AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Mollie Kim Manier for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology presented on January 28, 2005. Title: Population Genetics, Ecology and Evolution of a Vertebrate Metacommunity Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy Population genetic structure is widespread in many organisms and can be found at small spatial scales. Fine-scale differentiation is the result of ecological and evolutionary processes working together to produce an overall pattern, but the relative importance of these factors in population differentiation is poorly understood. The goals of my research were to describe patterns of population genetic differentiation and to identify ecological and evolutionary factors important for population divergence. To this end, I investigated several aspects of genetic differentiation for three vertebrates in northern California. The focal species were the terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans) and the common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) that occupy a series of ponds, lakes and flooded meadows in northern California. I found significant genetic differentiation and isolation by distance, as well as correlated patterns of pairwise divergence in both species. Independent estimates of effective population size and bi-directional migration rates also uncovered source-sink dynamics in both species that suggest frequent extinction-recolonization events within a metapopulation context. The generality of source-sink dynamics for an ecologically similar species within the same ecosystem was explored using a third species, B. boreas. I also identified ecological correlates of several population genetic parameters for all three species. Although Fi's were similar, B. boreas had larger effective population sizes, lower migration rates, lacked source-sink dynamics, and appeared to be in migration-drift equilibrium, indicative of a temporally stable population structure. A clustering analysis identified a series of block faults as a common barrier to dispersal for both garter snakes, and ecological correlates were found to be more similar among response variables than within species. I then compared degree of genetic differentiation at quantitative traits with that at neutral markers to infer strength of selection and adaptive divergence between two ecotypes of 7'. elegans. Selection on most traits was relatively weak, but strong diversifying selection was found for background coloration, total number of ventral scales and number of infralabials. Overall, my research documented ecological and evolutionary processes associated with population differentiation in a metacommunity and respresents an important contribution toward the unification of ecology and evolutionary biology. ©Copyright by Mollie Kim Manier January 28, 2005 All Rights Reserved Population Genetics, Ecology and Evolution of a Vertebrate Metacommunity by Mollie Kim Manier A DISSERTATION submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Presented January 28, 2005 Commencement June 2005 Doctor of Philosophy dissertation of Mollie Kim Manier presented on January 28, 2005. APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Redacted for Privacy Chair oJtl Departmeit of Zoology Redacted for Privacy Dean of the G iate School I understand that my dissertation will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my dissertation to any reader upon request. Redacted for privacy Mollie Kim Manier, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many entities should be credited with seeing this project to its completion. Stevan Arnold, my major advisor, has dedicated tireless hours to the design of this research, collection of tissue samples, assisting with statistical analysis and editing countless renditions of proposals, manuscripts and grants, not to mention this thesis. He has been available and supportive throughout and has been everything I could ask for in an advisor. I would also like to express gratitude to my committee members, Ross Kiester, Fred Ramsey, Peter McEvoy, and especially Mike Blouin, who has imparted a great degree of knowledge and expertise in population genetics methods and theory over the years. Funding for this research was provided by an EPA STAR (Science to Achieve Results) Fellowship (U-91552801-5), NSF GK-12 Teaching Fellowship, NSF DDIG (Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant; DEB-0309017), NSF grant DEB-9903934 (to SJA), and NSF grant DEB-1234567 (to SJA and AMB). I am also most grateful for teaching opportunities received in the Biology Department from Joe Beatty. A project of this magnitude could not be successful without a lot of assistance. Many thanks to the dozens of Eagle Lake Snake Campers who have swelled my sample sizes each field season. They include Steve Arnold, Jonathan Feder, Daniel Hanken, Anne Bronikowski, Tim Knight, Karen and Jim Manier, Morgan Manier, Laura Arnold, Brittany Barker, Al Bennett, Man Bennett, Rudi Berkeihamer, Ariane Cease, Tim Clarke, Maggie Clarke, Russ Clarke, the Drummond family (Hugh, Sylvia, Ian and Allen), Suzanne Estes, Shanie Holman, Cindy Houck, Lynne Houck, Ross Kiester, Juliette Kiester, Lucy Kiester, Robin Lillihie, Minott Kerr, the Leonard family (Bill, Vicky, Megan and Nick), Kathy Linton, David Scott, Weezie Mead, Dede Olson, Shannon McDowell, Matt McDowell, Mike Pfrender, Melodie Rudenko, Sharon Marks, Hart Welsh, M. Layon, K. Lacy, T. & T. Bittner, R. Boleso, and T. Pappas. Special thanks go to Judith Scan, who flew out from Harvard to assist me for two weeks in 2001, Tim Knight, and my mom, Karen Manier. Susan Chappell and Teresa Pustejovsky, field biologists with Lassen National Forest, were also very helpful with information on toad occurrences and breeding information as well as access to GIS data. I am especially grateful for Eric Simandle at University of Nevada, Reno, who generously shared both his microsatellite primers for Bufo boreas for the Pikes Point population. I could not have included B. as well as his data boreas in this dissertation without his assistance, and he has allowed me to add an extra dimension to the Eagle Lake landscape that would otherwise be sorely lacking. I will long be in his debt. I was assisted in the lab by Kirk Wintennute, Kirsten Freed, Ingrid Albrecht and Melodie Rudenko. Numerous undergraduate workers spent long tedious hours counting scales, and the datasets were proofed and prepared by Sara Wynveen, Kristen Rodd and Craig Seylor. Valuable technical and statistical support was provided by Mike Pfrender, Eric Hoffinan, Catherine Palmer, Adam Jones, Anne Bronikowski, Mike Westphal, Peter Beerli, Pierre Legendre, Richard Watts, Charles Criscione and Kirsten Monsen. I am also indebted to the Zoology office staff, especially Sarah Cain, Traci Durrell-Khalife, Tara Bevandich, Mary Crafts and Virginia Veach; the Cosine helpdesk, especially Jerod Sapp; Naoki Kitabay and Caprice Rosato in the Central Services Lab of the Center for Gene Research and Biotechnology; Scott Givan with the Genetic Analysis Computer; and Joan Rowe at the Nevada Genomics Center. I would also like to thank Houck/Arnold lab and Blouin lab members for years of good conversation and camaraderie: Catherine Palmer, Eric Hoffman, Doug DeGross, Richard Watts, Mike Westphal, Charles Criscione, Leslie Dyal, Erika Adams, Jerod Sapp, Amy Picard, and Karen Keimnec. I am forever indebted to my parents, Jim and Karen Manier, for their undying support in my endeavors. They have provided financial and field assistance as well as child care both at home and abroad (especially my mom), for which I am eternally grateful. My brothers, Dan and Greg, have also shown immense support and interest in my travails, and I am especially grateful to Dan for his assistance with GIS, which I didn't end up using (thankfully!). I would also like to express a deep gratitude to Tim Knight for his fantastic intellectual, emotional, co-parental, and culinary support throughout this process. He's the best ever. And finally, I would like to thank my children, Morgan and Rowan, for making it all worthwhile. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 1. Chapter 2. General introduction Population genetic analysis identifies source-sink dynamics for two garter snake species (Thamnophis elegans and T. sirtalis)... Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Chapter 3. Ecological correlates of population genetic structure: a comparative approach using a vertebrate metacommunity Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Chapter 4. Adaptive divergence between ecotypes of the terrestrial garter snake, Thamnophis elegans Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Chapter 5. Bibliography General conclusion and future directions 1 6 7 8 13 21 47 55 60 61 63 66 78 98 106 110 111 113 117 124 138 141 145 148 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Map of study area showing sampled sites. SVP was a site sampled by Kephart (1981) 10 2.2 Isolation-by-distance plots for A. T elegans and B. T sirtalis. 24 2.3 Map of the study area showing relative effective population sizes and directions and rates of migration for T. elegans. Circle size and arrow width are proportional to effective population size and migration rate, respectively 38 Map of the study area showing relative effective population sizes and directions and rates of migration for T. sirtalis. Conventions are as in Fig. 2.3 45 3.1 Map of the study area showing sampled sites. 65 3.2 Genetic distance (Fs1/(1-Fs1)) as a function of log geographic distance for B. boreas. 75 Map showing clustering pattern for T. elegans populations. Thickness of borders indicates to grouping sequence, with thicker lines corresponding to groups defined earlier in the analysis 86 Map showing clustering pattern for T. sirtalis populations. Conventions as in Figure 3.3. 88 Map showing clustering pattern for B. boreas populations. Conventions as in Figure 3.3 89 Scatterplots for pairs of variables used in stepwise regression of effective population size 91 Scatterplots for pairs of variables used in stepwise regression of migration rate. 92 Scatterplots for pairs of variables used in stepwise regression of genetic distance. 93 2.1 2.4 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Page Map showing locations of meadow (MCY, PAP, NML, MAH) and lakeshore (P1K, GAL) sites. An additional lakeshore site, WDC, was used to generate heritabilities for scale counts 118 QST values for males and females for all traits, compared with FST (line) A. among populations and B. between ecotypes 132 Frequency histograms showing distribution of dorsal stripe color for males and females in each population. Populations are shown in order from farthest to closest to Eagle Lake 135 Frequency histograms showing distribution of lateral stripe color for males and females in each population. Conventions as for Fig. 4.3 136 Frequency histograms showing distribution of background color for males and females in each population. Conventions as for Fig. 4.3 137 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Names and abbreviations of study sites and their latitude and longitude in decimal degrees, sample size (N), average observed heterozygosity (H0), average expected heterozygosity (He) and average number of alleles per locus (Na) for each species 14 Comparison of the genetic diversity found at all microsatellite loci for each species averaged over all populations 16 Genetic characteristics of three microsatellite primers that amplify in both T. elegans and T. sirtalis 18 Pairwise FST values for T. elegans populations below the diagonal. Associated P-values above the diagonal, obtained after 3000 permutations 26 Pairwise FST values for T. sirtalis populations below the diagonal. Associated P-values above the diagonal, obtained after 3000 permutations 28 2.6 Estimates of migration rate as measured by 29 2.7 Estimates of migration rate for T. sirtalis. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.8 4Nem for T. elegans. (4Nem) and effective population size (4Nu) 41 Comparison of mark-recapture and microsatellite estimates of effective population size 52 2.9 Comparison of direct and indirect estimates of migration rate. 53 3.1 Names, abbreviations, latitude, longitude, perimeter (km), type (M = meadow, L = lake, LS = lakeshore), elevation (m), sampling effort and sample sizes of study sites and populations. 70 Abbreviations and descriptions of variables used in the multiple regression analysis 72 Geographic distance matrix of pairwise distances between populations, measured in km. 74 3.2 3.3 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 3.4 Page Full models used in each of nine stepwise regression analyses testing for ecological effects on effective population size, migration rate and genetic distance for each species. 76 Comparison of the genetic diversity found at all micro satellite loci for B. boreas averaged over all populations. 79 Study populations of B. boreas and their sample sizes (N), average observed heterozygosity (H0), average expected heterozygosity (He) and average number of alleles per locus (Na) 80 Pairwise FST values for B. boreas populations below the diagonal. Associated P-values above the diagonal, obtained after 3000 permutations 81 Estimates of migration rate (Al) and effective population size (6)) for B. boreas. 82 3.9 Genetic structure analyses for B. boreas, T. elegans and T sirtalis. 84 3.10 Resuts of nine multiple regression analyses testing for effects of habitat on effective population size migration rate (m) and genetic distance (FST/1-FsT) for each species 94 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 (Ne), 4.1 Names, abbreviations, ecotype and sample sizes of study populations. 119 4.2 Tests of sexual dimorphism for scale counts 125 4.3 Sample sizes, means and standard errors of traits for males and females in each population. 126 Sample sizes, means and standard errors of traits for males and females in lakeshore and meadow habitats. 128 Tests for differences between ecotypes and among populations within ecotypes for each trait in males and females 130 Heritabilities of traits and global ecotypes for males and females 134 4.4 4.5 4.6 QST among and color scores. populations and between POPULATION GENETICS, ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION OF A VERTEBRATE METACOMMUNITY CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Population genetic structure refers to the spatial configuration and connectivity of local breeding units (Wright 1969). Such structure can be found even at small spatial scales. Fine-scale differentiation has been found in diverse taxa, from sessile organisms such as plants (e.g., Vekemans and Hardy 2004 and refs. cited therein) to marine species with a high potential for dispersal (e.g., Pampoulie et al. 2004, Zardoya et al. 2004 and refs. cited therein). Population genetic differentiation via random genetic drift or adaptive divergence in response to local selection and can have a significant impact on the microevolutionary dynamics and can be an evolutionary precursor to speciation. Levels of divergence, in turn, are determined by numerous ecological and evolutionary factors operating on multiple spatial and temporal scales. Spatial distribution is one ecological factor that can have a significant effect on population genetic structure. Spatial heterogeneity can be caused by a number of factors including aggregative social behavior, outbreeding avoidance, limited dispersal, environmental stochasticity, and habitat heterogeneity. Wright (1922, 1951) introduced F-statistics to describe differentiation in a system of small, identical subpopulations and to describe the level of inbreeding within demes. The most commonly used statistic, FST, describes a population's position along a continuum that 2 ranges from panmixia to total subdivision with no gene flow among subpopulations. The value of FST can be related to effective population size (Ne) and migration rate (m) according to the equation, FST = 11(1 + 4Nem). This relationship describes the degree of genetic subdivision due to limited migration according to the island model of spatial structure. Population size is another ecological variable that can affect differentiation. Small populations will diverge more quickly than large populations due to random genetic drift alone. Effective population size, which describes the rate at which genetic variability is lost due to genetic drift (Wright 1931), is frequently correlated with and smaller than census size (Nunney and Elam 1994, Frankham 1995). Any ecological phenomenon that influences population size, such as resource availability, competition or predation, can therefore affect levels of population differentiation. Ecological variables that can decrease Ne relative include nonrandom mating, variation in reproductive output and factors associated with a decrease in census size such as competition, predation, and habitat degradation (for review, see Caballero 1994). Dispersal is a third ecological phenomenon with direct consequences for population differentiation, in particular for its effect on the first factor discussed, spatial structure. Much attention has focused on dispersal as a major factor influencing genetic differentiation of populations, because it has an obvious impact on levels of interdemic gene flow. Limited dispersal ability leading to isolation by distance (Wright 1946) is also easy to detect by regressing genetic distance on geographic distance (Rousset 1997). The isolation-by-distance scatterplot for such a 3 regression typically consists of a cloud of points with a positive slope, but there is never a perfect relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance. For a set of population pairs of any given geographic distance, there is some range of genetic distances between them. Factors other than dispersal must be invoked to explain this variation. Physical barriers to gene flow or corridors of dispersal can facilitate (Gamier et al. 2004) or impede (Coulon et al. 2004) genetic differentiation independent of geographic distance. Migration and consequent gene flow may also be influenced by habitat characteristics (Lurz et al. 1997, Matter and Roland 2002, Donahue et al. 2003), conspecific (Negro et al. 1997, Moksnes 2004) and interspecific interactions (Hakkarainen et al. 2001, Heg et al. 2004), and the spatial distribution of these ecological attributes on the landscape. My dissertation is partitioned into three sections that explore the population genetics, ecology and evolution of a vertebrate metacommunity in Lassen Co., California. I use microsatellite markers to investigate the population genetic structure of two species, the terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans) and the common garter snake (T sirtalis), that coexist on a common landscape. I test the hypothesis that similarities in ecology and evolutionary history between the two species will produce similar patterns of population differentiation (Chapter 2). I then identify ecological and evolutionary processes important in shaping the observed patterns of snake population genetics by using a comparative approach with a third species, the western toad (Bufo boreas; Chapter 3). Finally, I explore evolutionary processes that shape adaptive divergence in 7". elegans, by comparing levels of population 4 differentiation at quantitative traits and neutral molecular markers (Chapter 4). Conclusions of all three data chapters are summarized in Chapter 5, and future research directions are discussed. REFERENCES Caballero, A. 1994. Developments in the prediction of effective population size. Heredity 73: 657-679. Coulon, A., J.F. Cosson, J.M. Angibault, B. Cargnelutti, M. Galan, N. Morellet, B. Petit, S. Aulagnier and A.J.M. Hewison. 2004. Landscape connectivity influences gene flow in a roe deer population inhabiting a fragmented landscape: an individual-based approach. Molecular Ecology 13:2841-2850. Donahue, M.J., M. Holyoak and C. Feng. 2003. Patterns of dispersal and dynamics among habitat patches varying in quality. American Naturalist 162:302-3 17. Frankham, R. 1995. Effective population size/adult population size ratios in wildlife: a review. Genetical Research 66:95-107. Gamier, S., P. Alibert, P. Audiot, B. Prieur and J.-Y. Rasplus. 2004. Isolation by distance and sharp discontinuities in gene frequencies: implications for the phylogeography of an alpine insect species, Cara bus solieri. Molecular Ecology 13:1883-1897. Hakkarainen, H., P. Ilmonen and V. Koivunen. 2001. Experimental increase of predation risk induces breeding dispersal of Tengmalm's owl. Oecologia 126:355-359. Heg, D., Z. Bachar, L. Brouwer and M. Taborky. 2004. Predation risk is an ecological constraint for helper dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Ser. B. 271:2367-2374. Lurz, P.W.W., P.J. Garson and L.A. Wauters. 1997. Effects of temporal and spatial variation in habitat quality on red squirrel dispersal behaviour. Animal Behaviour 54:427-435. Matter, S.F. and J. Roland. 2002. An experimental examination of the effects of habitat quality on the dispersal and local abundance of the butterfly Parnassius smintheus. Ecological Entomology 27:308-316. Moksnes, P.-O. 2004. Interference competition for space in nursery habitats: density-dependent effects on growth and dispersal in juvenile shore crabs Carcinus maenas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 281:181-191. Negro, J.J., F. Hiraldo and J.A. Doná.zar. 1997. Causes of natal dispersal in the lesser kestrel: inbreeding avoidance or resource competition? Journal of Animal Ecology 66:640-648. Nunney, L. and D.R. Elam. 1994. Estimating the effective population size of conserved populations. Conservation Biology 8:175-184. 5 Pampoulie, C., E.S. Gysels, G.E. Maes, B. Hellemans, V. Leentjes, A.G. Jones and F.A.M. Volckaert. 2004. Evidence for fine-scale genetic structure and estuarine colonisation in a potential high gene flow marine goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). Heredity 92:434-445. Rousset, F. 1997. Genetic differentiation and estimation of gene flow from FStatistics under isolation by distance. Genetics 145:1219-1228. Vekemans, X. and O.J. Hardy. 2004. New insights from fine-scale spatial genetic structure analyses in plant populations. Molecular Ecology 13:921-935. Wright, S. 1922. Coefficients of inbreeding and relationship. American Naturalist 63 :556561. Wright, S. 1931. Evolution in Mendelian populations. Genetics 16:97-159. Wright, S. 1943. Isolation by distance. Genetics 28:114-138. Wright, 5. 