Study of Particulate Matter Formation and Evolution in Near-Field Aircraft Plumes using a One-Dimensional Microphysical Model by Jianye Zhang B.S.E in Aerospace Engineering (2004) The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 2007 L§Ye L 02007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved Signature of A uthor............................... ............ .................................................... Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics May 25, 2007 C ertified by............................... Ian Waitz Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesis Supervisor Accepted by........................... .............. Jaime Peraire Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Chair, Committee on Graduate Studies MASSACHUSETTS INSTFUTE OF TECHNOLOY JUL 1 1 2007 L L__ R Mo~j Abstract Environmental concerns have led to a growing effort to investigate and characterize the particulate matter (PM) emissions from aircraft engines. This thesis presents a onedimensional microphysics and chemical kinetics model that is used to study the formation and evolution of particulate matter in near field aircraft plumes at ground level. The initial exhaust properties were obtained from engine data and plume mixing profiles were generated using FLUENT*. The initial gas species concentrations were estimated based on a two-step constrained equilibrium process. Parametric studies of the effects of ambient temperature, ambient relative humidity, engine operating conditions and engine design parameters on the aerosol formation were investigated using the one dimensional model following a centerline trajectory up to lkm downstream of the engine exit plane. PM formation and evolution characteristics along trajectories from several radial locations were also investigated and compared to the results from the centerline study. The results from this study show that binary homogeneous H2 SO 4 -H 20 nucleation strongly depends on ambient conditions such as ambient temperature and relative humidity whereas the condensational growth of soot particles is most dependent on engine power settings. For example, the nucleation mode sulfur emissions index varies from 0.01 mg/kg-fuel at 299 K and 80% relative humidity to 9 mg/kg-fuel for the same level of relative humidity at 288K. The nucleation mode sulfur Elm increased from 0.01 mg/kg-fuel at 10% relative humidity and 7% engine power setting to about 9 mg/kg-fuel at 80% relative humidity for the same power setting and ambient temperature. The amount of SvI condensed on soot particles changes from around 2 mg/kgfuel to around 8 mg/kg-fuel as the engine power increases from 7% to 100% for the same 10% relative humidity. Engine design parameters such as engine bypass ratio as well as core and bypass total temperature also play important roles in both the homogenous nucleation and heterogeneous condensation processes in the plume. It was found that at 80% relative humidity and 100% power setting, the sulfur emission index increased from 1.8 mg/kg-fuel at the high BPR of 9 to a value of 2.5 mg/kg-fuel for the limiting case of zero BPR. The sulfur emission index for the nucleation mode increased from around 0.7 mg/kg-fuel at the higher core and bypass total temperature (15 K above the CFM56-2C1 values) to 3.5 mg/kgii fuel at the lower temperature (15 K below the CFM56-2C1 engine values).The study sheds light on the PM formation mechanisms in near field aircraft plumes and provides guidance on the improvement of future experimental measurement techniques. iii Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Ian Waitz for all his support and guidance throughout my study at MIT. I was deeply motivated by his constant encouragement and strong belief in my abilities. His sheer energy, continuous strives for excellence and absolutely positive attitude towards life and work have all been great inspirations to me. He has been a great mentor and a role model to me and I enjoyed working with him immensely. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Richard Miake-Lye, Dr. Hsi-Wu Wong and Dr. Paul Yelvington at Aerodyne Research Inc. for their support and advice in my research. They are all brilliant researchers who gamer my total respect for their knowledge and passion in their field. They are also great individuals who are caring and friendly and it has just been a wonderful experience working with them. It is also important to mention the help I received from Ms. Jennie Leith of PARTNER as well as Ms. Lori Martinez and Ms. Holly Anderson from GTL. They are all wonderful people to work with. I would especially like to thank Dr. Yifang Gong for his assistance in setting up the computer cluster for my research as well as his help in answering my various technical questions. On a personal note, I would like to thank my parents for their love and faith in me which is the single most import source of strength to me. None of my achievement has been conceivable without their love and support. Lastly, I would like to thank my officemates for their company during my two years stay at MIT. They are all wonderful individuals sparkling with talents. I especially want to thank Anuja Mahashabde for her advice and help in my study and research. I enjoyed our conversations a great deal. This work was supported by Transport Canada and the Office of Environment and Energy, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, under FAA Cooperative Agreement No. 03-C-NEMIT, Amendment Nos. 017 and 024. The effort was managed by Carl Ma. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the FAA or Transport Canada. iv Table of Contents A b stract ............................................................................................................................................ ii Acknowledgem ents .......................................................................................................................... iv Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. v List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. vi List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. viii Nom enclature...................................................................................................................................ix Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................I 1. 1 B ack gro un d ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Thesis Organization ................................................................................................................. 3 Chapter 2 M ethodology ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Initial Exhaust Properties at Engine Exit Plane.................................................................... 5 2.2 Plume M ixing Profiles ....................................................................................................... 6 2.3 One Dimensional M icrophysics M odel ............................................................................... Chapter 3 Results and Discussions............................................................................................... 10 19 3.1 Representative Results from the Simulation ...................................................................... 20 3.2 Effects of Engine Power Setting and Relative Humidity ..................................................... 24 3.3 Effects of Ambient Temperature ........................................................................................ 33 3.4 Effects of Engine Design Parameters ................................................................................. 39 3.5 Study of Trajectories from Different Radial Locations ........................................................... 43 Chapter 4 Conclusions.....................................................................................................................49 4.1 Summ ary of major findings............................................................................................... 49 4.2 Recom mendations for future work ...................................................................................... 