4350 Johnny Cake Ridge Road Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 683-6970 www.district196.org/or “Educa ng our students to reach their full poten al” Dear Oak Ridge Families, The 2015-16 school year at Oak Ridge is underway and if the start of the year is an indicator of how the remainder of the year will be…we are in great shape! Our Assessment Days were well a&ended and provided teachers and students a chance to get to know one another as well as for staff to gather informa)on about each child’s literacy skills. Open House and PTO Fall Fes)val provided yet another opportunity for families and school staff to connect. The turnout was fantas)c and the excitement was evident as children proudly showed families their school and introduced them to school staff. I am sharing with you informa)on about the upcoming elec)on on November 3rd School District 196 bond referendum and School Board elec)on. If approved, the bond referendum would provide safety and security improvements at all district schools, addi)onal space needed for learning and increased access to technology for all students. If you have any ques)ons on the Oak Ridge impact from this bond please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to answer or find answers. Specifically at Oak Ridge, the bond would provide: A modified main entrance/office to route visitors directly into the office; Updated security cameras, exterior door controls and emergency response bu&on in the office; Addi)onal space gained from magnet school addi)ons/enrollments and a&endance-area adjustments for a new elementary school; Upgraded technology infrastructure and interac)ve classroom equipment, and A district-owned mobile learning device for all students in grades 4 and 5, and a 3-to-1 ra)o for students in pre-K through grade 3. Addi)onal informa)on about the bond referendum is available in videos and text at www.District196.org/ Bond2015. October 2015 and won’t have to worry about finding )me to vote at their precinct polling place on Elec)on Day Tuesday, Nov. 3. As of last year, voters no longer need a reason to vote early by absentee ballot. A fillable and printable absentee vo)ng applica)on is available on the bond referendum website listed above and paper copies are available in our office. To vote absentee by mail, simply complete and sign the applica)on and give it to a school office employee to send to the District Office or mail it yourself to: ISD 196 District Office, 3455 153rd St. W., Rosemount, MN 55068. Once an absentee vo)ng applica)on is received and processed, an absentee ballot will be mailed to the voter along with instruc)ons for comple)ng and returning their ballot in the postage-paid envelope that is provided with the ballot. Voters can also absentee vote in person, during regular business hours, at the District Office or one of the Dakota County government centers located in Apple Valley, Has)ngs and West St. Paul. To vote in person on Elec)on Day Tuesday, Nov. 3, go to your school district precinct polling place. Go to www.mnvotes.org to quickly find out where you should vote. For more informa)on about vo)ng by absentee ballot or on Elec)on Day, call the District Office at 651-423-7725. In Partnership, Cindy Magnuson Principal Vote early by absentee ballot Voters can cast their votes on the bond referendum and School Board elec)on now, by absentee ballot, Students in Mrs. Nordstrom’s Beta Classroom using iPads. Page 2 Important Dates Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up Oct. 5 Fire Safety Week Presenta)ons by Eagan Fire Fighters—Gr K-2 Oct. 8 PTO Chuck E Cheese Family Night 4:00—8:00 p.m. Oct. 9 NO SCHOOL—Data Analysis & Instruc)onal Alignment Day Oct. 14 Picture Retake Day Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Wednesday, November 4, from 4-8 p.m. and on Thursday, November 5, from 12-8 p.m. Beginning Wednesday, October 7, at 8:00 a.m., parents may register online for their conference .me by going to the Oak Ridge website at h1p://www.district196.org/or and clicking on the “conferences” link located on the right side of the home page. Oct. 15-16 NO SCHOOL—Teacher’s Conven)on Oct. 28 Makeup Bus Evacua)on Drills Nov. 5 & 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences PTO Scholas)c Book Fair A6er School Classes Star.ng Soon Watch for registra)on packets for aNer school classes coming home in your child’s backpack on October 8. ANer school classes will be offered on Mondays and Tuesdays star)ng on November 9 and going through December 8. Registra)ons will be due October 19. Some classes fill up quickly so turn in your registra on soon. PTO “Around the World At Oak Ridge” Date Change In order