Diamond Path ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! APRIL 17TH! April/May 2015! 2015 FAMILY FUN FEST 4/20 Last 5th Grade Band Rehearsal-8am! 4/20 5th Grade Band Concert-2:45pm and 7:00pm! 4/22 NO 5th Grade Band Rehearsal (See 4/20)! 4/23 Family Fun Fest (by PTO) 5:00pm to 8:00pm! 4/24 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS (Data Analysis for Teachers)! 4/28 Culver’s Day! at the Apple Valley Culver’s (benefits the Art Adventure Program)! 5/1/DP Scholarship Breakfast- 8:00am! 5/8 Track and Field Day for Kindergarten - 4th Grade! 5/11 5th Grade Track and Field Day at EVHS! 5/11 2015/2016 Kindergarten Orientation- 6:00pm to 7:00pm! 5/14 PTO Meeting-6:30pm Media Center! 5/15 Alternate Kindergarten - 4th Grade Track and Field Day! 5/18 Alternate 5th Grade Track and Field Day! 5/22 School Newsletter on DP Website! THURSDAY, APRIL 23RD 5-8PM See you THERE! 5/25 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS AND STAFFMemorial Day! 5/26 Culver’s Day! 5/29 School Newsletter on DP Website! Page 1 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! BAND NEWS!! A"en%on 4th Grade Band Parents! If your child is not doing summer band lessons, the Instruc%onal Selec%on Form must s%ll be turned in as part of registering for 5th grade band. Simply write on the sheet that your child will start on their instrument in the fall when school starts. ! Please keep in mind that the Instrument Rental/Registra%on Nights are coming up in May. Monday, May 4th from 4:00-­‐7:00pm at Highland Elementary, Wednesday, May 6th from 4:00-­‐7:00pm at Deerwood Elementary and Thursday, May 7th from 4:00-­‐7:00pm at Deerwood Elementary. You choose the date and %me that works best in your schedule. A reminder note will be coming home the last week of April with more details. ! I am looking forward to mee%ng you and geTng your children started on their instrument this summer! ! Melanie Hoff Melanie.hoff@district196.org A"en%on 5th Grade Band Parents! The Spring Concert is right around the corner! Monday, April 20th at 7:00pm. The students are eager to perform the many songs we have been working on in morning band and in lessons. This is their last concert of 5th grade and it is very important that they are all there to perform! Our last morning band of the year is the day of the concert, Monday, April 20th at 8:00am (instead of our usual Wednesday rehearsal %me). Please make sure your child is there and ready to go at 8:00am as we get ready for our concert for the school at 2:45 and for parents and rela%ves at 7:00pm. Lessons will con%nue through the 2nd week of May. We will con%nue to progress in our lesson book and have some fun playing with Smart Music as well. I have enjoyed working with this awesome group of kids! I can't wait for you to hear how well they are doing at the Spring Concert! ! Melanie Hoff Melanie.hoff@district196.org Page 2 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! GEMS Word Work for First Grade We had fun in our class playing with and learning about words. We met once a week for 5 weeks. We got special notebooks and made words from play dough. We started to no<ce pa=erns in words and how words can sound different than they look. Take a look at some of the things we did! We got to write with chalk. ~ Allie We were wri%ng on the ground. ~ Nico ! We got to write with sidewalk chalk. ~ Drake We got to glue words in our books. ~ Angelique Page 3 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! GEMS This is me. I am wri%ng words. ~ Nathan ! We got to go to the computer lab. ~ Joie In our class we did word searches. We got to sort words and read them. ~ Kaitlyn ~ Nathaniel Page 4 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! SPOTLIGHT!! Second Grade The 2nd graders went to The Big Weather Experience at the Science Museum of Minnesota to kick off their next unit of study on Weather. They saw Tornado Alley, an Omnitheater Film, attended the Storms on Stage presentation and spent time with the Air and Weather exhibits on the museum Dloor. During the Storms on Stage presentation the students developed a greater understanding of the patterns and causes of weather. They experienced the making of clouds, lightning and thunder, a tornado and a rainbow. It was a fun Dilled learning experience! Page 5 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! SPOTLIGHT!!! Second Grade During our weather unit, students will be learning to look at the many factors that make up weather and the tools that meteorologists use in their weather forecasts. We will be reading a lot of different types of nonDiction and looking at all the different