52 Appendix A Tables..........................................................................................................................53 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................... v 54 List of Figures Figure 1 GAMBIT* grid showing detailed geometry of the exit section of the CFM56-2C1 Engine Figure 2 Simulation results from FLUENT®: a) axial velocity contour from FLUENT* simulation up to 30m downstream of the engine exit; b) Centerline axial velocity profile up to lkm downstream of engine exit; c) Centerline static temperature profile up to 1km downstream of engine exit; d) Centerline static pressure profile up to lkm downstream of engine exit. Figure 3 Representative simulation results from the one dimensional microphysics model: a) Evolution of liquid droplets size distribution as a function of downstream distance; b) Evolution of embryo size distribution as a function of time; c) Soot particle size distributions at different downstream locations showing condensational growth; d) Comparison of final size distribution of soot and liquid droplets at lkm downstream; e) Evolution of S1 mass fraction in vapor phase, soot coatings and volatile droplets. Figure 4 Sulfur mass emission index atlkm downstream as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 288 K and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) 10% RH, b) 40% RH, c) 60% RH, d) 80% RH. Figure 5 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at lkm downstream as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 288 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode Figure 6 Sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 288 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a)10% RH b) 40% RH c) 60% RH d) 80% RH Figure 7 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 288 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode vi Figure 8 Sulfur mass emission index at 1 km downstream as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 299 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm. a) 10% RH b) 40% RH c) 60% RH d) 80% RH Figure 9 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at 1km downstream as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 299 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode Figure 10 Sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 299 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm. 10% RH b) 40% RH c) 60% RH d) 80% RH Figure 11 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 299 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode Figure 12 Effects of engine bypass ratio on aerosol formation mechanism: a) Nucleation mode b) Soot Mode Figure 13 Effects of engine core and bypass exhaust total temperature: a) Nucleation mode b) Soot Mode Figure 14 Results of uncertainty study of the trajectories from radial locations at 80% relative humidity a) Soot mode b)Nucleation Mode Figure 15 Results of uncertainty study of the trajectories from radial locations at 60% relative humidity a) Soot mode b)Nucleation Mode vii List of Tables Table 1. The parameters used for log-normally distributed soot particles under different power settings Table 2. Engine design parameter variations viii Nomenclature APEX ARI Aircraft Particle Emission Experiment series = Aerodyne Research Inc. BHN Binary Homogeneous Nucleation BPR Engine Bypass Ratio Elm = Mass Emission Index Number Emission Index EIn FAA = Federal Aviation Administration FAR = Fuel to Air Ratio ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization KQUN Kinetic Quasi-Unary Nucleation PM Particulate Matter Bij coagulation kernel between soot particles in size bin i and droplets in size binj b(x) radius where the local properties are Ile of the centerline values at x Ca concentration of H2 SO4 Cjk = constant Cs = concentration of SO3 c mean particle thermal speed ci, cj speeds of particles i andj D average diffusivity ix Di, Dj diffusivities of particles i and] Dv diffusivity of water vapor d average diameter di, d diameters of volatile particles i andj dp,i diameter of the soot particles in size bin i JfL plume centerline exhaust gas fraction at x (x) Gi collision factor between aerosols and soot particles in size bin i Ic, Im, Iqc integral constants Kg Brownian coagulation kernel between particles i andj k spread constant MeO initial excess momentum per unit density Mw,a molecular mass of H2SO4 Mw,i molecular weight of species i Mw,s molecular mass of SO 3 Ni number density of droplets in size bin i NO = Avogadro's number mi time-dependent condensed mass on the soot particles in size bin i ni concentration of the embryo with size i Paj partial pressure of aerosol vapor with sizej P 0 saturation vapor pressure of aerosol with sizej a, j Pv P00 V = partial pressure of water vapor saturation pressure of water vapor x Ta ambient total temperature T.. (x) plume centerline temperature at x 710 = initial exhaust total temperature t time ua coflowing velocity U(CL plume centerline velocity at x (x) initial jet velocity u= Xamb,i = mass fraction of gas-phase species i or concentration of particulate species i in the ambient Xi = mass fraction of a gaseous species i, concentration of a aerosol species i, or condensed mass on a soot particle in size bin i x axial downstream distance ad mass accommodation coefficient of SO 3 or H 2 SO 4 on inactivated (uncoated) soot surface atw =mass accommodation coefficient of aerosols on activated (coated) soot surfaces fu = condensation rate of the embryos with size i evaporation rate of the embryos with size i y= 3 = mean free distance between the particles C = fuel sulfur conversion factor 91 = activated (coated) surface fraction of the soot particles in size bin i xi K = Kelvin factor molecular mean free path in air pa = 00 cO density of the plume average number of sites (molecules) per unit area of soot surface = molar production rate of species i xii Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Environmental impacts of aviation have become increasingly important due to the rapid growth of the global aviation industry. Because of the surge in demand for air transportation, emissions of some pollutants from aviation are increasing against a background of emission reductions from many other sources. Millions of people are adversely affected by these side effects of aviation [1]. It is known that besides major chemical species such as N 2 , 02, CO 2 and H20, aircraft engines also emit other species in much lower concentration that may have significant environmental impacts. Particulate matter (PM) emissions composed of solid particles, volatile aerosols, and solid particles coated with volatile liquid, belong to this category. In order to understand the characteristics of particulate matter emissions from aircraft engines, both experimental measurements and numerical simulation tools have been developed and employed. Field measurements such as the Aircraft Particle Emission Experiment series (APEX-1, JETS/APEX-2, APEX-3 [2,3] ) have been conducted to investigate the particle and trace gas emissions from commercial aircraft engines as a function of fuel composition, engine power, plume age and local ambient conditions. Through these experimental studies, the impact of fuel sulfur and aromatic content on soot and secondary particle formation has been examined. In addition, the evolution of particle characteristics and chemical composition within the engine exhaust plume has been studied I 2 as the plume cooled and mixed with ambient air [4]. Although these experiments provide insight and important data for use in understanding the impact of aircraft emissions, repeatable and accurate measurements from the experiments are hard to achieve because some important factors affecting particle characteristics and chemical composition such as ambient temperature and relative humidity are outside of experimental control. Furthermore, these experiments are too costly to cover the whole range of important parameters affecting aircraft emissions. Thus, detailed numerical models have been developed to complement these experimental studies to gain a more complete understanding of the impacts of important factors such as ambient conditions, engine design parameters and engine operating conditions on the PM formation from aircraft engines. Some previous numerical models have been developed to investigate the particulate matter formation mechanism for aircrafts cruising at high altitudes [5-15]. There have also been many studies on PM emissions from automobile diesel engines [16-21]. However, studies on PM emissions from aircraft engines at ground level where APEX experiments were conducted are not available. Thus, modeling tools are needed to understand ground level PM formation mechanisms for aircraft engines. The results from the ground level model can be used to interpret the APEX measurement data and to provide guidance on improved sampling methods and probe design in future aircraft emission measurements. In this regard, a detailed one-dimensional microphysics and chemical kinetics model has been developed by ARI and MIT to study the PM formation mechanism for ground level aircraft emissions. A description of the model is presented in this thesis. Parametric studies employing this model are presented to estimate the effects of ambient conditions, engine operating conditions and 2 3 engine design parameters on the PM formation and chemical composition in the near-field aircraft plumes. 