JOURNALOF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL. 91, NO. B12, PAGES 12,233-12,248, PARTICLE GEOCHEMISTRY OF ETNA OF AND MOUNT VOLCANIC ST. NOVEMBER10, 1986 PLUMES HELENS Johan C Varekamp 1 EllenThomas 2 MarkGermani 3 andPeterR. Buseck 4 Abstract. include Particles in volcanic plumes vapor condensates and reaction of ash with vapors or condensed liquids, addition to abundant silicate forecasting products particles. [Rose et al., element in fluxes pollution In the In [e.g., volcanic 1983]. provide a The volcanogenic baseline plumes, tiny particles result of vapor condensation, reaction with air, or reaction of vapors or latter liquids commonly as overgrowths on ash or with air form as a 1980 M•unt St. Helens plume we detected abundant (Na, K)C1 crystals as well as Ca sulfates, the anthropogenic particles. Many of the particles contained zinc and High-temperature fumarolic incrustations for Varekampand Buseck, 1986]. silicate fragments of vapors condensed [Oskarsson, chloride cadmium. showed 1980]. Ice cores from the polar regions contain a record of aerosol deposition; anomalously high concentrations of Zn, Cd, and S are usually strong enrichments of arsenic, zinc, alkalis, and iron. At Etna we did not detect chloride crystals but found abundant A1, Fe, and Ca sulfates. Sulfuric acid droplets were ubiquitous in both plumes. Bulk analyses of fumarole incrustations at Etna showed an enrichment in the rare earth elements (REE). The chemical and textural data of the plume particles indicate attributed to periods of intense volcanic activity [e.g., Zoller et al., 1974; Boutron, 1980]. We studied the bulk trace-element chemistry of high-temperature fumarolic incrustations and that chloride particles form relatively early and react later with sulfuric acid droplets to form sulfates. At Etna, aluminum as well as some REE collected plume particles and fumarolic incrustations at Mount St. Helens (United States) in August 1980 (3 months after the May 18 are probably transported as volatile fluorine compounds. The differences in plume chemistry eruption) and during a less active period (July 1981). Etna (Italy) was sampled in 1981. In between addition, likely Etna and related Mount St. Helens to differences are most in F/C1 ratios single-particle chemistry in plumes of a basaltic and a calc-alkaline volcano to obtain a record of element transport in volcanic vapors. We vapors and fumarole incrustations were of sampled at Colima volcano (Mexico), which was in the vapors. Based on the abundance of particulate chlorine in plumes, we suggest that only a small fraction of the total chlorine released during an eruption might reach the stratosphere in the vapor phase. a non-eruptive state during sampling in 1981. In this paper we present data on the chemistry and textural relations of single particles in plumes and on the bulk chemistry of fumarolic incrustations and discuss element transport in volcanic Bulk Introduction aerosols Phelan Volcanic elements vapors from the provide a earth's vapors. chemical steady flow interior to atmosphere and exocycle, most notably explosive volcanic eruptions, but continuously in passive vapor plumes. of [1983], the Vossler during also During are et compositions given al. [1982], Buat-Menard et al. of volcanic by Mroz and Zoller Phelan-Kotra and [1981], Arnold for [1975], et [1978], various al. and volcanoes including Etna, M•unt St. Helens, and E1 Chichon. Single-particle chemistry of particles from various volcanic plumes is discussed by Rose high-t•mperature degassing from domefissures and et al. lava lakes, only limited condensation of vapors occurs on the vent walls, and most vapors escape as a hot plume into the atmosphere. Monitoring of such volatile fluxes may