Document 10833406

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Difference Equations
Volume 2009, Article ID 728484, 12 pages
Research Article
Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solution for
Singular BVPs on Time Scales
Ana Gómez González1 and Victoria Otero-Espinar2
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Facultade de Matemáticas, Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, 15782 Galicia, Spain
Departamento de Análise Matemática, Facultade de Matemáticas, Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, 15782 Galicia, Spain
Correspondence should be addressed to Victoria Otero-Espinar,
Received 27 March 2009; Accepted 12 May 2009
Recommended by Alberto Cabada
This paper is devoted to derive some sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness
of positive solutions to a singular second-order dynamic equation with Dirichlet boundary
Copyright q 2009 A. Gómez González and V. Otero-Espinar. This is an open access article
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1. Introduction
Hilger 1 introduced the notion of time scale in 1990 in order to unify the theory of
continuous and discrete calculus. The field of dynamic equations on time scale contains, links,
and extends the classical theory of differential and difference equations, besides many others.
There are more time scales than just R corresponding to the continuous case and N discrete
case and hence many more classes of dynamic equations.
By time scale we mean a closed subset of the real numbers. Let T be an arbitrary time
scale. We assume that T has the topology that it inherits from the standard topology on R.
Assume that a < b are points in T and define the time scale interval a, bT {t ∈ T : a ≤ t ≤
b}. For t ∈ T, define the forward jump operator σ : T → T by σt inf{s ∈ T : s > t} and
the backward jump operator ρ : T → T by ρt sup{s ∈ T : s < t}. In this definition we
put σt t if T attains a maximum t and ρt t if T attains a minimum t. If σt > t, t is
said to be right-scattered and if σt t, t is said to be right-dense. If ρt < t, t is said to be
left-scattered and if ρt t, t is said to be left-dense.
A function f : T → R is said to be rd-continuous provided it is continuous at all rightdense points of T, and its left-sided limit exists at left-dense points of T. For t ∈ T, the delta
Advances in Difference Equations
derivative f Δ t of f at t is defined to be the number if exists such that for given > 0, there
exists a neighborhood U of t such that
f σt − fs − f Δ tσt − s ≤ |σt − s|,
∀s ∈ U.
See 2 for general theory about time scales.
The problem we will consider in this work is of the type
−uΔΔ gt, uσ t,
ua u σ 2 b 0.
Under this general form it included the Emden-Fowler equation, which arises in
several fields, such as the following:
i Astrophysics: related to the stellar structure gaseous dynamics. In this case the
fundamental problem is to investigate the equilibrium configuration of the mass of
spherical clouds of gas.
ii Gas dynamics and fluid mechanics. The solutions of physical interest in this context
are bounded nonoscillatory and possess a positive zero.
iii Relativistic mechanics.
iv Nuclear physics.
v Chemically reacting systems: in the theory of diffusion and reaction this equation
appears as governing the concentration u of a substance which disappears by an
isothermal reaction at each point of a slab of catalyst.
We refer to Wong 3, for a general historical overview about this equation.
Many works on this equation have been written in the continuous case, and we can
cite among others, 4, 5 or 6.
On the discrete case we find the book 7 which studies the oscillation properties of the
solutions of different difference equations. For the specific problem uΔΔ t ptuγ σt 0,
where p ≥ 0 and γ quotient of odd positive numbers, also oscillation properties were studied
in 8.
On time scales some results on existence and uniqueness of solutions in the sense of
distribution for this equation can be found in the article 9. Considering classical solutions,
oscillation properties have also been studied, in works such as 10 with delay or 11.
In the present paper we present some results on time scales considering classical
solutions which generalize the ones from the continuous case.
2. Lower and Upper Solutions Method
Let a, b ∈ T, such that a < ρb. Let us put J a, σ 2 bT , J κ a, σbT , and J κ o σa and J a, σ 2 bT , J κ a, σbT , and J κ o a, σbT if a σa.
a, σbT if a /
Advances in Difference Equations
We consider the second-order dynamic equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions,
−uΔΔ t ft, uσ t, t ∈ J κ o ,
ua A,
u σ 2 b B,
P where f : J κ o × A → R, A ⊂ R, satisfies the following condition.
H1 i For every x ∈ A, f·, x ∈ Crd J κ o ,
ii ft, · is continuous on A uniformly in t ∈ J κ o .
For convenience, we denote
κ o
h ∈ Crd J , R
σs − a σ b − s hsΔs < ∞ .
We say that f satisfies the condition H2 on B ⊂ J κ o × A if there exists a function h ∈ E
such that
H2 ft, x ≤ ht,
∀t, x ∈ B.