1951. The genetical structure of populations. Annals of Eugenics 15:323-354. Wright, 5. 1969. The theory of gene frequencies, evolution and the genetics of populations. Vol.2, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Zardoya, R., R. Castilho, C. Grande, L. Favre-Krey, S. Caetano, S. Marcato, G. Krey and T. Patamello. 2004. Differential population structuring of two closely related fish species, the mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and the chub mackerel (Scomberfaponicus), in the Mediterranean Sea. Molecular Ecology 13:17851798. POPULATION GENETIC ANALYSIS IDENTIFIES SOURCE-SINK DYNAMICS FOR TWO SYMPATRIC GARTER SNAKE SPECIES (THAMNOPHIS ELEGANS AND T. SIR TALIS) CHAPTER 2 Mollie K. Manier and Stevan J. Arnold This thesis chapter has been prepared for submission to the journal Molecular Ecology. 7 ABSTRACT Population genetic structure can be shaped by multiple ecological and evolutionary factors, but the genetic consequences of these factors for multiple species inhabiting the same environment remain unknown. We used microsatellite markers to examine the population structures of two coexisting species of garter snake, Thamnop his elegans and T. sirtalis, to determine if shared landscape and biology imposed similar population genetic structures. These snakes inhabit a series of ponds, lakes and flooded meadows in Lassen Co., California and tend to converge on prey type wherever they coexist. Both garter snakes had comparable effective population sizes and bi-directional migration rates (estimated using a maximum likelihood method based on the coalescent) with low but significant levels of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.025 for T. elegans and 0.035 for T sirtalis). Asymmetrical gene flow revealed large source populations for both species as well as potential sinks, suggesting frequent extinction-recolonization and metapopulation dynamics. In addition, we found a significant correlation between their genetic structures based on both pairwise FST'S for shared populations (P = 0.009) and for bi-directional migration rates (P = 0.024). Possible ecological and evolutionary factors influencing similarities and differences in genetic structure for the two species are discussed. Genetic measures of effective population size and migration rates obtained in this study are also compared with estimates obtained from mark-recapture data. INTRODUCTION Patchily distributed populations can become genetically distinct over time as a consequence of random genetic drift and response to locally-varying selection. Gene flow counters these two processes and acts as a homogenizing force that opposes differentiation (Wright 1931). The net result of all three processes is some pattern of population genetic structure. The degree to which a population experiences drift, selection and gene flow depends on multiple ecological and evolutionary factors. While similar species inhabiting a common landscape may encounter comparable factors influencing population genetic differentiation, it is not known whether patterns of genetic structure tend to evolve in parallel. Although recent studies have reported population genetic structures for multiple sympatric species (e.g., McMillen-Jackson and Bert 2003, Michels et al. 2003, Brede and Beebee 2004, Molbo et al. 2004, Zardoya et al. 2004), few studies have statistically compared genetic structures. Usually, results for each species are reported separately without statistical comparison. This qualitative approach arises because multiple species are rarely sampled from the same sites (but see RUber et al. 2001, Brede and Beebee 2004). A general exception comes from studies of symbionts (Anderson et al. 2004 and references cited therein), but in these cases, the comparison species are usually so phylogenetically divergent that perceptions of and responses to a common environment may be very different. Our research seeks to remedy this situation by comparing two closely related species that coexist on the same landscape. In this study, we compare patterns of population genetic differentiation at microsatellite loci for two coexisting garter snake species, the terrestrial garter snake, Thamnophis elegans, and the common garter snake, T. sirtalis. The study area is located at and around Eagle Lake in Lassen County, California. The habitat is predominantly arid sagebrush-yellow pine forest dotted with numerous permanent and semi-permanent lakes and ponds as well as meadows that flood with snowmelt in the spring. The study system is comprised of 22 such water bodies that vary in size, permanence and degree of isolation, all occurring within 1050 km2 and ranging in elevation from 1500 to 2100 m (Fig. 2.1). Both garter snakes have widespread distributions in the western United States and Canada (Rossman et al. 1996, Stebbins 2003) and are abundant at the study area. The water bodies provide habitat for the snakes' primary prey: amphibians, small fish and leeches (Kephart 1982, Kephart and Arnold 1982). Garter snakes in temperate climates hibernate during winter and emerge to mate in the immediate vicinity of those hibemacula in the spring (Aleksiuk and Gregory 1974, Moore and Lindzey 1992, Whittier and Tokarz 1992). Because garter snake hibemacula are found at many of our study sites (Kephart 1981), we expected garter snake populations to be genetically structured about the lakes, ponds and meadows that comprise our study system Populations of T elegans in the study area are more common and tend to be larger than those ofT sirtalis. Of the 22 water bodies included in this study, T elegans are found at 20, and T sirtalis are found at 13. Overall, T elegans outnumbers I'. sirtalis at most sites in the study area. Half of the study sites support both species, and only two (Feather Lake 10 BLW 0JCK STF LTC . BUL GOR Q SUM CLG ASH RKYI Eagle Lake PVM jk) AMP GAL . DNS P1K o FEA 0 PAP. MAH . RON NML COL SvP Figure 2.1. Map of study area showing sampled sites. SVP was a site sampled by Kephart (1981). 11 and Gordon Lake) are dominated almost exclusively by T sirtalis. We therefore expect larger effective population sizes for T elegans, and a higher degree of population differentiation for T sirtalis. Because T sirtalis occupies fewer sites, we also expect to find a greater degree of isolation by distance in this species. The diets of T elegans and T sirtalis at the study area tend to converge at sites where they coexist in our study system (Kephart 1982, Kephart and Arnold 1982). Specifically, both species capitalize on the explosive breeding events of\anurans, whose larvae and metamorphs are a primary prey source when abundant. Both species will also prey on fish (Rhinichthys osculus, Richardsonius egregius, Gila bicolor and Castomus tahoensis) and leeches (Erpobdella spp.), although T elegans does so to a much greater degree. Thamnophis elegans are better at controlling their buoyancy in water and can therefore dive to actively hunt fish, whereas 7'. sirtalis can consume fish only when they are easily caught in drying pools (Kephart 1981). This difference in ability to catch fish may explain why T sirtalis are rarely found along the shoreline of Eagle Lake, where fish are abundant but amphibian breeding is inconsistent from year to year. Recent phylogenetic reconstructions of garter snake relationships based on mitochondrial sequence data suggest that T elegans and T sirtalis diverged from a common ancestor in the Pliocene. Assuming a rate of sequence divergence of 1.3% per million years based on agamid lizards (Macey et at. 1998), the two species diverged around 6.9 million years ago (de Queiroz et al. 2002). The evolutionary history of T. elegans and T. sirtalis at the study area begins after the Pleistocene, when 12 much of the currently suitable habitat in western North America was covered by glaciers (Barnosky et al. 1987, Janzen et al. 2002). Glacial recession at the end of the Pleistocene around 10 000 years ago allowed recolonization of parts of the western United States by Thamnophis sirtalis from multiple refugia. Lassen Co. populations of T sirtalis probably originated from the Great Basin or southern California (Janzen et al. 2002). Overall, populations of T. elegans in western North America are much more divergent (0.3-7%; Bronikowski and Arnold 2001) than those of 7'. sirtalis (0.3 to 0.6%; Bronikowski and Arnold 2001, Janzen et al. 2002), suggesting that T. sirtalis is a relative newcomer to western North America. The goal of this study was to use microsatellite markers to examine genetic differentiation in two closely related species inhabiting a common landscape. We investigated patterns of isolation-by-distance and estimated measures of genetic differentiation, including bi-directional migration rates and effective population sizes. We then estimated the correlation between species using two different measures of genetic structure. Previous research in the study system estimated effective population sizes for two 7' elegans populations and two T sirtalis populations based on mark- recapture data (Kephart 1981). Furthermore, only six dispersal events out of over 800 recaptures were documented over distances less than 5 km, leading to the conclusion that dispersal events were relatively rare. We compared these mark-recapture estimates for effective population size and migration rate from Kephart (1981) to those based on microsatellite data in an effort to compare direct and indirect methods of estimating population genetic parameters. 13 METHODS Sampling We collected tissue samples from T. elegans and T. sirtalis in and around the Eagle Lake basin in Lassen Co., California (Fig. 2.1). A total of 858 T. elegans from 20 populations and 433 T sirtalis from 13 populations were sampled (Table 2.1). Overall, 22 sites were included in the study, 12 of which support both species. For each snake, the tail tip or a 2x4-mm piece of ventral scale was taken and stored in Drierite®, an anhydrous calcium sulfate desiccant. Obtaining microsatellite data A total of 11 primer sets for microsatellite markers were obtained from the literature or developed de novo (Table 2.2). An enriched library was prepared according to the method of Hamilton et al. (1999), and positive clones were screened based on the method of Hoffman et al. (2003). In summary, whole genomic DNA was digested with MspI, size-selected, ligated to oligo linkers and amplified with linker primers. Four biotinylated oligo probes (dGACA4, dGATA4, dGGAT4 and dGGGA4) were hybridized to linker DNA and selected using streptavidin magnetic particles (Promega). Enriched DNA was then amplified using linker primers and purified using a PCR purification kit (Qiagen). Linkers were removed and DNA was ligated into pBluescript vector and transformed into Epicurian Coli XL1-Blue Supercompetent 14 Table 2.1. Names and abbreviations of study sites and their latitude and longitude in decimal degrees, sample size (N), average observed heterozygosity (H0), average expected heterozygosity (He) and average number of alleles per locus (Na) for each species. Observed and expected heterozygosities were calculated without TS042 and TEO5 1 B for T elegans and T. sirtalis, respectively. Study sites indicated with an asterisk are informal names, not official geographic place names. SVP represents a study site from Kephart (1981) that was not sampled for this study. T. sirtalis T. elegans Site AntelopeMountainPond* Ashurst Lake Blue Water Bullard Lake Cleghorn Reservoir Colman Lake Deans Meadow Feather Lake Gallatin Shoreline* Gordon Lake Jacks Lake LittleCleghornReservoir Mahogany Lake McCoy Flat Reservoir Nameless Meadow* Papoose Meadows Pikes Point Pine Valley Meadow* Rocky Point RoneyCorral Camp Stanford Small Vernal Pools* Summit Lake Lat. 40.614 40.750 40.834 40.775 40.777 40.516 40.557 40.542 40.562 40.768 40.810 40.787 40.534 40.453 40.524 40.528 40.557 40.619 40.684 40.511 40.803 40.507 40.766 Abbrev. Long. -120.923 AMP -120.965 ASH -120.919 BLW -120.901 BTJL -120.804 CLG -120.714 COL -120.719 DNS -121.018 FEA -120.760 GAL -120.882 GOR -121.025 JKS -120.794 LTC -120.732 MAH -120.940 MCY -120.743 NML -120.757 PAP -120.784 P1K -120.969 PVM -120.757 RKY -120.857 RON -120.932 STF -120.73 1 SVP -120.839 SUM N 30 30 27 67 44 24 26 H0 He 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.51 0.56 0.51 0.52 0.48 0.53 0.47 0.56 0.50 0.55 56 0.47 0.51 27 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.47 0.54 Na N 5 19 H0 0.61 5 38 6 6 35 5 He Na 5 0.58 0.64 0.59 0.55 0.57 7 27 0.59 0.57 27 0.47 0.52 24 0.53 0.63 7 42 0.51 0.56 7 26 0.53 0.60 7 29 0.49 0.56 7 83 0.57 0.61 9 7 5 5 5 7 5 0.54 0.59 0.53 5 0.51 0.53 4 6 24 45 0.54 0.52 0.54 0.52 0.51 0.47 0.58 0.45 0.50 0.54 0.54 4 6 29 32 0.47 0.60 0.50 0.59 6 7 27 0.50 0.52 5 22 0.58 5 18 91 16 29 140 48 70 19 0.51 5 5 5 4 5 5 0.61 16 Cells (Stratagene). Positive colonies were picked into sterile water, boiled and sequenced at the Nevada Genomics Center at the University of Nevada, Reno. Primers were designed using Oligo v. 6.0 (Rychlik 1998) and optimized with an MJ Research Peltier gradient thermocycler. Table 2.2. Comparison of the genetic diversity found at all microsatellite loci for each species averaged over all populations. Total number of alleles, size range in base pairs, observed (H0) and expected (He) heterozygosities and average number of alleles per population (Na) are given. The numbers in parentheses represent numbers of populations sampled. Allele Pops. size Total out of range Locus alleles HWE Reference (bp) T. elegans (20) Ns.t10 12 Prosseretal. (1999) 120-144 0.53 0.58 5 0 Nsp2 6 139-160 0.59 0.65 4 0 Prosser et al. (1999) Nsj.t3 19 129-193 0.84 0.88 11 0 Prosser et al. (1999) Ns7 2 170-176 0.06 0.09 2 Prosser et al. (1999) 0 Nst8 5 129-161 0.41 0.41 3 0 Prosser et al. (1999) TEO51B 4 96-104 0.11 0.14 2 this study 1 TSO1O 15 108-146 0.78 0.83 9 this study 0 TS042 19 148-194 0.34 0.79 9 17 this study Ts2 16 118-149 0.63 0.69 8 0 McCracken et al. (1999) Ts3 4 92-129 0.48 0.49 2 McCracken et al. (1999) 0 T. sirtalis (13) H0 Ns10 He Na 13 141-168 0.86 0.92 Nst2 1 138 --- --- Nsp3 20 0.69 0.73 0.70 0.30 0.38 11 9 2 145-195 174-200 120-128 145-198 108-124 0.74 Nspi 0.81 0.71 0.39 0.86 5 1 3 3 0 9 0 --- --- 2 16 0 0 Nsj.t8 TSO1O 24 4 TS042 Ts3 3Ts 1 191 2 33 86-92 338-416 TEO51B 0.30 0.29 0.16 0.23 8 0 Prosseretal.(1999) Prosser et al. (1999) 11 0 Prosseretal. (1999) Prosser et al. (1999) Prosser et al. (1999) this study this study this study McCracken et al. (1999) Gamer et al. (2002) 17 To conduct preliminary analyses of microsatellite polymorphism, 100 ng of DNA from four individuals of each species were amplified in 25 j.iL volumes containing 10 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 9.0), 50 mM KCI, 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.2 mM each of dNTPs, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.48 p.M forward (labeled with fluorescent ABI dye) and reverse primer, and 0.3 U Taq DNA polymerase. PCR profiles were 94 °C for 5 mm followed by 36 cycles of 94 °C for 45 sec, the optimized annealing temperature for 45 sec and 72 °C for 1 mm 30 sec, ending with 72 °C for 10 mi PCR products were separated using an ABI 3100 capillary electrophoresis genetic analyzer and data were visualized using Genotyper 3.7 (ABI Prism). Table 2.3 shows the primer sequences, repeat sequences and optimal annealing temperatures of the three microsatellite markers cloned for this study. DNA extraction, PCR, genotyping Whole genomic DNA was extracted using sodium dodecyl sulphate-proteinase K digestion followed by a standard phenol-chloroform extraction, NaC1 purification and isopropanol precipitation. For all species, 5-100 ng DNA was PCR amplified in a 12.5 p.L reaction with the above reagent concentrations. PCR profiles consisted of 94 °C for 2 mm followed by 36 cycles of 94 °C for 30 sec, appropriate annealing temperature for 30 sec and 72 °C for 30 sec, ending with 72 °C for 2 mm. PCR products were genotyped and analyzed as above. Data analysis Table 2.3. Genetic characteristics of three microsatellite primer sets that amplify in both T elegans and 7'. sirtalis. F and R indicate forward and reverse primers, respectively. Tm is the optimum annealing temperature. Locus Repeat motif TEO51B (TTCC)3(TTCA)2(TTCC)3 Primer sequences (5'-3') F GATTCAAGGCAGTGAACATACC R ACCACTGTCCCAAACCTACCTC Species of origin 7'. elegans Tm (°C) 63 ISO 10 (ATGG)3,(ATGA)6 F TGACTCAGATGCCCTCAGTCTA R CGGACCAACCAGGAACAGAAAT T. sirtalis 60 TS042 (GA(CA)4)4 F TCAGGATACGGCAACCAGGCTT 7'. sirtalis 68 R GCTCCCCCCATCACTCAG 19 Genetic diversity. Exact tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were performed for each locus separately, and significance was evaluated using the Markov chain method (Guo and Thompson 1992; Markov chain parameters: 5000 dememorizations; 500 000 steps per chain). Tests for linkage disequilibrium were performed for each population and globally for each species using a likelihood-ratio test with level of significance determined by permutation (Slatkin and Excoffier 1996; Markov chain parameters: 5000 dememorizations, 1000 batches, 5000 iterations per batch). Levels of statistical significance were adjusted according to a sequential Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Rice 1989). Genetic variability within each population was quantified by counting the number of alleles and determining observed and expected heterozygosities. Number of alleles per locus in each population and over all populations as well as measures of linkage disequilibrium were calculated in GENEPOP (Raymond and Rousset 1995). All other analyses were perfomed in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000 (Schneider et al. 2000). Genetic dfjerentiation, effective population size and gene flow. Overall and population pairwise estimates of FST were obtained using a hierarchical analysis of molecular variance, AMOVA (Excoffier et al. 1992) in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000. This analysis makes the same assumptions as other methods for estimating FST under Wright's island model, namely an infninite number of populations with equal sizes that are constant over time, equal migration rates that are very low, no mutation and no selection (Wright 1931). Significance was assessed after 16 000 permutations for 20 global estimates and 3000 permutations for pairwise estimates. P-values were adjusted with the sequential Bonferroni correction. In order to visualize the pattern of isolation by distance, we regressed genetic distance, defined as FST/( 1 -FST), on the logarithm of geographic distance, as suggested by Rousset (1997). We then evaluated the relative roles of gene flow and random genetic drift using the pattern revealed by the scatter plot (Hutchison and Templeton 1999). The Pearson product moment correlation coefficients between the genetic and geographic distance matrices were assessed using Mantel tests (Mantel 1967, Mantel and Valand 1970, Manly 1997), implemented in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000. P-values were obtained through 10 000 permutations. MIGRATE v. (Beerli and Felsenstein 2001) was used to calculate effective population size as a function of mutation rate (0 = 4Np) as well as effective numbers of migrants (4Nem), where Ne is effective population size, 1u is mutation rate and m is the rate of migration into the population. This analysis used the stepwise mutation model (Ohta and Kimura 1973), which assumes that mutations occur in a stepwise fashion, with the addition or deletion of one repeat unit at a time, and that loci are neutral and unlinked. Assumptions of the maximum likelihood approximation using the coalescent approach include diploid individuals reproducing according to a diffusion equation approximation of a Wright-Fisher model with constant population sizes, and constant migration and mutation rates (mutation-migration equilibrium; Beerli 1998, Beerli and Felsenstein 1999). FST estimates were used as starting values for the initial analysis. For all other analyses, ending parameters of the previous run 21 were used as starting values for the next run until results equilibrated at approximately the same values. Ten short chains with 10 000 sampled genealogies each and two long chains with 100 000 sampled genealogies each were run for each analysis. One of every 20 constructed genealogies was sampled, and multiple long chains were combined for estimates. We used adaptive heating with temperature specifications of 1.0, 1.2, 1.5 and 3.0. Heating allows chains to be run at different temperatures, the highest of which explores the most genealogy space. Chains can swap based on an acceptance-rejection step so that colder chains explore peaks while hotter chains sample more widely. The temperature difference between chains can be adjusted based on rate of swapping. This method is based on the analysis of Geyer and Thompson (1991) and is called MC3 or MCMCMC (Markov coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo). The correlation between the genetic structures of T. elegans and T sirtalis was assessed for sites in common using Mantel tests. Pairwise genetic distance matrices, using FSTI(1-FST), were compared in Arlequin 2.000, and the asymmetric matrices of bi-directional migration rate were compared in CADM (Legendre 2001). Significance of all Mantel test were assessed over 10 000 permutations. A correlation coefficient for effective population sizes between species was obtained in SAS (v. 9.2; SAS Institute 2002). RESULTS 22 Tests of disequilibrium Most microsatellite loci were in Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium in all populations. For 1'. elegans, the TS042 locus had a significant heterozygote deficit in 17 out of 19 genotyped populations after sequential Bonferroni correction and was excluded from further analysis. An additional locus was also out of HWE at one population. For T. sirtalis, the TEO5 lB locus had a significant heterozygote deficit in 9 out of 12 populations genotyped and was excluded from further analysis. An additional locus was also out of HWE at one population. Linkage disequilibrium was found in the Feather Lake T sirtalis population between Nsj.t3 and 3Ts. Allelic variation Average observed and expected heterozygosities for all populations are shown in Table 2.1 and for all loci in Table 2.2. Overall observed and expected heterozygosities were calculated excluding both TS042 for 7'. elegans and TEO5 lB for T sirtalis. The total number of alleles at a locus varied from two to 19 for T elegans and one to 33 for 7'. sirtalis (Table 2.2). The average number of alleles per locus within a population ranged from four to six for 7'. elegans and five to nine for 7'. sirtalis (Table 2.1), while the average number of alleles per population for a locus ranged from two to 11 for T elegans and two to 16 for T. sirtalis (Table 2.2). Both T elegans and T sirtalis populations (12 7'. elegans and six 7'. sirtalis) had low incidences of private alleles, with no more than three in a population (7'. sirtalis at Pine Valley Meadow) 23 Population structure Global estimates of FST were relatively low but highly significant for both species. Thamnophis sirtalis had an FST of 0.035 (P < 0.0000 1), and that ofT. elegans was slightly lower at 0.025 (P < 0.00001). Both garter snakes had approximately the same total variance in allele size (T. elegans: 24.49, T sirtalis: 21.12). Pairwise estimates of FST are shown in Table 2.4 for T. elegans and Table 2.5 for T. sirtalis. Thirty-two out of 190 T. elegans population pairs were found to be significantly differentiated after sequential Bonferroni correction. Pikes Point had the highest number of significant comparisons (nine), while populations at Ashurst Lake, Nameless Meadow, and Rocky Point showed no significant differentiation from other populations. Rocky Point was remarkably undifferentiated; its most significant comparison was with Pikes Point with a P-value of 0.20. Among a total of 78 T sirtalis population comparisons, 25 were statistically significant. Colman Lake had the most significant comparisons (seven), while Roney Corral had none. Isolation by distance A significant positive relationship was found between genetic and geographic distance for both T. elegans (slope 0.015) and T. sirtalis (slope = 0.033; Fig. 2.2). Mantel tests for the geographic and genetic distance matrices showed that T. elegans and T. sirtalis had significant Pearson correlation coefficients (r = 0.200, P = 0.0055 for T elegans; r = 0.4 16, P < 0.0001 for T. sirtalis). The slopes of the regressions for both species were significantly different (P = 0.04 1). 