Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Numerical Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 913429, 24 pages doi:10.1155/2012/913429 Research Article Convergence of an Eighth-Order Compact Difference Scheme for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Tingchun Wang School of Mathematics and Statistics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China Correspondence should be addressed to Tingchun Wang, wangtingchun2010@gmail.com Received 24 May 2012; Accepted 7 August 2012 Academic Editor: Ting-Zhu Huang Copyright q 2012 Tingchun Wang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. A new compact difference scheme is proposed for solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The scheme is proved to conserve the total mass and the total energy and the optimal convergent rate, without any restriction on the grid ratio, at the order of Oh8 τ 2 in the discrete L∞ -norm with time step τ and mesh size h. In numerical analysis, beside the standard techniques of the energy method, a new technique named “regression of compactness” and some lemmas are proposed to prove the high-order convergence. For computing the nonlinear algebraical systems generated by the nonlinear compact scheme, an efficient iterative algorithm is constructed. Numerical examples are given to support the theoretical analysis. 1. Introduction The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is one of the most important equations in quantum mechanics 1 such as the Bose-Einstein condensate BEC, which is also used widely in many other different fields 2, 3 such as plasma physics, nonlinear optics, water waves, and bimolecular dynamics. There are many studies on numerical approaches, including finite difference 4–16, finite element 17–19, and polynomial approximation methods 20–24, of the initial or initial-boundary value problems of the Schrödinger equations. Recently, there has been growing interest in high-order compact methods for solving partial differential equations PDEs 25–35. It was shown that the high-order difference methods play an important role in the simulation of high-frequency wave phenomena. However, there is few proof of unconditional H 1 norm convergence of any compact difference scheme for nonlinear equations. 2 Advances in Numerical Analysis In this paper, we consider the following cubic nonlinear Schrödinger NLS equation: 1 i∂t ux, t ∂xx ux, t V xux, t − q|ux, t|2 ux, t 0, 2 x ∈ R, t > 0, 1.1 subject to periodic boundary condition ux, t ux L, t, x ∈ R, t > 0, 1.2 x ∈ R, 1.3 and initial condition ux, 0 ϕx, where q is dimensionless constant characterizing the interaction positive for repulsive interaction and negative for the attractive interaction between particles in BEC. V x is a real function corresponding to the external trap potential and it is often chosen as a harmonic potential, that is, a quadratic polynomial, in most experiments. u : ux, t is the unknown periodical complex-valued function whose initial value ϕx is a given periodical complexvalued function. L > 0 is the period of the ux, t. Denote Ω 0, L; it is easy to show that the problem 1.1–1.3 conserves the total mass Qu·, t : Ω |ux, t|2 dx ≡ Qu·, 0 Q ϕ , t ≥ 0, 1.4 and the global energy Eu·, t : 1 4 |∇u|2 2V xu q|u|4 dx ≡ E ϕ , Ω t ≥ 0. 