -- Altitude vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transfer -------------- - ------- - --------------- _~_~___~_ ______________I_______ ______________________ 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 - 0 5 ,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Time, seconds Figure 4-2c Velocity vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transfer 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Time, seconds Figure 4-2d Flight Path Angle vs Time -- LEO to GEO Transfer 30,000 printed out trajectory, with values complete listing is every five integration steps. shown in Appendix E.) The values (A for the velocity, altitude, and flight path angle in the last line of the trajectory show that the target values figures as are closest to zero, for cases all nique. In behaved as The as at for requirement burn, gential-thrust performance on this have m/s. The of and required a unrestrained were made based The in 4-1 tory thrust very table levels, transfer for this total values delta-v, differ of a and m/s the -- an technique, that the g thrust technique thrust The restric- trajectory of 66 the worst-case and thus -- levels. as other trajectory. performed initial acceleration, is-optimal for high tan- %. increase angle transfer ellipse of the from the by only 0.88 m/s case including constraint, on an unrestricted above 1 tech- value slightly by having 4515 targeting show the particular compared with-4410 closely resembled a Hohmann since a Hohmann viability of is achieved near-optimum such orbit-fitting angle the accuracy trajectory, however, represents comparisons the path relatively stable and well- 3486 m/s delta-v for higher These flight significant target. with a without total of the basic trajectory was improved angle, the tangential-thrust 4449 m/s, performance figures of phase, trajectory. thrust would the thrusting circularization where is typical the as many (to the algorithm remains with the point This the vehicle approaches 3425 exactly and demonstrates addition, favorably the the desired. tested, compares ted achieved displayed) delta-v m/s are better at the trajecit should, _1_ __1_1___1_____ _____I_______________ thrust/M=0.03 s. LEO to GEO trans+er with 7355.0 N, 0.0 m^2, AloaMax= 25.0 deg, TargetH= 35863.0 km, Sre+= t C= 4500.0 m/s, MO= 25000.0 kg~ Ot= 20.0 se: 0.0 km, hstart= AiphotMax=360.0 de TargetV= 2110.0 m/s =hi ima VG 0.000 0.000 0.00 372.074 372.746 374.689 378. 562 385. 09 394.6 &3 408.031 .019 .08 .206 .372 582 .35 1.127 0.00 425.699 I /48.107 1.813 &75. 650 508.653 547.362 591.969 642.505 699.049 761.530 2. 199 2.608 3.035 3. 75 3. 923 4.376 6.535 13.095 19.677 26.280 32.898 39-.526 46.157 52. 7854 59. 399 65. 992 72.552 79.071 529.834 5.279 5.721 V 0.0 Starting 100.0 200.0 300.0 400. 0 600.0 700.0 900.0 I000 .0 1100 .0 1200.0 1300.0 1400.0 1500.0 1600. 0 1700.0 1800.0 1900.0 2000.0 2100.0 2200. 0 2300.0 2400.0 2500.0 7684.5 targeting 7713.9 7742.8 7770.6 7796.3 7819.4 7839.2 7855. 1 7566.6 7873. 3 7874.8 7871.0 7861.6 7846.6 7826.2 7800.5 7769.8 7734.3 7694.5 7650.8 7603.7 7553.5 7500. 7&46. 1 7389.8 7332.2 28200.0 2123.9 2122.1 2120.5 2118.9 2117.5 2116.2 2115.0 2113.9 2113.0 2112.2 2111.5 2111.0 2110.5 25300. 0 2110.2 27000 .0 27100.0 27200.0 27300 .0 27400.0 27500 .0 27600.0 27700.0 27800.0 27900.0 28100. 0 25400 .0 372.000 2110.0 M+uei= 24000.0 kg aimha Thrust DeitaV 0 .00 mow. 903.790 983. 180 1067.746 1157.203 1251.242 1349.542 1451.774 1557.614 35731.360 35768.400 35764.Z70 35778.950 35792.450 35804.770 35815.900 35825 .60 3583& A 40 35842.230 35848.660 35853.370 35857.930 35860.300 35862.490 Alignment acnieveO, ::ast:ns 28500.0 ____________ T-ajectory Tareted Saceffisqt Thrust- _____ 35863.000 .454 85.539 6.574 6.980 7.370 7.7463 8.097 8. 33 91.965 98.280 104.535 110.703 116.777 122.750 128.616 134.373 140.017 145.546 150 .958 156.253 4.764 444 .066 4. 4458 44a. 354 4.131 3. 13 3. 495 3.177 2. 58 2.539 2.219 1.900 1.580 444.641 4.829 6'.154 S1.260 940 .621 .299 444 929 &&5.216 &5.503 4&5. 790 4a6. 077 4a6. 363 446.6 50 6. 936 447 .223 447.509 4a7.795 /48.01 :.Oc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 U. 0.00 100.000 100. 000 0.00 100.000 :30. 00 100.000 100. 000 0 10. 000 .00 loc. 000 0.00 C.CC 0 .00 0.00 0.00 .00 0 O0 0 000.00 0 .0 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100. 000 130. 000 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.00 o oo 100. C 100.000 100.000 100.000 81.05 025 0.00 .00 .01 00 .20 -98.54c .00 *UO0 .00 .02 90 . 02 55.26 138.93 90.00 86.02 57.50 .i00 .02 .01 .30 90 . 00 58 .25 -90 . 96 90. 00 210.50 241.74 272. 9 30 2. 335 . 85 367.66 399.70 431.97 4664.47 497.21 530. 19 563.41. 596.88 630 .60 664.57 698.81 733.30 768.06 503.10 .010 3506. 3506.51 3506.55 3506.58 3506 .60 3506.62 3506.66 3506. 69 3506.76 3506.51 3506.54 3506.87 3506.91 3507. 1 3507.19 0.000 3508.69 55. 08 87.1 .038 .013 .029 .1359 .002 .004 027 .130 .010 186 .113 now. -. 0440 0.00 0.00 7arget acnievec. Figure 4-3 29.52 59.23 9. 14 119. 25 56 19. 