Definition 2.1. A solution of P is a function u ∈ Crd
a, bT such that ut ∈ A, for all
t ∈ a, σ bT , which satisfies the equalities on P for each t ∈ J κ o , where
, yΔΔ : J κ o −→ R, yΔΔ ∈ Crd a, bT .
a, bT y ∈ C a, σ 2 b
Definition 2.2. We say that α ∈ Crd
a, bT is a lower solution of P if αt ∈ A, for all
t ∈ a, σ bT and
−αΔΔ t ≤ ft, ασ t, t ∈ J κ o ,
αa ≤ A,
α σ 2 b ≤ B.
An upper solution β ∈ Crd
a, bT of P is defined similarly by reversing the previous
We have the following result.
Theorem 2.3. Let α and β be, respectively, a lower and upper solution for problem P , such that
α ≤ β on a, σ 2 bT . If f satisfies H1 and the conditions H2 on
Dα t, x ∈ J κ o × R : ασ t ≤ x ≤ βσ t ,
then problem P has at least one solution u
such that α ≤ u
≤ β on a, σ 2 bT .
Advances in Difference Equations
Proof. We consider the following modified problem:
−uΔΔ t f ∗ t, uσ t, t ∈ J κ o ,
ua A,
u σ 2 b B.
Pm with
ασ t − x
⎪ft, ασ t ⎪
1 ασ t − x
f ∗ t, x ft, x,
σ x − βσ t
⎩f t, β t 1 x − βσ t
if x ≤ ασ t,
if ασ t ≤ x ≤ βσ t,
if βσ t ≤ x.
Due to the hypothesis it can be easily checked that H1 and H2 are satisfied by the function
f ∗.
Note that, if u is a solution of Pm such that α ≤ u ≤ β on a, σ 2 bT , then u is a
solution of P , also satisfying α ≤ u ≤ β on a, σ 2 bT .
To show that any solution u of Pm is between α and β, let vt αt − ut, and
suppose that there exists t∗ ∈ a, σ 2 bT such that vt∗ > 0. As va ≤ 0 and vσ 2 b ≤ 0,
then there exists t0 ∈ a, σ 2 bT with
> 0,
vt0 max vt, t ∈ a, σ 2 b
and vt < vt0 for t ∈ t0 , σ 2 bT . The point t0 is not simultaneously left-dense and
right-scattered see 12, Theorem 2.1 this implies that σ ◦ ρt0 t0 , and we have that
vΔΔ ρt0 ≤ 0 see 12, so
−vΔΔ ρt0 uΔΔ t0 − αΔΔ t0 ≤ −f ∗ ρt0 , uσ ρt0 f ρt0 , ασ ρt0 2.8
αt0 − ut0 < 0.
1 αt0 − ut0 So vΔΔ ρt0 > 0, that is a contradiction. And so we have proved that vt ≤ 0, ∀t ∈
a, σ 2 bT .
Analogously it can be proved that ut ≤ βt, ∀t ∈ a, σ 2 bT .
We only need to prove that problem Pm has at least one solution.
Consider now the operator N : Ca, σ 2 bT → Ca, σ 2 bT , defined by
Nut φt σb
Gt, sf ∗ s, uσ sΔs,
Advances in Difference Equations
for each t ∈ a, σ 2 bT , where see 2
⎨t − a σ 2 b − σs ,
Gt, s 2
σ b − a ⎩σs − aσ 2 b − t,
t ≤ s,
σs ≤ t
is Green’s function of the problem
−xΔΔ 0,
xa x σ 2 b 0,
and for t ∈ a, σ 2 bT
φt A B−A
t − a
σ 2 b
is the solution of −xΔΔ 0 such that φa A and φσ 2 b B.
Clearly, Gt, s > 0 on a, σ 2 bT × a, σ 2 bT , Gt, · is rd-continuous on a, σbT
and G·, s is continuous on a, σ 2 bT .
The function Nu defined by 2.9 belongs to Ca, σ 2 bT because f ∗ checks the
conditions H1 and H2 on J κ o × R and Gt, s ≤ s1 − s, for each t, s ∈ a, σ 2 bT .
It is obvious that u ∈ Ca, σ 2 bT is a solution of Pm if and only if u Nu. So the
problem now is ensuring the existence of fixed-points of N.
First of all, N is well defined, is continuous, and NCa, σ 2 bT is a bounded set.
The existence of a fixed-point of N follows from the Schauder fixed-point theorem, once
we have checked that NCa, σ 2 bT is relatively compact, that using the Ascoli-Arzela
theorem is equivalent to proving that NCa, σ 2 bT is an equicontinuous family.
