A C. P dAm ritChArd

Adam C. Pritchard
Department of Anatomical Sciences
Health Sciences Center
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8081
Ph.D. Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University. 2015 (expected).
Dissertation: The Origin and Early Evolution of Saurian Reptiles.
M.S. Basic Health Sciences, Stony Brook University. 2011.
B.A. Biology (Summa Cum Laude), McDaniel College. 2009.
Professional Appointments
Research Assistant, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University (Fall 2009–present).
Student Curator, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University (Fall 2009–present).
Teaching Assistant (Medical Anatomy) at SBU Medical School (Fall 2010).
Anatomy Tutor for dental/medical anatomy at SBU (Fall 2010–present).
External Funding
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, Spring 2015. $10,325.
Geological Society of America Student Research Grant, Spring 2014. $2,500.00
Samuel and Doris Welles Grant, Fall 2012. $840.00
Evolving Earth Research Grant, February 2012. $3,000.00
Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid-of-Research for non-members, October 2010. $400.00
Turner, A. H. and A. C. Pritchard. Observations on the morphology of Isisfordia duncani and its phylogenetic
placement in Neosuchia. PeerJ (submitted).
Nesbitt, S. J., J. J. Flynn, A. C. Pritchard, J. M. Parrish, L. Ranivoharimanana, A. R. Wyss. Postcranial osteology
of Azendohsaurus madagaskarensis (Triassic Isalo Group of Madagascar) and its systematic position among
archosauromorphs. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (in press).
Pritchard, A. C., A. H. Turner, S. J. Nesbitt, R. B. Irmis, and N. D. Smith. 2015. Late Triassic tanystropheid
(Reptilia: Archosauromorpha) remains from northern New Mexico (Petrified Forest Member, Chinle Formation):
insights into their distribution, morphology, and paleoecology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (in press).
Pritchard, A. C., J. A. McCartney, D. W. Krause, and N. J. Kley. 2014. New snakes from the Upper Cretaceous
Maevarano Formation, Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34:1080–1093.
Pritchard, A. C., A. H. Turner, E. R. Allen, and M. A. Norell. 2013. Osteology of a North American goniopholidid
(Eutretauranosuchus delfsi) and palate evolution in Neosuchia. American Museum Novitates 3783:1–56.
Adam C. Pritchard
Published Abstracts
Pritchard, A. C. 2015. Extreme modification of the tetrapod forelimb in a Triassic reptile. Society of Integrative and
Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Florida.
Pritchard, A. C. and S. J. Nesbitt. 2014. The cranial morphology of drepanosaurs and the Permo-Triassic
diversification of diapsid reptiles. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Berlin.
Turner, A. H., A. C. Pritchard, and N. J. Matzke. 2014. ‘Tip-dating’ when all you have are fossils: comparing
traditional and Bayesian approaches to fossil divergence times. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting,
Olori, J., R. B. Irmis, A. C. Pritchard, and A. H. Turner. 2014. Among the ruling reptiles: the diverse
microvertebrate assemblage of the Hayden Quarry, Ghost Ranch, NM. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual
Meeting, Berlin.
Pritchard, A. C. 2014. Small diapsid skeletons from the Lockatong Formation (Upper Triassic) of the eastern
United States and the systematics of early saurian reptiles. GSA Southeastern Sectional, Blacksburg. Contextualizing
the Importance of the Newark Supergroup to Understanding Biotic Change in the Early Mesozoic Symposium.
Pritchard, A. C., A. H. Turner, S. J. Nesbitt, R. B. Irmis, and N. D. Smith. 2013. Morphology and systematics of the
reptile clade Tanystropheidae: implications for Late Triassic biogeography and early archosauromorph evolution.
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33(3):194A.
Nesbitt, S. J., J. J. Flynn, L. Ranivoharimanana, A. C. Pritchard, and A. Wyss. 2013. Relationships among
the bizarre: the anatomy of Azendohsaurus madagaskarensis and its implications from for resolving early
archosauromorph phylogeny. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology 33(3):184A.
Pritchard, A. C., A. H. Turner, S. J. Nesbitt, R. B. Irmis, and N. D. Smith. 2012. A new drepanosaurid from the
Late Triassic of New Mexico: insights into the forelimb evolution and biogeography of drepanosaurs. Society of
Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Raleigh. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32(3):158A–159A.
Pritchard, A. C. and A. H. Turner. 2011. The palate and braincase in goniopholidid crocodyliforms: insights from a
new skull of Eutretauranosuchus delfsi. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Las Vegas. Journal of
Vertebrate Paleontology 31(3):176A–177A.
Invited Presentations
PaleoFest 2015. “Long necks, monkey lizards, and the weirdness of the early Mesozoic.” March 15, 2015.
SUNY Oswego Science Today series. “Small diapsids from the Late Triassic of western North America inform Early
Mesozoic reptile evolution.” November 18, 2014.
Writer, host, producer of Past Time paleontology podcast and blog series (May 2013–present).
(available at www.pasttime.org or subscribe through iTunes)
Host of “How to Find a Dinosaur” lessons for Skype in the Classroom (2013–present).
“Paleontology at Ghost Ranch.” Instructor for general paleontology field course at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
(Summer 2013).
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Adam C. Pritchard
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE). Lecturer for course on paleontology and natural history (2013–
Professional Memberships
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (Winter 2001–present)
Geological Society of America (Spring 2013–present)
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (Fall 2013–present)
University Service
Stony Brook University Graduate Student Organization, Departmental Representative (Fall 2009–present).
Secretary, Evolutionary Biology Discussion Group (Fall 2013–Spring 2014).
Vice President, Evolutionary Biology Discussion Group (Fall 2012–Spring 2013).
Journal Reviewer
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (2 manuscripts)
Earth & Environmental Sciences Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Indiana University Press, Life of the Past Edited Volume
Field Experience
Hayden Quarry (Upper Triassic; Chinle Formation; Abiquiu, New Mexico) (Summer 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014).
Haile 7G (Pliocene, Gainesville, FL) (Spring 2007).
Curatorial Experience
Student Curator (Fall 2009–present).
• Identification of Mahajanga Basin Project (MBP) fossil materials.
• Repair of MBP fossils.
• Labeling, accessioning of fossil collections.
• Maintenance of MBP collections database.
• Organization and supervision of collections visits.
Laboratory/Technical Experience
• • • • • Dissection experience [humans, Squamata]
CT scanning (Trained on Medical scanner, MicroCT scanner)
CT segmentation, surface generation (Avizo 7.0)
Laser scanning (NextEngine HD)
3D printing (Airwolf 3D HD)
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