THE EFFECT OF PLY THICKNESS ON THE INITIATION AND GROWTH OF DELAMINATION IN GRAPHITE/EPOXY LAMINATES WITH HOLES UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING by STEPHEN C. NOLET S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1982) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREES OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January 1984 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984 Signature of Author Department 6f Aeron-'atic and Astronautics January 13, 1984 Certified by / James W. Mar Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Harold Y. Wachman Chairman, Depar mental Graduate Committee Archives MASSACHUZETTS INSTiTUTE OF TECHINOLOGY L;_ 1 LIBRARIES THE EFFECT OF PLY THICKNESS ON THE INITIATION AND GROWTH OF DELAMINATION IN GRAPHITE/EPOXY LAMINATES WITH HOLES UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING by STEPHEN CHARLES NOLET Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on January 13, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT The effect of "effective ply thickness" on initiation and growth of damage in [+-45xn/Oxn] s (qhwew n=1,2, and 3) graphite/epoxy laminates with 6.35 mm holes under compressive Static and cyclic cyclic loading has been investigated. compressive testing was done on axially loaded sandwich Out-of-plane Moir6 interferometry and pulse-echo specimens. ultrasonic inspection was used to monitor cyclic test The compressive static specimens for delamination damage. tests on the [+-45xn/Oxn] s sandwich specimens showed no "effective ply thickness" dependence on the compressive Cyclic tests on the [+-45/0] s fracture stress of 423 MPa. specimens showed three different types of damage development one, a damage mode that for the same applied peak stress: led to immediate transverse failure; two, delamination that initiated at the hole edge and grew radially from the hole; and three, a delamination that initiated at the top and bottom of the hole and grew longitudinally within the width However, all the [+-45x2/0x2] s and [+-45x3/0x3] s of the hole. laminates developed only the longitudinal delamination type The growth of longitudinal delamination was of damage. found to be a linear function of the logarithm of the This damage initiates earlier number of applied load cycles. as the "effective ply thickness" and/or peak cyclic stress Furthermore, the growth rate increases with increases. Longitudinal delamination "effective ply thickness." develops due to splitting in the 00 plies of the laminate interface and subsequent shear failure of the -450/0 This mode of damage was also splits. between the 0 results of observed in two tensile cyclic tests. residual strength testing showed that laminates with longitudinal delamination had an average residual tensile This is approximate a 50% increase over stress of 640 MPa. 3 the ultimate tensile stress of 455 MPa determined from static tensile tests on six coupons and eight sandwich specimens (uncycled) of the [+-45/0] s laminate. Thesis Supervisor: Title: James W. Mar Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aerospace Education ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is very difficult to express in a page or two the gratitude that I have for so many people that have helped in one form or another during the course of this research. To all of you who put in your two cents worth, lent an encouraging word or just hung around to make me smile, I offer you my thanks. There are several very special people that I want to First, and most important I'd like to thank personally. thank my thesis supervisor, Professor James W. Mar for his advise, guidance and optimistic nature that contributed so In a similar vein deeply in the completion of this thesis. I owe a deep thanks to Professor Paul a. Lagace. The effort Professor Lagace has contributed not only to this work but every facet of the Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites is often overlooked, however, this author extends his deepest gratitude toward Paul and all he has given to me. After five and one half years in the lab, I have seen a good many friends and fellow students come and go, but one constant I have always been able to count on is Albert Thanks Al, for sharing your technical advice, and Supple. My Keep on our tails, it keeps us in shape! experience. thanks goes out to Alan Shaw who always had just the right piece of equipment for me; Don Wiener who has taught me I'd like to almost everything I know about machining. put up with who Lee Ping to thanks of note a special offer in shape. funding R.A. my keeping and time this all for me Delores who helped in pulling this manuscript To Debra and together I extend my appreciation. The best part of TELAC are the people; the students, who have personally spent their own time and my friends Tony Vizzini, are what this lab is all about. to assist me who has developed nearly every last line of software used for testing and data reduction spent literally scores of Thanks Tony, hours working his magic especially for me. I wish to thank John Brewer you're really something else. all the materials talents in procuring for his logistic for my research, his efforts, too, can often be overlooked. I owe a special debt of gratitude to the undergraduates, Chris Dunmire, Chris Winters and Seifu Alemayehu for To the their efforts in helping me complete this work. rest of our gang, Mark, Mark, Doug, David, Bob, Hatem, Steve, David, Christos, Sim, Jeff, Karen, Lisa, Sigong and all the rest who I had the fortune to work with, I say thanks for being around. No work can successfully come to a conclusion without the support, understanding and good times that a group of My life here was made so much more friends can offer. enjoyable because of MIE and those, who one way or another So here goes, have been adopted by this fine organization. Tommy, Osc, Jeff, Robin, Frank, Brew, Wayne, Bobby, Bruce, Roy, Jolle, Swanee, Paul, Bully, Katie, Dana, Eric, Ducky, Veds, Barb, Anthony and Patty and all the others that you guys will tell me I forgot, thanks for all the good times; that seems to be the one thing you get to keep from here. To my good friend Peter Vedder I You made it worthwhile. A warm thankowe alot, its really good to have a friend. you goes to Paul and Robin for all their hospitality, (2152 pitches, downstairs, Paul, and not one hit batsman, not bad). We made it Babs, its off to California! 6 DEDICATION This ones for Barbara Ann and my parents, love is still the greatest thing in the world. 7 This work was performed in the Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites (TELAC) of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The work was sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under contract number AFOSR-F49620-83-K-0015. Dr. Anthony K. Amos is the contract monitor. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 20 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 29 2.1 UNIDIRECTIONAL 29 2.2 MULTIDIRECTIONAL LAMINATES 2.3 CHARACTERISTICS CYCLIC DAMAGE 2.4 TECHNIQUES IN EVALUATING COMPOSITE DAMAGE ACCUMULATION 3 4 5 6 EXPERIMENTAL COMPOSITES 33 OF COMPRESSION PROCEDURE 3.1 AXIAL SANDWICH SPECIMEN FABRICATION 3.2 SPECIMEN IDENTIFICATION 3.3 STATIC TESTING PROCEDURE 3.4 CYCLIC TESTING PROCEDURE 3.5 RESIDUAL TENSILE STRENGTH TESTS 3.6 NON-DESTRUCTIVE INVESTIGATION TECHNIQUES 67 TEST RESULTS 73 4.1 STATIC TESTS 73 4.2 CYCLIC TESTS 84 4.3 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TESTS DISCUSSION 126 132 5.1 STATIC TESTS 132 5.2 CYCLIC TESTS 133 5.3 RESIDUAL STRENGTH TESTS 147 5.4 SUMMARY 150 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 152 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE 156 REFERENCES APPENDIX 1 Specimen Selection and Verification 160 APPENDIX 2 Shear Lag Analysis on -450/00 Interface With a Delamination 173 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 2 3 'PAGE RADIAL DAMAGE GROWTH SEQUENCE IN [+-45/0] LAMINATE WITH 6.35 MM HOLE (TYPE 1) UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING AS OBSERVED BY GRAVES [REF. 1] 24 LONGITUDINAL DAMAGE GROWTH SEQUENCE IN [+-45/0]sLAMINATE WITH 6.35 MM HOLE (TYPE 2) UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING AS OBSERVED BY GRAVES [REF. 1] 25 DAMAGE GROWTH SEQUENCE IN [+-45/0]sLAMINATE WITH 12.7 MM HOLE UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING AS OBSERVED BY FANUCCI [REF. 2] 26 GROWTH OF DELAMINATED AREA OF [+-45/0]s LAMINATES WITH 12.7 MM HOLE UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING AS DETERMINED BY FANUCCI [REF. 2] 28 POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF MATRIX CRACK GROWTH AT A FIBER INTERFACE IN A COMPOSITE PLY AS SUGGESTED BY KIM AND EMBERT [REF. 3] 30 OFF AXIS COMPOSITE PLY IN UNI-AXIAL LOADING WITH A MATRIX CRACK PARALLEL TO THE FIBERS SUBJECT TO NORMAL (MODE 1) AND SHEAR (MODE II) STRESS COMPONENTS 32 SCHEMATIC OF MATRIX INTERFACE BETWEEN TWO PLIES SHOWING A DELAMINATION CRACK 35 CONFIGURATION OF COMPRESSIVE SANDWICH TEST SPECIMEN 49 TELAC CYCLE FOR HERCULES AS1/3501-6 GRAPHITE/EPOXY 51 10 LOCATION OF THICKNESS ANDWIDTH MEASUREMENTS 53 11 LOCATION OF LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE STRAIN GAGES PLACED ON STATIC TEST SPECIMENS 59 12 DEFINITION OF DELAMINATION LENGTH, a 64 13 CONFIGURATION OF TENSILE RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST COUPON 66 PHOTOGRAPH OF MOIRE INTERFEROMETRY TEST SET-UP 71 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 FIGURE PAGE 72 15 PHOTOGRAPH OF ULTRASONIC TEST SET-UP 16 STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF TYPICAL STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST [+-45/0] STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF TYPICAL STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST [+-45x2/0x2] STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF TYPICAL STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST [+-45x3/0x3s 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 s 81 s 82 83 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-1A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 86 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-5A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 87 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-7A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 88 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-8A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 89 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145A1-11B UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 90 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-2A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 91 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-4A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 92 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-9A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 93 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145A1-10A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 94 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145A1-10B UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING 95 FIGURE PAGE 29 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING RADIAL DELAMINATION 96 30 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION 97 31 MAGNIFIED PHOTOGRAPH OF CROSS-SECTION OF [+-45/0]s SPECIMEN CONTAINING A LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION 100 32 PLOT OF THE LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR THE [+-45/0]s SPECIMENS 102 33 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING INITIATION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF HOLE IN 104 [+-45xn/0xnls LAMINATE 34 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al-6 105 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al-7 106 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al-8 107 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al-9 108 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHMOF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al--10 109 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al-11 110 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al-12 111 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-13 112 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-14 113 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 FIGURE 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 PAGE PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345Al-2 115 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345Al-3 116 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345Al-4 117 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345Al-5 118 GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION OF LINEAR RFGRESSION PARAMETERS, A AND B 122 SPLITTING OF 0 DEGREE PLIES LAMINATE AT HOLE EDGE IN [+-45xn/oxn] s 136 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION IN [+-45xn/Oxnls LAMINATE 138 SCHEMATIC MODEL OF REGION BETWEEN 00 SPLITTING WITH DELAMINATION AT -450/00 INTERFACE 139 PHOTOGRAPH OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION IN [0x2/+-45x2]s TENSILE CYCLIC SPECIMEN 145 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES 146 PHOTOGRAPH OF [+-45x2/0x2]s RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST COUPON AFTER 149 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF BACK TO BACK STRAIN GAGE READINGS OF COUPON SPECIMEN UNDER SUPPORT OF ANTI-BUCKLING GUIDE PLATES 162 CONFIGURATION OF STATIC TENSILE COUPON TEST SPECIMEN 164 STRESS-STRAIN PLOT FOR TYPICAL STATIC TEST OF [+-45/0] s TENSILE COUPON SPECIMEN 166 14 FIGURE A1.4 A1.5 A2.1 A2.2 PAGE STRESS-STRAIN PLOT FOR TYPICAL STATIC TEST OF [+-45/0]s TENSILE SANDWICH SPECIMEN 167 SCHEMATIC OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALUMINUM HONEYCOMB CORE USED IN SANDWICH SPECIMENS 170 SCHEMATIC MODEL OF REGION BETWEEN 00 SPLITTING WITH DELAMINATION AT -450/00 INTERFACE 174 PLOT OF SHEAR STRESS, FROM SHEAR LAG ANALYSIS, IN -450/00 INTERFACE VERSUS THE DISTANCE FROM THE EDGE OF THE DELAMINATION 181 LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MEASURED THICKNESS, WIDTH AND HOLE DIAMETER FOR [+-45/0]s SPECIMENS 54 MEASURED THICKNESS, WIDTH AND HOLE DIAMETER FOR [+-45x2/0x2]s SPECIMENS 55 AVERAGE THICKNESS, WIDTH AND HOLE DIAMETER SPECIMENS FOR [+-45x3/0x31] 56 TELAC VALUES FOR UNIDIRECTIONAL HERCULES ASI/3501-6 GRAPHITE/EPOXY 76 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45/0]s SPECIMENS 77 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST RESULTS [+-45x2/0x2]s SPECIMENS 13 14 15 16 78 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45x3/0x3]s SPECIMENS 79 CYCLIC TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45/0]s SPECIMENS 99 CYCLIC TESTS RESULTS FOR THE [+-45x2/0x2], SPECIMENS CYCLIC TEST RESULTS FOR THE SPECIMENS [+-45x3/0x3] 119 s 120 RESULTS OF LINEAR REGRESSION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH VERSUS LOGARITHM OF NUMBER OF CYCLES FOR [+-45/0]. 12 FOR THE DATA 123 RESULTS OF LINEAR REGRESSION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH VERSUS NATURAL LOGARITHM OF NUMBER OF CYCLES FOR [+-45x2/0x2], DATA 124 RESULTS OF LINEAR REGRESSION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH VERSUS NATURAL LOGARITHM OF NUMBER OF CYLES FOR [+-45x3/0x3] s DATA 125 RESIDUAL TENSILE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS FOR [+-45/0]s SPECIMEN DELINEATED BY DAMAGE TYPE 128 RESIDUAL TENSILE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS FOR [+-45x2/0x2]s SPECIMENS 129 RESIDUAL TENSILE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS FOR [+-45x3/0x3,s SPECIMENS 130 16 PAGE TABLE A1.1 STATIC TENSILE TEST RESULTS FOR BOTH [+-45/0]s COUPON AND SANDWICH SPECIMENS 168 NOMENCLATURE 2a A total length of longitudinal delamination i, area of flaw 2. B CLPT cm C.V. (da/dn)o linear regression parameter for the growth of longitudinal delamination (y-intercept) linear regression parameter for the growth of longitudinal delamination (slope) Classical Laminated Plate Theory centimeters coefficient of variation initial rate of damage growth at damage initiation E modulus of elasticity F Fahrenheit G 1. shear modulus 2. strain energy release rate GPa h gigapascals ply layer thickness Hg mercury Hz hertz kg kilograms LAS P Laminate Analysis Software Package LEFM Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics In m natural logarithm meters min minutes mm millimeters MPa megapascals n number of plies making up effective ply thickness N 1.inewtons 2. number of load cycles 3. N load per unit length load cycle at which damage initiation occurs NDI Non-Destructive Inspection psig pounds per square inch gage R stress amplitude ratio S compliance t thickness u displacement in the x-direction U strain energy density V Volume o degrees a constant in shear lag analysis constant in shear lag analysis E strain y shear strain Scoefficient of mutual influence 6 lamination angle a stress T shear stress v Poisson's ratio -s microstrain Subscripts I Mode I II Mode II III Mode III c critical value m matrix tot total l,x,L longitudinal direction 2,y,T transverse direction 3,z through-the-thickness direction CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION strength and stiffness are desirable material char- High properties these The anisotropic tailoring a composite permits structural of to attain highly efficient designs. the to subject not property Advanced composites have but include additional benefits. advantages these only Combine with extremely low material weight and very efficient structures can be created. not applications. structural aerospace in acteristics corrosion Composites are problems suffered by metals. Also, composites such as graphite/epoxy exhibit very low therexpansion mal structures in resulting that maintain their precise dimensions for delicate instrumentation. Composites