Journal of Plankton Research J. Plankton Res. (2015) 37(5): 897– 911. First published online August 28, 2015 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv066 LEANNE E. ELDER†* AND BRAD A. SEIBEL DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND, 120 FLAGG ROAD, KINGSTON, RI 02881, USA † PRESENT ADDRESS: DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS, YALE UNIVERSITY, NEW HAVEN, CT USA *CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: E-mail Received January 11, 2015; accepted July 26, 2015 Corresponding editor: Marja Koski Phronima sedentaria is a hyperiid amphipod that diel migrates into a pronounced oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. In this study, oxygen consumption and lactate production were measured in P. sedentaria to estimate the aerobic and anaerobic contributions to total metabolism under conditions that mimic its day- (1% oxygen, 108C) and night-time (20% oxygen, 208C) habitat. When exposed to hypoxia and low temperature, the total metabolism of P. sedentaria was depressed by 78% compared with normoxic conditions. The metabolic enzymes citrate synthase (CS) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were also measured as indicators of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, and compared with specimens collected from the California Current and the North Atlantic to assess potential adaptations to low oxygen. LDH activity was not significantly different between regions. Significant differences in CS activity may be due to variation in food availability. Climate change is predicted to increase surface temperatures and cause the expansion of OMZs. This will result in vertical compression of the night-time range for P. sedentaria and is likely to have the same impact on other diel migrators. Habitat compression will reduce zooplankton contribution to carbon cycling and alter oceanic ecology, including predator– prey interactions. KEYWORDS: metabolic depression; climate change; hypoxia; anaerobic metabolism; hyperiid amphipods I N T RO D U C T I O N In some regions of the oceans at intermediate depths, biological oxygen use exceeds the rates of oxygen replenishment via the processes of advection and diffusion (Packard et al., 1988) leading to zones of low oxygen. These oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) occur in areas of high primary productivity such as the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP), where organic matter from the available online at # The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 Ecophysiological implications of vertical migration into oxygen minimum zones for the hyperiid amphipod Phronima sedentaria JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH j VOLUME 37 NUMBER 5 j PAGES 897 – 911 j 2015 the sum of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism) to limit the accumulation of harmful anaerobic end products (e.g. Hþ) and to conserve fuel stores (Seibel, 2011). Metabolic depression (also known as metabolic suppression) is a common response among marine animals to environmental stressors such as desiccation, food deprivation, and low oxygen (Storey and Storey, 1990; Guppy and Withers, 1999). Hyperiid amphipods are the third most abundant crustacean marine zooplankton, after euphausiids and copepods (Diebel, 1988). Phronima sedentaria (Fig. 1), in particular, has a worldwide distribution (Shih, 1969) and is abundant in the pronounced OMZ of the ETNP. Phronima sedentaria is a diel vertical migrator, spending night time near the surface (0 – 25 m) and living as deep as 600 m during the day (exact maximum depth is not known, but is between 300 and 600 m) (Shih, 1969; Shulenberger, 1977). Like most hyperiid amphipods, P. sedentaria often lives parasitically on tunicates or siphonophores, using them as a food source and a brood chamber (Madin and Harbison, 1977; Laval, 1978). Phronimids eat the internal tissue of their host leaving the remaining gelatinous matrix in a barrel shape (Hirose et al., 2005) that is propelled through the water with the urosoma (tail) half out the back (Land, 1992). Childress and Seibel (Childress and Seibel, 1998) suggested that amphipods may be especially tolerant of low oxygen because their gelatinous host provides a substrate that can fuel extended anaerobic metabolism. This study was conducted to determine whether, and to what extent, P. sedentaria depresses metabolism to survive migration into a pronounced OMZ and how much it relies on anaerobic metabolism. To test this, total metabolism was estimated from the accumulation of anaerobic end-products and the rates of oxygen Fig. 1. Phronima sedentaria from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. This individual has been accessioned to the Yale Peabody Museum (YPM) as a taxonomic voucher for other specimens used in the study. It is catalogue number YPM IZ 075000. Scale bar equals 5 mm. Photograph taken by Eric Lazo-Wasem. 