provide insight in the degass•ng of magmas and can be an aid in eruption Cadle and Blifford [1971], Cadle and Frank [1968], Cadle et al. [1967, 1969, 1979], and Cadle and Mroz [1978] on volcanic particles, and studies of leachates of freshly fallen ash [Rose, 1977; Taylor and Stoiber, 1973; Varekamp et al., 1 sulfuric acid droplets and CaSO 4 overgrowths 1984], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, Middletown, nnecticut. Lamont Doherty Geological •alisades, NewYork. Walter Observatory, C. McCrone Associates, Inc., Chicago, •11inois. Departments of Geology and Chemistry, State University, Tempe. Copyright 1986 by the American Geophysical Paper numb.er_5B5738. Arizona Union. [1980, indicate 1982]. that Work by Cadle [1973], sulfur tends to form (further referred to as gypsum) on silicates. Rose et al. [ 1982 ] reported particle compositions for the 1980 Mount St. Helens plume including chlorides, sulfates, oxides, and fluorides of Ca, Na, K, A1, Mg, Zn, and Cu; their data s.uggest a shift in Cu/Zn ratios with time after the main eruption of 1980. The particle load of Colima's plume was dominated by sulfate particles [Casadevall et al., 1984]. Common trace elements in particles from volcanic plumes and high-temperature fumaroles are Zn, Cd, Au, Cu, Br, As, and Sb [Stoiber and Rose, 1974; Oskarsson, 1981; Phelan et al., 1982; Phelan-Kotra et al., 1983]. 12,233 12,234 Varekampet al.: Parttcle Geochemtstryof Volcanic Plumes .?.i!i:...:::: ::' . .. .. ß ....:..:..::...:::..q. .:.. 0 Fig. Methods Particles U.S. Geological A two-stage 1. Acid droplets on 0.2-•mfilter, and Techniques were collected Helens plume during ..-1 above, collected. from the Mount St. gas monitoring flights filter holder with filters and fumarolic incrustations At Colima volcano, incrustations were were sampled from vents on the dome(420øC). of the Survey (USGS) in 1980 and 1981. Nuclepore Mount St. Helens plume, 1980. Vapors for bulk were also trace and Buseck, collected element 1986], from all determination and bulk (particle fumaroles [Varekamp + vapors) with pore sizes 8 and 0.2 •m in diameter was fitted at the end of a 30-cm-long plexiglas tube and mounted on top of the aircraft wing. Collections were made at about 15 km downwind from the crater, at 2-to 3-km altitude, and at flying speeds of about 280 km/h in 1980, and at F-C1-S contents. We employed gas-washing bottles with acid oxidizing solutions, which were analyzed by ion chromatography and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The Nuclepore filters were cut in square sections of 5 x 5 mm, which were mounted on 2.5 km above the crater in a small, dilute plume in 198•. No opening or closing valves were used, carbon planchets and coated with carbon for elemental analysis using an energy dispersive so particles from outside the plume were also collected. Fumarole incrustations from two small vents were sampled at Mount St. Helens in the south part of the crater in 1980. In 1981 the dome in x-ray detector (EDS, PGT 2000) fitted on a Jeol JSM35 scanning electron microscope (SEM). A second set of filter squares was carbon-coated and subsequently coated with Au/Pd for imaging in the SEM. Micrographs were made at an the crater hadgrown considerably compared with 1980, and fumaroles had formedon cracks radially accelerating voltage a sample current of about 1.5ofx 25 10kV - 11and A. atElemental extending from the dome. analyseswereobtainedat an acceleratingvolta• collected at two sites Particles were (USGS location map codes: of 15 kV and a sample current crack 109, 650øCand crack 1•7, 80øC)by pumping A. the gases through holder sampled described a the two-stage above. fumarole in Nuclepore filter At Etna (1981) the southeast quantitative we crater of about 