in aircraft for many years. used been have airplanes have used fiberglass composites for many pri- Light mary structures but heavily loaded structures in high performand large transport aircraft have not yet been made from ance composite materials. of time reason heavily why The limited ability to predict the life- loaded composites composite have been structures used is a primary sparingly for these applications. The concept of material damage tolerance has been an important part of engineering design for several years. ar Line- Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) is applied to metals for predicting the growth rate of cracks under fatigue accurately Through the use of non-destructive inspection (NDI) loading. calculate the "safe-life" of the damaged part. and cracks inspection schedule can be designed to locate an techniques, understanding developed well The concept of longevity and a closely related for longevity. important part of aircraft an and damage tolerance refer to a structure to withstand some inherent flaws of ability are Longevity design. structural the tolerance, damage term, a metal's fatigue behavior of relatively easy to design and certify structure metal makes A and service damage for a specified duration before this damage is found design inspection. through other words, engineering such that material flaws grow as slowly as be should In possible and the strength of the structure (residual strength) during service must always be greater than the design limit loads. Conversely, lytical materials schedule critical. an incomplete understanding and lack of ana- techniques with respect to damage growth in composite makes to it difficult to design a proper inspection ensure the discovery of damage before it becomes Therefore, certification requires extensive and costly testing. of composite structure As a result, engineers are hesitant to design with composites for heavily loaded primary structure. important mechanism of damage in composites occurs in An the the fibers. Material delaminations, Under the can mechanisms mostly flaws, exist of they reach in throughout repeated influence until extend transfer shear altering of capability carrying load the affects due to static or cyclic loading damage Matrix matrix. the the composite by between matrix and form of voids and a composite structure. loads, these matrix flaws critical size and the composite a fractures. It is therefore necessary to further investigate the damage growth in composite materials, specifically graphite/epoxy which is currently used in a number of aerospace applications. The current need investigation is specifically motivated by the understand how different types of damage initiate in to laminates. identical Two previous investigations are of par- ticular importance to the current work. Graves [1] conducted an investigation on the progressive accumulation damage [+-45/0]s, in four different laminates, [0/+-45]s, and [0/+-30]s [+-30/0]s. Experimental work included compression-compression fatigue of four-point bending specimens with 6.35 mm holes. Visual and tactile inspections were made of the specimen at various intervals of cyclic testing and qualitative sketches were drawn allowing a progressive damage type sequence of to be deduced for each laminate type. The damage depended on both layup and stacking sequence. result of particular interest here is illustrated in the But Figures 1 and 2 where the [+-45/0]s laminate appears to exhibit and as parallel perpendicular direction. the loading to to the After 40,000 cycles Figure 2a shows an identical specimen failed. specimen at the same stress amplitude but damage initiated at a loaded different much edge ic) the damage extends radially from the hole as well lb the hole In Figure (la), the a relatively small number of cycles (see Figures in loading; the at initiates damage damage patterns. distinct very two location. In this case longitudinal damage starts at the edge of the hole parallel to the load direction. Damage (Figures growth 2b and 2c) is slow, and the specimen lasts 157,000 cycles. of 80% Over [+-45/0]s specimens tested by Graves Results by Fanucci [2] like that in Figure 2. damage showed the in a study on axially loaded sandwich specimens with [+-45/0]s all showed damage modes similar to Figure 1. laminates specimens test These were made with 12.7 mm holes (versus 6.35 mm) and were tested at approximately the same ratio of peak stress to ultimate stress. that nation he Fanucci's work was more comprehensive in used a quantitative NDI technique to measure delamiduring size testing, as pictures of the delamination damage. progressive damage imental study. sequence well as obtaining direct Figure 3 illustrates the prominent in Fanucci's exper- The technique of Moire interferometry was used Fatigue: #6 .[45/0]s Failure @ 40,000 cycles 10,000 cycles Prior to loading: surface flaw 30,000 cycles / 38,000 cycles 40,000 cycles FIGURE 1 RADIAL DAMAGE GROWTH IN [+-45/0]s LAMINATE WITH 6.35 MM HOLE (TYPE 1) UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING AS OBSERVED BY GRAVES [REF. 1] Fatigue: #37 ±4_5/0] s Failure @ 156,000 cycles 20,000 cycles 40,000 cycles 100,000 cycles 000 cycles crack 140,00 cycles c ra ck 0 FIGURE 2 1 0 00 0 cy 1es LONGITUDINAL DAMAGE GROWTH SEQUENCE IN [+-45/0]s LAMINATE WITH 6.35 MM HOLE (TYPE 2) UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING AS OBSERVED BY GRAVES [REF. 1] 0 CYCLES 500 6500 13000 25000 50000 87500 97500 VA... 75000 FIGURE 3 DAMGE GROWTH SEQUENCE IN [+-45/0]s LAMINATE WITH 12.7 MM HOLE UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYLIC LOADING AS OBSERVED BY FANUCCI [REF. 2] to delamination obtain data; areas within the largest Moire are assumed to be delaminated. fringe Figure 4, which is a plot very quickly as failure approaches. for several The damaged area grows of delamination area versus the loga- specimens of the number of cycles shows exponential growth of the rithm delaminated area. The results of these two investigations show that different damage modes can occur in the same laminate under various In this study, the [+-45/0]s laminate is consid- conditions. damage determine is, were sites under monitored to and rate of delamination laminates of the form [+-45xn/Oxn]s, where n=1, 2, and 3, made. eration and initiation were holes on laminates of various ply thicknesses, that Tests growth. loading cyclic compression-compression mm 6.35 with Laminates ered. The variation of ply thickness allows the consid- of the effect of out-of-plane stresses on the onset of delamination damage. growth Through the use of Moire interferometry and ultrasonic inspection, the growth of delamination damage was monitored for specimens under compressive cyclic loading. In chapter 2, previous work will be reviewed. a description Test results contains setup. discussion of these of the experimental Chapter 3 procedure and are described in chapter 4 with a full results in chapter 5. recommendations appear in chapter 6. Conclusions and o RUN NUMBER a .UN + RUN X RUN R UN + RUN X RUN Z RUN Sy RUN X RUN Z RUN I RUN SRUN 10A NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER . RUN NUMBER ,RUN NUMBER 12A 128 5A .53 2A 2B 13q 132 88 15 16 9A 93 Cc LL Cr CL a: a aL O 3 4 5 6 LOG CYCLES FIGURE 4 GROWTH OF DELAMINATED AREA OF [+-45/0]s LAMINATES WITH 12.7 MM HOLE UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING AS DETERMINED BY FANUCCI [REF. 2] CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND fatigue crack initiation and been well researched for homogeneous metals. has growth of characterization The The study of the nucleation, subsequent growth, and coalescence of cracks form to voids presents difficulty in modeling its fatigue behav- anisotropy simple the even in ior Such is A composite's inhomogeneity and the case for composites. not led to an analytical predicting a metal's fatigue behavior. for approach has metals in multidirectional are characterization of case. When all the possible associated with laminates sequences stacking unidirectional considered, the general a composite's response to cyclic loading becomes extremely complicated. 2.1 Unidirectional Composites unidirectional unnotched For composites under uniaxial tension-tension fatigue, Kim and Embert [3] described the posmechanisms sible in the the both Figure As transverse 5 They proposed that flaws propagate and coalesce to produce cracking in matrix matrix. of damage growth. cycling to and continues, matrix cracks propagate parallel to the loading direction. illustrates the possible ways in which a transverse crack matrix fiber/matrix interface (a) fiber break (b) matrix crack (c) FIGURE 5 POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF MATRIX CRACK GROWTH AT A FIBER INTERFACE IN A COMPOSITE PLY AS SUGGESTED BY KIM AND EMBERT [REF. 3] crack can grow: matrix the loading direction may be arrested at the to transversely 1) At low strains a crack propagating fiber matrix interface; 2) If the strain level is high enough, at the crack tip may exceed the fracture stress stresses the macrocrack a as acts result in fiber failure; 3) Now the crack and fiber the of an opening mode until it reaches where the local shear stresses may result interface, another in in a shear failure of the matrix leading to progressive extension of the matrix crack parallel to the fibers. [4] measured the propagation of matrix cracks par- Daken direction load to allel in notched and (holes slits) unidirectional graphite/epoxy laminates under tensile loading. This growth of matrix cracks parallel to the fibers is called the hole edge where stress levels are highest. at originated natural of tip the Again, highest. varied logarithm of split length varies linearly with the accumulated number of load The 00 splitting in specimens with slits initiated at cycles. the total the Experimentally, the that splitting in specimens with holes found He splitting. linearly slit where the stress concentration is the it was observed that the total split length with the natural logarithm of number of applied cycles, which implies that the rate of split growth is a decreasing slope cycles of was function split found of the number of cycles applied. The length versus the logarithm of the number of to depend on the applied stress level and FIGURE 6 OFF AXIS COMPOSITE PLY IN UNI-AXIAL LOADING SUBJECT TO NORMAL (MODE I) AND SHEAR (MODE II) STRESS COMPONENTS flaw size. cycles to The y-intercept, split a function of the number of initiation also depended upon the flaw type (hole or slit). off-axis For cyclic loads, subjected opening to unidirectional the crack level, normal to the fiber direction and a shear mode increasing angle, The result of cyclic loading is mixed growth parallel to the fibers. the tensile displacement components (see Figure 6): an parallel to the fibers. mode under tip of a crack initiated in the matrix is two mode laminates At a given strain crack-tip opening displacement will increase with fiber matrix angle; in other words, for increasing fiber cracks become more like Mode I cracks. Hashin [5], showed that the opening crack mode was more critical than the shear observing mode that by experimentally the critical fiber angle and for crack propagation decreased with increasing lamination angle. Cyclic failure in off-axis laminates propagates the (9 > strain varying 00) will occur when a matrix crack entire width of the laminate. At this point, the laminate separates into two or more pieces. 2.2 Multidirectional Laminates The tional the features laminates same as of under damage growth in unnotched multidirecrepeated tensile loads are basically in unidirectional laminates with the additional damage mode presence of of interface delamination. interlaminar between Delamination is caused by the stresses which act on the matrix two plies of differing fiber angle. Thus, delamination damage is dependent on the matrix properties. It has mechanism been in cracking by multidirectional in off-axis growth) (out-of-plane interfacial plies grow cracks resulting these suggested Talreja [6] that the damage laminates (in the plane of loading). toward quickly which regions. begins with matrix cause ply The interfaces stress concentrations in The delamination crack will grow under the influence of interlaminar normal and shear stresses. Interlaminar nate can stresses also delamination. enough plies to the an important role in the initiation of If a component of interlaminar stress is large cause a local failure of the interface between two to (see grow play that occur at the free edge of a lami- Figure 7), a delamination will occur and continue during individual cyclic loading. Delamination then separates plies to unconnected (in the third direction) unidirectional plies and damage proceeds as described above. 2.3 Characteristics of Compression Cyclic Damage Whereas results compression-compression cyclic loading in metals in the closing of microcracks and thus limited damage development (compression loading tends to sharpen cracks and FIBER INTERFACE FIGURE 7 SCHEMATIC OF MATRIX INTERFACE BETWEEN TWO PLIES SHOWING DELAMINATION CRACK growth crack increase experimental loading); tension-compression cyclic in rates studies [7-9) in composite materials shown that compressive cyclic loading is much more crit- have ical to damage development than tension-tension loading. of case the In compression-compression edge effects can lead to delami- notched loading, fiber composites under and delami- splits initiate near the notch edge at a lower applied will nations to that in the high interlaminar normal and shear stresses. to due nations free Also, splits. fiber similar is progressive growth of matrix cracking and the case, tensile development damage Initial than unnotched laminates, but the damage mech- anisms are similar. The suggested sequence [8] of failure is: level stress stress interlaminar and/or exist, at leads cracking matrix exhibit rapid laminates may at interface where cracks growth away from compressive under loading may due to instabilities that do not exist under tensile loading conditions. delaminate the Delaminated regions grow until local insta- in Delaminations at delamination through ply buckling and eventually laminate failure. yield bilities effects progressive delamination due to high interlaminar stresses free edge. a to A ply or group of plies may the total laminate; this "sublaminate" buckle under loading which results in large peel stresses the edges of the delamination. propagation of damage This effect leads to rapid and failure. The instability of thin sublaminates is an important reason why compression cyclic loading is most critical. The of initiation damage is also highly dependent upon the stress field created by the following combination of laminate conditions: angled 4) plies the type of flaw in the laminate; 2) the used in the laminate; 3) stacking sequence; and thickness of each composite ply. possible exists 1) combinations many possible Thus, given all the of the above laminate conditions there sequences of damage development and growth. 2.4 Techniques in Evaluating Composite Damage Accumulation A broad range of techniques have been proposed to predict the life cyclic and/or loading. the damage growth rate of a composite under Most have been rather unsuccessful in model- ing a general laminate's response. the fact that the models fail to take into account the varied This is most often due to nature of the damage present in a "generalized" composite laminate. curve Most techniques that have been developed are based on fitting of experimental data rather than attempts to model the actual mechanisms of damage initiation and growth. The most simple cyclic models attempt to predict residual strength; after i.e., the ultimate strength of a composite laminate a given number of applied loading cycles. Hahn and Kim [10) introduced assumption, concept of the strength-life equal rank the which assumes that a specimen's rank in static strength is equal to its rank in cyclic life. This assumption simply means that in a given set of test specimens, the specimen with the highest static strength will also have the long- est cyclic life; the weakest specimen will have the shortest life. cyclic on Based strength-life equal rank Chou and Croman [11] proposed a model of residual assumption, Their degredation equation contains a degredation. strength the single parameter which can be adjusted to fit test results and to produce a family of curves illustrating the then be rate at which residual strength decreases with cyclic loading at a The model has two drawbacks: amplitude. stress given a lack of generality in that any given laminate requires one, a used set of tests to determine strength and life experimental and distributions, two, the model- fails to account for the possibility of increased residual strength, which is suggested by Whitcomb [12] who found an increase in the residual strength of notched laminates. Ratwani assume decrease laminate. Kan [13] proposed a model to predict the residual strength that has a more physical basis. compressive They and that with the compressive increasing residual delamination area strength in a will given Once again this model has similar shortcomings for cyclic testing must be done to determine the number of cycles failure for a given laminate under study as well as deter- to stress a critical delamination area for a given minimum of mination Experiments level. confirmed the validity of their equations and a good feature of the model is its applicability cyclic to adjusted be can loading spectrums. account to They also claim that the model for an increase in residual strength. The process of damage accumulation by delamination, fiber splits, etc., leads to progressive reduction in the stiffness of a composite laminate. a measure of This stiffness