1.2 Thesis Organization In this thesis, a detailed one-dimensional microphysical model is used to study the aerosol formation microphysics in near-field aircraft plumes at ground level. Parametric studies of ambient conditions and engine operating parameters are presented, and the effects of these parameters on the formation of aircraft-emitted aerosols are discussed. Chapter 2 provides a detailed description of the methodology used in the study of the ground level particulate matter formation in near field aircraft plumes. To perform the modeling tasks, initial exhaust properties at the engine exit plane were first calculated based on engine thermodynamic cycle data and a two-step equilibrium process [22]. Plume mixing profiles were then determined using the fluid dynamics software FLUENT®. Dilution profiles from several different radial locations were generated. Lastly, the main tool used in the analysis of particulate matter formation, the one-dimensional microphysical model is presented. Since binary homogeneous nucleation (BHN) of H 2SO 4 -H 20 forms the basis of particle growth in near-field aircraft emissions, the focus of the work is the microphysical processes related to H 2 SO 4-H 20 aerosols and the model thus does not explicitly consider the effects of ion-induced [35, 36] or organics-enhanced nucleation processes [37]. These processes will be studied in future work with the model. Chapter 3 shows the results and discussions of the parametric study of the effects of ambient conditions, engine operating conditions and design parameters on particulate matter 3 4 formation in the near field plume. Simulations were carried out at two different ambient temperatures (288K and 299K), four different ambient relative humilities (10%, 40%, 60% and 80%), and three different engine power settings (7%, 65% and 100% engine thrust) for a CFM56-2C1 engine, which was one of the aircraft engines investigated during the APEX campaigns. Engine design parameters such as BPR and core/bypass exhaust temperatures were also studied to analyze their effects on PM formation in the near field plume. In addition, PM formation and evolution characteristics along trajectories from several radial locations were investigated and compared to the results from the centerline study. The parameter space explored provides a comprehensive investigation of the sensitivity of the formation of near field particulate matter at ground level to these factors. Chapter 4 presents a summary of the major findings from this study as well as some recommendations for future work. 4 5 Chapter 2 Methodology 2.1 Initial Exhaust Properties at Engine Exit Plane In order to perform the parametric studies using the one dimensional microphysics model, the initial exhaust properties at the engine exit plane have to be determined first. These properties include the thermodynamics properties of the exhaust gas at the engine exit plane, initial core flow and bypass flow velocities and initial concentrations of the gaseous species. The engine type examined in this study is the CFM International's CFM56-2C1. This engine was used in the APEX-1 measurement campaign. Cycle performance data for the engine at different power settings (7%, 65%, and 100%) were used to establish the thermodynamic properties such as temperature and pressure at different engine stations. Initial exhaust temperature, pressure and velocities at the core and bypass flow at the engine exit plane were also obtained. The initial gaseous species concentrations were determined using a two-step equilibrium process [22]. The first step was carried out in the engine combustor. The initial gaseous species concentrations in the combustor were estimated based on combustor fuel-to-air ratio (FAR), where the jet fuel was modeled as butene (C 4 H8 ). The gaseous species in the combustor were assumed to achieve an equilibrium state in the combustor and final gas species concentrations at the combustor exit were determined based on this equilibrium calculation. In the second step, which occurred in the turbine section of the engine, the final gas species concentrations from the combustor were used as initial conditions for the turbine 5 6 calculation. Again, the gaseous species were assumed to achieve an equilibrium state in the gas turbine. The final gas species concentrations were then obtained based on the equilibrium calculation in the turbine. However, it is known that not all gas species are in equilibrium in the turbine. Those that are not in equilibrium such as CO and NOx were fixed at the levels reported in the ICAO data base [23]. Other species such as SOx were estimated based on the fuel composition. The final gaseous species concentrations from this two-step equilibrium process were used as the initial exhaust gas concentration at the engine exit plane. 2.2 Plume Mixing Profiles In addition to the initial exhaust properties discussed in the previous section, mixing profiles of the near-field aircraft plume were also needed to model the particulate matter formation in aircraft emissions. These mixing profiles represent the dilution history of the exhaust gas in the aircraft plume. To simulate the complex turbulent mixing in the near-field engine plume, the computational fluid dynamics program FLUENT® was employed. Two-dimensional computational grids were first constructed with detailed engine exit geometries in GAMBIT® for the engine type under investigationl. Figure 1 shows the GAMBIT® grid used for FLUENT® calculations. Initial exhaust properties at the engine exit such as temperature, pressure and velocities for both core flow and bypass flow were obtained from the engine cycle data. Together with ambient temperature and pressure specified, these data were applied as initial conditions for the calculations of mixing profiles in FLUENT®. Initial exhaust data for each engine type were obtained for three different power settings (7%, 65% 6 - - ----- ----- 7 and 100%). Axisymmetric calculations of the mixing history downstream of the engine exit plane were carried out. ; ---;--- - - - .... .... ~ ~~. .. .. .. 2 -- -.~ - .-....... ... - - -- ----- - - .----.9 . .0. ... W... .. . . -.-, ... .... n , ............. ~ .......~ -.4....... - -- .. . -. - --.. -. n ... s *.--- - ---.-. - --"" ----. - --. -.. - ----. ".-" ---. ----- - - -- - - - - -- ~- - -~.0 ..0~... .,.0 ~ . ~ a. ~.. .. ~ . . ..-.... .. n. Grid n..n . a. .n..n... .. . . 0 0. ..-. - - -- - - - - - - - ~ n . n n s "-. " --- " " .. - - -- --- * . --- . ----- . -- n n. "* - ----- .. .......-.-......... . . ... ... . ... ... .... . .M----- - . ........ ................ -.. -- -.-... . . . - . . . --- --- - ---- - - -- May 07, 2007 FLUENT 6.1 (axi, dp, coupled imp, ske) Figure 1 GAMBIT* grid showing detailed geometry of the exit section of the CFM56-2C1 Engine Figures 2a and 2b show the velocity contours up to 30m downstream of the engine exit plane, and velocity mixing profile up to 1km downstream generated with FLUENT* simulation using representative engine exit conditions. Figure 2c and 2d show the static temperature and static pressure mixing profiles. Static temperature, static pressure, velocity and concentration profiles as a function of distance downstream of the engine exit plane were extracted along one-dimensional trajectories from the plume mixing history. Mixing profiles along the 7 8 exhaust plume centerline, as well as trajectories starting from certain radial locations at the engine exit plane were calculated. Each set of mixing profiles for different power settings and different ambient conditions includes a static temperature profile, a static pressure profile, a velocity profile and a concentration profile. These sets of mixing profiles, together with initial exhaust properties at different power settings and ambient conditions, were used as inputs to the one dimensional microphysics model to investigate the formation of particulate matter under the corresponding power setting and ambient conditions. 3.47e+02 3.29e+02 3.11 e+02 2.94e+02 2.76e+02 2.58e+02 2.41 e+02 2.23e+02 2.05e+02 1 .87e+02 1.70e+02 1 .52e+02 1 .34e+02 1.1 7e+02 9.89e+01 8.1 2e+01 6.36e+01 4.59e+01 2.82e+01 1 .05e+01 -7.22e+00 May 07. 2007 FLUENT 6.1 (axi, dp, coupled imp, ske) Contours of Axial Velocity (m/s) Figure 2a Axial velocity contour from FLUENT* simulation up to 30m downstream of the engine exit 8 I- pnmmmmwwwll ;im - -- --- . - - - - -- - -,- -- - - 900 le+03 1.1e+03 9 10 ay ron I 4.00e+02 3.50e+02 3.00e02 2.50e+02 2.00e+02 Axial Velocity (mIS) 1.50o+02 1.00e.02 5.00e+01 0.00e00 -5.00t+01 -1.000+02 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Position (m) May 07, 2007 Axial Velocity FLUENT 6.1 (xi, dp, coupled exp, lke) Figure 2b Centerline axial velocity profile up to 1km downstream of engine exit 1S0nntria 7.50+02 - 7.00e+02 6.50o+02 - 6.00e+02 - 5.50t+02 - Static Temperature (k) 5.00c*02 - 4.50 .02 4.00e+02 - 3.50t+02 - 3.00e+02 - 2.30e+02 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 lU+03 1.1l+03 Position (m) "taticTemperxture UENT 6.1 (oxi, Mly 07, 2007 Ace) dp, coupled exp. Figure 2c Centerline static temperature profile up to 1km downstream of engine exit 9 10 10 ntrnP _ 1 1.04e+05 1.02e+05 1.00c+05 Static Pressure (pascal) 9-80e+04 9.60e+04 9.40e+04 9.20e+04 I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 l+03 1.1t+03 Position (m) Stitic Pretsurc FLUENT 6.1 (axi, Figure 2d Centerline static pressure profile up to dp, May 07, 2007 coupled exp, -ce) 1km downstream of engine exit 2.3 One Dimensional Microphysics Model A one-dimensional microphysics and chemical kinetics model has been developed by ARI and MIT with Dr Hsi-Wu Wong from ARI being the main developer of the numerical model. The remainder of this chapter