4 x 10 A modified ZAF procedure was used for analysis of particles in the size range of 0.2 to 25 •m [Aden and Buseck, 1979; Aden, 1981 ]. We made additional (420øC; the fumarole has disappearedafter the 1985 eruptions), a 700øC fumarole in the semi-quantitative analyses at 25 kV to check for the presenceof heavyelements(e.g., Hg and Pb). northeast crater and the plume from the Bocca Nuova crater. Gases were pumped through the two-stage Nuclepore filter holder described At 15 kV, F cannot be analyzed quantitatively on our system, but F peaks are present in the EDS spectra if this element is relatively abundant. Varekamp et al.: Particle Fig. 2. Acid droplets in satellite (Na, K)Cl and spheroid particles Helens plume, 1980. Trace elements were analyzed University. in the by fumarolic INAA Geochemistry of Volcanic rings around a cubic of (Na, Ca) sulfates. incrustations at Arizona A second State Particles from the MountSt. salts, and of particles were cubes, in size And and Mg. The spheroids contained mainly S, Na, and Ca, with minor Mg and K. The S/cation ratios suggest a stoichiometry of Na 2 SO4 and were present dominantly on the 8-• condensate group spheroids, and overgrowths that contained S and/or C1 in combination with Na, K, Ca, and Mg (Figures 3, 4, 5, and Table 2). The cubes were Ca, silicate abundance, particle of Mount St. consisted of (Na, f) C1,withminoramounts of S, Mount St. Helens - 1980 Sample Set Excluding in order of 12,235 usually between0 5 and 3 • ParticleStudies filter. detected Plumes Helensplume pore size particles, we acid droplets, anthropogenic particles CaSO 4. Excesssulfur mayoccuras sulfuric acid, whereas cation excess (rare) probably results from the presence of anions undetected by EDS (e.g., nitrates and borates). Droplets of sulfuric acid were much more abundant than (Tables 1 and 2)/e droplets (Figure 1) more Cl-rich droplets, but solid saltparticles were ak Acidic in their •DS spectrum, and commonly Cl-rich than S-rich. Manychloride showedonly a S the Nuclepore around 1979]. the filters droplets were [see commonly damaged Klockow et al., These droplets are probably H2SO 4. Submicron-sized particles peak in also the EDS spectra that showedonly a •S disintegrated under the cubes contained sulfates some Zn, contained Cd, Fe, and Cu; the Fe as the dominant metal. Chloride cubes tended to be corroded and chloride formed overgrown by sulfate and sulfate (Figures 4 and 5). salts Some crusts on electron beam and are interpreted as ammonium anthropogenic particles, e.g., fertilizer gkains sulfate that probably formed from H?SO 4 on the (containing K, P, S, and C1; McCroneand Delly. filter [Klockow et al., 1979; •Thomas-and' Buseck, [1973]) and hollow Cr-rich spheres (Figure 6; 1983]. Droplets that showed only a C1 peak were rare. Many acidic droplets occurred as satellite rings around other particles (Figure 2) and Cooper and Watson [1980]). The size of overgrowing salts was unrelated to the size of the host silicate particle. Some host particles formed when acid-enveloped lacking the filter. particles impacted on those Ca and Na contained elements. overgrowths rich in 12,236 Varekampet al.: PartœcleGeochemistry of Volcanic Plumes 0 4 Fig. 3. (Na, Ca)SO 4 irregular particle overgrowing a silicate particle, Mount St. Helens plume, MountSt. Helens- 1981 SampleSet 1980. particles (less than 0.2 abundant Acid droplets and ammonium sulfate particles in samples Cl-rich particles Cl-rich droplets were not detected in 1981. Condensate salts were less abundant but similar as shapeless crusts (Figures 8 and 9). (Tables 1 and 2). Particle samplesfrom a hot fumarole (650øC) contained abundantacid droplets, largely H2SO•_ (Figure 7); C1 was not detected in droplets. •imilar 'œhecondensate