loss has been used as damage in composites under cyclic loading. An attempt was made by O'Brien and Reifsnider [14] to predict the stiffness-loss in boron/epoxy laminates at failure from a criterion the using laminate's secant modulus. They found, however, that the growth of damage and stiffness loss was load history dependent and therefore the criterion could not be generally applied. More recent work by Reifsnider [15], and by Highsmith and Reifsnider [16] have shown a close correlation between composite stiffness cross-plied lag analysis stress loss and the extent of transverse cracking in laminates. around Their work centered on a simple shear a "theoretical" matrix crack. From the distribution calculated around the crack and stiffness measurements made at various stages of load cycling, they were able to predict the transverse crack density (number of cracks in a given Ell, volume) for a set of given laminate stiffnesses, E 2 2, G 1 2. Using a technique of edge replication, an actual value for the transverse crack density was established in experimental an laminates. ical This test program on unnotched graphite/epoxy value correlated very well with the analyt- predictions. Highsmith and Reifsnider found that the measured equilibrium reduction in stiffness occurred coincided with an equilibrium stiffness levels where no further transverse crack density which was stress level dependent. Another method for predicting the location of damage initiation in an unnotched laminate considers the effect that an individual ply has on its surrounding neighbors. The effect is a constraint that one ply puts on another due to a mismatch in elastic Reifsnider properties [17] in plies introduced the through a simple observation. age the in 00 plies differing fiber angle. concept of ply-constraint In an unnotched laminate, dam- consists splitting along the fibers. of primarily of longitudinal If the 0* ply is constrained by a 90* ply in a [0/90]s laminate, Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT) transverse 450 in shows stress, that uniaxial a2 2 ' loading in the 00 ply. induces a positive The introduction of plies in the [+-45/0]s laminate induces a compressive a 22 the 0* ply for the same loading condition. tory, (0/90]s Reifsnider laminate In the labora- observes more longitudinal splitting in the for a given number of loading cycles at a given stress suggests result ply amplitude than in the [+-45/0]s laminate. constraints This the possibility of looking at the effects of and elastic mismatch to delay initiation of damage due to repeated loading. The analysis Herakovich [18] used the analysis to static loading. applied to developed from this concept was originally look at along delaminations the free edge of unnotched It is well known that specimens under static tensile loading. cause of delamination) exist in due to the presence of a mismatch in the engineer- composites ing (the stresses interlaminar properties between are interlaminar stresses nation originate), will plies. highest To analyze where the (and hence where delami- Herakovich studied the mismatch of Poisson's ratio, '12' and the coefficient of mutual influence, (shear strain divided by longitudinal strain, E1 2 /Ell) '12, 1 , A mismatch of Poisson's ratio between between adjacent plies. adjacent plies would result in different transverse strains if the plies were not bonded together. In a perfectly bonded laminate, identical strains result, but the Poisson's mismatch causes the introduction of non-zero interlaminar stresses, a zz and ayz' results at in the free edge. Similarly a mismatch in r12, 1 a non-zero interlaminar shear stress, free edge of perfectly bonded laminates. that interlaminar Xz , at the Herakovich predicts stresses will be the largest between plies with the greatest mismatch of v12 and '12,1' Klang and Hyer [19] expanded this analysis to look at the effect of ply constraint around a curved free edge with the of goal specific interlaminar the determining stresses magnitude relative of between different plies around a hole. The analysis remains relatively simple because the rotation of v12 constants engineering and r12,1 around a hole is straightforward by calculating the mismatch between different adjacent at plies prediction of can be made. varying the locations around a hole. location of maximum interlaminar stresses It is reasoned that damage will initiate at this location under cyclic loading. imental results While Klang and Hyer's exper- not were entirely in agreement with the method does predict the possibilty of damage predictions, initiation Then a sites around a hole which are not at the sites of maximum in-plane stress; this is commonly observed in the labNo oratory. a stress, zz inititation. A more suggestion or a xz , detailed is is given more as to which interlaminar important for delamination approach to the problem of determining damage location sites is through the use of finite elements to calculate the interlaminar stresses at any point in a general laminate. Use of the finite element method is well suited to calculating stesses around a hole or other irregularly shaped boundaries. Whitcomb [12] conducted a finite element study on a notched laminate composed of 0*, 450 and 900 plies. He the in variation stacking various investigated Through initiation the predicted and showed a large interlaminar stresses for each calculated sequence. stacking sequences analytical work, Whitcomb this sites of damage (delamination and matrix cracking) in a compression cyclic test program. x-ray radiography and replication edge Using techniques on graphite/epoxy test specimens, the damage sites as well as the type damage of were Experimental results con- determined. the finite element calculations in that the damage was firmed vary from one stacking sequence to another, and the to found sites were correctly predicted as areas having the initiation An important result of this stresses. interlaminar largest study showed that comparison of observed damage locations with as stresses est well to attempting with requires stresses calculated normal as that both interlaminar shear stresses must be considered in predict damage sites. That is, both locations highest interlaminar shear stress and locations of highnormal stress will be sites of damage initiation under by Carlsson [20] found similar results cyclic loading. A using recent a three-dimensional finite element analysis in a 28-ply graphite/epoxy loading. ment study with a 6 mm hole under compressive NDI techniques were used to confirm the finite ele- findings analysis laminate in a cyclic test study. The finite element accurately predicted initiation of delamination with respect to the damage Matrix hole. damage location between plies and around the due to cracking also predicted was in-plane finite element stress calculations elsewhere through around the hole. Finite element analysis appears to be a powerful tool for predicting damage areas in composites. sive the elements to recalculate stresses after of modeling In fact, with progres- first damage, a sequence of damage growth could be constructed for any given laminate. of characterization The delamination as a damage mode occurs solely in the matrix suggests the use of a frac- which mechanics approach to describe its behavior. ture The strain release rate, G, of a planar body containing a flaw of energy area, is A, a measure of the rate at which elastic strain energy is stored as the flaw area increases: dU dA G = (2.1) et. al. [21] conducted a study to determine val- Wilkens ues of the strain energy release rate in graphite/epoxy interfaces. He measure G specimen good designed for for Mode Mode approximation results from a double cantilevered test specimen to I (tensile opening) cracks and a shear II (forward shear) cracks. of the In general, a total strain energy release rate adding the contribution of each mode. Assuming negligible Mode III contribution, the total strain energy release rate can be written as: Gto t = G I + GII Wilkens (2.2) experimentally determined G I and GII for both a crack in a 00/00 interface and in a 00/900 interface. the growth-rate at exponent for a Mode I delamination operating percentage of GIc (>70% of the critical load) was high a Delaminations growing in this condition will extremely large. grow rapidly percentage therefore to of failure. GIc thought rather than a growth, on the damage He found that growth will to be potential Delaminations operating at a low grow very slowly. somewhat cyclic Mode I damage is of a static design issue problem. Mode II damage other hand, was found to be much like Mode I in aluminum and must be considered as a cyclic design issue. An a The encouraging result of Wilkens' work was that he found similar value for GIIc for these two orthotropic layups. possibility exists that GIIc may be dependent only on the matrix material and not the layup or stacking sequence. An application of the strain-energy release rate to pre- dicting the onset and growth of delamination was conducted by O'Brien [22]. unnotched He studied the growth of edge delamination in coupons and modeled the subsequent stiffness From lation. the equation for total strain energy release (2.2), we can express the strain energy, U, as a product rate of and a simple rule of mixtures calcu- CLPT through reduction strain energy density and the volume of the body. the If expression is differentiated in equation (2.1), the fol- this lowing expression for the strain energy release rate results: (2.3) G = -V (2 /2) (dE/dA) where dE/dA is the rate of stiffness change as the flaw grows, and V is the volume of the body. O'Brien and loaded recorded c . From the this reduction, Gc predicted the [+-45/0/90]s analysis, be a [+-30/+-30/90x2]s strain level at the onset of delamination, value was a calculated rate of stiffness determined. Using this value for Gc, he onset and and laminates. indicating unique laminates in tension growth of Experimental edge delamination in results confirmed the that the strain energy release rate may characteristic material property of a composite material. The expense. results The delamination age location analysis that O'Brien obtained came at considerable ability to predict stiffness reduction due to damage requires, a priori, knowledge of the damand direction of growth. Finite element stress was used to determine at which ply interface delami- 47 nation would occur. modulus these a Furthermore, while he modeled the loss of as a linear relationship of the delamination area for test conditions, much work is still required to develop meaningful relationship loading conditions. for notched laminates and other CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 3.1 Axial Sandwich Specimen Fabrication a of selection compression successful test program. ate specimen compression is gation in instabilities Structural outlined in thin plates make the specimen a critical part of any The process of choosing an approprifor the work done in this investiAppendix 1. Axially loaded sandwich specimens were chosen and used for all the compression testing in this It consists of side reason was its The specimen chosen is pictured in Figure 8. study. of two flat composite laminates bonded to either a reinforcing aluminum honeycomb core. for An important the choice of an axially loaded sandwich specimen ability to allow non-destructive inspection during testing to monitor delamination development. laminates Composite preimpregnated unidirectional made from Hercules AS1/3501-6 were tape. Teflon-coated aluminum templates and a Stanley razor knife were used to cut the individual plies for each laminate. Laminates were laid up in a special jig designed to aid in the precise alignment of each in the laminate. ply The effective ply thickness of a [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminate was altered by varying n, where n=1, 2, or 3. For a nominal single ply thickness of 0.134 mm, the GLASS/EPOXY LOADING TAB 354 KG/M 3 ALUMINUM HONEY COMB T 72 KG/M 3 ALUMINUM HONEYCOMB 350 mm SFILM S50 mm TOP VIEW -A 25.4 -- ADHESIVE mm SIDE VIEW (NOT DRAWN TO SCALE) FIGURE 8 CONFIGURATION OF COMPRESSIVE SANDWICH TEST SPECIMEN laminates constructed would have a nominal "effective ply thickness" of (n x 0.134 mm). laid up composite laminates were prepared for curing The by placing a sheet of nylon peel-ply on each side of the laminate. Six x 305 mm laminates were cured at a time on a 350 large flat aluminum plate coated with mold release. The plate covered with a sheet of guaranteed non-porous teflon fab- was ric, and the composite laminates were positioned on this sheet of Standard curing materials: porous teflon fabric, teflon. paper and non-porous teflon were placed on each lami- bleeder nate. aluminum Individual top were placed on each plates laminate to provide even pressure distribution. of woven fiberglass assembly, and resistent nylon the airbreather assembly was was laid vacuum A large piece over the entire bagged with heat vacuum bagging and pressure sensitive vacuum tape. A vacuum hose was fitted to the plate and a vacuum of 25 to 30 inches of Hg was drawn over the cure assembly. tem was carefully checked for leaks The sys- before the plate was placed inside a five-foot long, three-foot diameter autoclave. The composite one hour A pressure laminates were cured in a two step process: a hold at 240*F followed by a two hour hold at 350 0 F. of 85 psig was applied throughout the cure. complete cure cycle is shown schematically in Figure 9. The After AUTOCLAVE TIME AUTOCLAVE PRESSURE(PSI) 85 10 35 95 115 235 275280 TIME VACUUM (IN. HG) 28 S1I 10 35 FIGURE 9 I I 95 115 I 235 I 275280 TIME TELAC CYCLE FOR HERCULES AS1/3501-6 GRAPHITE/EPOXY curing, the laminates were removed from the plate and postcured in an oven for eight hours at 350 0 F. The laminates diamond-encrusted, were cut with a high-speed, water-cooled, circular saw. The saw was mounted on a precision milling machine that has been specially modified for cured cutting Five 350 x 50 mm coupons were cut composites. from each laminate. Nine with a Three thickness micrometer width proper gram measurements to ensure measurements dimensions were taken of each coupon the quality of the composite. were taken to guarantee that the of the specimen had been attained. A dia- of the locations where each thickness and width measure- ment were taken appears in Figure 10 and the averages for each coupon 0.138 appear mm, in was Tables 1-3. An average ply thickness of obtained for all the laminates with a coeffi- cient of variation of 2.2%. This value is consistent with the value supplied from the manufacturer of 0.134 mm. The each 6.35 mm diameter holes were drilled in the center of coupon with a two step process. A high speed diamond-encrusted drill was used to bore a hole slightly under the desired diameter. used to polish the hole. the A second bit, a fine grit reamer, was This second step brought the hole to desired diameter and provided a smooth finish to the com- posite diameter edge were around the hole. Measurements of the hole taken using hole gages and calipers and appear 1 2 3 S12.5 mm 50 mm 7 FIGURE 10 8 9 LOCATION OF THICKNESS AND WIDTH MEASUREMENTS TABLE 1 MEASURED THICKNESS, WIDTH AND HOLE DIAMETER FOR [+-45/0] s SPECIMENS Thickness [mm] Specimen I.D. Width [mm] Hole diameter Thickness [mm] Specimen I.D. Width [mm] [mm] [mm ] STC145AI-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 STB145Al-1A -1B -2A -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B -6A -6B -7A -7B -8A -8B SCB145Al-1A -1B -2A -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B -6A -6B .854 .851 .850 .858 .837 .847 .862 .856 .826 .830 .866 .843 .861 .840 .860 .867 .857 .864 .843 .848 .817 .850 50.17 50.10 50.22 50.17 50.04 50.18 50.20 50.02 49.99 49.86 49.74 49.94 49.96 49.98 49.95 49.90 50.00 50.01 49.87 49.96 49.96 50.00 6.38 6.38 6.37 6.40 6.35 6.38 6.38 6.39 6.41 6.41 6.36 6.37 6.41 6.35 6.41 6.44 6.35 6.37 6.39 6.39 6.40 6.38 .862 .848 .815 .870 .853 .859 .866 .816 .854 .851 .859 .844 49.92 49.94 49.88 49.90 49.91 49.93 49.81 49.89 49.96 49.87 49.91 49.40 6.40 6.40 6.35 6.36 6.39 6.42 6.38 6.41 6.40 6.40 6.41 6.38 Average thickness = .846 mm Coefficient of variation = 1.5% Hole diameter SCB145Al-7A -7B -8A -8B -9A -9B FCB145Al-1A -1B -2A -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B -6A -6B -7A -7B -8A -8B -9A -9B -10A -10B -11A -11B -12A -12B -13A -13B -14A -14B -15A -15B -16A -16B .836 .831 .854 .832 .828 .840 .828 .842 .856 .847 .837 .849 .836 .829 .838 .856 .851 .847 .835 .841 .837 .828 .846 .847 .832 .857 .861 .852 .845 .837 .833 .844 .849 .829 .854 .851 .840 .846 49.98 49.98 49.82 49.96 49.93 49.80 49.74 49.77 49.82 49.82 49.88 49.72 49.83 49.80 49.76 49.84 49.85 49.80 49.83 49.80 49.82 49.78 49.78 49.80 49.76 49.76 49.80 49.82 49.84 49.76 49.82 49.83 49.79 49.78 49.72 49.81 49.90 49.93 6.39 6.41 6.42 6.36 6.38 6.41 6.41 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.41 6.40 6.37 6.42 6.41 6.40 6.38 6.37 6.39 6.41 6.41 6.42 6.38 6.39 6.41 6.40 6.40 6.39 6.41 6.42 6.41 6.41 6.43 6.38 6.37 6.39 6.41 6.39 TABLE 2 MEASURED THICKNESS, WIDTH AND HOLE DIAMETER FOR [+-45x2/0x2]s SPECIMENS Specimen i.D. Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Hole Diameter Specimen I.D. Thickness [mm] Width [mm] [mm] [mm] SCB245AI-1A -lB -2A -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B -6A -6B -7A -78 -8A -8B 1.563 1.614 1.621 1.629 1.547 1.592 1.626 1.645 1.639 1.541 1.570 1.632 1.630 1.619 1.639 1.615 49.56 49.49 50.01 50.03 49.79 49.75 50.36 49.90 50.31 49.86 49.80 50.46 49.74 50.44 49.74 49.80 6.39 6.44 6.41 6.40 6.41 6.49 6.41 6.42 6.38 6.41 6.42 6.41 6.44 6.47 6.41 6.42 FCB245AI-1A -lB -2A -2B -3A -3B 1.486 1.589 1.617 1.593 1.472 1.470 49.95 49.99 49.94 49.99 49.98 49.92 6.43 6.41 6.38 6.42 6.41 6.40 Average thickness = 1.569 mm Coefficient of Variation = 3.6% Hole Diameter FCB245AI-4A -4B -5A -5B -6A -6B -7A -7B -8A -8B -9A -9B -10A -1OB -11A -11B -12A -12B -13A -13B -14A -14B 1.571 1.619 1.588 1.477 1.492 1.571 1.589 1.473 1.494 1.516 1.511 1.541 1.613 1.554 1.577 1.490 1.531 1.529 1.480 1.620 1.618 1.647 49.91 49.96 49.89 49.95 49.94 49.95 49.95 49.98 49.97 49.95 49.97 49.98 49.95 49.95 49.92 49.94 49.95 49.94 49.97 49.98 49.96 49.97 6.41 6.42 6.40 6.40 6.41 6.41 6.39 6.39 6.43 6.40 6.41 6.40 6.40 6.44 6.41 6.39 6.42 6.41 6.41 6.46 6.41 6.39 TABLE 3 AVERAGE THICKNESS, WIDTH AND HOLE DIAMETER FOR [+-45x3/0x3] s SPECIMENS Thickness [mm] Specimen i.D. Width [mm] Hole Diameter [mm] SCB345Al-1A -lB -2A -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A 2.349 2.316 2.351 2.411 2.298 2.391 2.356 2.347 2.429 49.78 49.86 49.88 49.85 49.70 49.79 49.82 49.81 49.84 6.46 6.47 6.43 6.46 6.47 6.49 6.49 6.47 6.45 -5B 2.311 49.83 6.50 Average thickness = 2.357 mm Coefficient of variation = 1.8% Thickness [mm] Specimen I.D. FCB345A1-1A -IB -2A -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B Width [mm] Hole Diameter [mm] 2.423 2.299 2.286 2.354 2.389 2.380 2.372 2.326 2.333 49.75 49.83 49.81 49.82 49.79 49.78 49.81 49.81 49.78 6.48 6.49 6.51 6.42 6.48 6.46 6.50 6.43 6.45 2.416 49.81 6.46 57 with the thickness more thorough and width measurements in Tables 1-3. A description of the coupon manufacturing proce- dure is outlined in Reference 23. complete, Once bonded aluminum to to make up the sandwich honeycomb core with FM-123-2 film adhesive manufactured Cyanimid. The core was made from a 180 mm by 60 by American mm central piece of low density (72 kg/m3) honeycomb. tion was of bonded with a room temperature cure epoxy to both ends of The low density honeycomb was used reduce the stiffness of the core to a negligible amount in the test end allowed sure A sec- density (354 kg/m 3 ) honeycomb, 90 mm by 60 mm, high the low density honeycomb. to then Two coupons were bonded to either side of an alu- structure. minum honeycomb were coupons graphite/epoxy the to crushing. section, while the high density honeycomb on either the specimen to be gripped with sufficient pres- avoid The slippage bonding 225 0 F while procedure preventing was the carried core out from in an autoclave at bond performed to place [0/90]ms fiberglass loading tabs on was each Scotchply [+-45/0]s and 35 psig for two hours. end of the specimen. 1003 type I A secondary Eight ply tabs (m=2) made from glass/epoxy were bonded on each sandwich specimen, 12 ply tabs (m=3) were placed on [+-45x2/0x2]s and [+-45x3/0x3]s sandwich specimens. In order to obtain data to determine longitudinal modulus and Poisson's ratio, a longitudinal and transverse strain gage were of every specimen used in static face each on placed Micro-Measurements EA-06-125AD-120 strain gages were. testing. The location of these 10 mm x 6 mm used for all static tests. gages (foil size) are shown in Figure 11. The measured longi- tudinal modulus served as a means of quality assurance in the program by comparing the measured modulus with predicted val- ues. that specimens All no inspected by ultrasound to assure were major voids or delaminations existed in the specimen prior to testing. 3.2 Specimen Identification Specimen identification was made via a simple ten letter/digit code: XXXn45A1-00 XXX n = = SCB (Static Compression Beam) STB (Static Tension Beam) STC (Static Tension Coupon) FCB (Cyclic Compression Beam) 1, 2, or 3 ("effective thickness" of each ply, i.e. n x 0.134 mm) 45A1 = Shorthand identification of laminate type [+-45xn/Oxn]s 00 = Digits indicating specimen number in the series of tests. ~ ; 50 mm -A 12.5 mm a- ii .3 - FIGURE 11 mm LOCATION OF LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE STRAIN GAGES PLACED ON STATIC TEST SPECIMENS For cyclic compression beam in the [+-45x2/0x2]s laminate family. nine number specifies FCB245A1-09 example, Note also that the letter A or B following the specimen number identi- fies the individual specimen. letter B The coupons used on either face of the test A corresponds to the front face while letter corresponds to the back face. All specimens had a 6.35 mm hole. 3.3 Static Testing Procedure Both tensile and compressive static testing was carried out in a 100,000 pound MTS 810 servo-hydraulic testing machine with the use of hydraulic grips. Specimens were first aligned and gripped in the self-aligning grips of the testing machine. The zero load condition was prescribed with the top end of the the upper grip head while the lower end of the specimen in specimen was left ungripped. All calibration of strain gages was performed at this point and the channels zeroed. began by gripping the bottom of the specimen. The test For compressive specimens, load was applied at a constant displacement rate of 0.33 mm/min (approximately 1800 ps/min) until failure occured. Failure was percent drop defined in load as the point at which a greater than 50 was observed. Strain gage leads were wired to a multichannel set of amplifiers/conditioners. Load, stroke, and strain data were taken automatically by a DEC PDP 11/34 computer and stored on magnetic disk. Nine 145A1 specimens, eight 245A1 specimens and five specimens were tested under static compressive loading. 345A1 these static tests, a value for the compressive ultimate From stress for specimens with a 6.35 mm diameter hole was obtained of the three laminates. Longitudinal modulus data for each and Poisson's ratio were also determined and compared to val- ues predicted from Classical Laminated Plate Theory to assess the quality of the specimens. 3.4 Cyclic Testing Procedure All same cyclic runs were performed under load control on the MTS 810 testing machine as the static tests. generator provided frequency of stress/minimum change the to applied the stiffness to Hz. waveform for sinusoidal loading at a A constant stress ratio of 0.1 (maximum stress) was used for for all tests. A small in the stiffness of the composite resulted in drift of adjusts the 7 the A function This drift in load was due feedback loop of the testing machine which constantly the of testing yield loading of up to 5%. loading the to match the control position. As the composite changes, the control position of machine will not be at exactly the right setting the desired loading. The higher the test frequency the more the system tends to drift from this control position. Because of this effect, higher frequencies of testing were not two faces, specimen consists of two graphite/epoxy each Since chosen. of cyclic data were gathered from each test sets run. Delamination growth was monitored during each cyclic test by of one two NDI methods as described in section 3.6. 145A1 fourteen specimens were out-of-plane Moire interferometry. were imens monitored for damage through The first five 245A1 spec- also monitored with the Moire set-up. and specimens all 345A1 five All Nine 245A1 specimens were monitored for delamination damage through ultrasonic inspection. Moire were of 5000 cycles. frequency into fed were photographs taken automatically at a preset Pulses from the function generator an electric counter which fired cameras posi- tioned in front of both sides of the specimen as well as triggering short bursts from the strobe lights at the peak load of each cycle. This generated a set of damage propagation photothe duration of the cyclic test. Delaminations graphs for tended to grow quickly once initiated in many tests. If this growth rate exceeded approximately 10 mm per 5000 cycles, then the frequency cycles. of picture taking was increased to every 2000 This size is defined as the maximum width of the dam- age area in any direction. Ultrasonic 2000 Digital testing was accomplished with a Nova-Scope Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Thickness Gage with a NDT Instruments D1R damage was monitored with ultrasound, the tests were stopped at to 50 transducer. For 5000 cycle intervals to allow for inspection using the 6.35 mm diameter transducer. was chosen mm the cyclic tests in which The frequency of inspection to ensure that damage would not grow more than 10 in any direction between inspection intervals. onset of delamination, every 1000 inspected the by onset length cycles. of the the laminate was inspected at least The area around the hole was thoroughly ultrasound of Before the for delamination initiation. delamination, After a ruler was used to measure the delamination, as indicated by the ultrasonic technique, in terms of the maximum straight-line distance from the hole edge to the edge of the delamination (see Figure 12). These measurements, which are accurate to 0.5 mm, were recorded along with the number of applied load cycles. All or two, could ble cyclic tests were stopped when one, failure occurred damage grew to a size at which it was felt failure occur before the next inspection cycle. to prevent failure It was desira- of damaged cyclic specimens so that tensile residual strength tests could be run. HOLE EDGE FIGURE 12 DEFINITION OF DELAMINATION LENGTH, a 3.5 Residual Tensile Strength Tests strength tests were run to determine the effect Residual of accumulated damage the the during cyclic tests on the strength of the graphite/epoxy specimen. tensile A number of tests could not be conducted due to the fact that the specimen during cyclic loading or the specimen was sectioned to failed oven at 300 0 F for ten minutes. heated composite the between from the honeycomb. each coupon of Loading tabs were bonded to both ends of by the procedure previously described in section A total specimens were cycled and out of these 8 failed. 35 process. specimen, this mented with Figure 11 test. section Since there are two coupons per sandwich All testing. longitudinal to resulted in 46 coupons for tensile procedure strength residual Four sectioned, and four coupons were damaged in the were debonding in and the honeycomb breaks down at this resulting in the specimen depicted in Figure 13. coupons each The film adhesive bond and the graphite/epoxy sheets were easily removed temperature 3.1 intact specimens were placed in a pre- The damage. observe provide and the specimens were instru- transverse strain gages as in modulus and Poisson's ratio data from The testing procedure is the same as is described 3.3 except that the tensile coupons were loaded monotonically to failure in tension under a constant displace- TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW T 75 mm GLASS/EPOXY TAB GRAPHITE/EPOXY 200 mm -GRAPHITE/EPOXY FM-123 FILM ADHESIVE I- GLASS/EPOXY 75 mm GLASS/EPOXY 50 mm FIGURE 13 CONFIGURATION OF TENSILE RESIDUAL STRENGTH TEST COUPON ment rate of 0.33 mm/min giving a strain rate of approximately 1800 ps/min. 3.6 Non-Destructive Investigation Techniques When a set of closely spaced parallel lines are laid over a second set of parallel lines, a type of interference occurs placing and specimen a grid of fine lines to the surface of a etching or bonding displacements can be obtained by In-plane common. is body The application of Moire the derivation of strains in a deformable for interferometry Moire effect. the called is that identical "master grid" over these an lines. As the specimen deforms, the bonded grid deforms and creates an interference determined be can in the with the master grid. at any The form of fringes where each a line of constant displacement. is fringe is pattern interference pattern The displacement fringe by counting the number of fringes from the point of interest to a point of known (usually zero) displacement. the "pitch" (lines per mm) to determine the displacement with at This so called "fringe order" is used chosen the interferometry glass with flat surface directed useful form of Moire is out-of-plane interferometry. If a plate of point. Another very etched parallel lines is placed parallel with the of a specimen and a collimated beam of light is at an oblique incidence to the glass, the glass will 68 cast a set of parallel shadows on the surface of the specimen. If the surface of .the specimen undergoes out-of-plane deformadeform which produces an An accurate meas- of the displacement can be determined magnitude the of to pattern with the glass plate. interference ure begin will shadows the tion, with knowledge of the pitch of the glass plate, angle of incidence of the light, and fringe order at the chosen point. as investigation, the magnitude of displacement is not this for of tend to a to method areas can be determined. areas cause as of out-of-plane Delaminated areas deformation under These deformations can be seen with Moire loads. interferometry undergoing cyclic loading, the composite delamination compressive By applying as the locations of displacements. important this But a set of fringes. The outermost fringe is considered as the border of the delaminated area. Moire The of sisted lines test set-up used for this investigation con- x 10 cm glass plates with etched parallel cm 10 (254 lines/cm) positioned parallel to both faces of the specimen. The plates three-degree-of-freedom clamps within 0.5 mm of the composite. positioned composite function vided a were that held could by a align set of the glass Collimated strobe lights were at an angle of 450 and a distance of 50 cm to each face. generator The strobes were fired by a pulse from the at the peak load of the cycle. This pro- stop action view of the specimen during testing with the pattern Moire The composite. clearly surface of displayed over both faces of the the composite was spray painted silver enamel to increase the contrast of the Moire pat- with A photograph of the Moire test set-up for photographs. terns is shown in Figure 14. Another very common form of non-destructive inspection is use of pulse-echo ultrasound. the This form of inspection is very well suited for locating delaminations in a composite. small A linked to an ultrasonic device held in con- transducer tact with a solid object sends out pulses of ultrasonic waves. These waves speed of to sound and transducer. calculate amount the medium. When the ultrasonic pulse crack in the body, etc.), the wave is reflected back or the in some type of interface (the back face of the solid, a reaches void penetrate the solid and travel through it at the of time the the A sensor can receive the reflected pulse distance the pulse traveled based on the pulse took to travel through the solid. Based on this principle, the device can indicate the location of void or discontinuity in a solid. a If a delamination is present in a composite plate, the ultrasonic wave will reflect off the surface created by the delamination and this is indi- cated by the ultrasonic inspection device. For this study, areas of delamination could be determined by moving the transducer over the surface of the specimen and identifying the regions where delamination exists. Figure 15 70 shows test. the ultrasonic inspection of a specimen during a cyclic throughout sonic that Note the the specimen remains in the test set-up duration of cyclic testing so that the ultra- inspection is conducted with the specimen still mounted in the grips. ~=~=;r=~sn~LI ~=~-~-I-7= 111 1 FIGURE L -- ~- .- r 14 I II ~ _~ c I-~---~I1I 11 L-. ' .1~1 ~_.__._._~_ PHOTOGRAPH OF MOIRE INTERFEROMETRY TEST SET-UP ~L-~slul-uPruPsl- FIGURE C~I_ 15 qls~41V1- ~ I-4-_L11--_ ~C_ ~_ -- C--~I^-- LI~ 13---111-1 I I ~--.L-*-~IOC___ ~UI Ykl PHOTOGRAPH OF ULTRASONIC TEST SET-UP -- il*- _~ iijliliili_~5^i~ir-~~-jlLii~ CHAPTER 4 TEST RESULTS 4.1 Static Tests Computer software handling the for were plots x-y data experimental from each static test. divided by cross-sectional area) versus strain generated with a graphics routine written for an (load Stress has been developed (see Reference 24) A plotter. computer program, LIN6 [24], that reads the applied stress and strain gage data from the magnetic disk and then determines the linear regions was used on the data generated every from static test specimen. The program computed the slope of each linear region and provided hardcopy output. The modulus the of the region linear first Poisson's was taken as the slope of the specimen the of was ratio stress-strain plot. taken Similarly, as the initial slope of the transverse strain versus longitudinal strain plot. tests Static specimens the laminate tests. dix 1. tensile coupons and tensile sandwich were used to ascertain the validity of the sandwich specimen test of and for determine the basic tensile properties of comparison with tensile residual strength These test results are described completely in AppenThe average static ultimate stress is 455 MPa with a coefficient of variation of 6.3% It is assumed that the applied stress in each face of the sandwich specimen divided by of thickness composite and mm 0.134 measured the one of face. second for each eight 245A1 and five 345A1 specimens 145A1, face The ultimate strength Frac- not necessarily cause failure in the did When one composite face fractured, the specimen bend then could (due to the eccentricity of loading) and the stress in the opposite face, preventing failure. results of the 145A1 static compression tests yielded an relieve The width specimen before fracture of either composite face. ture area. specimen was defined as the maximum stress carried by the the cross-sectional was determined by using the nominal ply tested in compression to failure. were of area Nine specimen. total the Cross-sectional the same and equal to the applied load is average compressive fracture strength of 423 MPa with a coef- ficient of variation of 9.1%. the seven first value theoretical core was The average Poisson's ratio of specimens was 0.59, which is well below the This indicated that the aluminum of 0.69. restricting the transverse strain. The problem, is also discussed in Appendix 1, was easily overcome by which the changing orientation of the aluminum honeycomb in the specimen. A computer program, Laminated Analysis Software Package (LASP), uses the equations of Classical Laminated Plate Theory to calculate the modulus and Poisson's ratio of any given lam- The inate. unidirectional ply properties of Hercules basic AS1/3501-6 graphite/epoxy used for calculating the theoretical properties of the [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminate are shown in Table 4. modulus theoretical The predicted from LASP is 57.7 GPa and the Poisson's ratio is 0.69. 