Let h∗ ∈ E be the function related to f ∗ by condition H2 . We compute the first
derivative of Nu using 2, Theorem 1.117
NuΔ t t
B − A − σs − af ∗ s, uσ sΔs
σ 2 b − a a
σb 2
σ b − σs f s, u sΔs
≤ 2
σ b − a
|B − A| t
σs − ah sΔs 1
|B − A| λt.
σ 2 b − a
σb t
σ b − σs h sΔs
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Finally it is enough to check that λ ∈ L1 J κ o , using integration by parts we obtain
|λs|Δs σb
r t
r → σb−
σs − ah sΔs Δt
σb σb r →a
σ b − σs h sΔs Δt
σs − a σ 2 b − σs h∗ sΔs
− lim
r → σb−
σ 2 b − r
− lim
r − a
σs − ah∗ sΔs
σb r →a
σ 2 b − σs h∗ sΔs < ∞,
due to h∗ ∈ E, and the fact
σ 2 b − r
r − a
σs − ah∗ sΔs ≤
σb r
σ 2 b − σs h∗ sΔs ≤
σs − a σ 2 b − σs h∗ sΔs,
σs − a σ 2 b − σs h∗ sΔs.
And so the result is proved.
3. Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solution
Let g : J κ o × 0, ∞ → R in the condition H1 , where A 0, ∞, and consider the
−uΔΔ t gt, uσ t, t ∈ J κ o ,
ua u σ 2 b 0.
We will deduce the existence of solution to Q by supposing that the following hypothesis
H3 There exists a constant L > 0 such that for any compact set D ⊂ J κ o , there is
ε εD > 0:
gt, x > L,
∀t, x ∈ D × 0, ε.
Advances in Difference Equations
Theorem 3.1. Suppose that H1 and H3 hold. If, for any δ > 0, g satisfies the condition H2 on
J κ o × δ, ∞, then problem Q has at least one solution.
Proof. Let’s consider {an }n≥1 , {bn }n≥1 ⊂ J κ o as two sequences such that {an }n≥1 ⊂
a, a σb/2T is strictly decreasing to a if a σa, and an a for all n ≥ 1 if a < σa, and
{bn }n≥1 ⊂ a σb/2, σbT is strictly increasing to σb if ρσb σb, bn ρσb for
all n ≥ 1 if ρσb < σb. We denote as Dn : an , bn T ⊂ J κ o , n ≥ 1.
Due to the first hypothesis, we can then ensure the existence of εn > 0 such that
gt, x > L, for all t, x ∈ Dn × 0, εn . We can suppose, without restriction that {εn } is a
decreasing sequence and limn → ∞ εn 0.
Consider the function γ : a, a1 T → R
, such that γa 0, and if a / a1 then γt ε2 for t ∈ a2 , a1 , γt εn , for all t ∈ Dn \ Dn−1 , with n ≥ 3. Since γ is nondecreasing, we
obtain that for t ∈ a, a1 1
γ1 t : 2
σ b − a
γsΔs ≤ γt
is continuous and increasing. Repeating this argument twice, for i 2, 3 we define
γi t : 2
σ b − a
γi−1 sΔs ≤ γt.
So γ3 ∈ C2 a, a1 T is a convex function verifying γ3 t ≤ εn , ∀t ∈ Dn \ Dn−1 , n ≥ 2.
Analogously, we can consider γ : b1 , σ 2 bT → R
, such that γ σ 2 b 0, γ σb 0, γ t ε2 , for all t ∈ b1 , b2 and γ t εn , for all t ∈ Dn \ Dn−1 , with n ≥ 3. Taking γ0 γ , we
obtain, for i 1, 2, 3, that for t ∈ b1 , σ 2 b
γi t :
σ b − a
σ 2 b
γi−1 sΔs ≤ γ t
is continuous and decreasing, and γ3 ∈ C2 b1 , σ 2 bT a convex function such that γ3 t ≤
εn , ∀t ∈ Dn \ Dn−1 , n ≥ 2.
We now define
γ3 t, t ∈ a, a1 T ,
αt α∗ t, t ∈ a1 , b1 T ,
γ3 t, t ∈ b1 , σ 2 bT ,
with α∗ t a convenient function, so that α ∈ C2 a, σ 2 bT , and 0 < αt ≤ ε1 for all t ∈
a1 , b1 T .
So α ∈ C2 a, σ 2 bT is a function such that αa ασ 2 b 0, αt > 0 for t ∈
a, σbT , αt ≤ ε1 for t ∈ D1 , and αt ≤ εn , for t ∈ Dn \ Dn−1 , n ≥ 2.
