4350 Johnny Cake Ridge Road Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 683-6970 www.district196.org/or “Educa ng our students to reach their full poten al” Dear Oak Ridge Families, Title One News Next week at conferences you will be hearing about a change in our Title One Program at Oak Ridge. We have recently transi oned from a “Target Assist” model to a “Schoolwide Program.” You will be provided with informa onal items that explain how this change posi vely affects our programming and services to all children at Oak Ridge. In short, the emphasis in a Schoolwide Program school is on serving all students, improving all structures that support student learning, and combining all resources, as allowed, to achieve a common goal. Schoolwide programs maximize the impact of Title I resources. Each family will have the opportunity to review their child’s academic achievement goals through an agreement to work collabora vely to support learning. This agreement is called a School-Parent Compact. You will be asked to sign this agreement and add your intent to those of your child and teacher to work towards your child’s academic success. The compact addresses agreements by school, parents, and students. Those agreements are listed below for your review prior to conferences. Please feel free to ask any ques ons at our Title One Family Resource Area in the Library at conferences. 2. 3. 4. 5. November 2015 and on a daily basis; assist with organizing my child’s school work at home; listen to my child read daily; checking my child’s reading/math folder and suppor ng at-home ac vi es and extensions for a minimum of 10 minutes daily and, be involved in my child’s educa on by par cipa ng in school events and communica ng with staff. The student’s responsibility is to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Show respect and coopera on with all adults at the school. Come to class on me and prepared to work. Complete all assignments to the best of my ability. Respect the rights of others to learn without disrup on. Show respect for people and property. Prac ce the rules of the Code of Student Conduct. Spend me daily at home on studying and reading. Give my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all no ces and informa on received by me from my school every day. Bond Referendum Vote The school’s responsibility is to provide: 1. high-quality curriculum and instruc on; 2. a suppor ve and effec ve learning environment; 3. opportuni es for parent(s)/guardian(s) involvement in his/her child’s educa on including opportuni es to visit or observe classes and to volunteer in accordance with district policy; 4. an annual review of the compact as it pertains to individual student achievement goals, and, 5. opportuni es for parents/guardians to communicate with Interven onists (if Interven onists are working with your child) through conferences, emails, phone calls and parent mee ngs. The parent(s)/guardian(s) responsibility is to: 1. ensure that my child arrives to school on me It’s hard to believe October is coming to an end and the first eight weeks of school are behind us. During the past two months, school district officials and this office have sent out informa on to help you make an informed decision about the important bond vote next Tuesday, November 3. If you have any remaining ques ons, I encourage you to visit the district’s bond referendum page at www.District 196.org’Bond 2015 . Most importantly, please par cipate in the process by vo ng on the bond referendum on November 3. In Partnership, Cindy Magnuson Principal Page 2 Parent/Teacher Conferences Moving and Learning Residency Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Wednesday, November 4, from 4-8 p.m. and on Thursday, November 5, from 12-8 p.m. If you need to change your conference me and you have scheduled your conference online, you may do so by clicking the link on your confirma on email to change your me. Please remember to delete your old conference me. We are excited to announce that the children in the classrooms of Miss Gubbels, Mrs. Westrum, Mrs. Batkiewicz, and Mrs. Schmitz will be par cipa ng in a Movement and Learning Residency that will take place over the course of 6 sessions from October to January. If you do not have access to a computer, you may call the office at 651-683-6970 for assistance with rescheduling. Fall Classroom Par-es It’s almost party me! All classes will be having fall par es on Friday, November 13, from 1:45 to 3:00 p.m. Watch for more informa on from your child’s teacher on what each grade level will be doing for their party. Many classrooms will be asking for parent volunteers to help. The Residency is being offered to students throughout the school day as a way to learn skills to develop self-regula on, manage emo ons and build physical and emo onal strength. This integrated approach creates op mal learning environments that improve children’s focus, behavioral skills, physical health and emo onal stability. Throughout the course of the residency students will: Learn simple relaxa on techniques to help them calm the body and manage emo ons Prac ce posi ve thinking – “I am strong, I am responsible, I can do it” – helping students gain confidence in their abili es Dress Warm for Winter! Learn physical exercises that increase concentraon and self-regula on With cold weather coming soon, please help your child dress accordingly. Oak Ridge students go outside during their recess each day unless the temperature or wind chill is below zero degrees. Students should have a warm coat (with their name inside), boots, gloves or miJens and a hat. We no longer have miJens and hats for students to “borrow” due to health concerns. Have the opportunity to express feelings and be ac ve – strong feelings are moved through the body in the physical exercises School Arrival Times Oak Ridge students who are dropped off at school for breakfast may be dropped off at 9:00 a.m. Students who are dropped off at school but do not eat breakfast should arrive at 9:10 a.m. Adult supervision outside is not available before these mes. Thanks for helping to keep our students safe at school. Develop community and group support, have opportuni es to lead and follow, and learn to support other student’s accomplishments Children are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing on Thursdays in order to fully par cipate in movement ac vi es. A+er School Classes Star-ng Soon AIer school class confirma ons are being sent home with students today, Friday, October 30. AIer school classes will start on Monday and Tuesday, November 9 and 10 and go through December 7 and 8. Confirma on leJers included bussing/transporta on informa on. Please check that carefully as bus