898 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 surface sinks and decays, adding to the oxygen demand at intermediate depths (Fiedler and Talley, 2006). The OMZ in the ETNP is remarkable for both its size and degree of hypoxia (Kamykowski and Zentara, 1990). This OMZ extends vertically from 50 to 1200 m (Fernández-Álamo and Färber-Lorda, 2006). Below 300 m oxygen levels vary, but can be ,2 mM (0.15 kPa, 0.04 mL L21) (Wishner et al., 2013). The California Current has a less severe OMZ, with oxygen levels reaching a minimum of 13.4 mM (0.8 kPa, 0.3 mL L21) (Childress and Seibel, 1998). OMZs are predicted to expand both vertically and horizontally as a result of the changing world climate (Stramma et al., 2008; Keeling et al., 2010; Deutsch et al., 2011). Most of the oxygen decrease is attributed to increased stratification, which limits the mixing of oxygenated surface waters with subsurface waters and reduces the subsurface oxygen concentrations (Keeling and Garcia, 2002). Increasing global temperatures will warm ocean surface waters, leading to a decrease in oxygen content due to decrease in oxygen solubility. Oxygen levels influence vertical distribution and ecology of marine animals (Vinogradov et al., 1996; Wishner et al., 2013). Understanding how oxygen concentrations affect zooplankton physiology is important because expanding OMZs may cause alterations in species’ vertical and horizontal habitat ranges. Those alterations could, in turn, change ecosystem trophic structures due to shifts in predator– prey interactions as well as affecting carbon cycling (Seibel, 2011; Doney et al., 2012). Most studies on hypoxia tolerance of marine animals have been conducted in OMZs where dissolved oxygen levels are relatively higher than in the OMZ of the ETNP. Organisms found in the California Current OMZ are often able to remain aerobic (Childress, 1977). This ability to extract oxygen from hypoxic water is due to adaptations including: increased ventilation and circulation capacity, high gill surface area, short blood to water diffusion distances and respiratory proteins with high oxygen affinity and cooperativity (Childress and Seibel, 1998). In moderate OMZs, the majority of the biomass is permanent deep-living zooplankton and micronekton throughout the depth range (Vinogradov et al., 1996; Childress and Seibel, 1998; Robinson et al., 2010). At oxygen concentrations less than 10 mM in the ETNP, there is a reduction in biomass at depth. Most organisms either live at the upper or lower OMZ interfaces (zones of steep oxygen gradients), or vertically migrate to more oxygenated waters at night (Vinogradov and Voronina, 1962; Wishner et al., 1990, 2013). However, organisms accustomed to variable and transient hypoxia, such as that experienced by diel vertical migrators, will often depress their total metabolism (i.e. j L. E. ELDER AND B. A. SEIBEL j ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF PHRONIMA SEDENTARIA consumption under hypoxia and normoxia. Metabolic enzyme activities were also measured as indicators of the capacity for aerobic and anaerobic metabolic rate in P. sedentaria from regions with varying oxygen levels. METHOD Collection Metabolic rate (MO2) After collection, parasitic specimens were gently removed from their host. Specimens were individually transferred to filtered seawater within a half hour of collection and held in a water bath at experimental temperature for at least 12 h, ensuring they were acclimated and starved. Filtered (0.2-mm demicap filter, Fisher Scientific, USA) and treated (25 mmol L21 each of streptomycin and ampicillin) seawater was prepared for respiration chambers Fig. 2. Representative water profiles of the top 500 m for all study locations. (A) Temperature profiles and (B) oxygen profiles. Data were collected with shipboard conductivity, temperature, density (CTDs). Black dashed line: North Atlantic, 39858N, 67859W, 25 September 2011. Dark grey solid line: ETNP St 1, Eastern Tropical North Pacific Station 1, the Tehuantepec Bowl, 118N 988W. Black solid line: ETNP St 2, Eastern Tropical North Pacific Station 2, the Costa Rica Dome 8.58N 908W, 2 January 2009. Light grey dashed line: Gulf of California, 27814N 111829W, June 2007. Light grey solid line: California Current, 33844N, 118846W, 11 November 2012. 