Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc. Paleo-Environmental Analyses of Marsh Sequences (Clinton, Connecticut): Evidence for Punctuated Rise in Relative Sealevel During the Latest Holocene Author(s): E. Thomas and J.C. Varekamp Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Coastal Research, , SPECIAL ISSUE NO. 11. Quaternary Geology of Long Island Sound and Adjacent Coastal Areas: Walter S. Newman Memorial Volume (FALL 1991), pp. 125-158 Published by: Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc. Stable URL: . Accessed: 05/03/2012 10:04 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Coastal Research. Journal of Coastal SI Research Paleo-Environmental 125-158 Analyses Fort Lauderdale, Florida Fall 1991 of Marsh for (Clinton, Connecticut): Evidence Sequences Punctuated Rise in Relative Sealevel During the Latest Holocene E. Thomas* and J.C. Varekamp* department of Earth University of Cambridge of Earth and department Environmental Sciences Cambridge CB2 Wesleyan Sciences 3EQ, UK University CT 06457, U.S.A. Middletown, ABSTRACTI THOMAS, E. and VAREKAMP, J.C, 1991. Paleo-environmental analyses ofmarsh sequences (Clinton, Connecticut): evidence forpunctuated rise in relative sealevel during the latest Hol ocene. Journal of Coastal Research, SI #11, 125-158. Fort Lauderdale (Florida). ISSN 0749 0208. <!!!!!!!! We developed an integrated chemical-faunal approach to paleo-environmental analysis of salt marsh sequences. Sediment cores from the Hammock River Marsh (Clinton, Connecticut, U.S.A.) were studied for benthic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment chemistry (Fe, Zn, Cu, S). Foraminiferal faunal assemblages, especially the relative abundance of the species Tro chammina macrescens, as well as the abundance of Fe, Zn and S are reliable indicators for the flooding frequency ofmarsh sub-environments in the intertidal range. The faunal assemblages largely reflectthe average exposure time to the atmosphere, and the sediment chemistry reflects the trapping of fine-grained particulate matter in themarsh, and thus reflects the complemen tary aspect, flooding frequency. Results from the chemical and faunal analyses are in close agreement, and indicate that the Hammock River Marsh underwent three relatively sudden periods of drowning over the last 1500 years, followed by marsh recovery.Much of the rise in relative sea level over the last 1500 years can be accounted forby these three periods of drown ing of themarsh. We propose that these pulses might represent true eustatic accelerations with an estimated time span of several decades to some hundred years. ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: ments inmarsh sediments. INTRODUCTION in the near Global sea level has been rising since the ini tiation of the last about deglaciation 15,000 years ago, predominantly because ofmelting of the polar ice sheets and continental glaciers (e.g., Walcott, 1972; Clark et al., 1978; Nixon, 1982). This process will continue over the fore seeable ning future, of society in macro- and and economy and one micro-plan can not neglect the fact that shorelines will keep retreating in the future.Models for future sea level rise are based either on computational models that take the rising temperature caused by the atmos pheric anthropogenic greenhouse effect into account, or extrapolate historic trends in rela tive sea level rise into the next century. Many of these models assume a smooth Climate change, marsh foraminifera, sea level rise, trace ele time-function for the change in sea level during the past and 91066 received and accepted in revision 28 July 1991. future. to this Exceptions general ization are studies by Fairbridge (1961, 1981, 1987), Moerner (1976, 1980, 1987), Rampino and Sanders de Plassche data as (1982), (1986) and Kraft et al. others, who interpreted the among (1987), available years van (1981), and Medioli Scott for the indicative last thousands several of a fluctuating pattern of of sea level rise, with oscillations on the order of hundreds of years. Most studies of sea level rise over the last few millennia document age-depth profiles in sedi ments from the intertidal range, based on sam ple intervals of several hundreds of years. The scattered through data a points least-squares are commonly connected regression analysis with a straight line or with a curve based on an exponential fitting routine (e.g., Pinter and Gardner, 1989). These studies assume that the scatter in data points is related to compaction, 126 Thomas and Varekamp errors in 14Cdating (for instance, by mixing in of older, recycled the penetrating peat material peat from or younger roots uncer and above), tainty with regard to the position of the dated material to sea level (see Field et al., 1979, for a comparison sea of different level curves). We carried out a detailed study ofmarsh sed cores iment from River the Hammock is more Marshes (Clinton, Connecticut). The sediments in these cores (up to 2 m long) correspond to the last 1500-2000 (radiocarbon) (van de years our inter sampling or less. Paleo on the order of 30 years val was on sediment environmental based analyses, in and variations the faunal compo chemistry et al., Plassche 1989), and sition of benthic foraminifera, suggest that sea level rise in the studied region was not a smooth function of time but occurred in several discrete pulses of several decades to hundreds of years duration. Thus we suggest that the observed scatter an in data of interval curves of sea-level points several decades to with several hundreds of years may be (at least partially) a true indication of fluctuations in the rate of rel ative sea level rise. sea If relative level rise over the last 2000 years has indeed been spas modic, recurrence with of years, hundreds of several intervals the for future rationale sea level projections by linear or smooth function a doubtful becomes extrapolations undertak area is an marshes environment and rapid variations depositional with mudflats parameters. exposed and to strong environments is characterized by a specific flora, although there are broad overlaps in the ranges of macrophytic species. The between low marsh. and may Spartina dominate the other common halophytes are Distichlis Juncus and spp., taxa three at water Salicornia more become marsh, which spring flora; spicata, latter The spp. common in the high is the area above mean tide. ture of halophytic zone This high a mix contains and non-halophytic floral common with and patens species, Spartina as well as Cypera other middle-marsh species are ceae. common where Phragmites species fresh water enters the high marsh. The high marsh is only flooded by the highest tides, and extends up to the highest point of influence of the tidal waters (highest high water level: in the Clinton area about 1 m above HHWL; of ground water Seepage a low off cause on-average and MSL). marshes, although run stream in high salinity the salinity may be high as a result during warm periods A gradient in average salinity of evaporation. sea from mean level toHHWL was documented forNova Scotia to are commonly subdivided into low,middle and 1972; Long and high marsh (e.g., Redfield, Mason, 1983; see Nixon, 1982, forConnecticut marshes). The differences in the marsh sub environments are best classified on the basis of the average percentage of time that the area is flooded, or the number of flooding events per year. The difference in elevation between the higher and lower of these three environments in the Clinton area of the Connecticut coastline is between 75 and 100 cm (tide-tables). Each sub-environment in the than diverse is common patens marshes and (Scott numbers large 1978; Medioli, low marsh of unicellular, eukaryotic erotrophic in physical and chemical Marsh the area 1980). The nutrient-rich marsh environment is host PALEO-ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES OF MARSH SYSTEMS intertidal as characterized estuarine ing. The is generally mean high water at neap tide and mean high water. This zone is vegetated largely by Spar tina alterniflora in the study area (Nixon, 1982; van de Plassche, this volume). The middle marsh is the zone between mean high water and mean high water at spring tide; the vegetation het benthic, (foraminifera organisms and thecamoebians), which form shells (called tests) by agglutinating small silt grains into a matrix of organic material. the mudflats On with tests secreted foraminifera of around MSL calcium carbonate occur (calcite) the agglutinated forms; more numerous become these in addition calcareous (relative to forms to agglutin ated forms as well as absolute) below MSL. The few tests of calcareous specimens in the marsh are environment usually not preserved in peats because of calcite dissolution. Agglutinated tests (size range: 63 |xm to several hundreds of are fjim), however, in large numbers. preserved in the sediments The position of foraminifera in food-chains has not been well-documented, but they obtain nutrients in many different ways: there are omnivores, some and Journal of Coastal Research, Special carnivores, herbivores, are known to use taxa Issue No. 11, 1991 detritivores, extracellular Rise Punctuated of photosynthetic symbionts {e.g., and 1973; Boltovskoy Lee, 1974; Murray, feed Foraminifera 1976). Wright, largely on metabolites minute as such organisms diatoms, bacteria, and nannoplankton {e.g., LIPPS and VALEN TINE, 1970). Several species use particulate and dissolved organic matter, which in salt marshes be derived may macro the dense from estuaries and marshes organic material in the form of fine-grained detritus, bacteria and epiphytes is abundant, but many of the use cannot invertebrates larger such the small food items, cannot directly assimilate or do or dissolved matter, organic particulate occurs. matter the organic not feed where Thus foraminifera form a key link in the estuarine food chains, assimilating energy available from minute and autotrophs, energy retrieving available during the final stages of degradation of organic debris (Lipps and Valentine, 1970; Murray, 1973). Marsh microfaunal assemblages diversity, usually only. Thecamoebians water (e.g., Lee, are almost Various 1974). in exclusively in brackish fresh water, foraminifera low 5 to 6 species containing live of to salt eco and species phenotypes are sensitive indicators of salinity, and the composition of the faunas at different can be used in cores levels to estimate paleo-sal inities (e.g.,Murray, 1968; Scott, 1976; Scott and Medioli, 1978, 1980; Scott et al, 1987; Allen and Roda, estuaries modern indicate area) occupy MSL, well-defined parallel Leckie, row compared Numerous floral These to floral zones (e.g., Scott et al., 1986; Scott 1980; Scott 1990). on studies in the Nova Scotia (mainly different that assemblages zones in relation to vertical to marsh and Medioli, and 1977). zones faunal zones and several nar are zones can be distinguished between MSL and HHWL (Figure 1, after Scott and Medioli, 1980). For aminifera do not occur above the upper bound In the ary of the high marsh (above HHWL). topmost 5-10 cm (vertical) of the high marsh, is essentially the fauna ing of Trochammina zone IA in Scott moebians consist monospecific, macrescens sub (faunal (fresh-water forms) may co-occur this zone. Below macrescens mina and is still Trocham diversity: a common com faunal ponent, with the addition of the common species Trochammina mata. and inflata The mon latter in dense species whereas the stands, in areas with relatively vegetation common is more Tiphotrocha compri com to be more tends high salinity and less dense vegetation, such as mixed stands of Salicornia species and thin S. IB subzone (faunal patens in Scott oli, 1980; see below). Additional zone can inner the ities are and limnetis and ipohalina (Scott et al., 1981). In of estuaries reaches the where lower Haplophragmoides salin manilaensis (H. bonplandi in Scott and Medioli, be Medi species in this be Pseudothurammina Polysaccamina 1980) may common. macrescens Trochammina decreases strongly in relative abundance or is absent in themiddle and low marsh (faunal subzones IIA and IIB, Scott and Medioli, 1980), where Miliammina fusca more become mexicana much and A renoparrella common. to MSL, Close calcareous species such as Helenina andersoni and Protelphidium orbiculare with together forms are not these occur, calcareous but ostracodes, well-preserved in the peats. are Foraminifera common very sev (usually eral hundreds of specimens per cm3 of peat) in samples deposited in the high marsh through low marsh, on and we Therefore can to the trace intertidal mudflats. paleo-environmental changes (especially changes in position relative toMSL) through studies of changes in species of assemblages thecamoebians composition aminifera Medioli, in marsh and of agglutinated (e.g., Scott 1978, 1980, 1986; Scott sediment (as et al, These sequences. in marshes variations for and 1987) faunal to position related relative to HHWL) are probably largely deter mined by the tolerance of the different species to atmospheric exposure. between A major difference foraminiferal data and pollen data is that the pollen in the peat samples may have been transported from large and distances, the floral rep assemblage resents a mixture of pollen from a large region (e.g., local in subzone IA the foraminifera in numbers increase 1986; Clark, 1985). 