24 Figure 2.2. Isolation-by-distance plots for A. T elegans and B. T. sirtalis. Circled points refer to data causing deviations from a pattern of migration-drift equilibrium: solid circles - restricted gene flow relative to geographic distance, dotted circle high gene flow relative to geographic distance. 25 0.1 A. . 0.06 . 0.O5j 0.04 % 0. 0 . S 55 0.5 S S ... S 2 1.5 1 S In(geographic distance) $. 3.. S S Sq : 4 0.12 1 B. S 0.1 5 S S S S 0.08 S 5 S 5 S S S s5 0.06 S S S 0.04 S S S S S S 0.02 S S S S 00 S S S . 0.5 1 1.5 2 In(geographic distance) 2.5 S S. 3 3.5 41 Table 2.4. Pairwise FST values for T. elegans populations below the diagonal. Associated P-values above the diagonal, obtained after 3000 permutations. Bold values are significant at the 0.00026 after sequential Bonferroni correction. PVM PVM AMP ASH BLW BUL CLG COL DNS GAL AMP ASH BLW BUL CLG COL DNS GAL JKS LTC 0.0198 0.0552 0.0010 0.0030 0.0327 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0691 0.5349 0.6717 0.9114 0.9293 0.0132 0.0007 0.0073 0.2413 0.0979 0.1785 0.1392 0.9779 0.0374 0.0043 0.0020 0.0152 0.0321 0.1732 0.3874 0.1038 0.0466 0.0023 0.2565 0.0665 0.8549 0.0046 0.0003 0.0007 0.0793 0.0089 0.0169 0.0013 0.0003 0.0314 0.0741 0.4020 0.0033 0.0066 0.0046 0.0003 0.0003 0.0040 0.0017 0.0000 0.013 0.010 -0.002 0.029 -0.006 0.007 0.014 -0.008 0.007 0.005 0.009 -0.008 -0.009 0.000 -0.005 0.040 0.057 0.030 0.053 0.034 0.021 0.014 0.027 0.022 0.046 0.033 0.020 0.034 0.034 0.022 0.025 0.029 0.017 0.029 0.031 0.037 0.005 0.024 0.004 0.009 0.016 0.033 0.048 0.029 LTC MAH MCY 0.014 0.019 0.028 0.025 0.032 0.018 0.063 0.061 0.057 0.063 0.028 0.036 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.031 0.017 0.015 0.015 0.043 0.041 0.024 0.001 -0.012 0.008 0.012 -0.006 0.041 0.040 0.059 0.030 0.017 NIML 0.023 0.019 0.010 0.014 0.018 0.017 0.010 0.006 0.009 0.031 0.029 PAP 0.044 0.037 0.037 0.036 0.025 0.074 0.074 0.018 0.048 0.060 0.049 0.035 0.038 0.031 0.025 0.037 0.043 0.058 0.033 P1K 0.035 0.029 RKY -0.031 -0.045 -0.033 -0.025 -0.034 -0.048 -0.016 -0.033 -0.010 -0.003 -0.043 RON 0.019 0.003 -0.004 0.014 0.023 0.008 0.032 0.047 0.031 0.029 0.026 STF 0.015 -0.009 0.004 -0.004 -0.004 -0.007 0.036 0.041 0.026 0.017 0.020 SUM 0.015 0.006 0.003 0.024 0.014 0.007 0.064 0.071 0.039 0.040 0.020 JKS 0.002 0.0003 0.057 t'J Table 2.4. (continued) PVM AMP ASH BLW BUlL CLG COL DNS GAL JKS LTC MAH MCY NML PAP P1K RKY RON STF SUM MAH 0.0000 0.0003 0.0017 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000 0.0370 0.0377 0.0040 0.0003 0.0030 0.054 -0.002 0.002 0.031 -0.010 0.038 0.038 0.057 MCY 0.0126 0.3584 0.8737 0.1984 0.0922 0.6714 0.0116 0.0119 0.0003 0.0172 0.1825 0.0003 0.029 0.059 0.085 0.007 -0.006 -0.003 0.005 NML 0.0007 0.0261 0.1045 0.0678 0.0089 0.0165 0.1431 0.2007 0.0754 0.0030 0.0324 0.5425 0.0122 0.001 0.037 -0.021 0.010 0.022 0.034 PAP 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0010 0.0033 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.2003 0.0003 0.3405 0.029 0.002 0.047 0.047 0.065 P1K 0.0000 0.0013 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0056 0.0000 0.0003 0.0003 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.007 0.057 0.032 0.060 RKY 0.9990 0.9984 0.9993 0.9574 0.9984 0.9997 0.8519 0.9914 0.8245 0.4813 0.9964 0.9078 0.2341 0.9501 0.3018 0.2026 -0.003 -0.059 -0.013 RON 0.0149 0.3574 0.6503 0.1273 0.0112 0.1415 0.0202 0.0013 0.0017 0.0149 0.0840 0.0007 0.6063 0.1365 0.0000 0.0000 0.5226 0.017 0.006 STF 0.0036 0.9613 0.2103 0.5974 0.7395 0.9590 0.0013 0.0003 0.0003 0.0222 0.0559 0.0000 0.4979 0.0056 0.0000 0.0003 0.9997 0.0327 0.009 SUM 0.0139 0.1679 0.2668 0.0205 0.0222 0.1154 0.0000 0.0000 0.0007 0.0003 0.0668 0.0003 0.1967 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.7623 0.1970 0.0754 Table 2.5. Pairwise FST values for T sirtalis populations below the diagonal. Associated P-values above the diagonal, obtained after 3000 permutations. Bold values are significant at the 0.0006 level after sequential Bonferroni correction. PVS AMP ASH BUL DNS COL FEA GOR MAR NML RON STF SUM PVS 0.9762 AMP -0.014 ASH BUL COL 0.046 0.028 0.018 0.027 0.053 DNS 0.023 0.072 0.090 FEA 0.004 GOR 0.024 MAH NML 0.046 0.044 RON STF SUM 0.0000 0.0060 0.0000 0.0043 0.2307 0.0010 0.0003 0.0003 0.9448 0.0119 0.1422 0.0096 0.0222 0.0007 0.0003 0.3845 0.0671 0.0073 0.0013 0.2083 0.3035 0.3008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0013 0.0013 0.0000 0.0043 0.0040 0.0265 0.0000 0.0003 0.0169 0.8519 0.0000 0.0000 0.0268 0.1111 0.2112 0.0109 0.0013 0.0000 0.7937 0.0040 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 0.0344 0.0010 0.0060 0.0000 0.0565 0.0003 0.0013 0.0506 0.0020 0.0030 0.4777 0.0403 0.1547 0.0007 0.0003 0.0093 0.0569 0.3266 0.0175 0.0026 0.0000 0.0023 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 0.1597 0.1888 0.079 0.060 0.036 0.003 0.045 0.049 0.085 0.045 0.024 0.050 0.028 0.021 0.031 -0.007 0.062 0.056 0.0188 0.046 0.034 -0.008 0.046 0.0470 0.052 0.098 0.068 0.082 0.043 0.083 -0.007 0.011 0.033 0.020 0.057 0.023 0.019 0.006 0.023 0.010 0.068 0.008 0.004 0.020 0.005 0.072 0.065 0.055 0.0453 0.0509 0.0568 0.0293 0.0007 0.0342 0.0569 0.0230 0.0155 0.0130 0.0035 0.0576 0.0840 0.0524 0.0869 0.0659 0.0115 0.0103 0.4850 0.0003 29 Table 2.6. Estimates of migration rate as measured by 4Nem for T elegans. The direction of gene flow is from populations given as column labels to populations given as row labels. Effective population size as measured by 4Nu is shown on the diagonal (in bold). U95C1 shows upper 95% confidence limit, and L95C1 shows lower 95% confidence limit. 30 PVM AMP ASH BLW BUL CLG COL DNS PVM 0.230 U95C1 0.218 L95C1 0.244 1.602 1.293 1.956 1.798 1.470 5.394 4.810 6.025 3.026 2.593 3.504 1.068 2.171 1.709 1.389 2.074 1.361 1.549 1.246 1.898 AMP 2.007 U95C1 1.581 L95C1 2.504 0.107 0.096 0.118 1.402 1.052 1.823 0.880 0.609 0.880 0.609 1.221 2.282 1.826 2.809 1.221 0.852 0.586 1.189 0.385 0.217 0.623 ASH 3.801 U95C1 3.233 L95C1 4.431 0.441 0.268 0.678 0.104 0.094 0.114 0.932 0.666 1.260 2.599 2.135 3.126 1.814 1.432 2.260 0.640 0.424 0.919 0.441 0.268 0.678 BLW 2.075 U95C1 1.604 L95C1 2.631 0.856 0.568 1.228 0.594 0.360 0.914 0.108 0.097 0.121 2.732 2.186 3.363 1.448 1.062 1.920 0.724 0.462 1.070 0.494 0.284 0.787 BUL 5.225 U95C1 4.650 L95C1 5.845 0.889 0.664 1.158 1.759 1.435 2.129 0.764 0.558 1.016 0.226 0.214 0.240 2.146 1.786 2.553 1.244 0.975 1.559 0.764 0.558 1.016 CLG 3.217 U9SCI 2.706 L95C1 3.788 0.993 0.722 1.325 0.591 0.389 0.854 1.514 1.172 1.915 3.619 3.075 4.223 0.153 0.142 0.165 1.182 0.884 0.804 0.563 1.541 1.105 COL 2.325 U95C1 1.832 L95C1 2.900 0.223 0.096 0.431 0.444 0.249 0.720 0.382 0.205 0.641 2.930 2.372 3.571 1.274 0.919 1.711 0.106 0.095 0.119 0.255 0.116 0.474 DNS 2.070 U95C1 1.625 L95C1 2.589 0.612 0.386 0.913 0.962 0.670 1.329 0.759 0.504 1.090 1.720 1.318 2.197 0.671 0.432 0.983 0.408 0.230 0.661 0.113 0.101 0.126 GAL 3.426 U95C1 2.963 L95C1 3.935 1.308 1.030 1.631 1.273 0.663 0.472 0.901 3.461 2.995 3.972 2.277 1.904 2.696 0.538 0.368 0.754 1.309 1.031 1.633 JKS 2.580 U95C1 2.111 L95C1 3.114 0.531 1.112 1.795 0.335 0.791 0.815 1.473 0.936 0.666 1.271 1.409 2.245 1.263 0.945 1.646 0.202 0.092 0.376 0.783 0.539 1.092 LTC 2.087 U95C1 1.654 L95C1 2.588 0.325 0.174 0.545 0.054 0.009 0.167 0.217 0.099 0.403 2.437 1.967 2.975 0.704 0.467 1.010 0.217 0.099 0.403 0.190 0.081 0.367 0.999 1.592 0.820 31 Table 2.6. (continue GAL 3.026 JKS LTC MAH 1.175 1.601 6.501 U95C1 2.594 L95C1 3.504 0.914 1.482 1.293 AMP 1.429 U95C1 1.075 L95C1 1.854 ASH 1.447 U95C1 1.108 PVS L95C1 1.848 BLW 2.467 U95C1 1.949 L95C1 3.068 NML 1.955 5.856 7.191 MCY 0.445 0.293 0.643 1.481 PAP 11.465 10.602 12.374 0.385 0.217 0.623 0.275 0.138 0.482 3.107 2.569 3.716 1.017 0.724 1.381 1.402 1.052 1.823 5.472 4.746 6.267 0.859 0.605 1.176 0.790 0.515 1.150 0.417 0.249 0.647 0.329 0.165 0.577 2.893 2.402 3.447 3.061 2.481 3.726 0.123 0.044 0.263 0.856 0.568 1.228 0.662 0.443 0.944 0.560 0.334 0.869 6.081 5.355 6.869 5.432 4.644 6.303 2.332 1.511 5.562 4.969 6.202 4.754 4.127 5.442 0.498 0.335 0.705 0.473 0.295 0.712 2.168 1.806 2.576 0.662 0.446 0.939 12.623 11.717 13.575 7.403 6.613 8.254 2.882 2.460 3.349 2.461 2.018 2.964 1.175 0.914 P1K 3.275 2.824 3.771 1.757 1.360 2.224 1.498 1.152 1.905 1.811 1.373 BUL 1.883 U95C1 1.547 L95C1 2.265 CLG 2.388 U95C1 1.952 L95C1 2.885 1.212 1.855 1.301 0.987 1.675 1.599 1.291 1.953 0.378 0.222 0.595 COL 2.230 U95C1 1.747 L95C1 2.794 0.892 0.601 1.264 0.289 0.139 0.521 3.986 3.327 4.727 0.159 0.057 0.342 0.542 0.323 0.841 5.987 5.171 6.884 1.338 0.973 1.784 DNS 2.680 U95C1 2.169 L95C1 3.266 0.117 0.036 0.271 0.029 0.002 0.128 3.761 3.149 4.447 0.379 0.208 0.624 0.787 0.526 1.122 6.239 5.440 7.112 0.990 1.767 GAL 0.176 U95C1 0.165 L95C1 0.187 1.543 1.239 1.892 1.004 0.764 1.290 3.675 3.195 4.202 0.556 0.382 0.775 0.861 0.640 1.128 6.509 5.862 7.202 2.242 JKS U95C1 L95C1 LTC U95C1 L95C1 0.107 0.097 0.118 0.514 0.316 0.782 0.505 0.315 0.760 0.073 0.065 0.083 2.956 2.452 3.524 0.455 0.276 0.698 0.135 0.049 0.291 0.429 0.256 0.667 0.352 0.194 0.579 6.597 5.829 7.430 3.630 3.049 4.280 0.884 0.623 1.210 1.768 1.386 2.216 0.406 0.234 0.648 1.543 1.176 1.979 1.341 1.871 2.658 0.921 0.645 1.266 32 Table 2.6. (continued) RKY RON STF SUM PVS U95C1 L95C1 0.445 0.293 0.643 1.656 1.342 2.016 2.030 1.680 2.426 1.460 1.166 1.799 AMP U95C1 0.385 0.217 0.623 0.550 0.343 0.827 1.292 0.957 1.698 1.017 0.724 1.381 0.368 0.212 0.586 0.809 0.563 1.117 0.785 0.543 1.089 0.638 0.423 0.915 0.691 0.436 1.031 0.362 0.188 0.620 1.416 1.033 1.882 0.296 0.142 0.534 0.338 0.208 0.514 0.817 0.603 1.077 2.116 1.758 2.519 1.991 1.645 2.383 0.828 0.583 1.133 1.230 0.925 1.595 2.128 1.718 2.599 0.782 0.545 1.080 0.382 0.205 0.641 0.510 0.299 0.802 2.040 1.580 2.581 0.637 0.397 0.958 0.175 0.070 0.354 1.079 0.767 1.465 2.391 1.910 2.946 1.136 0.816 1.531 L95C1 0.556 0.382 0.775 0.555 0.382 0.775 2.403 2.019 2.833 0.681 0.487 0.921 JKS U95C1 L95C1 0.429 0.256 0.667 0.253 0.127 0.443 1.213 0.901 1.589 0.455 0.276 0.698 LTC U95C1 L95C1 0.217 0.099 0.403 1.327 1.570 1.200 0.298 0.155 0.510 L95C1 ASH U95C1 L95C1 BLW U95C1 L95C1 BUL U95C1 L95C1 CLG U95C1 L95C1 COL U95C1 L95C1 DNS U95C1 L95C1 GAL U95C1 0.989 1.734 2.010 33 Table 2.6. MAH U95C1 L95C1 MCY (continued) PVM AMP ASH BLW BUL CLG COL DNS 5.344 4.797 5.932 1.975 1.650 1.897 1.579 2.255 1.003 0.777 1.270 4.155 3.674 4.675 3.449 3.013 3.925 1.803 1.493 2.153 1.709 1.408 2.050 1.842 1.397 2.372 0.569 0.340 0.884 0.100 0.025 0.260 0.600 0.363 0.923 2.340 0.687 1.408 0.502 0.289 0.801 0.368 0.191 0.63 1 0.301 0.145 0.543 2.828 2.366 3.347 0.553 0.363 0.798 0.553 0.363 0.798 0.442 0.276 0.665 2.033 1.646 2.478 0.774 0.545 1.059 0.685 0.471 0.956 0.464 0.293 0.692 2.041 1.746 2.367 1.869 1.587 2.182 1.181 U95C1 L95C1 7.831 7.239 8.455 0.960 1.433 5.681 5.178 6.215 3.198 2.825 3.603 1.414 1.171 1.688 2.544 2.213 2.907 P1K U95C1 L95C1 2.427 2.040 2.860 0.880 0.656 0.557 0.383 0.777 2.858 2.436 3.326 1.151 0.892 1.457 0.989 0.750 1.151 2.014 1.664 2.411 1.273 0.342 0.210 0.519 RKY 1.718 1.288 0.168 0.060 0.361 0.740 0.472 2.234 0.134 0.042 0.312 1.093 0.874 0.580 1.254 0.842 0.553 1.216 0.403 0.216 0.677 0.403 0.216 0.677 1.602 1.256 2.007 0.229 0.115 0.401 0.732 0.507 1.016 0.458 0.285 0.689 1.946 1.561 2.389 0.618 0.413 0.881 0.275 0.147 0.461 0.526 0.340 0.772 2.534 0.830 1.419 0.524 3.734 0.961 0.983 0.721 U95C1 L95C1 2.100 0.593 1.102 0.341 3.202 0.704 0.723 0.502 3.023 1.122 1.793 0.763 4.322 1.273 1.298 0.995 SUM U95C1 L95C1 2.758 2.280 3.298 0.781 0.541 1.084 0.781 0.541 1.084 0.268 0.139 0.460 2.538 2.081 3.057 0.879 0.622 1.198 0.488 0.304 0.734 0.488 0.304 0.734 U95C1 L95C1 NML U95C1 L95C1 PAP U95C1 L95C1 RON U95C1 L95C1 STF 1.005 34 Table 2.6. (continued) GAL JKS LTC MAH MCY NML PAP P1K 3.652 3.203 4.142 1.412 1.140 1.724 0.721 0.532 0.950 0.290 0.277 0.304 0.862 0.654 1.723 1.421 1.111 2.066 15.053 14.120 16.025 2.525 2.155 2.935 0.402 0.215 0.674 0.569 0.340 0.884 0.469 0.264 0.759 2.110 0.074 0.064 0.085 0.536 0.314 0.843 3.584 2.948 4.307 1.105 0.770 1.526 1.348 1.038 1.716 0.464 0.293 0.692 0.265 0.142 0.445 3.935 3.385 4.542 0.111 0.040 0.237 0.110 0.100 0.121 5.858 5.181 6.592 0.663 0.453 0.929 L95C1 5.299 4.815 5.815 2.090 1.792 2.421 1.094 0.882 1.337 9.997 9.325 10.700 0.861 0.674 1.078 3.160 2.789 3.562 0.463 0.448 0.479 5.042 4.570 5.546 P1K U95C1 L95C1 2.194 1.827 2.606 1.276 1.002 1.597 0.377 0.238 0.563 4.963 4.401 5.572 0.198 0.103 0.339 1.276 1.002 1.597 6.616 5.963 7.315 0.133 0.125 0.143 RKY U95C1 1.311 0.271 0.942 1.767 0.124 0.503 0.202 0.080 0.409 1.816 1.373 2.344 0.168 0.060 0.361 0.538 0.316 0.846 1.917 1.462 0.874 0.580 2.459 1.255 0.916 0.660 1.229 0.618 0.413 0.881 2.751 2.286 3.275 0.504 U95C1 L95C1 0.755 0.525 1.042 0.744 0.481 0.303 0.717 5.083 4.443 5.780 0.687 0.469 0.963 STF U95C1 L95C1 2.489 2.060 2.975 1.179 0.892 1.522 0.524 4.958 4.341 5.631 0.393 0.238 0.604 1.572 1.236 1.964 7.228 6.477 8.034 2.009 SUM U95C1 L95C1 1.784 1.405 2.225 0.390 0.229 0.614 0.415 0.248 0.644 2.172 0.220 0.106 0.396 1.098 0.808 1.451 5.855 5.145 6.628 0.634 0.420 0.910 MAB U95C1 L95C1 MCY U95C1 L95C1 NIML U95C1 L95C1 PAP U95C1 L95C1 RON 0.341 0.763 1.631 2.674 1.751 2.655 0.321 1.626 2.448 35 Table 2.6. (continued) RKY RON STF SUM 0.737 0.546 0.969 1.33 1 1.068 1.635 2.728 2.342 3.153 1.834 1.522 2.187 0.301 0.145 0.543 0.335 0.168 0.587 0.971 0.659 1.369 0.469 0.264 0.759 0.133 0.053 0.269 0.287 0.158 0.473 2.210 2.672 0.818 0.582 1.110 L95C1 0.418 0.293 0.575 2.324 2.008 2.671 3.405 3.020 3.822 2.238 1.928 2.578 P1K U95C1 L95C1 0.198 0.103 0.339 0.665 0.473 0.903 0.899 0.672 1.171 0.521 0.354 0.735 RKY 0.070 0.060 0.081 0.403 0.216 0.677 1.176 0.828 1.610 0.538 0.316 0.846 0.298 0.164 0.490 0.086 0.078 0.096 0.870 0.622 1.176 0.572 0.376 0.827 0.393 0.238 0.604 1.202 0.911 1.548 0.152 0.141 0.163 1.397 1.082 1.768 0.317 0.175 0.522 0.415 0.248 0.644 0.781 0.541 1.084 0.109 0.099 0.119 MAR U95C1 L95C1 MCY U95C1 L95C1 NML U95C1 L95C1 PAP U95C1 U95C1 L95C1 RON U95C1 L95C1 STF U95C1 L95C1 SUM U95C1 L95C1 1.805 36 The pattern produced by the regression of genetic distance on geographic distance was similar for both species. The scatterplots were wedge-like, with the variance in genetic distance increasing with geographic distance. For T. elegans, the points most responsible for this effect had relatively high genetic distances in relation to geographic distance and were all associated with Pikes Point. The two most deviant points described distances from Pikes Point to Deans Meadow and Colman Lake (Fig. 2.2A). The most deviant point for T. sirtalis was associated with Deans Meadow and Nameless Meadow, which were relatively more differentiated given the geographic distance. A number of points for T. elegans also had relatively low genetic distances given the geographic distances. These points were largely due to distances from Rocky Point, which had many FST'S of 0, suggesting recent colonization of that site (Table 2.4). Both species showed patterns of isolation-by-distance that indicate lack of regional migration-drift equilibrium (case IV; Hutchison and Templeton 1999). Specifically, the relative importance of gene flow and drift varies depending on geographic distance. Smaller geographic distances were associated with smaller genetic distances that had less scatter, a pattern consistent with the homogenizing effect of gene flow over short distances. Larger geographic distances were associated genetic distances that had more scatter, indicating little correlation between the two parameters. Such a pattern is consistent with more extreme genetic isolation, where drift is driving genetic differentiation among populations irrespective of geographic distance, and gene flow is minimal. For T. elegans, the distance at which the 37 dominant evolutionary force shifts from gene flow to genetic drift is approximately 5.5 km, while for T. sirtalis, this distance is around 4 km. Effective population size and migration rate. Estimates of effective population size for T elegans ranged from a (9of 0.070 to 0.463 with an average of 0.149 (Table 2.6). Assuming a typical vertebrate microsatellite mutation rate of 1 0 per locus per generation (Dallas 1992, Edwards et al. 1992, Weber and Wong 1993, Banchs et al. 1994, Ellegren 1995), this value for (9 translates to an average Ne of approximately 375. Papoose Meadows had by far the largest Ne (1160) with Mahogany Lake, Pine Valley Meadow and Bullard Lake as runners up with effective sizes of 725, 575 and 565, respectively (Fig. 2.3). All of these populations were also the largest sources of migrants, even after taking their large effective sizes into account. Papoose Meadows was the most important source population for the entire study area with a combined 4Nem of 128.6, which translates to a migration rate of 0.097 (Figure 2.3). In other words, 9.7% of individuals at all other sites originated from the Papoose Meadows population. The smallest populations were Little Cleghom Reservoir (N = 185), McCoy Flat Reservoir 185) and Rocky Point (Ne (Ne = = 175). Estimates of 4Nem for paired T. elegans populations were low, averaging 1.40, which translates to an Nem of 0.35 and a migration rate of 0.00 12 migrants per generation. Papoose Meadows and Mahogany Lake had relatively low rates of immigration, while both Pine Valley Meadow and Bullard Lake had high rates of immigration, although they were somewhat lower than emigration Figure 2.3. Map of the study area showing relative effective population sizes and directions and rates of migration for T. elegans. Circle size and arrow width are proportional to effective population size and migration rate, respectively. '1 N BLW 0 JCK STF. LTC .. 'BUL ASH CLG ... .. SUM a, RKY: 0 A PVM o 0 MAH PAPNC 5km 40 rates. Populations with the highest immigration rates from all other populations were Ashurst Lake (m = 0.026), Colman Lake (m = 0.025), Antelope Mountain Pond (m = 0.025) and Blue Water (m = 0.025). Rocky Point had a high input and low output of migrants combined with the smallest Ne (175). Pikes Point, another lakeshore population, had approximately equal rates of immigration and emigration. Effective population sizes for T sirtalis were comparable to but slightly smaller than those for 7'. with 6) ranging from 0.073 to 0.324 and averaging elegans, 0.130. Again, assuming a mutation rate of 10, the average Ne was approximately 325 (Table 2.9). Pine Valley Meadow had by far the largest Ne (810), followed by Gordon Lake (405; Fig. 2.4). The smallest population was Antelope Mountain Pond with 180 effective individuals. Average slightly higher than for 7'. 