features that nonDiction authors use to give us information. Students in each class will compare weather from different cities around the world and plot the temperatures on a line graph. Later in the unit, each student will write their own nonDiction text about weather. Students will be asked to use the strategies and features that different authors use to give us information in their own writing. Second graders will also get to experience a visit from a real meteorologist next month! ! Page 6 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! LUNCHROOM NEWS Happy Spring Everyone! It’s nice to have some warmer weather for a change! On Wed. April 15th, we celebrated our Twin’s opener day with Hot Dogs, and malt cups! Wednesday April 22nd, will be our local lunch day when we will be serving a Marzeti Asian Salad. As always, we encourage family and friends to come eat with their student(s). If you are planning to eat lunch with your student please inform the teacher so we can ensure we have enough food prepared for everyone. Sue Youngberg Diamond Path Food Service Manager 952-423-7669 LIBRARY NEWS Children’s Book Week! May 4-8, 2015! Dear Parents,! ! ! As part of “Children’s Book Week” this year at Diamond Path, we will hold a used paperback Book Swap. Our Book Swap will be on:! ! ! -Tuesday, May 5th: For Grades 3-5! ! ! -Wednesday, May 6th: For Grades K-2! It will be held during the school day.! ! We hope you support this activity by permitting your child to bring in up to four gently-used paperback books (appropriate for their grade level). Coupons for the number of books brought in will be given to each child. These coupons will be exchanged for other books on Book Swap Day.! ! ! A child may bring in more than four books. Any additional books will be used to increase the choices for other students, however he/she will still receive four coupons.! All books brought in should be in good condition. You and your child must agree to part with books permanently. In order to verify parent permission, please fill out and return the attached form with books to be swapped. The books to be traded must be brought in during the week of April 27th-May 1st, which is before the swap dates. Books and permission forms may be dropped off each morning that week in the Media Center.! ! ! Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation! We hope this fun activity will encourage reading.! Sincerely,! Linda Johnson/Media Specialist! Nancy Holien/Media Clerk! Diamond Path Media Center! Page 7 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! NURSE NOTE! REMINDER: ! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENT(S) ARE WEARING APPROPRIATE FOOTWEAR FOR PLAYGROUND. CLOSED-TOE SANDALS ARE OKAY BUT NO FLIP-FLOPS.! ! THANK YOU!! DEB NEUTZ! DIAMOND PATH SCHOOL NURSE Page 8 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! ! Hmong Art Exhibit April 6 – 9, we had an exciCng event happen at Diamond Path! An exhibit on the art and culture of the Hmong people was here at Diamond Path. Twenty-­‐six fiOh grade students trained to be docents (teacher guides) for the exhibit. They became student experts on an aspect of Hmong artwork and took all the DP classrooms through the exhibit. An open-­‐house for parents and special guests was also held. Art is a window into any culture and studying the art of Hmong people gave an understanding and appreciaCon for the similariCes and differences between cultures, no maSer how separated by geography and history. It will be a rich experience for all involved. Page 9 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! KINDERGARTEN DRESS-UP DAY On Tuesday, April 14th the Kindergarteners had dress up day. Students and teachers wore their dress up clothes they wear in their culture for events like weddings, holidays, church, etc. Some students wore their Easter outfits, while other students wore outfits they would wear to a Mosque. It was so amazing to see all the beautiful clothing. Page 10 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! PTO NEWS Be sure to join us on Thursday April 23rd from 5-8 pm for Diamond Path’s most exciting event of the year It ll be a HOOT! *Family Fun Fest* This year we have taken Family Fun Fest to a whole new level!! Here are some of the great new things to come and check out!! Here are just a few highlights! ! All of Diamond Path’s Carnival games have been brought in house, which means WE OWN THEM!! Every dollar spent playing games comes right back to DP!! Come and check out some of the new games like the Hurricane Hustle, Wheel of Fortune and Monster Truck Jump. And of course we will have the