salts were to those detected in the plume in 1980 plume but less in the two fumaroles (420øC and 700øC). were much less abundant in samples from the Mount St. Helens plume in 1981 than in 1980, and in Compositionto the salts detected in 1980 pm in size) were from Etna's so No droplets were observed. Silicate were commonly overgrown with sulfates, and euhedral crystals Sulfate particles andovergrowths consistedof gypsumand A1 and Fe sulfates, the former common in the fumaroles,the latter two in the plume (Figures 10 and 11). Sodiumsulfate is rare. Copper and Zn occur in most sulfates, Ti is generally present in Fe sulfate, and Fe in gypsum and consisted generally of (Na, K) chlorides and (Na, Ca, and Mg) sulfates, with minor Cu, Zn, and Fe. Phases with A1 and Fe as dominant cations and A1 sulfate. Again, no relation exists between volume of the overgrowths and volume of the host particle, suggesting that the silicate occurred, cores probably partly Fe-oxides. A few of the particles were not the dominant overgrowths of silicate grains containedPb, S, sourceof elementsfor the overgrowths. Fe, ahd Zn, or Hg, Cu, Fe, and S. group of plume particles contained gypsum (with minor Na and Fe) as overgrowths on silicates and sulfur-rich droplets but no chlorides. minor amounts of Cd. A damaged area in the filter around such A1 sulfates (Figure 12) also contained F. We interpret these particles as A1 Particles from a low-temperature vent (80øC) One was rich in A1 and S, and theseshowed a F-peakin the EDSspectra, and sulfates covered with HF. Etna Particles collected at Etna in fumaroles Fumarolic and Incrustations and Vapors in the Bocca Nuova plume (Tables 1 and 3) showed differences with the Mount St. Helens particles. X-ray diffraction analyses of the fumaroiic incrustations showedthe presence of gypsumand Sulfuric halite acid droplets and ammonium sulfate in the 1980 Mount St. Helens vent Varekamp et 0 .. al.: IIIII Partœcle iiiii . ..11 i I ..• Geochemistry Volcanic Plumes 12,237 $ [am ill ll I Fig. 4. Cubic chloride particles, sulfate salts, Mount St. Helens of partially corroded plume, 1980. and overgrown by deposits. Etnafumaroles Gypsum with was athe temperature dominant deposit between of150 the ø A1,2(SO4) As Fe, •a,on Se, Colima andZn. volcano contained traces of and 250øc,whereasA1 sulfate wasdetectedat the 420ø and ?00øCvents. carried exclusively temperature vents of pure material study to detect The 420øCvents at Colima A1 sulfate, whereas the lower had abundant gypsum. The amount did not permit an exhaustive any of the exotic minerals commonly found in fumarolic Rose, 1974]. Semi-quantitative analyses of incrustations deposits [Stoiber and Analyses of on the tubing walls of the collection energy-dispersive X-ray from the 1980 fumaroles The most Br-rich samples also contained Important differences as well as similarities in particle Mount St. most abundant trace elements (Figure abundant Analysesby INAAof fumaroleincrustations sampled in !980 at Mount St. Helens and in 1981 at Etna and Colima volcano are shown in Table 4, together with analyses of representative rocks from these volcanoes. Alkalis, Zn, As, and Co chemistry exist between the plbmes of Helens and Etna (Table 1). sulfuric acid droplets 197!; Roseet with such subsequent condensation gypsum incrustations from Etna earth element (REE) contents !980 plume, probably related contents of the magma batches The stalactitic growths of •h• from al., 1980] and are typical for most volcanic plumes. The presence of (Na, K)C1 crystals indicates vapor transport of alkali chlorides compounds. The !98! Mount carried much fewer chloride enrichments. result oxidationof SO 2 [Cadleet al., were enriched in the Mount St. Helens samples (Cu cannot be