2043 College Way Forest Grove, OR 97116-1797 503-357-6151 LETTER OF AGREEMENT This agreement, entered into on ____________________, 20_____ is between Pacific University (PU) and ____________________________, a self employed contractor, not as an employee of PU, to provide services to PU for ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ [ ] more specific requirements added as an attachment. (Requires Dean/Director signature) Dates of service are _________________________________. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE for reporting and paying all applicable federal and state taxes and expenses, including, but not limited to, federal and state income tax, social security tax, unemployment insurance tax, workers compensation insurance, and business license fees. IN CONSIDERATION of services provided PU agrees to pay contractor $____________ upon satisfactory completion of the services. Note: Properly signed W-9 must be on file with PU before payment can be made. THIS AGREEMENT may be modified by mutual written consent or terminated upon 10 day written notification by either party. Pacific University Contractor Name _____________________________ Business Name _____________________ Address ___________________________ __________________________________ Email _____________________________ Phone # ___________________________ EIN/SSN__________________________ ____________________ ______ Budget Officer Signature Date __-_____-_________-________ Account Number ________________________ Dean/Director Signature (if $ 2,500.00 or greater) _________________________________ Contractor Signature Agreements for $5,000.00 and over require the signature of Director, Office of Legal Affairs: __________________________ _____________ Signature Date Agreements for $25,000.00 and over require the signature of Director, Office of Legal Affairs and the Vice-President for Finance & Administration. A Purchase Order is required for $25,000.00 & above. __________________________ Signature/VP Finance _____________ Date For information/Instructions on payment to Non U.S. citizens please visit the Accounts Payable website at http://www.pacificu.edu/about-us/offices/business-office/accounts-payable Revised 4/15