145A1 static Two were specimens These in oriented honeycomb yielded an average modulus of 57.9 not the manner tested to Poisson's GPa. significantly specimens were constructed with the described in Appendix 1. failure ratio and the test data of 0.72 and an average The modulus and ultimate strength are affected by the rotation of the honeycomb; however, the Poisson's ratio is affected and is now very close to the theoretical value of 0.69. All the following sandwich test specimens were constructed with the honeycomb oriented so the restriction of transverse strain was minimized. that all nine 145A1 compressive static tests, the average fracture stress The For is 423 modulus coefficients MPa and the coefficient of variation is 9.1%. is 56.3 GPa and the Poisson's ratio is 0.62 with of variation of 4.4% and 10.0% repectively. Individual 145A1 static compression results are shown in Table 5. Identical static tests test specimens. were carried out on the 245A1 and 345A1 The mean fracture stress of the 245AI specimens is 421 MPa and the coefficient of variation is 7.7%. The average longitudinal modulus and Poisson's ratio are 57.4 TABLE 4 TELAC VALUES FOR UNIDIRECTIONAL HERCULES AS1/3501-6 GRAPHITE/EPOXY Elastic Constants Ultimate Stresses t EL 130 GPa ET 10.5 GPa 11c .28 T 22 GLT 6.0 GPa a11 t 1661 MPa 1698 MPa 53.9 MPa a2 2 c 221 MPa a12 105 MPa TABLE 5 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45/01s SPECIMENS Specimen I.D. Compressive Ultimate Strength Longitudinal Modulus [GPa] Poisson's Ratio [MPa] SCB145A1-I 377 406 422 483 57.1 58.8 51.2 57.7 .61 .64 .54 .59 -6 -7 395 401 479 57.8 54.7 54.0 .55 .60 .58 -8* -9* 385 462 59.6 56.0 .73 -2 -3 -4 -5 Average C.V. 423 42 9.1% 9. 1 % 6.,6 .71 56.3 .62 4.4% 10.0% 10.0% 4.4% *These two specimens were constructed with the honeycomb core rotated 90 degrees. TABLE 6 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45x2/0x2]ss SPECIMENS Compressive Ultimate Strength Specimen I.D. Longitudinal Modulus [GPa] Poisson's Ratio [MPa] * 58.6 .68 -2 -3 420 387 59.9 52.4 .70 .68 -4 -5 469 428 58.4 55.6 .70 .69 -6 -7 -8 389 462 395 421 7.7% 58.7 59.4 56.5 .66 .72 .72 57.4 .69 SCB245Al-I Average C.V. 4.1% 4.1% 2.8% 2.8% *Specimen slipped grips of testing machine before failure; increased grip pressure prevented slippage in all later tests. TABLE 7 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45x3/0x3]ss SPECIMENS Specimen Compressive Longitudinal Poisson's I.D. Ultimate Modulus Ratio Strength [GPa] [MPa] SCB345AI-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Average C.V. 446 438 374 482 55.5 60.3 51.5 410 429 8.4% 57.5 60.2 57.0 5.8% .67 .69 .63 .71 .68 .68 3.9% (C.V.=4.1%) and 0.69 (C.V.=2.8%) respectively. coefficient of variation of 8.4%. a with of the 345A1 specimens is 429 MPa strength ultimate average ratio is 0.68 shown in Tables 57.0 is modulus tudinal The average longi- (C.V.=5.8%) and the Poisson's GPa (C.V.=3.9%). 6 Similarly, the The individual test results are 7 for the 245A1 and 345A1 specimens and respectively. An ply result important of these tests is that there is no thickness dependence on the static strength of this lami- nate. stress Typical versus longitudinal strain plots are shown in Figures 16-18 for all the different static test specimens. Note that effective ply thickness does not effect the stress-strain diagrams. All the plots are nearly linear to with only a small decrease in slope near the fracture failure strength of the specimen. LIN6 calculates approximately a 10% loss in modulus at the failure load of all the composite specimens. The similarity of both the longitudinal modulus and Poisson's ratio with laminated plate theory increases our conof the test specimen. The average fidence in the validity modulus of all compressive static tests is 56.9 MPa and the average Poisson's ented to minimize ratio of specimens with the honeycomb oritransverse strain restriction is 0.69. These values compare with the predicted values of 57.7 MPa and 0.69. SCB 50 CL 4008 LLJ 380 145A1-8 E .= 59.6 GPa L HLi 280 H 100 L) 6000 =o- 8000 LONGITUDINAL STRAIN ECs3 FIGURE 16 STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF TYPICAL COMPRESSIVE TEST [+-45/0]s STATIC W'% W'% r- bUL0 6008- E 588 L 1 A t'\AIA Lz z A 1 -. 5 = 52.4 GPa 400 L S300 Lj 280 CL () I) o 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 LONGITUDINAL STRAIN Es] FIGURE 17 STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF TYPICAL COMPRESSIVE TEST [+-45x2/0x 2] STATIC SCB 345A -2 6800 EL = 60. 3 GPa 0 300 c1 0 0) L ) Li 0/, 0, C-) 2000 4000 68800 8000 1080008 LONGITUDINAL STRAIN Ets3 FIGURE 18 STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF TYPICAL [+-45x3/0x3]s STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST 4.2 Cyclic Tests first The series of compressive cyclic load tests were on the 145A1 laminates. completed The first twelve specimens at a peak stress amplitude of 287 MPa (69% of ulti- were run mate stress). Two tests were run at 253 MPa (60% of ultimate and two were run at 320 MPa (76% of ultimate stress). stress) photographs were taken automatically by the test set-up Moire described in section 3.3 and audible signs of damage were listhe by operator of the test. The results of the tened for 145A1 cyclic tests show very little consistency in the devel- the test ended. before damage grow on both composite faces However, the data from each test does of three categories. clicking loud One, rapid delamination of and popping sounds. This type of damage perpendicular to the load direction and caused fail- extended ure In only two of the sixteen over a large area around the hole that was accompanied growth by one into fall symmetric did specimens damage. delamination of opment specimen the within only a few cycles. This rapid failure mode was difficult to record through the Moire set-up because the This type damage grew to failure within only a few cycles. of damage, which will be referred to as transverse delamination, occurred in five specimens. Two, other tests showed delaminations that formed along the hole edge at one or more locations. These delaminations grew under cyclic loading perpendicular of to and parallel to the load direction. delamination increased in was usually slow Growth at first but as the area size the growth became very rapid. This damage was observed in seven specimens and growth sequences are shown in Figures 19-23. This damage will be referred to as radial delamination because of the tendency for this damage to extend in all directions. Three, the other four specimens exhibited damage growth that initiated along the hole edge and grew parallel to the loading direction. This damage, which only extended along the longitudinal axis of the laminate, will be referred to as longitudinal delamination. Photographs of specimens with this type of damage growth are shown in Figures 24-28. It is important to note that the damage is no wider than the diameter of the hole. longitudinal delaminations Sketches of typical radial and are illustrated in Figures 29 and 30 for clarity. Two specimens (FCB 145A1-13 and FCB 145A1-14) were tested at the of not a peak ultimate stress). transverse show stopped. FCB stress amplitude of 253 MPa (approximately 60% of any On Both specimens developed small regions delamination growth damage, but the damaged area did after 400,000 cycles so the tests were the other hand, two specimens (FCB 145AI-15 and 145AI-16) were cycled at a peak stress of 320 MPa (76% of ultimate cycles stress). One specimen broke after only 3900 load while the other lasted only 800 cycles before failing. FIGURE 19 0 CYCLES 15,000 50,000 55,000 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-1A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING ii FIGURE 20 0 CYCLES 165,000 225,000 239,000 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-5A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING :"~~ ~sll --l~-~----F FIGURE 21 J-Y - -~._-~L_~_I~Y-Be~DLa*i-~ils--~bD-. ^--- _- -I~___ _I 0 CYCLES 70,000 110,000 144,000 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-7A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING . :;I~Iy-C.: --i-LSP~-~-e~-i~i~i6 1 -- : ~I ~-~ILIOLL~rP-- FIGURE 22 ~e~--I I ~~-C 9 ".~-~e~ ~'- ~-7~a~s;lS~rrrs~c~l~; 0 CYCLES 10,000 35,000 55,000 ~;1~ rs~C-~:~_EL.~-~;-d;;;;r~e~C~ i RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-8A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING FIGURE 23 0 CYCLES 10,000 15,000 20,000 RADIAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145A1-11B UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING ip-r~B , ~ II ~---------- L~ _I ~_Ln~---l-F-------- 91 FIGURE 24 0 CYCLES 240,000 260,000 275,000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-2A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING ----------- ;~T -~-~=~=-1 ~'---- --- r:~P~--2------ ~_~ ~_~__~II-----------~C-- FIGURE 25 ---- r-c__l~~l ~~J ~--------C _L-I~8 1110i19-_I_--JI -__ r*-a----_.---____ 0 CYCLES 165,000 200,000 215,000 I~1C~ - PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-4A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING --- e-.T._~l__l~1 FIGURE 26 0 CYCLES 42,000 50,000 80,000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145Al-9A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING --- ~- ~Pc~e-~EZL~RI FIGURE 27 LP I-I 0 CYCLES 120,000 140,000 160,000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145A1-10A UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING -- -~-- -=---- -~---a ~ I FIGURE 28 0 CYCLES 100,000 115,000 160,000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION GROWTH SEQUENCE IN SPECIMEN FCB 145A1-10B UNDER COMPRESSIVE CYCLIC LOADING FIGURE 29 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING RADIAL DELAMINATION ~-n-y .. f ,i i i: Ii FIGURE 30 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION specimens exhibited the type 1 damage described earlier. Both A brief summary of the 145A1 test results is shown in Table 8. developed 35mm negatives taken during the tests were The from the rear onto a large ground glass table each projected top. A measurement was made from the hole edge to the edge of delamination, as shown by Moire interferometry, to deter- the total damage length in each photograph. the mine of each damage measurement was determined by measuring length diameter hole the The actual in the enlarged negative and scaling all lengths proportionally to the actual hole diameter. inspection An of the longitudinal delamination was made to verify the NDI results. nation made A cut was made through the delami- in one of the damaged coupons. The transverse cut was by a water-cooled diamond-encrusted blade resulting in a The edge of the cut was placed smooth surface for inspection. under a stereomicroscope at 50x and the delaminated cross section cross seen was observed. section. delamination hole) and inspection 00 31 is a photograph of a typical symmetric delaminations can be clearly as both -45* plies have delaminated from the 00 plies in center the Two Figure of the laminate. is approximately Note also that the width of the 6.35 mm (the diameter of the is centered in the laminate as is the hole. reveals Close that two matrix splits are located in the plies at either end of the delamination. 99 TABLE 8 CYCLIC TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45/0]sS SPECIMENS Peak Compressive Stress Specimen I.D. Damage Type Number of Cycles to Initiation Number of Cycles at Completion of Test [MPa] FCB145Al-lA -1B 287 2 NDD 15,000 64,400 -2A 287 3 240,000 305,000 3 230,000 -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B 287 287 287 -6A -6A -6B 287 -7A 287 NDD ------ 1 10,000 10,100* 3 NDD 160,000 ------ 290,000 2 145,000 239,000* NDD ------ NDD ------ 1 48,600 2 60,000 48,600* 144,000 -7B NDD ------ -8A -8B 2 NDD 15,000 ------ 55,400* -9A -9B 3 NDD 42,000 ------ 92,600 120,000 100,000 161,000 ------ 23,000 10,000 23,000 -10A -10B 287 -11A 287NDD -1lB -12A 3 3 2 3,300 287 1 NDD ------ -13A -13B -14A -14A -14B 253 NDD 2 -----155,000 253 NDD -15A -15B 320 1 NDD 3,900 ------ 3,900* -16A -16B 320 1 NDD 800 ------ 800* -12B 2 ------ 165,000 3,300* 400,000 Note: All tests run at 7 HZ with R = 0.1 * Test Stopped due to failure Damage Key: NDD = no detected damage; 1 = transverse delamination; 2 = radial delamination; 3 = longitudinal delamination l10 lilliIII- FIGURE 31 ll MAGNIFIED PHOTOGRAPH OF CROSS-SECTION OF [+-45/0]s SPECIMEN CONTAINING A LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION 101 length, damage total The 2a, versus the logarithm of applied load cycles is plotted in Figure 32 for five specimens longitudinal delamination. exhibited which damage grew symmetrically on both The plot shows that while the number of hole. the of sides if as plotted is length The delamination cycles to damage initiation varies from 49,000 to 250,000, the appears to vary linearly with the logarithm of length damage the number of applied load cycles. the thin ply 145A1 laminates, the results of both Unlike the 345A1 and 245A1 All specimens tested developed the longitudi- growth. damage cyclic tests revealed a single mode of nal type of delamination described earlier. tested at 287 MPa, four at 265 MPa and two at 287 were imens MPa peak the Moire The first five specimens were tested using stress. set-up and a stress level of 287 MPa. test serious a revealed tests Eight 245A1 spec- deficiency in These the Moire method. After a hundred thousand cycles had been applied to each specdamage no imen, set-up. type specimens Two inspected of been had under a detected the interferometry were cut and the cross sections were microscope. Both specimens had the same damage found in the cross section of the 145A1 lami- nate with longitudinal delamination. technique by used here was Unfortunately, the Moire not sensitive enough to detect the out-of-plane deformation of the delaminated plies in the 245A1 laminates. In this case, the delaminated plies were twice as 102 188 max 88 r' A 145A1-2 A o 145A1-4 A 145A 1-9 A 145A1-18 A 145A1-18 B a E E v + Li = 287 MPo 3: FLD z 480- -J Ld L< +1 280 + aj I 1E4 I - - ~-~-oil-- SIll I i E5 ,t I I II - Il - -~--- 1E NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 32 PLOT OF THE LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR THE [+-45/0]s SPECIMENS 103 as in the 145A1 laminates and the out-of-plane deforma- thick All later cyclic testing was tion was thus considerably less. the ultrasonic inspection method outlined in using completed section 3.4. inspection clearly revealed that longitudinal Ultrasonic delamination to parallel the a as load in Damage applied. cycles at the hole edge and traveled initiated damage function of the number of load the 245A1 laminate developed in virtually all of the specimens tested. bottom and top the at tiated Generally, damage ini- of the hole and grew nearly symmetrically as shown in Figure 33. length, The a, was measured from the hole edge to the as indicated by ultrasonic inspection delamination edge of (see Figure 33). The total delamination length, 2a, has been function a of the logarithm of the number of plotted as applied load cycles for nine specimens at various stress levThese els. that developed only on one side of the Delaminations pages. hole plots (Figures 34-42) appear on the next several were the about as plotted hole. if the damage had grown symmetrically The same linear relationship is observed as in the 145A1 damage growth plots. The type of cycles. plots show that the delamination growth rate of this damage is Furthermore, a declining the function of the number of number of cycles to initiation of delamination increases as the stress level decreases. Another 104 FIGURE 33 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING INITIATION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF HOLE IN [+-45xn/Oxn]s LAMINATE 105 245A1- 6 FCB O'max = 287 MPa 100 A A A A A A A A 88 S-1 E E Li A FACE A o FACE B A 60 CD z LLJ I -_J LU WD 40 28 a I 1E3 I 1LM~ ~ lI u i I I 1 I 1 I1I I111 III IE4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 34 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH,2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245Al-6 IE5 106 FCB 245A1-7 cr max = 287 MPo 188 4l 80 ot **A E E A 6- * _tJ CD zI FACE A FACE B 48 A (.D AAA 28 1E3 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 35 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-7 1E5 107 FCB 245A1-8 max = 265 MPa o88 A o n FACE A FACE B E Li z W -J 60 40 (lu CD AO r\ I I I I 1L IA I I 1E3 I mI I I I 311 I 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 36 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-8 I l I 1E5 108 FCB 245A1-9 max = 265 MPa 188 Be AA A FACE A > FACE B A 80 S1= II A A Ah A A E E Li 80 A o0 A I D z ILd -j O 0 0 A 480 W CD z. 20 0 1E3 I~~~ llr •~ I I II S a 3 I 11,11 I 1 -• 1 I 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 37 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-9 1E5 109 FCB 245A1-10 Cr max = 243 MPa 188 88 r-'l I E A FACE A + FACE B E 680 AAA LiJ I 2: Z LD z Ld -J A 40 C CD 28 Q= 8 1E3 - L1fi1 II I II I I If aI a I aI Ia aaaal 1 11 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 38 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-10 1E5 110 FCB 245A1-11 cr max = 243 MPa 80 E E A FACE A SLi * FACE B - LJ U 40 I IE3 I I I I I I II IA 1 4 I9 1 1I I 1 tItI IE4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 