1.5 Fei et al. pointed out in 15 that the nonconservative schemes may easily show nonlinear blowup, and they presented a new conservative linear difference scheme for nonlinear Schrödinger equation. In 16, Li and Vu-Quoc also said, “. . . in some areas, the ability to preserve some invariant properties of the original differential equation is a criterion to judge the success of a numerical simulation.” In this paper, a high-order compact HOC difference scheme is proposed for solving the problem 1.1–1.3. On the proposed HOC scheme, we obtain the following novel results. i The proposed scheme is eighth order in space and second order in time. ii The new scheme conserves the discrete total mass and the discrete global energy corresponding to 1.4 and 1.5, respectively. iii A new technique named “regression of compactness” is introduced to analyze the convergence of the proposed. iv An efficient iterative algorithm is constructed to compute the proposed scheme. Advances in Numerical Analysis 3 The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, some notations are introduced, and a HOC difference scheme is constructed for the NLS equation. In Section 3, some useful lemmas are introduced or proved. In Section 4, discrete conservation laws of the proposed scheme are studied, then the convergence rate is proved at, without any restriction on the mesh ratio, the order of Oh8 τ 2 in the discrete maximum norm. In Section 5, an efficient iterative algorithm is designed to solve the nonlinear scheme. Lastly, numerical experiments are presented in Section 6 and some remarks are given in the concluding section. 2. Notations and Compact Finite Difference Schemes Before giving the compact difference scheme, some notations are firstly introduced. For a positive integer N, choose time-step τ T/N and denote time steps tn nτ, where 0 < T < Tmax with Tmax the maximal existing time of the solution; choose mesh size h L/J, with J a positive integer and denote grid points as xj jh, j 0, 1, . . . , J. 2.1 Denote the index sets TJ j | j 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , J − 1 , TeJ j | j −2, −1, 0, 1, . . . , J 1 . 2.2 Denote Ujn to be the numerical approximation and, respectively, unj be the exact value of ux, t at the point xj , tn for j ∈ TeJ and n 0, 1, 2, . . . , N, and denote Un ∈ CJ3 to be the numerical solution and, respectively, un ∈ CJ3 be the exact solution at time t tn . For a grid function u {unj | j ∈ TJ , n 0, 1, 2, . . . , N}, introduce the following finite difference operators: δx unj unj1 − unj h δx2 unj δx δx− unj , , δx− unj 2 unj − unj−1 h 1 δx unj , 1 1 δt unj δx unj δx δx unj , unj1 − unj−1 2h − unj un1 j τ , 2.3 , We denote the space XJ : u uj | j ∈ TeJ | uj ujJ when j −2, −1, 0, 1 ⊆ CJ3 2.4 and define seminorms and discrete inner product over XJ as J−1 p p u p h uj , j0 0 < p < ∞, u ∞ maxuj , j∈TJ J−1 u, v h uj vj . j0 2.5 4 Advances in Numerical Analysis For simplicity, we write v 2 as v . Throughout the paper, we adopt the standard Sobolev spaces and their corresponding norms let C denote a generic constant which is independent of mesh size h and time step τ, and use the notation w v to present that there is a generic constant C which is independent of time step τ and mesh size h such that w Cv. For the exact solution of the initial-boundary value problem 1.1–1.3, we assume that un C, 1 n δx u C, δx un C, un ∞ C. 2.6 2.1. Some Properties of Cyclic Matrix A matrix in the form of ⎛ a0 a1 ⎜a ⎜ n−1 a0 ⎜ a an−1 A⎜ ⎜ n−2 .. ⎜ .. ⎝ . . a1 a2 ⎞ · · · an−2 an−1 · · · an−3 an−2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ · · · an−4 an−3 ⎟ . .. ⎟ ⎟ · · · .. . ⎠ a3 · · · an−1 a0 a2 a1 a0 .. . 2.7 is called a cyclic matrix. Because the matrix A is determined by the entries in the first row, the matrix can be denoted as A Ca0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 . 2.8 Denote G C0, 1, 0, . . . , 0, which is called as a basic cyclic matrix. By a simple calculation, we can get that ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Gk C⎝0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0⎠, k 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, k Gn C1, 0, . . . , 0 I, 2.9 I is the unit matrix. Then, any cyclic matrix A Ca0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 can be written as a polynomial of G; that is, A a0 I a1 G a2 G2 · · · an−1 Gn−1 . 