4Nem between population pairs was also low but elegans at 2.14, which corresponds to an Nem of 0.54 and a migration rate of 0.0017. Pine Valley Meadow was the only major source of migrants in the study area, with a total 4Nem out of the population of 84.3 (m = 0.076). Bullard Lake, Feather Lake and Summit Lake were all primary recipients of migrants, most of which came from Pine Valley Meadow (Fig. 2.4). However, Bullard Lake also received a substantial proportion of migrants from Colman Lake (m = 0.006) and Gordon Lake (m = 0.004), both of whose rates of emigration were highest for migrants to Bullard Lake. Colman Lake had approximately equal rates of immigration and emigration. Overall, the population genetic structures of the two species at 11 shared sites were significantly correlated. Mantel tests comparing symmetric matrices of pairwise 41 Table 2.7. Estimates of migration rate (4Nem) and effective population size (4Nu) for T sirtalis. Conventions are as in Table 2.6. PVS AMP ASH BUL COL DNS FEA PVS U95C1 L95C1 0.324 0.309 0.340 1.940 1.644 2.270 5.298 4.797 5.832 3.814 3.392 4.270 3.009 2.636 3.415 2.756 2.400 3.146 4.236 AMP U95C1 4.981 4.300 5.731 0.073 0.063 0.084 1.518 1.157 1.948 0.453 0.270 0.703 1.362 1.022 1.771 0.533 0.332 0.801 0.560 0.353 0.836 7.382 6.689 8.122 0.850 0.629 1.116 0.141 0.130 0.153 1.915 1.573 1.842 1.508 1.641 1.326 2.303 2.224 2.003 0.900 0.672 1.174 8.853 7.866 9.920 1.918 1.479 2.436 5.015 4.282 5.828 0.127 0.115 0.141 7.939 7.006 8.951 2.354 1.864 2.924 2.259 5.080 4.521 5.683 0.811 0.600 1.066 1.484 2.122 1.769 2.520 0.104 0.094 0.115 1.395 1.112 1.721 0.795 0.587 1.048 6.344 5.606 7.145 0.532 0.339 0.786 1.451 1.114 1.850 1.163 1.526 1.179 1.934 0.100 0.089 0.112 0.819 0.570 1.129 6.380 5.613 7.215 0.801 0.550 1.118 1.995 1.582 2.475 0.961 0.684 1.305 1.476 1.125 1.894 0.100 0.089 0.113 L95C1 ASH U95C1 L95C1 BUL U95C1 L95C1 COL U95C1 L95C1 DNS U95C1 L95C1 FEA U95C1 L95C1 1.191 1.821 0.864 1.523 2.276 1.831 2.787 3.791 4.715 1.759 1.339 42 Table 2.7. (continued) GOR MAH NML RON PVS U95C1 L95C1 4.542 4.080 5.038 2.256 AMP U95C1 1.891 1.484 L95C1 2.365 ASH U95C1 3.610 L95C1 1.935 2.986 2.614 2.610 3.391 0.505 0.310 0.768 0.876 0.610 0.904 0.676 4.134 2.297 1.920 2.720 BUL 4.528 U95C1 3.833 L95C1 5.304 1.206 0.866 1.626 1.701 1.290 2.191 COL U95C1 1.688 1.375 2.045 0.828 0.616 1.085 2.634 2.169 L95C1 3.160 L95C1 3.131 DNS U95C1 FEA U95C1 L95C1 2.599 2.122 3.142 1.211 STF SUM 2.983 2.612 3.389 3.035 2.660 3.443 2.085 1.777 2.427 0.824 0.567 1.150 1.038 0.745 1.398 1.225 1.552 1.246 1.904 1.788 1.458 0.904 1.614 2.164 1.301 1.023 1.625 1.805 2.853 2.013 1.562 2.542 0.997 0.690 1.384 1.486 1.194 1.822 0.484 0.326 0.686 0.777 0.571 1.026 0.432 0.284 0.624 1.597 1.242 2.014 1.614 1.256 2.034 0.532 0.340 0.787 1.065 0.781 1.411 1.376 1.048 1.766 1.479 1.128 1.897 1.317 0.987 1.714 2.466 2.003 2.997 1.558 1.197 1.986 1.165 1.178 2.290 0.856 1.540 43 Table 2.7. (continued) PVS AMP ASH BUL COL DNS FEA 7.997 7.227 8.821 1.017 0.759 1.329 4.436 3.870 5.055 3.468 2.970 4.018 1.653 1.317 2.042 2.129 1.744 2.567 1.687 1.346 2.081 6.874 6.102 7.708 0.609 0.401 0.880 2.489 2.037 3.004 1.145 0.848 1.505 0.759 0.522 1.059 1.122 0.828 1.478 0.930 0.665 6.910 6.108 7.781 1.363 1.025 1.768 2.806 2.307 3.372 0.788 0.539 1.104 1.566 1.201 1.998 1.047 0.755 1.406 2.986 2.471 3.568 8.929 8.027 9.896 0.354 0.200 0.574 2.228 1.795 1.975 1.568 0.304 0.163 1.730 1.351 2.727 2.447 0.835 0.582 1.154 0.511 2.174 STF U95C1 L95C1 7.660 6.783 8.611 1.299 0.959 1.712 2.449 1.969 3.002 3.593 3.004 4.255 1.190 0.866 1.587 1.044 0.743 1.418 1.385 1.032 1.810 SUM U95C1 L95C1 6.942 6.065 7.900 0.537 0.320 0.834 1.927 1.482 2.452 3.059 2.489 3.709 0.912 0.617 1.287 0.473 0.272 0.755 0.538 0.321 0.799 GOR U95C1 L95C1 MAll U95C1 L95C1 NML U95C1 L95C1 RON U95C1 L95C1 1.258 44 Table 2.7. (continued) GOR MAH NML RON GOR U95C1 0.162 L95C1 0.177 STF SUM 1.713 1.370 1.280 0.988 1.626 1.777 1.428 2.179 1.409 1.100 1.771 3.570 3.064 4.127 1.952 1.554 2.412 0.100 0.090 1.875 1.487 0.877 0.620 0.113 2.326 0.731 0.500 1.025 1.195 0.341 0.192 0.552 1.908 1.502 2.381 1.128 0.824 1.500 0.127 1.624 1.253 2.062 0.786 0.537 1.102 0.840 0.582 1.166 2.508 2.045 3.035 1.339 1.009 1.733 1.012 0.730 1.359 0.113 1.191 0.881 1.565 0.658 0.437 0.934 STF 3.845 U95C1 3.234 L95C1 4.528 1.100 0.789 1.483 1.470 1.106 1.907 1.984 1.553 2.487 0.124 1.271 0.112 0.935 1.679 SUM 2.934 U95C1 2.377 L95C1 3.571 1.263 0.911 1.696 1.232 0.884 1.660 1.863 1.428 1.200 0.858 1.623 MAIl U95C1 L95C1 NIML U95C1 L95C1 RON U95C1 L95C1 0.149 0.113 0.143 0.102 0.127 2.380 0.139 2.109 0.091 0.080 0.105 45 Figure 2.4. Map of the study area showing relative effective population sizes and directions and rates of migration for T. sirtalis. Conventions are as in Fig. 2.3. 46 STF ASH PVM RON NML 5km 000L 47 FST estimates revealed a correlation of 0.412 (P = 0.009). The same test comparing asymmetrical matrices of pairwise bi-directional migration rates (m) revealed a slightly lower but still significant correlation (r 0.275; P = 0.024). Effective population sizes (Ne), however, were insignificantly correlated for both species (r = 0.397; P = 0.227). DISCUSSION Predictions based on the relative abundances of each species and the spatial structuring of their populations were all supported by the microsatellite data. Effective population sizes were slightly larger on average for T. elegans (mean Ne = 375), which is more abundant locally, than for T sirtalis (mean Ne = 325), though this difference is not statistically significant (results not shown). More population differentiation was found for T. sirtalis (FST = 0.035), which has fewer populations distributed over the same area, than T. elegans (FST = 0.025). Thamnophis sirtalis also exhibited a stronger pattern of isolation by distance (r = 0.4 164; P < 0.0001) than T elegans (r = 0.1995; P = 0.0055), although their average migration rates were comparable (m = 0.0012 for T. elegans; m = 0.0017 for T. sirtalis). Overall patterns of population genetic structure for T. elegans and T. sirtalis estimated by two methods were found to be significantly correlated. We found a moderate degree of population differentiation for the two garter snakes at a small spatial scale, even though they are locally abundant, have widespread distributions and have the capacity to travel long distances. Several other studies have also found significant genetic differentiation in snakes over short geographic distances. Prior et al. (1997) obtained comparable levels of population differentiation at distances less than 50 km using RAPD markers in the black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta; FST = 0.006 - 0.056), and Gibbs et al. (1997) found even higher levels of differentiation at micro satellite loci between populations of eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus). The latter populations were between two and 500 km apart, with FST values ranging from 0.085 to 0.261. Finally, Prosser et al. (1999) studied microsatellite variation among three populations of the northern water snake (Nerodia s. sipedon), each within two km of the others, and found a small but significant global FST (0.006, P = 0.009). Two other studies on genetic differentiation among Lake Erie T. sirtalis populations (Lawson and King 1996; Bittner and King 2003) found comparable levels of global FST for allozymes (0.01 to 0.08) and microsatellites (0.03 to 0.04) across populations separated by a maximum of 108 km, although significance levels of FST were not reported. Previous studies in high latitude populations of T. sirtalis have documented seasonal migrations away from den sites at up to 18 km (Gregory and Stewart 1975, Gregory 1977), so it is surprising that both T elegans and T. sirtalis populations are genetically structured on such a small spatial scale. 49 Estimates of effective population size and bi-directional migration rates between population pairs identified important source populations for both species. In these populations, total emigration exceeded immigration, while other populations received more total migrants than they exported. These two kinds of populations meet Pullium's (1998) criteria for source and sink populations, respectively. Papoose Meadows for T. elegans and Pine Valley Meadow for 7'. sirtalis had much larger effective sizes and emigration rates than the other populations. In both cases, they are approximately three times the average size of the other populations and contribute around five times the migrants. The observed source-sink patterns, in conjunction with a regional lack of migration-drift equilibrium for both species, suggest frequent extinction-recolonization events indicative of metapopulation dynamics (Hanski and Simberloff 1997, Stacey et al. 1997). This conclusion is also supported by field observations of massive snake die-offs and population crashes following drought years in the study system (Arnold, unpubl. data). Further research is needed to determine the relative frequency of extinction events by investigating stability of effective population sizes over time (Hoffthan et al. 2004). To our knowledge, this is the first study to document source-sink metapopulation dynamics in a natural system using molecular markers. The ability to identify sources using neutral markers has important implications for conservation biology. Maximum likelihood methods based on the coalescent allow bi-directional estimation of migration rates and subsequent identification of likely source populations that may be prioritized for conservation. 50 Sink populations, those with negative population growth, are more difficult to identify using these methods. The net removal of individuals from a population may be due to emigration or mortality. Migration data alone are not sufficient to determine if a population's size is decreasing due to a high mortality rate and would go extinct in the absence of immigration. Nevertheless, potential candidates for extinction can be identified as populations with small effective sizes and rates of immigration that exceed emigration. Such populations can then be targeted for studies on direct measures of population growth using mark-recapture techniques to verify the molecular results. In this study, we found one potential sink in the Rocky Point T. elegans population. It had the smallest effective size, and its total immigration far exceeded total emigration. Unusually low pairwise Fi values between Rocky Point and other populations support the hypothesis that a high proportion of the population are immigrants or recent descendants of immigrants from throughout the study area. Because T elegans and 1'. sirtalis tend to converge on amphibian prey wherever they coexist (Kephart 1982, Kephart and Arnold 1982), it is not surprising that they have different source localities. Although effective population sizes for the two species were uncorrelated (P = 0.227), Kephart's (1982) observation that coexistence is more likely at sites with more species of breeding amphibians suggests that these two species are competitors. Why are their population genetic patterns so similar? Both species exhibit metapopulation dynamics dominated by a single massive population with similar rates of emigration. A logical next step is to ask what ecological or evolutionary factors might be causing the observed similarities (and 51 differences) in these two species. Their similar environment and community interactions could play a significant role, though evolutionary constraints may uniquely limit each species' ecological response. Although we attempted to sample every population of significance in the study area, some important populations were undoubtedly excluded. In particular, populations along the perimeter of the study area may receive migrants from unsampled sites. The effect of missing populations on estimates of population structure are discussed by Beerli (2004). In a two-population model, estimates of effective population size as measured by (9 (4Nu), will be biased upward by "ghost" populations, but estimates of M(m/p) are robust to the presence of unsampled populations. Values for 4Nem ((9M), therefore, would also be biased upward. Sample size does not significantly affect these results, and the influence of ghost populations decreases as more populations are sampled (Bittner and King 2003, Beerli 2004). Because we sampled 20 populations ofT. elegans and 13 of T. sirtalis, the adverse effects of missing populations should be minimal. Direct measures of migration and effective population size for T. elegans and T sirtalis at the study area using mark-recapture methods produced estimates (Kephart 1981) comparable to those found in this study. In Kephart's study, variance effective size was estimated as a function of census size and variance in reproductive success using the equation, N 2N-2 1+ (Vk 1k) 52 (Wright 1931, Crow and Kimura 1971) where N represents population census size, Vk is the variance in reproductive success, and k is the average number of gametes each individual contributes to the next generation (assumed to equal 2; Crow and Norton 1955). Reproductive success in garter snakes was assessed by palping pregnant females to count embryos, thereby obtaining an estimate of litter size (Fitch 1987, Fan and Gregory 1991). Sufficient data were available to estimate effective population size for T. elegans populations at Mahogany Lake and Pikes Point and T. sirtalis populations at Mahogany Lake and Roney Corral (Table 2.10). Microsatellite estimates of effective population size were obtained from estimates of e, assuming a Table 2.8. Comparison of mark-recapture and microsatellite estimates of effective population size. Population mark-recapture microsatellite T. elegans Mahogany Lake 235 724 Pikes Point 204 333 T sirtalis Mahogany Lake 148 251 Roney Corral 511 283 mutation rate of 10. Three of the four comparisons showed underestimation of effective population size from mark-recapture methods, with only the T sirtalis Roney Corral population having a larger estimate from mark-recapture, which was almost twice the value of the microsatellite estimate. The greatest difference was for the T. elegans Mahogany Lake population, for which the microsatellite estimate of effective size exceeded the mark-recapture estimate by a factor of three. Overall, however, the two methods produced roughly comparable estimates of effective population size. 53 Kephart (1981) documented six dispersal events from 823 recapture events at 21 study sites (Table 2.11), 12 of which were included in this study, all between sites less than 3 km apart. Four of these cases involved movement by T. elegans individuals, and two involved T. sirtalis. Of the T elegans dispersal events, one was from a series of five vernal ponds not included in the present study (SVP, see Table 2.1) to Colman Lake (1.7 km), one was from SVP to Mahogany Lake (3.0 km), one was from Mahogany Lake to Nameless Meadow (1.4 km), and one was from Nameless Meadow to Mahogany Lake (1.4 km). Of the T. sirtalis dispersal events, both were between Colman Lake and SVP (1.7 km), one in each direction. From these data, Kephart (1981) concluded that Table 2.9. Comparison of mark-recapture and microsatellite estimates of migration rate. Values in italics are the average migration rates, m (microsatellite), into the receiving population estimated from microsatellite data (this study). Census sizes for the recipient population and m (mark-recapture) are from Kephart (1981). m Census m (markFrom To size recapture) (microsat) 0.001 27 0.037 1'. elegans SVP Colman Lake 0.001 371 0.003 SVP Mahogany Lake 0.004 Mahogany Lake Nameless Mdw 111 0.009 0.001 371 0.003 Nameless Mdw Mahogany Lake T. sirtalis 74 0.014 0.001 SVP Colman Lake 0.111 Colman Lake SVP 9 interdemic migration was very low. We calculated those migration rates as the proportion of migrants in a population, using the number of individuals captured at each site as an estimate of population size. Indirect estimates of migration rate were calculated from estimates of e. Because SVP were not included as a population in the current study, the indirect estimate of migration from this site was replaced by the 54 average migration rate into the receiving population. Migration rates obtained by direct observation of dispersal events always overestimated those obtained using maximum likelihood of molecular marker data. Direct estimates of migration were from a factor of three to an order of magnitude higher than indirect estimates. This discrepancy is probably because observed dispersals only represent movement per se and not gene flow. Of the individuals that disperse from their natal populations, only a fraction of those will succeed in contributing gametes to subsequent generations of the new population, thus allowing detection of those successful dispersals using molecular markers. Nevertheless, Kephart' s (1981) conclusion that migration events are rare is supported by the molecular data. For study sites supporting populations of both T elegans and T sirtalis, there was a weak but significant correlation between genetic structure of the two species. Such a relationship may be a function of a common environment, ecological similarity, evolutionary history, or some combination of these factors. The microgeographic scale of the study area points to a greater role for landscape and ecological factors rather than evolutionary processes in shaping the spatial partitioning of genetic variation in this system. Interestingly, garter snake populations were significantly structured around hibemacula associated with water bodies, even though water per se is not required for thermoregulation, courtship, parturition or hibernation. The observed pattern appears to be a direct effect of the patchy distribution of their main prey items (amphibians, fish and leeches) for which water is an obvious necessity. The shared diet of both species and the patchy distribution of their prey 55 may therefore be central to the population genetic dynamics of the garter snake community. In contrast to the Lassen Co. study system, sympatric populations of T. elegans and T. sirtalis in coastal California and Washington have been shown to exploit terrestrial prey species (Arnold 1992). While Lassen Co. garter snakes converge on prey types where they coexist, T elegans in both coastal systems specialize on slugs, whereas T. sirtalis consumes amphibians. Since slugs are distributed homogeneously across the landscape, as opposed to the discrete ponds inhabited by amphibians, one can hypothesize that T. sirtalis populations in the coastal systems will be more spatially structured than the sympatric T. elegans populations. Such a comparative approach to studies of systems with divergent species dynamics promises to provide further insight into how ecological processes shape community genetics. REFERENCES Aleksiuk, M. and P.T. Gregory. 1974. Regulation of seasonal mating behavior in Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Copeia 1974:681-689. Anderson, B., I. Olivieri, M. 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ECOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF POPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE: A COMPARATIVE APPROACH USING A VERTEBRATE METACOMMUNITY CHAPTER 3 Mollie K. Manier and Stevan J. Arnold This thesis chapter has been prepared for submission to the journal American Naturalist. 61 ABSTRACT Determining the ecological and evolutionary causes of population genetic differentiation is important for understanding microevolutionary processes. This goal can be achieved through comparative studies of different species with predator-prey or competitive interactions across multiple populations in a common landscape. Our study species were two coexisting garter snakes (Thamnophis elegans and T sirtalis) and one of their prey species, the western toad (Bufo boreas). We know from previous research that populations of both garter snakes species exhibit source-sink dynamics, and we use a comparison with the western toad to evaluate the generality of such population structure within the study system. We found substantially different population dynamics for B. boreas that were characterized by much larger effective population sizes, lower migration rates and migration-drift equilibrium, suggesting a stable population structure. We also identified a series of block faults that separated genetically differentiatied population clusters, serving as a barrier to dispersal. Relative to their representation, biotic interactions and nearest neighbor characteristics were less important than habitat descriptors such as perimeter of water bodies and elevation in explaining differences in population genetic parameters (effective population size, migration rate, genetic distance). Presence of other species did not influence effective population size of any species. Instead, effective size was accounted for by habitat or nearest neighbor variables. Overall, migration rate was determined by habitat features and biotic interactions. In particular, migration occurred from sites with higher densities to sites with lower densities of both the focal 62 and interacting species. Genetic distance was explained largely by geographic distance. 63 INTRODUCTION Population genetic differentiation by random genetic drift or response to divergent local selection can have a significant impact on the microevolutionary dynamics of a region and can be an evolutionary precursor to speciation. Identifying ecological and evolutionary factors that control local population differentiation is critical to understanding fine-scale microevolutionary processes. Exploration of how ecological factors influences population genetic differentiation has focused on the effects of spatial structure. These studies generally use spatial analyses of isolation by distance and autocorrelation but ignore landscape features (e.g., Arnaud et al. 2001, Gamier et al. 2004, Schweiger et al. 2004, Van Rossum et al. 2004, Whiteley et al. 2004). A few authors have incorporated dispersal variables into the calculation of geographic distance. A resulting isolation by distance analysis then evaluates the relationship between genetic distance and a more ecologically relevant measure of geographic distance (Keyghobadi et al. 1999, Castric et al. 2001, Roach et al. 2001, Coulon Ct al. 2004, Eriksson et al. 2004). Over the last 15 years, a few studies have included specific landscape features such as altitude (Castric et al. 2001), climate (Nevo et al. 1998), vegetation characteristics, land use (Reh and Seitz 1990), and general habitat descriptors (Scribner and Chesser 1993, Scribner et al. 2001). A few studies have also studied the effect of population biology (e.g., persistence) on genetic structure (Scribner and Chesser 1993, Roach et al. 2001). 64 The present study contributes to the field of ecological genetics by putting more emphasis on the ecological determinants of differentiation. We use a comparative approach to investigate the association of habitat features and abundance of coexisting species with population genetic parameters for three vertebrates inhabiting a common landscape. Previous research has identified metapopulation dynamics for two of these species, and a third is used as an additional comparison to examine the generality of source-sink metapopulation dynamics in the region. The focal species were the terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans), the common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis), and the western toad (Bufo boreas). These three species occupy a series of ponds, lakes and flooded meadows in Lassen County, California. Previous research revealed significant population genetic differentiation and isolation by distance for both garter snakes in this study system (Chapter 2). Genetic distances between population pairs at sites that supported both snake species were also found to be weakly correlated. Similarities in genetic structure between these two species may be a function of a correlated response to the same landscape, their phylogenetic relatedness, or some interaction thereof. If the shared landscape played a larger role in the observed pattern, one would expect an unrelated species coexisting on the landscape to have a similar pattern of genetic differentiation and isolation by distance. Alternatively, if the garter snake population genetic structures were more a result of common evolutionary processes, one would expect an unrelated species to have an independent pattern of genetic differentiation. Consequently, a secondary goal of the study was to determine if correlated patterns of genetic 65 N BLW JCK UGV STF LTC MOS BUL 0 p rGOR CLG SUM ASH RKY \ k\ç'\ / Eagle Lake I PVM I? AMP DNS oFEA PAP RON MAH NML MCY 5 Figure 3.1. Map of the study area showing sampled sites. differentiation for both species were indicative of correlated responses to the same ecological variables or more a function of their shared phylogeny. To address this question, the western toad, Bufo boreas was included as a third species for comparison. This species was chosen because of its ecological similarity to the garter snakes. Bufo. boreas uses the same ponds, lakes and flooded meadows occupied by both garter snakes for breeding habitat and its tadpoles and metamorphs are eaten by both snake species (Kephart 1982, Kephart and Arnold 1982). We looked for physical barriers to dispersal using a clustering analysis that detected genetically similar groups of geographically proximate populations. We also used stepwise regression to identify ecological factors that influence genetic differentiation as expressed by effective population size, migration rate and genetic distance for each species. Explanatory variables used in the analyses described habitat features, biotic interactions and spatial structure. METHODS Genetic analysis for Bufo boreas Genetic analysis of microsatellite variation for T. elegans and T sirtalis populations has been reported in Chapter 2. Analysis of B. boreas microsatellite data followed the same procedures, with the few exceptions outlined below. 