39 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-11 IE5 111 FCB 245A1-12 cr max = 265 MPa 188 88 'A FACE A + FACE B En E E 60 I CD z LLJ - LUi CD (_9 /I I 1E3 e,,,,,,l I I I I I I I I I IE4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 40 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-12 IE5 112 FCB 245A1-13 m max = 265 MPa 188 A FACE A o FACE B 88 A m E E LJ A 68 "- A O CD z LUJ -i LLJ CD A O aA A A O 00 zl (_9 <[, aI 1E3 I I f~e~ltL~ __I I II Il IE4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 41 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-13 IE5 113 FCB 245A1-14 = 287 MPa max A o FACE A FACE B A A r-1 E E I Fz Ld ,I -J AA AA AA 40 A Ld C(D z: 0 A A A A_ A I 1E3 rI I * I I I I I I Ii 1 11 SI I I I I t It 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 42 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 245A1-14 IE5 114 levels stress peak at cycling this that is observation important damage occurred during as low as 57% of the static ultimate strength. were tests section test the The at a stress level of 265 MPa (63% of delamination extended nearly the entire length A ultimate). of cycled was test first done on five 345A1 specimens. was testing Similar cycled after only 500 cycles. The four other at a peak compressive stress level of 243 and 221 MPa (57% and 52% of ultimate). Delamination length is plotted as a function of the logarithm of the number of cycles in Figures 43-46. growth characteristics for this set of specimens are The 245A1 specimens except that damage initiates similar to the earlier in these 52% thicker ply specimens. At applied stress of the laminate's ultimate strength a delami- levels of nation extends from 50,000 cycles. A summary of the 245A1 and 345A1 cyclic tests end to end in the specimen after only is given in Tables 9 and 10. The longitudinal delamination growth data can be corre- lated by the equation proposed by Daken [4] for split growth: 2a = -A + B In(n) is the where N total delamination the (4.1) number of applied load cycles and 2a is the length. Experimentally, 2a is the sum of delamination length from the top of the hole, at, and the 115 FCB 345A1-2 = 243 MPa max 100 AO 88 A FACE A o FACE B rl E E Lii LAA I- aM O OO O CD z Lui I 40 LJ CD w (_9 Q: Q: AA IE3 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 43 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345A1-2 1E5 116 FCB 345A1-3 = 221 MPa max 18800 A 88 , i i A FACEA FACE B A 4 E E Li 0 680 0 FCD z 02: -J U && 48 A O AA C u\ 280 A A 0 IES A A AL I I II Imiii! I ~I I IffII ILjJ 1 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 44 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345 Al-3 IE5 117 FCB cr 345A1-4 max = 221 MPa 188 A FACE A 0 FACE B 88 r-1 E A E -r A A& AA MAA FA* z 48 -4 0 LJ CD A 0 4 A I a1 1E3 I I 4 1,+ A * I I I I I filI 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 45 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345A1-4 1E5 118 FCB 345A1-5 max = 221 MPa 100 r A FACE A * FACE B ¢I¢ E E Li 60 - A * CD -r L9 o 40 A A A - L (D 20 00 O Q= 000 ¢ 4 O 01E3 aa AA i L L 4 444AA I I I I I, 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 46 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES FOR SPECIMEN FCB 345A1-5 1E5 119 TABLE 9 CYCLIC TESTS RESULTS FOR THE [+-45x2/0x2]ss SPECIMENS Specimen I.D. Peak Compressive Stress Damage Type Number of Cycles to Initiation of Test [MPa] FCB245A1-lA 287 -lB -2A -2B NDD ------ NDD ------ NDD NDD I Number of Cycles at Completion NDD I 110,000 -I - - - -3A -3B 287 -4A -4B 287 NDD 3* -----Unknown* 12,000 -5A -5B 287 287 NDD 3* U-----Unknown 841,00 3 -6B -7A -8A -8B -9A -9B -10A -10OB -11 B -12A -12B 12,000 1,000 3 7,000 3 7,000 60,000 -----3,000 70,000 33 6,000 11000 1320,000 3 3 1,500 3,500 NDD 3 -11A 6,000 1,500 287 -7B -13A -13B -14A -14B 83,000 NDD 1 14,000 All tests ran at 7 HZ with R = 0.1 First five specimens monitored with Moire interferometry, all others monitored with ultrasound *Longitudinal delamination found by sectioning coupon Note: Damage Key: NDD = no detected damage; 1 = transverse delamination; 2 = radial delamination; 3 - longitudinal delamination 120 TABLE 10 CYCLIC TEST RESULTS FOR THE [+-45x3/0x3]ss SPECIMENS Peak Compressive Stress [MPa] Damage Type Number of Cycles to Iniation Number of Cycles at Completation of Test FCB 345Al-1A -lB 265 3 3 <500 <500 3,000 -2A -2B 243 3 3 1,000 1,000 9,000 -3A -3B 221 3 3 3,000 9,000 59,000 -4A 221 3 6,000 85,000 3 10,000 3 3 14,000 6,000 Specimen I.D. -4B -5A -5B 221 Note: All tests ron at 7Hz with R = 0.1 Damage Key: NDD = No damage detected 1 = Transverse delamination 2 = Radial delamination 3 = Longitudinal delamination 50,000 121 length from the bottom of the hole, ab absolute growth value curve of . The variable A is the the y-intercept and B is the slope of the as shown in Figure 47. A computer program [24] was used to determine the best fit of a straight line through the growth results longitudinal delamination. From the of this least squares linear regression, A and B were determined nation of data for each growth. delamination The coupon exhibiting longitudinal delami- number of cycles to initiation of and the rate of delamination growth at the onset of delamination are easily derived from A and B: (4.2) = eA/B N 0 The results of these calculations are tabulated for the 145A1, 245AI and N =131,000 o the 345A1 in Table 11-13 respectively. A value of (da/dN) =.00057 mm/cycle were determined from and o average 145A1 linear regression results at a stress level of 287 MPa. of cycles At a stress level of 287 MPa the average number to delamination was determined to be 2900 with a of 0.010 mm/cycle for the 245A1 specimens. This growth rate result shows clearly that the number of cycles to damage ini- tiation is much less as the ply thickness is increased. Similarly the damage growth rate increases in the 245A1 specimen. At 265 MPa, the average N is 5300 cycles and the initial average growth rate is 0.0071 mm/cycle. The average number of 122 2a [mm ] tan-lB In N [cycles] A FIGURE 47 GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION OF LINEAR REGRESSION PARAMETERS, A AND B TABLE 11 RESULTS OF LINEAR REGRESSION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH VERSUS LOGARITHM OF NUMBER OF CYCLES FOR [+-45/0]sS DATA da correlation coefficient = R (dN o Peak Compressive Stress [MPa] A [mm] FCB 145A-2A 287 1702 137 .996 248,000 .00028 -4A 287 2167 180 .876 169,000 .00053 -9A 287 1013 95 .993 43,000 -10A 287 1303 112 .989 112,000 .00050 -10B 287 862 76 .982 85,000 .00045 Specimen I.D. B [mm/cycle] N [cycles] Avrg 11,0,.05 Average 131,000 [mm/cycle] .0011 .00057 TABLE 12 RESULTS OF LINEAR REGRESSION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH VERSUS NATURAL LOGARITHM OF NUMBER OF CYCLES FOR [+-45x2/0x2]s DATA Peak Compressive Stress [MPa] A [mm] 287 287 482 846 63 98 .991 .995 2100 5600 .015 .0088 -7A -7B -14A -14B 287 287 287 287 345 340 294 381 45 45 39 47 .920 .987 .968 .991 2600 1900 1900 3300 .0087 .012 .010 .0071 Average FCB 245A1-8A -8B -9A -9B -12A 412B -13A -13B 2900 .010 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 604 612 460 352 452 294 337 340 66 69 52 40 57 43 41 40 9400 7100 .0035 .0049 FCB 245A1-10OA 243 355 243 39 * .989 .965 .982 .933 .991 .978 .936 .964 Average .990 6900 6600 3100 930 3700 4900 5300 9000 .0038 .0030 .0091 .023 .0055 .0041 .0071 .0022 * , -11A 243 -11B 243 795 Specimen I.D. FCB 245Al-6A -6B -10B * B [mm/cycle] * 79 * correlation coefficient= R * .920 * 30,000 * Average * Indicates that no damage was detected on this coupon during the test. N [cyces] 19,500 (da) dNo [mm/cycle] .0013 * .0018 TABLE 13 RESULTS OF LINEAR REGRESSION OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH VERSUS NATURAL LOGARITHM OF NUMBER OF CYCLES FOR [+-45x3/0x3] s DATA Peak Compressive Stress [MPa] A [mm] FCB 345Al-1A -1B 265 265 * * * * * * * * FCB 345Al-2A -2B 243 243 291 230 43 35 .962 .940 870 710 .025 .024 FCB 345AI-3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B 221 221 221 221 221 221 228 502 337 349 610 239 28 55 38 38 63 29 .928 .907 Specimen I.D. B [mm/cycle] correlation coefficient= R Average * Damage had grown from end to end of specimen after first inspection interval of 500 cycles. .901 .957 .970 .976 Average No [cycles] (da A 0 [mm/cycle] * * 790 .024 3400 9200 .0041 .0030 7100 9700 16,000 3800 8200 .0027 .0020 .0020 .0038 .0029 126 cycles before stress level initiation damage specimens tested at a 241 MPa is 19,500 cycles and the growth rate at initiation is 0.0018 mm/cycle. This result indicates that the cycles to initiation increases as the stress level of number for decreases and the initial growth rate is a decreasing function The results of the linear regression of applied stress level. for the 345A1 specimens are consistent with the other results. At applied an and the average (da/dN)o is 0.024 mm/cycle. cycles age stress level of 241 MPa the average N is 790 The aver- number of cycles before damaged initiation is 8200 cycles at a peak stress level of 221 MPa for the 345A1 specimens; the initial growth rate is 0.0029 mm/cycle at this stress level. 4.3 Residual Strength Tests Static for except were tests tensile sectioned observe to conducted on every coupon failed during compressive cycling or that those were damage. The coupons were loaded until failure to determine the effect that delamination damage has on the strength of the laminate. The reported results in of Table the 14 145A1 residual strength tests are along with a brief description of the damage in the coupon at the time of the test. teen 145A1 coupons coupons A total of fif- were tested for residual strength, three were sectioned and the remaining fourteen failed dur- 127 ing cyclic inspection ultrasonic firmed Before each 145A1 coupon was loaded, an testing. the damage was conducted. state of This inspection con- the laminate as found by Moire interferometry. residual strength tests indicate an average residual The strength of MPa with a coefficient of variation of 14%. 564 Note that the average measured modulus of 56.7 (C.V.=5.6%) and Poisson's ratio of significantly. over a small interpreting 0.66 Since area (C.V.=3.7%) have not been affected the measurements (about 0.1 of strain are taken cm2), care must be taken in the stiffness data since this data may not truly represent the response of the entire coupon since damage under a gage would cause readings to be different locally. the data uniaxial shows clearly tension strength the of the However, laminate in has increased due to the damage accumulated during compressive cyclic loading. The residual strength test results for the 245A1 and 345A1 laminates are reported in Tables 15 and 16 respectively. The strength data again shows nearly a 50% increase in static strength due to longitudinal delamination damage in the com- posite. The average of the 245A1 data is 674 MPa strength with a coefficient of variation of 9.0%. mens, the coefficient average fracture stress of variation of 9.8%. For the 345A1 speciis 605 MPa with a The average modulus of the 245A1 data is 54.9 GPa with the coefficient of variation equal 128 TABLE 14 RESIDUAL TENSILE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS FOR [+-45/0] SPECIMEN DELINEATED BY DAMAGE TYPE Specimen I.D. Tensile Fracture Stress Longitudinal Modulus [GPa] Poisson's Ratio Damage Type [MPa] FCB145AI-1B -4B -7B -9B -11A -13A Average C.V. 512 534 552 551 565 546 55.9 60.1 57.7 56.5 58.9 66.9 .656 .633 .662 .659 .661 .678 543 3.1% 59.3 6.2% .658 2.0% FCB145Al-1A -7A -13B -14B Average C.V. 400 620 444 520 58.6 58.8 66.6 58.4 .621 .677 .676 .673 496 17% 60.6 5.2% .662 3.6% FCB145Al-2A -2B -4A -9A -10B Average C.V. 611 565 720 680 639 643 8.3% 60.9 53.7 53.2 58.4 58.9 57.0 5.3% .732 .650 .669 .624 .661 ,- Damage Key: NDD 1 2 3 no detected damage transverse delamination radial delamination longitudinal delamination .667 5.4% NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 129 TABLE 15 RESIDUAL TENSILE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS FOR [+-45x2/0x2]s SPECIMENS Fracture Stress Specimen I.D. Modulus [GPa] Poisson's Ratio [MPa] FCB245Al-1A -1B 719 691 53.8 55.7 .846 .647 -2A -2B 566 662 -4A -5A 669 624 42.2 53.9 56.3 48.9 .540 .647 .547 .596 -6A -6B -7A -7B 704 690 683 584 57.5 58.6 51.0 49.3 1.023 .662 .613 .564 -8A -8B 670 729 61.9 63.9 .653 .821 -9A -9B 755 634 56.1 49.6 .698 .570 -10A -10B 602 662 48.1 59.1 .551 .689 -11A -11B 761 734 59.6 61.7 .561 .694 -13A -14A -14B 550 46.5 .555 780 686 674 9.0% 59.1 60.8 54.9 10.3% .649 .593 .653 17.8% Average C.V. 130 TABLE 16 RESIDUAL TENSILE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS FOR [+-45x3/0x3] s SPECIMENS Sepcimen I.D. Tensile Fracture Stress Modulus [GPa] Poisson's Ratio [MPa] FCB345Al-lA -1B -2A -2B -3A -3B -4A -4B -5A -5B Average C.V. 527 649 533 568 583 700 650 691 561 587 49.4 51.2 .578 .637 51.3 50.2 51.4 63.8 63.2 57.7 51.6 58.2 .633 .582 .567 .700 .730 .514 .603 .530 605 9.8% 54.8 9.5% .608 10.9% 131 to 10.3%. The average modulus of the 345A1 data is 54.8 GPa and the coefficient of variation is 9.5%. a slight stiffness decrease of of approximately There appears to be 5% in the longitudinal cycled specimens but the data shows a wide the scatter compared to the tests on undamaged coupons. The aver- age Poisson's ratio from the 245A1 tests is 0.65 and the coefficient Poisson's of of variation ratio variation is 17.3%. Similarly, the average of the 345A1 data is 0.61 with a coefficient equal to 10.9%. These large variations can be explained by the presence of local damage. 132 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 Static Tests The there results is no ply of the compressive thickness static tests indicate dependence strength of the [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminate. that static failure on the compressive Lagace has shown [25] in composites can occur due to in-plane stresses, or out-of-plane stresses that exist at the edge of a notch in shown that interlaminar stresses cause delamination and fail- ure in a composite some influence laminate. laminates. of His experimental work has Laminates interlaminar that fail that not from a laminate. This for however, stresses. stresses primary interlaminar equal It can be con- the compressive static tests done in this study, out-of-plane play to the stresses can show a ply thickness dependence on their static ultimate strengths. cluded due does stresses different that role static at the edge of a 6.35 mm hole do in not around ply the static necessarily the is imply of this that the free edge of the hole are thicknesses. failure failure It does suggest, primarily due to in-plane 133 5.2 Cyclic Tests results The of the cyclic tests clearly show a 145AI variety of damage modes in the [+-45/0]s laminate. exhibited a rapid delamination mode where areas of dam- imens age Five spec- grew large enough to failure within a few load cause after delamination initiated. cycles Another seven specimens developed radial delaminations that grew to some extent. four ever, specimens delamination that extended Furthermore, this longitudinal total) coupons (six only in How- developed a the loading direction. damage growth is quite slow to the transverse delamination observed in the other compared The specimens. laminates exhibiting longitudinal damage continued to withstand thousands of load cycles before growth testing was stopped. explanation for these different damage types may come An the consideration of strain energy release rates as dis- from Chapter 2. cussed in gests that observed the our in The results of Wilken's [19] work sug- transverse and radial delamination damage study can be modeled as a crack between two plies that is growing under a tensile opening mode, i.e., Mode I. This is consistent with Wilken's experimental results for an interfacial crack under tensile cycling where he found that crack growth under the was very rapid. action of The delamination growth occurs normal stresses that arise from local 134 instabilities, the delaminated ply (or plies) buckles under compression .which generates large peel stresses (out-of-plane normal stresses) which act to enlarge the delamination as cycling continues. The longitudinal delamination growth may actually be modas eled operating under Mode II (shear) extension. crack Wilken's test results support this possibility because Again, he a found that exhibited growth a that interfacial an crack under Mode II loading slow growth rate. The longitudinal delamination was the cyclic tests had the same observed in characteristic. it Furthermore, can versus similar of both in-plane and logarithm the number of applied load of The observed linear relaionship of equation (4.1) is to splitting growth in unidirectional laminates the Therefore, the mechanism longitudinal delamination occurs after longitudinal splitin ting showed between and the holes determined by Daken [2]. with that First, consider the plots of damage delamination damage mode. cycles. shown shear play an important role in the longitudinal interlaminar length be the 0O plies of the [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminate. Daken that the growth of splitting was due to in-plane shear the matrix and fibers as was discussed in Chapter 2 that the 00 splitting during cyclic loading will occur at stress applied levels stress near 15% of the static ultimate strength. levels in this test The program (221-320 MPa) 135 in result at occur ply. It is therefore likely splitting will either side of levels. stress side either the hole in the 00 plies at these The photograph of the cross section of a damin Figure 31 shows that cracks in the 0* plies laminate aged at 00 the of MPa) of the compressive ultimate strength (1691 30%-40% of order of 492-712 MPa, which is on the stresses ply 0O of the delamination do exist. These cracks imply that