150.08 Partial LEO to GEO Transfer Trajectory Thrust/M 0 V 2 for aV Tangential g's min AV Thrust m/s % Difference Trajectory m/s in AV's m/s 0.03 2110.0 4409.9 4514.6 2.49 0.10 1680.0 3998.8 4081.0 2.06 0.30 1620.0 3871.0 3897.2 0.667 1.00 1612.6 3866.8 3872.6 0.150 3.00 1612.6 3865.9 3867.1 0.031 Table 4-1 4.4 AV Targeted AV Comparisons for LEO to GEO Transfer Launch Trajectories The launch vehicle model was chosen, for simplicity, to represent a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle with a 100,000 kg launch mass. A Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) could be used, and the vehicle parameters, initial and target conditions were as follows: specific impulse: 450 seconds initial mass: 100,000 kg thrust: 1.6 million Newtons initial altitude: 0 km initial velocity: I m/s target altitude: LEO at 372 km target velocity: 7000 m/s final velocity: LEO velocity -- 7684.5 m/s The initial singularity was in chosen with a size, to variable velocity the is equations resemble a area 50 sq. Since flight near the earth's rather of motion. streamlined reference but a value of 1 m/s than 0 m/s to avoid a The vehicle aerodynamic model delta-wing shuttle-type vehicle, which could be scaled with the vehicle m was used for most of the simulations. surface is dominated by atmospheric /,7 effects and it is desirable to climb out of the atmosphere as soon as' possible, open-loop guidance is commonly used in the early phase of a launch and the targeting initiated only when atmospheric effects are no longer dominant. ascent, gravity-turn trajectory until the atmospheric effects had di- minished and at which and was this case followed a vertical The vehicle model in the targeting algorithm could be followed. The altitude the targeting began could be set to equal any desired value, typically between 5 and 10 km. The thrust angle was limited to ±10-degrees, and its maximum allowed rate of change was 2 deg/sec. The trajectory form in from a sample launch simulation is shown in polar figure 4-4. In this run, targeting was initiated at an alti- tude of 10 km. 15' 100 20" 25' SLEO LEO 30 00'30" Note: trajectory altitude scale is 2X actual scale Figure L 4-4 Sample Launch Trajectory ~ ~~~~ ,., ,-.-- The behavior of the individual variables is As soon as targeting begins, 4 js soon as =argeting bgins, -. ----- - ------ shown in figure seconds into the flight, thrust u secondis into =he flight, =he thrust 4-3. _~~___ ____________________________ __ ____________ 100 80 60 40 20 0 s II I '-targeting starthrust I cutoff r ! 10 I -10 I I , 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time, seconds Figure 4-5a Thrust, Thrust Angle vs Time -- Launch to LEO 400 300 200 100 0 Time, seconds Figure 4-5b - - - - - - - - - - - - - Altitude vs Time -- - - - - - - - -- Launch to LEO - - - - 800 _~ _ _ _ ~_ _~ _- __l _ _- - _- -_ - _--_ l_ ---- -- __ 8000 7000 6000 6ooo 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 200 100 400 300 500 600 700 800 700 800 Time, seconds Figure 4-5c 100 Velocity vs Time -- Launch to LEO 200 400 300 500 600 Time, seconds Figure 4-3d Flight ?aCh Angle vs Time -- Launch :=o L0 angle decreases value of -10 at the maximum'allowed degrees, in order gaining circumferential strained, the initial to its maximum negative to pitch the vehicle down velocity. value, rate when to start If the thrust angle were not contargeting began, would be close to -80 degrees, since the transfer orbit requires a near-horizontal path angle at vehicle that altitude. would pitch flight required. ficient velocity flight, and because tinue or to pitch sity for thrust quickly and attempt to maintain the low But, to atmospheric down since the vehicle does not have suf- maintain altitude drag further and eventually constraining rate of change. If allowed to proceed unconstrained, the over very path angle so that, impedes of With these contraints, pitch over only slowly, in the near-horizontal it, impact the earth. the maximum value - flight Hence thrust the vehicle is by the time it it would conthe neces- angle and its permitted to approaches a horizontal flight path, it has left the atmosphere and it has sufficient velocity to maintain the desired flight path angle. ted at mance a lower since altitude the vehicle atmosphere because For example, delta-v, the than at would 10 km, Targeting could be initia- but with penalties be required in perfor- to spend more time in the pitch-over maneuver would be started earlier. same run with targeting initiated at 5 km requires a during the thrusting phase, of approximately 200 m/s more the run with targeting higher altitudes ting delta-v, than since, the initiated at 10 km. than Initiating targeting at 10 km produces only small changes in the resul- at 10 km, the vehicle is already above the densest part of the atmosphere. The delta-v required 9530 m/s. If for launch and LEO insertion for this run is the rotation of the earth is included, a bonus of 408 m/s from a 28.5 degree inclination down to 9122 m/s. launch site brings the actual delta-v This compares very well with commonly accepted launch delta-v requirements of 30,000 ft/sec or 9144 m/s, that the technique and shows performs acceptably well for the difficult problem of generating a feasible launch trajectory. CHAPTER 5 Conclusions The cases studied in excellent