67 We collected a total of 150 tissue samples from six adult B. boreas populations within a 1000 square kilometer area in and around the Eagle Lake basin in Lassen Co., California. For each toad, the tip a hind toe was clipped and stored in Drierite®, an anhydrous calcium sulfate desiccant. Additionally, 77 B. boreas tadpoles and newly metamorphosed toads were collected and analyzed. These samples were excluded from further analysis, because they showed some significant deviations from Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium in the direction of excess homozygosity. Simandle (2005) provided all genotypic data for B. boreas at Pikes Point and shared 16 microsatellite primer sequences used for the remaining populations. Procedures used for DNA extraction, amplification and genotyping are as described in Chapter 2. PCR profiles consisted of 94 °C for 2 mm followed by 36 cycles of 94 °C for 30 sec, 55 °C for 30 sec and 72 °C for 30 sec, ending with 72 °C for 2 mm. All statistical analyses for B. boreas genetic data were as described in Chapter 2. They included exact tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Guo and Thompson 1992; Markov chain parameters: 5000 dememorizations; 500 000 steps per chain) calculated in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000 (Schneider et al. 2000) and tests for linkage disequilibrium (Slatkin and Excoffier 1996; Markov chain parameters: 5000 dememorizations, 1000 batches, 5000 iterations per batch), performed in GENEPOP (Raymond and Rousset 1995). Significance levels were adjusted for multiple comparisons (Rice 1989). Number of alleles and observed and expected heterozygosities in each population and over all populations were calculated in GENEPOP (Raymond and Rousset 1995). Overall and population pairwise estimates of FST were calculated using AMOVA (Excoffier et al. 1992) in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000. Significance was assessed after 16 000 permutations for global estimates and 3000 permutations for pairwise estimates, with P-values adjusted with the sequential Bonferroni correction. We regressed genetic distance (FSTI(l-FST); Rousset 1997) on log geographic distance to look for patterns of migration-drift equilibrium (Hutchison and Templeton 1999). A Mantel test (Mantel 1967, Mantel and Valand 1970, Manly 1997), implemented in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000 was used to estimate the correlation between genetic distance and log geographic distance (significance over 10 000 permutations). Estimates of effective population size and migration rate were obtained with MIGRATE v. (Beerli and Felsenstein 2001). Assumptions, protocols and parameters used for the analysis are as outlined in Chapter 2. Effective population size was expressed as & = 4Nu, where N is effective population size and 1u is mutation rate. Assuming a mutation rate typical for vertebrates of 1 0 per locus per generation (Dallas 1992, Edwards et al. 1992, Weber and Wong 1993, Banchs et al. 1994, Ellegren 1995), Ne as obtained from 9. Estimates of migration were expressed as 4Nem, where m is migration rate, and Ne refers to the receiving population. Using Ne estimates from the previous step, m from each population into all other populations was calculated. Barriers to gene flow A total of 24 water bodies that support varying combinations of T. elegans, T sirtalis and B. boreas were analyzed for spatial clustering at microsatellite loci for each species (Table 3.1). Clusters and hence potential barriers to dispersal were identified by partitioning the genetic variation among populations using AMOVA. The program SAMOVA 1.0 (Dupanloup et al. 2002) was used to obtain a starting configuration of groups of populations. For each species, SAMOVA used decimal degree latitude and longitude for each population (obtained using Maptech Terrain Navigator v. 3.02) to create a user-defined number of maximally differentiated groups of geographically proximate populations. Because the missing value threshold for rejecting a locus was set relatively low (5%) in SAMOVA, we tested the proposed groups again using ARLEQUIN v. 2.000 (rejection threshold of 50%). In this way, we used SAMOVA to generate hypotheses about population clusters and tested their veracity in ARLEQUIN. For each hypothesis, we confirmed that the proposed groupings were spatially realistic and made necessary adjustments accordingly. The F-statistic analogs, IST, cDsc and (Dc1 were estimated for each hypothesis, and their significance levels were determined with 16 000 pennutations (Excoffier et al. 1992). DST represents the correlation between randomly drawn pairs of alleles within populations relative to the whole array of populations. CT is the correlation between randomly drawn pairs of alleles within a group of populations relative to the whole array of populations, and Dsc is the correlation between randomly drawn pairs of alleles within populations relative to a group of populations (Excoffier et al. 1992). 70 Table 3.1. Names, abbreviations, latitude, longitude, perimeter (km), type (M = meadow, L = lake, LS = lakeshore), elevation (m), sampling effort and sample sizes of study sites and populations. Sampling effort is the number of collector trips to a population from 1999 to 2004. N is the number of individuals caught from 1999 to 2004. d and n indicate sampling during the day for snakes and at night for toads. N is the number of individuals used in the micro satellite analysis. For populations where N exceeds N, tissue samples collected in previous years were used in the genetic analysis. B = B. boreas, E = T. elegans and S = T. sirtalis. Type N Code Lat. Long. Antelope Mountain Pond* Ashurst Lake Blue Water Bullard Lake Cleghorn Reservoir Colman Lake Deans Meadow Feather Lake Gallatin Shoreline* Gordon Lake Jacks Lake Little Cleghorn Reservoir Mahogany Lake McCoy Flat Reservoir Mosquito Flat Nameless Meadow* AMP ASH BLW 40.614 40.750 40.834 40.775 40.777 40.516 40.557 40.542 40.562 40.768 40.810 40.787 40.534 40.453 40.771 40.524 40.528 40.557 40.619 40.684 40.511 40.803 40.766 40.831 -120.923 1920 0.52 M 15 0 -120.965 -120.919 -120.901 -120.804 -120.714 -120.719 -121.018 -120.760 -120.882 -121.025 -120.794 -120.732 -120.940 -120.943 -120.743 1950 3.5 M 7 1770 0.425 L 9d,4n lid, IOn 1860 3.3 1880 3.6 1965 2.2 1980 0.95 1740 5.3 1575 2.3 1850 3.1 1690 2 1880 3 2065 1700 1890 1.7 18.9 1915 1.5 1645 5 1555 3.2 1730 9.1 1580 4.1 M M L L L LS M L M L M M M M LS M LS 1825 1.2 L 1870 1890 0.458 2.5 L M 1920 0.2 M Papoose Meadows Pikes Point Pine Valley Meadow* Rocky Point RoneyCorral Camp Stanford Summit Lake Upper Gooch Valley Pond* MAll MCY MOS NML PAP P1K PVM RKY RON STF SUM UGV -120.757 -120.784 -120.969 -120.757 -120.857 -120.932 -120.839 -120.874 1.6 E B Site BUL CLG COL DNS FEA GAL GOR JKS LTC Perim. (km) Samp. Effort Elev. (m) S N N N N 32 30 20 19 --- 30 30 39 38 18 18 25 27 2 13 0 67 1 28 0 18 1 15 0 27 4 0 9 0 28 67 44 24 26 --56 --27 35 15 15 0 ------------------- 40 18 8 39 0 167 91 94 25 0 20 16 3 2d, 2n 24 ----24 9 I 33 0 --- 95 --29 30 45 7 --- 306 140 16 53d, 4n 32 32 108 48 0 9 0 72 70 83 21 0 13 19 1 28d,8n 8d,8n 28 ----28 29 15 31 32 13 0 --- 24 45 27 25 15 26 47 27 27 22 7d, 8n 33 33 0 --- 0 0 N 34 49 32 3 113 2 35 4 35 27 29 25 27 24 0 43 42 1 26 29 83 -- 72 Ecological analysis. Multiple linear regression was used to identify ecological variables that best predicted population differentiation (FST), effective population size Table 3.2. Abbreviations and descriptions of variables used in the multiple regression analysis. All census sizes are adjusted according to sampling effort. Abbreviation PERIM TYPE ELEV BUFO ELEG SIRT SNAKES NN-DIST NN-PERIM NN-TYPE NN-ELEV NN-BUFO NN-ELEG NN-SIRT NN-SNAKES PERIMDIFF TYPEDIFF ELEVDIFF BUFODIFF ELEGDIFF SJIRTDIFF SNAKEDIFF DIST Variable description Site perimeter (km) Site type (1 = meadow, 2 = lake, 3 = lakeshore) Elevation (m) Census size of B. boreas Census size of T. elegans Census size of T. sirtalis Summed census size of T. elegans and T sirtalis Distance to nearest neighbor (km) Nearest-neighbor site perimeter (km) Nearest neighbor site type (1 = meadow, 2 = lake, 3 = lakeshore) Nearest neighbor elevation (m) Nearest neighbor B. boreas census size Nearest neighbor T. elegans census size Nearest neighbor T sirtalis census size Nearest neighbor summed census size of T. elegans and 7'. sirtalis Difference in perimeter between two sites (kin) Difference in type between two sites Difference in elevation between two sites (m) Difference in B. boreas census sizes between two sites Difference in T. elegans census sizes between two sites Difference in 7'. sirtalis census sizes between two sites Difference in summed 7'. elegans and T. sirtalis census sizes between two sites Distance between sites (km) (Ne) and one-way migration rate (m). These values for B. boreas were obtained from this study as described above, and those for T. elegans and 7'. sirtalis are reported in f. 73 Chapter 2. Independent variables used in the analyses varied according to the dependent variable and species and are described in Table 3.2. The independent variables described ecological characteristics that centered around a core theme consisting of site perimeter (km), site type, census size of a focal and/or interacting species, and the logarithm of intersite or nearest neighbor distance. Variations on these basic parameters focused on their values for a site's nearest neighbor and the absolute or actual difference between those values for two sites. Site perimeter was defined as the circumference of a pond or meadow or the length of Eagle Lake shoreline and was measured in km. Perimeter was chosen as a biologically relevant measure of size, because B. boreas breeds in shallow water, and the garter snakes forage primarily near the water's edge. Site perimeter, elevation (m; Table 3.1) and pairwise distances between study sites (km; Table 3.3) were estimated using Maptech Terrain Navigator v. 3.02. Site type was characterized as meadow, lake or lakeshore based on average depth and resulting degree of annual change in water level. Thus, some shallow water lakes were classified as meadows. Numeric values for site type were substituted to represent increasing order of depth and permanence, according to the following: meadow = 1, lake =2 and lakeshore =3. Lakeshore type corresponds to shorelines of Eagle Lake, a consistently deep and permanent body of water. Census size was measured as the total number of individuals caught over a six-year period between 1999 and 2004, adjusted by sampling effort, defined as the total number of collectors summed over all sampling trips. The final value represented number of individuals caught at each site per person-sampling event. Census sizes normalized in Table 3.3. Geographic distance matrix of pairwise distances between populations, measured in km. ANT ANS ASH BLW BUL CLG COL DNS FEA GAL GOR JKS LTC MAH 3.9 ANS ASH 14.5 15.3 BLW 24.2 24.4 10.1 18.3 17.9 BUL 6.1 6.8 22.4 20.7 13.9 11.6 CLG 8.2 COL 24.4 20.8 33.5 39.4 32.8 30 22.2 18.5 29.8 35.1 28.6 25.4 4.6 DNS FEA 9.5 11.4 23.5 33.7 27.7 31.9 25.6 25.4 GAL 18.8 15 27.1 33.2 26.4 24.1 6.4 3.5 22 GOR 18.5 17.4 7.2 8 1.7 6.8 31.4 27.2 27.6 25.1 21.7 23.4 8.5 JKS 11.2 9.4 19 41.9 38.2 29.8 35.5 12.9 LTC 23.7 22.5 14.9 11.8 9.1 1.4 30.8 26.3 33.2 25.1 7.7 19.6 MAR 22.1 18.6 31.2 36.9 30.3 27.7 2.5 2.8 24.2 3.9 28.9 39.5 28.6 MAR 24.9 24.5 11.8 3.8 6.7 8.5 37.5 33.1 34.4 31.4 7.1 12.9 8.4 35.2 MCY 18.6 18 33.1 42.4 22.3 37.8 20.5 22.1 11.9 19.5 35.3 40.3 39.1 19.9 MOS 17 17.4 3 7.4 3.6 11.8 34.3 30.4 26.2 27.9 5.2 8.2 12.6 31.8 NIML 21.8 18.3 31.2 37.6 30.9 28.5 2.6 4.2 23.4 4.4 29.6 39.7 29.5 1.4 PAP 20.6 17.1 30.2 36.6 27.9 4 30 4.6 22.2 3.8 28.7 38.7 28.9 2.2 P1K 17.1 13.4 26.3 32.9 26.1 24.5 7.5 5.5 20 2.1 24.8 34.7 25.6 5.1 RKY 19.3 16.1 15.7 11 19.1 18.9 21.5 14.5 27.2 13.6 14.1 26.6 11.8 16.9 RON 15.3 12.8 28 36.3 29.6 29.9 12.2 12.8 14.1 9.9 28.6 36.2 31.1 10.9 STF 20.5 20.9 6.5 3.7 4 11.1 36.8 32.7 30 30.5 5.7 8 11.7 34.4 SUM 19.7 18.2 10.7 10.2 29.6 25.3 29.1 23.6 5.3 3.2 3.7 16.5 4.4 27.3 MAR MCY 42.4 8.9 35.9 35.1 31.4 19.1 35.6 5.8 7.8 35.3 18.5 17.7 17.6 31.1 9.6 39 35.8 75 Table 3.3. (continued) MOS NML PAP P1K RKY RON STF NML PAP P1K 32.2 31.2 27.2 RKY RON STF SUM 18.4 29.8 3.7 8.9 1.3 5.1 17.8 9.8 34.9 28 4 17.3 8.8 34 27.3 14.3 8 21 30 23.6 19.8 11.4 20.6 28.3 9 this way were used instead of effective population sizes, because census size is a more ecologically-relevant factor, whereas effective size reflects historical processes that have occurred on an evolutionary time scale. The interacting species variable differed according to focal species. For T elegans and T sirtalis, the interacting species was its competitor, T. sirtalis or T. elegans, respectively. Bufo boreas was not included as an interacting prey species, because both garter snakes consume other types of prey as well. For B. boreas, the interacting species were both garter snake predators, and their census sizes were summed. Study sites whose nearest neighbor was not sampled for genetic variation were excluded from the analysis (Feather Lake, Jacks Lake and McCoy Flat Reservoir). Table 3.4 shows the full model for each analysis. A stepwise regression was used to determine the final model. For multiple regression analyses with pairwise genetic distance or migration rate as the dependent variable, the response is a matrix of distances or dissimilarities. Elements of the genetic distance matrix, representing a population pair, were Table 3.4. Full models used in each of nine stepwise regression analyses testing for ecological effects on effective population size, migration rate and genetic distance for each species. Variables in bold were selected by stepwise regression. PERIM TYPE ELEV NN-DIST ELEG SIRT NN-PERIM NN-TYPE ElegNe SirtNe PERIM TYPE ELEV NN-DIST SIRT ELEG NN-PERIM NN-TYPE BufoNe PERIM TYPE ELEV NN-DIST BUFO SNAKES NN-PERIM NN-TYPE X9 NN-ELEV NN-ELEV NN-ELEV Y Elegm Sirtm Bufom Y X1O Xli NN-SIRT NN-ELEG NN-SNAKES NN-ELEG NN-SIRT NN-BUFO Xi X2 PERIMDIFF TYPEDIFF X3 X4 X5 X6 PERIMDIFF TYPEDIFF DIST DIST ELEYDIFF DIST ELEGDIFF SIRTDIFF SIRTDIFF ELEGDIFF BUFODIFF SNAKEDIFF Xl X3 X5 ELEGDIFF SIRTDJFF X6 SIRTDIFF BUFODIFF SNAKEDIFF PERIMDIFF TYPEDIFF X2 ElegDist PERIMDIFF TYPEDIFF SirtDist PERIMDIFF TYPEDIFF BufoDist PERIMDIFF TYPEDIFF ELEVDIFF ELEVDIFF X4 ELEVDIFF DIST ELEVDJFF DIST ELEVDIFF DIST ELEGDIFF 77 expressed as F51/(1- FST), as suggested by Rousset (1997). Migration rate, m, represents the proportion of one population that originated from a different population, and is therefore actually a measure of similarity. This value was converted to a measure of dissimilarity, the proportion of residents, p = 1 1995). For both FST/(l- FST) m (Sokal and Rohlf andp, the higher the value of any element in the matrix, the higher the degree of dissimilarity between the two populations represented by that element. The regression model for each of these response matrices describes ecological dissimilarities between the two sites by asking if differences in certain features were important in predicting population genetic differentiation or migration rate. The explanatory variables were therefore also matrices that described differences between population pairs for site perimeter, type, elevation, census size of both the focal and interactive species, as well as pairwise log geographic distance. Explanatory matrix variables of the genetic distance response matrix represented absolute differences between population pairs, because FST/( distance between two populations. In 1- Fs1) characterizes the overall genetic contrast, explanatory matrix variables of the p response matrix contained information on the directionality of the difference. In other words, instead of describing the overall difference between population A and population B (an absolute value), they show which one is larger (a positive or negative value). The matrices for the p analysis are thus asymmetrical full matrices of bidirectional dissimilarities, whereas those for the genetic distance analysis are triangular or symmetric. Significance of the coefficients and associated R2 were determined using a permutation method specific for distance matrices (Legendre et al. 1994). Multiple regression analyses using effective population size as the response variable were performed in SAS (v. 9.2; SAS Institute 2002), and those using migration or genetic distance matrices were implemented using Permute! (v. 3.4 alpha 9; Legendre et al. 1994). RESULTS Population genetics of B. boreas Only one of 16 B. boreas loci (1281) deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in one population (Mosquito Flat) after sequential Bonferroni correction (Table 3.5). All loci were in linkage equilibrium at all populations. Average observed and expected heterozygosities for all B. boreas loci are shown in Table 3.5 and for all populations in Table 3.6. The total number of alleles overall found at a locus varied from six to 27, while number of alleles per population at a single locus ranged from seven to ten. Population averages for number of alleles over all loci ranged from four to 16. All B. boreas populations had at least one private allele, with 11 in the Upper Gooch Valley pond population. Of those, seven were from the T29 locus. Genetic differentiation of B. boreas populations was low but highly significant, with a global FST of 0.024 (P < 0.00001). Pairwise estimates and their significance 79 levels are shown in Table 3.7. After sequential Bonferroni correction, five out of 15 population pairs for B. boreas were found to be significantly differentiated. Populations at Pikes Point and Roney Corral were genetically dissimilar from those at Blue Water and Upper Gooch Valley pond. Pikes Point was Table 3.5. Comparison of the genetic diversity found at all microsatellite loci for B. boreas averaged over all populations. For each locus, total number of alleles, allele size range, observed heterozygosity (H0), expected heterozygosity (He), average number of alleles per population (Na) and number of populations deviating from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are shown. Locus B34-2 B4-2 B45 F16 F36 F4 117 1201 T233 T281 T29 T292 T293 T297 T86 T87b Total alleles 9 7 12 19 15 14 9 7 6 14 15 14 9 15 7 27 Allele size range (bp) 179-215 220-244 140-175 173-237 210-257 173-229 119-145 123-167 208-226 136-182 88-101 97-158 145-182 106-129 150-172 133-254 H0 0.78 0.61 0.75 0.80 0.75 0.79 0.48 0.35 0.40 0.62 0.50 0.81 0.76 0.74 0.75 0.84 He 0.81 Na 0.76 0.84 0.89 0.90 0.85 0.56 0.45 0.57 0.87 0.54 0.87 0.82 0.83 0.79 0.92 5 Pops. out of HWE 6 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 8 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 7 9 12 10 11 11 7 also differentiated from Mosquito Flat. We found strong evidence for a pattern of isolation by distance among B. boreas populations. The regression ofFST/(1-FST) on log geographic distance shows a pattern congruent with a hypothesis of migration-drift equilibrium (Hutchison and Templeton 1999; Fig. 3.2), with a slope of 0.028. There was also a significant correlation between the geographic and genetic distance matrices according to a Mantel test (r = 0.678; P = 0.0 16). Estimates of effective population size for B. boreas were relatively high with an average 0 of 0.497 (Table 3.8). Assuming a microsatellite mutation rate of 10, which is typical for vertebrates (Dallas 1992, Edwards et al. 1992, Weber and Wong Table 3.6. Study populations of B. boreas and their sample sizes (N), average observed heterozygosity (H0), average expected heterozygosity (He) and average number of alleles per locus (Na). Population N H0 He Na BLW 0.79 8 18 0.66 0.74 9 MOS 24 0.65 1993, 1240 P1K 32 RON 0.72 0.76 9 28 0.63 0.73 8 STF 15 0.67 0.80 7 UGV 33 0.70 0.77 10 Banchs et al. 1994, Ellegren 1995), this value of 0 translates to approximately individuals. Upper Gooch Valley Pond had the largest Ne with 1765 individuals. Pikes Point also had a large Ne of approximately 1560, while the smallest Ne was estimated for Camp Stanford (765). The average 4Nem between populations was 3.12, which, taking recipient Ne'S into account, converts to a migration rate m of 0.0007 migrants per generation. Upper Gooch Valley Pond was also the largest source of migrants, with a combined 4Nem to all populations of 20.7 and an m of 0.005. In other words, 0.5% of individuals in other populations originated from Upper Gooch Valley Pond. Relative to its Ne, the Camp Stanford population is the smallest source of 81 Table 3.7. Pairwise Fi values for B. boreas populations below the diagonal. Associated P-values above the diagonal, obtained after 3000 permutations. Bold values are significant at the 0.003 3 level after sequential Bonferroni correction. BLW BLW UGV MOS P1K RON STF 0.06 0.007 -0.003 0.028 0.039 0.013 UGV 0.153 0.018 0.054 0.037 0.018 MOS 0.571 0.013 0.033 0.022 0.006 P1K 