to have more planning )me and to offer a family ac)vity in the spring, the PTO has decided to postpone this year’s “Around the World at Oak Ridge” to April 21. Volunteers that had submi&ed their forms for the October 22 date will be contacted. Mark you calendar for April 21! If you have more than one child at Oak Ridge, we recommend you do not schedule conferences back to back just in case a teacher may not be exactly on schedule. We want to make sure you have a full 20 minute )me to talk with your child’s teacher. If you do not have access to a computer, you may call the office at 651-683-6970 for assistance with scheduling. On October 21, teachers will assign conference .mes to those who are not scheduled. Parents who are assigned conference appointments will receive no)fica)on from teachers on a blue note that will be sent home with students on Friday, October 23 in Friday folders. Our online scheduling system will also be open for parents who wish to change their appointment )mes. You may also call the school office to change your conference )me. February Conference Date Change District 196 has changed the dates for Parent/Teacher Conferences and Kindergarten Registra)on in February. New dates are Tuesday, February 9 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Thursday, February 11, from noon to 8:00 p.m. Oh, no! Kindergartners lost their Gingerbread man. Where did he go? Page 3 Magnet School Update Oak Ridge will be a Leadership, Health & Environmental Magnet School star)ng the fall of 2016! During this school year we will work on the research and development of our K-5 programming. The beauty of the work ahead is that we get to build from the ground up innova)ve programming for kids related to our magnet themes. In order to do this we will need to do a bit of research through readings, site visits, and pilo)ng, as well as through thoughRul collabora)on between our staff and the community. Our ini)al research has shown us possible ways we can combine the environmental and health sciences to create studentcentered, meaningful learning experiences for kids. Dona.ons of Playground Equipment Welcome! We are seeking dona)ons of new or gently used playground equipment (balls, jump ropes, etc.) for our children to use at recess. If you have any items you are willing to donate, please bring them to the Oak Ridge Office. Fire Preven.on Week Fire Preven)on Week is this week, October 410. The theme for 2015 is “Hear the Beep Where you Sleep.” The Eagan Fire Department will visit Oak Ridge students in grades K , 1 and 2 on Monday, October 5. The fire department encourages all families to develop a plan for escape from a home during a fire, and to remember to check smoke detectors on a regular basis. We will keep you posted about our work and ways you can be involved moving forward! Pet Visits Outside Only Due to the increasing number of students with allergies to pet dander, Oak Ridge does not allow pet visits inside the school. Frequently during pet visits, animals are present in shared spaces (hallways, office) where students with allergies may come in contact with the pet dander. Some of these students experience harsh coughing and wheezing when exposed to pet allergens. We are commi&ed to providing a safe learning environment for all students at Oak Ridge. Elimina)ng pet visits inside the school will reduce the risk of exposure for our students with pet allergies. Thank you for your understanding of this policy. Girls on the Run Program Begins at Oak Ridge The Girls on the Run aNer school program has started at Oak Ridge. This program is a part of the Twin Ci)es Girls on the Run that includes a running program as well as ageappropriate discussion topics of such things as friendship, peer pressure, gossip, healthy ea)ng, emo)onal awareness, etc. Girls meet aNer school on Mondays and Wednesdays with Oak Ridge Teacher Coaches Ka)e Siekmeier and Dianne Brost and Girls on the Run Coach Jessica Presley. The culmina)ng event will be the Girls on the Run 5K celebra)on on Saturday, November 14, at Harriet Island in St. Paul. Page 4 School Social Worker News Information shared on the parent resource board (located in the hallway between the office and the lunchroom, outside of the nurse’s office) includes: FREE meals for each night of the week held at various places in the community, other food resources, support groups or educational opportunities held in the community regarding parenting, grief, divorce, and ADHD, etc. If you can not make it to the school to see this information for yourself, please call me and I can send the information home. Winter will be here before we know it. If your children need winter wear