targeting the preceding accuracy and the good performance achievable with the orbit-fitting targeting technique. standing of the technique is be applied, It section demonstrate both the the technique While, in some cases, an under- required and appropriate constraints must is basically easy to implement and to use. is ideally suited for use in applications such as design studies and mission feasibility studies, where reasonable trajectories must be generated for many different choices of design parameters, the exact optimum trajectory is not needed. initial feasible trajectory but where It also provides a good for use with gradient-search type optimi- zation techniques that require such a trajectory as a starting point. In addition, multiple choices nated set, methods. the orbit-fitting technique can be used to satisfy of target parameter combinations, not just one desig- thus making it more flexible than most current targeting Because of any two-dimensional, its general nature, it two-body spaceflight target parameters among those discussed. could be applied to almost targeting problem involving APPENDIX A Alternative Choices of Target Parameters A.1 Target Parameters Altitude, Velocity, and Transfer Angle as In this case the unknown variable which can be found by using equation X = is the flight If the (2.13). path angle, 0 2 substitution c2 (A.1) Cot -2.. is made for 02, with 2x sin 2 2 1+x cosO 2 the result is a quartic in x, of 4 (al-a2)x- - bx 2 l-x 2 1+x (A.2) 2 the form )x bx (a 2(a 1 +a 2 )x" + bx + (a -a) 1 2 l1.2 = 0 (A.3) where al I r2V a2 = b Equation (A.3) 2 2 r2 (rl coso- r (1-coso-) 2rlr2V2 2 sin used to find A. (A.4) (A.5) (A.6) can be solved for x by traditional and then equation (A.i) ) root finding methods, Two feasible roots will be found as solutions to the quartic, due to the axial summetry of the hyperbolic locus of velocities at PI. The smaller angle will corres- pond to a shorter time of flight from P1 to P2, and should therefore be selected as the solution. A.2 Velocity, Flight Path Angle, and Transfer Angle as Target Parameters The variable left to be found now is the.radius, r2 . Collecting terms in r2 from equation (2.13) gives a quadratic in r 2 of the form 2 ar 2 + br 2 + c = 0 (A.7) where a = V2 2 b = rlV 22 2 2 cos 2 cos52 cos(O c = pr 1 (1-cos) (A.8) 2 -0) (A.9) (A.10) Equation (A.7) can be solved easily for r 2 with the quadratic equation. A.3 Altitude, Flight Path Angle, and Transfer Angle as Target Parameters This case leaves the velocity, V 2 , to be found. Equation (2.13) can be solved for V 2 directly, giving prl( 2 V 2 1 r cos r1r 22 cs 2 2 1 -coso) cos( 2-o) - 2 r 2 cos 2 2 2 (A. 1) ( APPENDIX B Alternative Technique for Finding the Required Velocity The orbit-fitting targeting technique was originally developed by applying the the Therefore, the required and V (as developed the targeting set, city into the computer routines for the chordal and radial in section 2.3), capabilities (2.13), the target signated guidance technique. since these of the which makes parameters, it is no chordal and it technique, possible regardless longer necessary finding components, Vc components were in solving the original boundary-value problem. loping equation of all involved problem as a in method implemented velocity- essential ding boundary-value orbital After exten- however, and deve- to determine the values of which are used as the deto resolve the required radial components. velo- Instead, it can be found quite easily, as follows. The semi-major the values axis of the transfer for the radius and velocity at 2 2 a = - r2 Since the orbit radius at the initial \ can be found by using the target point from -1 - (B.1) }a point is known, V can be determined req from V 2 req -- u 2 r (B.2) - a for a and simplifying gives Substituting equation (B.1) 2 2p(r = V req 2 -r ) - V2 r1 r2 2 (B.3) 2 The angular momentum of the transfer orbit, h, is defined as h = rx (B.4) and its magnitude can be found by using values from the target point h = r2V 2 coso2 (B.5) Since the angular momentum of an orbit is constant, h can be -used to find 9, since at the initial point h rlV e 1 req Thus, substituting equation (B.5) 9 = arccos cos@ (B.6) for h and solving for 9 gives r2V 2 Vcos 2 (B.7) E t req Equations ~(8.3) and (8.7) now give a 8, once r2, V2, and 02 are known. simple means for finding V req and APPENDIX C Spacecraft Equations The equations non-rotating earth, solving and of motion for a the including forces acting circumferential radial is Motion vehicle in atmospheric on the vehicle directions. direction, F r of flight around a effects, into The sum of can be components the force spherical found by rein the components radial in- the found to be Fr = T sin(Cx+) + L cosp - D sing - Mg (C.1) and the sum of the components in the circumferential direction, F , is .c F where T is the = T cos(ok+0) - L sing - D coso the vehicle thrust, L the lift, D the drag, .