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 RON 0.002 0.000 0.014 0.297 STF 0.159 0.037 0.262 0.317 0.022 0.024 1 S 0.05 0.04 0.40 S 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 Ln (geographical distance) (km) Fig. 3.2. Genetic distance for B. boreas. (FST/(l -FsT)) as a function of log geographic distance 1.60 migrants (m = 0.002). Blue Water receives migrants at the highest rate (0.005), most of which come from Upper Gooch Valley Pond. Both Blue Water and Camp Stanford receive more migrants than they contribute, while Upper Gooch Valley pond, Pikes Table 3.8. Estimates of migration rate (M) and effective population size () for B. boreas. Gene flow occurs in the direction from populations on top of matrix to populations on side of matrix. Effective population size is shown on the diagonal (in bold). U95C1 shows upper 95% confidence limit, and L95C1 shows lower 95% confidence limit. BLW BLW UGV MOS P1K RON STF 0.395 7.336 6.631 8.102 5.004 4.415 5.634 3.515 3.030 4.053 2.646 2.221 3.120 3.008 2.559 3.520 0.706 0.665 0.750 4.452 4.033 4.897 3.750 3.356 4.164 4.269 4.716 2.281 1.983 2.605 4.588 4.147 5.054 0.477 0.445 0.513 2.753 2.417 3.117 4.355 3.939 4.798 2.032 1.749 2.343 1.523 3.212 2.879 3.570 2.815 2.496 3.158 0.623 0.588 0.661 3.791 3.427 4.183 0.722 0.570 0.898 1.699 1.463 1.961 3.379 3.039 3.745 2.896 2.581 3.234 4.249 3.854 4.665 0.475 0.445 0.507 1.740 1.500 2.002 2.837 2.203 1.868 2.578 2.495 2.131 1.739 1.444 2.974 2.073 3.826 3.385 4.307 0.306 0.277 0.339 U95C1 0.356 L95C1 0.440 UGV 2.695 U95C1 2.361 L95C1 3.054 MOS U95C1 1.907 1.628 L95C1 2.210 1.290 P1K U95C1 L95C1 RON U95C1 L95C1 STF 1.081 U95C1 2.456 L95C1 3.257 3.851 Point and Roney Corral all appear to act as sources of migrants for the region. The rates of migration into and out of Mosquito Flat are approximately equal. Population structure Results of tests of population structure for each species are shown in Table 3.9. Global estimates of (DST (number of groups = 1) for T. elegans and T sirtalis are FST values as reported in Chapter 2. The partitioning of T. elegans into two, three, four and five groups first involved the separation of Colman Lake and Deans Meadow (P 0.011), followed by Little Cleghorn Reservoir (P = 0.003), McCoy Flat Reservoir (P = 0.004) and Blue Water (P = 0.015; Fig. 3.3). The maximum number of significantly differentiated T. sirtalis populations was six, with Colman Lake, Deans Meadow and Mahogany Lake clustering first (P = 0.006). This smaller group then split into two groups, consisting of Deans and Mahogany separate from Colman (P = 0.0 19). Next, Ashurst split from the other populations to make four groups (P 0.007), followed by Summit (P = 0.018) and then Bullard and Gordon (P = 0.013; Fig. 3.4). Further structuring of B. boreas populations into population clusters was not statistically significant, but separation of northern populations (Blue Water, Man Pond, Mosquito Flat, Camp Stanford) from southern populations (Pikes Point, Roney Corral) was only slightly non-significant (P = 0.066; Fig. 3.5). The isolation-by-distance scatterplot for B. boreas (Fig. 3.2) shows two clusters of points at smaller and larger geographic distances. These clusters correspond with distances within and between the groups of populations identified by SAMOVA. Points associated with smaller distances correspond to distances between populations within groups, and points associated with larger distances correspond to among-group distances. Table 3.9. Genetic structure analyses for B. boreas, T. elegans and T. sirtalis. Best results for each pre-defined number of groups shown. Only number of groups which gave significant or almost significant 'DCT are shown. Number of groups B. boreas Structure tested Total Var. I (BLW, MAR, MOS, P1K, RON, STF) 58.43 ST 2 (BLW, MAR, MOS, STF) (P1K, RON) 58.96 ST SE P-value = 0.024 <0.00001 <0.00001 = 0.035 CT°°28 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.0019 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.066 (1)-statistic 1)sc=O.007 T. elegans 1 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BLW, BUL, CLG, COL, DNS, GAL, JCK, LTC, MAlI, MCY, NML, PAP, P1K, RKY, RON, STF, SUM) 24.49 1)ST = 0.025 <0.00001 <0.00001 2 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BLW, BUL, CLG, GAL, JCK, LTC, MAH, MCY, NML, PAP, P1K, RKY, RON, STF, SUM) (COL, DNS) 25.51 ST = 0.040 <0.00001 <0.00001 = 1)sc 0.023 <0.0000 1 1)cr°.°l8 <0.00001 0.0008 0.039 <0.0000 1 <0.0000 1 = 0.022 <0.0000 1 <0.0000 1 0.0004 0.003 <0.0000 1 <0.00001 0.0005 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.004 <0.0000 1 <0.0000 1 <0.0000 1 <0.0000 1 0.0009 0.015 3 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BLW, BUL, CLG, GAL, JCK, MAlI, MCY, NML, PAP, P1K, RKY, RON, STF, SUM) (COL, DNS) (LTC) 25.47 ST = I 0.0 17 = 0.037 ST = '1)sc 0.022 CT = 4 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BLW, BUL, CLG, GAL, JCK, MAll, NML, PAP, P1K, RKY, RON, STF, SUM) (COL, DNS) (LTC) (MCY) 25.43 CT°.°i5 5 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BUL, CLG, GAL, JCK, MAH, NML, PAP, P1K, RKY, RON, STF, SUM) (COL, DNS) (LTC) (MCY) (BLW) 25.33 0.03 3 = 1)sc 0.022 ST = CT°.°11 0.011 00 Table 3.9. (continue Number of groups Structure tested Total Var. F-statistic SE P-value T. sirtalis I (ANT, ANS, ASH, BUL, COL, DNS, FEA, GOR, MAH, NML, RON, STF, SUM) 21.12 'ST = 0.035 <0.00001 <0.00001 2 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BUL, PEA, GOR, NML, RON, STF, SUM) (COL, DNS, MAll) 21.44 3 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BUL, DNS, FEA, GOR, NML, RON, STF, SUM) (DNS, MAH) (COL) 21.44 Dsi = 0.054 1sc 0.025 = 0.029 DCT DST = 0.049 = 0.027 Isc <0.00001 <0.00001 0.0007 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.0011 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.0006 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.0011 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.0009 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.006 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.019 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.007 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.018 <0.00001 <0.00001 0.013 cb1=O.O23 4 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BUL, DNS, FEA, GOR, NML, RON, STF, SUM) (DNS, MAH) (COL) (ASH) 21.40 5 (ANT, ANS, ASH, BUL, DNS, FEA, GOR, NML, RON, STF, SUM) (DNS, MAH) (COL) (ASH) (SUM) 21.30 (ANT, ANS, ASH, FEA, NML, RON, STF, SUM) (DNS, MAH) (COL) (ASH) (SUM) (BUL, GOR) 21.23 6 = 0.048 Dsc = 0.023 Dci = 0.026 = 0.044 'DST DST bsc 0.024 CTO.O2O 1ST = 0.041 = Dsc 0.020 1CT°.°22 Fig. 3.3. Map showing clustering pattern for T elegans populations. Thickness of borders indicates to grouping sequence, with thicker lines corresponding to groups defined earlier in the analysis. 87 :JCK5TF CLG 0 SUM ASH RKY n. i Eagle Lake PVM . AMP GAL \ ,DNS PIK MAH PAP . . S RON NMI 5km OL a V 0 BULOO I GOR I SUM I1M I Eagle Lake PVM AMP DNS °FEA NML S 'RON . COL 5 km Fig. 3.4. Map showing clustering pattern for T. sirtalis populations. Conventions as in Figure 3.3. I \ Eagle Lake IK 5h Fig. 3.5. Map showing clustering pattern for B. Conventions as in Figure 3.3. boreas populations. ) Ecological correlates Scatterp lots for variables used in the regression analyses of effective population size, migration rate and genetic distance are shown in Figures 3.6-8, and the results of the stepwise regression are shown in Table 3.10. SNAKES was never used in the same model as ELEG and SIRT, and SNAKEDIFF was never used in the same analysis as ELEGDIFF and STRTDIFF. A total of nine analyses were constructed with tests of ecological effects on three dependent variables for all three species. Analyses with Ne as a response variable identified ecological factors that were influential after taking census size into account. No ecological variables were significant determinants Of Ne in T. elegans after census size was accounted for (F1,20 = 20.73, P 0.0002). Census size accounted for only 52% of the variance in Ne. For T. sirtalis, Ne was influenced by elevation and nearest-neighbor elevation (F3,20 24.78, P < 0.000 1), such that sites with higher elevations had higher effective sizes, and sites whose nearest neighbor had higher elevations and lower effective sizes. For B. boreas, Ne was much larger for populations whose nearest neighboring site was a deeper water body (F2,20 =31.92, P <0.0001) which, combined with census size, explained 78% of the variation in Ne. Stepwise regression of distance matrices implemented in PERMUTE! did not give coefficients for selected matrix variables. However, an analysis with the same variables performed in SAS generally gave almost identical results, so coefficients and their standard errors given in Table 3.9 are from the SAS analyses. For T. elegans, 91 'II :::E - ri t r,I U__ - U - _5i IIdJ1U -1=' I JII!IrUI _ I11riy1U . II i UUr1 .iq ______ Fig. 3.6. Scatterplots for pairs of variables used in stepwise regression of effective population size. migration rate from one population to another was most influenced by differences in T elegans census size, T sirtalis census size and perimeter, after taking geographic distance into account. These four variables explained only 30% of the variation in migration rate. Migration among T elegans populations is more likely to occur toward smaller sites with fewer T elegans and more T sirtalis. Previous research has 92 .. DJST PIIfVJLI k I P4i . 0 j TYPE DIFF -. ._. - ! -- . - - . - - ..c: : **e-* ..:.. I . I s** III - i .:...:. .-.z.I.. . i . % I . . : : '. !91' . . 1 . Sq 1 ...... . ! SNAKE $1 I I I p. . I'. Fig. 3.7. Scatterplots for pairs of variables used in stepwise regression of migration rate. 93 DIST ' I 3 I PERIM. ::? . DIFF . i.. : . .. ..: S . . I - TYPE DIFF ELEV ::4;': '. t : BUFO DIFF i .. . . j.L Z,ts. ._... . !. . z t4- ip1 E±I _' ! ' DIFF I I I :iI. _ . ': SNAKE DIFF ,i:.,'P4t: Fig. 3.8. Scatterplots for pairs oi variables used in stepwise regression of genetic distance. Table 3.10. Resuts of nine multiple regression analyses testing for effects of habitat on effective population size (Ne), migration rate (m) and genetic distance (FST/J-FST) for each species, showing parameter estimates (standard error), Pvalues and R2 contribution for each explanatory variable. P-values and R2 for the whole model are shown in the columns on the far right. Stepwise regression of migration and genetic distance matrices does not give estimates for the intercept. Y Species Intercept Xl X2 X3 P-value R2 T elegans ELEG 0.0002 0.5218 Ne 49.059 (74.729) 87.251 (19.164) 0.5 194 0.0002; 0.5218 T. sirtalis -488.28 (325.38) 0.1518 SIRT 19.915 (2.4304) <0.0001; 0.6709 ELEV 0.62 12 (0.1720) 0.0022; 0.1091 -431.26 (151.24) 0.0106 BUFO 148.22 (24.101) <0.0001; 0.5426 NN-TYPE 394.68 (89.530) 0.0003; 0.2375 B. boreas NN-ELEV -0.2964 (0.1687) 0.0969; 0.0338 <0.0001 0.8139 <0.000 1 0.7800 Table 3.10. (continued) Y Species m T elegans Xl ELEGDJFF 2.6094e-4 (2.160e-5) 0.014; 0.2421 T. sirtalis SIRTDIFF 6.644e-5 (5.88e-6) 0.001; 0.4487 B. boreas SNAKEDIFF -2.462e-5 (7.1 7e-6) 0.003; 0.145 DIST -8.51e-6 (3.23e-6) 0.011; 0.0969 X2 SIRTDIFF -2.398e-5 (2.33 le-5) 0.001; 0.03 PERIMDIFF 2.698e-4 (5.146e-5) 0.001; 0.1015 X3 PERIMDIFF 2.879e-5 (9.39e-6) 0.003; 0.0176 ELEVDIFF 3.Ole-6 (6.387e-7) 0.001; 0.1077 X4 DIST -7.83e-6 (4.73e-6) 0.009; 0.014 TYPEDIIFF 3.425e-4 (8.972e-5) 0.001; 0.2067 P-value R2 0.001 0.304 0.001 0.449 0.001 0.658 Table 3.10. (continued) Y Species FST/(1-FsT) T. elegans Xl DIST 4.809e-5 (1 .324e-4) 0.001; 0.0579 T sirtalis DIST 0.0013 (2.58 le-4) 0.001; 0.1583 B. boreas DIST 8.859e-4 (2.39 le-4) 0.003; 0.4639 X2 ELEVDJFF 4.1 08e-5 (1.1 69e-5) 0.002; 0.0555 X3 ELEGDIFF -0.0040 (0.0013) 0.001; 0.1391 PERIMDIFF -0.0068 (0.0024) 0.009; 0.0552 P-value R2 0.001 0.1134 0.001 0.3526 0.007 0.4639 97 identified Papoose Meadows as the major source of migrants in the study area, a site that has a very large perimeter, a large T. elegans population and very few T. sirtalis. Migration by T. sirtalis was more frequent into populations with smaller census sizes. When geographic distance was included in the model, 46% of the variation in migration rate was explained. Rates of B. boreas migration were found to be influenced by differences in snake census size, site perimeter, elevation and site type, which together with geographic distance explain 66% of the variation. Genetic distance between T. elegans populations was greater for populations with larger differences in elevation, but the model chosen by the stepwise multiple regression procedure explained only 11% of the variation. Genetic distance of T sirtalis populations was greater at sites with larger differences in T. elegans census size and more similar site perimeter sizes, after accounting for geographic distance, in a model that explained 35% of the variation. Bufo boreas genetic distance was related to geographic distance alone, which explained 46% of the variation. No other variables were selected by the stepwise multiple regression procedure. Relative to their representation, biotic interactions and nearest neighbor characteristics were less important than habitat descriptors such as perimeter and elevation. Regression models with effective population size as a response variable always included census size. Interspecific interactions did not influence effective population size for any species, and Ne was explained by one to three variables that accounted for 71% of the variation, on average. These variables largely described habitat of the site itself or its nearest neighbor. Overall, migration rate was determined by one to five variables of habitat features and both intra- and interspecific interactions. In particular, migration occurred from sites with higher densities to sites with lower densities of both the focal and interacting species, and the selected models explained, on average, 47% of the variation in migration rate. Genetic distance was explained by one to three variables, which also accounted for the smallest percentage of variation in genetic distance (31% on average). DISCUSSION Spatial genetic structure Overall, spatial structuring of garter snake populations was characterized by one or two genetically distinct populations. Identification of a group that included Colman Lake and Deans Meadow is characteristic of both species. A series of block faults lies between these populations and Nameless and Papoose Meadows to the west. The resulting 300 m escarpment appears to be a significant barrier to dispersal for both species. In the northeast portion of the study area, the T elegans population at Little Cleghorn Reservoir is genetically differentiated from most other populations, a surprising result considering that it is only 1.4 km away from Cleghorn Reservoir. Including Cleghorn Reservoir in a group with Little Cleghom Reservoir within a three-group structure lowers the (DCT to 0.0075 (P = 0.057) from the DCT of 0.017 (P = 0.003; Table 3.8). The pairwise estimate of DsT for Cleghom Reservoir and Little I1*] Cleghorn is 0.018 (P = 0.0741), not significant, but nevertheless large considering their close proximity. The general results of the spatial clustering analysis were similar for both species, consistent with previous research that found correlated genetic structures for T. elegans and T. sirtalis in the study area (Chapter 2). Tn contrast, clustering of B. boreas populations, though not statistically significant, is different from that of the garter snakes in identifying a disjunction between the southern and northern populations. Previous research investigating patterns of isolation by distance for T. elegans and T sirtalis found evidence for lack of migration-drift equilibrium (Chapter 2). Specifically, the pattern of the regression of genetic distance on geographic distance showed restricted gene flow between sites separated by moderate distances (Chapter 2, Fig. 2.2). When the data were re-examined after removing Colman Lake and Deans Meadow, the regression became much more linear. Restricted gene flow with these two sites seems to explain much of migration-drift disequilibrium observed for these two species. The same study also found a correlation between pairwise FST'S ofT elegans and T sirtalis. This result does not appear to be due entirely to the Colman Lake and Deans Meadow sites, although their exclusion from the analysis produces a correlation that is slightly nonsignificant (P = 0.057). Ecological correlates ofpopulation genetic parameters Stepwise multiple regression analysis identified habitat, biotic and nearest neighbor as features that were statistically important in explaining effective population size, migration rate and genetic distance in T. elegans, T sirtalis and B. boreas. Models for T elegans explained much less of the variation in population genetic parameters than for the other species, suggesting that different factors are important for genetic differentiation in that species than for T sirtalis and B. boreas. One possible explanation is that evolutionary forces such as selection play a larger role in driving divergence of T. elegans populations. This hypothesis is supported by previous work that has identified genetically-based life-history and color pattern differences between T. elegans populations on the shore of Eagle Lake (e.g., Gallatin Shoreline, Pikes Point) and those at meadows (e.g., Papoose Meadows, Mahogany Lake). For analyses of T elegans and T. sirtalis, variables selected to explain migration rates were strongly influenced by the primary source population. Migration occurred most often into populations with lower census sizes of the focal species, which is an obvious result considering that the largest source of migrants for both species also has the largest census (and effective) population sizes. Nevertheless, the results may indicate that garter snakes were more likely to migrate toward sites with lower snake density, perhaps because competition is less intense. Bufo boreas migrants also tend to migrate away from sites with higher snake density, in this case probably because predation is less intense. Overall, there were no trends in ecological variable selection that were common to any species pair, providing little support for the notion that a common landscape exerts similar ecological effects on genetic responses. 101 Models with FST as the response variable differed markedly from those with m as the response. FST for all species was explained primarily by geographic distance, while m generally was associated with more variables and a higher R2. Analyses of Ne and m also selected very different explanatory models, indicating that analyses using Fi alone may be losing important information gained by obtaining independent estimates Ne and m. Some debate has recently arisen regarding the amount of variation that can be explained by factors of interest in studies of ecological and evolutionary processes (Møller and Jennions 2002, Peek et al. 2003). The R2 values obtained in this study are consistent with the findings of Peek et al. (2003), who maintain that the amount of explained variance can be relatively high, up to 50%. The regression models from this study explained between 11% and 81% of the variance in the population genetic parameters, with an average of 50%. In contrast, a metaanalysis by Møller and Jennions (2002) concluded that only 2.5% 4.5% of variance is in ecological and evolutionary studies is explained by factors of interest. Although higher R2 values can result from the inclusion of more explanatory variables, we saw no relationship between number of variables selected by the stepwise regression procedure and the amount of variation they explained (r = 0.128, P = 0.743). B. boreas population genetics We found low but significant genetic structuring of B. boreas populations, with an FST of 0.024. This value was similar to those previously reported for T elegans (0.025) 102 and T. sirtalis (0.03 5; Chapter 2), implying a similar overall level of genetic differentiation. Populations of B. boreas, however, had effective sizes that were substantially larger than those for the garter snakes (average Ne = 1240 for B. boreas, 375 for T elegans, 325 for T. sirtalis), while bi-directional migration rates were approximately half those ofT. elegans and T. sirtalis (average m = 0.0007 for B. boreas, 0.0012 for T. elegans and 0.0017 for T sirtalis). Thus, comparable FST values among all species masked differences in Ne and m. Genetic structuring observed for B. boreas within the study area is consistent with the repeated observation for many anurans of fidelity to a breeding site and low juvenile dispersal, despite a high capacity for vagility in both juveniles and adults. Subadult leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) can travel up to five km (Dole 1971), and juvenile natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) have been found to disperse from their natal ponds up to two km within a few weeks of metamorphosis (Sinsch 1997). A high capacity for mobility has also been documented in other toad species (B. woodhousii fowleri, John-Alder and Morin 1990; B. bufo, Goater et al. 1993). In our study system, adult toads were frequently seen crossing roads at night, far from a water source. Despite their capacity for long-distance movement, many amphibians have breeding site philopatry that leads to genetic structuring around ponds. Berven and Grudzien (1990) found 100% fidelity in adult wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) to a breeding pond, although 18% of juveniles dispersed away from their natal pond. Berven (1982) found comparable levels of juvenile dispersal between ponds separated by 50 m, and Jameson (1956) documented homing behavior in the Pacific tree frog 103 (Hyla regilla) from a distance of 1000 yards. These studies suggest that site fidelity may be a critical factor driving fine-scale genetic differentiation in pond-breeding anurans. Although measures of FST observed in this study are considerably smaller than those obtained from studies on comparable systems, our results support a general observation of population differentiation over short geographic distances in anurans (e.g., Hitchings and Beebee 1997, Brede and Beebee 2004). Studies using microsatellite markers obtained estimates of population differentiation that were comparable to those from this study or higher. For example, Rowe et al. (2000) examined three groups of B. calamita populations, each with among-site distances of less than 30 km. Overall FST from microsatellite data ranged from 0.060 to 0.224, all with significant P-values. Monsen