Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ISSN: 1821-1291, URL: http://www.bmathaa.org Volume 2 Issue 4(2010), Pages 140-145. CLOSABILITY OF FARTHEST POINT MAPS IN FUZZY NORMED SPACES (DEDICATED IN OCCASION OF THE 70-YEARS OF PROFESSOR HARI M. SRIVASTAVA) ALIREZA KAMEL MIRMOSTAFAEE, MAJID MIRZAVAZIRI Abstract. Let (π, π ) be a fuzzy normed space. For each 0 < πΌ < 1 and a non-empty subset π΄ of π, we deο¬ne a natural notion for πΌ-farthest points from π΄ and a set-valued map π₯ 7→ ππΌ (π΄, π₯), called the fuzzy πΌ-farthest point map. Then we will investigate basic properties of the fuzzy πΌ-farthest point mapping. In particular, we show that the fuzzy πΌ-farthest point map is closable. 1. Introduction Together with advances in fuzzy theory, it seems necessary to create and develop an environment so the mathematical precision meet the reality of fuzzy systems. To achieve this goal, traditional objects of mathematics are changed to their fuzzy versions to obtain more compact formulations or more general results. This divided mathematics into two parts: in one traditional, i. e. crisp structures are studied, while the second part encompasses fuzziο¬cation of these structures. The concept of a fuzzy norm on a linear space was initiated by Katsaras [8] in 1984. Later, some mathematicians deο¬ned notions for a fuzzy norm from diο¬erent points of view. In particular, following [2], Bag and Samanta in [3] and [4], introduced and studied an idea of a fuzzy norm on a linear space in such a manner that its corresponding fuzzy metric is of Kramosil and Michalek type [9]. The notion of the farthest points has many nice applications in the study of some geometrical properties of a normed linear space, see e.g. [1, 5, 10, 11]. In this paper, we use the notion of a fuzzy norm introduced in [3] to deο¬ne natural notions for fuzzy farthest points, fuzzy bounded subsets of a fuzzy normed space and fuzzy closability. Then we will prove the closability of the fuzzy farthest point map from a fuzzy bounded subset of a fuzzy normed space. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classiο¬cation. 35A07, 35Q53. Key words and phrases. Fuzzy normed spaces, fuzzy remotal set. c β2010 Universiteti i PrishtineΜs, PrishtineΜ, KosoveΜ. This research was supported by a grant from Ferdowsi university of Mashhad No. MP86174MIZ. Submitted April 25, 2010. Published November 29, 2010. 140 CLOSABILITY OF FARTHEST POINT MAPS 141 2. Fuzzy farthest points To start with, following [3] and [4], we will give a notion of a fuzzy normed space. Deο¬nition 2.1. Let π be a complex linear space. By a fuzzy norm on π, we mean a fuzzy subset of π × [0, ∞) such that the following conditions hold for all π₯, π¦ ∈ π and scalars π, π , π‘: (N1) π (π₯, 0) = 0 for each π₯ β= 0; (N2) π₯ = 0 if and only if π (π₯, π‘) = 1 for all π‘ ≥ 0; π‘ (N3) π (ππ₯, π‘) = π (π₯, β£πβ£ ), whenever π β= 0; (N4) π (π₯ + π¦, π + π‘) ≥ min{π (π₯, π ), π (π¦, π‘)} (the triangle inequality); (N5) limπ‘→∞ π (π₯, π‘) = 1. A linear space π with a fuzzy norm π , will be denoted by (π, π ) and is called a fuzzy normed space. It follows from (N2) and (N4) that π (π₯, .) is an increasing function for each π₯ ∈ π. In fact, if π₯ ∈ π and 0 < π < π‘, then π (π₯, π‘) ≥ min{π (π₯, π ), π (0, π‘ − π )} = π (π₯, π ). One may regard π (π₯, π‘) as the truth value of the statement ‘the norm of π₯ is less than or equal to the real number π‘’. Example 2.2. Let (π, β₯.