presents a detailed description of the model which is extracted from a paper jointly authored by Dr Hsi-Wu Wong, Dr Paul E. Yelvington, Dr Richard C. Miake-Lye from ARI and Mr. Jianye Zhang and Prof Ian A. Waitz from MIT[24]. In the one-dimensional microphysics model presented here, the time evolution of any gaseous or particulate species in a jet engine exhaust downstream of the engine-exit plane can be described as [11]: 10 11 dX -- = dX dt dt + dX chemis,dt + dX dt mixing (1) microphysics In this model, both liquid aerosols and coated black carbon soot particles are assumed to be perfectly spherical. The three terms on the right hand side (RHS) of Equation (1) correspond to the rates of production or disappearance from chemical reactions, wake dilution and mixing, and microphysical processes, respectively. To evaluate the contribution of chemical reactions, the first term on the RHS of Equation (2) can be expressed as: = Oi -M i -- 1(2) dt PA chemistry Equation (2) applies to the gaseous species only, since particulate species do not participate in any of the chemical reactions in this model. In this work, a gas phase reaction mechanism containing 35 chemical species and 181 chemical reactions derived from the NOx and SOx combustion mechanism by Mueller et al. [25] was used, and the molar production rates of the species were evaluated by CHEMKIN subroutines [26]. Sulfuric acid (H2 SO 4 ) was formed from reacting water with SO 3, and the rate constants for the reaction were taken from the previous study [6]. The contribution of wake dilution and mixing in Equation (1) can be written as: dX dt d'b ('X X =(x -Amb mixing 11 I)- (3) f(t) 12 wheref(t) is the exhaust gas fraction determined from the semi-empirical approach described in Section 2.2. Note that dX ' = 0 for condensed mass on soot. dt mixing The third term on the RHS of Equation (1) describes the contribution of microphysical processes, and can be further divided into three elements: dX, dt dX, microphysics dt + dX nucleation dt (4) + dX, coagulation dt soot where the first term on the RHS of Equation (4) describes the binary homogeneous nucleation of sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) and water (H 2 0), the second term describes the coagulation of liquid embryos and droplets, and the third term describes the microphysical processes taking place on the soot particle surface. Nucleation rates of H 2SO 4-H 20 embryos were evaluated using kinetic quasi-unary nucleation (KQUN) theory [27, 28] as a more accurate alternative to classical nucleation theory in this work. KQUN theory is based on kinetic rates, and assumes that water reaches equilibrium with embryos of different sizes immediately. This permits binary nucleation of H 2SO 4-H 20 to be treated as unary nucleation of sulfuric acid. The embryo formation rates due to homogeneous binary nucleation are derived explicitly from the condensation and evaporation rates: dn, 1 =2 -$,nj dt 2 - 12 72n2 - 2n2+73n3 (i=2) (5-2) 13 dn, +-1 - d= 272n2_+ dti=I (i) - ZI3n, (5-3) In Equation (5), m is a user-specified value representing the size of the largest embryo tracked in the model, which was set at 40 in our work. Compared with classical binary homogeneous nucleation theory of H2SO 4-H 2 0 cluster formation, this kinetic based theory has the advantage of capturing particle distributions in a rapidly diluting engine exhaust where dramatic changes in temperature, relatively humidity and sulfuric acid concentration take place [22]. We believe that the quasi-unary nucleation theory is a more robust and appropriate approach to study aircraft-emitted aerosols where engine exhaust mixes rapidly with ambient air. The second term in the RHS of Equation (4) corresponds to the coagulation of different liquid particles. This term includes the condensational growth of sulfuric acid monomer on H2 SO 4-H 2 0 embryos or droplets, which can be expressed as [29]: S d ZKI i+j=k (6) n n -Kknin = where Kj can be evaluated as [30]: Ku(dd)= 8dD(7) d/(d +o)+4D/(d+c) 1 2 , and 5 in which d = (d,+d)/2, D=(D,+D 1 )/2, c = (c,2+c2+ 13 (,2+ 2)1 14 When Equation (6) applies to the embryos included in Equation (5), i, j, k and / denote the size of the embryos and are no bigger than m, which is the size of the largest embryo included in Equation (5). Because tracking the exact composition of large particles is impractical, the fully stationary sectional bin approach [31] was used to track droplets that are beyond the largest embryo specified. In this case, 1 denotes the total number of sectional bin tracked, which is a user-specified value, and ni and nj are the concentrations of the particle droplets in the i-th and j-th bins. Note that mass conservation has to be taken into account across the boundary between the embryos and the binned particles. The first and second terms on the RHS of Equation (6) correspond to the formation and disappearance explicitly of aerosol considers droplets, sulfuric respectively. Since quasi-unary acid condensing on or evaporating nucleation theory from embryos, the condensational growth in Equation (6) does not apply to the H 2SO 4 -H 2 0 embryos governed by Equations (5-1)-(5-3). The amount of water change from coagulation is also calculated based on the equilibrium compositions of different particle sizes. The third term on the RHS of Equation (4) describes the microphysical interactions between nucleated H 2 SO 4-H 2 0 aerosols and the soot particles. The size evolution of soot particles can be expressed as the combination of soot activation and condensational growth as [11]: dm d mdm dt dt 14 +d activation dt 'di condensation (8) 15 where mi is the time-dependent condensed mass on the soot particles in the i-th size bin. The soot activation can be further divided into adsorption and scavenging: dm dt dm9d + ' dt adsorp. dt scav di d actaion (9) where adsorption can be achieved by H2SO4 and its precursor S03 as: dmn, d 12 =-a d dt adsorp. , i2N .(1-O)-(CsMw d 4 +CAM a) (10) in which ad was set to be 0.018 in accordance with recent laboratory findings [32]. The scavenging of H2 SO 4-H 20 embryos and droplets can be written as: dm dt 1 =- Ej-B,N 'Ad -dp'I- scav=4 2 (I1- ,)M ( As shown in Equations (10) and (11), the activation and scavenging rates are linearly dependent on the inactivated (uncoated) fraction of the soot particle surfaces. Therefore, 61 can be expressed as: d-= dO' + d', dt dt adsorp dt scav d6i dt where aO is set at 5x 1018/ N 4 0 adsorp d~i dt =I - (12) N- (1 -0) -(C + Ca) c- B, N p 1-0, (13) (14) p scav4A [11]. The growth on soot particles can be broken into contributions arising from condensation of both sulfur-containing aerosols and water vapor: 15 16 dmi dt dm condensatin dt (15) + dmi dt sulfur water in which: dm d = 2 Mj Ld dm = 2GNo D d,, P dt water and Paj - 1CPa 2JtG)V Z D,,au, " R T 1 jJ-Mj] (16) P, -wPP 4Pv (17) -jM KRT)WV where Gi can be expressed as [33]: G =_ + 1+ 2A (18) 3awd, i d, i_ where aw is set at unity for both water vapor and sulfur-containing aerosol condensation on coated soot particles. In Equation (16), the sulfur-containing liquid embryos and droplets of all sizes contribute to the condensational growth of soot particles. For sulfuric acid monomers, the pressure difference term Pa,j - P" is present, since sulfuric acid monomers have noticeable vapor pressure under the conditions of interest and can evaporate from coated soot surfaces. For other larger embryos or droplets, Pa. is assumed to be zero and the pressure difference 16 17 terms are reduced to partial pressure of the condensing aerosol species since these aerosols have very low saturation vapor pressure under our conditions of interest. 17 18 18 19 Chapter 3 Results and Discussions This chapter presents the results of the parametric study of the effects of ambient conditions, engine operating conditions and engine design parameters on particulate matter formation in the near field plume. Simulations were carried out at two different ambient temperatures (288K and 300K), four different ambient relative humilities (10%, 40%, 60% and 80%), three different engine power settings (7%, 65% and 100% engine thrust) for the CFM56-2C 1 engine investigated during the APEX campaigns. Engine design parameters such as BPR and core/bypass exhaust temperatures were also studied to analyze their effects on PM formation in the near field plume. The PM formation mechanisms in near-field aircraft plumes following centerline trajectories up to lkm downstream of the engine exit plane were simulated within the parameter space described above. In addition, a radial location sensitivity study was also carried out. PM formation and evolution characteristics along trajectories from several radial locations were investigated and compared to the results from the centerline study. In this parametric study, the following assumptions were made. The fuel sulfur conversion ratio to Sv1 [34] was assumed to be 1%, i.e. Sv1 mass was assumed to bel% of the total sulfur mass at the engine exit plane. The initial soot particle size distribution at the engine exit plane was assumed to follow a log-normal distribution with 30 bins from 3 nm to 250 nm in diameter. The mean and standard deviation of the distribution were obtained based on APEX-i experimental data and these distribution parameters vary with engine power settings 19 20 as shown in Table 1. To investigate the evolution of H 2SO 4 -H 2 0 volatile particles in the near field aircraft plume, these volatile particles were divided into two categories according to their size: embryos and droplets. Embryos are H 2SO 4-H 2 0 oligomers, which are particles smaller than or equal to a user-specified size set at 40 acid molecules. Droplets are particles beyond the largest embryos tracked. It should also be noted that the modeling tool used in this study does not cover all the microphysics processes in near field aircraft plumes. For example, both ion-induced nucleation and organics-enhanced nucleation were absent from this model since the current work focused on binary homogeneous nucleation (BHN) of H 2 SO 4-H 20 which forms the basis of particle growth in near-field aircraft emissions. Although having its limitation and space for improvement, this numerical model provides a valuable tool with which parametric studies on factors affecting PM formation in near field aircraft plumes can be carried out. The results from these parametric studies are presented in the following sections. 