and Blouin (2003) surveyed microsatellite loci from populations of the montane frog (Rana cascadae) in the Pacific Northwest and found FST across distances less than 100 km to range from 0.04 to 0.28. Furthermore, Monsen and Blouin (2004) found a sharp decrease in gene flow over distances greater than 10km. Bufo boreas effective population sizes were high relative to effective sizes for both garter snakes but only moderately large when compared with other anurans. In our study system, B. boreas Ne averaged 1240. Bufo marinus populations in Hawaii (N = 390) and Australia (N = 346) had estimates lower by a factor of three, based on means and variances of FST (Easteal 1985). A recent study in northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) found slightly smaller estimates that are roughly comparable to ours 104 (average Ne = 851) using a moment estimator (Waples 1989), which was deemed most accurate of the three temporal methods used (Hoffman et al. 2004). Estimation of effective number of breeders (Merrell 1968, Berven and Grudzien 1990, Seppa and Laurila 1999) tended to be an order of magnitude lower, averaging less than 100, in other anurans. On the other hand, dirt frogs (Eleutherodactylus spp.) in Central America had very high effective sizes (31 000 and 10 000), estimated using sequence data at a nuclear locus (Crawford 2003). These estimates were also based on genetic diversity and, like those obtained for R. pipiens, may actually represent effective sizes at a wider regional scale, perhaps over the entire species. Levels of within-population genetic variation expressed as expected heterozygosity were higher for B. boreas (average H = 0.77) relative to both T. elegans (0.54) and 7'. sirtalis (0.59). Because heterozygosity can be lost due to stochastic fluctuations in population size or extinction-recolonization dynamics (Newman and Squire 2001), the relatively higher heterozygosity for B. boreas populations suggests that they may be more stable regionally than the garter snake populations. This hypothesis is supported by the much higher effective sizes and lower migration rates found for B. boreas, which indicate that populations are relatively closed with very little gene flow. Conversely, previous research has found that migration among the garter snake populations is dominated by a single source population whose average output of migrants is approximately five times that of the other populations (Chapter 2), suggesting extinction-recolonization dynamics within a source-sink metapopulation. In contrast, the largest source of B. boreas migrants is 105 Upper Gooch Valley Pond, with only slightly larger-than-average output. Other studies have found stable genetic structure in anurans (Hoffman et al. 2004, Rowe and Beebee 2004), though population sizes can fluctuate widely (Berven and Grudzien 1990). These results are consistent with the general observation that source-sink dynamics in anurans is rare (Breven and Grudzien 1990). General conclusions In this study, we identified ecological factors related to population genetic differentiation for three vertebrate species that coexist on the same landscape. Overall, B. boreas population dynamics appear to be more stable than garter snake dynamics, with larger effective sizes, lower migration and migration-drift equilibrium. An escarpment was identified as a significant barrier to dispersal for both garter snakes, but toad populations appeared to cluster based on isolation by distance alone. 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The goal of this study was to compare estimates of QST for color and scalation traits with FST for neutral loci in order to test for selection on the phenotypic traits. We found phenotypic differences between ecotypes in both scalation and coloration, and QST values for most traits were substantially higher than FST. We found no correlation between pairwise FST and QST estimates. Patterns of Qsi among populations were similar to those between ecotypes. QST values for color variables were higher between ecotypes than among populations only for females. Of the scale counts, number of ventral scales on the body and tail and number of infrabials were most differentiated. Background coloration showed more amongpopulation divergence than any other phenotypic trait. Scale counts were proportionally more differentiated than stripe color variables. Stronger selection was observed for females than males in traits associated with locomotion and crypticity, perhaps due to the locomotory constraints imposed by relatively larger bodies and pregnancy. Overall, we found strong genetic differentiation in phenotypic traits 112 relative to neutral expectations, indicating local adaptation in the face of moderate levels of gene flow. 113 INTRODUCTION Adaptive divergence is in local populations is often a function of two opposing forces: selection and gene flow. Whereas selection can eliminate low-fitness alleles from a population and magnify local adaptation, gene flow can homogenize population differences and reduce local adaptation. In this way, gene flow can effectively swamp out locally advantageous alleles, preventing a population from reaching an adaptive optimum. Standing levels of phenotypic divergence in natural populations may be the net product of these processes, but differentiation can also occur in the absence of selection as a result of random genetic drift. Determining the relative influence of drift and selection in population divergence is key to understanding local dynamics of adaptive evolution. Phenotypic differentiation among populations is exceedingly common in a wide variety of taxa, but to relate this differentiation to local adaptation requires distinguishing between the effects of selection and genetic drift. The statistical comparison of population differentiation at quantitative traits (QsT) and neutral molecular markers (FST) provides a test for selection acting on the traits (Lande 1992, Spitze 1993). While a global correspondence between Qsi and FST has been a matter of recent controversy (Merilä and Cmokrak 2001, Cmokrak and Merilä 2002, Latta and McKay 2002, McKay and Latta 2002), the comparison of genetic variation at quantitative traits with that at neutral markers is a powerful tool for identifying the relative roles of selection and drift in phenotypic differentiation (Lande 1992). 114 A growing volume of literature explores the relationship between neutral marker and quantitative trait divergence. Much of the early research in this area was done in plant and invertebrate systems (McKay and Latta 2002, Merilä and Cmokrak 2001), but a recent influx of studies compare estimates of FST and QST in vertebrate systems, particularly in anurans (Palo et al. 2003, Cano et al. 2004). Recent studies have also tended to use a priori expections of the FST-QST relationship to predict modes of selection acting on quantitative traits (Prout and Barker 1993, Spitze 1993, Bonnin et al. 1996, Yang et al. 1996, Palo et al. 2003, Cano et al. 2004). A few studies have also tested specific hypotheses of local selection (Baker 1992, Waldmann and Andersson 1998, Gomez-Mestre and Tejedo 2004). The present report provides additional insight into microevolutionary processes driving population divergence in vertebrates by comparing quantitative and neutral divergence among closely proximate garter snake populations with known life-history differences. In this study, we investigate quantitative trait and microsatellite genetic structure among natural populations of the terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans) in Lassen Co., California Previous research has documented ecotypic variation in life history, growth and survival between populations along the shoreline of Eagle Lake and those inhabiting lakes and flooded meadows at higher elevations (Bronikowski and Arnold 1999). Theory on the evolution of life history strategies predicts that growth rate is genetically coupled with other life-history characters as a coevolving unit (Charlesworth 1990, Steams 1992). Common garden experiments have shown that growth rate differences among T. elegans ecotypes have a genetic component (Bronikowski 1998). The nighttime temperatures at the meadow sites are five degrees colder than those at the 115 lakeshore sites. Neonates who were raised experiencing their native nighttime temperature grew faster than those who were raised with the nighttime temperature of the other ecotype, even if that temperature was higher than the native temperature. This intrinsic growth rate difference is part of syndrome of differences between the two ecotypes in life history traits. Lakeshore populations experience faster growth rates, earlier age at first reproduction, higher fecundity, and lower adult survival than meadow populations. We focus on differences in coloration that appear to increase crypticity in lakeshore and meadow environments. Lakeshore snakes tend to have dull yellow or tan stripes on a gray background color, whereas meadow snakes have bright yellow or orange stripes on a black background. In the lakeshore habitat, snakes forage along the rocky shoreline of Eagle Lake for small fish and leeches (Kephart 1982, Kephart and Arnold 1982). The snakes are exposed to predators as they commute between the water and rock refuges 5-40m from the shoreline. The muted colors of the lakeshore snakes tend to match the rocky substrate of the lakeshore. In contrast, meadow sites are relatively shallow water bodies where amphibians and leeches are the principle food source. Meadow habitats are dominated by aquatic rushes and other emergent vegetation that carpet the shallow lake bottoms. The meadow coloration pattern (yellow or orange stripes on a black background) closely resembles dead rushes that litter the flooded meadows. When chased in shallow water, snakes move quickly, change direction sharply, then lie motionless at the bottom. This behavior is an effective escape tactic against visual-based predators such as humans. The difference 116 in coloration between lakeshore and meadow ecotypes may therefore be a result of differential selection for crypticity. We also expected to see adaptive differences between T. elegans ecotypes in vertebral numbers. Kelley et al. (1997) and Arnold and Phillips (1999) argued that selection arising from differences in vegetation density between coastal California and the Eagle Lake shoreline is responsible for higher body and tail vertebral counts in lakeshore T. elegans. Snakes use substrate irregularities as points against which their vertebral column can push and propel themselves forward (Gray 1946, 1953; Gans 1986; Jayne 1988; Gasc et al. 1989). In habitats with a higher density of these "push points," T elegans populations have fewer vertebrae, whereas habitat with fewer push points support garter snakes with more vertebrae (Kelley et al. 1997). Push points are more abundant in habitat with dense vegetation, as in meadows, and less abundant in rocky habitat, as at lakeshore sites. Kelley et al. (1997) also examined locomotory performance of T elegans with different vertebral counts at varying push-point densities and found that snakes with more vertebrae moved slower than snakes with fewer vertebrae over all push point densities. Because lakeshore habitats provide fewer push points than meadow habitats, we expected to see more body and tail vertebrae (ventral and subcaudal scale counts) in lakeshore than in meadow T. elegans. In contrast, we did not expect to see differentiation or differential selection on other scalation traits. Coloration and scale counts have been shown to be under selection in these and other populations of garter snakes (Arnold 1988, Arnold and Bennett 1988; Bittner and King 2003). Tn this report we use estimates of neutral divergence among populations at 117 microsatellite loci to determine whether the quantitative traits have experienced diversifying selection, especially among ecotypes. We can reject neutrality as an explanation of population differentiation in quantitative traits if QST FST. QST > Fsr suggests diversifying selection, while QST <FST indicates stabilizing selection (Lande 1992, Spitze 1993). We expect to find QST estimates that far exceed FST in both scale counts and coloration. Because we expect differentiation to coincide with ecotypic differences, QST should be higher between ecotypes than among populations within ecotypes. METHODS Population dferentiation in scale counts Snakes were collected by hand from six localities at and around Eagle Lake in Lassen County, California (Fig. 4.1, Table 4.1). The following six scale counts were made on 2251 preserved and live specimens: number of ventral scales on the body (VENT); number of subcaudal scales (SUB); total number of ventral scales (TOTAL); total number of total number of infralabial (ILAB), supralabial (SLAB), postocular (POST) scales on the left and right sides; and number of dorsal scale rows at midbody (MID), as described by Arnold and Phillips (1999). VENT and SUB correspond, respectively, to the numbers of body and tail vertebrae (Alexander and Gans 1966, Voris 1975). Missing values comprised less than 4% of the dataset, three-fourths of which were N Eagle WDC 2 (AL PIK 0 MAH PAP. . NML MCY 5km Fig. 4.1. Map showing locations of meadow (MCY, PAP, NML, MAH) and lakeshore (P1K, GAL) sites. An additional lakeshore site, WDC, was used to generate heritabilities for scale counts. 00 119 Table 4.1. Names, abbreviations, ecotype and sample sizes of study populations for scalation and color variables (for males and females) and microsatellite markers. * Study site name is informal only, not an official geographic place name. Population name Gallatin Shoreline* Mahogany Lake McCoy Flat Res. Nameless Meadow* Papoose Meadows Pikes Point Abbreviation GAL MAH MCY NML PAP P1K Scalation Color Ecotype M F M F Microsat lakeshore 387 406 363 382 56 meadow 56 100 48 65 91 meadow 72 116 23 27 16 meadow 41 109 57 55 29 meadow 62 111 36 56 140 lakeshore 346 445 77 79 48 attributed to missing tail tips (SUB). Scale counts do not change during the ontogeny of an individual. Sex was determined by eversion of hemipenes. Inheritance of scale counts Estimates of heritability for the scale count traits were taken from Arnold and Phillips (1999). Those estimates are based on mother-offspring regressions using a sample of 102 mothers and 911 offspring from the Pikes Point and Wildcat Point (WDC; see Fig. 4.1) populations. We used the average of male and female heritabilities, estimated from the inland genetic and phenotypic variances given in Tables 3 and 4 of Arnold and Phillips (1999). Population differentiation in color Coloration traits were scored on 1268 live T elegans from six populations (Mahogany, McCoy-North, Nameless, Papoose, Pikes, Gallatin). Population samples 120 ranged from 50-745 individuals. Three aspects of coloration were scored by matching each individual to color standards: darkness of the unstretched dorsal area between the dorsal and lateral stripes at midbody (Background), colors of the dorsal (Dorsal) and lateral (Lateral) stripes at midbody. In all three cases, to make a match, individual snakes were held directly over a series of color standards in diffuse natural light. A Kodak gray scale was used as a standard for Background. Five adjacent categories of gray on this scale (arbitrarily denoted 3-7) were represented in the total sample. Pantone color swatches were used as a standard for Dorsal and Lateral. Although snakes were compared to over 36 swatches, matches were made to only 10 Pantone colors (127, 128, 134, 135, 136, 137, 141, 148, 155, 162). Because these are arbitrary color codes, they were translated to two different, three-element vector systems (red, green, blue or RGB and hue, saturation, lightness or HSL) using Pantone related software (Colorist) and Powerpoint. All analyses of Dorsal and Lateral were conducted using the RGB and HSL vectors rather than the Pantone categories. Both vector systems used because they provided slightly different, complimentary perspectives on coloration. The sexes were separately analyzed because of a slight sexual difference in coloration. Variable abbreviations represented all combinations of stripe and color component; for example, saturation of the dorsal stripe was DORSAT (Table 4.2). Background color (BKGRND) was quantified as various degrees of darkness, with higher numbers corresponding to a darker background. The RGB classification method uses the relative intensities of different types of wavelengths to describe the net color in terms of short (red), medium (green) and 121 long (blue) wavelengths. Many vertebrates (e.g., humans; Hurvich 1981) with visual systems have three types of receptors for detecting wavelength classes (Levine and MacNichol 1979, Lythgoe 1979, Jacobs 1981). Although birds have four receptor types (Chen and Goldsmith 1986, Jane and Bowmaker 1988), the RGB system should better approximate the visual perception of avian predators. HSL, on the other hand, is derived from Munsell codes (Munsell Color Company 1976), which classifies color into groups based on human perception. We therefore expect greater selection to be acting on RGB values than on HSL. Inheritance of coloration scores Heritabilities of the three coloration traits were assessed using a sample of 325 individuals representing 35 sibships from the Pikes and Wildcat populations. All coloration scores were made on neonates, no more than one month after birth. Coloration traits appeared to be fully expressed at birth, and no obvious ontogenetic trends were observed when individuals were reared to maturity in the laboratory. Heritabilities (h2) were estimated by treating the sibships as unrelated sets of fullsibs using software (H2B00T; Phillips 1998) available at a website maintained by P.C. Phillips (http://www.uoregon.edulpphillsofiware.html). Standard errors of heritability were estimated and tests of the hypothesis that h2 0 were conducted using 1000 bootstrap samples in H2BOOT. Fullsib anova (Falconer and McKay 1996) rather than mother-offspring regression was used to estimate heritabilities because coloration scores for mothers were missing for over a third of the sib ships. 122 Heritabilities were separately estimated for males (184 individuals in 35 sibships) and females (141 individuals in 32 sibships), and the average of the separate sex estimates was used in QST analyses. Microsatellites Tissue samples were collected between 1999 and 2004, as described in Chapter 2. Briefly, tail tip or piece of ventral scale was clipped and stored in Drierite®, an anhydrous calcium sulfate desiccant. The time lag between collection of scale count data and microsatellite data should not affect the results, because heritability estimates are not expected to change on the scale of the time difference between the two datasets (Jones et al. 2004). Genetic variation at neutral loci was assessed for nine microsatellite markers (see Table 2.2; Chapter 2). Whole genomic DNA was extracted using sodium dodecyl sulphate-proteinase K digestion followed by a standard phenol-chloroform extraction, NaC1 purification and isopropanol precipitation. DNA was PCR amplified in a 12.5 j.tL reaction with 10 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 9.0), 50mM KC1, 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.2 mM each of dNTPs, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.48 !tM forward (labeled with fluorescent ABI dye) and reverse primer, and 0.3 U Taq DNA polymerase. PCR profiles consisted of 94 °C for 2 mm followed by 36 cycles of 94 °C for 30 sec, appropriate annealing temperature for 30 sec and 72 °C for 30 sec, ending with 72 °C for 2 mm. PCR products were separated using an ABI 3100 capillary electrophoresis genetic analyzer and data were visualized using Genotyper 3.7 (ABI Prism). 123 Data analysis Quantitative traits. Differences between males and females at scale counts and color scores were calculated using ANOVA in SAS (v. 9.1, SAS Institute 2002). All populations were pooled to assess sexual dimorphism over the entire study area. For all traits and within sexes, phenotypic variance was partitioned within and among populations, as well as within and between ecotypes (lakeshore and meadow), using a nested analysis of variance (GLM in SAS). We tested for ecotypic differences using the mean square among populations within ecotypes to compute the F-ratio. Tests for population differences within ecotypes were conducted using the error variance @ooled within population variance). We calculated QST using the formula QST = (r2Gs/( (I2GB +2 02(jw), where CGB is the among-population component of genetic variance, and 02GW is the within-population component of genetic variance (Wright 1945, 1969 ; Lande 1992; Spitze 1993). The among-population component of phenotypic variance was equated with O2GB. The withinpopulation component of genetic variance was computed by multiplying the withinpopulation component of phenotypic variance by the heritability of the trait in question. Molecular traits. Analysis of genetic data were as described in Chapter 2. These analyses included exact tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Guo and Thompson 1992; Markov chain parameters: 5000 dememorizations; 500 000 steps per chain) calculated in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000 (Schneider et al. 2000) and tests for linkage disequilibrium (Slatkin and Excoffier 1996; Markov chain parameters: 5000 dememorizations, 1000 batches, 5000 iterations per batch), performed in GENEPOP 124 (Raymond and Rousset 1995). Significance levels were adjusted for multiple comparisons (Rice 1989). Number of alleles and observed and expected heterozygosities in each population and over all populations were calculated in GENEPOP (Raymond and Rousset 1995). Overall and population pairwise estimates of FST were calculated using AMOVA (Excoffier et al. 1992) in ARLEQUIN V. 2.000. Significance was assessed after 16 000 permutations for global estimates and 3000 permutations for pairwise estimates, with P-values adjusted with the sequential Bonferroni correction. Statistical comparisons. A Mantel test (Mantel 1967, Mantel and Valand 1970, Manly 1997), implemented in ARLEQUIN v. 2.000 was used to assess the correlation between pairwise estimates ofFST and QST for each trait (significance over 10 000 permutations). RESULTS After sequential Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Rice 1989), we found sexual dimorphism for two scale counts (VENT and SUBC) and four color scores (DORGREEN, DORHUE, LATGREEN and LATHUE; Table 4.2). Consequently, we analyzed males and females separately. Sample sizes, means and standard deviations for each trait are given for males and females within populations (Table 4,3) and ecotypes (Table 4.4). 