detected by INAA). Analyses of show high rare but no metal apparatus. Discussion abundantCa and Na, with Zn, Cu, Pb, and T1 as 13). from gas-washing but most trace elements were below detection. We assume that the scatter in F/C1 ratios in fumes from one volcano and the lack of trace elements in solution are caused by adsorption of particles at Mount St. Helens indicated enrichmentsin C1 and Br. the fluids bottles yielded F/C1 (weight) ratios (Table 5), St. Helens after of chloride St. Helens plume particles than the to the low C1 emplaced at Mount the May !8, !980, eruption 12,238 Varekamp et al.: Particle Geochemistry of Volcanic Plumes •' .-......:;. ::.. .:...½:.•:•.-. ............. .... •:?½ ;•...... . ,.;?;::'"'... % ..:•??*:.•.': ;-..,. .., .... :..........,. . ....;(.. •• 5 Fig. Mount 5. Irregular St. Helens TABLE i. sulfate plume, crusts (arrow) on cubic chloride particles, 1980. Particle Abundances in Plumes and Fumaroles; Etna, Mount St. Helens Etna Plume Mount Fumaroles Plume 420øC 1980 St. Helens Fumaroles-1981 1981 650øC 100øC HzSO 4 drops xx x xx x xx x Cl-rich drops o o x o o o AI sulfate xx xx o o x o Fe sulfate xx xx o o o o Ca sulfate xx xx xx * x xx Na sulfate x x xx * x x (Na, K)C! o o xx - * * o AIF3? x o o o o o Fe - oxides x o o o x o xx, abundant; x, common; o, absent; and *, rare. . Varekamp et al.: Particle Geochemistry of Volcanic Plumes 12,239 .; :$-.?,:-!2i' ..... . :;½½.½: "-....'½•}.. ......... :.."-;.• .. -.-,:½;,;(•½:½4 :..,..:.,,. ..... •;•;:,;::::. ..... *'•.:....•,.:,: ..::, O Fig. [Rose et particles al., 1983]. (e.g., 5 I,,Im 6. Cubic (Na, K)C1 particle Cr-rich spheroid, Textural Figure • .... Mount St. relations 5) suggest in overgrowing hollow fragment of Helens the a relatively early condensation of the chlorides. analyses of (Na, K)C1 particles (Table made on single cubic crystals, suggesting plume, particles, leaching 1980. however, of the may have host been by sulfuric derived from acid [Rose, Several 2) were initial precipitation as a single, homogenous phase. The system NaC1-KC1 has a solvus with a crest at transport of A1. The association of F with many A1 sulfate particles, the "splashes" of F-bearing 500øCat 75 mol%NaC1[Levinet al., 1964]. Our material on the filters, and the high F contents analyses of show maximum contents of 29 mol% KC1; probably such particles formed at temperatures of establish exsolution 500øCor more. whether Our analytical technique cannot later has were found in the but not in the Mount St. fumarole samples. Water condensation with subsequent absorption of HC1 vapor may cause the formation of such droplets; these processes occur in the distal part of the volcanic plume only. Visual observations of the sulfates) reaction Colima fumaroles suggest a genesis (with abundant according A1 to the occurred. Chlorine occurslargely in solid particles. Rare Cl-rich droplets Helens plume (1980) 1977]. The presence of A1 sulfates as particles and as stalactites in fumarolic vents suggests vapor the SEM micrographs 2A1F 3 + 3H2SO 4 -> A12(SO4) 3 + 6HF A similar reaction may occur in Erebus (Antarctica) because A1 salts on its slopes [Keys, 1980, fide 1982] and its plume is also F-rich unpublished results, 1985). the plume of are abundant Rose et al., (M. Germani, Enrichment factors indicate the presence of Na sulfate and Ca sulfate crystals with a volume in excess of host for volatile elements based on A1 normalization (as used in many aerosol studies) might lead to silicate particles, which suggests vapor transport of at least part of the Ca and Na. Some Ca sulfate particles were found overgrowing on Ca-free hosts, also suggesting Ca transport in erroneous conclusions in ash-poor and F-rich plumes. Many particles from volcanic plumes bear