3.1 Representative Results from the Simulation A set of representative simulation results from the one dimensional microphysics model are shown in Figure 3. The PM formation in the exhaust plume of the CFM56-2C1 engine was simulated. The simulation was carried out along the centerline of the exhaust plume up to 1km downstream of the engine exit plane at an ambient temperature of 288K and a relative humidity of 80%. The sulfur content of the fuel was assumed to be 383 ppm, which is the sulfur content of one type of jet fuel used in the APEX measurements. The engine power setting was 7%. 20 21 5 10 I 0 101 100 200 600 400 500 Distance (m) 300 800 700 900 1000 -- 5 Log(dN/dlog(Dp) Figure 3a Evolution of liquid droplets size distribution as a function of downstream distance 40 5 35 30 0 25 0 20 15 -5 10 5 -10 10, 101 10 Log(N) Time (s) Figure 3b Evolution of embryo size distribution as a function of time 7 x 101 6 - /7 \\\ \i \\\ 5 - - 4 0) \ \\ 3 - - Initial Distribution 100m Distribution 200m Distribution 400m Distribution 800m Distribution Final Distribution 2 1 - n 0 10 20 40 30 50 60 70 80 Particle Diameter (nm) Figure 3c Soot particle size distributions at different downstream locations showing condensational growth 21 22 x 1015 10 Nucleation Mode -- - S oot Mode 8 6 C" *0 4 2 n 102 101 Particle Diameter (nm) Figure 3d Comparison of final size distribution of soot and liquid droplets at 100% 90% * Vapor Phase 80% o Soot Coatings m Volatile Droplets 70% 0 U 1km downstream 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 446 631 Distance (m) 773 894 1000 Figure 3e Evolution of SvI mass fraction in vapor phase, soot coatings and volatile droplets. Figure 3 depicts the evolution of size distributions of both the volatile H 2 SO 4 -H 2 0 particles and soot particles. The evolution of volatile H2SO 4-H 20 particles is shown in Figure 3a and 3b. Figure 3a shows the size distribution of liquid droplets as a function of downstream distance. As shown in the figure, the size distribution of liquid droplets reaches equilibrium at around 800m downstream of the engine exit plane. The geometric mean 22 23 diameter grows to about 18 nm at the equilibrium distance. Further downstream from this equilibrium distance, the concentration of the liquid droplets declines due to increased mixing with ambient air as well as condensation of liquid on soot particles. Figure 3b shows the evolution of size distribution of the embryos tracked. These H2 SO 4-H 2 0 oligomers form the basis for the liquid droplet growth. Figure 3c shows the soot particle growth downstream of the engine exit plane. The geometric mean diameter increases from the initial 16.0 nm to about 22 nm at lkm downstream. Figure 3d presents a comparison of the final soot size distribution with that of the volatile particle size distribution. It can be seen in the figure that soot particles reache a larger geometric mean diameter relative to the liquid droplets, although the overall particle concentration of the liquid droplets is much greater than that of the soot particles. This can be explained by the high ambient relative humidity and low engine power setting which will be discussed in detail in the following section. To see this difference in growth of sulfur containing aerosols more clearly, a sulfur (Sv) mass budget plot is shown in Figure 3e. Svi mass in the sulfur containing aerosols can be classified into three categories: (1) S mass in the vapor phase which includes H2 SO 4-(H 20)n monomers and their gas phase precursors S03 and H2 SO 4, i.e. vapor mode; (2) SvI mass in soot coatings formed from the condensational growth of soot particles, i.e. soot mode; (3) Sv' mass in volatile droplets and embryos formed through homogeneous binary H2 SO 4-H 20 nucleation, i.e. nucleation mode. In Figure 3e, Sv1 mass in both volatile droplets and soot coatings increases as a function of the downstream distance. The Svi mass growth in both modes can be explained by the condensational growth in the case of soot particles and homogeneous binary nucleation in the 23 24 case of aerosol droplets. The mass fraction of SvI in aerosol droplets i.e. the nucleation mode dominates at 1km downstream with about 88% of overall SvI. On the other hand, the amount of SvI in soot coating is much lower with about 7% of the total Svl mass. The remaining 5% of the SvI mass is in the vapor phase. This dominance of the nucleation mode and relative insignificance of the soot mode can be explained by the combined effects of high ambient relative humidity and low engine power settings. Investigation of both parameters will be detailed in the section that follows. It is anticipated that condensational growth of soot particles will continue downstream since homogeneous nucleation has already reached equilibrium. Gas phase monomers and their precursors, as well as embryos and liquid droplets from nucleation mode, will continue to condense on the soot particles while depleting SvI mass from both vapor phase and volatile particles. Further observation from Figure 3e indicates the possibility of a final equilibrium achieved between all three modes. Mixing with ambient air further downstream will cause sulfuric acid to be diluted enough to reach its saturation vapor pressure. H2 S0 4 condensation onto and evaporation from the soot coatings will reach a final equilibrium. At this stage, the SvI mass will remain constant in the vapor phase. 3.2 Effects of Engine Power Setting and Relative Humidity The effects of engine power setting and relative humidity on PM formation and evolution in near field aircraft plumes are investigated in this section. Plots of sulfur mass emission indices were generated as a function of both engine power setting and ambient relative humidity. The parametric study was carried out at an ambient temperature of 288K and a fuel 24 25 sulfur content of 383 ppm. Sulfur mass emission indices (sulfur mass contained per unit mass of fuel, Elm) were converted from SV1 mass fraction found in the previous mass budget plots. Sulfur mass emission indices (Elm) of both the soot mode (mass of SvI in soot coatings) and the nucleation mode (mass of SV1 in volatile droplets) were calculated. Three different engine power settings, i.e. 7%, 65%, 100%, representing three ICAO points (idle, climb-off and take-off respectively) and four different ambient relative humidities, i.e. 10%, 40%, 60% and 80% were studied to see their effects on PM formation in the near field plume. Simulation results at 1km downstream of the engine exit plane were presented in Figure 4 and Figure 5. It can be seen from Figure 4 that sulfur Elm of the soot mode is strongly dependent on the engine power settings. As the engine power increases from 7% to 100%, the amount of Svi condensed on soot particles changes from around 2 mg/kg-fuel to around 8 mg/kg-fuel. This 4 fold increase of sulfur Elm can be explained by the larger soot surface area available for condensation at higher power settings. As shown in Table 1, different engine power settings have different initial soot particle size distributions. Soot particles at higher engine power setting tend to have larger surface areas which make condensation of vapor phase monomers and volatile droplets onto soot particles much easier. It should be noted that the increase of soot mode sulfur Elm from 65% to 100% is more drastic compared to the increase from 7% to 65%. This difference can be explained by another factor influencing condensational growth of soot particles in the plume, i.e. residence time, which is the amount of time soot particles have spent in the plume. Longer residence time leads to extended period of condensation of gas phase molecules and liquid droplets onto soot. At lower engine power setting, the time to reach 1km (the plume age at 