splitting initiated at the hole edge. The situation of 0* splitting in a loaded [+45n/-45n/0n]s illustrated in Figure 48. is laminate Clearly, the 00 plies between the splits carry only load transferred from the angled through plies shear in the ply interface. If the load level is gradually increased, the ply interface, which transfers the to the 00 plies, will fail. loading The result of this fail- ure is the longitudinal delamination mode. above The reasoning implies that for a laminate under cyclic loading, the longitudinal delamination will follow the growth of failure shear 00 plies. area 00 splitting. The delamination is a result of a of the -450/00 interface between splits in the This is why the observed delamination occurs in an only as wide as the hole. depends length results. on on Since the delamination growth split growth, a linear dependence of delamination the logarithm of the number of applied load cycles 136 TOP VIEW co SIDE VIEW SPLITS SPLI 6.35 mm -_ I FIGURE 48 I SPLITTING OF 0 DEGREE PLIES IN [+-45xn/Oxn]s LAMINATE AT HOLE EDGE 137 The results from performing tudinal delamination linear regressions on longi- growth data show a strong dependence on ply thickness and applied stress level on the growth of longitudinal delamination. This result implies that the level of shear stress which causes 0* splitting is dependent on the ply thickness and of course dependent on the applied stress level. It is damage not expected that the growth rate of longitudinal will be equal to the growth rate of 0* splitting in a unidirectional laminate. the angled plies compressive the rate clear to lags a [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminate induces a transverse stress in the 0*0 ply which will affect of 0* whether the in This is simply because the effect of in the laminate. Also it is not or not the length of the delamination is equal length behind splitting of the 00 splits or if the delaminated region the splits by some characteristic distance (see Figure 49). An important specimens is, in result developed part, is that all of the 245A1 and 345A1 longitudinal delamination. This result due to the magnitude of the interlaminar shear stress cxz Figure 50 is a simple schematic "model" of the region between the 0* splits. delaminated is at the The -45*/0* interface between the 0O splits. diagram shows that part of the area is at the -450/00 interface and the rest of the area still perfectly bonded. The 0* ply carries no load in the section that has delaminated, therefore, it has been "removed" 138 DELAMI NATED REGION SPLIT IN 00 PLY r 6.35 mm "LAG" DISTANCE FIGURE 49 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION IN [+-4 5xn/0xn]s LAMINATE 139 [+-45] N00[+-45] N11 -450 matrix ti00ltl layer t0] f l 0 oo N [0] *x FIGURE 50 SCHEMATIC MODEL OF REGION BETWEEN 00 SPLITTING WITH DELAMINATION AT -45o/0o INTERFACE 140 from the sketch for clarity. is load A shear lag analysis outlined in Appen- shows that the magnitude of the interlaminar shear is 2, dix into the 0* ply through the interlaminar introduced component axz. shear At the edge of the delamination, strongly dependent on the ply thickness of the laminate. The determine may it because of this shear component is very important magnitude not the longitudinal or whether The 145A1 test delamination will occur between the 00 splits. interlaminar 287 MPa. age was shear failure splits is near occurs between 0O This conclusion is drawn from the fact that no damin found 145A1 specimens cycled at slightly lower Transverse delamination growth can also devel- stress levels. op the uniaxial stress level at which an that indicate results near the same peak stress level of 287 MPa and becomes the dominant mode damage as loading is increased. In the 145A1 specimens cycled at approximately 287 MPa there is a "competidamage tion" of shear failure delamination tudinal increased occurs between the 0O for splits before transverse initiates, then the specimen will exhibit longi- delamination interlaminar It appears that if the interfacial modes. shear the growth. between the In other -45*/0* words, plies were if the to be same in-plane applied stress, then longi- tudinal delamination might be the only damage observed. This is the case in the 245A1 and 345A1 specimens; at the same in-plane stress level, the interlaminar shear stress in 141 the split result region is higher than in the 145A1 specimens. is that only longitudinal delamination is observed in The other damage modes do not occur in these these specimens. the thicker plies are more stable and will because specimens not The buckle delamination growth at the stress levels causing where longitudinal delamination is observed. Another possible explanation as to why longitudinal delamination was not always observed in the 145A1 specimens is the possibility that longitudinal splitting did not develop in Flaggs specimens. these and Kural [26] conducted an exper- imental study on [+-0/90xn]s laminates, where n took on values of 1, these the this and 8. 4, 2, unflawed laminates to determine the thickness effect of 900 on the initiation of transverse splitting in They determined the transverse strength of the layer layer. and graphite/epoxy multidirectional over at They performed static tension tests on found that 90* plies constrained in a laminate showed a large increase in strength "unconstrained" laminates. That is, splitting initiated stress levels in the 900 plies of 2.5 times the transverse strength of a unidirectional ply tested in transverse tension. Furthermore, increased, ated as number of 90* plies in the laminate was the 90* ply stress level at which splitting initi- decreased, 900 ply. the approaching the stength of an unconstrained They use the term "in-situ strength" to describe the 142 change in the strength of a composite ply as it is constrained in a laminate. ation of in-situ strength may apply to the initi- concept The of 0* splitting in a laminate as well. growth and the 145A1 laminate, the number of consecutive 0O In plies is two; are constrained on two sides by -45* plies. The these plies 245A1 laminates have four consecutive 0* plies which are cononly strained is laminate by sides -45* plies. The result of that the in-situ strength of the suggests Kural and Flaggs two on with increasing ply thickness. decreasing Even though stresses in the 00 plies of the 145A1 laminate are well the above stress, splitting unidirectional the in-situ strength may still be higher, thus splitting does not develop. But, we as increase which decreases ply results the in-situ strength splitting and longitudinal thickness, 0O in delamination due-to shear failure. If the is delamination longitudinal a result of an interlaminar shear failure, then it should occur in tension as well as sequence in should interlaminar Therefore, compression have shear the same loading. little between type In addition, the stacking effect the 0* on the value of the ply and the angled ply. of delamination should occur in a [0/+-45]s laminate under tensile cyclic loading. A simple experiment was run to support the proposed mechanism of longitudinal delamination growth. A [+-45]s laminate 143 and [+-45x23s a laminate were laid up and cured in the same Five 350 mm x 50 mm coupons [0x2]t laminates were also cured. cut from each laminate and 6.35 mm holes were drilled in were A razor blade was used to cut two, the center of each coupon. 50 and Two [0]t laminates and two as all previous specimens. manner mm long, 00 splits at the hole edge in four [0]t coupons [0x2]t four 00 coupons with splits were The coupons. bonded to the [+-45]s and [+-45x2]s laminates with a room temcure perature epoxy. This bonding procedure resulted in two [0//+-45]s coupons and two [0x2//+-45x2]s coupons, where "//" represents a room-temperature cure epoxy bondline. coupons had 6.35 mm holes and the 0O All the plies contained splits on either side of the hole. Loading tabs were bonded on each end of all four coupons and a tensile static test was performed on each coupon following the procedure described in section 3.1. by loading the specimen in 200 The test was run increments pound and monitoring, with the ultrasonic technique, the regions between the 0* splits after each increment of loading. cation of subsequent splits in nificantly load, each delamination the 0* plies. lower specimen exhibited During appli- split growth and at the 00/+45* interface between the The delamination occurred at a sig- stress level of 88 MPa in the [0x2/+-45x2]s coupons than the stress level of 132 MPa in the [0/+-45]s coupons. These tests demonstrate that longitudinal delamination 144 is a result of an interlaminar shear failure of the ply interthe between face 00 an angled ply in the regions and ply between splits in the 0* plies. coupons, a [0//+-45]s and a [0x2//+-45x2]s laminate, Two were constructed in the same manner as the four previous specthat except imens mum stress 500 cycle and R=0.1. level The testing was interrupted at intervals and the growth of delamination was moni- 0* the between longitudinally Delaminations inspection. ultrasonic via ply grew and the 450 ply on both The delamination occurred along with of each specimen. sides Both were cycled under tensile loading at the same maxi- specimens tored no splits were cut in the 0* plies. Observation of the specimen during splitting in the 00 plies. testing revealed that splitting initiated at the hole edge and grew Again, vertically. the delamination between the splits in the 0* plies. the delaminated shows 51 Figure 00 peeled regions only As the cycling continued, away from the laminate. delamination this occurred clearly in the [0x2//+-45x2]s specimen. The rithm of specimen which delamination length, 2a, is plotted versus the loganumber of applied load cycles for a [0//+-45]s the in Figure indicates coefficient, 52. nearly R=.954). A a linear regression was performed linear relationship (correlation The results of the least square linear r~-s~--- a I 145 FIGURE 51 PHOTOGRAPH OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION IN [0x2/+-45x2]s TENSILE CYCLIC SPECIMEN 146 TENSILE COUPON tee E+-45/03s SPECIMEN A 88 r r E E FCD zLJ -j I 68 48 CD (_9 r< 28 @ 1E3 I I I I I I II I I I I I i __ IIl _ 1E4 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 52 PLOT OF LONGITUDINAL DELAMINATION LENGTH, 2a, VERSUS THE LOGARITHM OF THE NUMBER OF APPLIED LOAD CYCLES IE5 147 regression indicate that delamination initiation is after 3640 cycles. The initial growth rate (da/dN)o is 0.00573 mm/cycle. 5.3 Residual Strength Tests The residual cyclic loading tensile strength The test can between thicknesses. results of show that increase the damage due to unidirectional the [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminate with a hole. however, the This tests actually of results, strength the strength 145A1 indicate coupons a large difference in and the other two ply variation can be explained by considering the 145A1 specimens separately as shown in Table 14. The 145A1 residual strength data has a very large scatter (coefficient 345A1 data. also varied. broken can an of But variation = 14.0%) compared to the 245A1 and the type of damage in the 145A1 coupons is If the residual strength of the 145A1 coupons is down according to the type of damage in the coupon, it be seen that coupons with longitudinal delamination have average tensile strength of 643 MPa. This result is very close to the residual strength of the 245A1 and 345A1 coupons. Notice that the average residual strength of specimens with no detectable after have delaminations have an average strength of 543 MPa cyclic loading and coupons with transverse delamination an average strength of 496 MPa, which is very near the 148 uncycled strength of 470 MPa determined from the static tensile coupon testing. Generally, an increase in strength of nearly 50% is found in the coupons with longitudinal delamination. in tensile the hole. strength Through This increase is due to the presence of damage around mechanisms of stress redistribution, the hole no longer causes a stress concentration in the laminate's 00 plies. The data from Lagace's experimental work [27] indi- cates the MPa. This compares closely to the average strengths of these notched other as unnotched laminates strength of a [+-45/0]s laminate is 667 with longitudinal delamination damage. In words, the laminate has become nearly notch-insensitive the fracture is controlled by the 0* plies which no longer see the effect of the notch. Post-mortem gitudinal failure observation of the coupons with lon- delamination confirms the hypothesis that the 0O plies in the region between splits carry no load after delamination. Figure 53 is residual strength testing. entire the a photograph of a 245AI coupon after The 0* fibers fractured across the width of the laminate except for the 6.35 mm region in center of the laminate where 0' splitting had occured. These fibers remained unloaded during the static test and thus do not break when the laminate fails. However, it is important to point out that the longitudinal damage mode is not beneficial to the integrity of the com- IIIIIl I I 149 FIGURE 53 PHOTOGRAPH OF STRENGTH TEST [+-45x2/0x2]s COUPON AFTER RESIDUAL 150 posite. The increase uniaxial tension. in strength observed only in The effects of compressive and transverse have not been investigated. loading was Under these loading con- longitudinal delamination could lead to buckling and ditions, subsequent growth of delamination at stress levels below the undamaged strength of the laminate. 5.4 Summary thickness does not affect the static strength of the Ply laminate with 6.35 mm holes. [+-45xn/Oxn]s However, a thick- ness effect has been found on the damage mode and growth rates Longitudinal delamination in specimens under cyclic loading. is an important damage mode in all the laminates tested. number of tudinal cycles to initiation and the growth rate of longi- delamination is strongly thickness and applied stress level. ness and The the higher the dependent upon the ply The larger the ply thick- applied stress level, the earlier damage initiates and the higher the initial damage growth rate becomes. plies of splitting direction. interface It has been shown that splitting occurs in the 0* the laminates with longitudinal delamination. This initiates at the hole edge and grows in the loading An interlaminar results in shear failure in the -450/00 the longitudinal delamination. It has been shown that the magnitude of the interlaminar shear stress 151 00 between splits that postulated not in is dependent on the ply thickness. It is the 145A1 specimens this shear stress is always great enough to cause a shear failure so that lon- gitudinal delaminaton is not always observed. However, it is also possible that the in-plane shear stress that initiates 0* splitting before since may not always be high enough to bring on splitting other damage in-situ the Longitudinal initiate modes strength delamination to increase the 145A1 laminate change with ply thickness. is also observed in tensile cyclic loading in [0/+-45]s laminates. found may in Longitudinal delamination was the uniaxial tensile strength of a cycled coupon but the strength of the laminate with this type of damage has not been determined for other loading conditions. 152 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From the tests completed in this investigation we are able to draw the following conclusions: 1. compressive static The strength of [+-45xn/Oxn]s lami- nates with 6.35 mm holes is not dependent upon the effective ply thickness of the laminate. This suggests that failure is due only to in-plane stresses. 2. initiates and grows at the hole edge in the 00 Splitting plies due to compressive cyclic loading in [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminates. 3. In the region above the hole.and between the splits, a large axz exists in the -450/00 interface. sufficiently large, then this If the axz is region of the interface will delaminate. 4. As the ply thickness is increased, the interlaminar shear stress axz at the -450/0* ply interface, between the 00 splits, increases for the same applied uniaxial stress. 153 5. A second delamination mode which characterizes itself by growth, occurs often in the 145A1 transverse direction specimens. This damage can be associated with ply insta- bilities therefore and observed most often in the thin ply laminates. 6. is a linear dependence of the longitudinal delami- There on the logarithm of the number of applied length nation cycles. 7. The number of cycles to initiation of longitudinal delamination decreases with increasing ply thickness and/or increasing peak stress level. 8. The growth initial increasing ply rate of delamination increases with thickness and/or increasing peak stress level. 9. The growth [+-45xn/0xn]s rate of longitudinal delamination in laminates is similar to the growth rate of splitting in unidirectional laminates. 10. Longitudinal delamination will occur under tensile load- ing as well as compressive loading. 154 11. Residual strength tests show nearly a 50% increase in the uniaxial of a coupon which has longi- strength tensile tudinal delamination damage due to cyclic loading. on the results of this test program, the following Based work is recommended to further our understanding of the development of damage in composite materials: 1. investigate the effect of to initiation and growth of splitting in the on thickness required are Experiments unidirectional laminates with holes under static loading. This of should include a study of the effect investigation thickness ply the in-situ strength of a under the constraint of angled plies ply unidirectional on in a laminate. 2. A study is needed to determine what effect hole size has initiation of longitudinal splitting in 00 plies on the in a multidirectional laminate. effective prediction This work could lead to of the development of longitudinal delamination. 