2015 Value Added Orthodontia Program For Oregon & Washington Preferred Employees

2015 Value Added Orthodontia Program
For Oregon & Washington Preferred Employees
Preferred Employee Value Added
Getting Started
If your employer offers a Willamette Dental Group
plan but you are enrolled with another dental
plan, Willamette Dental Group, P.C., considers
you a Preferred Employee. Under the Value Added
Orthodontia program, Preferred Employees are
eligible to receive orthodontic treatment from
Willamette Dental Group, P.C., at reduced fees that
are lower than our regular fees and much lower
than fees charged by fee-for-service orthodontic
To determine if you are a candidate for orthodontic
treatment, call 1.855.4DENTAL (433-6825) to
schedule an appointment with a Willamette Dental
Group general dentist to receive an evaluation and
referral to a Willamette Dental Group orthodontist
for a pre-orthodontic consultation.
Willamette Dental Group, P.C., is committed to
providing you with the quality care necessary
for orthodontic treatment. Each of our providers
meet and maintain high credentialing standards.
Our providers practice a proactive approach to
dentistry, which means you will receive the most
appropriate care based on your individual needs.
During the course of treatment, your providers
will collaborate and perform in clinical teams
to oversee your dental care. Willamette Dental
Group providers utilize today’s proven technology
and techniques to help you reach your oral health
Willamette Dental Group has more than 50
dental offices throughout the states of Oregon,
Washington and Idaho that provide orthodontic
treatment. We are able to provide your care at
a lower operating cost than most independent
providers and, as a result, we can provide Preferred
Employees high-quality care at a reasonable price.
Th e P r e f e r r e d E m p l oye e Va l u e A d d e d
Orthodontia program is not insurance. The
patient is responsible for all fees. This program
is offered by Willamette Dental Group, P.C.
Form No. 023-WDG(1/15)
When you receive your referral, schedule
an appointment with a Willamette Dental
Group orthodontist for your pre-orthodontic
consultation. This consultation includes an initial
exam, as well as X-rays, study models and an
extensive oral evaluation. The cost for this service
is a total of $150. These non-refundable fees are
credited toward the total fees if you proceed with
orthodontia treatment.
The Willamette Dental Group, P.C., value-added
orthodontia rates are only available when
Willamette Dental Group providers perform the
entire treatment.
For more information about preferred employee
orthodontia, call 1.855.4DENTAL, Option 3 and ask
for Member Services.
2015 Value Added Orthodontia Program
For Oregon & Washington Preferred Employees
Pre-Orthodontia Consultation
Initial Orthodontic Exam:
Study Models and X-rays:
Case Presentation:
These non-refundable, pre-orthodontia
consultation fees are credited toward the
patient’s cost of treatment if the patient
proceeds with treatment.
Visit us on the Web at
2015 Fees Schedule & Savings
Usual &
Fee Under This
Customary Fee
Banding level is based on the extent of
treatment, which is determined by the treating
Willamette Dental Group orthodontist.
Fees may be adjusted periodically without
notice. Patients are not subject to subsequent
fee increases after treatment has begun or if
treatment begins within 120 days from the
pre-orthodontia consultation.
More Questions?
Call 1.855.4DENTAL
Form No. 023-WDG(1/15)