classics like Bottle Blast and General store. ! We will be serving a great array of fine food in the Cafeteria during Family Fun Fest! Be sure to bring your appetite! ! Be sure to come and check out the Silent Auction in the Library! We have lots of cool stuff everything from Twins memorabilia to bikes to reserved parking spots! And be sure to come and find your child’s classroom basket to see the collaborative masterpieces they have made for this event! They are pretty cool! ! Advance ticket sales go on sale Monday April 20. Order forms will be sent home in your child’s Friday Folder. ! If you would like to jump in and help out, we still have many opportunities available…go to http://www.district196.org/dpweb/volunteerDP/index.cfm or fill out the form in your child’s Friday Folder. ! If you have any questions, please contact the Family Fun Fest committee at fulford4@hotmail.com And THANK YOU for your support Diamond Path Families!! Without you we could not pull off this amazing event!! Page 11 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! PTO NEWS Diamond Path Twins Game Order Forms Due May 5th!!! Make sure to return your completed Twins game order form and payment to the main office by May 5th to reserve your %ckets. Order forms came home in the April 3rd Friday Folders. Also, at this game, the Twins will be handing out Brian Dozier mini bats to the first 5,000 fans (14 and under only)!! What: Diamond Path Twins Game When: Sunday, May 31, 2015 Cost: $11 per Ccket Game %me: 1:10 p.m. Opponent: Toronto Blue Jays Pahl’s Market Fundraiser Star%ng Soon!! The spring fundraiser at Pahl’s Market starts Monday, May 11! Look for Pahl’s coupons in May 8th's Friday Folders (coupons can’t be used un%l Monday, May 11). Whether you start an herb garden or purchase some hanging baskets, just remember your coupons to help with the fundraiser! They will have 200 coupons on hand at the store in case you're shopping there and forgot your coupons. Tuesday, April 28 is Culver's Day! Enjoy lunch, dinner or just a treat with the family and help out the school. A portion (15%) of what is purchased from our community comes back to support Diamond Path programs. This month's Culver's Day raises money for the Art Adventure program. Be sure to mention "Diamond Path" when you check out, either in store or in the drive-thru lane. Page 12 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! PTO NEWS Looking for a Spring Trail Run/Hike? Come experience the Wolf Run on May 17! Sign up for the 3rd Annual Wolf Run (or walk) 5K and 1/2 mile on Sunday, May 17, at Lebanon Hills Regional Park. This event helps support Diamond Path Elementary students a"ending Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, the outdoor learning experience that Diamond Path fourth graders have been embarking on for years! Every DP fourth grader has the opportunity to go to Wolf Ridge, regardless of ability to pay. If you register online before race day, the cost is $25 for the 5K and $12 for the 1/2 mile. Plus, you'll be guaranteed a T-­‐shirt. Race-­‐day registra%on cost is $30 for the 5K and $15 for the 1/2 mile. Please help con%nue this great tradi%on by suppor%ng the Wolf Run 1/2 mile or 5K. Plus, it's a blast! Don't miss out on the fun! Register and learn more at: h"p://www.andersonraces.com/events/events-­‐detail.php? intResourceID=2022 Page 13 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES!! Parent’s Staff Luncheon! Wednesday, May 27th!! If you are interested in helping, please go to the following link:! http://www.district196.org/dpweb/ volunteerdp/index.cfm Track and Field Day!!!! ! K-4th Grade-Friday, May 8th! and! 5th Grade-Monday, May 11th! ! Volunteer shifts are on the following link:! http://www.district196.org/dpweb/ volunteerdp/index.cfm Page 14 Diamond Path APRIL 17TH! Eastview Community Founda%on ! The Eastview Community Foundation is pleased to award 123 scholarships valued at $93,000 to graduating seniors of Eastview High School in May, 2015. Scholarships are awarded by academic and athletic merits, service, leadership, financial need and other criteria. The scholarships were donated by members and businesses of the surrounding community as well as from the fundraising efforts of Eastview Community Foundation. This has been the largest award of scholarships to a graduating class in the Eastview Community Foundation history. ! In May, the foundation will award grants to the elementary and middle schools that feed student into Eastview high school. Grants are designed to fund extra needs of the school such as technology, camp fees and school extras. ! ! ! www.evcf.org. Page 15