899 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 Specimens of P. sedentaria were collected from the ETNP, the Gulf of California and the North Atlantic (see Supplementary data, Table SII for precise locations) using a modified Tucker trawl equipped with a 30-L thermally insulated cod-end (Childress et al., 1978). The net was opened and closed using a MOCNESS-type step motor and equipped with temperature and pressure sensors. Specimens from the California Current were collected using a 505-mm mesh bongo net and a 1-m2 MOCNESS net with 332-mm mesh. A conductivity, temperature, density (CTD) cast was conducted daily at each station to obtain water profile information (Fig. 2). For all locations, the majority of net tows were done at night (between 1900 and 2400 local time) from 20 to 50 m. Some specimens were collected from the North Atlantic and California Current during the day (1300 local time) at depths between 350 and 250 m. Only female specimens were used for this study because they were more abundant than males in all locations (see Supplementary Material online for details on sex ratio). Specimens from each location were used for metabolic rate experiments. Enzyme activities were compared between specimens collected from: the ETNP, a region with a pronounced OMZ; the California Current, where the oxygen levels are higher than in the ETNP; and the North Atlantic, which does not have a strong OMZ (Fig. 2B). To compare environmental lactate production with laboratory experiments, a field study was conducted. Phronima sedentaria specimens were collected in two separate trawls, one within and one above the OMZ, during the day and night, respectively. These trawls were done on 2 January 2009 in the ETNP (Fig. 2, see Supplementary data, Table SII). The deep trawl was 250–300 m and the shallow trawl was 25–50 m. Upon net retrieval, 10 individuals all alive and in good condition were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and transferred to a 2808C freezer. Specimens were weighed in the laboratory prior to L-lactate measurement. JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH j VOLUME 37 NUMBER 5 j PAGES 897 – 911 j 2015 consumption rates were determined by calculating the difference in final oxygen concentration between the control and experimental chambers and incorporating the adjusted volume of water, mass of the organism and time elapsed. At the end of incubations, specimens were immediately blotted dry, frozen in liquid nitrogen, then transferred to a 2808C freezer. Weights were determined from frozen individuals in the laboratory for all specimens except for those collected in the Gulf of California, which were weighed on a shipboard balance system (Childress and Mickel, 1980) and frozen in liquid nitrogen. Metabolic rate was determined per hour incubation per gram body weight for each individual. A temperature coefficient, or Q 10 ð¼ðR2 =R1 ÞððT2 T1 Þ=10Þ, R ¼ oxygen consumption rate, T ¼ temperature, quantifies the factorial change in metabolic rate with 108C change in temperature and typically falls in the range of 2 – 3 (Hochachka and Somero, 2002). Q 10 was calculated from the average mass-specific routine metabolic rate at each temperature and used to normalize metabolic rates to 208C for comparison (Supplementary data, Fig. S2 and Table SI). L-Lactate measurements To determine reliability of handheld lactate metres, measurements of lactate standards were compared using the traditional spectrophotometric method (Gutmann and Wahlefeld, 1974; Engel and Jones, 1978), and the lactate metres: Accutrend (Roche Diagnostics Corp., Indianapolis, USA), and lactate plus (Nova Biomedical, USA). Using the metre instead of the spectrophotometric method reduces cost and duration of sample processing. In the preliminary trials for this study, the lactate plus metre was not sensitive to lactate values ,10 mmol g21. The Accutrend lactate metre provided measurements comparable with the spectrophotometric method. Other studies have also demonstrated that the Accutrend metre is an acceptable alternative to the spectrophotometric method for lactate measurement (Beecham et al., 2006; Pérez et al., 2008). Lactate was measured in whole organisms from the ETNP. Tissue-specific measurements would miss lactate present in other parts of the body. Determining lactate of the whole organism allows lactate involved in exchange mechanisms, known as lactate shuttles (Brooks, 2002), to be accounted for. Measurements were done on the same specimens used for oxygen consumption in order to calculate the total metabolism for each individual. Whole frozen specimens