(C.2) M the mass, local gravitational acceleration, o< the angle of attack, flight path angle. g and 0 the These equations can be converted to an earth-fixed reference frame by using the relationships F r where r is the distance downrange angle measured from = Fr -- + r the from an .2 center initial (C.3) of point. the earth, and The vehicle a is the pitch be- havior can be found by equating the normal components of acceleration (perpendiculdr an, to the velocity), with the centrifugal acceleration caused by the vehicle pitching about some point other than its of mass. center The angular pitch rate, 9, is then a n (C.5) V where an is an L + T sinc( M (C.6) - g cos The pitch rate seen from the earth-fixed reference frame is then - = + (C.7) All together, the equations of motion, reduced to first otder, are- V r T sin(o+0) + L coso - r 1 D sine - L sine - D coso T cos(m+) r M r = V a -g + r -2 V r -r 2 (C.8) (C.9) (C.10) (C.11) I V L + T sino. M - g cos 4-. (C.12) (C.13) where c is the characteristic rocket exhaust velocity, specific impulse and the relation c = Iasp spg found from the APPENDIX D Thrust Transfers Tangential When flight performing path unit mass A rection. level vehicle generally of it semi-major found stopped from the to parameters of axis a, than the thrusting. instantaneous e, and any other for Starting path, to orbital per di- any thrust from LEO, while orbit the energy in trajectory flight to orbital thrusting The parameters eccentricity the continuously it would be in if be monitered -- apogee ra -- the can be following relationships e the desired GEO radius, allowed to vehicle = hicle must circularize -1 a 1 rV - = a (1 + reaches rGEO, the 2 (D.1) 2 2 2 r coast transfer its a. (2 Whenever does in following this principal. tangentially the tangentially increase LEO to GEO found by thrusting greater expended near-optimum thrusts suddenly produces a propellant can be monitering maneuvers, orbital the the engines ramainder of its requiring oroit, the cos 2 p (D.2) e) (D.3) point where can be shut way to rGEO. a delta-v ra is off and equal the the vehicle At apogee equal to the ve- to the difference between GEO circular velocity, VGEO, and the transfer orbit apogee velocity, Va, found from aa The delta-v required for circularization, AV , is thus c The delta-v required AV c = V GEO for the thrusting phase of the transfer, Vt, - V . a can be found from the rocket equation V = t where M f is launch mass. c n -- (D.5) 0 the vehicle mass at engine cutoff, and M o is its initial The total delta-v required for a tangential thrust LEO to GEO transfer is therefore AVtotal - dVt + AV totalc (D.6) APPENDIX E Samole Traiectories E.1 T LEO to GEO Transfer armetee Smace4S<zt to GEO transfer LEO with thrust/M0C0.03 9. 7hrust= 7355.0 N, Sr.e+ 0.0 m^2, AlckaMax= 25.0 ces, TargetH= 35863.0 Km, V t 0.0 7684.5 Starting targeting 100.0 200.0 300.0 400. 0 700. 0 800.0 1000.0 :100.0 z 0 0 1200.0 1300 .0 1.00.0 4600 .0 1900.0 2200. 0 2300.0 20C. 0 2500. 0 2600.0 27300. 2900.0 3000. 0 3100.0 32w.2 3500.0 7713.9 7742.8 7770.6 7796.3 7819.4. 7839.2 7855.1 7866. 6 7873.3 7874 .5 7871.0 7861.6 7866.6 7526.2 7500 .5 7769. E 773a. 3 7694.5 7650.8 7603.7 7553.5 7500.5 7446.1 73589. 7332. 2 7273. 9 7215.2 7156.3 7097.7 7039 .5 6982.0 925 .5 :762.7 r-ajectcvy ,1 4500.0 m/s, "0= 25000.0 kq, hstarr= 0.0 kmi Ot= 20.0 se: AlpiOatMax=360.0 deg/sec TargetV= 2110.0 m/s k 372.000 =hi iama VG 0.000 0.000 0.00 .019 .088 .206 .372 6.535 13.095 :9.677 26. 250 32.398 39. 526 0. 00 0.00 M+uel= 24000.0 ks Thkr ust Oe I taV 0.00 100.000 0.00 0.00 100.000 100.000 100.000 29.52 59. 23 89. 14 119.25 :L9.56 185.0 ai=a now. 372.074 372.746 374. 689 378.562 385.009 394 . 663 4E .031 .35 1.127 425. 699 448. 107 475.650 508.653 547 .362 591.969 2. 199 2. 608 3. 035 3.&75 3. 923 4.376 4..29 642. 505 699. 069 761.530 E29.834 5.279 903. 790 5.721 983.180 6.154 1067.766 6.574 I157.203 6.9-0 1251 .242 7. 370 1349. 42 7.7463 1451.774 5. 097 1557. 1& .433 1666.740 8.750 9. 0. 9 1778.41 1593.622 9.330 2010.804 9. 594 2130.127 2251.354 :0.071 374 . 267 10.258 :0.491 262751. 6 0751.257 :0. 61 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.157 52. 781 .9. 399 65.992 72.552 79.071 e5.339 91 .94 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 100. 000 100. 000 100. 000 100.000 -. C 0.00 0 .00 3.30 C.-C 100.000 :00.000 100. 00 0.00 :1n . 20 :10.703 116. 777 122.750 125.616 :3&.373 0.00 0.00 n 120 .0 00. 000 100 .000 100 000 100.000 166.494 0. Cc l.1.00 0 0.30 176.277 181..002 155.619 :90.132 2:3.'.68 0 00 1.00 0.30 0.00 60 100. 000 100. 100. 00 00. 000 000 573. 99 909 . 56 946.02 92. 47 1019.22 1056.27 0 . 000 -. 0 00 0.00 0.00 630 . 100.000 0.00 C-c 356.253 97. 21 530.19 563.4 596.88 664.57 698.51 733. 30 768.06 803.10 0-0 140.017 130.958 241.74 272 .89 30C. Z 335.55 367 .66 399.70 431.97 100.000 1293.03 1169.29 0. II -0 i i N F- D (DW 4 LI -O --0 L LI L LI -L -O L I EL L IC-- -L I I N I-' -- N" iL) E I D I :I I FL -ON (1 . . - i - I D - - I LI - (40- -A -oa L" I I " - -0 -O .... . L. (. - L li - L I LI Il I Ul Fp -4 F (D - P| - k- &-- N N N (4l ( 4-- W -O L ILIL I) I LaI r L I I ( - ( 01 - 1. (1JLI ( I t GI (4 0- 3DU)E(D 4 (.4 l( U- Ai - - aO (J - ( Li -1 ti IJ -b (- F- #Z(4, -0 (4( 01 F Al -0 41 -0 (04 L.1 j - (4 (A(4 I ( (t L r_ L ai 1(tA 4(1( - 01 u L (4(. 