1980). Theca and Medioli, 127 Sealevel former phyte growths and the bacteria living on these macrophytes. This abundant supply of organic matter supports large standing crops of fora and Walton, minifera (Lee, 1974; Phleger 1950; Scott and Medioli, 1980). In marine inHolocene Foraminifera, environment transport of material ronment, but Journal of Coastal Research, Special Clark only. from agglutinated Issue No. 11, 1991 and however, Patterson, represent There may the immediate foraminiferal be the some envi tests Thomas and Varekamp 128 sub zone Upper Estuary Central No Forams No Forams 1A T. macrescens HighMarsh Estuary T. macrescens T. macrescens T. macrescens T. comprimata T. comphmata H. manilaensis MiddleMarsh Low Marsh T. macrescens T. comprimata A M. T. inflata M. fusca HA T. inflata Low Marsh M. fusca T. inflata A. sa/sum A. foliaceus B fusca M. fusca A. salsum C. umbilicatulum P. orbiculare IIB AfterMedioii and Scott, 1980 HHWL: highest highwater level MHWS: mean highwater at spring tide MHW: mean highwater MHWN: mean highwater at neap tide MSL: mean sea level Figure 1. Marsh sub-environments with vertical distances frommean sea level (MSL) and foraminiferal assemblages and Medioli, 1980). are to oxidation, prone and thus fall apart quickly during transport outside a small area. Not only the foraminiferal faunas, but also in the transect the chemical environment between MSL and HHWL is strongly influenced by flooding frequency. Each flooding event car ries material fine-grained which environmental systems into the marshes, is trapped in the marsh flora. In paleo one may the relative of marsh analyses depositional therefore abundance in variations apply of clay and organic mat ter as a crude distinction between upper high marsh versus low marsh environments. High Journal of Coastal Research, marsh are peats dominated by organic (after Scott matter, because the vigorous tidal currents that bring in seawater with its suspended clay load do not reach this ments are will trap zone often. frequently clay as well Lower marsh covered as hydrous iron-oxide ticles that commonly precipitate zones mixing et al., (e.g., Coonley environ seawater by and par in estuarine There 1971). forewe expect a higher clay content as well as iron higher marshes concentrations compared to upper in salt marsh lower salt environ ments. A Special paleo-salinity Issue No. 11, 1991 indicator for sediments Rise Punctuated deposited inmarsh environments is the Sedi mentary Phosphate Method (Nelson, 1967). This method distinguishes fresh/brackishwater environments environments saline from through comparison of themain cation in diage netic phosphates: vivianite (Fe-phosphate) in upper marshes and apatite (Ca-phosphate) in lower This marshes. method of measuring cation abundance of diagenetic phosphates has in New Jersey been applied successfully marshes (Meyerson, 1972), but shortcomings of the method (e.g., a result as of the of presence detrital apatite or fish bones) were pointed out by Guber (1969). The salinity of the water covering the marsh surface affects of marsh diagenesis especially with diagenetic sulfides. a In sediments, to the formation regard of ment the sulfur content of the sediment is rel atively low (<1 wt. %), and the main source of sulfur is probably decaying organic matter (Given, 1975). Sediments deposited under marine conditions are enriched in sulfur up to several weight percent, and indicator (see as a first approxi their sulfur content may be used as a mation paleo-salinity e.g., Raiswell and Berner, 1985). The formation of diagenetic sulfides has been the scope of extensive research (e.g., Berner, 1970, 1984, 1985; Lord and Church, 1983). Three parameters may be limiting sulfur fixa tion during diagenesis of anoxic sediments: the of dissolved abundance the in pore sulfate of "labile" abundance organic and the abundance of reactive iron in the sediments (Berner, 1985). The sulfate reduction rate in the pore fluids is largely a function of the avail ability of labile organic matter (Berner, 1984), which may be the limiting factor in many marine In environments. anoxic fresh-water sediments the supply of dissolved sulfate may be limiting. The diffusion rate of sulfate into the sediment column is determined by the sul fate concentration gradient from the surface fluids to pore fluids at a given depth. The abun dance of dissolved sulfate in surface waters of water on the mixing depends water rain (groundwater, sea water, the and and water) environments estuarine ratio fresh between or river evaporation rate, which depends among other things on the ambient temperature. Sulfide diagenesis extremely in modern complex marsh and may environments involve, in addi tion to diffusion, transport in the unsaturated upper zones of the marsh sediment during dry periods as well as slow movement of the pore fluids (Casey and Lasaga, 1987). In marsh environments sediments contain commonly more than 20 weight percent organic matter, and the sulfate reduction rate is probably not limited by the abundance of labile organic mat ter. The sulfate diffusion flux into sediments that are only sporadically flooded (upper marsh limit the environments) may ultimately amount of sulfate reduction and (Casey Las aga, 1987). Marsh sediments that were flooded but became emerged may loose their sulfides through oxidation processes (Given, 1975). Sulfate reduction rates may be high, but reduced becomes sulfur re-oxidized and H2S is et al., (Howes atmosphere Lord 1984; and 1983). The sulfur fixation rate is Church, largely determined by the contents of reactive iron of the sediments. in coastal present oxides hydrous Iron is predominantly as fine-grained sediments ferrihydrite, {e.g., in the oxides estuarine goethite, as fine-grained hematite), which precipitated zone mixing (Coonley et al., 1971). Ferric iron is reduced and the in the pore hydrous ferric oxides dissolve waters, possibly mediated by bacterial activity In saltmarsh 1989). (Canfield, iron sediments reacts with the reduced sulfur and iron sulfides precipitate. The dominant sulfide phase in marsh waters, matter, 129 Sealevel will diffuse out of the sediment column into the environ low-salinity inHolocene is pyrite, sediments which intermediary Lord 1979; of saline monosulfide and (Howarth, waters In pore the post-depositional marshes, pre or through formation 1983). Church, be may cipitated directly during diagenesis mobil is ity of iron and other chalcophilic metals of the solubil limited small because extremely ity of their sulfides. In low-salinity coastal marshes meters Fe-enriched of the it can where upwards, in the upper layer diffuse iron may an form sediment which column, centi are oxy genated by the roots ofSpartina macrophytes. In conclusion, fur in anoxic environmental of iron and the abundances sediments indicators can only be used when as sul paleo diagenetic sulfur fixation is not primarily limited by the availability of labile organic matter. In most salt marsh environments, the of abundance reactive iron in the sediments will be the pri mary control on sulfur fixation in the sedi ments. If iron is brought into the marshes dur Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 130 Thomas and Varekamp ing flooding as participate in marsh abundance the iron matter, is proportional sediments to the number of flooding events per time unit. The iron-rich sediments of the lower marshes will fixmore reduced sulfur during diagenesis than the low-iron, environments. marsh upper The sulfate supply or the abundance of fine grained iron oxides in the sediments may be sulfur fixation in the limiting diagenetic extreme Trace enter elements the marsh with ticulate flux in sea water, especially iron oxides and particulate (Lee, 1975; Millward this kamp, hydrous matter organic and Moore, We volume). the par a rel atively high Zn and Cu content in iron-rich environments. lower marsh Salt marsh macro phytes may partly recycle these metals through uptake, leading to the high metal concentra tions in Spartina spp. (Windom, 1975). Plassche from (this "lobes," to the north and south of the village ofHarbor View; Hammock River itself is in the northernmost of the two We "lobes." Fl cores studied from both core lobes: from the northern lobe, to the north of the Hammock River, cores several and (CY cores) from the southern lobe, just to the east ofRoute 145, the north-south road from Clinton to Kel sey Point. Initial chemical and faunal studies were done to investigate the several "black bands" in the peat sequences using samples from core CYX (40-135 cm depth; see Van de Plassche, this volume). We collected additional CY cores (CYA and CYB) about 10 m south of the original sample location. Comparable inter vals in lithology occur at slightly different depths in cores from the CYX and CYA-CYB localities (Figure 3). A complete chemical pro file was established for core CYB (0-155 cm depth), whereas the faunal our volume); and located marsh, cores were of several inventory areas to represent selected of hundreds for lithological typical development of the marsh in general, without evidence for the presence of erosional levels due to channel in the marsh. migration consisted Sediments amounts of peat,with of terrigenous material varying 3). (Figure Different levels in the cores were dominated by different of cord species patens, Spartina tichlis and grasses, dominant in the peat was contributed by plant material that The Hammock River Marshes in Connecticut (Bloom and Stuiver, 1963; Bloom, 1964; Van de Plassche et al., 1989) are located to the southeast of the town ofClinton (Figure 2). The of two River and Dis Spartina alterniflora, black horizons were Three spicata. in and correlated between rec cores many The black are layers between 10-20 cm thick, and occur at slightly variable depths Sites and Lithology consist Indian core the sediments. marshes from location (cores KM), this volume); (Figure 3; see Van de Plassche, the F core locality lacks the black bands in the ANALYTICAL METHODS Sampling in the in both data to the east of the town center of Clinton (Core DMM; Figure 2). The lithology and floral con tents of the cores are described by Van de ognized AND SAMPLING LOCATION, a core from faunal present cores west of the CY 1982; Vare therefore expect we In addition, cores environments. marsh upper occurred at exactly the same depths cores. contents of the sec tion 0-70 cm were studied in core CYA, taken close to core CYB. The lithology in cores CYA and CYB is the same: "black layers" (see below) Journal of Coastal Research, 40-60 approximate cm, 70-100 cm, and 100-120 cm. A detailed description of the lith ology and stratigraphy of the cores is presented (this volume). by Van de Plassche Cores (up to 2 m length) were collected with a steel handcorer with coated The cores were wrapped and field, laboratory. acteristics. of clay, and macroscopic cores were The centimeters ple boundaries boundaries. in the were together with the color, estimated of a few slices lacquer. arrival upon split and sampled The rhizomes and root systems described, amount acrylic in plastic foil in the were sediment cut up thickness, char in sample sam and chosen at lithological Core-sections of constant lithology were cut into equal-length sections of at most 6 cm in the F and CY cores and up to 10 cm in the KMA core. The whole core length was sampled and all were samples tinuous record. Sample Preparation For microfaunal immediately placed analyzed, providing analyses samples in an alcohol-water a con were mix ture to prevent oxidation of the foraminiferal tests, or kept frozen until processing (Scott and Medioli, 1980). Samples were washed through Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Punctuated Figure 2. two Location sieves (500 Rise of the cores in the Hammock River Marshes u.m and 63 (xm) and the large size fraction was dried and kept, but did not contain than foraminifera. 