stops for aIer school classes are different than regular bus stops. Page 3 5th Grade Field Trip to STARBASE November 18th-20th and 23rd-24th In November, 5th graders will par cipate in a program that will help them develop and u lize their skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) as they engineer a mission to Mars. Using rovers and other technologies, students inves gate the planetary condi ons of Mars to idenfy the engineering needs of a human mission to Mars. Students conduct scien fic experiments integra ng math, technology and engineering to learn more about Newton’s Laws of Mo on, robo cs, the atmospheres of Earth and Mars, air pressure, renewable energy, and the vacuum of space. They learn about units of measurement, es ma ng and coordinate graphing, analyzing graphs, as well as explore technology-based designs and func ons. Students experience the work of real life scien sts and engineers as they use Creo (CAD) soIware to design a wind turbine and a Mars colony. They use robo cs soIware to program and test Mars rovers. All along their 5 day journey at STARBASE, students explore various STEM careers and the path they will need to take to reach their own career goals. This is such an exci ng opportunity for our 5th graders! Leader in Me Parent Book Study We will come together to discuss the book: Leader In Me by Stephen R. Covey, on November 19th from 7:00-8:00 in the IMC. Our discussion will help us have a beJer understanding of what leadership can look like at Oak Ridge. I know there is also a 2nd grade vocal concert on the same night. Parents that are aJending the concert can join us in the IMC once the performance is done. Feel free to email Karla Bisco at karla.bisco@district196.org any ques ons or to request to borrow a book. We would love to have as many parents par cipate as possible. Computer Science Educa-on Week December 7-11 The use of technology is embedded into so many different areas of our daily lives. To spark our students’ interest and to build their skill level with technology, every child at Oak Ridge will par cipate in The Hour of Code during Computer Science Educa on Week. The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduc on to computer science. The ac vi es students complete will help nurture their problem-solving skills, logic, and crea vity. By star ng early, students will have a founda on for success in any 21st-century career path! We would love to have parents volunteer during this Computer Science Educa on Week Event. Here are ways you can volunteer: Talk with students about careers in computer science Help with Hour of Code ac vi es during IMC Students from Ms. Poke’s classroom doing a community building ac vity working on character traits as seen by their peers. Please call the school or email karla.bisco@district 196.org if you are able to volunteer. Page 4 Social Worker November News please give me a call. You can also visit SheridanStory.com for more informa on. MN Cold Weather Rule & Energy Assistance The cost of hea ng our homes during a Minnesota winter can add strain to any family’s budget. Families do have a few op ons when that strain becomes too much. Minnesota’s Cold Weather Rule offers families some flexibility when u lity bills become difficult to pay during the coldest months of the year. Contact your natural gas or electric u lity provider now and set up a Cold Weather Rule payment plan. For informa on about Energy Assistance call the CAP Agency in Rosemount at 651-322-3500. United Way 211 Do you have ques ons about where to find services that are available in your community or surrounding communi es? All you have to do is dial 211 from a landline or 1-800-5437709 from a cell phone. A United Way operator will answer and be able to assist you in finding the informa on that you are looking for. This service is free, confiden al, mul lingual, and available 24/7. Alisha Kaul, School Social Worker 651-6836969 voicemail box 94822 (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Winter Gear The temperatures are dropping, and soon the snow will be falling. At Oak Ridge, we know how important it is to get out and get fresh air during the day. Children are out at recess daily. Are your kids ready with their winter gear? They need a winter coat, hat, and gloves. Soon they will need snow pants and boots to keep warm and dry. If you have gently used gear that your children have outgrown, consider passing it onto another family that can use it. If you are unable to purchase new gear for your kids, there are many second hand places where you can ouRit your kids. These items always get picked up quickly, so it’s best to start shopping now. If you have ques ons, or need assistance, please give me a call. Sheridan Story Through a partnership between our school, the community, Easter Lutheran Church and an organiza on called The Sheridan Story, you have the opportunity to sign your child up to receive a free bag of non-perishable food each Friday. If you have ques ons about this program, would like to sign up for it, or you would like to donate or sponsor a child Pictured are Oak Ridge students par cipa ng in the “Girls on the Run” program. Girls on the Run Mission We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which crea vely integrates running. GOTR Vision "We envision a world where every girl knows and ac vates her limitless poten al and is free to boldly pursue her dreams." Page 5 Important Dates Nov. 4 Parent/Teacher Conferences— 4:00—8:00 p.m. PTO Scholas c Book Fair—4:00— 8:00 p.m. Easter Lutheran Church/Fairview Clinics Free Flu Shots—4:30—7:30 p.m.—Oak Ridge Gym Nov. 5 NO SCHOOL—Parent/Teacher Conferences and PTO Scholas c Book Fair— 12:00—8:00 p.m. Nov. 6 NO SCHOOL Nov. 9 Monday AIer School Classes Begin (through 12/7) - 3:45—4:45 p.m. K and School Choice Night—6:30 p.m.—Deerwood Elementary Nov. 11 Tuesday AIer School Classes Begin (through 12/8)—3:45—4:45 p.m. Nov. 13 Fall Classroom Par-es—1:45—3:00 p.m. Grade 5 Field Trip to Recycling Facility Nov. 16 K and School Choice Night—6:30 p.m.—Greenleaf Elementary Nov. 19 Grade 2 Vocal Music Concert—6:30 p.m.—Gyms Nov. 25 Turkey Bingo—3:00 p.m. Nov. 26—27 NO SCHOOL—Thanksgiving Break Dec. 3 End of 1st Trimester Dec. 4 NO SCHOOL—Staff Development Day Fourth graders sharing cardboard challenge projects completed at home as well as at school. Keep Clipping Those Food Labels Oak Ridge families have been saving the Campbell’s Labels for Educa on for redemp on of items used at our school including playground balls and other fun items as well as technology equipment. You will only need to clip the UPC code from the products and send them to school. Oak Ridge volunteers sort and count the UPC codes and send them in for redemp on.