evidence of a multiphase history: overgrowths, reaction rims, and corrosion are common. In the vapor phase. Part of the Ca in sulfate 12,240 Varekamp et al.: 0 _L I_ J I UL • III1 Fig. 7. Silicate Partœcle Geochemistry of Volcanic 10 ..... particle Plumes with somesulfate overgrowths surrounded by abundantacid droplets, 650øCfumarole, MountSt. Helens, 1981. fumaroles, incrustations with a spatial arrangementof different mineral assemblagescan kg Zn/dwith a SO 2 flux of 2000t/d [Buat-Menard and Arnold, 1978] with that of MountSt. Helens be related to cooling and increasing oxygen (1000 kg Zn/d at 900 t SO2/d, [Phelanet al., fugacities 1981]. In plumes, cooling and a continuously changing chemical environmentimposeconstraints on the stability of mineral phases in the [Stoiber and Rose, 1974; Oskarsson, We calculated enrichmentfactors (EF's) with reApect to presumed parent rocks for trace elementsin fumarolic incrustations (Table 6). We particles, and various are found as used a Sc normalization procedure because Sc does overgrowths on each other. The commonovergrowth of sulfates on chloride particles (Figure 5) as not partition into the vapor phase and can be detected accurately by INAA. For example, the EF for cobalt in a sample is calculated as Co-sample/Co-parent rock multiplied by Sc-parent found at Mount St. of reaction between minerals Helens is the earlier probably formed a result (Na, K)C1 1982]). particles and sulfuric acid. Presence of such overgrowths indicates that the plume has matured rock/Sc-sample. The Mount St. Helens sampl& shows a high EF for As, Rb and Cs and an compared with freshly extremely emitted vapors. Vapor transport of Zn, Cd, and Fe is commonat Mount St. Helens, as suggested earlier by Thomas et al. [1982] and Rose et al. [1982], and in agreement with Vossler et al. et al. [ 1982 ], who also [1981] and Phelan report strong enrichments in Zn and Cd in plume material from Mount St. Helens. Vapor transport of these metals is apparently less intense at Etna than at Mount St. Helens, which becomes particularly obvious when we compare the Zn flux for Etna (100 calculated high EF for with Zn. respect For Etna, to etnaite EF's were (the most common alkali basalt on Etna) as well as with respect to a trachyte, which possibly represents the composition of the glassy groundmassof the etnaites. The high REE content of the gypsum-bearing samples of Etna is remarkable but comparable with the REE contents of anhydrite from E1 Chichon [Luhr et al., 1984]. The REE Ce and Eu are enriched most notably with respect to the TABLE 2. Composition(in weight percen0 of SelectedParticles From Plume and Fumaroles. Mount St. Helens. 1980. 1981. as determinedby SEM/EDS D.# SiO 2 Na20K20 CaO MgOA!203MnOTiO2 Fe203* SO 3 C!2 CuO ZnO CdO P205 Plume I 31.8 12.2 1980 36.4 18.1 4 2.1 20.0 ! 1.4 1.8 0.4 2.9 45.3 2 3.0 36.0 7.9 0.7 0.4 1.8 49.3 14.8 3.9 3.2 10.4 33.9 7 8.3 16.8 ! 10.0 34.3 15 12.6 23.1 7.2 12.5 2 22.5 16.0 13.1 2.5 I 30.6 7.4 1.6 1.4 2.0 1.7 3.1 0.6 2.5 6.1 31.3 10.5 0.9 3.2 2.8 23.7 3.2 6.3 Plume 3 8.5 24.4 7.6 4.0 9 43.8 O.6 !.4 1.5 !.5 15.1 !.3 2.3 49.1 1981 10.3 !!.3 ! 5.8 0.6 37.2 3.3 !.6 10.2 41.9 58.5 29.9 54.2 ! .4 Fumarole 650øC, 1981 21 44.3 13.9 7.1 3.7 9.5 13.5 5 6.3 14.9 9.3 3.5 14.4 3.1 20.5 28.0 3 15.8 15.5 3.4 8.5 7.8 2.1 35.8 8.3 3.5 32.3 13.2 12.9 20.8 20.8 55.2 14.5 2 7 9.4 I 1.4 6.6 18.1 !.8 ! 2 56.1 2 21.7 All 5.8 values 0.8 normalized 8.4 0.5 30.5 0.4 23.4 0.5 86.2 86.9 l.! 7.4 11.3 2.7 15.1 31.8 0.7 1.8 1.7 2.1 0.7 0.4 to 100%. # D.: diameter,(pm) * totalFe as Fe203. TABLE 3. Composition (in weight percent) of SelectedParticles From Plume and Fumaroles.Etna. as determinedby SEM/EDS D.# SiO 2 Na20K20 CaO MgOA!203 TiO 2 MnOFe203*SO 3 C!2 CuOZnO CdOP205 Fumarole 4 2 ! 3 ! 