63 between and |xm was 500 The jim and 63 |xm was in alcohol. suspended picked from the material evaporated. size discarded. For the first CYX, DMM, KMB) fraction smaller The fraction dried, weighed, were Specimens cores examined Journal of Coastal 131 Sealevel (CY, F and KM) and Indian River marsh (DM). a split of 0.1 gram, and all specimens from that split. For the later cores picked so much a small obtained, containing split was was covered. material that a picking tray thinly obtain were Specimens were picked, and if less than 100 in the tray another present split was made were at least until 100 specimens picked, to obtain obtained. The material used the spec If there were then weighed. less than imens was were after the alcohol had (cores we used a microsplitter in Holocene to and Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 132 Thomas core F1 core cya and Varekamp core cyx core KMB core kma p Up/a a/p no data p/a _p/d MpI^ p/d p/d 50 50 data 50 ~ p/d " p "a/p" p/d a/p 100 ^a>^ 100 -.PID-: p/d 100 no ^a^ 100 data p ip/d1 p/d 150 v.p/D^ O^a^ p/d 2004 Peat iffl E3 Black horizon Clayeypeat \&y--.\Sandy peat in columns indicate rhizomes: A = Spartina Figure 3. Lithology and rhizomes in the studied cores. Abbreviations P = Spartina patens, D =Distichlis spicata. 25 in 5 trays specimens these labeled paper. samples "not The were not we of material, used. stopped and the data on further picking of material Such foraminifera" containing was number of specimens are samples in this calculated per gram of dried sediment (in the size fraction between imens 500 were u.m and picked 63 and u.m). All counted mounted spec in cardboard samples for chemical and and stainless subsequently and pestle, screen. steel a commonly dense wood small and root analyses were Journal of Coastal air a glass with pulverized a 180 |xm sieved through coarse was The fraction amount and it was pieces; consisted not of further considered. Splits of 2-3 grams of the sieved sediment samples were leached 50 ml 8% HC1?18% slides. The dried mortar alterniflora; 15% H202 Research, Special was Issue No. added. 11, 1991 a with HN03 The solution to which samples were made of 10 ml of stirred Punctuated Rise at room procedure temperature dissolves matter. Test-runs for 8 hours. iron all This oxides, in Holocene finely pyrite ground showed total dissolution of the samples in 8 hours. The leachate solutions were filtered and brought up to a volume of 100 ml. The solutions were further diluted and analyzed for Fe, Cu, and Zn with a flame Atomic Absorption Spec troscope (AAS), Perkin and Elmer model 372. A split of the leachate solution was titrated with ION NaOH until it had reached a pH of about 6-7, brought to a fixed volume, and filtered to remove iron oxides. precipitated hydrous were diluted solutions further and ana the These in sample dissolved and tralized neu matrices, or of oxalate characteristic in selenate, assume that an organic of oxa precursor late in the samples is oxidized during the leach The ing process. from Core Fl are "oxalate contents" of samples values rep but these reported, amounts of the oxalate relative resent the cursor in the carbon Organic pre were contents not directly determined, but weight loss on ignition (LOI) was determined through burning of the samples in a furnace for 1 hour at 850?C. During this pyrite procedure, to hematite, is oxidized lead ing to a 33% weight loss of the pyrite fraction. The data have not been corrected for this effect, because the weight loss due to the release of water LOI from values contents, also affects clays are representative however. A subset the results. The of organic carbon was of 5 samples selected for analyses by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP) for 23 elements in aqua regia leachates. All analytical data were plotted versus depth as follows: a sample taken between 16 and 20 cm depth, between for 16.5 instance, and homogenized 19.5 was cm. as a bar plotted next sample The value (20-25 cm depth) was plotted over the interval 20.5 to 24.5 cm. This mode of plotting Journal of Coastal Research, the were samples width interval. the sample minor and occur, may stretching and lead processing sampling cm. lution of about 2-3 subsequent reso to a depth RESULTS Faunal Studies The faunal assemblages (Figures 4-7; Tables 1-3) strongly resemble those described from Nova many Scotia and assemblages of different levels locations, representative between HHWL and MSL were recognized (Scott and Medioli, 1980; 1986; Scott et al., 1987; Figure 1). Detailed descriptions of distri of recent our the Nova aminiferal ponent al., faunas species in press). assemblages. marsh because similar but authors et (Scott in Long by Parker these for com in their distances Foraminifera (1965), in compared Scotia are very over large Sound were described Buzas and we is feasible comparison taxa foraminiferal not available, with data Such marsh are Island (1952) and concentrated on the faunas in the Sound itself, and included on marsh few data foraminifera. in New assemblages by Parker presented Foraminiferal England and Athearn Bay, Massachusetts; Walton sediment. that over The field collection of the cores, during which butions addition to the peaks from the leachate solution and sulfate. Independent analyses of the sedi ments by Graphite Furnace AAS indicated that this signal must be largely ascribed to oxalate, and we account Connecticut analyzed. During the chromatography we observed a peak at the end of the spectrum with a retention time into (subzones) lyzed for sulfate with ion chromatography (Dionex, QIC model). Standards were prepared from Na2S04 133 takes leaching takes met als from clay exchange sites, dissolves sulfides (including pyrite) and breaks down organic with Sealevel (Barnstable (Poponesset 1959) and Phleger Marsh, no data on on marsh recent More depth-zonations. foraminifera from Great studies Sippewisset Marsh also that Scotia Massachusetts) (Falmouth, in Nova the zones recognized over wider regions recognized 1990). Leckie, suggest can be and (Scott data Preliminary the Hammock from samples and Massachusetts; 1950), but the authors presented detailed were marshes on River surface marshes (Table 4) are in agreement with theNova Scotia foraminiferal distributions described by Scott and Medioli (1980, 1986). The lower part ofCore Fl (Figure 4; 203-149 cm) mata cens, a fauna contains and up inflata, with a depositional suggesting the lower middle marsh Below 185 cm T. by T. compri to 25% T. macres dominated T. environment in (higher subzone IIA). comprimata is more abundant than T. inflata, but the latter species becomes dominant at about 180 cm. From 149-139 cm foraminifera Special are absent, Issue No. 11, 1991 suggesting an environ 134 Thomas and Varekamp Figure 4. Relative abundances after Scott and Medioli, 1980. ment where of the most common foraminiferal species foraminifera not could survive, In the short interval possibly above HHWL. from 131-139 cm the fauna is dominated by T. more with macrescens, than 25% T. inflata (lower subzone IB), and from 139 to 103 cm the fauna is strongly dominated by T. macrescens (upper subzone IB to lower IA). At 103 cm the fauna quickly changes to become dominated by T. comprimata. This species remains dominant from 103 through 80 cm, but T. macrescens increases in relative slowly and gradually abundance in the upper part of this interval (upper subzone IIA to lower subzone IB). The section from 80 through 46 cm is again strongly dominated by T. macrescens (subzone IA), but at 46 cm the relative abundance of this species decreases through 28 The interval from 46 sharply. cm contains a mixture of T. macres in core F. Lithology as in Figure 3, faunal subzones T. cens, in relative 24 cm; is a short of T. abundance then the present T. and comprimata There IB). marsh, its relative marsh (lower inflata interval high of increase macrescens abundance at decreases 28 to surface. For the section at CY we combined data from cores CYA and CYX (described above, Figures 5A, 5B). The lowermost interval of core CYX (133-140 cm) contains no foraminifera. A thin interval (129-133 with macrescens, cm) T. contains comprimata, T. common T. inflata, and up to 25% M. fusca (subzone IIA, upper low marsh tomiddle marsh). From 91 through 129 cm the fauna is dominated by T. macrescens (subzone IA to uppermost IB), with the excep tion of the interval between 99 and 103 cm which did not contain enough specimens for analysis (close to or just above HHWL). From 75 Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Rise Punctuated TABLE Fl 0- Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl 6 2 6 0 46 135 0 11 2 18 6- 12 Fl 12-Fl 15 15-Fl20 20- Fl 24 24- Fl28 3 1 5 3 26 1 78 10 26 2 28-Fl32 32-Fl 36 0 0 0 0 10 6 43 14 36-Fl40 40-Fl43 43- Fl46 46Fl 50 50-Fl53 53- Fl58 3 4 1 0 18 24 94 30 0 21 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 58-Fl 62 62- Fl65 65- Fl70 70-Fl75 75-Fl80 80-Fl 85 85Fl 91 77 0 87 32 100 40 0 13 0 3 3 25 98 02 5 7 1 0 12 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 2 0 16 11 32 56 95 90 1 5 11 10 10 91Fl 96 96-103 Fl 103-107 107-111 111-115 Fl 115-118 10 2 0 10 5 0 5 6 1 2 1 118-121 Fl 121-125 Fl 0 2 2 1 125-128 Fl 128-131 Fl 131-134 Fl 134-139 Fl 139-145 145-149 149-153 Fl 153-157 Fl 157-160 Fl Fl 160-164 164-168 Fl 168-172 Fl 172-176 Fl 176-180 Fl 180-185 Fl 185-189 5 6 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 2 9 2 189-194 Fl 3 194-199 Fl 199-203 1 0 0 14 7 1 4 1 0 6 14 17 7 3 15 12 4 17 84 72 25 5 11 7 13 5 3 3 5 11 0 0 18 33 11 14 11 26 29 45 37 66 ^^a^^J^Jli^O 78 44 fusca, with T. comprimata too few foraminifera 0 0 0 0 7 0 1235 83 0 0 5 0 1855 0 303 178 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3253 1620 2528 2344 1134 912 84 0 0 57 0 76 0 115 111 0 103 106 80 6 12 69 17 0 41 23 0 43 08 2811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2255 2093 1124 927 1759 1473 1 0 0 0 0 2043 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 01000 22 67 0 8 20 98150 20 81 01000 8 72250 93 0 8 1029 0 84 11 99 270 109 01000 1 1 0 86280 0 0 27600 14720 2668 0 20720 4341 0 27600 37530 42270 54150 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 4 6 0 0 61 53 5 55 and A. mex for analysis, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1151 1821 1961 2119 1118 1522 1017 195 1064 1365 1116 780 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 15 8 4 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 405 484 310 531 278 24 0 763 439 161 192 247 807 576 672 2473 0 1 0 1122 807 00 00000 0 2863 0 1 0 0 0 00 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300000 00000000 40 icana (subzone HA). Samples between 57 and 99 contain 0 14 34 0 6 35 0 7 55 nr/gr 110 0 to 99 cm the fauna is dominated by 7\ inflata cm Sealevel 1. Counts of benthic foraminifera, Core Fl. ^ Depth Core ^^ (cm) and M. in Holocene 0 793 1165 with the exception of the sample from60-63 cm, which is dominated by T. macrescens (above highest high water to subzone IA). The fauna between 46 and 57 cm is dominated by T. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 136 Thomas and Varekamp TABLE 2. Core Depth Counts of benthic foraminifera, CY cores. (cm) CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA nr/gr 5 10 20 11 1 5 17 11 106 97 10- 13 13- 17 17- 21 21- 24 5 7 28 12 0 0 1 4 10 17 58 35 2 21 24- 27 27- 30 30- 34 34- 38 CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX CYX 42 52 21 4 0 51 54 58 2 0 0 0 0 3 14 4 2 1 58- 62 62- 65 65- 69 69- 71 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 0 0 2 3 1 0 43- 46 46- 49 49- 53 53- 57 3 2 9 16 0 0 7 43 45 47 57- 60 60- 63 63- 67 67- 71 71- 75 75- 79 79- 83 83- 87 87- 91 91- 95 95- 99 99-103 103-109 109-115 CYX CYX 9 2 29 50 2 0 1 384345475154- CYA CYA CYA CYA CYA 6 0 25 64 48 48 25 4 0 45 16 29 2 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 60 83 0 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 33 25 48 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 14 5 11 0 0 0 0 717 318 1167 776 28 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 325 299 1 4 10 5 4 0 0 10 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 315 1493 294 63 5 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 79 94 77 84 10 0 1 18 17 16 3 0 3 26 36 25 59 54 59 6 23 10 10 34 129 42 2 1 23 27 36 57 85 194 127 164 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 0 1 41 35 29 10 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 5 96 56 83 163 1 2 4 8 2 0 0 19 0 0 2 39 49 65 68 114 91 8 63 98 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 79 116 18 0 0 0 0 1 25 72 29 8 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 4 0 1 2 12 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 7800 1007 189 334 264 35 15 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 27 19 6 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 890 0 0 1 0 1370 0 0 0 12 26 1290 921 628 2310 2810 2030 2900 0 25 4 1 9 2090 2400 2290 2560 1290 1050 13 720 1010 1090 CYX 115-120 CYX CYX 120-125 125-129 CYX CYX 43 1 20 17 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 95 2 2 133-137 0 0 0 0 2080 3 CYX 137-140 1 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 8 inflata, and 129-133 macrescens, with T. some M. fusca, T. comprimata (upper subzone IB). In the uppermost sample from the core (43-46 cm) T. inflata is dominant, after a sharp drop in rela tive abundance IB). In core CYA of T. macrescens (lower subzone 62 and 75 cm is dominated by T. common Journal of Coastal Research, comprimata, and A. inflata with mexicana (sub zone IIA). The interval between 54 and 62 cm does not contain foraminifera (above highest high water). From 38 to 54 cm the fauna is dom inated (Figure 5B) the interval between T. by T. macrescens with some T. compri mata and T. inflata (upper subzone IB). There is Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Punctuated TABLE 3. Rise inHolocene CoreDepth (cm) ^ Stj ^ KMA KMA 0- 11 11- 23 48 8 1 0 6 4 KMA 23- 29 29KMA 38 KMA 3848 3 1 1 1 * 2 ? E-i ~ 13 41 84 1 1 9 0 1 1 0 10 15 17 7 6330 2229 2433 21 76 0 1 4 5 1 8 3 7 18 62 20 68 4 0 2 0 84KMA 91 KMA 9196 96-100 2 0 1 0 0 1 12 31 41 5 1 0 4 2 0 12 KMB KMB 60-KMB 64 64- 67 67- 71 KMB KMB 71- 75 75- 78 0 0 0 1 0 0 68 44 4854 KMA 54- 58 58- 62 62- 66 66- 70 KMA 7074 74KMA 84 KMA 58 32 48 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 2 4 1 0 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 63 0 400020 400020 1 0 144 30 3 119-123 123-127 1 6 6 9 14 10 KMB KMB 127-131 131-134 0 1 0 0 DMM4 DMM4 DMM4 150-155 155-160 4 12 1 160-164 3 33 71 3 0 6810 25 DMM4 164-172 172-180 180-185 185-190 0 0 0 0 55 24 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. Data 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 115-119 TABLE 0 0 108 76 46 0 0 0 KMB KMB KMB DMM4 DMM4 DMM4 Hj^O nr/gr 0 0 0 0 7 0 2314 1417 1023 4 23 84 0 73 32 49 2 2 4 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 0 70000000 50001 2 on surface samples, CY core area. Data 0 0 0 0 1 90 0 0 170 0 52 8 9 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 4 0 0 0 6 0 00 00 0 0 0 8 11 0 0 00000 0 54 c -2 o ^^a^^^ 41 67 0 2 0 0 KMA KMA KMA 137 Counts of benthic foraminifera, cores KM and DMM 2 KMA Sealevel 254 412 220 471 1338 1617 574 1114 275 1500 1386 2250 455 3100 679 2150 1260 6 0 6 8 0 2640 0 0 1800 1170 11 14 00 1110 0 0 0 0 00000 00 0 000000 00000000 000000 00 0 0 0 0 1120 1700 1350 0 0 0 are on total (dead plus alive) foraminifera. $3 Surface 1 Surface 2 0 8 40 123 54 0 21 2 47 101 26 0 0 2 Surface 3 87 3 46 43 8 0 29 Surface 1: S. patens (thin stands) and Salicornia Surface 2: S. patens (dense stands) Surface 3: S. alterniflora Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 138 Thomas and Varekamp Figure 5. Relative abundances of the most common foraminiferal species in core CYX (Figure 5A) and core CYA (Figure 5B). Lithology as in Figure 3, faunal subzones after Scott and Medioli, 1980. Relative abundances of the most common foraminiferal species in core CYX (Figure 5A) and core CYA (Figure 5B). Lithology as in Figure 3, faunal subzones after Scotty and Medioli, 1980. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Rise Punctuated a sudden in relative decrease macrescens at 38 and cm, of T. abundance section the between 21 and 38 cm is dominated by a combination of T. with inflata, T. comprimata, A. mexicana and M. T. and IIA). One sample (17-21 cm) is again dominated by T. macrescens (lower subzone IA to upper IB), and then the relative abundance of this species until decreases zone marsh the present surface (sub in the changes core overlapping sec tions of CYX and CYA were recognized in both cores, but at slightly different depths (distance between these cores see 10 m, about above). Correlations between the cores based on lith ology, faunal fluctuations as well as sediment chemistry (discussed further on) show excellent A strong of T. macrescens in relative decrease agreement. dance occurs just abun above the top black layer in both cores CYX (46 cm) and CYA (38 cm); this layer is somewhat higher in core CYA (43-54 cm) compared to core CYX (53-60 cm; Figure 3). The interval lacking foramini fera is thicker in core CYX than in CYA (57-75 cm versus 54-62 bradyi and moebians in cores CY and KMA; interval in all studied samples two groups occur. The fauna several nated by T. with inflata, and A. mexicana T. theca this is the only in which these in the between 29 and 54 cm in core KMA macrescens, corre section The of core KMB topmost across to the section the upper sponds closely most in core KMA. dark horizon The lower sec tion in core KMB shows a similar faunal pattern as that across themiddle dark layer in core CYX (Table 3): just below this dark layer in its upwards of foraminifera. additional relates to the interval between 21 and 38 cm in core CYA). One sample (23-29 cm) is dominated by T. macrescens (upper subzone IB to lower IA), and then the relative abundance of this species decreases to the surface of the present day marsh. The uppermost sample of the core contains a higher relative abundance of Af. fusca than the uppermost sample of core CYA, which reflects the position of the latter core at a slightly higher elevation in the recent marsh. was species to pres layers core the most common (Figure 7). In the DMM H. which manilaenis, was much more abundant than in the F and CY cores. This inner reaches in the is more abundant species of estuaries and Medioli, (Scott 1980); core DMM is indeed much further inland than cores CY, F and KMA (Figure 7). of the Faunal Studies There are considerable fluctuations in the faunal composition of benthic foraminifera in all studied cores. The faunal composition was not stable over time, and there is no simple over the total studied trend in assemblages in any interval and rapid abundance different (i.e., cores. of the and increase of T. macrescens "lobes" relatively Table occur in cores in faunal through E8 between from events These changes correlation of strong relative in the of the marsh. rapid 5). The Intervals decrease sition) were labeled El compo (Figure 8; faunal events in the cores is demonstrated in a combined plot (i.e., T. forami in number is a change from absence of fauna across one of these of fauna dark there ence of the cor no Black bands are also present in core DMM from the Indian River marsh (Figure 2), and is domi IIA; we nifera; interval comprimata, (subzone part there are see an increase lowermost Discussion cm). Faunal data on core KMA (Figure 6) are in excellent agreement with those in cores CY and KM, although faunal changes occur generally at slightly greater depths in core KMA (Table 3; Figure 6). T. macrescens is dominant from 54 to 74 cm in core KMA, versus 46-57 cm in core CYX, 38-54 cm in core CYA. A strong decrease in relative abundance of this species occurs at 54 cm, just above the upper boundary of the top black layer, just as in the CY cores. In the lower part of the black layer we observed the species Hemisphaerammina 139 Two short sections across the top and middle black layers in the sediments were investigated in core KMB, taken close to core KMA (Table and IB). Faunal Sealevel 3). macrescens, (subzone fusca inHolocene relative abundances 100 minus macrescens) the for the relative different of "other abundance cores species" of T. (Figure 8). Note that event E4 is gradual over about 10 cm in cores F and KMA, but sudden in the CY cores, surface The the presence suggesting in the latter cores. relative abundance of an of T. erosional macrescens reflects the vertical distance of the environment of deposition of a sample fromHHWL (Figure 1; Scott and Medioli, 1980): from 100% close to in the lowmarsh. The to almost absent HHWL, abrupt changes in abundance of T. macrescens in all studied cores indicate sudden shifts, rel Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 140 Thomas and Varekamp Figure 6. Relative abundances of themost common foraminiferal species in core KMA. Lithology as in Figure 3, faunal subzones 1980. after Scott and Medioli, ative ing), than the faunal the or in which the rise and marsh in relative rise cannot We These which during behind in depositional shallowing, shifts represent periods and deepening environments. marsh in relative state remained growth sea level (deepen was accretion faster sea level (shallowing). that these unequivocally environmental changes at occurred it is the same time at all locations because to at obtain of the sediments ages impossible such the precision. faunal core from It seems that however, probable, can be correlated in time changes to core: the sequence of events is the same in all cores (Table 5, Figure 8), although the exact same events environment for each E3 and core E4, of deposition site. The interval for instance, is not the between is characterized by deposition high in zone IB and in IA at cores F and KM, in zone IA (and above HHW) in