2.10 This implies that, for any two cyclic matrices A and B, AB BA. Now we list some useful lemmas as follows. Lemma 2.1. If A and B are two cyclic matrices, AB is still a cyclic matrix. Proof. For any two cyclic matrices A Ca0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 , B Cb0 , b1 , . . . , bn−1 , 2.11 Advances in Numerical Analysis 5 by using the multiplication of polynomials and the properties 2.9 we obtain AB a0 I a1 G a2 G2 · · · an−1 Gn−1 b0 I b1 G b2 G2 · · · bn−1 Gn−1 2.12 c0 I c1 G a2 G2 · · · cn−1 Gn−1 Cc0 , c1 , . . . , cn−1 , where c0 a0 b0 a1 bn−1 · · · an−1 b1 , c1 a0 b1 a1 b0 · · · an−1 b2 , 2.13 .. . cn−1 a0 bn−1 a1 bn−2 · · · an−1 b0 . Lemma 2.2. If a cyclic matrix A is invertible, then its inverse matrix A−1 is still a cyclic matrix. Proof. If A Ca0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 is invertible, we assume that the inverse matrix is B Cb0 , b1 , . . . , bn−1 , then a0 I a1 G a2 G2 · · · an−1 Gn−1 B I. 2.14 Multiplying b0 I b1 G b2 G2 · · · bn−1 Gn−1 with 2.14 yields c0 I c1 G c2 G2 · · · cn−1 Gn−1 B b0 I b1 G a2 G2 · · · bn−1 Gn−1 . 2.15 If c0 , c1 , c2 , . . . , cn−1 1, 0, 0, . . . , 0, we obtain the linear system 2.13. Noting that |A| / 0, we obtain that the system 2.13 has a unique nonzero solution b0 , b1 , . . . , bn−1 . This together with 2.15 gives that B b0 I b1 G b2 G2 · · · bn−1 Gn−1 where b0 , b1 , . . . , bn−1 is the unique nonzero solution of 2.13. It follows that the assumption is right; that is, B Cb0 , b1 , . . . , bn−1 is a cyclic matrix. Lemma 2.3. For any a real cyclic matrix A Ca0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 , all the eigenvalues are in the form of fεk , k 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1, 2.16 where fx a0 a1 x a2 x2 · · · an−1 xn−1 and εk cos2kπ/n isin2kπ/n. Proof. On the one hand, it follows from |εI − G| 0 that εn 1 which indicates that the eigenvalues of G are εk e i2kπ/n 2kπ cos n 2kπ isin , n k 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. 2.17 6 Advances in Numerical Analysis On the other hand, just as 2.10, the real cyclic matrix A can be written as A fG a0 I a1 G a2 G2 · · · an−1 Gn−1 , 2.18 where a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 are n real numbers. This gives that the eigenvalues of A are in the form of λk fεk , k 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. 2.19 2.2. Compact Approximation of Second Derivative The key point of the HOC method is to discretize the derivative with the fewest nodes to get the expected accuracy. In order to achieve higher accuracy, we adopt implicit compact scheme which equals a combination of the nodal derivatives to a combination of the nodal values of the function. Next, by Taylor’s formula, expanding all the nodal derivatives and nodal values of the function at the same node, we can determine the coefficients of the combinations under the constrains of accuracy order. The nodal derivatives are implicitly evaluated herein by solving linear algebraic equations in strip. The stencil and the weighted factors are restricted to be symmetric so that the resulting schemes are nondissipative. Suppose fx is a L-periodic function, then for the discretization of the second-order derivatives fxx x, we have the formula 31: 2 β fxx j−2 α fxx j−1 fxx j α fxx j1 β fxx j2 bδx fj aδx2 fj Ohp , 2.20 where fj fxj , fxx j fxx xj , a, b, α, and β are undetermined parameters which depend on the accuracy order constraints. After tedious calculation, we can get these constraints: a b 1 2α 2β, 4! α 22 β , 2! 6! α 24 β , a 24 b 4! 