3. The relationship the length determined. of between the length of 0* splitting and longitudinal Cyclic testing delamination needs to be of [0Oxn/+-45xn]s laminates 155 with to results cyclic the in splitting dust would holes the in test. a be an effective method of monitoring outer 0* plies. the surface of clear view Application of chalk composite before testing of the 0* splitting during a Ultrasonic monitoring can give an accurate picture of delamination length during the test. 4. A detailed study of the effect that longitudinal delami- nation has on the strength of a composite in a variety of loading conditions compression, should transverse be made; i.e., longitudinal loading, and biaxial loading could be applied to investigate a composite's response in the presence of such damage. 156 REFERENCES 1. "The Effects of Compression-Compression Graves, M.J., Fatigue on Balanced Graphite/Epoxy Laminates With Holes," MIT, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, S.M. Thesis, 1979. 2. 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Lagace, P. and Brewer, J., TELAC Manufacturing Course, Class Notes, Edition 0-2, Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites, Report 81-14, Sept., 1981. 24. Vizzini, A.J and Lagace, P.A.,"TELAC Computing Facility: Software Description", Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites, Report in preparation. 25. Lagace, P.A., "Delamination Fracture Under Tensile Loading", presented at Sixth Conference on Fibrous Composites in Structural Design, New Orleans, Louisiana, January, 1983. 26. Flaggs, D.L., "Experimental Deterimination of the In-Situ Transverse Lamina Strength in Graphite/Epoxy Laminates", J. Composite Materials, Vol. 16, 1982, p.103. 159 27. Lagace, P.A., "Notch Sensitivity and Stacking Sequence", to be presented at ASTM Seventh Symposium on Composite Materials: Testing and Design, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 1984. 28. Phillps, E.A, "Effects of Truncation of a Predominantly Compression Load Spectrum on the Life of a Notched Graphite/Epoxy Laminate", ASTM STP 723, 1981, pp. 197-212. 160 APPENDIX 1 SPECIMEN SELECTION AND VERIFICATION A1.1 Specimen Selection An ideal compression test specimen must minimize stresses to specimen bending or support configuration. due The method of data acquisition can place further restrictions on the conA thorough search of litera- figuration of any test specimen. ture and testing of certain compression methods led to a final of the test specimen to be used in this investigation. choice It be pointed out that while many methods reported in should literature have been used with success, these experiments the generally were conducted with relatively thick (greater than 5 mm) test specimens. as inates thin The current investigation deals with lam- as 0.8 thus mm, risk of compressive the instability is greater. Anti-buckling plates guide specimen been used in previous buckling under compression studies to loading. Static tests done as part of this investigation used a prevent have configuration Walker [7]. to identical teflon specimen and performed by Ryder and This method consists of supporting a gripped test coupon with two metal plates. with tests to reduce the plates. The aluminum plates were coated surface friction between the loaded Cutouts in the support plates were 161 made around tractions the from cutouts also in affecting were the the on made composite to prevent surface stress field around the flaw; both plates at the location of A quantitative measure of coupon gages. strain back-to-back and insight to the extent of pure compressive loading bending was hole these tests showed that at loads of Results obtained. below the fracture stress, buckling of the cutout region well the back-to-back strain gages at the cutout as from measured indicated by the divergence of strains as place taking was shown in Figure A1.1. Phillips showed that the cyclic life of a composite laminate was dependent upon the cutout size in the support plates. He that found cyclic the around field is cutout produced shorter compressive results indicate that the stress These [28]. lives cutouts larger not purely compressive. Other stress components induced through bending appear to affect the damage development during cyclic loading. cation of the NDI usual techniques The in-test appli- on a specimen between support plates is impossible without visual access to the surface of the compression composite. The use of anti-buckling plates for was testing rejected because of these deficiencies. Another method of collecting compression data is with sandwich specimens consisting of two identical composite laminates bonded to a low stiffness reinforcing core. Axially 162 E 03 2.B0 a REAR 1.03 -2. e3 FIGURE A1.1 0.0 CUPOi MICR£fSTPAIN 1.06 2.00 E84 STATIC COMPRESSIVE TEST STRESS-STRAIN PLOT OF BACK TO BACK STRAIN GAGE READINGS OF COUPON SPECIMEN UNDER SUPPORT OF ANTI-BUCKLING GUIDE PLATES 163 were specimens test sandwich loaded chosen several for A sandwich specimen provides support over the entire reasons. ensures no buckling. The delaminate without the influence of external supports. are methods NDI Also, easy to apply on both sides of the sandwich allows which specimen local of the composite is free to surface outside which coupon composite the of surface specimens to be monitored for damage without removing them from the testing machine. Compressive loads can be applied to the sandwich specimen axial either through loading or four-point bending. Axial application of load was chosen over four-point bending because it affect might is felt was difficult the geometric curvature applied to the specimen damage development. use to Also, Moire interferometry during testing with the specimen under four-point bending. A1.2 Verification of the Test Specimen [+-45/0]s tensile monotonically to Six tested tensile conducted ture stress, were failure. with 6.35 mm holes were The configuration of the coupon specimen is shown in Figure A1.2. were the coupons 45A1 also These tests to derive the basic tensile properties (fraclongitudinal laminate modulus, and Poisson's ratio) for with a 6.35 mm hole. These tensile tests used as basic data for comparison with the tensile 164 TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW TI 75 mm GLASS/EPOXY TAB GRAPHITE/EPOXY 200 mm GRAPHITE/EPOXY FM-123 FILM ADHESIVE ,GLASS/EPOXY 75 mm SGLASS/E 50 mm FIGURE A1.2 CONFIGURATION OF STATIC TENSILE COUPON TEST SPECIMEN 165 Fracture tests. strength residual data were obtained for these six specimens and the average fracture stress was deterbe 470 MPa with a coefficient of variation of 6.2%. to mined the six tensile coupons is 58.9 GPa of modulus average The Poisson's average the ratio 0.70 is (C.V.=3.1%) and (C.V.=1.8%). Calculations from Classical Laminated Plate The- ory predicts EL =57.7 GPa, and vLT=0.69 for this laminate. A of eight [+-45/0]s sandwich specimens were tested set tensile loading. It is that the average failure stress of a set of sandwich expected specimens be lower than a set of tensile coupon speci- would is because the strength of the sandwich specimen This mens. under failure to monotonically is limited to the strength of the weakest of the two composite faces on ultimate a strength is reduced to 443 MPa in this specimen with The average modulus and of variation of 6.4%. coefficient major In fact, the data shows the average specimen. the Poisson's are ratio 58.3 GPa (C.V.=2.4%) and 0.69 (C.V.=2.1%) respectively. These that show results the aluminum core has little influence on the engineering properties in the sandwich specimen with the discrepency in ultimate strength due to the probabilistic nature stress-strain the of plots strength of composites. of both a coupon specimen and a sandwich specimen are shown in Figures A1.3 and A1.4. are nearly Typical identical, The plots, which are nearly linear to failure and show 166 STC 145A1 -3 EL = 59.6 GPa 58800 300 z 28800 w uJ w H-r F0 1800 2000 4000 8000 LONGITUDINAL STRAIN ECs] FIGURE A1.3 STRESS-STRAIN PLOT FOR TYPICAL STATIC TEST OF [+-45/0]s TENSILE COUPON SPECIMEN 167 STB 588 n E L 145A1-2 = 60.0 GPa 400 uJ Co _J 2800 H Col z, wL H LONGITUDINAL STRAIN [As] FIGURE A1.4 STRESS-STRAIN PLOT FOR TYPICAL STATIC TEST OF [+-45/0]s TENSILE SANDWICH SPECIMEN 168 TABLE A1.1 STATIC TENSILE TEST RESULTS FOR BOTH [+-45/0] s COUPON AND SANDWICH SPECIMENS Specimen I.D. STC145AI-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Average C.V. STB145Al-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 Average C.V. Tensile Longitudinal Ultimate Strength Modulus [MPa] [GPa] 56.1 429 483 56.8 59.6 443 460 60.3 511 61.1 496 59.5 470 58.9 6.2% 3.1% 409 404 440 426 464 457 446 496 443 6.4% 59.4 60.0 58.0 59.1 57.8 57.8 58.7 55.2 58.3 2.4% Poisson's Ratio .70 .68 .69 .72 .71 .70 .70 1.8% .69 .69 .65 .69 .69 .70 .70 .69 .69 2.1% 169 a 10% loss of modulus at fracture. than less The individual tensile test results are shown in Table A1.1. A1.3 145A1 Static Compression Tests initial The static compression tests were completed on [+-45/0]s sandwich specimens. Seven specimens were tested and the average compressive fracture strength was determined to be with an associated coefficient of variation of 9.1%. 423 MPa The average longitudinal modulus 55.9 was GPa mean and Poisson's ratio was 0.59. experimental Poisson's ratio of 0.59 compared to a This value predicted that shows of 0.69 raised concern. in compression, the honeycomb core is restricting transverse strain which affects the Poisson's ratio. the for reason thin Figure The this effect is explained through consideration of the construction of the honeycomb. of This result clearly strips of aluminum, preshaped and bonded together. this shows A1.5 Aluminum honeycomb is made construction. All tensile and compressive sandwich specimens had been made with the "ribbon" (strips Under deforms verse of aluminum) longitudinal and strain. perpendicular tensile loading, to the the load direction. honeycomb easily the Poisson's effect causes a compressive transUnder this compressive strain, the ribbon simply bends at each cell (like a hinge) and does not restrict 170 BONDED RIBBON DIRECTION FIGURE A1.5 SCHEMATIC OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALUMINUM HONEYCOMB CORE USED IN SANDWICH SPECIMENS 171 composite from straining in the transverse direc- bonded the tion. compression, longitudinal Under effect results ribbon is however, the Poisson's in a tensile transverse strain. significantly stiffer under this The aluminum tensile state resulting in a large reduction of the transverse strain in the The problem is overcome by rotating the honeycomb composite. 90'; that that the the aluminum core should be cut and bonded so is, direction of the aluminum ribbon coincides with the direction of negative strain in the specimen. static Two 145A1 panels were constructed honeycomb oriented in the above described manner. the These spec- tested monotonically to failure and the test data were imens with yielded an average ultimate strength of 424 MPa and an average modulus 57.8 GPa. of The modulus and ultimate strength were affected by the rotation of the honeycomb. not significantly The average the theoretical value of 0.69. mens the were Poisson's constructed negative ratio was 0.72 which is very close to All the following test speci- with the honeycomb ribbon parallel to strain direction. Static test results of 245A1 and 345AI show good correlation with plate theory (see section 4.1). 172 A1.4 Summary of Specimen, Selection and Verification The choice of a compression test specimen was constrained by the testing. need to apply non-destructive techniques during Several different types of specimens were considered and the sandwich specimen was chosen as having the most desirable configuration available. The specimen was carefully scrutinized to ensure that the data obtained from cyclic testing would be reliable and reproducible. Comparison of tensile sandwich tests with tensile coupons show no differences in the response are of the composite under loading. properly attained Material properties with the sandwich specimen and static compression tests show no instability problems as the ultimate strength inspected is approached. during testing The sandwich specimen can be easily and its outer surface has no con- straints that might inhibit delamination damage. 173 APPENDIX 2 SHEAR LAG ANALYSIS OF A -450/00 INTERFACE CONTAINING A DELAMINATION When splitting occurs in the 00 plies of a [+-45xn/Oxn]s laminate, load is transferred into the plies between the splits by shear in the matrix layer at the -450/00 interface. If a delamination initiates at this interface in part of the region between the splits in the 00 plies, then the 00 plies in that region cannot carry load. This case is illustrated in Figure A2.1 for load applied in the longitudinal direction. In the figure, the part of the 00 ply which is delaminated is not shown for clarity. The reference point of x=0 in this case is measured from the edge of the delamination. A uniaxial load per unit length of N11 is applied far-field in the x-direction. It is assumed that all derivatives with respect to y are equal to zero and that the longitudinal stiffness of the matrix layer is negligible such that it only carries shear load. Given these facts and the coordinate system defined, the boundary conditions can be stated as follows: N [+N [0 4 5 ](x) (x) = N11 (x < 0) (A2.1a) = 0 (x < 0) (A2.1b) 174 t[+-45] N 00 N[+-45] 11 matrix layer FIGURE A2.1 SCHEMATIC MODEL OF REGION BETWEEN 00 SPLITTING WITH DELAMINATION AT -450/00 INTERFACE 175 N[+-45] (+o) = N[+- N[ = N[01 (+c) ] [0 4 5] ] = N11 matrix T (rix ) = 0 xz 4 5] group and N[0 (A2.ld) [o] N[+-45] + N[0 where N[+- (A2.1c) (A2.1e) (A2.1f) is the load per unit length in the [+-45] ply ] is the load per unit length in the [0] ply. The load per unit length is defined as the integral over the thickL ness of the layer: N = a * tlayer (A2.2) The displacement in the x-direction in each ply group can be realted to the applied load by considering the inverted stress-strain equation: Exx = SXX a XX (A2.3) and the strain-displacement relation: du dx duxx (A2.4) Using equation (A2.4) in equation (A2.3) and integrating over the thickness of the ply layer gives: h du du dx S N xx xx (A2.5) where h is the thickness of the ply layer, and the compliance, 176 xx, is: 1 - Sxx v E v xy yx (A2.6) xx The shear strain in the adhesive is the difference in displacement of the two composite layers divided by the thickness of the matrix layer: m Y -, u[+-45] - U[ 0 ] (A2.7) t m Differentiating with respect to x and using equation (A2.5) yields: dy =m dx S[+-45]N [+-45] t t[+-45] m [_ ot[0] t[O] (A2.8) j It is now necessary to relate this to the shear stress in the matrix. First, the shear stress-strain relation for the matrix gives: T m m xy = Gm y xy where Gm is the shear modulus of the matrix. (A2.9) The shear stress in the matrix can be related to the loading in the ply layers by considering the first of the three stress equilibrium equations: 177 do xx da + dx xy + dy do xz 0 (A2.10) dz Remembering that all derivatives with respect to y are zero and integrating the equation over a layer thickness results in: dN + xx = 0 (A2.11) dx Since this holds throughout the ply layer, at the ply layer/ matrix layer interface, the following holds true: d[0] dx _= d[+-45] dx dx = Tm xz (A2.12) Thus, using equations (A2.12) and (A2.9) in equation (A2.8) and differentiating once with respect to x yields a second order homogeneous differential equation for the shear stress in the matrix which, upon rearranging terms, takes on the form: 2m d T - aT m xz xz = 0 dx 2 (A2.13) where: S- Gm t m S [ 03 0] t[0 ] [+- 4 5 1 S+-45 t[+-45 (A2.14) 178 The solution to equation (A2.13) is of the form: m T xz (x) = Be -/Ex (A2.15) where 8 is a constant to be determined. This equation satis- fies the boundary condition expressed in equation (A2.1f). Equation (A2.15) is placed into equation (A2.12) and then integrated with respect to x to yield the following two equations: 1 N[0 N[ +- 45 Bee -/Ax + C1 1[-45 Be ] + C2 (A2.16a) (A2.16b) where C 1 and C 2 are constants resulting from the integration. Applying the boundary conditions at x = 0, equations (A2.1a) and (A2.1b), yields the equations for these constants in terms of 6: (A2.17a) C 1N B 2 = N11 (A2.17b) The value of B can be found by using the boundary condition expressed in equation (A2.1d) in equation (A2.16a) to yield: S=-A N[0 ] (A2.18) 179 or, using equation (A2.2): S=-/[ot[ (A2.19) Summarizing, the expression for the shear stress in the matrix layer is: m (x) =-/7 xz t[ [ 0 ]( [00 ] with a as defined in equation (A2.14). (A2.20) This equation clearly shows a dependence of the shear stress in the matrix on the thickness of the 00 ply layer. For the [+-45xn/Oxn]s graphite/epoxy laminates considered here, the following properties are of importance: tply = 0.134 mm t[ 0 ] = n * tply t[+-45]= 2n * tply The ply properties and far-field stress distribution can be determined from Classical Laminated Plate Theory and the basic unidirectional ply elastic constants for ASl/3501-6 graphite/epoxy in Table 4. A plot of the shear stress in the matrix versus the distance from the edge of the delamination can then be made. The distance from the free edge, x, is nor- malized by the square root of the thickness of the matrix layer. Plots of the shear stress for the three "effective ply thicknesses" (n=1,2,3) are shown in Figure A2.2. The effect of 180 "effective ply thickness" on the value of the shear stress in the matrix layer can clearly be seen. 181 I LL SI , I. F- I II I 1 1 I IX 1 W IN -450/00 INTERFACE r //VERSUS THE DISTANCE FROM FIGURE A2.2 PLOT OF SHEAR STRESS, FROM SHEAR LAG ANALYSIS, "T / / - C° H>