cores CY (where the situation may be complicated by Journal of Coastal Research, some erosion, see above). The correlation based on faunal events to the cor corresponds closely on lithology relation the cores based between de (Van this Plassche, and volume), the cores used in this study were selected from the large core studied inventory resent locations to rep by that author areas of active outside channel motion. We used blages tal the data from curve" (MPE assem foraminiferal a "marsh to construct paleo-environmen which curve), the portrays position of the samples with respect to their vertical distance from HHWL during deposi tion. sus curve MPE Our location of all depth samples in the between HHWL ent distance curve Special core, and MSL between 8). The sections is vertical shows with the regard approximate to MSL a assuming these of 1 meter (the pres two levels, of the core where represent Issue No. 11, 1991 ver distance time Figure the MPE intervals where Punctuated Rise in Holocene 145 T. macrescens, 141 Sealevel H. manilaensis. % 155 165 175 3 185 CORE DMM4 195 Figure 7. Relative < CO abundances of the most common foraminiferal species in core DMM. marsh growth kept up with relative rise. Core sections the MPE where sea level curve swings to the right (towards MSL) represent periods of drowning (indicated in the figurewith D1-D3), whereas shifts to the left represent relative curve was emergence. The from data of core but MPE curves constructed mainly our most record, Fl, complete are cores derived from other at sites parallel: occurred at all similar deepening-shallowing levels 5). (Table At the time of deposition of the bottom layers of core F, deposition occurred in the middle marsh environment. marsh environment marsh or even o a. At faunal changed HHWL. above event E8 the to high suddenly of This period Journal of Coastal Research, shallowing ended suddenly by drowning, with an approximate in elevation change cm. This event (D-l) was drowning the marsh kept recovered, events (between pace with (D-2) drowning E6 and relative was and for E5) marsh sea level cause the of about 20 shortlived, some time accretion rise. A of faunal new event E5, with a relative lowering of the depositional site of about 30 cm with respect toHHWL. This second more drowning event recovery gradual was and a longer-lived of the marsh occurred, with a small jump at faunal marsh level Special accretion rise and Issue No. then even 11, 1991 event E4. The relative up with sea level outpaced kept sea rise. Thomas and Varekamp 142 MPE curve cm above msl IA IB HA other species, % other species, % Other species, % other species, % IIB Figure 8. Relative abundances of "other species," i.e., 100 minus the relative abundance of Trochammina macrescens, for all (MPE) curve studied cores. Correlation lines connect corresponding events in the different cores. The Marsh PaleoEnvironment was constructed from the location of faunal subzones according to Scott and Medioli (1980). Faunal events are indicated by El through E8, drowning events by Dl through D3. TABLE 5. Foraminiferal faunal events and depths in core. Depth in core, (cm) KMA CYX Fl CYA Lithology Event Interpretation El flooding E2emergence flooding E3 E3B slight flooding E4emergence E5 strong flooding E6 gradual emergence E7 flooding E8 strong emergence ? 23 24 17 ?282921 38 nr 55 57nr 74 62 7580 ? ? ? 131 129 ? ?149 ? ? ? 46 54 top black layer ? 103 91 black layer ? 133 139 black layer nr: not recognized in the core ? : interval not recovered in core Event E3 represents the third drowning of the marsh (D-3), which is suddenly terminated (E2) and followed by a period ofmore gradual sub mergence, lasting until the present day. The most pronounced interval of deposition in marsh middle in all environments cores (rela tively speaking, the zone with the most marine influence) is present between about 75 and 100 cm (after ure 8), D-2, and between corresponds events E4 and E5, Fig in the to sediments upper part of, and just above, the middle "black layer" in the sediments. The other two "black layers" (Figure 3) correspond to the other periods of drowning (Dl and D3). Journal of Coastal Research, Results Chemical Depth profiles of concentrations ments Fe, Zn, Cu S as well and of the ele as Loss-on-Igni tion (LOI) values for cores F, CYB and CYX are shown in Figures 9 and 10 (Tables 6 and 7). The CY cores show strong Fe and S enrichments in and just not does the dramatic shows Fe, above contain Zn and S at peaks similar at 80-110 peak in the concentrations main 125-133 Special "black "black bands." bands" in the The F 3), (Figure concentrations core but of a depth cm depth. A smaller peak occurs at of Zn and Fe intervals, e.g., cm depth in core F (Figure 9), and Issue No. 11, 1991 Punctuated TABLE Core Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl 6. Chemical inHolocene Rise data, Core Fl. Depth (cm) LOI (%) 43.8 32.9 29.0 31.6 25.7 24.9 30.9 35.5 17300 20700 23100 16600 15000 15300 14000 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl 75 80 80 85 85- 91 91- 96 96-103 30.9 36.2 31.1 38.2 56.0 45.9 58.1 48.7 40.1 55.0 41.3 8900 11300 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl 36 40 43 46 50 53 58 62 65 70 42.6 47.7 Fl Fl Fl 103-107 107-111 111-115 27.9 32.0 21.4 Fl 33.5 42.1 37.4 34.4 13200 16400 13800 13400 Fl Fl Fl 115-118 118-121 121-125 125-128 128-131 134-139 139-145 145-149 153-157 157-160 47.0 44.5 42.3 30.0 30.0 14500 14600 14700 20400 20300 160-164 164-168 18.3 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl 168-172 176-180 180-185 185-189 189-194 194-199 199-203 18.3 18.9 12.0 19.2 31.8 14.8 14.8 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl 40 43 46 50 53 58 62 65 70 75 52.5 41.2 Fe S (ppm) (ppm) 0- 6 6- 12 12 15 15 20 20- 24 24- 28 28- 32 32 36 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl 143 Sealevel Zn (ppm) 34.0 47.0 44.0 35.0 23.0 54.0 43.0 47.0 53.0 57.0 11.0 28.0 29.0 16.0 13000 12.0 8200 15300 20.0 23.0 11700 11300 8800 42.0 24.0 25.0 14.0 26.0 39.0 21.0 20.0 17.0 19.0 17.0 19.0 17.0 17000 16000 35400 22000 27000 15400 18000 8300 Cu (ppm) 11.0 26.0 10.0 10.0 18.0 15.0 14.0 14.0 18100 17900 14800 21700 4000 13000 4900 6300 6100 7200 11000 31800 26300 30900 12300 17600 25900 23300 12500 14.0 14.0 14.0 18.0 20.0 23.0 40.0 32.0 34.0 42.0 13500 4800 5700 4800 5800 8700 18700 2900 5800 6600 16700 18700 18200 21300 10.0 8.0 8.0 11.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 12.0 14.0 14.0 22.0 26.0 22.0 21.0 26.0 22.0 24.0 21.0 18.0 19.0 48.0 13.0 17.0 20.0 47.0 48.0 43.0 37.0 21700 26000 29300 42300 6100 12900 12900 22.0 34.0 20.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 49.0 68.0 70.0 49.0 35.0 37.0 30.0 14400 11400 16200 25900 14900 20800 20900 12400 15000 16100 small positive Fe anomalies occur at 60 cm and at 40-55 cm, the latter correlated with a Zn anomaly and a small S anomaly. The clay-rich bottom part of the F-core is relatively rich in Fe, Zn and S. An interval with gradually increasing amounts of S, Fe, and Zn occurs from in an enriched 30 cm upwards, culminating level at about 10-20 cm. The top 10 cm of the core is less rich in Fe, whereas Zn and S con lowest The remain centrations high. concentrations of Fe and Zn occur between 135 and 149 cm depth and at 55 and 65 cm depth. The positive Fe anomalies have been labeled A F from top to bottom (Figure 9). The "oxalate" profile for core F shows a broad positive anom aly in the middle of the core and no significant correlation with other chemical parameters. Core CYB (Figure 10A) contains several pos itive Fe anomalies, notably at 135-155, 115 125, 65-105, 45-55 and 5-15 cm depth, labeled in the same way as the peaks in core F as peaks A to F. The small Fe peak in core Fl (peak C) Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 144 TABLE Thomas and Varekamp 7. Chemical data, CY cores. Core (cm)_(%) CYX 43- 46 16611 46- 49 CYX CYX 49- 53 1015- CYB CYB 0 0 37.48 48.24 48.87 50.09 43.01 36.20 36.65 35.99 46.28 45.14 9643 8649 5 20.46 10 13.29 15 15.96 80.5 69. 14.6 7395 10045 5 23. 17650 49.4 6 11. 18714 24.1 40. 3 31274 14.9 61. 8 45. 7 8 14. 315. 18200 26100 22700 2800 3800 16800 14200 14400 14700 5900 3500 6000 7400 12200 13800 8800 13300 18700 13300 14300 10900 10500 11100 57.78 61.91 51.56 34.79 24.71 18.64 17.81 20.91 71.89 55.67 74.77 56.39 43.05 38.70 16.84 11.05 6.52 4.73 4.10 20.44 39.60 47.92 18400 20800 34400 23700 15000 10500 14800 21800 30300 16000 15800 17000 140-145 CYB 42.28 35.49 24.16 13000 12.89 8200 20.91 15300 24.16 25000 12.89 23700 20.98 26700 24.96 37.04 24500 25.69 41.49 23900 24.52 30.72 33500 12.22 40.43 25000 16.12 16.64 1270011.26 10.39 5200 1.25 10.48 6600 0.00 30.66 11500 0.00 26.76 20400 0.00 21.64 4500 0.00 0.11 5600 0.00 11.12 11000 7.90 17.22 16900 11800 2.09 145-150 CYB 28.90 11000 CYB 150-155 30.38 15000 9600 6.29 11300 3.94 19.86 Ditch 18500 29300 CYB CYB CYB CYB 135-140 CYB 15400 21400 was not detected in the CYB core. The Fe peaks correlate well with the Zn peaks, except for the B peak. There is no clear correlation between of Fe and Cu. The sulfur pro file shows a strong correlation with the Fe pro file,whereas the LOI is not significantly cor to other 4 24. 48. 6 36.0 20.98 20.76 20.81 70 18.80 75 17.12 80 18.02 85 19.90 90 25.92 95 31.49 32.38 32.47 46.78 48.88 50.11 52.80 58.26 55.76 110-115 CYB CYB 115-120 CYB 120-125 CYB 125-130 CYB 130-135 related 18.8 9.7 8.9 24.0 3400 17.39 30 17.44 35 12.38 21.32 30.05 50 30.42 80CYB CYB 8590CYB CYB 95-100 CYB 100-105 CYB 105-110 the concentrations 15643 11397 0 9745 0 8456 0 677 10577 9207 20981 13524 42.66 41.29 20 16.74 20CYB25 25- CYB 30- CYB 4035- CYB 4540- CYB CYB 455550- CYB CYB 55- 60 6560657075- chemical Zn 4637 24121 CYB CYB 05- Cu S _(ppm)_(ppm)_(ppm)_(ppm) CYX 53- 57 11009 57-CYX 60 6063 CYX 67- CYX 71 71- CYX 75 CYX 75- 79 CYX 79- 83 87 83-CYX 87- 91 CYX CYX95 91CYX 99-103 CYX 103-109 6390 CYX 109-115 CYX 115-120 Fe LOI Depth parameters. The less Journal of Coastal Research, 16.48 16.74 26.35 24.72 78.04 detailed CYX data show a good agreement for Fe, S and Zn for the D peak and possibly the E peak. These peaks correlate well with those in core CYB (Figures 10A, 10B). Four samples were selected for ICP analyses for a spectrum of elements, two in the D peak and two in the low Fe interval between peaks C Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Punctuated Rise S. inHolocene Zn.ppm % Sealevel Cu.ppm 145 LOI. % *oxolote? 210 Figure 9. Concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, and S as well as LOI values versus depth for core F; "virtual oxalate" discussed in the text; positive elemental anomalies are indicated with A-F. contents are 160' Figure 10A. Core CYB. Concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu and S versus depth for the CY cores, together with LOI values. and D of core F (Table 8). The Cu and Zn values show The reasonable high agreement are Fe-samples with our AAS characterized by rel atively high levels of Zn, Se, B, V, Co, Zr, Ni and Mo, whereas Sn, Pb, Ba, Li, Sc, Cr, Cu, As, Sr and Y did not show significant differences between samples with high and lower Fe-con tents. The strongest enrichments in the high-Fe samples as compared with the low-Fe Discussion of the Sediment Chemistry data. samples were found for Zn (factor 2) and Mo (factor 2.5). The depths of intervals with high values ofFe and Zn in the CY cores correlate very well with in core F. the depths of similar anomalies Within the resolution of our studies (3-4 cm), we can correlate most of the peaks labeled A to F between the two cores. The interval of overlap between the CYX and CYB cores shows slight differences in element profiles, but the profiles Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Thomas and Varekamp 146 Otherspecies. % Fe.% u> o w o LOI.% S.