8! α 26 β , a 26 b 6! a 22 b p 2, p 4, 2.21 p 6, p 8. According to 2.20, an eighth-order scheme is obtained with α 344 , 1179 β 23 , 2358 a 960 , 1179 which is the unique solution of the constraint equation 2.21. b 930 , 1179 2.22 Advances in Numerical Analysis 7 Thus, the approximation 2.20 to fxx j can be written in the form of finitedimensional linear operator Ah fxx j bδx δx fj aδx δx− fj O h8 ⇒ fxx j bAh−1 δx δx fj aAh−1 δx δx− fj O h8 , 2.23 j ∈ TJ , where the finite difference operator Ah is defined as Ah fj : βfj−2 αfj−1 fj αfj1 βfj2 . 2.24 The corresponding matrix form is 2 Afxx bδx f aδx2 f, 2.25 where fxx fxx 0 , fxx 1 , . . . , fxx J−1 , f f0 , f1 , . . . , fJ−1 , A C 1, α, β, 0, . . . , 0, β, α , 2.26 is a positive, symmetric, and cyclic pentadiagonal matrix. Lemma 2.4 see 36. If a matrix H has real entries and is symmetric and positive definite, then a H is invertible and its inverse matrix A−1 also has real entries and is symmetric and positive definite; b H can be decomposed as H D2 , where D also has real entries and is symmetric and positive definite. 2.27 8 Advances in Numerical Analysis 2.3. High-Order Compact Scheme Imposing the approximations given in Section 2.2 on the spatial direction and the CrankNicolson discretization on the temporal direction of the NLS equation 1.1 gives a 1 b 2 −1 2 n n1 n n1 A V u u iδt unj Ah−1 δx unj un1 δ u u j x j j j j j 4 4 h 2 q n 2 n1 2 ξjn , j ∈ TJ , 0 n N − 1, unj un1 uj uj j 4 u0j ϕ xj , j ∈ TeJ , un ∈ XJ , 0 n N, 2.28 2.29 2.30 where Vj V xj and ξjn is the local truncation error. The corresponding matrix form of the 2.28–2.30 is a 1 b 2 iδt un Mδx un un1 Mδx2 un un1 V un un1 4 4 2 q 2 un un1 ξn , 0 n N − 1, |un |2 un1 4 u0j ϕ xj , j ∈ TeJ , un ∈ XJ , 2.31 0 n N, where V diagV1 , V2 , . . . , VJ and M A−1 . On the local truncation error ξjn , using Taylor’s expansion, we obtain the follwing lemma. Lemma 2.5. Suppose that ϕx ∈ H 1 R and ux, t ∈ C10,4 R × 0, T , there is n ξj C h8 τ 2 , n δt ξj C h8 τ 2 , j ∈ TJ , 0 n N − 1, 2.32 j ∈ TJ , 0 n N − 2. Omitting the small term ξjn in 2.28 yields the following difference scheme a 1 b 2 iδt Ujn Ah−1 δx Ujn Ujn1 Ah−1 δx2 Ujn Ujn1 Vj Ujn Ujn1 4 4 2 2 q n n1 2 Ujn Ujn1 0, j ∈ TJ , 0 n N − 1, Uj Uj 4 Uj0 ϕ xj , j ∈ TJ , Un ∈ XJ , 0 n N; 2.33 Advances in Numerical Analysis 9 that is, a 1 b 2 iAh δt Ujn δx Ujn Ujn1 δx2 Ujn Ujn1 Ah Vj Ujn Ujn1 4 4 2 2 q 2 Ujn Ujn1 0, j ∈ TJ , 0 n N − 1, Ah Ujn Ujn1 4 Uj0 ϕ xj , j ∈ TJ , Un ∈ XJ , 2.34 0 n N. Remark 2.6. Though 2.33 and 2.34 are two different forms of a same scheme, the latter is suitable for computing in implementation. 3. Some Useful Lemmas Lemma 2.3 gives that the eigenvalues of the cyclic matrix A C1, α, β, 0, . . . , 0, β, α are in the form of λj 1 2α cos 2jπ J 2β cos 4jπ , J j ∈ TJ . 3.1 This gives 1 − 2α − 2β λj 1 2α 2β. 3.2 It is easy to verify that 1 − 2α − 2β > 0, which indicates that the matrix A is positive definite. For the real, positive definite, symmetric and cyclic matrix A C1, α, β, 0, . . . , 0, β, α, it follows from Lemma 2.2 that there are J real numbers m0 , m1 , . . . , mJ−1 such that M Cm0 , m1 , . . . , mJ−1 . Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4 give that M is real positive definite and symmetric. And then we can introduce the following discrete norm: 3.3 |||u||| : Mu, u1/2 . On the relation between ||| · ||| and · , we have the following lemma. Lemma 3.1. The discrete norms ||| · ||| and · are equivalent; in fact, there is c1 u |||u||| c2 u , for any a grid function u ∈ XJ , 3.4 where c1 1/ 1 2α 2β, c2 1/ 1 − 2α − 2β. Proof. It follows from 3.2 that the eigenvalues of M satisfy 1 1 μj , 1 2α 2β 1 − 2α − 2β j ∈ TJ . 3.5 10 Advances in Numerical Analysis This gives the spectral radius ρM 1/1 − 2α − 2β, and consequently M ρM 1 . 