were ground on ice in a prechilled glass tissue homogenizer (Kimble Chase, USA) using a 1:2 or 1:1 dilution with homogenization buffer (465 mm NaCl, 19 mm KCl, 20 mm Tris). The homogenate was 900 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 with a water-jacketed gas-equilibration column, which was connected to a temperature-controlled water bath (Lauda, Germany) set to the desired experimental temperature (10, 15, 20 or 258C). For hypoxic experiments (only performed in the ETNP), the water column was bubbled with a certified gas mixture of 1% oxygen (10 mM, 0.8 kPa at 108C). For normoxic experiments, water was bubbled with 21% oxygen, (balanced with nitrogen) to ensure air saturation. Experimental water was bubbled for a minimum of 1 h and checked with a Clark-type oxygen electrode (Clark, 1956, described below), to ensure it reached the desired oxygen concentration. Hypoxic treatments were conducted at 10, 15 and 208C. Normoxia treatments were conducted at 10, 15, 20 and 258C in the ETNP and 10, 15 and 208C in the Gulf of California. Hypoxia at 108C is consistent with conditions in the ETNP at 300 m depth, 158C is the temperature at intermediate depths of P. sedentaria’s distribution, and 208C is the temperature experienced at night. Surface temperatures can reach 258C in the ETNP, so P. sedentaria may occasionally experience temperatures that high. Depending on the size of the organism, either 25-mL glass scintillation vials or glass gas-tight syringes were used as respiration chambers. There was no significant difference in metabolic rate between the chambers used for hypoxic (unpaired t-test: t (17) ¼ 1.06; P ¼ 0.30) or normoxic conditions (t (66) ¼ 1.74; P ¼ 0.09). Chambers were filled with water from the gas-equilibration column and an individual was immediately placed in the chamber. A blank chamber with no specimen was filled with identically treated water and processed simultaneously to monitor background respiration of microbes. The chambers were sealed (air bubbles removed) and incubated in a temperature-controlled water bath (Lauda, Germany). All experiments were carried out in darkness. Normoxia experiments were conducted for 5–27 h. The size of individuals was used to estimate the duration needed to provide measureable changes in oxygen saturation. Hypoxia experiments were incubated for a shorter duration of 2–6 h to prevent complete depletion of oxygen in the chambers. Metabolic rate was calculated as per gram per hour to normalize for size and duration. Water was removed from incubation chambers using a 500-mL syringe (Hamilton, USA). Oxygen concentrations were then measured using a Clark-type oxygen electrode (Clark, 1956) connected to a Strathkelvin Instruments 782 Oxygen Interface (Strathkelvin Instruments, UK). The oxygen electrodes were maintained in a thermally jacketed electrode holder (MC100 Microcell, Strathkelvin Instruments) attached to the water bath of the appropriate experimental temperature (Marsh and Manahan, 1999). The electrode was calibrated prior to measurements using air- and nitrogen-saturated seawater. Oxygen j L. E. ELDER AND B. A. SEIBEL j ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF PHRONIMA SEDENTARIA centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 5 min at 48C and the supernatant was removed. L-Lactate concentrations were measured on the Accutrend lactate metre using 25 mL of supernatant. All samples were assayed in triplicate, and compared with a lactate standard curve (sodium lactate, L7022, Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA) which was run daily. The Accutrend lactate metre measures lactate using enzymatic determination and reflectance photometry at a wavelength of 660 nm (Beecham et al., 2006). Total metabolism Enzymatic activity Live specimens were identified and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen at sea. Frozen specimens were shipped back to the University of Rhode Island on dry ice and stored at 2808C. Metabolic enzymes citrate synthase [CS, Enzyme Commission number (EC)] and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC were measured. Individual, frozen P. sedentaria were homogenized on ice in 0.01 M Tris buffer, ( pH 7.5 at 108C) in a prechilled glass tissue homogenizer (Kimble Chase) using a 1/3 dilution for CS and a 1/3 – 1/15 dilution for LDH (depending on size and activity levels). Homogenate was centrifuged at 48C, 4500 rpm for 10 min. Aliquots of supernatant (25 mL) were added to 1-mL cocktail solution in a quartz cuvette. Assays were performed at 208C using a spectrophotometer (UV160 U, Shimadzu Scientific instruments, Japan) equipped with a water-jacketed cuvette holder connected to a recirculating water bath. Statistics Statistics were performed using the software SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc., USA). One-tailed Student’s t-tests were used to compare metabolic rates scaled to a common body size. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to compare differences between treatments. Linear regression was used to test the relationship between body mass and metabolic rate. Mass-specific metabolic rate (MO2) and enzymatic activities typically decline with increasing body mass (M) according to a power equation (MO2 ¼ aMb), where a is a normalization constant, and b is a scaling coefficient, which describes the slope of the relationship. The relationships of metabolism and enzymatic activities versus mass were linearly regressed on a log scale using KaleidaGraph version 4.1 (Synergy Software, USA) to obtain the power equation. R E S U LT S Metabolic rate In the ETNP, the average oxygen consumption for P. sedentaria normalized to 208C was 3.65 + 0.26 mmol O2 g21 h21 in normoxia and 1.87 + 0.73 mmol O2 g21 h21 in hypoxia (Table I). MO2 from ETNP specimens was plotted on a log axis to obtain regression equations and was significantly related to body mass for hypoxic and normoxic treatments (Fig. 3). MO2 was significantly related to body mass according to MO2 ¼ 0.3268 901 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 Glycogen stores have been shown to be an important energy store in gammariid crustaceans (Foucreau et al., 2013). Assuming glycogen stores are also used by hyperiids amphipods as substrate during anaerobic metabolism, 1.5 mol of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) are produced per mole lactate accumulated. Six moles of ATP are produced per mole O2 consumed during aerobic metabolism (Mcdonald et al., 1998). Combining these components provides a measure of the total ATP produced (total metabolism). Lactate is formed and utilized under fully aerobic conditions for cell signalling and delivery of substrates (Brooks, 2002). Therefore, lactate produced in normoxia is considered to be the stable pool of lactate for an organism’s function. The amount of ATP produced from this stable pool of lactate was calculated in normoxia for each individual and then the average amount for each temperature (10 or 208C) was subtracted from the total ATP produced in normoxic and hypoxic conditions at the same temperature. Metabolic depression was then calculated from the reduction in total ATP produced when exposed to hypoxic conditions. Supernatant was kept on ice until measurements, which were done within 1 h of homogenization in triplicate when possible (some specimens were too small to allow for this). Activities are expressed as mmol of substrate converted to product min21 g21 frozen tissue weight. The CS cocktail solution is made of: 0.05 M imidazole buffer, 15 mM magnesium chloride, 4 mM 5,5-dithiobis-2-nitronezoic acid (DTNB) and 3 mg acetyl coenzyme A. 25 mL of 40 mM oxaloacetate was added to start the reaction. The background activity was measured before the addition of oxaloacetate and subtracted from the final rate to derive CS activity. The spectrophotometer measures the increase in absorbance at 412 nm, which follows the increase of absorbance as Coenzyme A is reduced by DTNB (Gutmann and Wahlefeld, 1974). The LDH cocktail solution is made of: 0.2 M Tris ( pH 7.2 at 208C), 0.15 mM NADH, 100 mM KCl, 0.5 mM Na-pyruvate and distilled water. The spectrophotometer records the oxidation of NADH through the decrease in absorbance at 340 nm (Bergmeyer et al., 1985). JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH j VOLUME 37 j NUMBER 5 j PAGES 897 – 911 j 2015 Table I: Routine mass-specific oxygen consumption rates (mmol O2 g21 h21) in Phronima sedentaria under normoxia and hypoxia in the three study locations Treatment MO2 (mmol O2 g21 h21) Location N Regression equation Normoxia Hypoxia Normoxia Normoxia 3.65 + 0.26 1.87 + 0.73 2.99 + 0.155 6.34 + 0.94 Eastern Tropical North Pacific Eastern Tropical North Pacific Gulf of California North Atlantic 39 19 49 4 MO2 ¼ 2.4572 M (20.2079) R 2 ¼ 0.21 MO2 ¼ 0.3268 M (20.543), R 2 ¼ 0.58 MO2 ¼ 1.907 M (20.25), R 2 ¼ 0.29 MO2 ¼ 3.92 M (20.263), R 2 ¼ 0.93 L-Lactate The concentrations of L-lactate in whole organism samples of P. sedentaria, after 5 h of exposure to 1% oxygen or normoxia levels at different temperatures, are presented in Fig. 4. Total L-lactate concentrations in whole organisms were significantly higher (t (34) ¼ 24.76; P , 0.0001) in hypoxic (10.49 + 1.82 mmol g21, n ¼ 