% Zn, ppm w 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Figure 10B. TABLE 8. Core CYX. data, core DMM. Chemical Depth (cm) LOI DMM4 DMM4 150-155 155-160 DMM4 DMM4 DMM4 DMM4 160-164 164-172 172-180 180-185 185-190 30.44 34.43 37.13 Core DMM4 TABLE Sample 9. Results of analyses Li 65.75 80.64 88.31 88.87 S Fe (ppm) (ppm) 11440 10804 20928 21230 13424 17065 17198 16425 21103 41217 32039 18921 7148 9567 Cr 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.5 19.8 22.6 27.0 29.8 18 20 23 24 Co Ni 7 9 18 15 065-070 075-080 091-096 096-103 11 16 17 19 Sample Pb Se S, % Fe, % S/Se (wt.) 065-070 070-075 5 3.0 2.8 1.8 1.5 0.63 0.72 4.2 2.6 2.59 0.60 x 104 0.54 x 104 0.62 x 104 4.5 3.1 2.33 0.69 x 104 091-096 096-103 (ppm) 81.8 45.0 24.7 31.6 10.2 53.0 22.2 9.2 5.3 4.7 20.8 48.5 15.0 of 4 samples, core Fl. Sc 49 45 62 61 Zn Cu (ppm) can be correlated straightforwardly, with peaks at slightly different depths. Correlation between cores according to lithology and fauna agrees with the correlation using chemical data. At both core-sites we observed a trend of Cu and Zn enrichment from about 40 cm upwards, with superimposed anomalies (Figures 9, 10). Journal of Coastal Research, Zn Cu 14.5 10.2 13.1 13.1 20.0 23.2 41.3 42.8 As 8 9 11 10 Zr Mo Sn 2.5 2.5 3.7 3.7 8 9 23 22 24 28 26 16 Sr 85.4 76.6 74.7 65.0 3.7 4.4 5.3 5.4 Ba 11 13 15 19 This enrichment in the topmost levels of the cores is most likely related to anthropogenic pollution (e.g.,McCaffrey and Thomson, 1980; Varekamp, this volume) and should be inter preted mental carefully analyses. with to paleo-environ regard Therefore we consider in the following discussion only data for the "unpol luted" core section, with samples from depths Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Punctuated Rise inHolocene Sealevel 147 50.0 40.0 2 30.0 Figure 12. Correlation diagrams forZn and Cu with LOI val ues for samples fromCY and F cores with depth greater than 40 cm. 0.04-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-,-J 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Figure 11. Correlations of Cu, Zn and S with Fe for samples from the CYB and F cores with a depth greater than 40 cm. genic The than 40 cm {i.e., pre-dating anthropo see Varekamp, this volume). influences; a significant shows concentration of Fe = positive correlation with that of Zn (R 0.68) and S (R = 0.67), but a poor correlation with that of Cu (R = 0.3; Figure 11). The Zn concen tration shows a significant negative correlation with LOI (R = 0.52) and a weak positive corre lation with S (R = 0.42) (Figure 12). The concen tration ofCu is not significantly correlated with either S or LOI (Figure 12). The lack of correlation between S and LOI in the marsh peats suggests that the amount of organic matter was not the limiting variable for S fixation during diagenesis. The amount of non-pyrite-bound iron (NP-Fe), whereas sulfur, the high-Fe con samples tain excess Fe with respect to pyrite. In the low FE wt. 7. greater sulfur or organically in the form of native bound calculated from molar ironminus 0.5 molar sulfur (Figure 13), shows a strong positive correlation with total Fe (R = 0.78). The low-Fe samples contain excess sulfur (negative NP-Fe values), possibly Fe reactive all samples, Fe has been consumed during diagenetic pyrite formation. In combi nation with the positive correlation of total Fe with S, this is strong evidence forFe-control on formation. pyrite The inorganic chemistry determined largely by the of the peats is of fine-grained input suspended matter during flooding of the marsh. Low marsh sections, with a higher flooding fre will quency, more trap fine-grained matter (clay, silt, hydrous iron oxides) than the upper which marshes, have a lower flooding fre quency. The chemistry of the peats is probably very sensitive to the trapping efficiency of the marsh flora for the different grain size frac tions, the distance from tidal gullies and max imum depth ofwater during flooding. Measure ment of a parameter indicative for clay contents (e.g., Al or Rb) may provide a better estimate of clay contents than LOI values and could serve as a rough environmental We assume areas trap more pended material Journal of Coastal Research, Special indicator. that frequently flooded marsh fine-grained, Fe-rich than the upper marsh Issue No. 11, 1991 sus realm. 148 Thomas and Varekamp CL CH > QL I z o z Figure 13. Correlation diagram ofNon-Pyrite iron (NP-Fe) versus total Fe. NP-Fe calculated according to Fe (moles/gram)?0.5 S (moles/gram) under the assumption that pyrite is the only iron sulfide present. The Pearson correlation coefficient is 0.78; sig nificant at >99%. Negative NP-Fe values indicate the presence of native sulfur and/or organically bound sulfur. We do not think it probable that this change in trace element chemistry resulted from the shifting of the location of a marsh-channel, at our because core are there locations no indi cations from the lithology that themarsh chan nels shifted. In addition, the black horizons can be recognized over a very large part of the whole marsh, and thus are not likely the result of the shifting of one local channel (Van de Plassche, the cores this are of relatively The volume). therefore sudden marsh to middle tion of the Fe-rich Fe-rich as interpreted in bands the result shifts from upper high marsh environments. bands occurred Deposi in an envi that was more flooded frequently core sections. The adjacent suspended iment fraction in sea water carries adsorbed ronment than the sed Zn, Se, Mo and possibly Cu with it, leading to trace metal enrichments in the Fe-peak anomalies. The sediment layers then become enriched in S during diagenesis, and the more Fe-rich sedi ments fixmore S in pyrite than Fe-poor peats. In addition, more frequent flooding provides a it is larger potential sulfur flux, although unlikely that sulfur fixation is limited by the availability of sulfate. The chemistry ofCu in the peats is enigmatic: there is no significant correlation between Cu concentration and that of any other element. Possibly, Cu was relatively mobile during diagenesis in polysulfide complexes, which are common sulfur species in marsh pore fluids (Luther et al, 1986), but we cannot assess that for our samples. between Cu A and similar other correlation poor was elements for found the mudflats in the Connecticut River estuary this (Varekamp, Our chemical volume). data from surface in sediments the CY location (Table 7) show high levels ofFe, Zn and S (comparable to that of the peak levels in the core samples) inmuds from mosquito ditches. To some degree, the mosquito ditches a physical environment represent that to occur envisioned during a more events: drowning to similar the sudden marine pronounced invasion during high water stands. The strong Fe enrichments in the muds of these ditches may mey, from a more result suspended which matter, cyanobacteria-rich of Fe-rich ample supply is trapped in the sli bottom muds of the ditches. The strong Zn enrichments are thought to be related to the particulate Fe-influx. Our metal data agree with data from other marshes and (Windom, 1975; McCaffrey Thomson, 1980). Iron and Zn contents of sedi ments from the Farmington marsh (Branford, Connecticut) are higher, but these values were on reported an "ashed basis" (McCaffrey and Thomson, 1980). Their Zn profile below 40 cm depth resembles ours, with a low-Zn section between 50 and 70 cm depth. The authors do not present an Fe profile over the full length of the core, but the "clay abundance" that as a first approximation Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 data show peaks agree with our Punctuated in Holocene Rise at about 80-100 cm. It is major Fe-anomaly commonly accepted (McCaffrey and Thomson, 1980; Varekamp, this volume) that the trace metal enrichment in the upper part of the core from anthropogenic resulted Our activity. Sealevel high concentrations concentrations Even River abundance this (Varekamp, of Faunal Comparison volume). and Chemical Data shows a composition of faunal and chemical data between correlation strong of a sample and the the faunal concentrations of Fe, Zn, and S (Figure 14, 15). High relative abundances macrescens of "other specimens) (all species" occur in samples Fe.% -'rooj^ p bbbbbo non-T. with occur Zn and (subzone percentage in samples IA, just below HHWL). of "other abundance of "other species" (e.g., cm depth 60 interval in core F, Figure 14). The correlation between the Zn concentration and the relative down breaks species" in the upper 40 cm of the cores, where there is probably a strong anthropogenic metal input (McCaffrey and Thomson, 1980; Varekamp, this volume). The concentrations of Fe and Zn are significantly correlated with the relative of "other species" for samples below 40 cm (RFe= 0.63; RZn= 0.68; Figure 16). contents and sediment chemistry Faunal reflect A comparison of Fe and Zn. The lowest small anomalies consisting of a single sample show coincidence of high Fe and high indicate that the trace-metal flux in the pre-pol lution period was associated with iron oxide particles trapped in the marsh during flooding. and Thomson (1980) argued that McCaffrey the anthropogenic input is largely derived from the atmosphere. In how far the suspended par ticle derived metal flux is important in the total metal budget of the upper 40 cm in the cores is unclear. Supply ofmetals from settling of sus pended hydrous iron oxides was hypothesized for themudflat sediments from the Connecticut estuary of Fe labeled "no foraminifera" (above HHWL) or with low foraminiferal counts dominated by T. macrescens data 149 over the changes time. The relative in depositional environments faunal composition, especially of T. macrescens, abundance largely reflects the average time of exposure of the marsh surface, and the metal concentra tions are proportional to the flooding frequency and sediment trapping efficiency of the marsh. Other species, % rocn^o O cn Cn Zn, ppm O 01 b o b u> b 210 core F. "Other species" values is equal to 100 Figure 14. Comparison of Fe and Zn contents with percentage of other species in minus the relative abundance of T. macrescens. The increase in Zn concentration from 40 cm depth upwards is an anthropogenic pollution effect,whereas the increase of Fe and percentage of other species are related to the changing environment of deposition as discussed in the text. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Thomas and Varekamp 150 % Fe, O O ?* ?' N) NJ OWOcnO CnoO 0J." % Other species, OJ (sj cn 10 ^4 cn ocn cn o Zn, ppm N) O cn -4 O . . ^_. "T-i-a-i-j-^i 20 30 O o 160 Figure 15. Comparison of Fe and Zn contents with percentage "other species" for cores CYX (Figure 15A) and CYB (Figure 15B). "Other species" value is equal to 100 minus the relative abundance of T. macrescens. The increase in Zn concentration from 40 cm depth upwards is an anthropogenic pollution effect,whereas the increase of Fe and percentage of other species are related to the changing environment of deposition as discussed in the text. Comparison of Fe and Zn contents with percentage "other species" for cores CYX (Figure 15A) and CYB (Figure 15B). "Other species" value is equal to 100 minus the relative abundance of T. macrescens. The increase in Zn concentration from 40 cm depth upwards is an anthropogenic pollution effect,whereas the increase of Fe and percentage of other species are related to the changing environment of deposition as discussed in the text. The Fe abundance in the sediments is likely a primary feature of the peats, whereas the S abundance is a diagenetic feature, partly influ enced by the Fe abundance. between faunal and that this chemical Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Fe The agreement abundances signature confirms (Fe-abundance) Punctuated Rise in Holocene Sealevel 151 The cause of the drowning of the marsh can as yet not be ascertained: itmight have been an 100 in the increase rate of true rise sea-level (eus tatic rise), a tectonic lowering of the land area (during seismic events), or a change in the tidal in the marsh, range which would our change reference level ofHHWL. The latter might be caused by morphological changes in the marsh and river mouth, or be related to a regional change in tidal range, but these factors are dif to evaluate. ficult A tectonic lowering of the land may cause a local in sea rise apparent level. Nelson co and workers applied the marsh foraminiferal tech nique to distinguish between the different salt marsh 100 75 50 25 ?