1 − 2α − 2β 3.6 Because 1 1 u, u Mu, u M · u 2 u, u, 1 2α 2β 1 − 2α − 2β 3.7 then 3.5 follows from 3.3 and 3.7. The following lemmas will be used frequently in this paper. Lemma 3.2. For any a grid function u ∈ XJ , there are δx Mu Mδx u, 3.8 1 3.9 1 δx Mu Mδx u. Proof. For the kth entry of the vector Mu, there is Muk J−1 mj ujk , 3.10 j0 where the periodicity of u is used. This gives ⎞ ⎛ J−1 J−1 J−1 mj ujk1 − ujk 1 ⎠ ⎝ δx Muk . mj ujk1 − mj ujk h j0 h j0 j0 3.11 For the kth element of the vector Mδx u, there is Mδx uk J−1 mj ujk − ujk−1 . h j0 3.12 Then 3.8 is gotten from 3.11 and 3.12. Similarly, 3.9 can be proved. Lemma 3.3. For any two grid functions u, v ∈ XJ ; there are δx2 u, v − δx u, δx v, 2 1 1 δx u, v − δx u, δx v . 3.13 Advances in Numerical Analysis 11 Proof. Direct calculation and noticing the periodicity of the two grid functions yield 3.13. Lemma 3.4. For the approximation un , un1 ∈ XJ , there are Mδx2 un un1 , un un1 0, 3.14 2 Mδx un un1 , un un1 0, 3.15 1 n1 2 n 2 u u δx u − |||δx u ||| , τ 1 1 n1 2 1 n 2 2 Mδx un un1 , δt un u − u δx δx , τ Mδx2 n n1 , δt un 3.16 3.17 where “·” and “·” mean taking the imaginary part and the real part, respectively. Proof. Lemmas 3.2, 3.3, and definition 3.3 together with the symmetry of M give Mδx2 un un1 , un un1 δx2 un un1 , M un un1 δx un un1 , δx M un un1 δx un un1 , Mδx un un1 3.18 Mδx un un1 , δx un un1 2 δx un un1 0. Similarly, 3.15 can be proved. Also using Lemmas 3.2, and 3.3, definition 3.3, and the symmetry of M, we obtain 1 Mδx2 un un1 , δt un δx un1 δx un , Mδx un1 − Mδx un τ 1 n1 2 2 δx u − |||δx un ||| . τ 3.19 Similarly, 3.17 can be proved. Lemma 3.5 see 33. For time sequences w {w0 , w1 , . . . , wn , wn1 } and g {g 0 , g 1 , . . . , g n−1 , g n }, there is n n n−1 2 2 2 2 2 2 l l 2τ g δt w w0 τ wl wn1 g 0 τ δt g l g n . l0 l1 l0 3.20 12 Advances in Numerical Analysis 4. Numerical Analysis The corresponding matrix form of 2.33 is a 1 b 2 iδt Un Mδx Un Un1 Mδx2 Un Un1 V Un Un1 4 4 2 q 2 Un Un1 0, 0 n N − 1, |Un |2 Un1 4 Uj0 ϕ xj , j ∈ TeJ , Un ∈ XJ , 0 n N, 4.1 4.2 4.3 where A C 1, α, β, 0, . . . , 0, β, α , n1 2 n 2 n1 2 n 2 n n1 Uj Uj U U Ujn Ujn1 . |U | U 4.4 j 4.1. Solvability of the Nonlinear Scheme For proving the solvability, we need the following Brouwer fixed point theorem. Lemma 4.1 see 37. Let H, ·, · be a finite-dimensional inner-product space, · the associated norm, and g : H → H continuous. Assume, moreover, that ∃α > 0, ∀z ∈ H, z α, ! " gz, z > 0. 4.5 Then, there exists a z∗ ∈ H such that gz∗ 0 and z∗ α. On the solvability of the scheme 2.34, we have the following lemma. Lemma 4.2 Solvability of difference scheme. Under the assumption (A), for any initial data u0 ∈ XJ , there exists a solution Un ∈ XJ of 2.34 for n ≥ 1. Proof. The HOC scheme 2.33 is equivalent to the difference scheme 2.34 whose matrix form is 4.1–4.3, so we here just prove the unique solvability of the difference scheme 4.1– 4.3. In 4.1, for given Un ∈ XJ n ≥ 1, we first prove the existence. For j ∈ TJ , rewrite 4.1 as b a τ 2 Un1/2 Un i τMδx Un1/2 i τMδx2 Un1/2 i V Un1/2 4 4 2 q 2 i τ |Un |2 2Un1/2 − Un Un1/2 . 4 4.6 Advances in Numerical Analysis 13 We define a mapping F: u∗ ∈ XJ → Fu∗ ∈ XJ as b a τ 2 FU∗ U∗ − Un − i τMδx U∗ − i τMδx2 U∗ − i V U∗ 4 4 2 q n2 − i τ |U | |2U∗ − Un |2 U∗ , 4 4.7 which is obviously continue. Computing the inner product of 4.7 with u∗ and then taking the real part yield FU∗ , U∗ U∗ 2 − Un , U∗ ≥ U∗ U∗ − Un , 4.8 where Lemma 3.4 was used. Let U∗ Un 1, then it follows from 4.8 that FU∗ , U∗ ≥ 0. This together with Lemma 4.1 indecaites that there exists a solution Un1 ∈ XJ satisfying FUn1 0. Then Un1 satisfies the scheme 2.34. 4.2. Discrete Conservation Laws Corresponding to 1.4-1.5, the proposed scheme also possesses two counterpart discrete conservation laws. Lemma 4.3. The difference solution of scheme 2.34 conserves the discrete mass and discrete energy in the form of Qn · · · Q0 , n 0, 1, 2, . . . , N, 4.9 En · · · E0 , n 0, 1, 2, . . . , N, 4.10 where Qn : Un 2 , En : J−1 q b 1 n 2 a n 2 1 2 4 δx U |||δx U ||| h Vj |Un | Un 4 . 