β₯) be a normed linear space. It is easy to verify that { π‘ π₯ β= 0 π‘+β₯π₯β₯ π (π₯, π‘) = 1 π₯=0 deο¬nes a fuzzy norm on π. Deο¬nition 2.3. Let {π₯π } be a sequence in π and πΌ ∈ (0, 1). We say that the sequence {π₯π } is πΌ-convergent to π₯ ∈ π, and write π₯π →πΌ π₯ or πΌ-limπ→∞ π₯π = π₯, if ∀π > 0 ∀πΏ > 0, ∃π0 such that π ≥ π0 implies that π (π₯ − π₯π , πΏ) ≥ πΌ − π. It is called convergent to π₯, and write π₯π → π₯, if it is πΌ-convergent to π₯ for each πΌ ∈ (0, 1), or equivalently limπ→∞ π (π₯ − π₯π , π) = 1 for each π > 0. Throughout the rest of this section, unless otherwise is stated, we will assume that πΌ ∈ (0, 1) and (π, π ) is a fuzzy normed space. Deο¬nition 2.4. A subset π΄ of π is said to be fuzzy πΌ-bounded if there is a positive real number π such that π (π, π) ≥ πΌ for all π ∈ π΄. π΄ is called fuzzy bounded, if it is πΌ-bounded for each πΌ ∈ (0, 1). Deο¬nition 2.5. Let π΄ be a fuzzy πΌ-bounded subset of π. For π₯ ∈ π, we deο¬ne ππΌ (π΄, π₯) to be {π ∈ π΄ : if 0 < π < π‘ then π (π₯ − π, π ) ≥ πΌ implies π (π₯ − π, π‘) ≥ πΌ for all π ∈ π΄}. If there is no danger of ambiguity, we denote ππΌ (π΄, π₯) simply by ππΌ (π₯). Each element π ∈ ππΌ (π₯) is called a fuzzy πΌ-farthest point of π΄ from π₯ and the map π₯ 7→ ππΌ (π₯) is called the πΌ-farthest point map associated to π΄. The set π΄ is said to be fuzzy πΌ-remotal in π if for each π₯ ∈ π, ππΌ (π₯) is nonempty. π΄ is called πΌ-singleton if for each π, π ∈ π΄ and each π‘ > 0, the relation π (π − π, π‘) ≥ πΌ hold. Clearly, π΄ is singleton if and only if it is πΌ-singleton for all πΌ ∈ (0, 1). If ππΌ (π₯) is πΌ-singleton then we say that π₯ admits an πΌ-unique πΌ-farthest point in π. π΄ is 142 A. K. MIRMOSTAFAEE, M. MIRZAVAZIRI said to be fuzzy πΌ-uniquely remotal in π if each π₯ ∈ π admits πΌ-unique πΌ-farthest point in π΄. Remark. If for some π₯ ∈ π, ππΌ (π₯) is not empty, then π΄ is fuzzy πΌ-bounded. To see this, let π ∈ ππΌ (π₯). By (N5) there is an π 0 > 0 such that π (π₯ − π, π 0 ) ≥ πΌ. Thus for π‘0 = π 0 + 1 and each π ∈ π΄ we have π (π₯ − π, π‘0 ) ≥ πΌ. Moreover, we can ο¬nd some π‘1 > 0 such that π (π₯, π‘1 ) ≥ πΌ. Thus for π = π‘0 + π‘1 we have π (π, π) ≥ min{π (π − π₯, π‘0 ), π (π₯, π‘1 )} ≥ πΌ for each π ∈ π΄. This shows that π΄ is fuzzy πΌ-bounded. So we will assume that π΄ is πΌ-bounded in our discussion. Lemma 2.6. Let π΄ be a subset of π and ππΌ denote the πΌ-farthest point map associated to π΄. Let π ∈ π΄ and for some ππΌ (π₯) ∈ ππΌ (π₯), π (π − ππΌ (π₯), π‘) ≥ πΌ for all π‘ > 0. Then π ∈ ππΌ (π₯). Proof. Let π < π‘ and π (π₯ − π, π ) ≥ πΌ. Then for π = π‘ − π , π π π (π₯ − ππΌ (π₯), π + ) ≥ min{π (π₯ − π, π ), π (π − ππΌ (π₯), )} 2 2 ≥ min{πΌ, πΌ} = Let π ∈ π΄. Since π‘ = π +π > π + πΌ. Thus π ∈ ππΌ (π₯). π 2, πΌ. the deο¬nition of ππΌ (π₯) implies that π (π₯−π, π‘) ≥ β‘ Corollary 2.7. Let π΄ be a fuzzy πΌ-uniquely remotal subset of π. If