-?0^ Figure 16. Correlation of percentage of other species with Fe and Zn contents in core F; samples from greater than 40 cm depth. "Other species" value is equal to 100 minus the relative abundance of T. macrescens. Both correlations are significant (>99%) with Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.68 (Zn) and 0.63 (Fe). reflects the conditions of deposition of the sed iments at the time when the faunas were living, than diagenesis. These two different data sets lead us to a sim ilar reconstruction paleo-environmental of the marshes through time. Both lines of evidence indicate the occurrence of three periods during which the marsh faster than drowned: accretion marsh sea level rise 8). (Figure was These periods of drowning of the marsh are reflected in the lithology of some cores (CY, KM, but not F) by "black bands," which can be traced throughout a large part of the Hammock River marsh (Van de Plassche, this volume). The black color is most likely caused by the pres ence of finely divided Fe-sulfides. The vertical extent of the Fe-rich bands indicates that for some time the rate of relative sea level rise exceeded the marsh accretion rate. After some time, marsh accretion caught up with relative sea level rise and from then on the accretion rate equaled the rate of relative sea level rise, or in some instances exceeded the rate of rela tive sea level rise, which led to emergence (Fig ure 8). Journal of Coastal Research, the west along (e.g., Nelson earthquakes OTHER SPECIES. % rather sub-environments coast of the U.S.A. (Oregon) and found evidence for sea level jumps. They sudden apparent as indicative of major those data explained and 1988). Jennings, We do not think that seismic events are a prob able cause for all the flooding events of the Hammock River are events Marshes to be expected tectonic because whereas sudden, the drowning started gradually during the young est and middle event. In addition, the start of the youngest drowning pulse must have occurred approximately in the late part of the last no major earthquakes in Connecticut and century, to have known occurred are during that period. If the periods of drowning can be recognized over a seaboard, area the northeastern U.S. along larger are over a that and coeval area, change in the rate of true sea level rise is the more probable A explanation. comparison of our data with studies from the New Jersey coast (Meyerson, 1972) and Barnstable marsh (MA, fideMeyerson, 1972) suggests that in all three areas surges were in submergence observed rates. McCaffrey and Thomson (1980) indi cated a period of rapid relative sea level rise from about 1900 till recent, preceded by more gradual relative sea level rise. Patton and Horne (this volume) found a steepening in their sea level curve around (or postdating) 1670 AD. Tide gauge data fromNew York har bor also indicate an elevated rate of relative sea level rise over the last 80 years compared to average sea level rise over the last 1500 years et at., 1989). Comparable (Van de Plassche results were obtained from England by Allen and Rae (1987; 1988). The increased metal con Special Issue No. 11, 1991 152 Thomas and Varekamp tents in the top of our sediment cores probably an represent we can metal anthropogenic the of metal level date 1850 (? 40 years) AD approximately this kamp, The volume). and input, increase of sea rates increased at (Vare level rise reported by the work cited above all started around that period. Thus we suggest that fluctuations in the rate of true sea level rise (eustatic a are acceleration) likely expla nation for the last drowning period and possibly for all three periods of drowning in the Clinton marshes. CONCLUSIONS Marsh ment foraminiferal reliable sedi and provide of dep on the environment information osition ofmarsh peats through time. Building largely on the work of Scott and Medioli (1980) for faunal information, we have devel oped a combined chemical-faunal method of reconstruction paleo-environmental salt marsh sequences. as well as the The relative of coastal chemical signatures of foramini abundance relative and of the abundances relative high species of abundances T. T. inflata, and espe comprimata, occur in sam A. mexicana and fusca the species ofM. cially ples with high concentrations of Fe, Zn, and S, and probably indicate a depositional zone in the middle marsh of T. abundances with environment. low are likely deposited struction faunal relative High occur macrescens concentrations of Fe, Zn and close to HHWL. in samples S, which The con Marsh sea level rise sediment over time. is chemistry largely mined by the relative strength of sediment and vegetational input terms. The fixation of sulfur is largely limited by the during diagenesis abundance of Fe and not by the availability of organic or matter sulfate. The Zn contents of marsh sediments that predate anthropogenic pollution correlate strongly with Fe abun dances, and are therefore thought to relate to the same process: trapping of fine, Fe-rich sus pended matter with adsorbed Zn in the marsh during flooding. Thus construction of profiles of foraminiferal faunal assemblages and concen as well and investigations towards paleo-seismic of marsh-configura studies tion. Data from the Hammock River Marshes (Clinton, Connecticut) provide evidence that marsh accretion during the last 1500-2000 did occur not three characteristic natures. The from progressing chemical and was drown faunal the most to sudden whereas the middle and drowning, more were events somewhat gradual. these three youngest During accretion marsh periods, sig sudden, emergence partial We evenly. of marsh periods event oldest and smoothly major recognize ing with fell mark edly behind the rate of relative sea level rise. The explanation of this change in relative rates rise level and marsh can accretion not yet be fully ascertained, but the periods of drown ing of the marshes may be related to periods an with marsh rate increased events These also may chusetts; the ognizable of the sea at several years locations rise level (about level rise. in recognized worldwide. 40%) occurred have may Obviously, sea level relative over during there whereas pulses, sea level in mean periods. average been and Massa Jersey seems event to be rec youngest short relatively a small increase vening sea of true have from New sequences Much the last the three was only inter in the extrapolation over the rise of last 1500 years tomake predictions for sea level in the next deter as studies 1500 curves of paleo-environments from us to reconstruct in data enabled jumps relative rise of sea feral species are largely related to flooding fre Low quency. T. macrescens allow the identification of periods during which the marsh accretion kept up with, exceeded, or fell behind relative sea level rise. This tech nique may be applied towards detailed sea level years assemblages marshes coastal from chemistry trations of the elements S versus Fe, Zn and will enable the reconstuction of depth-in-core the paleo-environments and will of the marsh, could century be severely in error. Our MPE graph (Figure 8) indicates that we have entered a period of a gradual increase in the rate of relative sea level rise during this cen tury. The occurrence of several periods in the last 1500 years with increased rates of apparent sea level rise may suggest that atively rapid rate of relative related necessarily to an the current, rel sea level is not anthropogenic green house effect. The relevance of the drowning pulses and correlation with global climatic changes Plassche Journal of Coastal Research, Special are discussed et al, Issue No. in press). 11, 1991 elsewhere (Van de Punctuated Rise ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank David for a Scott construc tive review. Students from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences ofWesleyan were University in the instrumental labor intensive tasks of data collection: we thank John Kimbrough, Jeffrey Levine, Wei-Yang Fang and Jeanine Greinen for their efforts in the chemical studies, the students of class E&ES 251-253 (fall 1989) for their time and effort in faunal studies (core KMA) and Ulandt Kim forhis faunal investigations of core F. ICP of some analyses at XRAL peat laboratories, samples were Toronto, carried Canada. out Partial financial support for this study was provided by the Nature ter), Conservancy (Connecticut Chap Protec of Environmental the Department tion of Connecticut, the Connecticut River Watershed Council, and by a grant from the Shell Foundation to the E&ES Department to promote undergraduate research. Partial fund ing was provided by a grant from the Connect icut SeaGrant College Program through NOAA grant number NA 90 AA-D-SG443, project nr. R/OE-2. This is a contribution to IGCP Project 274, and University of Cambridge contribution ES 1892. LITERATURE CITED 1987. Late Flandrian J.R.L. and Rae, J.E., Allen, a geo in the Severn Estuary: oscillations shoreline and stratigraphical reconnaissance. morphological Transactions of the Royal Society of Philosophical 185-230. London, B315, 1988. 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In: Van de Plassche, O., (ed.), Sea-Level A Manual Research: and for the Collection Evaluation U.K.: Geo Books, Norwich, pp. of Data. 435-455. 1987. Medioli, F.S., and Miller, A.A.L., sea levels, paleoceanography, and late near the Northumberland ice configuration Scott, D.B.; Holocene glacial Strait, Maritime Earth Sciences, Provinces. Canadian Journal 24, 668-675. of Scott, D.B.; E.J.; Ferrero, Schnack, L.; Espinosa, in press. Recent marsh for M., and Barbosa, C.F., aminifera from the East coast of South America: to the Northern In: Hem comparison hemisphere. and D.B.; Kaminski, M.A., The Paleoecology, Biostratigra and Taxonomy phy, Paleoceanography of Agglutin ated Foraminifera. Dondrecht: NATO Sci Kluwer, entific Affairs Division. leben, C; Scott, Kuhnt, W., (eds.), D.L. Scott, zonation and Leckie, 1990. Foraminiferal R.M., of Great salt marsh (Fal Sippewisset Journal Massachusetts). of Foraminiferal mouth, Research, 20, 248-266. van de Plassche, sea O., this volume. Late Holocene on the shore of Connecticut level fluctuations Special Issue No. 11, 1991 Punctuated Rise and regressive inferred from transgressive overlap in salt-marsh Journal boundaries of deposits. Issue No. 11. Coastal Research, Special van de Plassche, and O., 1982. Sea-level change in the Netherlands movements water-level during the Holocene. Geologische Mededelingen Rijks 36, 1-93. Dienst, van de Plassche, and Bloom, A.L., 0.; Mook, W.G., 6000 Connecticut 1989. Submergence of coastal 3000 14C-years BP. Marine 86, 349-354. Geology, van de Plassche, 0.; Thomas, E., and Varekamp, fluctua in press. Climate-correlated sea-level J.C, tions during the last 2000 years (CT, USA). Quater nary Research. Trace element this volume. geo J.C, Varekamp, of mudflat and and pollution history chemistry marsh sediments Journal of Coastal coastline. Issue No. 11. vertical move from the Connecticut Research, Special R.I., 1972. Late Quaternary in eastern North America: quantitative Walcott, ments evi rebound. Reviews of glacio-eustatic Geophys ics Space Physics, 10, 849-884. 