4 4 2 j0 4 4.11 Proof. Computing the inner product of 4.1 with Un Un1 then taking the imaginary part yields b 1 n1 2 2 n 2 U − U Mδx Un Un1 , Un Un1 τ 4 ⎞ ⎛ J−1 2 1 a Mδx2 Un Un1 , Un Un1 ⎝h Vj Un Un1 ⎠ 4 2 j0 2 q Un Un1 , Un Un1 0. |Un |2 Un1 4 This together with Lemma 3.4 gives 4.9. 4.12 14 Advances in Numerical Analysis Computing the inner product of 4.1 with δt Un then taking the real part yields b 2 iδt Un , δt Un Mδx Un Un1 , δt Un 4 ⎛ ⎞ J−1 2 1 a Mδx2 Un Un1 , δt Un ⎝h Vj Un1 − |Un |2 ⎠ 4 2 j0 q 4 4.13 2 Un Un1 , δt Un 0. |Un |2 Un1 This together with 2 4 Un Un1 , δt Un Un1 − Un 44 |Un |2 Un1 4 4.14 and Lemma 3.4 gives 4.10. 4.3. A Priori Estimate In proof of the convergence, we need the following a priori estimate. Lemma 4.4. The difference solution of the scheme 2.34 satisfies Un C, 1 n δx U C, δx Un C, Un ∞ C. 4.15 This implies the stability of the scheme 2.34. Proof. It follows from 4.9 that Un C. 4.16 Lemma 3.1 gives |||δx Un ||| ≥ c12 δx Un . 2 2 4.17 Using the discrete Sobolev inequality and 4.16, we obtain 4 1/4 Un 44 c04 δx Un Un 3/4 Un 8c04 δx Un Un 3 Un 4 2 ε δx Un 16c08 2 Un 6 8c04 Un 4 ε δx Un C, ε 4.18 Advances in Numerical Analysis 15 where c0 is a positive constant independent of the grid parameters. Taking ε ac12 /2|q|, then it follows from 4.16–4.18 and 4.10 that 1 n δx U C. δx Un C, 4.19 Utilizing the discrete Sobolev estimate and Lemma 4.3, we obtain from 4.16 and 4.19 that Un ∞ C. 4.20 This completes the proof. 4.4. Unconditional Convergence in Maximum Norm Theorem 4.5. Suppose that ux, t ∈ C10,4 R × 0, T and τ is sufficiently small, then the solution unj of the proposed scheme 2.34 converges to the solution uxj , tn of the problem 1.1–1.3 with order Oh8 τ 2 in the discrete L∞ -norm. Proof. Denote the error function as e n un − U n , n 0, 1, 2, . . . , N. 4.21 Subtracting 4.1–4.3 from 2.31, respectively, we obtain the equation of error function as follows: a b 2 iδt en Mδx en en1 Mδx2 en en1 4 4 q 1 Vj en en1 g n1 ξn , n 0, 1, . . . , N − 1, 2 4 ej0 0, en ∈ XJ , 4.22 j ∈ TJ , 4.23 n 0, 1, 2, . . . , N. 4.24 where gjn1 2 n n1 2 n 2 n1 2 n n1 − Uj Uj uj uj u j uj Ujn Ujn1 , j ∈ TJ . 4.25 16 Advances in Numerical Analysis Noting that gjn1 2 n n1 2 n 2 n1 2 − unj un1 Ujn Ujn1 U uj uj U j j j n1 ejn Ujn unj ejn ejn1 Ujn1 un1 unj un1 j ej j 2 2 ejn ejn1 Ujn Ujn1 4.26 n1 − ejn1 un1 ejn unj − ejn unj ejn ejn1 un1 j ej j 2 2 n n1 n n1 ejn ejn1 , − e − e × unj un1 uj uj j j j j ∈ TJ , we obtain from 4.25, 2.6, and Lemma 4.4 that n1 2 n1 2 n 2 g C ||e || e . 4.27 Computing the inner product of 4.22 with en en1 and then taking the imaginary part, we obtain q 1 n1 2 2 e − en g n1 , en en1 ξn , en en1 , τ 4 4.28 where Lemma 3.4 was used. For the last two terms of 4.28, using Lemma 4.4 and 4.26 we have q 2 2 g n1 , en en1 en en1 , 4 2 2 2 ξn , en en1 ξn en en1 . 4.29 Substituting 4.29 into 4.28 yields 2 1 n1 2 2 2 2 e − en ξn en en1 . τ 4.30 By virtue of Gronwall’s inequality and Lemma 2.5, noting that e0 0, we obtain from 4.30 that en C h8 τ 2 , if τ is sufficiently small. n 1, 2, . . . , N, 4.31 Advances in Numerical Analysis 17 Computing the inner product of 4.22 with δt en and then taking the real part, we obtain a b 2 Mδx en en1 , δt en Mδx2 en en1 , δt en 4 4 q g n1 , δt en ξn , δt en , n 1, 2, . . . , N − 1. 4 4.32 This together with Lemma 3.4 gives − a n1 2 b 1 n1 2 1 n 2 2 δx u − δx u − δx u − |||δx un ||| 4τ 4τ q g n1 , δt en ξn , δt en . 4 4.33 It follows from 4.22 that a b 2 δt en i Mδx en en1 i Mδx2 en en1 4 4 q i Vj en en1 i g n1 − iξn , n 1, 2, . . . , N − 1. 