ππΌ (π₯) ∩ ππΌ (π¦) β= π then ππΌ (π₯) = ππΌ (π¦). Proof. Let π ∈ ππΌ (π₯) ∩ ππΌ (π¦). Then for each ππΌ (π₯) ∈ ππΌ (π₯), ππΌ (π¦) ∈ ππΌ (π¦) and π‘ > 0, we have π‘ π‘ π (π − ππΌ (π₯), ) ≥ πΌ and π (π − ππΌ (π¦), ) ≥ πΌ. 2 2 Therefore π‘ π‘ π (ππΌ (π₯) − ππΌ (π¦), π‘) ≥ min{π (π − ππΌ (π₯), ), π (π − ππΌ (π¦), )} ≥ πΌ. 2 2 Therefore, by Lemma 2.6, ππΌ (π₯) = ππΌ (π¦). β‘ Deο¬nition 2.8. Let π΄ be a fuzzy bounded subset of π. For π₯ ∈ π, we deο¬ne π(π΄, π₯) = ∩πΌ∈(0,1) ππΌ (π΄, π₯). When there is no diο¬culty to understand the set π΄, we simply denote π(π΄, π₯) by π(π₯). Each element π ∈ π(π₯) is called a fuzzy farthest point of π΄ from π₯ and the map π₯ 7→ π(π₯) is called the fuzzy farthest point map associated to π΄. Lemma 2.9. Let π΄ be a fuzzy bounded subset of π. Then (π) π(π₯) = {π ∈ π΄ : ∀π ∈ π΄ π (π₯ − π, π ) ≤ π (π₯ − π, π‘) if 0 < π < π‘}. (ππ) π΄ is fuzzy uniquely remotal if and only if π(π₯) is singleton for each π₯ ∈ π. Proof. (π) Let π ∈ π(π₯). Then for each πΌ ∈ (0, 1) and π ∈ π΄, π (π₯ − π, π ) < πΌ or π (π₯ − π, π‘) ≥ πΌ, if 0 < π < π‘. Let πΌ = π (π₯ − π, π ), since π ∈ ππΌ (π₯), we have π (π₯ − π, π‘) ≥ πΌ = π (π₯ − π, π ) for π‘ > π . CLOSABILITY OF FARTHEST POINT MAPS 143 Conversely, if π (π₯ − π, π ) ≤ π (π₯ − π, π‘) for all π ∈ π΄ and all π < π‘ then for each πΌ ∈ (0, 1) with π (π₯ − π, π ) ≥ πΌ, we have πΌ ≤ π (π₯ − π, π ) ≤ π (π₯ − π, π‘). By the deο¬nition, π ∈ ππΌ (π₯), for all πΌ ∈ (0, 1). Hence π ∈ π(π₯). (ππ) Let π΄ be uniquely remotal. Then for each π, π ∈ π(π₯) and each πΌ ∈ (0, 1) we have π, π ∈ ππΌ (π₯). Thus π (π − π, π‘) ≥ πΌ for each π‘ > 0 and each πΌ ∈ (0, 1). This implies that π (π − π, π‘) = 1 for all π‘ > 0. By (N1) we have π − π = 0. Thus π(π₯) is singleton. The converse is obvious. β‘ The following result shows that the πΌ-farthest point map is closable, i.e. if π₯π →πΌ π₯ and ππΌ (π₯π ) ∈ ππΌ (π₯π ) for each π and ππΌ (π₯π ) →πΌ π¦, then π¦ ∈ ππΌ (π₯). Theorem 2.10. Let π΄ be a fuzzy πΌ-bounded subset of π and π₯ 7→ ππΌ (π₯) be the fuzzy πΌ-farthest point map. If π₯π →πΌ π₯ and ππΌ (π₯π ) ∈ ππΌ (π₯π ) for each π and ππΌ (π₯π ) →πΌ π¦. Then π¦ ∈ ππΌ (π₯). Proof. Let π < π‘, π = π‘ − π and π (π₯ − π¦, π ) ≥ πΌ. Take some π0 ∈ β, such that for each π ≥ π0 , π π π (π₯π − π₯, ) ≥ πΌ and π (π¦ − ππΌ (π₯π ), ) ≥ πΌ. 8 8 If for some π ≥ π0 , π π (π₯π − ππΌ (π₯π ), π + ) < πΌ. 4 Then for some π ≥ π0 , π πΌ > π (π₯π − ππΌ (π₯π ), π + ) 4 π π ≥ min{π (π₯π − π₯, ), π (π₯ − π¦, π ), π (π¦ − ππΌ (π₯π ), ) 8 8 ≥ min{πΌ, π (π₯ − π¦, π ), πΌ} ≥ πΌ which is a contradiction. Hence π π π (π₯π − ππΌ (π₯π ), π + ) ≥ π (π₯π − ππΌ (π₯π ), π + ) ≥ πΌ 2 4 for all π ≥ π0 , therefore, by the deο¬nition of ππΌ (π₯π ), π π (π₯π − π, π + ) ≥ πΌ ∀π ≥ π0 , ∀π ∈ π΄. 