1km) is much longer 25 26 compared to that at higher engine power setting (about 900 seconds for 7%, about 120s for 65% and roughly 80s for 100% power setting). The longer residence time at lower engine power settings leads to more condensational growth of soot particles. This compensates for the decrease in sulfur Elm due to smaller surface area available for condensation at low power settings. a) 10% RH, 383 PPMM,1km ( _ m Nucleation 7 - Soot Mode Mode 6543 W II 0 65% 7% 100% Power Setting % b) 40% RH, 383PPMM, 1km 10 8 o> 6 E 4- m Nucleation Mode *Soot Mode E L] 2- 0 7% 65% Power Setting % 26 100% 27 c) 60% RH, 383PPMM, 1km 10 E E M 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7% 65% 100% Power Setting d) 80%RH, 383PPMM,lkm 10 9 8 8> . Nucleation Mode Soot Mode )6 lie5 E 4 E 3 LU 2 1 0 7% 65% 100% Power Setting % Figure 4 Sulfur mass emission index atlkm downstream as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 288 K and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm. a) 10% RH b) 40% RH c) 60% RH d) 80% RH It is also observed in Figure 4 that soot mode Elm was not significantly influenced by variations of ambient relative humidity. The changes of soot Elm among different relative humidities were less than 1 mg/kg-fuel. However, the sulfur Elm of the nucleation mode is very sensitive to ambient relative humidity changes. At low relative humidities such as 10% and 40%, nucleation mode sulfur Elm is insignificant compared to that of soot mode. The 27 28 highest nucleation mode sulfur Elm at low relative humidities is less than 0.01 mg/kg-fuel compared to around 8 mg/kg-fuel for the soot mode at the same relative humidity. The amount of nucleation mode sulfur Elm increases considerably at 60% and 80% relative humidities. The nucleation mode sulfur Elm at 80% relative humidity and 7% engine power reaches around 9 mg/kg-fuel, which is the highest among all these conditions. The strong dependence of nucleation mode sulfur Elm on ambient relative humidity is due to the fact that water molecule plays a critical part during the binary homogeneous nucleation process. Higher ambient relative humidity enhances the nucleation process thus leading to a greater contribution to the total sulfate mass by volatile H2 SO 4 -H 2 0 droplets. The decrease in nucleation mode sulfur Elm towards higher engine power at 80% relative humid is the result of increased competition from soot mode since condensational growth of the soot particles is encouraged at high engine power settings. a) 80 8 70 7 60 5 -50 4 9 40 3 30 2 20 10 0 20 40 60 Engine Power (%) 28 80 0 100 Elm (mg/kg-fuel) 29 b) 80 8 70 60 6 a _ -50 -5 4 S40 3 30 2 20 10 1 0 20 40 60 Engine Power (%) 80 10 0 0 EIm (mg/kg-fuel) Figure 5 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at 1km downstream as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 288 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode Figure 5 presents a summary of the effects of engine power settings and ambient relative humidities on aerosol formation mechanism in a contour plot. The strong dependence of soot mode on engine power settings and significant influence of relative humidity on the nucleation mode is depicted in the contour plot. Figure 6 and 7 shows the results of the parametric study at a plume age of 80s to eliminate the effects of residence time on soot particle condensational growth. In Figure 6, the soot mode sulfur Elm dropped sharply from the value of about 2 mg/kg-fuel at 65% engine power to a value of about 0.2 mg/kg-fuel at 7% power compared to the previous moderate decrease for the 1km results shown in Figure 4. The sulfur Elm of the nucleation mode at this low power setting and short resident time was 29 30 also diminished compared to the value at lkm. The reason for this decrease in nucleation mode is due to the fact that within this short residence time, the binary homogeneous nucleation process has not reached equilibrium. The volatile H2 SO 4 -H 2 0 particles are still growing for this young plume age of 80s. Figure 7 presents a summary of the effects of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for the case of a 80s plume age. a) 10% RH 383 PPMM, 80s 98 Nucleation Mode 7 - Soot Mode E4 0 65% Engine Power % 7% 100% b) 40% RH, 383PPMM, 80s 10 m Nucleation Mode 8 - Soot Mode c6 E E i 4 - 2 0 65% 7% Power Setting % 30 100% 7- 31 c) 60% RH, 383PPMM, 80s 10 9 8 7 0) 6 0) 5 E 4 E 3 ijj 2 1 0 [ U UNucleation Mode Soot Mode 65% 7% 100% Power Setting d) 80%RH, 383PPMM, 80s 10 9 8 E Nucleation Mode N Soot Mode 7 6 5 E E mw 4 3 2 10 7% 65% 100% Power Setting % Figure 6 Sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 288 K and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm. a) 10% RH b) 40% RH c) 60% RH d) 80% RH 31 32 a) 80 70 60 50 E 40 30 20 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 EIm (mg/kg-fuel) Enaine Power (%) b) 80 70 60 L5 50 E 4 40 3 30 2 20 1 - 10 0 20 40 60 Enaine Power (%) 80 10 0 -O Elm (mg/kg-fuel) Figure 7 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 288 K and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode 32 33 3.3 Effects of Ambient Temperature The effect of ambient temperature on the aerosol formation mechanism is described in this section. The ambient temperature was changed from the previous 288 K to a higher temperature at 299 K. The sulfur content of the fuel was kept at 383 ppm and the sulfur conversion ratio was also constant at 1% of the total sulfur mass. Simulations at this ambient temperature were carried out for the same set of engine power settings (7%, 65% and 100%) and ambient relative humidity (10%, 40%, 60% and 80%). Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the results of the simulations in terms of sulfur mass emission index for both the nucleation mode and the soot mode at 1km downstream of the engine exit plane. Comparing Figure 8 to Figure 4, the sensitivity of nucleation mode sulfur emission to ambient temperature variation is seen. At a higher ambient temperature of 299 K, the sulfur emission index observed for the nucleation mode is insignificant even at high ambient relative humidity compared to the previous restuls at a lower ambient temperature of 288K. The nucleation mode sulfur emission index found at 299 K and 80% relative humidity is 0.01 mg/kg-fuel compared to 9 mg/kg-fuel for the same level of relative humidity at 288K. Although the values of sulfur Elm at this higher ambient temperature are rather insignificant, the effects of relative humidity on the nucleation mode sulfur emission index are still observed. The sulfur Elm of the nucleation mode increases from 0.0002 mg/kg-fuel at 10% relative humidity and 65% power to 0.01 mg/kg-fuel at 80% relative humidity for the same engine power setting. 33 34 a) 10%RH 383PPMM FSC 299.26k 9 8 7 0 Nucleation Mode E Soot Mode 6 5 4 E E 3 w~ 2 1 0 7% 65% Power Setting % 100% b) 40%RH 383PPMM FSC 299.26k M Nucleation Mode M Soot Mode E W 7% 65% Power Setting % 100% c) 60%RH 383PPMM FSC 299.26k * Nucleation Mode U Soot Mode W E 65% Power Setting % 7% 100% d) 80%RH 383PPMM FSC 299.26k 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N Nucleation Mode E Soot Mode 7% 65% Power Setting % 100% Figure 8 Sulfur mass emission index at 1km downstream as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 299 K and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm. a) 10% RH b) 40% RH c) 60% RH d) 80% RH 34 35 a) 80 8 70 7 60 V 6 5 50 E I 03 4 40 w 3 30 2 20 100 20 60 40 Engine Power (%) 80 100 Elm (mg/kg-fuel) b) x 10- .10 80 9 70 8 60 -0 7 6 50 E (D 7 5 40 4 3 30 2 20 1 10 0 20 60 40 Engine Power (%) 80 100Elm (mg/kg-fuel) Figure 9 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at 1km downstream as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 299 K and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode 35 36 On the other hand, the soot mode sulfur mass emission index was not significantly affected by the ambient temperature variation and is a still mainly a function of engine power settings. The soot mode emission index changes from a maximum value of 8.7 mg/kg-fuel at 100% engine power setting, 60% relative humidity for the 288k ambient temperature case to a maximum value of 8.8mg/kg-fuel for the case at 100% power setting, 80% relative humidity and an ambient temperature of 299K. The slight increase across all power settings from an ambient temperature of 288K to 299K is due to lessened competition from the nucleation mode which is suppressed at a higher ambient temperature. The reduction in soot mode sulfur emission index at high relative humidity for the low ambient temperature case is not observed in the case of a higher ambient temperature of 299K. This is also due to the fact that the nucleation mode is suppressed at this higher ambient temperature setting and no competition is experienced by the soot mode even at higher relative humidity. The soot mode, meanwhile, is still strongly affected by the change in engine power settings. The sulfur emission index for soot mode increases from 2.4 mg/kg-fuel at 7% engine power and 10% relative humidity to 8.4 mg/kg-fuel at 100% engine power and 10% relative humidity. However at the same time, there is also a slight drop in soot mode sulfur emission index from 7% engine power to 65% power. The reason for this phenomenon was the competing effects of soot particle surface area and residence time in the plume, both of which were explained in section 3.2. To eliminate effects of soot particle residence time in the plume, simulation results at a uniform plume age of 80s were generated and compared to the results at 1 km downstream of the engine exit plane. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the results for a plume age of 80s. This 36 37 time the sulfur mass emission index increases consistently as the engine power increases from 7% to 100% due to the sole effect of increased soot particle surface area for condensational growth. a) 10%RH, 383PPMM, 299.26k, 80s 10 " Nucleation Mode 9 " Soot Mode 7 6 5 75 E E W 4 3 2 1- 0 .m 65% 7% 100% Power Setting % b) 10%RH, 383PPMM, 299.26k, 80s 9 8 " Nucleation Mode " Soot Mode 7 6 5 E 4 E 3 w~ 2 1 0 65% 7% 100% Power Setting % c) 10%RH, 383PPMM, 299.26k, 80s 10 " Nucleation Mode 9 8 E E E iii " Soot Mode 7 6 5 4 3 2 1- 0 -0 65% 7% Power Setting % 37 100% 38 d) 80%RH, 383PPMM, 299.26k, 80s 10 N Nucleation Mode M Soot Mode 9 7- 06 5S E W 43 2 0 7% 100% 65% Power Setting % Figure 10 Sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power settings and ambient relative humidity for an ambient temperature of 299 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm. a) 10% RH b) 40% RH c) 60% RH d) 80% RH a) x 10- 80 7 70 6 60 5 V 50 E a) 4 40 3 a) 30 2 20 10 1 0 20 60 40 Engine Power (%) 38 80 100 n EIm (mg/kg-fuel) 39 b) 80 8 70 7 60 1 6 -5 50 4 3 30 2 20 10 Figure 0 20 40 60 Engine Power (%) 80 100 0 EIm (mg/kg-fuel) 11 Contour plots of sulfur mass emission index at 80s plume age as a function of engine power and relative humidity at an ambient temperature of 299 k and a fuel sulfur content of 383 ppm: a) Soot mode; b) Nucleation mode 3.4 Effects of Engine Design Parameters The influence of engine design parameters on the aerosol formation mechanisms is investigated in this section. Key design parameters such as engine bypass ratio, exhaust core total temperature and exhaust bypass total temperature were examined. The effect of each design parameter on PM formation was investigated independently. The CFM56-2C 1 engine examined in previous sections served as a standard reference point for comparisons with engines having different design parameters. In this study, engine bypass ratio (BPR) was varied independent of other design parameters between values of 9, 6 and 0 with 6 being the BPR of the CFM56-2CI engine simulated in the previous sections. A BPR value of 9 39 ~~1 __________ 40 represents a high bypass turbofan engine such as GE90 while a BPR value of 0 represents the configuration of a turbojet engine. In addition, the core and bypass exhaust total temperature were varied together from the values of the CFM56-2C1 engine. A case with higher core and bypass exhaust total temperature with a 15 K increment from the original values of the CFM56-2C 1 engine and a case with lower core and bypass total temperature with 15 K decrease from the values of the CFM56-2C 1 engine were investigated. Corresponding GAMBIT' grids and FLUENT® simulations were generated and plume mixing profiles were obtained for these different engine design parameters. Table 2 shows variations of the engine design parameters under investigation. The simulations were carried out at an ambient temperature of 288K. The sulfur content of the fuel was kept at 383ppm and a sulfur conversion ratio of 1% was used. The study was done for the case of 100% engine power at four different ambient relative humidities. a) 10 *BPR 8 BPR 0 BPR 9 87 26q5--4 jJ 2 2 I 0 10% 60% 40% Relative Humidity (%) 40 80% 9 6 0 41 b) 10 _ 9 - BPR = 9 *BPR = 6 fBPR = 0 8 76 5 3 2 1 0 60% 40% Relative Humidity (%) 10% 80% Figure 12 Effects of engine bypass ratio on aerosol formation mechanism: a) Nucleation mode b) Soot Mode Figure 12 shows the results of the study on engine bypass ratio. From Figure 12a, the strong dependence of nucleation mode on ambient relative humidity is again observed. It is also clear that the nucleation mode was suppressed at high bypass ratio, though the effects were not very significant. At 80% relative humidity and 100% power setting, the sulfur emission index increased from 1.8 mg/kg-fuel at the high BPR of 9 to a value of 2.5 mg/kgfuel for the limiting case of zero BPR. The suppression of the nucleation mode at high BPR can be explained by a hotter centerline temperature profile obtained for a high BPR configuration. With other things equal, a larger bypass exhaust coflow tends to preserve the temperature of the hot core flow and slow its cooling along the centerline. This higher temperature profile along the centerline trajectory discourages the nucleation mode similar to the effects for a higher ambient temperature studied in the previous section. On the other 41 42 hand, the soot mode at high BPR was enhanced due to reduced competition from the nucleation mode. Figure 12b shows the effects of different BPR on soot mode. a) E dT = -15k 4 NdT = Ok EdT = +15k 3.5 3 8 2.5 <2 1. 5 1 0. 5 I I 0 10% 60% 40% Relative Humidity (%) 80% b) 10 9 K 8 7 6 5 S 4 S 3 2 1 ' 0 10% ' 60% 40% Relative Humidity (%) 80% Figure 13 Effects of engine core and bypass exhaust total temperature: a) Nucleation mode b) Soot Mode 42 E dT = -15k E dT = Ok EdT = +15k 43 The influence of different core and bypass exhaust total temperature is depicted in Figure 13. A 15 K difference above and below the original core and bypass total temperature of the CFM56-2C I engine was employed for the investigation. Figure 13a shows the effects of core and bypass exhaust temperature variation on the nucleation mode for 100% engine power setting at four different ambient relative humidities. As shown in the figure, a lower core and bypass total temperature enhances the binary nucleation process leading to a higher value of nucleation mode sulfur Elm. The sulfur Elm for the nucleation mode increased from around 0.7 mg/kg-fuel at the higher core and bypass total temperature (15 K above the CFM56-2C 1 value) to 3.5 mg/kg-fuel at the lower temperature ( 15 K below the CFM56-2C I engine data). The reason is again the temperature effect on binary homogenous nucleation as described before. Due to the competition between the soot mode and the nucleation mode at high relative humidity and high engine power setting, the sulfur Elm of the soot mode decreased from a value of 8.6 mg/kg-fuel at higher core and bypass total temperature to about 6.0 mg/kg-fuel for the lower temperature case as shown in Figure 13b. 3.5 Study of Trajectories from Different Radial Locations In addition to the study of various effects on the aerosol formation along the centerline trajectory, PM formation and evolution characteristics along trajectories from several radial locations were investigated and compared to the results from the centerline study. Particle pathlines released from 4 equally-spaced radial locations were generated in FLUENT® with the outermost radial location being on the very edge of the engine core exhaust flow. Plume mixing profiles were obtained for these radial locations and were used as input to the 43 44 microphysics model. The ambient temperature at which the study was performed was 288 K and the sulfur content is 388 ppm. In order to observe the effects of radial trajectories on the nucleation mode of the aerosol formation mechanism, two high ambient relative humidities of 60% and 80% were selected to provide considerable nucleation mode sulfur Elm. Figure 14 shows the results for 80% relative humidity and Figure 15 shows the results for 60% relative humidity. In Figure 14, lower sulfur mass Elm was observed near the core edge for the soot mode. The soot mode Elm decreased from a centerline value of 7.5 mg/kg-fuel to about 4.2 mg/kgfuel at the core flow edge (0.3012m from the centerline) at 80% relative humidity and 100% engine power setting. This decline in soot mode Elm from the centerline to the core edge is mainly due to a lower soot particle concentration near the core flow edge due to enhanced mixing with surrounding air. As a result, there is less overall surface area available for condensation onto soot particles leading to a decrease in soot mode Elm. On the other hand, the nucleation mode Elm was enhanced near the core flow edge where the temperature near the edge was lower compared to that along the centerline. The nucleation mode sulfur Elm increased from 1.8 mg/kg-fuel at centerline to 5.4 mg/kg-fuel at the core edge. Besides the temperature effects, reduced competition from the soot mode is another reason for this increase in nucleation mode Elm near the core edge. The variations from the centerline result for both nucleation and soot mode were most pronounced at 100% power setting where the competition between the soot mode and the nucleation mode was most intense and the temperature drop from the centerline to the core flow edge was the greatest. 