15), compared with normoxic (2.85 + 0.40 mmol g21, n ¼ 21) treated specimens. There was no significant effect of temperature on lactate accumulation in normoxic conditions. Lactate accumulation was significantly higher at higher temperatures for hypoxic conditions (ANOVA, f(2,11) ¼ 4.92; P , 0.0297, Fig. 4). Lactate accumulation in hypoxia was an average of 4.51 + 1.23 mmol g21 at 108C, 8.71 + 1.24 mmol g21 at 168 and 17.15 + 4.75 mmol g21 at 208C. Field study There was no significant difference in lactate accumulation for specimens collected in the shallow trawl versus the deep trawl (t-test: t (19) ¼ 21.52; P ¼ 0.1461, Fig. 5, Table III). CTD data from the day of collection (ETNP Fig. 3. Routine oxygen consumption rates (MO2) for Phronima sedentaria, from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific, reported in micromoles per gram frozen weight per hour on a log scale. MO2 was significantly related to frozen weight for hypoxic (grey circles) and normoxic (black squares) treatments. All MO2s were normalized to 208C for comparison and are reported on a log scale. See Table I for regression equations. station 2, Fig. 2) were used to determine the oxygen concentrations where specimens were collected. Specimens from the deep trawl were collected close to or below P. sedentaria’s critical partial pressure (Pcrit, the oxygen partial pressure at which an organism’s aerobic metabolic rate can no longer be maintained, Seibel, 2011) of 28 mM at 108C (Childress, 1975). The shallow trawl collected specimens at oxygen concentrations above P. sedentaria’s Pcrit (Table III). Field caught specimens of P. sedentaria had significantly higher accumulation of lactate than any of the specimens used in laboratory experiments (t-test: t (55) ¼ 211.47, P , 0.001), and a significantly higher lactate accumulation than specimens for normoxia treatment experiments (t-test: t (40) ¼ 217.30; P , 0.0001, Fig. 5, Table III). Specimens from the two trawls had a combined average lactate accumulation of 24.29 + 1.58 mmol g21. The average for normoxia experiments in the laboratory was 3.60 + 0.67 mmol g21. Specimens from the deep trawl had an average L-lactate accumulation of 22.56 + 1.38 mmol g21 (n ¼ 10). Shallow trawl specimens had an average of 26.019 + 1.78 mmol g21 (n ¼ 11). 902 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 M 20.543 and MO2 ¼ 2.4572 M 20.208 for hypoxic and normoxic treatments, respectively (Fig. 3). The slopes of hypoxic and normoxic linear regressions were significantly different (ANCOVA : f(2,55) ¼ 34.53; P , 0.0001). For further comparison, metabolic rates were scaled to a common weight of 0.15 g using the regression equations (Table I). Hypoxia had a significant effect on metabolic rate (t-test: t (56) ¼ 8.25; P , 0.0001; Fig. 3, Supplementary data, Fig. SI). Normoxic MO2s were normalized to 208C for the ETNP, Gulf of California and the North Atlantic using calculated Q10 values when necessary (Table I, Supplementary data, Table SI). Slopes of regression lines for the three regions are not significantly different (ANCOVA: f(5,87) ¼ 20.21; P , 0.8103; Table I; Supplementary data, Fig. S2). There is a significant difference in average MO2 in normoxic conditions between the ETNP, Gulf of California and the North Atlantic (ANCOVA: f(3,89) ¼ 21.88; P , 0.0001, Table I; Supplementary data, Fig. S2). L. E. ELDER AND B. A. SEIBEL j ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF PHRONIMA SEDENTARIA Total metabolism In P. sedentaria from the ETNP, total metabolism (in ATP equivalents) was depressed by 78% in the hypoxic experimental conditions, consistent with migration from surface conditions (normoxia, 208C) to 300 m in the OMZ of the ETNP (108C, 1% O2). Exposure to OMZ conditions (108C, 1% O2), compared with normoxic conditions at the same temperature, caused a 35% reduction in total metabolism. Surface temperature with OMZ oxygen concentrations (208C, 1% O2) resulted in a 64% reduction in metabolism compared with normoxic oxygen concentrations at 208C (Fig. 6). Enzymatic activity For whole specimens of P. sedentaria, CS activity was plotted on a log axis to obtain regression equations (Fig. 7A). The slopes of the linear regressions for each collection location were significantly different (ANCOVA: f(5,47) ¼ 14.4, P ¼ ,0.0001) (Fig. 7A). Enzyme activities were then scaled to a common weight of 0.15 g (using the regression equations in Fig. 7A, Table IV) to eliminate weight as a factor in the comparison; regressions could not be compared due to differences in slopes. There was a significant effect of location on scaled CS activity, (one-way ANOVA between