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CJ N I) '-IJ I'I N N \3 I - to (f IV> (.1d o(4-4. -I N -A -A * IU1 (I IfJ11( W - LI I (' - I (L (II -4)111 II 4t Ci - (It 01N 0- 4 0- p- Ci C- 0D N (- - I 4 -I - I 1 II CI (UICI C- U- Li N G 1I (4 W(1P -0 f1 -t0 iC I I i- A (L C l CI LI 4 -A -A -A -i tA LIL I W,J ( 1 tI (W W C I V V -P V 1 (U1 -> t-V - ca -o I ( J1 LI A 171i 17 171 l C " lCi C)U3 C-1 U Cl Go1(-I IlICJ IJ I N I 1 -) -0 4)0 1 -I (1D I 11- A] A A til tI V I 1 ) V) d: IC " - -4 U-1 Z Ili .Cl It ra 1 t- -I-C I M t () 4 Cl ill N Ii i - 3 El I U (I I -1Iu. - It 4C ) 13 11 I]X II11 311 a A P-l rt (1 (OC) -197F fes n Ia (A ID As ti I tO A1 -- -11 1> 0 0Cr1 t Cu -4 it Pl r1 490.0 500.0 510.0 520.0 530. 0 540.0 550.0 560. 0 570C. 580. 0 590.0 600.0 620.0 63:.0 6. 0 65.0 S660.0 670.0 90 .0 690.0 710.0 720. 0 730.0 74C.0 750. 0 760. 0 770. Alignment 775.0 7075.3 7070.1 7065.1 7060.3 7055.6 7051.2 7046. 9 311.971 316. 99 320.082 323.919 327.610 331.156 334 .555 7001. 7001 .1 7000.6 7000 .2 7000.0 337.807 340.913 343.872 346.684 349. 348 351.866 354.236 356. 457 358.531 36 . 457 362 .23&4 363.564 365.345 366.678 367.562 368. 97 369. 78 370. 522 371.112 371.552 371.8a43 371. 586 achieved, ::astI:S 7000.0 372.002 7042.8 703 . 9 7035 .2 7031. 7 7025 .3 7025. 2 7022.2 7019.4 7016.8 7014.4 7012.2 7010 .2 700 8.3 7006. 7 7005.2 7003. 9 7002.8 Target achieved. 3.403 3.288 3.172 3. 056 2.940 2.523 2.705 2.587 2.469 2.351 z 232 2.113 1.993 1.573 •.753 -. 633 1.392 1.271 3.150 1.029 .786 . 65 .543 .*421 .299 .177 .057 19.016 19.620 20. 22& 20.827 21 .30 22. 031 22.632 23.233 23.833 24. 32 25.031 25.630 26. 227 Z6.525 27.422 29.019 25.615 29 .211 .29.507 30. 462 30.998 .02 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .01 32. 187 32.752 33.377 33 .971 83:-22 86.79 -112.75 82.61 -106.18 90. 02 103.03 -96.33 -94.99 -93. 11 90.00 90. 0 10. 76 -93.95 90.00 -82 .65 -92.99 -91.51 92.17 -92.56 .030 006 .015 .020 .015 .006 .019 .020 .015 .107 .035 .015 .23- .22 700 -90. CO 9 .11 8987.63 987. 75 8987.83 987. 92 8988.07 5988.20 8988. 35 8988.51 8988.70 988. 89 899. 06 9859.31 8989.53 3989.51 .001 .060 .012 8990.08 5990.33 8990.65 5990.90 8991.29 5991.55 Q991.54 5992.21 .026 .22 265 992. 75 5993.31 5993 .2 5996.91 38.56 34.565 35.159 35.754 78.85 -97.29 -106.17 89.50 .024 124 376 996. 13 5995.51 =gge. =I 0.00 0.000 9004.19 now. -. 003 36. 251 APPENDIX F Computer Program Listing 9, 198 -------------------------------------------- TARGET.TEXT - Apri C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------PROGRAM Target; USES CSU /CCUTL/CCLIS) CCclkiO CSU /SYSTEM/PASCLIB) Atmosoere, Exend; LABEL ', 2, 3; CONST REarth=6. 378165e6; CM} CM/S^2) GEarth9.80665; CMA3/S^2) Mu=3.986032el; RadTo0e=57.2957795131; mrintout='/PRNTER'; out+i ie=/V O ALE/TARGET.UTPUT TYPE headrecord R= ECOR : STRING CO]; R:EAL; ThrustlH MOH : REAL; MfueiH : REAL; CH : REAL; Sre+H : REAL; Alpha0MaxH: REAL; Alph0OOMaxH: REAL; t" : REAL; TitleH : REAL; REAL; REAL; Rstar EA t.-A ; : REAL; ki j S tQa r, H,2H EN0; datareccrd = time : mass : VtCoai : aititucae : itan i ie : Yraciai Vangular : ranceang : vreaulrea: VT3ainec: thrustang: tmrustivi: ieita 'j ,essage : RECORD REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL; REAL.; REAL; REAL; STRINGC7- 5 ENO; Stri- C = SThiNGCC30 ' ; VAR BVRJ SOM, SP, SS BP, ARRAYCZ..41 OF REAL; ARRAYC16. .4 OF REAL; am: Ot, t; Sk, PHk, Mki MCI, Mfuei, PHniD, c ino Vk, Vrkj VQMki Omk-, Rk multi Cd, Cl, Oraq) Li+t, vsu,~ -density', pressure) tempi 9 'JO',Q HZ, YZ, VZO, c-Inrdi 5,-sf, TH,-ust, Tinrusti sigma~i knstart, R~ RZ VC) VPY VRR, VSiq, VCR, VG; Y~ec, aipina, aipinaO, aldAlciHa) t~leta, beta, sigrna2i Sammas AlpinaMax, Al=HaOMax, AlzinOotMaxi AlzrvOotOMax, QeitaVi Oeita~k, SMAi epsilon, OeltaSiST, oicSky Amnax, Y2Max) REAL; THrustPerceit, Ystep, t'swvai: option) N, couflti i ntarvai : First~arget, =Mnd~arget) at's: Title, tewtitle: ineadname: prnter: i-eacer set: H4eajer +i e: datas Ut: data+iig: FUNCTION BrkPress: INTEGE; termit'atei Target~ea&'ned' STRINGC32; STRINGES0]; INTERAC"77Ei Clkstr~o; aOF narrec-l-d datarecoci; F7LE= OF atarec~rd BOOLEAN; EXTERNAL; savedatal BOOLEAN; ------------------------------------------.------------------------------C GetInput: Interactively prompts user for run initialization data } ------------------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE GetInput; S--------------------------------------------------------C Getinput.ReadHeader: 2 { j eads data from file for selected run initialization i--------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE ReadHeader; BEGIN RESET(keaderfiie CONCAT(heaname,'.HEAOER REAO(headerfiie, headerset); Title := headerset.TitlieH; ThrustI := headerset.ThrustlH; MD := eaderset.MOH; M+uel := headerset.MfuelH; C := ieaaerse .CH; Sre+ := Headerset.Sre+H; Al=naDMax := neaderset.AionmaMaxH; Aipn0ot0Max:= neacerset.Aion00MaxH; Dt := neacerset.DtH; Vk := neaderset.VkHi; M= eaderset.HH; PhiO :z= eaderset.PhiOH; .start := readerset.istartH; H2 := keaderset.H2H; V20 := headerset.VZH; CLOSE(headerile, LOCK); END; ---------------------------------------------------------C Getout.WriteHeader: Writes data Sinir iaiization to fiie )); for seiected run -----------------------------------------------------------------------'POCEDURE Wr