1975. Heavy metal fluxes through salt H.L., Windom, In: Cronin, marsh estuaries. (ed.), Estuarine dence I, 137-152. Research, in Holocene 155 Sealevel mexicana Arenoparella Trochammina cana Kornfeld, 1931, Recent and Louisiana: from Texas nifera (Kornfeld) var. (Montague) inflata Uni Stanford versity,Department of Geology, Contributions, 1, 86, pi. 13, Figure 5. mexicana Arenoparrella in Poponosset nifera Parker (Kornfeld), 1959, Ecology ofMarsh Forami and Athearn, nal of Paleontology, Massachusetts: Bay, Jour 33, 340, pi. 50, Figures 6, 13. mexicana Arenoparrella and Medioli, marsh studies for sea implications in Nova distributions foraminiferal tia: Scott (Kornfeld) 1980, Quantitative level of Sco Cushman studies. Foundation forForaminiferal Research, Special Publication, 17, 35, pi. 4, Figures 8-11. The species is absent to rare in samples from the highest marsh, is absent in samples from the inner area estuarine (Core com and DMM), prises up to 25% of the fauna in subzone IIA (subzone name after and Medioli, Scott SYSTEMATIC TAXONOMY All specimens studied were picked and placed in cardboard slides. Taxonomy follows Scott and Medioli (1980), except where emended in Medioli and Scott (1986), and where indicated. Haplophragmoides manilaenis Andersen 1953, Two new species ofHaplophragmoides from the Coast. louisiana and (Cushman Broenni for For Foundation Cushman aminiferal Research Contributions, 4, 22, pi. 4, 8a, Figures b. hancocki Haplophragmoides salsum 1980). Andersen manilaensis Haplophragmoides Ammotium mexi Forami littoral and Parker McCulloch, and Cushman Athearn Ecol 1959, nimann, 1948, Some new species and genera of Foraminifera from brackish water of Trinidad: ogy ofMarsh Foraminifera in Poponosset Bay, Journal ofPaleontology, Massachusetts: 33, 339, pi. 50, Figures 2, 3. Todd and bonplandi Haplophragmoides Cushman Broennimann, mann). Laboratory Research and Cushman salsus Ammobaculites for Contributions, 24,16, Broen Foraminiferal 7 pi. 3, Figures titative butions 9. salsum Ammotium mann), Parker Marsh Foraminifera and (Cushman and Athearn, Broenni 1959, Ecology of in Poponosset Bay, Mas sachusetts: Journal ofPaleontology, 33, 340, pi. 50, Figures 6, 13. Ammotium salsum (Cushman and Broenni mann). Scott and Medioli, 1980, Quantitative studies ofmarsh foraminiferal distributions in Nova Scotia: implications for sea level studies. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication, 17, 35, pi. 1, Fig ures 11-13. This species occurs as a few single specimens in few samples only. level Scott and Medioli, of marsh studies in Nova Scotia: Cushman studies. 1980, implications Foundation for sea for Fora miniferal Research, Special Publication, pi. in our samples as that figured in Scott eral siders 17, 35, 8-11. 4, Figures The species Scott, Quan distri foraminiferal however, studied is clearly and Medioli type material and of Haplophragmoides species H. bonplandi Todd and the same (1980). of sev now con Broennimann 1957 to be conspecific with H. manilaensis Andersen 1953 (written comm., 1988). The spe cies is usually present at less than 10% of the assemblage, with the exception of the samples from the inner reaches of the marshes (core DMM) where it reaches up to 50%. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 156 Thomas and Varekamp Helenina anderseni tValvulineria (Warren) and Walton, 1950, Ecology ofmarsh and bay foraminifera, Barnstable, ence, American Mass., 248, Pseudoeponides Foraminifera dation of Sci Louisiana: 1957, andersoni for sea implications Contribu level studies of marsh in Nova Scotia: studies. forForaminiferal Research, Special Publication, 17, 40, pi. 5, Figures 10, 11. calcareous in almost is absent species lower. Hemisphaerammina Tappan bradyi Loeblich and Hemisphaerammina bradyi Loeblich and in: Loeblich, 1957 Beckmann, J.P., and E.M., H., in Forami Studies Museum National Tappan, Gallitlelli, H.M., J.C., Troelsen, U.S. nifera; A.R., Bolli, Bulletin 215, Loeblich and 224, pi. 72, Figure 2. Hemisphaerammina and Scott Tappan, tive studies in Nova tions studies. bradyi Scotia: Cushman 1980, Medioli, of marsh Quantita foraminiferal distribu for sea implications feral Research, Special Publication, 1, Figures 4, 5. This species occurs mon, as rare, however, is absent single in a in most specimens; few level for Foramini Foundation 17, 40, pi. or samples, it is more com in the lower samples part of, and just below, themiddle "black layer" in the sediment in the CY and KM cores. Miliammina fusca (Brady) fusca Brady, Quinqueloculina Brady, G.S., and Robertson, D., The 1870, in: ostracoda and foraminifera of tidal rivers. With analysis and description of Foraminifera by H.B. b. Journal of pi. 50, Figures 11, 12. Miliammina 1980, studies Quantitative cations sea for Foundation level 17, 40, pi. of marsh fora Scotia: impli in Nova studies. Cushman Research, for Foraminiferal Publication, and Medi fusca (Brady) Scott Special 2, Figures 1-3. (10-40%) in The species is absent in samples from higher marsh from common areas, samples IIA. subzone all samples with the exception of a few samples (subzone IIA) in core KMA, and in surface sam ples from the Spartina alterniflora zone or Tappan, Journal 19a, Massachusetts: Bay, 33, 340-341, Paleontology, Cushman Foundation This 1, Figures pi. and fusca (Brady) Parker 1959, Ecology ofMarsh Foraminifera Athearn, oli, and American Mass., 280, miniferal distributions Scott (Warren) Medioli, 1980, Quantitative foraminiferal distributions 248, Miliammina Foun 12-15. tions, 8(1), p. 39, pi. 4, Figures Helenina Bayou Cushman Research for Foraminiferal of Science, in Poponosset Warren, of the Buras-ScoeFIELD southeast region, Journal b. 2, Figures 22a, anderseni pi. Barnstable, minifera, Phleger sp., Brady, part II: Annual Magazine ofNatural History, series 4, 6, 47, pi. 11, Figures 2, 3. Miliammina and fusca (Brady), Phleger of marsh and fora Walton, 1950, Ecology bay Journal of Coastal Research, Polysaccamina ipohalina Scott Polysaccamina ipohalina Scott, ish-water nia and n. gen., foraminifera description n. sp., Research, ures 4a-c. 6, 318, from Polysaccamina Publication, The imens for sea on level and studies of marsh in Nova Scotia: studies. Cushman Research, for Foraminiferal 17, 43, pi. 2, Figures 8-11. Protelphidium Arctic Scott Scott, ipohalina is commonly species or fragments. Nonionina Califor of Polysaccamina ipohalina, Journal of Foraminiferal text Fig 1-4, pi. 2, Figures Medioli, 1980, Quantitative foraminiferal distributions implications Foundation Brack 1976, southern as present Special rare spec On some orbiculare (Brady) orbiculare Brady, from Foraminifera the Austro-Hungarian 1881, soundings North Polar obtained Expedi tion of 1872-76: Annual Magazine ofNatural History, 8, 415, pi. 21, Figure 5. Protelphidium orbiculare (Brady) Scott and Medioli, 1980, Quantitative studies of marsh in Nova Scotia: foraminiferal distributions for sea implications level studies. Cushman Foundation forForaminiferal Research, Special Publication, 17, 43, pi. 5, Figure 7. Haynesia and ine orbiculare (Brady) Scott, Schafer, Eastern Canadian estuar 1980, a framework foraminifera: for comparison. Medioli, Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 10, 205-234 (in footnote). This calcareous species is absent in almost all samples with the exception of a few samples (subzone IIA) in core KMA, and in surface sam Special Issue No. 11, 1991 the from pies lower. Punctuated Rise zone or alterniflora Spartina Pseudothurammina inHolocene and (Scott Medioli limnetis 1980, Quantitative studies ofmarsh foramini feral distributions inNova Scotia: implications for sea level studies. Cushman Foundation for Research, Foraminiferal 17, 43, pi. 1, Figures 1-3. limnetis Pseudothurammina Medioli), Publication, Special and and Duffett, 1981, Marsh Foraminifera fromPrince Edward Island: their recent distribution and applica tion sea for former level Maritime studies. iments and Atlantic Geology, 17, 126. is rare, usually species or fragments. specimens The single sed present More common and (Cushman comprimata Broennimann) Trochammina arenaceous waters Foraminifera of Trinidad: from the shallow Tiphotrocha Contributions, Parker Broennimann), 24, and Journal Massachusetts: 1959, Athearn, in Poponosset of Paleontology, 33, 341, pi. 50, Figures 14-17. (Cushman comprimata Tiphotrocha Scott Broennimann) studies butions level in Nova studies. and Medioli, Scotia: Cushman 1980, implications and Quan distri foraminiferal of marsh for sea 17, 44, 1-3. 5, Figures A common species in many samples (up to 65%), with the exception of those from the high est marsh is more S. patens, in areas areas. common less In surface the species samples zones in densely of vegetated common in less dense and stands of common Salicornia growth. Trochammina inflata (Montagu) Nautilus 1808, Testacea inflatus Montagu, Brittanica, supplement, Exeter, Woolmer, pi. 18, Figure 3. England, American Mass., 1959, of Marsh Ecology in Poponosset nifera Parker (Montagu), inflata Athearn, Forami Jour Massachusetts: Bay, nal ofPaleontology, 33, 341, pi. 50, Figures 18 20. inflata (Montagu) Scott and 1980, Quantitative studies of marsh Medioli, for sea implications Foundation studies. Scotia: Cushman 1-3. macrescens Trochammina Trochammina Brady, 1870, Trochammina Brady (Montagu) inflata p. 290, pi. macrescens var. macres 5a-c. 11, Figures Phleger Brady, 1950, Ecology ofmarsh and bay and Walton, foraminifera, Barnstable, American Mass., Journal ofScience, 248, 281, pi. 2, Figures 6-9. macrescens Trochammina and 1959, Athearn, Ecology in Poponosset Brady, Parker of Marsh Forami Jour Massachusetts: Bay, nal ofPaleontology, 33, 341, pi. 50, Figures 23 25. Jadammina Brand, Parker Marsh Bartenstein polystoma and Athearn, in Poponosset Foraminifera and 1959, Ecology of Mas Bay, sachusetts: Journal ofPaleontology, 33, 381, pi. 50, Figures 21, 22, 27. Trochammina Research, for Foraminiferal Publication, Present in Nova studies. level 17, 44-45, in most pi. 3, Figures dominant samples, ples from the highest marsh T. polystoma variant Trochammina Rotalina was ochracea ochracea not and Scott studies Quantitative distributions for sea implications Foundation Brady, inflata 1980, Medioli, of marsh Scotia: Cushman Special 1-8. in sam (subzone IA). The observed. (Williamson) Williamson, 1858, On Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain, Royal Society (London) Publication, 55, pi. 4, Figure 113. S. Journal of Coastal Research, level forForaminiferal Research, Special 17, 44, pi. 3, Figures 12-14, pi. 4, Publication, cens in Nova distributions foraminiferal foraminiferal for Fora Foundation miniferal Research, Special Publication, pi. 41, and (Cushman Foraminifera Ecology ofMarsh titative for Laboratory comprimata and nifera 1-3. 8, Figures Bay, and new species of Cushman Research Foraminiferal pi. Cushman comprimata 1948, Additional Broennimann, Barnstable, rare (up to a few percent) in samples from the lower part of, and just below, the "black layer" in cores CY and KM. Tiphotrocha foraminifera, Journal of Science, 248, 280, pi. 2, Figures 1-3. Figures as Phleger (Montagu), inflata 1950, Ecology ofmarsh and bay Trochammina (Scott Williamson Scott, Trochammina Trochammina and Medioli, Scott 157 and Walton, limnetis Thurammina(?) Sealevel Special Issue No. 11, 1991 158 Thomas and Varekamp Trochammina ochracea (Williamson), Scott and Medioli, studies of 1980, Quantitative marsh foraminiferal distributions inNova Sco tia: implications for sea level studies. Cushman Foundation forForaminiferal Research, Special Publication, 17, 45, pi. 4, Figures 4, 5. Occurs as a few only. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 11, 1991 specimens in a few samples