2 4 4.34 Thus, for the third term on the left side of 4.33, we have a q n1 n q b 2 g , δt e g n1 , i Mδx en en1 i Mδx2 en en1 4 4 4 4 q i n n1 n1 n Vj e e i g − iξ 2 4 4.35 q q 2 n1 b n n1 n1 a 2 n n1 − g , Mδx e e − g , Mδx e e 4 4 4 4 q q 1 g n1 , ξn . − g n1 , V en en1 4 2 4 Noting 4.26, 4.31, and n δx ejn unj − ejn δx ejn unj1 − ej1 ejn δx unj − δx ejn n δx ejn Uj1 ejn δx unj − δx ejn , δx unj − ejn unj − ejn n unj − ejn δx unj − δx ejn δx unj − δx ejn unj1 − ej1 n δx unj − δx ejn Uj1 Ujn δx unj − δx ejn , |δx en en , en | 2 2 δx en en 44 2 δx en C en 6 en 4 , 4.36 18 Advances in Numerical Analysis we obtain q q a a g n1 , Mδx2 en en1 − δx g n1 , Mδx en en1 4 4 4 4 M δx g n1 , δx en en1 4.37 δx g n1 , δx en en1 2 2 2 δx en δx en1 en en1 . 4.38 Similarly we obtain 2 q 1 n1 2 1 n 2 8 2 g n1 , b Mδx2 en en1 e e h τ . δ δ x x 4 4 4.39 For the last two terms of 4.35, using the Cauchy inequality, noting that V x ∈ CΩ, we obtain q 2 q n1 2 2 n1 n n 2 − g n1 , 1 V en en1 g , ξ e ξn h8 τ 2 . e 4 2 4 4.40 Substituting 4.38–4.40 into 4.35 yields q 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 g n1 , δt en δx en δx en1 δx1 en δx1 en1 h8 τ 2 . 4 4.41 Substituting 4.41 into 4.33 yields 1 n1 2 1 n 2 n1 2 2 δx u − δx u δx u − |||δx un ||| 2 2 2 1 2 1 τ δx en δx en1 δx1 en δx1 en1 4.42 2 h8 τ 2 − ξn , δt en . Summing up for the superscript n from 0 to m and then replacing m by n and noting 1 |δx u0 | |δx1 u0 | 0, we obtain n1 n1 2 1 n1 2 n1 2 1 l 2 1 l 2 ξl , δt el h8 τ 2 . δx u δx u τ δx e δx e τ l0 l0 4.43 Advances in Numerical Analysis 19 By virtue of Lemmas 3.5, 2.5, and 4.31, we obtain n1 2 l l ξ , δt e h8 τ 2 . τ l0 4.44 Substituting 4.44 into 4.43 and then utilizing Gronwall’s inequality, we obtain 1 n δx e h8 τ 2 , δx en h8 τ 2 , n 1, 2, . . . , N, 4.45 if τ is sufficiently small. This together with 4.31 gives en ∞ h8 τ 2 , 4.46 n 1, 2, . . . , N. This completes the proof. 5. An Iterative Algorithm Obviously, the scheme 2.34 is nonlinear and implicit. In order to obtain the solution Ujn1 at the time level n 1, an efficient iterative algorithm needs to be proposed. In this section, we construct an iterative algorithm to compute the scheme 2.34. For a fixed n, the difference scheme 2.34 can be solved by the following iterative algorithm: b a i n1s1 2 n1s1 n1s1 δx2 Ujn Uj Ah Uj − Ujn δx Ujn Uj τ 4 4 % #$ & 2 2 q 1 n n n1s n1s n1s n Uj Uj Ah 0, Ah Vj Uj Uj Uj Uj 2 4 j ∈ TJ , 5.1 0 n N − 1, Un1s1 ∈ XJ , 0 n N, with ' n10 Uj if n 0, Ujn , 2Ujn − Ujn−1 , if n ≥ 1. . 5.2 20 Advances in Numerical Analysis Denote n1s Bj q 4 2 n n1s 2 n1s , Ujn Uj Uj Uj τ aλ bλ aλ bλ , b iα , c i − − , , a iβ 2 16 4 8 2 h τβ τβ n n Vj−2 Uj−2 Vj2 Uj2 2iβ − a − 2iβ − a − 2 2 λ n1s dj τβ τα τα n n Vj−1 Uj−1 Vj1 Uj1 Vj Ujn 2iα − b − 2iα − b − 2i − c − 2 2 2 n1s n1s n1s n1s n1s α Bj−1 Bj1 Bj − τ β Bj−2 Bj2 τβ τα τ n1s n1s n1s Vj−2 Uj−2 Vj−1 Uj−1 Vj Uj 2 2 2 τβ τα n1s n1s Vj1 Uj1 Vj2 Uj2 , 2 2 5.3 then the iterative algorithm can be written as the following matrix form Hun1s1 dn1s , 5.4 a, 0, . . . , 0, a, b H C c, b, 5.5 where is a cyclic pentadiagonal constant matrix. Though the algebraical system Hun1s1 dn1s generated by the proposed scheme is nonlinear and then need iteration in implementation, the coefficient matrix H is cyclic pentadiagonal and invariable at different levels and then the matrix H should not be computed repeatedly. This together with the proposed iterative algorithm and the Thomas algorithm can improve greatly the computational efficiency. To some extent, the proposed scheme is more efficient than most linearized scheme. 