In this way, we note that
gt, x > L,
∀t, x ∈ J κ o × {x ∈ 0, ∞ : 0 < x ≤ αt}.
Advances in Difference Equations
Let m0 min{1, L/αΔΔ 1}.
Let Ft, x ≥ gt, x, for all t, x ∈ J κ o × 0, ∞, with F in the conditions H1 . We
a, σ 2 bT is any solution of
will prove that if v ∈ Crd
−vΔΔ Ft, vσ t,
with va ≥ 0, vσ 2 b ≥ 0 and vt > 0 for all t ∈ J κ o , then,
vt ≥ m0 αt,
∀t ∈ a, σ 2 b .
Suppose there exists t ∈ a, σ 2 bT , such that vt − m0 αt < 0. Then, we can assure, using
arguments analogous to the ones in the proof of Theorem 2.3, that there exists t∗ ∈ a, σ 2 bT
vΔΔ ρt∗ ≥ m0 αΔΔ ρt∗ ,
which implies that
L < F ρt∗ , vσ ρt∗ −vΔΔ ρt∗ ≤ −m0 αΔΔ ρt∗ < m0 αΔΔ 1 ≤ L,
which is a contradiction.
We define now, for each n ∈ N
gn t, x : max gτn t, x, gt, x ,
τn t max{an , min{t, bn }}.
where, for each t ∈ J κ o
For each n we have that gn is a function verifying H1 on J κ o ×0, ∞, and gn t, x ≥ gt, x,
for all t, x ∈ J × 0, ∞ and gn t, x gt, x, for t ∈ Dn .
The sequence {
gn }n converges to g uniformly in every set of the form D × 0, ∞,
where D ⊂ J κ o is a compact set.
Defining, by induction, g1 t, x g1 t, x and for n > 1
1 t, x min gn t, x, gn
1 t, x ,
we have that, for each n, the function gn satisfies the condition H1 on J κ o × 0, ∞. As
well g1 ≥ g2 ≥ · · · ≥ gn ≥ · · · ≥ g, and {gn }n converges to g uniformly, in every set of the form
D × 0, ∞, where D ⊂ J κ o is a compact set.
It is also verified that gn t, x gt, x, t ∈ an , bn , x ∈ 0, ∞.
Advances in Difference Equations
Now we define the following problems:
uΔΔ t gn t, uσ t 0, t ∈ J κ o ,
ua u σ 2 b εn .
Qn We will prove that for any c ∈ 0, εn , the constant function αn ≡ c is a strict lower solution
for Qn .
It is obvious that c αn a ≤ εn , and c αn σ 2 b ≤ εn . Now we have to prove that
gn t, c > 0,
t ∈ J κ o , c ∈ 0, εn .
For n 1, let c ∈ 0, ε1 such that
g1 t, c g1 t, c max gτ1 t, c, gt, c ≥ gτ1 t, c > L.
Suppose now that gn t, c > 0, t ∈ J κ o , c ∈ 0, εn , for a given n ≥ 1, and we will check that
1 t, c > 0, t ∈ J κ o . Let c ∈ 0, εn
1 such that
1 t, c min gn t, c, gn
1 t, c ≥ min gn t, c, gτn
1 t, c > 0.
Thus the assertion is proved.
Moreover, as gn ≥ gn
1 on J κ o × 0, ∞, it can be easily checked that any solution un
of Qn is an upper solution for Qn
1 .
To show that problem Q1 has at least one solution. We fix a constant M ≥ ε1 . From
the assumption imposed, there exists a function hM ∈ Crd J κ o , R
such that
gt, x ≤ hM t,
∀t ∈ J κ o , x ≥ M.
Note that
gτ1 t, x ≤ hM τ1 t ≤ R,
∀t ∈ J κ o , ∀x ≥ M,
with R > 0 is a suitable constant.
Set qt : hM t R. We have that q ∈ Crd J κ o , 0, ∞, and
g1 t, x ≤ qt,
∀t ∈ J, x ≥ M.
Let β ∈ Crd
a, bT be a solution of the boundary value problem:
uΔΔ t qt 0,
ua u σ 2 b M.
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It is easy to check that such a function exists and that βt ≥ M, for all t ∈ a, σ 2 bT , and
βΔΔ t g1 t, βσ t −qt g1 t, βσ t ≤ 0,
which implies that β is an upper solution of Q1 .