44 - __m. - - __ - - - I - - __ __ _ _ --- 45 a) Soot Mode 8 0O.3012m from 00.2259m from 00.1506m from 00.0753m from *CL 7 6 CL-Core CL-Near CL -Mid CL-Near Edge Core Edge Section CL F bD bD S3 2 1 I 0 65% 7% 100% Power Setting b) Nucleation Mode 10 9 00.3012m from CL-Core Edge N0.2259m from CL-Near Core Edge 00.1506m from CL-Mid Section 00.0753m from CL-Near CL *CL 8 7 6 C) 5 4 3 2 1 I 0 65% 7% 100% Power Setting Figure 14 Results of uncertainty study of the trajectories from radial locations at 80% relative humidity a) Soot mode b) Nucleation Mode 45 46 The results for the 60% relative humidity case are shown in Figure 15. Again the soot mode Elm decreased from a value of 8.7 mg/kg-fuel at the centerline to 5.4 mg/kg-fuel at the core edge, while the sulfur Elm of the nucleation mode increased from 0.1 mg/kg-fuel at centerline to a value of 4 mg/kg-fuel at the core edge. The changes in the nucleation mode are more drastic at this 60% relative humidity level compared to that at 80% relative humidity for the same engine power setting of 100%. The proposed explanation for this difference is that at lower relative humidity, the effect of temperature drop on the nucleation process becomes more pronounced. For higher relative humidity, abundance of water molecules enhances the binary nucleation so much that a slightly lower temperature profile does not contribute to the nucleation mode sulfur Elm by much, whereas at a lower relative humidity with fewer participating water molecules, any decrease in temperature profile can lead to a very much encouraged nucleation process. a) Soot Mode - 60%RH 1.OOE+01 - *0.3012m from CL-Core Edge 9. OOE+00 M0.2259m from CL-Near Core Edge 8.OOE+00 00.1506m from CL-Mid Section 0 0.0753m from CL-Near CL 7.OOE+00 6. OOE+00 MCL 5. OOE+00 E 4. OOE+00 3. OOE+00 2. OOE+00 1. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 65% 7% Power Setting 46 100% 47 b) Nucleation Mode - 60%RH 1. OOE+01 C) H0.3012m from CL- Core Edge 9. OOE+00 S0. 2259m from CL-Near Core Edge 8.OOE+00 00.1506m from CL-Mid Section 0. 0753m from CL-Near CL 7. OOE+00 * CL 6. OOE+00 an E E 5. OOE+00 4. OOE+00 3. OOE+00 2. OOE+00 1. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 IL 65% Power Setting 7% 100% Figure 15 Results of uncertainty study of the trajectories from radial locations at 60% relative humidity a)Soot mode b)Nucleation Mode 47 48 48 49 Chapter 4 Conclusions In this work, the particulate matter formation mechanism in the near field aircraft plume at ground level was investigated. A detailed one dimensional microphysics and chemical kinetics model was employed to study the influence of ambient temperatures(288 K and 299 K), ambient relative humidity (10%, 40%, 60% and 80%), engine power settings(7%, 65% and 100%) and engine design parameters (engine BPR and core/bypass total temperatures) on the aerosol formation mechanism. Initial estimates of input conditions to the model such as engine exit properties were obtained from data thermodynamic cycle analysis. Other inputs such as plume mixing profiles were generated using FLUENT* and initial exhaust gas species concentrations were calculated based on a two-step constrained equilibrium process. The simulation was carried out following a centerline trajectory up to 1km downstream of the engine exit plane. In addition, PM formation and evolution characteristics along trajectories from several radial locations were investigated and compared to the results from the centerline study. 4.1 Summary of major findings It was found in this study that condensational growth of soot particles in the near field aircraft plume, i.e. the soot mode, is strongly dependent on the engine power settings. As the engine power increases from 7% to 100%, the amount of SvI condensed on soot particles changes from around 2 mg/kg-fuel to around 8 mg/kg-fuel. This 4 fold increase of sulfur Elm can be explained by the larger soot surface area available for condensation of vapor phase 49 50 monomers and volatile droplets at higher power settings. Another factor influencing condensational growth of soot particles in the plume is the residence time. At lower power setting, the residence time of soot particles in the plume is longer compared to that at high power setting, leading to extended period of condensational growth. This effect compensates the decrease in sulfur Elm due to smaller surface area available for condensation at low power settings. On the other hand, formation of volatile droplets and embryos through homogeneous binary H 2 SO 4 -H 2 0 nucleation, i.e. the nucleation mode, is very sensitive to ambient relative humidity changes. The nucleation mode sulfur Elm increased from 0.01 mg/kg-fuel at 10% relative humidity and 7% engine power setting to about 9 mg/kg-fuel at 80% relative humidity for the same power setting. The sharp increase at higher relative humidity is due to the critical role water molecules play during the binary H 2 SO 4-H 20 nucleation process. It was also observed that at high relative humidity and high engine power settings, there is intense competition between nucleation mode and soot mode for participating species in both processes. Furthermore, the nucleation mode sulfur Elm is strongly influenced by ambient temperature change. The nucleation mode sulfur emission index found at 299 K and 80% relative humidity is 0.01 mg/kg-fuel compared to 9 mg/kg-fuel for the same level of relative humidity at 288K. Meanwhile, the soot mode sulfur mass emission index was not significantly affected by the ambient temperature variation and is a still mainly a function of engine power settings. The soot mode emission index changes from a maximum value of 8.7 mg/kg-fuel at 100% engine power setting, 60% relative humidity for the 288K ambient 50 51 temperature case to a maximum value of 8.8mg/kg-fuel for the case at 100% power setting, 80% relative humidity and an ambient temperature of 299K. In the engine design parameter study, it is found that the nucleation mode was suppressed at high bypass ratio, though the effects were not very significant. At 80% relative humidity and 100% power setting, the sulfur emission index increased from 1.8 mg/kg-fuel at the high BPR of 9 to a value of 2.5 mg/kg-fuel for the limiting case of zero BPR. On the other hand, a lower core and bypass total temperature enhances the binary nucleation process leading to a higher value of nucleation mode sulfur Elm. The sulfur Elm for the nucleation mode increased from around 0.7 mg/kg-fuel at the higher core and bypass total temperature (15 K above the CFM56-2C1 value) to 3.5 mg/kg-fuel at the lower temperature ( 15 K below the CFM56-2C1 engine value). Lastly in the study for trajectories from different radial locations, lower sulfur mass Elm was observed near the core edge for the soot mode due to decreased soot particle concentration near the core flow edge. The soot mode Elm decreased from a centerline value of 7.5 mg/kg- fuel to about 4.2 mg/kg-fuel at the core flow edge (0.3012m from the centerline) at 80% relative humidity and 100% engine power setting. Nucleation mode Elm, however, was enhanced near the core flow edge where the temperature near the edge was lower and the competition from soot mode was also less intense compared to that along the centerline. The nucleation mode sulfur Elm increased from 1.8 mg/kg-fuel at centerline to 5.4 mg/kg-fuel at the core edge. 51 52 4.2 Recommendations for future work In this study, both ion-induced nucleation and organics-enhanced nucleation were absent from the microphysics model. Addition of these microphysical processes into this model is desired in order to capture all the details of the PM formation mechanism in the near field aircraft plume. In addition, comparison of simulation results from the one dimensional model with experimental data will be very useful to confirm the findings and verify the theories behind the findings from the model, whereas these modeling results can serve to guide and improve future PM measurement techniques. 52 Appendix A Tables Table 1. The parameters used for log-normally distributed soot particles under different power settings Power Initial Concentration Settings (%) (1/cm 3) Geometric Mean Standard Deviation Estimated Surface Area Diameter (nm) 3 (m 2/cm )a 100 3.0x107 35.0 1.6 1.795x 10-7 65 7.5x 106 25.0 1.6 2.291x 10- 30 6.0x 106 20.0 1.4 9.456x 10-9 7 8.5x106 16.0 1.3 7.845x 10-9 was based on log-normally distributed spherical particles into 30 bins ranging from 3 nm to 250 nm a Estimation Table 2. Engine Design Parameter Variations Bypass Core/Bypass Total Temperature Variation' dT (K) Ratio +15 9 0 6 -15 0 bVariation from the engine data of CFM56-2C 1. 53 Bibliography [1] Waitz, I., Townsend, J., Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J., Greitzer, E., and Kerrebrock, J., "Aviation and the Environment", Report to the United States Congress, Dec. 2004. [2] Wey, C. C., Anderson, B. E., Hudgins, C., Wey, C., Li-Jones, X., Winstead, E., Thornhill, L. K., Lobo, P., Hagen, D., Whitefield, P., Yelvington, P. E., Herndon, S. 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