teHeader; BEGIN REWRITE(header+ile, CONCAT(headname'.HEAOER')); WITH headerset D0 BEGIN TitieH := Title; 7 rustH Trusti; T= MOH := MO; M+ueiH := Mfuei; Sre+H := Sre+; Ainha0Max:= A'l=a0Max; Aipn0OMaxH:= AlriOotOMax; OtH VkH nH Phi0H Hstar:H HZH V2[H := Ot; := Vk; := Hi := PhiS; := nstart; := H2; := V2O; ENO; RITE(neacer i e, heaoerset); CLOSE(neaderi ie, LOCK); END; C----------------------------------------------------------------------C Get-ut -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -------- -- -- - -- -- -- - --"------BEGIN CGetmnmut. WRITELN; WRITELN('Initialization options are:'); WRITELN; 1) Use values from an existing -un ); WRITELN(' 2) Change vaiues of an existing run'); WRITELN(' 3) Create a new run'); WRITELN(' WRITELN; WRITE('Enter option number: '); REAOLN(aption); IF NOT (amtion REPEAT WRITELN; IN C1..3]) THEN ARITE(cotion:3,' is not an REAOLN(ootion); UNT:L (aotion iN C1..3]); CASE option Please choose omtion. or 1, 2 3: '); OF CUse existing run3 1: BEGIN WRITELN; WRITE('Enter name of existing run: REAOLN(Headname); ) ReadHeader; ENO; 2: BEGIN (CHange existing run3 WRITELN; WRITE('Enter name at REAOLN(Headname); ReadHeader; existing run: '); WRITELN; WRITELN('Title: ',Title); WRITELN; WRITE('New title (return for no cnange): '); REAOLN(newti tie); = THEN Titie:=newtitle; '') IF NOT(newtitle WRITELN; RITELN('Enter vaiues (negative for no c=ange):'); WRITELN; ) N. New vaiue='); WRITE('Trust=',Thrusti:9:, REAOLN(newval); IF (newvai>=0) THEN Thrusti:=newvai; New vaiue= ); ks. URITE('Initiai mass, MO=1,MOQ:8:1, ;EAOLN(newval) THEN MO:=newvai; IF (newval>=O) RITE(' uel mass, Mfuei=',M+uel:8:u, ' kg. New value='); REAOLN(newvai ); IF (newvai>=0) THEN M1+uei:=newvai; JRITE('Exmaust veincity, C=',< : ' m/s. New vaiue=' REAOLN(n.ewvai); IF (newvai>=C) THEN ::=newva,; RITE('Reference area, zre=~= ,ref:5:i,' m^2. REAOLN(newvai); (newvai>=0) THEN Sret:=newvai; \F URiTE('Max ai=ma, Ai=maMax=,Aloma0Max;6:1' New vaiue='); deg. New vaiue= REAOLN(newvai); IF (newval>=O) THEN AiJnaOMax:=newvai; ,RiTE('Max ai=nadot, A iOct~ax=;,AiaOo2Max:6:1, :es/sec. New wa e = ); READLN(newvaI ); IF (rnewvai)0G) THEN Alino~t0Max:=newvai; WRITE(ITime incrementi Ot=',Dt:6:1,' secs. REAOLN(newva) IF (rnewval)G) THEN Ot:rnewvai; New value='); WJiTELN; itOns:') '4RITEL:N( 'Enter int ita ~i WRITELN; New value='); WRITE('VelocitY' yinJYk:7:lyj mis. READLN(newval) IF (nowvai>=O) THEN Vk:=newva,; New value='); /.O:1'km. WRITEPAltitude, k READLN( mewva i) 0 IF (rewvai>= ) THEN 4:=newval*1000C New value='); e. ~ WRITE(PFliiHt angle, REACLN(newvaI) 0 1F (rnewva0> ) 71HEN PkilO:innewvai; WR ITELN; LRTELNU'Enter WRITELN; target values:'); W~ilTE('Aitude at wIini=L tz star-t tarqem'ng) '-s REAOLN(rrewval) 0 THEN Hstart:=ewvai*1OOO .67F (newvai>= ) km. 2,2~~S, WRITE('Target altitude) READLN(nrewval IF (rewval>=0) THEN H2:=riewval*1COO; ikm. New value='); New value='); RO=-+Ear tm; =Z:HZ+REartH; Amax :z(Ro+RZ) 12; V2Max:-SQRT(Mu*(Z/RZ2I/An8x)); easibie is JSQRT(MuIR2):9:3,' m/s)'); JRTELN('Tarqet veiccit' (max (Horimnarn traris~er veica; ty is ',Vzax-9:3,' M/S)'); WRLTELN(' New vaiue'); y2=',VZo:9:3,' rn/S. WRITE(' REAOLN(mewvaI/' li (mewvai>=0) THEN V20:=rrewvai; WRIITELN; name wrncer WR17TE('u REAOLN(lneadmame); wini-n tn save "NO' 3: BEGIN CCreate new rurn1 WR I ELN; LRTELN('Et~e:-le REAOLN(7 i 1 1 ) 4AEI OLNti) w T'E( ' 71ire REAOLN(MQ) (Na~ s ausm ;? REAOLN(aDax E.4LA(~ct~2~are (t2) tnis data: 1); WR17E('7;me READUN(Ot); incrgment WRITELN; WRITELN( 'Ernter WRITELN; WRITE('Velocity imrt (seas), ta i =n (mis), Ot='); itions_ '); V=J); READLN(VK); READLN(H); REACLN(PiO); WRiTELN('Enter target svaiues:') WRITELN; WRITE('Altitude at wic~~n to start targeting (kin), istart='); REAOLN(start); ,start: 4start*1000O WaRITE('Target aititude (km), H2=J); REAOLN(HZ); HZ: =H2*1COO; R0:*+REar t~; R:HZ+REar tHr; Amnax :i(RO+R2) /2; V2Max:-SQRT(Mu*(2/R2-1/Amax)); WRITELN('Target veiacity (max +easible is ,SQRT(Mu/R2) :9:3,' WRITE (' (Hoinmani trans+er veiccity is REAOLN(VZO); WiR17ELN; eaderr+' 4wRITE(PName a+ REAOLN(Headriame); WrteHeader; to wini .ji n th~is cata is to be ENO; END; [CASE! ,.R1 FE('Sa ve t ine a u .ut -or t:nis j n ; REAOLN(arns); ! (ariscl]'Y') OR (ansLjU.='Y) 7THEN savedata:=:RLE ELSE saveaaa:=FALS=E; R 1ELN; REAOLN(Interva') END; Czet>7nut2 saved: m/s)') '); ---------------------------------------Writes out data to screen and disk C Putut: C----------------------------------------------------PROCEOURE Putauti BEGIN WRITE(t:7:1); WRITE(Vk:9:1); WRITE(H/1000:11:3); WRiTE(Phli:8:3); WRITE(SiqmaO:9:3); WRITE(VG:9:2); WRITE(AlpmaO0:9:2); WRITE(ThrustPercnt:9:3); WRITELN(OeitaV:9:Z); WITH dataset ..0 3EGIN time:=t; mass:=Mk; Vtotai :=Vk; aititude:=-; fitang ie:h ic; Vradial :=Vrk; Vanguiar :=VomK; Vreu ired:=VReq; VTBaine:=VG; rangeang:=SigmaO; trustang:=AiciaO; tnruSt!vi :==Thinruste deita V:=Oeitav; nr messagae:='; ENO; IF savedata ENO; CFutout' THEN WRITE(datai e, catasat); file at each time step ------ C setup: Imitia-lizes internal variables and in~ormation to screen C writes rlum initialization ;R-OCEDURE Setum; BEGIN it:; Drag :=0; Yreq :=0; De Itav =0; o Sk 0; Mk:=MC; Yrk :-Vk*SIN(Pk); \ omk:=Vk*COS(P~k); Onmk:= k*CS(P-k )/Rk; 7rst~ecnt:n100; .2:=i42+REa r :r BYS01 : C 3MCOI 2=0; aSCOJ :=O; 3iMCO:=; Al plaMax 2 A Pka0Max/RadTo~eq; Al prn0otr~ax :A iok~t0Max/RadTcOes; Fi rstTarget:=TRUE; En67arget:=FALSE; terminate:ALE Tarqe. eacmea:=FALSE'; REURITE(printer; orintout); WRI 7ELN; ,.RITEL7;N; WRT1ELN (Ti mis, Mo=,,MO:8:'Ljl kg,) ) WR1.TELN; -ns t a r -, = ' , ri 9 c a r -: / 1120 C : 6 - . j ' '<-n i ' ) WI 7ELN ( kin, r.S t Oei tav) ar~etY~,Y20:7~,~ deg/ acc rn/si); 2 C--------------------------------------------------------------} Guidance aigorithm to find target trajectory and control C DoTarget: 2 variable values to steer vehicie onto target trajectory C ------------------------------------------------------------------------PROCEDURE DoTarget; r-------------------------------------------------------from roacket equation that will keep 2 Finds.:trust C OoTarget.FindThrust: 2 at eacr time step Vk<VRea t i------------------------------------------------PROCEOURE FindThrust; BEGIN Vstem:=0.99*VG; Thrust:=(C*Mk/dt)*(1-EXP(-Vstep/c)); IF Thrust > ThrustI THEN Thrust:=Thrustli ThrustPercent:=Th/rust/Thrustl*10 CFindThrust1 END; C OoTarget.Cutoff: S=casting C Ends targeting oraceaure anc resets varia=ies +ight wnen :icseness to target w~uid a numericai er-r in ARCCOS or ARCSIN PROCEDURE Cutoff(reason: StringaO); BEGIN Thrust:=0; a Lpha:=0; alphaO:=O; VReo:=0; VG:=O; ThrustPercent:=0; EndTarget:=TRUE; RITELN; IRITELN('Alignment ac.ieved) coasting now.'); ')reason); WRITELN(' jRITELN; dataset.message:=Al ignment achieved, coasting now.'; WRITE(oatafiie, dataset); EXIT (DoTarget); EN0; CCutoff2 ------------------------------------------------------C OoTarget.OneMinusCOS: FUNCT!ON OneMinusCOS (X: Soives 1-COS(X) acc=urateiy REAL): ;EAL; BEGIN OneMinusCOS:=24*QR(EN(X/2)); ENO; or smaii X car cause 2 } --------------------------------------------------------C OoTarget ----------------------------------------------------------------------C-} BEGIN COoTaret) -IF FirstTarget THEN BEGIN WRITELN; WRITELN('Starting targeting now.'); -WRITELN; dataset.messaqe:=Startinq targeting now.'; WRITE(datafile, dataset); FirstTarget:=FALSE; ENO; IF Rk>=R2 THEN Cutof+('Rk >= R2'); Amax:=(Rk+R2)/2; V2Max:=SQRT(Mu*(2/R2-1/Amax)); IF V20 <= 0.9999*V2Max THEN BEGIN V2:=V20; IF ((2 SMA*R2-SMAR-SM (R2))/(SMA* k-RkA2 >= 1) THEN Cutof ('sigma = ARCCOS (ars>=l) R M k ( )/(SMA*k-Rk*R2))l Q si ma2 =ARCCO 2 easi on:=R2-Rk; cord:=GQRT(2*(SQR(Rk)+Rkwaosilan)*(OneMinusCOS(s ma2))+SQR(epsilan)); samma:=(Pi/2)-ARCSIN((Rk/chrd)*SIN(sigma2)); VC:=V2/COS(amma); VP:=V2*TAN(gamma); VSis:=VC*COS(AS(sisma2-samma)); VCR:=VCWIN(S5(sisma2-samma)) ; gamma>=sigma2 VRR:=VP; THEN BEGIN tmeta:=ARCTAN((UP+)C7)/U~is); END ELSE :F 3amma<sisma2 THEN BEGIN thett:ARCTAN(YRR/Y5is); V SQ:r SQR(VRR <T )+QR ( ENO; Ss iOn:=Ve s); -Ujk; +SQem (ep si:) IF (VG=0) THEN BEGIN Thrust:=C; alphaO:= ; VG:=(; TGrus=r0P;rnt:=G; EXIT (DoTarset); ENO =L E Find7Trust; IF ((VReq/VG)*SIN(AES(Pik-&te-a)) >= ELSE bta :=ARICSI( (jec/VG)*S N AES ( :F (SfCT(SQR(VG)?$QR(Vk))<Vem) THEN aidai~ba:=aleHa; :Feta>=5k THEN aiha:=i-=ea :Feta<PLK THEN aia:eea-=i; END ELSE ai=a:=0; 1) THEN =eta:=Pi/2 K-tme-a))); e'a==i-deral ); :(TinrustP~rceant>1.C) AND (-G>i.0' AND (Yk<C.5S*Veq) THEN- BEGIN (ABS(aip ,a-cldAip~la)/Dt > AlmkOatmax) THEN IF ioka )*(Alp~DotMax*Ot ) cl ala. oalA a io~a:=SGN (a IF (ABS(aipka) > AlzokaMax) THEN a' ora:-SIGN( a ioka )*A ipkraMax; END0 a i=okaD =aipia*RadToDeq; IF Brk~ress THEN BEGIN 7ermimate=7RUE; END ; rCDTarqetl GO-T0 2; END; C----------------------------------------------------------------------C Integrate: Performs Fourth-Order Runga frame emuations of motion C C--------------------------------------------------------------------- FROCEDURE VAR CC 1: Kutta integration on inertial integrate; INTEGER; Integrate.FindOra: Finds aeradynamic f+orces on vehicie standard atmos=here mce! ---------------------------------------------------------- i PROCEDURE using 1976 } I FindOrag; BEGIN FinAtmosmhere (density, Ci :1 aipsa; Cd:=O.I+Z*CI*Ci; (CdC = pressurey tmm, 9g vscundi ); -12 Q:5=0.ensity*SQR(Vk); Oras:=QgCd*Sr9; Lift:=Q*Ci*Sre+; ENO; CFindOra ----------------------------------------------------------------------Finds intermediate state variabie increments i--------------------------------------------------------- C inegrate.FindB: PROCEDOUE 2 FindB; C Integrate.FindB.Imact: Prevents iiigit beneath the earth;s surface {-------------------------------------------------------------------------3 PROCEDURE immact; CsS Cases BEGIN RWTELN('moact an Earth at Q=-,VCN3:7:1); WRiTELN('End o run.'); ataset.message:="'mact on Earth. End GOTO 3; ENO; Crlmact 83 C+ run. C--------------------------------------C Integrate.FindS.FuelGone: C - Aliows choice of coasting or trajectory if fuei burns out ending (-------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE FuelGone; CSS Cases) BEGIN WRITELN; WRiTE('Fuel has burned out, REAOLN(ans); IF (ansCll='Y') THrust:=0; aipna:=O; OR do you want to (ansCil='y ' ) coast? '); THEN BESIN VRe9:=Q; VG: =0; ndTarget:=TRUE; WRITE"N('Coasting now. WRITELN; dataser.message:=' Fei gone, :asting now . J; cataset); WRITE(oata+iie GOTO 1; ENO ELSE BEGIN WRiTELN('Ending trajectory.'); oataset.message:= Fue; sone; ending traje =ct ry.'; GOTO 2; END; ENO; t CFuelGonel integrate.Find ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEF N in THEN IF RCNjN<REartH THEN 7mpa-t; IF MCN]<M-M+uet THEN FueiGone; BVRCN]:=Ot*((T7rust*SIN(a :Ha=iEN])+Li7 -Ora *sIN(= *COS(=HiN]) iCN]))MCN]-G+R[NN]QR(0mlN])) SOMEN]>:=t*((Thrust*COS(a N-a+Pni:N])-Lits:N(PiN]) -Orag*COS(PHiEN]))/(MCNI*RCN])-2*VrN]*O0mN]/RCN]); BR[N]:=Ot*VrCN]; ESCNJ:=0t*OmCN]; 3NPC~N=Ot*(((Lift Trus*SIN(ai=a))/MENl-=COS(hiLN))/VFN:+OmEN); SMCN]:O0t*(-T7rust/c); ENO; CFincBs BEGIN IF CIntegratal (Sre+>G) FOR THEN '::n6raq ELSE -9 =Ear~*SQR(REartin/Rk) 6:=l TO 4 00 BEGIN F (1-2) OR (13) ELSE muJt:=; THEN mi:. vR[.71=rk+BYRA6-.