Taking α1 ≡ ε1 , we have that α1 and β1 : β are, respectively, a lower and upper
solutions of Q1 . Moreover α1 t ≤ β1 t, for all t ∈ a, σ 2 bT . Then, by Theorem 2.3 there
exists a solution u1 of Q1 such that
ε1 α1 t ≤ u1 t ≤ β1 t,
∀t ∈ a, σ 2 b .
Proceeding by induction, using αn ≡ εn , βn ≡ un−1 , lower and upper solution of Qn , n ≥ 2,
we obtain via Theorem 2.3 a sequence {un } of solutions of Qn , such that εn ≤ un t ≤
un−1 t, for all t ∈ a, σ 2 bT and un a un σ 2 b εn , n ≥ 2.
Since gn ≥ g on J κ o × 0, ∞, and un is a solution of Qn with un t > 0 for all
κ o
t ∈ J , then un t ≥ m0 αt, for every t ∈ a, σ 2 bT .
To end, we will prove that
t : lim un t
n → ∞
is a solution of problem Q.
We have that, for any n ≥ 1,
t ≤ un t,
m0 αt ≤ u
∀t ∈ a, σ 2 b .
Now let D ⊂ J κ o be a compact interval. There exists an index n∗ n∗ D ∈ N such
that D ⊂ Dn for all n ≥ n∗ . Let n ≥ n∗ , if t ∈ D, then
0 uΔΔ
n t gn t, un t un t gt, un t.
Hence, un verifies the first equality of problem Q for all t ∈ D, and for all n ≥ n∗ . Moreover
sup gt, x, t ∈ D, m0 αt ≤ x ≤ un∗ t < ∞.
Then by the Ascoli-Arzelá theorem, we can conclude that u
is a solution of Q in D.
Since the compact D was arbitrary, we have that u
∈ Ca, σbT , and
ΔΔ gt, u
σ t 0,
∀t ∈ J κ o .
in a and σ 2 b.
As u
a u
σ 2 b limn → ∞ εn 0, we just have to check the continuity of u
Advances in Difference Equations
Let ε > 0. Take nε in such a way that unε a < ε. From the continuity of unε t at a, it
follows that we can find a constant δ δε > 0 such that
0 < unε t < ε,
∀t ∈ a, a δT .
0 < m0 αt ≤ u
t ≤ unε t < ε,
∀t ∈ a, a δT .
Using the same argument the continuity at σ 2 b is proved.
In order to prove the uniqueness of the solution to problem Q we have the following
Theorem 3.2. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, if gt, · is strictly decreasing in x, for each
t ∈ J κ o , then problem Q has a unique solution.
Proof. By Theorem 3.1 the problem Q has at least one solution.
Suppose that there exist v1 and v2 , solutions of Q and t∗ ∈ J κ o such that v1 t∗ >
v2 t . If this occurs, setting zt : v1 t − v2 t we can find t0 ∈ a, σ 2 bT such that zt0 > 0
and zΔΔ ρt0 ≤ 0. Using the decreasing property of gt, x in x, we obtain
−zΔΔ ρt0 g ρt0 , v1σ ρt0 − g ρt0 , v2σ ρt0 < 0,
that is a contradiction.
Corollary 3.3. Let p1 , p2 ∈ Crd J κ o , let p1 > 0 on J κ o and p1 |p2 | ∈ E. If ψ ∈ C0, ∞, ψ >
0 is strictly decreasing on 0, ∞ and limx → 0
ψx ∞, then problem
uΔΔ p1 tψt p2 t,
ua u σ 2 b 0
has a unique solution in Crd
Proof. Setting gt, x : p1 tψx − p2 t, and for each δ > 0, hδ t : p1 tψδ |p2 t|, it is
clear that the hypothesis in Theorem 3.2 holds. So, applying the result we have ensured the
existence of one unique solution to the problem.
Example 3.4. Let T C be the classical ternary Cantor set, and a 0, b 1. For every t ∈ T,
let It {i ∈ I : ti ∈ R ∩ 0, t} with R {ti }i∈I the set of all right-scattered points of T.
Advances in Difference Equations
If we take p1 t 1/t1/2 σt1 − t, p2 t 0 and
⎧ ⎪
1 1
μtk ⎪
2 x2 k∈I
ψx −
μtk 2
⎪ ti x ti 2 k∈I
⎪ 1 1/x
⎩ e
if x ∈ T, x /
if x ∈ ti , σti ,
if x ≥ 1,
then problem 3.31 has a unique solution.
This research is partially supported by D.G.I. and F.E.D.E.R. project MTM2007-61724 and by
the Xunta of Galicia and F.E.D.E.R. project PGIDIT06PXIB207023PR, Spain.
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