125 Table 4.2. Tests of sexual dimorphism for scale counts and color scores. N indicates numbers of males and females. N Scale count VENT SUBC TOTAL MID SLAB ILAB POST Color score DORRED DORGREEN DORBLUE DORHUE DORSAT DORLT LATRED LATGREEN LATBLUE LATHUE LATSAT LATLT BKGRND 2162 Adjusted means males females 2234 2238 2235 171.07 86.00 255.29 20.14 16.05 20.15 6.04 1254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1124 1124 1124 1124 1124 1124 1267 243.47 192.50 110.04 24.84 204.31 166.14 243.82 202.80 123.04 26.43 201.71 172.44 5.14 1869 1848 2231 167.63 80.32 246.07 20.16 16.01 20.17 6.11 243.56 189.39 109.32 23.91 204.61 165.82 243.91 198.54 122.20 25.09 201.82 172.06 5.13 P <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.5846 0.053 0.3928 0.0206 0.7552 <0.0001 0.4923 <0.0001 0.7194 0.5373 0.7741 <0.0001 0.4398 <0.0001 0.9246 0.4287 0.7941 Table 4.3. Sample sizes, means and standard deviations of phenotypic traits for males and females in each population. Gallatin Trait Scale counts VENT SUBC TOTAL MID SLAB ILAB POST Color scores DORRED DORGREEN DORBLUE DORHUE DORSAT DORLT LATRED LATGREEN LATBLUE LATHUE LATSAT LATLT BKGRND N Males Mean 367 170.3 307 84.1 304 254.5 384 20.5 386 16.0 386 20.3 386 6.2 356 243.5 356 195.9 356 114.7 356 25.2 356 203.4 356 168.4 305 243.4 305 201.9 305 125.2 305 25.8 200.1 305 305 363 173.3 4.8 Mahogany Females Mean SD N Males Mean SD 170.1 4.4 55 167.1 6.4 97 163.7 84.0 8.4 48 10.7 48 0.9 56 0.4 55 0.6 55 0.6 56 78.8 245.3 19.9 16.0 10.6 77 76.1 15.0 238.9 0.4 0.5 0.4 77 97 100 99 99 48 12.2 48 19.7 48 245.1 1.8 65 245.1 1.5 23 185.9 100.6 23.9 210.6 162.4 14.7 65 182.6 12.7 13.8 65 97.8 2.8 4.8 65 23.3 65 211.2 6.9 65 161.1 2.3 65 245.4 13.8 65 11.0 65 4.0 8.6 65 65 5.1 65 0.4 65 SD N 4.9 8.6 0.8 0.3 0.7 0.7 373 317 315 401 405 405 405 5.2 375 243.3 13.8 192.0 17.8 375 375 3.7 375 24.1 15.7 375 202.9 8.8 375 167.8 5.3 324 324 243.2 324 3.8 324 19.3 324 8.2 324 0.7 382 125.4 11.5 11.9 18.0 McCoy 254.0 20.4 16.0 20.2 6.2 113.7 198.7 24.8 198.7 173.2 4.7 5.3 2.9 16.0 48 19.8 6.0 48 9.7 48 5.4 48 245.5 12.6 48 203.2 21.8 48 116.7 3.5 48 27.3 21.2 48 208.6 9.7 48 170.3 0.6 48 6.2 1.0 Females N Mean SD Males Mean SD N 168.6 7.9 115 82.9 251.4 9.5 12.5 19.8 1.2 15.9 0.5 19.8 5.9 0.9 0.7 99 78.9 98 241.5 114 19.9 114 16.0 115 19.9 114 5.9 0.6 0.8 0.8 2.6 19.0 27 2.2 23 244.0 191.9 12.8 23 103.8 15.6 23 4.4 23 25.7 206.9 23 163.5 7.5 23 243.1 2.8 197.5 2.0 2.9 6.6 3.9 9.4 23 8.7 116.2 14.5 23 25.3 2.0 23 217.3 125.8 31.5 207.9 169.8 6.2 15.9 23 199.5 8.8 6.0 0.4 23 173.7 4.7 23 6.5 0.5 19.7 16.0 20.0 6.1 N 5.6 72 8.1 68 10.6 68 1.1 72 0.4 72 0.9 72 0.6 71 8.3 8.7 3.2 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Females Mean SD 163.1 6.4 8.2 9.8 1.2 244.4 184.8 15.6 98.5 13.4 24.0 3.2 209.3 6.0 161.1 6.6 244.9 207.7 119.6 28.4 206.3 171.4 2.9 6.3 12.1 9.1 4.1 9.8 4.2 0.4 Table 4.3. (continued) Nameless Pikes Papoose N Males Mean SD N VENT SUBC TOTAL 40 168.8 5.6 105 164.0 5.4 62 169.7 5.0 111 165.8 26 78.1 12.9 46 75.7 7.8 55 80.9 9.4 93 26 245.2 16.3 46 238.4 11.0 55 250.7 10.5 MID 41 19.5 0.9 109 19.7 1.1 62 19.4 0.9 SLAB 39 15.9 0.4 108 16.0 0.2 62 16.0 0.4 110 ILAB 39 19.9 0.4 107 20.0 1.0 62 19.9 0.7 110 POST 39 6.0 0.4 107 6.1 0.2 61 6.0 0.4 57 244.5 1.6 55 245.1 1.4 35 243.6 57 179.4 11.6 55 181.7 11.7 35 57 94.0 10.6 55 97.5 13.2 57 22.9 2.0 55 23.0 57 210.2 3.7 55 57 159.0 5.4 56 245.8 56 Females Mean SD Males Females Mean SD N Males Mean SD N 5.5 336 173.7 5.2 429 168.9 4.6 72.8 11.5 330 90.9 5.6 403 80.8 4.3 93 239.2 12.3 323 264.4 7.8 394 249.8 7.0 110 19.8 1.2 343 20.0 1.0 442 20.3 1.0 15.9 0.4 345 16.0 0.6 442 16.1 0.8 19.8 0.8 343 20.2 0.8 441 20.4 0.9 109 6.1 0.5 345 5.9 0.7 443 6.0 0.7 3.2 57 245.2 2.1 77 241.4 6.2 79 241.1 6.0 188.3 17.6 57 188.3 13.6 77 192.6 9.4 79 190.4 11.2 35 100.6 14.7 57 104.6 16.6 77 112.3 14.6 79 113.2 19.2 1.4 35 24.9 3.8 57 23.9 3.2 77 24.8 2.0 79 24.2 2.2 211.3 2.0 35 206.7 9.3 57 210.2 6.1 77 198.4 17.9 79 196.9 18.3 55 160.9 6.8 35 161.7 7.1 57 164.3 8.2 77 166.2 7.5 79 166.5 9.4 2.2 52 246.2 2.7 33 244.4 3.2 52 245.4 3.3 70 242.7 5.6 69 242.6 5.6 201.7 12.2 52 194.9 7.3 33 207.4 15.1 52 200.8 11.5 70 200.2 8.5 69 196.4 10.0 56 115.6 9.0 52 111.4 9.7 33 120.5 13.4 52 119.4 14.4 70 124.3 19.1 69 124.1 20.2 56 26.8 3.7 52 24.8 0.9 33 28.6 4.4 52 26.0 3.3 70 25.5 3.2 69 24.4 2.8 LATSAT LATLT 56 209.6 8.3 52 211.8 9.4 33 203.9 12.7 52 207.4 14.1 70 197.4 22.0 69 197.7 20.5 56 169.8 4.0 52 167.9 4.5 33 171.6 5.8 52 171.5 6.1 70 172.5 8.1 69 172.5 BKGRND 57 6.0 0.3 55 6.0 0.4 35 6.1 0.4 56 6.1 0.5 77 4.6 0.5 79 4.5 Trait N Mean SD N Females Mean SD Scale counts Color scores DORRED DORGREEN DORDLUE DORHUE DORSAT DORLT LATRED LATGREEN LATBLUE LATHUE 9.3 0.6 Table 4.4. Sample sizes, means and standard deviations of traits for males and females in lakeshore and meadow habitats. Difference between means for the two ecotypes is expressed in units of average phenotypic standard deviation. Lakeshore Meadow Ecotypic Males Females Males Females difference in SD Trait N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD Males Fem Scale counts VENT 703 171.9 5.3 802 169.5 4.6 229 168.6 6.5 428 164.2 5.9 0.56 1.02 SUBC 637 87.6 7.9 720 82.2 6.6 197 80.7 10.4 315 76.0 9.5 0.76 0.77 TOTAL 627 259.6 10.9 709 251.7 9.1 197 248.9 13.4 314 239.7 11.0 0.88 1.19 MID 727 20.3 1.0 843 20.4 1.0 231 19.7 1.1 430 19.8 1.1 0.60 0.56 SLAB 731 16.0 0.5 847 16.1 0.6 228 15.9 0.4 432 16.0 0.4 0.22 0.15 ILAB 729 20.2 0.7 846 20.3 0.8 228 19.8 0.7 431 19.9 0.9 0.58 0.50 POST 731 6.1 0.7 848 6.1 0.7 227 5.9 0.5 429 6.0 0.6 0.23 0.15 Color scores DORRED 433 243.1 5.5 163 242.9 5.5 454 244.4 2.3 204 245.0 1.8 0.33 0.59 DORGREEN 433 195.3 13.2 163 191.7 12.0 454 185.0 15.6 204 184.3 13.3 0.72 0.59 DORBLUE 433 114.3 17.3 163 113.6 19.6 454 98.7 13.6 204 99.8 14.4 1.01 0.82 DORHUE 433 25.1 3.5 163 24.1 2.8 454 24.0 3.2 204 23.5 2.5 0.33 0.24 DORSAT 433 202.5 16.2 163 201.9 16.6 454 209.1 6.5 204 210.7 4.4 0.59 0.84 DORLT 433 168.0 8.6 163 167.6 9.7 454 161.2 6.7 204 162.0 7.2 0.88 0.66 LATRED 375 243.3 5.3 160 243.1 5.4 393 245.0 2.7 196 245.5 3.3 0.43 0.56 LATGREEN 375 201.6 11.3 160 198.3 12.2 393 205.6 13.8 196 199.1 10.7 0.32 0.07 LATBLUE 375 125.0 18.2 160 125.1 21.5 393 118.4 11.1 196 116.2 13.0 0.45 0.52 LATHUE 375 25.8 3.7 160 24.7 3.4 393 28.0 4.2 196 25.8 2.8 0.55 0.33 LATSAT 375 199.6 19.9 160 198.5 21.1 393 206.7 10.1 196 208.6 13.2 0.47 0.59 LATLT 375 173.1 8.2 160 173.1 9.7 393 170.9 5.0 196 170.0 5.6 0.34 0.41 BKGRND 440 4.8 0.7 4.7 0.6 163 461 6.1 0.4 203 6.1 0.4 2.45 2.59 129 Many traits showed significant differences among populations within ecotypes, and a few showed significant differences between the two ecotypes (Table 4.5). More traits showed ecotypic differences in females than in males. After Bonferroni correction, MID, LATRED, LATSAT and BKGRND showed significant divergence between ecotypes. VENT, SUBC, ILAB, and several aspects of stripe coloration were significantly different between ecotypes before, but not after, Bonferroni correction in females. Mahogany Lake was out of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at one microsatellite locus, and we found no evidence for linkage disequilibrium (Chapter 2). FST was 0.026 (P > 0.00001) among populations and 0.014 (P = 0.065) among ecotypes. Heritability estimates of color traits ranged from 0.072 (LATRED) to 0.654 (DORI{UE), with an average of 0.363 (Table 4.6). BKGRND heritability was also high (0.640). For male color scores, among-population QST averaged 0.193 and ranged from 0.038 (DORRED) to 0.560 (BKGRND), while the average for females was 0.182, ranging Values of QST for scale counts and color scores were generally much higher than FST both among populations and between ecotypes (Figure 4.2). For male scale counts, among- population QST ranged from 0.058 (SLAB) to 0.402 (POST) and averaged 0.243. Amongpopulation QST for female scale counts was slightly lower on average (0.217) and varied from 0.036 (SLAB) to 0.327 (ILAB; Table 4.6). Values for between-ecotype QST for males averaged 0.239 and ranged from 0.142 (POST) to 0.479 (ILAB), and females averaged 0.255, varying from 0.065 (SLAB) to 0.410 (ILAB). Overall, QST was highest for ILAB and TOTAL but lowest for SLAB and MID. QST among populations and between ecotypes were statistically equivalent for both sexes (P = 0.3 54 for males, P = 0.113 for females for 130 Table 4.5. Tests for differences between ecotypes and among populations within ecotypes for each trait in males and females. Mean squares are given for ecotype and population within ecotype. Asterisks indicate significance levels for differences among populations within ecotypes. P-values are for differences among ecotypes; those in bold are significant after sequential Bonferroni correction. Trait Scale counts Ecotype Males Population within Ecotype VENT SUBC TOTAL MID 1947.86 551.96**** 3.53 0.1335 8004.92 188.45**** 42.48 0.0029 7343.25 1976.08**** 3.72 0.1261 8669.75 888.63**** 9.76 0.0354 17530.50 4250.43**** 4.12 0.1121 31411.93 898.07**** 34.98 0.0041 62.89 16.28**** 3.86 0.1208 98.78 0.96 102.83 0.0005 SLAB 1.66 0.09 18.17 0.013 1.74 0.28** 6.12 0.0687 ILAB 27.70 0.35 78.40 0.0009 47.38 2.63 18.04 0.0132 2.54 5.17**** 0.49 0.5221 2.86 2.80**** 1.02 0.3695 310.20 79.46** 3.90 0.1194 817.24 81.75** 10.00 0.0341 5696.46 1004.57*** 5.67 0.0759 4963.28 403.55* 12.30 0.0247 17427.11 640.72* 27.20 0.0064 20378.51 481.14 42.35 0.0029 37.75 41.58** 0.91 0.3946 36.49 7.47 4.89 0.0916 5533.40 513.52* 10.78 0.0304 12058.82 623.06* 19.35 0.0117 2916.60 197.17* 14.79 0.0184 2977.28 137.94 21.58 0.0097 POST Color scores DORRED DORGREEN DORBLUE DORHUE DORSAT DORLT LATRED LATGREEN LATBLUE Females F-stat P-value Ecotype Population within Ecotype F-stat P-value 225.99 41.87 5.40 0.0808 652.45 13.10 49.80 0.0021 3531.40 1145.26**** 3.08 0.1539 694.10 890.10**** 0.78 0.4271 2285.43 511.05 4.47 0.1019 6493.07 538.76 12.05 0.0255 LATHTJE 718.56 103.83**** 6.92 0.0581 228.34 69.44**** 3.29 0.1440 LATSAT LATLT 3879.18 614.51 6.31 0.0659 10254.48 210.61 48.69 0.0022 203.74 80.41 2.53 0.1867 731.02 108.44 6.74 0.0603 BKGRND 205.68 2.06*** 99.61 0.0006 240.30 1.47** 163.19 0.0002 * P <0.05, ** P <0.01, P <0.001, < 0.0001 CD rI) CD CD H CD -t 0 CD -t -t OC#D CD CD CD QcdD I4) CIDO OH 0 >1j p (0 (0 o p Q, p p p 00 BKGRND C' (0 o p p 0' - p 00 p 1 (jJ 133 one-tailed paired t-tests). from 0.012 (DORHUE) to 0.608 (BKGRND). Among-ecotype QST for males averaged 0.204 and varied from 0.004 (DORGREEN) to 0.648 (BKGRND), and females averaged 0.228, ranging from -0.002 (LATGREEN) to 0.689 (BKGRND). Overall, BKGRND was by far the most divergent trait, with a stronger difference between ecotypes than among populations for both sexes. Background color also differed between the two ecotypes by over two standard deviations (Table 4.2). DORBLUE and LATRED were highly differentiated, with QST'S comparable to the highest estimates for scale counts. Color scores on the dorsal and lateral stripe were approximately equally divergent (P = 0.467), as were RGB and HSL scores (P= 0.351). Color divergence was greater between ecotypes than among populations for females (P = 0.008) but not males (P 0.298). Mantel tests of pairwise FST and QST matrices showed no evidence of correlated patterns of population differentiation. F51 and QST were not significantly correlated for any trait, and Pearson correlation coefficients varied from -0.23 7 to 0.3 02 for males and -0.283 to 0.290 for females. Phenotypic variance was significantly partitioned among ecotypes relative to variance among populations within each ecotype for more traits in females than males (Table 4.6). After Bonferroni correction, MID, LATRED, LATSAT and BKGRND showed significantly more divergence between ecotypes than among populations within ecotype. VENT, TOTAL, DORBLUE and DORLT had suggestive but inconclusive results. In meadow populations the dorsal stripe tends to be orange, but in lakeshore populations it is light brown or even pink (Fig. 4.3). Lateral stripe color shifts from tarmish light orange 134 Table 4.6. Heritabilities of traits and global Qsi among populations and between ecotypes for males and females. Trait Scale counts VENT SUBC TOTAL MID SLAB ILAB POST Color scores DORRED DORGREEN DORBLUE DORHTJE DORSAT DORLT LATRED LATGREEN LATBLUE LAT}{UE LATSAT LATLT BKGRND Heritability Amongpopulation Qst males females Betweenecotype Qst males females 0.475 0.465 0.47 0.42 0.06 0.09 0.06 0.178 0.300 0.356 0.198 0.058 0.320 0.402 0.279 0.235 0.350 0.104 0.036 0.327 0.189 0.152 0.258 0.313 0.183 0.147 0.479 0.142 0.368 0.264 0.447 0.164 0.065 0.410 0.069 0.476 0.474 0.255 0.654 0.375 0.298 0.072 0.402 0.245 0.462 0.102 0.266 0.640 0.038 0.178 0.365 0.042 0.101 0.265 0.268 0.128 0.109 0.165 0.239 0.055 0.560 0.091 0.125 0.280 0.012 0.171 0.185 0.304 0.055 0.112 0.081 0.276 0.063 0.608 0.031 0.004 0.466 0.035 0.123 0.363 0.300 0.057 0.137 0.144 0.274 0.073 0.648 0.095 0.157 0.360 0.017 0.207 0.242 0.463 -0.002 0.176 0.047 0.405 0.108 0.689 in meadow snakes to light brown in lakeshore snakes (Fig. 4.4). Lakeshore populations exhibit wider variation in dorsal and lateral stripe than meadow populations, with lower frequencies of meadow-type color patterns. Background coloration shifts from predominantly dark shades at meadow sites to lighter grays at lakeshore sites (Fig. 4.5). 135 MALES FEMALES McCOY :: 0.4 0.4 - 0.2 0.2 _____ 08 : MAHOGANY 06 0.4 McCOY :: - _____ -nfl MAHOGANY 0.8 0.6 0.4 - 0.2 0.2 ____ -._____ NAMELESS 0.8 0.6 04 0.6 T 0.4 - 02 0.2 PAPOOSE 0.8 06 PAPOOSE 0.8 0.6 - 04 02 NAMELESS 0.8 0.4 flfl 0.2 Iii GALLATThT 0.8 0.8 fi GALLATIN 0.2 flfl PIKES 0.8 06 06 0.4 0.4 0.2 flfl fl DORSAL STRIPE COLOR PIKES 0.8 0.2 [p fl DORSAL STRIPE COLOR Fig. 4.3. Frequency histograms showing distribution of dorsal stripe color for males and females in each population. Populations are shown in order from farthest to closest to Eagle Lake. 136 FEMALES 08 McCOY : 0.6 MALES McCOY 0.8 : 0.6 - 04 0.2 0.2 lHn 08 - - MAHOGANY flH MAHOGANY 0.8 06 0.6 0.4 - 0.4 0.2 fl I fl NAMELESS 0.8 0.2 NAMELESS 8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 __ _n -II PAPOOSE 0.8 = 0.6 04 PAPOOSE 0.8 0.6 - 0.2- -n n 0.4 - 0.2 :fl n n ii GALLATIN 0.8 06 GALLATIN 0.8 0.6 :: PIKES 0.8 06 - 0.6 0.4 0.2: PIKES 0.8 0.4 fl fl LATERAL STRIPE COLOR - 0.2 LATERAL STRIPE COLOR Fig. 4.4. Frequency histograms showing distribution of lateral strip color for males and females in each population. Conventions as for Fig. 4.3. 137 FEMALES 0.8 McCOY MALES 0.8 0.6 0.6 :.: :: MAHOGANY LI. 08 AMELES1 I AHOGAN LI 08 0.6 0.6 04 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.8 PAPOOSE 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 _. 0.2 08 -GALLATIN McCOY .JAMELESS PAPOOSE _. 0.2 0.8 02J1 0.8 PIKES 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 BACKGROUND PIKES BACKGROUND Fig. 4.5. Frequency histograms showing distribution of background color for males and females in each population. Conventions as for Fig. 4.3. 138 There are very low frequencies of snakes with meadow-like background color at lakeshore sites, consistent with the high QST values for BKGRNI) we observed. DISCUSSION Coloration and scale counts showed strong differentiation between lakeshore and meadow sites as well as weaker differentiation among populations within ecotypes. This differentiation cannot be attributed to drift. We found strong diversifying selection on both scale counts and color scores. Only three out of 80 Q5T estimates were lower than F51, and almost 75% were greater than FST by a factor of four or more. QST for background color was consistently high for both sexes among populations and between ecotypes (range of 0.560 to 0.689). There was significant diversifying selection on numbers of body vertebrae (0.152 to 0.368), but a less marked difference with tail vertebrae (0.235 to 0.300). Higher numbers of vertebrae in lakeshore populations may be a result of differential selection on locomotory performance in a lakeshore versus meadow habitat. A difference in push-point density between lakeshore and meadow habitats may explain the observed differentiation in ventral and subcaudal scale counts. Between-ecotype QST values for females for body and total vertebral counts are higher than males, suggesting that the two sexes are experiencing different intensities of selection. Garter snakes exhibit sexual dimorphism in size such that females are larger (Rossman et al 1996). Garter snakes also bear live young so females become even larger 139 with pregnancy, decreasing their speed. Because locomotor performance has important fitness consequences, any functional advantage gained by females is likely to be under strong selection. Interestingly, we also observed stronger selection for females on color traits, despite a lack of overall of sexual dimorphism in color pattern. None of the four color scores that showed significant differences between the sexes had QST'S greater than 0.2. Again, larger-bodied females may rely more on crypticity than males, especially when gravid, because their burst speed may be compromised. Both speed and crypticity are important anti-predator mechanisms for garter snakes, and local adaptation in these traits at the small geographic scale of this study point to strongly divergent selection on females in different habitats. Further work is needed to determine if sexual dimorphism in selection for crypticity or locomotor performance is common in snakes with female-biased size dimorphism. The high QST estimates obtained for background color indicates that it is under strong selection, probably due to its role in substrate matching and increasing crypticity. Darker background coloration in meadow-type T elegans, in conjunction with the yellow dorsal stripe, results in a snake that is cryptic in dark water with bright yellow vegetation. Lakeshore snakes probably match their environment with more subdued colors, including a lighter background. There was no discemable difference between the RGB and HSL color scoring methods in revealing differentiation among populations or between ecotypes. Both scoring schemes revealed population differences that could not be explained by random drift. 140 Meadow and lakeshore populations are four to 20 km apart, yet we found differentiation and evidence for diversifying selection on quantitative traits. Previous work showed that Papoose Meadows was the major source of migrants in the region and contributes approximately six effective migrants per generation to each lakeshore site (Chapter 2). Our results indicate that diversifying selection on quantitative traits can overcome gene flow of this magnitude and produce local adaptation on a small spatial scale. Concluding remarks Our results are consistent with the picture of ecotypic differentiation documented in this system by Bronikowski and Arnold (1999). Differentiation in coloration and scalation traits coincided with the ecotypic differences in life history and established that those differences could not be attributed to drift. Departure from neutral differentiation at these traits was stronger for females than for males, perhaps reflecting locomotory constraints caused by relatively larger bodies and pregnancy. Other studies have found much stronger divergence for quantitative traits than expected under neutrality (e.g., Porter and Geiger 1995, Pfrender et al. 2000, Wong et al. 2003), as well as a nonsignificant relationship between pairwise FST and QST (Palo et al. 2003). Approaches to FST-QST comparisons have generally taken one of two approaches. The first approach asks whether neutral markers can act as surrogates for adaptive quantiative traits in natural populations that might be targets for conservation management. The overall conclusion here is that genetic structuring among populations at quantitative traits is usually greater than that observed with neutral markers (Pfrender et al. 141 2000, Reed and Frankham 2001, McKay and Latta 2002, Merilä and Cmokrak 2001) and may be uncorrelated (Reed and Frankham 2001, McKay and Latta 2002). Though convenient for conservation purposes, FST cannot be a proxy for QST, because neutral markers will usually underestimate genetic variation available for evolutionary adaptation. The other approach is to infer selection on quantitative traits by comparing their differentiation with that at neutral markers. 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I found that B. boreas differend substantially in its population dynamics from the garter snakes. The toad populations were characterized by much larger effective population sizes, lower migration rates and migration-drift equilibrium suggesting a stable population structure. A barrier to dispersal was also identified for both garter snakes, and ecological variables associated with genetic differentiation were identified (Chapter 3). Finally, I estimated genetic differentiation for two types of quantitative traits and, using a null hypothesis of neutrality as measured by differentiation at molecular markers, tested for the role of selection between two different habitats for T. elegans in the vicinity of Eagle Lake. I found substantial 146 deviations from neutrality, indicating local adaptation for many of the traits examined, most notably for traits associated with locomotory performance and crypticity. Females were more divergent between habitats than males, perhaps as a result of locomotory constraints imposed by large body size and gravidity (Chapter 4). These results point to several different arenas of future research. The similarities in genetic structure found for T elegans and T. sirtalis in the Eagle Lake basin may be due to similarities in diet. This hypothesis could be tested by repeating the analysis in a different system. Coastal regions in California and Washington also support sympatric populations of both species, but there, T elegans prefers slugs, and T. sirtalis retains an anuran diet. If similarities in diet are responsible for the correlated genetic structure of Lassen Co. populations, coastal populations should have uncorrelated genetic structures. Further research is also needed to determine if the barrier to dispersal common to both garter snakes also impedes gene flow in B. boreas. Breeding populations of toads occur at Colman Lake and Deans Meadow. 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