2 Thus for each π ∈ π΄ and π ≥ π0 , π (π₯ − π, π‘) = π (π₯ − π, π + π) π π ≥ min{π (π₯ − π₯π , ), π (π₯π − π, π + )} 2 2 ≥ min{πΌ, πΌ} = πΌ. By the deο¬nition, π¦ ∈ ππΌ (π₯). β‘ Corollary 2.11. Let π΄ be a fuzzy bounded subset of π and π₯ 7→ π(π₯) be the fuzzy farthest point map. If π₯π → π₯ and π(π₯π ) ∈ π(π₯π ) for each π and π(π₯π ) → π¦. Then π¦ ∈ π(π₯). Proof. Use Theorem 2.10 and Lemma 2.9. β‘ 144 A. K. MIRMOSTAFAEE, M. MIRZAVAZIRI 3. Applications in traditional normed spaces In this section, we state some results of farthest point problems as easy consequences of the corresponding results in fuzzy mathematics. Let (π, β₯ ⋅ β₯) be a normed linear space and π΄ be a bounded subset of π. Deο¬ne the set valued map π(π΄, .) : π → 2π΄ by π(π΄, π₯) = {π ∈ π΄ : β£β£π₯ − πβ£β£ = sup{β£β£π₯ − πβ£β£ : π ∈ π΄} }. If there is no danger of ambiguity, we denote π(π΄, π₯) simply by π(π₯). If for each π₯ ∈ π, the set π(π΄, π₯) is nonempty, then π΄ is said to be remotal in π. If moreover, π(π΄, π₯) is singleton for each π₯ ∈ π, then π΄ is said to be uniquely remotal in π. The following Lemma shows that our deο¬nitions and results coincide with the ordinary cases when we consider a traditional normed space equipped with the structure mentioned in Example 2.2. Lemma 3.1. Let (π, β£β£ ⋅ β£β£) be a normed space and π΄ be a bounded subset of π. Then ∩πΌ∈(0,1) ππΌ (π΄, π₯), where ππΌ (π΄, π₯) is in the sense of Deο¬nition 2.5 with the fuzzy norm deο¬ned by Example 2.2, is equal to π(π΄, π₯) in (π, β£β£ ⋅ β£β£). Proof. Let π ∈ ∩πΌ∈(0,1) ππΌ (π΄, π₯). We may assume that π β= π₯. Thus for each πΌ ∈ (0, 1) and each 0 < π < π‘ and π ∈ π΄ we have π (π₯−π, π ) ≥ πΌ implies π (π₯−π, π‘) ≥ πΌ. π π‘ = π (π₯ − π, π‘) ≥ π (π₯ − π, π ) = π +β₯π₯−πβ₯ This is equivalent to the fact that π‘+β₯π₯−πβ₯ for every π ∈ π΄. Thus for each π ∈ π΄ and 0 < π < π‘ we have π‘β₯π₯ − πβ₯ ≥ π β₯π₯ − πβ₯. By letting π → π‘, we see that β£β£π₯ − πβ£β£ ≤ β£β£π₯ − πβ£β£ (π ∈ π΄). I. e. π ∈ π(π΄, π₯) in (π, β£β£ ⋅ β£β£). Conversely, suppose that π ∈ π(π΄, π₯) in (π, β£β£ ⋅ β£β£), then for each π ∈ π΄, β£β£π₯ − πβ£β£ ≤ β£β£π₯ − πβ£β£. It follows that π (π₯ − π, π‘) ≤ π (π₯ − π, π‘) By the deο¬nition π ∈ ∩πΌ∈(0,1) ππΌ (π΄, π₯). (π ∈ π΄, π‘ > 0). β‘ Theorem 3.2. Let π΄ be a bounded subset of a normed space π and π₯ 7→ π(π₯) be the farthest point map. If π₯π → π₯ and π(π₯π ) ∈ π(π₯π ) for each π and π(π₯π ) → π¦. Then π¦ ∈ π(π₯). Proof. Equip π with the structure mentioned in Example 2.2 to be a fuzzy normed space. Then π΄ is a fuzzy πΌ-bounded subset of π for each πΌ ∈ (0, 1), π(π₯) = ∩πΌ∈(0,1) ππΌ (π₯) and π(π₯π ) = ∩πΌ∈(0,1) ππΌ (π₯π ). Moreover π₯π → π₯ is equivalent to π₯π →πΌ π₯. The result is now achieved by Theorem 2.10. β‘ Corollary 3.3. Let π΄ be a bounded subset of a normed space π and π₯ 7→ π(π₯) be the fuzzy farthest point map. If π₯π → π₯ and π(π₯π ) ∈ π(π₯π ) for each π and π(π₯π ) → π¦. Then π¦ ∈ π(π₯). CLOSABILITY OF FARTHEST POINT MAPS 145 References [1] S. Cobzas, Geometric properties of Banach spaces and the existence of nearest and farthest points, Abstr. Appl. Anal. (2005), no. 3, 259–285. [2] S. C. Chang and J. N. Mordeson, Fuzzy linear operators and fuzzy normed linear spaces, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 86, (2004) 429–436. 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Department of Pure Mathematics, Centre of Excellence in Analysis on Algebraic Structures,, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 1159, Iran E-mail address: mirmostafaei@ferdowsi.um.ac.ir (A. K. Mirmostafaee); mirzavaziri@math.um.ac.ir(M. Mirzavaziri)