and you are unable to purchase it for them at this time, Coat for Kids can help you out! This program is open to everyone in Dakota/Scott County. Please bring a picture ID, a bill with a current address and an ID for each person receiving a coat (social security card, school ID, or a medical card will work for children.) You may pick up your winter wear on Thursday, Oct. 29th 9am-6pm (while supplies last) at Easter Lutheran 4545 Pilot Knob Road in Eagan. If your child is in need of winter wear (coats, snowpants, mitten, boots, etc.) this is a wonderful resource! Don’t forget that our school has a free/reduced lunch program. You need to complete a new application each school year. Beginning this year, students who qualify for “reducedpriced” meals will receive free breakfast and lunch. Your children can get free meals if your household income is within the certain guidelines. For more information or to apply online visit www.district196.org. I’m available if you need help filling it out. If you haven’t completed a new application for this school year, your benefits will be ending soon and you’ll be on “full pay”, so please complete a new application. Your application helps our school qualify for additional education funds and discounts. The cost of heating our homes during a MN winter can add strain to any family’s budget. MN’s Cold Weather Rule offers families some flexibility when utility bills become difficult to pay during the coldest months of the year. From Oct. 15 to April 15th the Cold Weather Rule protects residential utility customers from utility shut-offs and disconnections if the customer meets program requirements and has a payment plan in place with the utility company. Another resource for families struggling with heating bills is the Energy Assistance Program. Energy assistance gives grants that are applied directly to the energy bill. Both renters and homeowners can apply. Funding is limited. Contact the CAP Agency at 651-322-3500 or visit their website at www.capagency.org. This year our school has a partnership with The Sheridan Story. It’s an opportunity for your family to discreetly receive a free bag of non-perishable food each Friday. If you are interested in registering for this, please call or email me. Alisha Kaul, School Social Worker alisha.kaul@district196.org 651-683-6970 voicemail extension 94822 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) Page 5 The “Giving Tree” Returns As the new school year begins, teachers are in need of certain supplies that they oNen purchase themselves. The Oak Ridge Advisory Council saw a chance to help in the classrooms through you, the school community! So, several years ago we created the “Giving Tree”, a wish list of things needed by teachers and specialists at Oak Ridge. Students and their parents can help by purchasing and dona)ng the supplies to our school—it’s the easiest way around to “volunteer!” Help us help the Oat Ridge staff by par)cipa)ng in the 12th annual “Giving Tree.” How to Par)cipate: (1) Take the apple of your choice from the tree in the hallway by the school office. (2) Purchase the item listed. (3) Write your name on the apple and tape it to the item. (4) Place the item in the “Giving Tree” box in the office. It’s that easy! Happy Pickin’s! Safety First for Students With the school year off to a great start, we would like to remind parents and students that safety is a high priority at Oak Ridge. Safety procedures to remember for arrival and departure include: Walkers • Patrols are sta)oned at Johnny Cake Ridge Road and Clemson Drive • Bikes, scooters and roller blades are acceptable but skateboards and roller shoes are not allowed. • Bikes should be chained and locked outside and scooters stored in lockers in the school. Roller blades need to be removed once on school property. Bus riders • Please do not arrive early at the bus stop!! • Stay out of the street and off neighbor’s yards while wai)ng. Parent drivers • Students should arrive aNer 9:10 a.m. (or at 9:00 a.m. if ea)ng breakfast at school) • Drop off and pick up students in front of the school. • Pull as close to the curb as possible. • Do not leave your car una&ended (no parking in front of school from 9:00—9:25 a.m. and from 3:30—3:50 p.m.). • Remind your child to remain on the curb un)l it is safe to enter the car when geTng picked up. • Please drive slowly, be pa)ent and respect others who are in line wai)ng for their child. • Please wait pa)ently for cars to move forward. GeTng to and from school should be enjoyable and if we follow these reminders it will also be safe for everyone involved. Mrs. Siekmeier’s kindergarten class celebra)ng Johnny Appleseed Day.