42ff'C 4O.6 22.4 28.2 12.7 3.6 1.5 !.7 1.5 9.0 3.4 15.6 0.7 29.4 13.6 8.3 16.9 0.7 0.8 0.4 O.6 3.0 10.4 9.7 5.5 58.8 67.7 73.8 12.3 38.9 3 !.3 66.8 0.7 7.2 0.2 0.3 Fumarole 700øC ! I. 1 12 27.2 9 4.4 2 28.5 3 41.9 24 43.7 17.9 6.1 0.2 !.6 9 76.2 0.6 5.7 !.4 60.3 1.3 3.4 18.3 28.1 2.4 28.1 0.4 0.4 58.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.9 16.3 Bocca Nuova !.l !.7 1.6 34.0 I 2.9 I 5.1 3.2 !.4 0.3 3.7 0.7 2 a ! 1.8 18.4 3.3 9.3 5 20.5 16.7 !.2 4.0 6 20.5 6.8 2.2 13.1 All values normalized 1.9 3.5 3.7 10.0 5.0 46. ! 0.7 8.3 0.8 2.8 0.6 Plume 41.0 I 0.8 72.8 59.6 0.4 66.8 9.4 0.3 11.8 62.0 0.3 3.8 6. l 22.3 4.3 29.4 36.3 6.7 13.5 to 100%. # D.: diameter.(pm) * totalFe as Fe203. a: particle containsF. excludedfrom calculatedanalysis. 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.9 12,242 Varekampet al.: Partœcle Geochemistry of Volcanic Plumes Varekamp et al.: Particle 0 Geochemistry of Volcanic Plumes 12,243 5 pm Fig.9. CaSO 4 crystals overgrowing a silicateparticle,420øC Etna. fumarole, presumed parent either rock transported in (Table 6). The REE were the vapor phase or derived from the parent rock by selective leaching, or both. Vapor transport of REE might occur as volatile fluor volcanic plume Rose (personal Germani (Mount unpublished REE were complexes. Ce-rich particles samples were detected by W. communication, 1984) and Erebus results, found plume, 1985). in the A1 in of Etna F/CI in Etna and particle chemistry Helens are striking: the Bocca Nuova plume is rich in A1 and Fe sulfates and 'poor • in (Na, K) chlorides, whereas the 1980 Mount St. Helens plume virtually lacks A1 $ulfates but is rich 1981]. in chlorides. 420øC 0. i 8 420øC 0.30 700øC 0. i 2 Average 0.20 420øC 0.12 380øC 0.23 Average 0.18 Mount The hi•h-temperature incrustations at Mount St. Helens are distinct because of their high Zn contents, whereas the gypsum incrustations at Etna are rich in •EE. The fundamental difference in plume particle load and element signature of the hightemperature fumarole incrustations is related to differences in magmatic gas composition, The o• average Colima plume between E•na and Mount St. [Oskarsson, Etna and Colima are TABLE 5. F/CI Ratios in Fumarolic Vapors host phase for REE. The differences from higher than at Mount St. Helens (Table 5). We suggest that at high F/C1 ratios, vapor transport Colima, and in the MoUnt St. Helens samples. Apparently gypsum serves as a suitable host phase for the REE, not unlike some other Ca minerals (e.g., apatite), whereas A1 sulfate is not a suitabie the F/C1 ratio F/C1 ratios Antarctica, No enrichments sulfates in I. M. especially Data St. Helens Fumarole 0. I ! Leachate 0.04 Average 0.08 from the 1980 fumaroles of Mount St. Helens after Casadevall and Greenland [1981] and Mount St. al. [1981] Helens ash leachate data after Evans et 12,244 Varekamp et al.: Partœcle 0 Geochemistry of Volcanic Plumes 4 [am Fig. 10. A12(SO4) 3 (dark grey, arrow1), overgrowing silicate particle (bright, arrow 2), 700øCfumarole,Etna. of A1 and REE and possibly of other elements partially frozen lava lake inside Etna's conduit (e.g.• Si) is common, whereas at low F/C1 ratios, Na, K, and metals are abundant in the vapor phase [Le Guern, 1985], but the common occurrence of violent explosions in the crater during the as chlorides. has a particle Thus the mineralogy Mount St. Helens plume and composition typical sampling period and high-temperature sublimate for a Cl-rich plume (with transport oxides) of Na• K, Rb, Cs, Zn, Cd, and Fe), whereas Etna displays the characteristics of a relatively F-rich plume, with vapor transport of Ai and REE. The lack of chloride particles at Etna could be the result of alkali chloride deposition at vents on a TABLE Normalized 6. Elemert