*mult; OMCI1: Omk+SOME I-i *mult REAJ:=Rk+BRE-13*muj t; MCI1:=Mk+8MCI-13*mui ti VCEA:=SQR(SR(YR :)i-SR(RCCJ*OMCEAJ)); END; Vrk:-rk+(SRC1+*BYR2J42*BVRC334.2R&4/6; Omk:iOrk+(BOM1+2OMC2J+2*OMC3+6OMC4P/)6; k :=kk(ECJ+2*82JZ+26C3+EPC4.J)/; Vk:=SQRT SQR(Vrk)+SQR(Rk*Omk)); IF (in>-start) AND (NOT End~arget) THEN 3EGIN Dci tiS i 3 T=5k-C dSkj T. rOt Ycmk :=k*Omk; DeltaV;-*N(Mk/M0); END; c:Mtegrats! -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C rimt~ata: Sends all output to printer if user requests data printout3 PROCEOURE PrintOata; (55 Cases) BEGIN RESET(datafiie, outfile); CDk~ateZ(ateStrins); ClkimeTimeString); WRJITELN(or interi WRITELN(pr inter); LWRITELN(pr inter); WRITELN(PrimteriTitle); ,jRITELN(pr imter); WRJITELN(printer, Nj 17KrustT)7rust:9:1,' Mfuel=' M~uel :8:1,'ks) R1ELN( primter, C=) ,c: WR1TELN( pr inter) 1Alp~aMax=',AlphaDMax:5:1,' iew, 7 :1;1 m/s; Al ph~ot~1ax= ,Al =KotOMax ::, Jdeg/sec'); WRITELN(orinter) IRITELN(pr inter); WRITELN( printery I-_ __ Y __ ThrustDOetaV'); _ _ _ ___PH_ S i cza VG_ _ a inka WRITELN(pr inter); WJHILE NOT EOF(catafi Ic) READ(!ataf:!i 00 BEGIN 6ataset); WIH ataset 00 BEGIN IF message = ''THEN BEGIN lRITE(pr interi time:7:1); LWiRI TErinter, a ittuoe/ 10CC:11:3); WITE(pr inter, iitangie:S3); W&RITE(printer, Pangeang:9:3); WITE(printer, YTBgaine:2); WRITELN(primter, deita v:9:2); END ELS BEGIN WRITELN(pr inrter); WRITELN(or-tnter, -message), :F (message-'7rajectcrv terminata hy u~ser.' OR (message-jTarget achievewd. OR (message='Fwei some, ending trajectory.') WRIELN(primter, END; WRITELN(printer); END; MCI~ END ; : 14 'Finai Masa= ,rmass:a:!j 7PEN ky BEGIN I IF SrkPress THEN BEGIN CLOSE (datafile, LOCK); EXIT (Print0ata); END; ENO; CWHILE) CLOSE(dataiiia, LOCK); END; CPrintOatal C Target c-------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN (Target) WRITELN; WRITELN('Tarete IF (Sref>0) THEN Getinout; Setup; Soacejfi= Tat ectory Anaivss'); InitAtmosomere; =unt:=0; 1: REPEAT Integrate; count:mcount+l; iF (:unt=intervai) THEN BEGIN .=::ut; IF BrkPress THEN terminate:=TRUE; IF =munt:=0; (-( >=H2) AND ((P K<O) OR (H>H2*.D1))) OR ((Pk<D) AND (H2-h < H2*1..e-3)) END; THEN TarsetReached:=TRUE UNTIL terminate OR TargetReaced; IF terminate THEN BEGIN IF (count>O) THEN outout; WRITELN; WRITELN('Trajectory terminated by user.'); dataset.message:='Trajectory terminated by user.' END ELSE IF TargetReached THEN BEGIN IF (count>O) THEN putout; WRITELN; WRITELN('Target acnieved.'); dataset.message:=7Target achieved.'; EN0; 2: WRITELN; 'RITELN('OeltaV= ',OeitaV:9:Z , m/s'); WRITELN; RITELN('Finai Mass=',Mk:8:,1 kg,3: WRITE(ata+iie, Mass Ratio=',Mk/MO:7:5); dataset); savedata THEN SEGIN CLOSE(dataiie, 'LOCK); 'F WR7TELN; ~RITE( 'Pr:resuits? (Y/N) '); REAOLN(ans); :F (ansC17='Y') OR (ansE:7=v ') THEN ENO ELSE CLOSE(datai ie, =URGE); ENC. -i~Daa; 2 UN17 Atrncspkare; Atmcsz~iere.; -C1976 Stamdar LIN TR FAC 7 OONS7 Ge=9.SO665; R96356756e6; Ri r-E7. 0; 9Ltemm=288. 15; ~t VAR REAL; ARAY!6 b:m~ .. a:7O REAL; up:ARRAYC'. .151 OF REAL; Imittmsnes PROCEDUR PROCEOLRE Fin Atrnsmar (VAR c~nsity, oressLu-gi tei~ s vscuman: REAL; E~ .4AJ; I MP LE!.ENT)A 7 ON SE~j:N upoer::2CI 7 umperC4:=4 ; a[ w==erC5>517 l; j=0e ,C 7: :=%2; aC ummercsap=91; .0486;bCZ aC 22' 43~ 216.491; -0 InC4. 0 38; -Z 1~:=-0- aZ at 7 7 465i85; a: 9 b :7>- 156; [tem=[::2635 1267; 155 8; 1775; ltemo[67j:=7C.65; I~n -. m 7 : -1 ,5 ltem=C-t. : I 6.S =31.34.; 9' 730 upr.2 ~r 13 ummerc a13 46 !qve :! 7N\40 ~ a 2 nc~-es Z.24659-7; =~4L.23 1e-i7 = 14: =2.5; 3s 00 46 PROCEDURE FindAtmospierel REPE.AT .. t>uo~mrCievei] THEN levei:,evei+l ELSE IF Ht(u;oer i eve i-11 THEN i!evi -ieve-' UNTIL (upperCevei-l1J(.,t) AND 0nt<u~pr[ eveK:); CASE ievei 1) 2) 3, Cc 4,1 Si 6, 7, 8: pressup-e :=ens ity*Ra ir*temp; END', BEGIN 6ersity:=aeve*EXP~b~ieveiK*h,); pressur6 :=tmityRr*teno; ENO; BEGIN pressure:=emsty*Ra ir*:tem=; ENO: END; ENO . CrnAtrncsmm'er-ei ~-l-~ac~,-=-===~a~qr~~ IIICI -" - - e -- 1. I P~ I REFERENCES (1) McHenry, R.L., Brand, T.J., et al, "Space Shuttle Ascent, Guidance, Navigation, and Control", Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, pp. 1-38, January-March, 1979 (2) Battin, R.H., An Introduction to the Mathematics and Methods of Astrodvnamics, in publication, 1984 (3) Battin, R.H., (4) Stuhlinger, E., (5) U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., October 1976 Astronautical Guidance, McGraw-Hill, 1964 Ion Propulsion for Space Flight, McGraw-Hill, 1964 I I-