Geometry Lesson 6.1 Name ________________________

Lesson 6.1
Name ________________________
(Self Study)
True or False. Answer the questions to the best of your current knowledge of four-sided polygons.
1. Every rectangle is a parallelogram. ______________
2. If it is a quadrilateral, then it is a rectangle. ___________
3. All rhombuses are squares. __________
4. Every rhombus is a parallelogram. _____________
5. All squares are rectangles. _____________
6. Every rectangle is a square. _______________
7. Some parallelograms are rectangles. ____________
8. All parallelograms are quadrilaterals. ______________
9. If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then it is a rectangle. ___________
10. Every rhombus is a kite and a rectangle. __________
Characteristics of Quadrilaterals.
Go to page 306 and list the characteristics for the quadrilaterals listed below.
Trapezoid: ________________________________________________________________________
Isosceles Trapezoid: _________________________________________________________________
Kite: _____________________________________________________________________________
Parallelogram: ______________________________________________________________________
Rectangle: _________________________________________________________________________
Rhombus: _________________________________________________________________________
Square: ___________________________________________________________________________
Copy the quadrilateral chart from page 307.
Rule for the Chart: If you move up the chart, the answer will be true. If you move down the chart, the
answer will be false.
Revisit the True or False Questions using the rule chart above. If the answer is ‘false’ explain why!
1. Every rectangle is a parallelogram. ___________________________________________________________
2. If it is a quadrilateral, then it is a rectangle. ____________________________________________________
3. All rhombuses are squares. _________________________________________________________________
4. Every rhombus is a parallelogram. ___________________________________________________________
5. All squares are rectangles. _________________________________________________________________
6. Every rectangle is a square. ________________________________________________________________
7. Some parallelograms are rectangles. __________________________________________________________
8. All parallelograms are quadrilaterals. ________________________________________________________
9. If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then it is a rectangle. ________________________________________
10. Every rhombus is a kite and a rectangle. _____________________________________________________
Practice Problems:
Judging by appearance, classify the following shapes in as many ways as possible and explain why.
For example:
 DEFG is a quadrilateral because it has four sides
 DEFG is a parallelogram because it has two pairs of parallel sides
 DEFG is a rectangle because it is a parallelogram with four right angles
The most precise name of this shape would be a rectangle.
1. Judging by appearance, classify WXYZ in as many ways as possible. What is the most precise name for
2. Judging by appearance, classify ABCD is as many ways as possible. What is the most precise name for
3. Determine the most precise name for quadrilateral LMNP.
a) Just by looking, what type of quadrilateral do you think this is? (use your chart if you need to)
b) What properties do quadrilateral LMNP have to have in order to be the shape that you stated in part (a)?
c) How could you show me that this shape for sure has all of those properties? (Show all your work!!!)
4. Determine the most precise name for quadrilateral ABCD with vertices A(-3, 3), B(2, 4), C(3, -1), and
D(-2, -2) (Hint: Draw the graph first!!)
5. Find the value of the variables of the kite (Hint: What properties does a kite have??)
6. Find the values of the variables for the rhombus.