in the aerosol ETF2 Enrichment Factors With ETF4 Respect to Magma ETF4 ETF6 ETF6 SHASH30 Trachyte Etnaite Trachyte Etnaire Trachyte Etnaire Na 0.84 i.35 Cr 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 i.i Hf 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 i.i 2.4 Th 0.8 i.3 0.5 i.i 0.2 0.4 Co make this of iron an unlikely explanation. Conversion of chlorides to sulfates in the plume might be an additional cause for the scarceness of chloride particles at Etna, although Na sulfate particles were rarely observed. The lack of chloride particles in the to Scandium ETF2 the presence phases (e.g., Zn 156 0.7 0.8 U 0.8 Rb 2.6 Cs 3.8 Ba 0.8 La i.9 5.7 i.2 3.5 0.4 i.3 0.6 Ce 3.3 7.1 2.3 4.9 0.6 i.3 0.7 Eu 2.6 5.4 i.7 3.6 Tb 0.8 i.6 0.2 0.3 0.5 i See Table 4 for explanation of heads. i.2 Varekamp et al.: :.. :! Partœcle Geochemistry of Volcanic Plumes 12,245 12,246 Varekamp et al.: PartœcleGeochemistry of VolcanicPlumes :• ........ •i. '*-•.•:- .............'... '"-•.•.:..?.;-•;•:•=•;:;:.*: . ..:%?.: .:• ß";::.;? ...,.•.... ... ..;-.-.- 0 __ 10pm i i Fig. 13. Silicateparticlefromfumarolic incrustation, Mt. St. Helenscrater, 1980. Overgrowths are CaSOo (irregular grey, framboidal mass, arrow 1)and a crust ric•inPband • (bright irregular mass, arrow 2). Colima plume [Casadevall et al., 1984] and formation is a late-stage process (below 330øC), relativelyhighF/C1ratiosin the fumaroles resulting largelyin sulfuricacid.Many earlier pointto anF-richcharacter for theColima formed chloride particles reactwiththesulfate plume, andtheabundance of A1sulfates in the aerosol andarepartially converted tosulfates. Colim. a fumaroles stronglysuggests vapor Plumes thathave traveled tensofkilometers from transp•ort ofA1. thesource willshow complex relations Thetextural volumeratios of and overgrowthpatterns. Conclusions overgrowths andhostparticlessuggest that many cations in condensation minerals were initially Our data set indicatesthat different transported as vapors,although for specific volcanoeshave different plume particle cases leaching of ashparticlescanbeinvoked. chemistries anddifferentelement signatures of It hasbeensuggested that hydrochloric acid the high-temperature fumarole incrustations, emissions from volcanoes might beimportant in probably related todifferent F/C1 ratios in the ozone conversions in the upper stratosphere magmatic vapors .' Thedatasuggest vapor [Johnston, 1980] ß Ourdataindicate that transport of NaandKaschlorides, andA1and chlorine in volcanic plumes is partlypresent as possibly Ca as fluorides. We suggest that REE (Na, K)chloride particles, which may dissolve in Were mobile in thevapor phase at Etnaandare waterand can be removed fromthe plume •transported as volatileF complexes. Vaporrelatively rapidly.During explosive eruptions a transport of ZnandFewas common at Mount St. sizeable fraction of theemitted chlorine is Helens, lessintense forZnat Etna and Colima,returned tothesurface oftheearth withtheash in agreement withtheresults of Smith et al. et (e.g., 1982 E1 Chichon eruptions, al.,the 1984; Mankin and Coffey,[Varekamp 1984]). [1982]. Alkali-chloride particles appear to condense Therefore most of theemitted volcanic chlorine fromthevapor phase relatively early(at high will never reach thestratosphere andestimates _ -•emperature, >500øC), whereas aciddroplet of thechlorine flux fromvolcanoes to the Varekampet al.: Partœcle Geochemistryof Volcanic Plumes atmosphere based on pre-eruptive contents of the magma (e.g., from glass analyses) will lead to overestimates. from the 1980 Mount St. reached the Helens stratosphere particulates Chlorine eruptions occurred [Gandrud and volatile inclusion that partly Lazrus, as 1981]. 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