6. Numerical Experiments In this section, numerical tests are given to support our theoretical analysis on convergence and stability. In implementation, we chose a tolerance ε 10−10 to control the iteration; that is, Un1s1 − Un1s ∞ 10−10 . Example 6.1. Periodic initial-boundary value problem. Advances in Numerical Analysis 21 Table 1: Errors of the numerical solution of Example 6.1 computed by the proposed scheme at t 1. h π/5 π/10 π/20 π/40 τ 0.2 0.2/16 0.2/162 0.2/163 Error 1.2112E − 002 6.7642E − 005 4.1327E − 007 1.6156E − 009 Sorder — 8.1724 8.0007 7.9989 Table 2: Errors of the numerical solution of Example 6.1 computed by the proposed scheme with h π/40 at t 1. τ 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.025 Error 3.0062E − 002 6.7267E − 003 1.6655E − 003 4.1653E − 004 Torder — 2.1600 2.0140 1.9995 Consider i ∂u ∂2 u x, t 2 x, t 2|ux, t|2 ux, t 0, ∂t ∂x ux, 0 e2ix , x, t ∈ R × 0, T 6.1 x ∈ R, ux, t ux π, t, x ∈ R. This problem has the following plane wave solution: ux, t exp2ix − t. 6.2 Now, we compute Example 6.1 on the finite domain 0, π. In order to test the maximum norm convergence with order Oh8 τ 2 , we let τ Oh4 in computation to test the eighth-order convergence in space and take a small h in computation to test second-order convergence in time. In order to quantify the numerical results, we introduce the following “error” functions and “convergence rate:” eh, τ UN h, τ − uN h, τ , ∞ log eh, τ/e h/2, τ/24 , sorder log2 torder logeh, τ/eh, τ/2 . log2 Then we list the numerical results of Example 6.1 in Tables 1-2. Example 6.2. Homogenous initial-boundary value problem. 6.3 22 Advances in Numerical Analysis Table 3: Errors of the numerical solution of Example 6.2 computed by the proposed scheme at t 1. h 0.5 0.5/2 0.5/22 0.5/23 τ 0.2 0.2/16 0.2/162 0.2/163 Error 4.3204E − 001 2.1276E − 003 8.2863E − 006 3.2391E − 008 Sorder — 7.6658 8.0043 7.9990 Table 4: Errors of the numerical solution of Example 6.2 computed by the proposed scheme with h 0.15 at t 1. τ 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.0125 Error 1.5320E − 001 3.4611E − 002 8.4527E − 003 210386E − 004 Torder — 2.1461 2.0338 2.0064 Consider i ∂u ∂2 u x, t 2 x, t 2|ux, t|2 ux, t 0, ∂t ∂x ux, 0 e2ix , ux, t −→ 0, x, t ∈ R × 0, T , 6.4 x ∈ R, as |x| −→ 0. The initial value problem has the one-soliton solution ux, t sechx − 4t exp2ix − 3it. 6.5 Because ux, t decays to zero rapidly as |x| → ∞, so for sufficiently large number −xL and xR and a finite time T , the initial problem is consistent with the following initial-boundary value problem: i ∂u ∂2 u x, t 2 x, t 2|ux, t|2 ux, t 0, ∂t ∂x ux, t 0, x, t ∈ Ω × 0, T , x, t ∈ ∂Ω × 0, T , ux, 0 e2ix sechx, 6.6 x ∈ Ω, where Ω −40, 40. In computation of Example 6.2, we assume that the value of the exact solution is zero when x ∈ Ωc : R \ Ω and list the numerical results of Example 6.2 in Tables 3-4. Tables 1–4 show that the new scheme is eighth-order convergent in space and second order in time for U in the discrete L∞ -norm, which verifies Theorem 4.5. Tables 2 and 4 also show that the proposed scheme is very robust. Advances in Numerical Analysis 23 7. Conclusion In this paper, we construct an eighth-order compact different scheme for numerically solving the NLS equation, use the discrete energy method together with a new technique named “regression of compactness” to prove that the proposed HOC scheme is convergent, without any restriction on the grid ratio, at the order of Oh8 τ 2 in the discrete L∞ -norm. What’s better, the HOC scheme conserves the discrete total mass and energy, which changed the viewpoint that the compact difference scheme of a nonlinear equation cannot preserve the discrete conservation laws. In order to implement the nonlinear compact difference scheme, we propose an iterative algorithm which is numerically proved to be very reliable. Acknowledgment This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, nos. 11126292 and 11201239. References 1 D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA, 1995. 2 C. R. 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