subjects design, Fig. 6. Total metabolism of P. sedentaria. Light grey: Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) produced from anaerobic metabolism, L-lactate mmol g21. Dark grey: ATP produced from aerobic metabolism, mmol oxygen g21 h21. At 108C, the combined aerobic and anaerobic ATP production is reduced by 35% in hypoxic compared with normoxic conditions. At 208C, total metabolism is reduced by 64% in hypoxic conditions. The migration from normoxic, 208C conditions to 1% O2, 108C results in a 78% reduction in total metabolism. f(2,50) ¼ 30.23; P , 0.0001). Tukey’s honestly significant difference test showed that specimens from the North Atlantic had significantly higher CS activity than specimens from the ETNP and California Current (Table IV, Supplementary data, Fig. S3A; P , 0.05). There were 903 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 Fig. 4. L-Lactate accumulation in whole specimens of Phronima sedentaria from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. Light grey: hypoxic, dark grey: normoxic. Lactate accumulation was significantly higher at higher temperatures for hypoxic conditions. *, ** and *** indicate that each temperature is significantly different in hypoxia (P , 0.05). There was no significant effect of temperature on lactate accumulation in normoxic conditions. For 108C n ¼ 5 in normoxia and 3 in hypoxia, for 168C n ¼ 10 in normoxia and 9 in hypoxia, for 208C n ¼ 8 in normoxia and 4 in hypoxia. All values shown are means + SE. Fig. 5. Lactate accumulation in specimens of Phronima sedentaria, collected directly from deep (250–300 m) and shallow (25– 50 m) trawls, compared with experimental organisms subjected to normoxia at 10 and 208C. There is no significant difference between the deep and shallow trawls. Oxygen concentration at the depth where specimens were collected was below P. sedentaria’s critical partial pressure for the deep trawl. All values are mean + SE. * and ** indicate a significant difference in lactate accumulation (P , 0.05). JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH j VOLUME 37 j NUMBER 5 j PAGES 897 – 911 j 2015 no significant differences between the ETNP and California Current. In ETNP specimens, LDH activities scaled positively with body mass (Fig. 7B). The slopes of the regressions were significantly different (one-way ANCOVA: f(5,45) ¼ 6.08, P , 0.0002, Fig. 7B). Enzyme activity was then scaled to a common weight of 0.15 g using the regression equations from Fig. 7B. There was no significant effect of location on LDH activity (one-way ANOVA between subjects design: f(2,48) ¼ 2.17; P , 0.1251, Supplementary data, Fig. S3B). DISCUSSION Metabolic rate The mean MO2 for P. sedentaria, normalized to 208C, is significantly different between the ETNP, Gulf of California and North Atlantic (Table I, Supplementary data, Fig. S2). The average rate for the ETNP is 20% higher than the Gulf of California. As shown in Tables I and II, the rates for the ETNP and California Current are within the range of most literature values. The sample size for the North Atlantic is small (4 total), a larger sample size is needed to clarify if rates are higher in this region. The difference in MO2 between the ETNP and North Atlantic could be the result of differences in regional productivity at the time of collection. Extended periods of low food availability can result in decreased MO2 due to the reduced physiological activity Table II: Mass-specific rates of oxygen consumption (mmol O2 g21 h21) from previous studies for Phronima sedentaria MO2 (mmol O2 g21 h21) Location Reference 2.13 2.68 3.65 13.7 Childress, 1975 Ikeda, 2012 Mayzaud, 1973 Bishop and Granger, 2006 California Current Western Subarctic Pacific Mediterranean Sea Central Atlantic associated with growth, protein synthesis and feeding (Brockington and Clarke, 2001). Bishop and Geiger (Bishop and Geiger, 2006) reported a mean MO2 for P. sedentaria in the Central Atlantic that is 6.4 times higher than other literature values and the rates from the current study (Table II). Bishop and Geiger’s rates may be elevated by stress as the specimens were acclimated to laboratory conditions for 1 h before measurements (inadequate for gut clearance and acclimation to chambers). Two North Atlantic specimens from the current study were not used in the analysis because they were both brooding females and had very high rates, 18.67 and 9.74 mmol g21 h21 at 208C. The higher of the two was very active in the chamber, and had been used for photographs prior to incubation, therefore representing an extremely stressed individual. Phronima sedentaria’s MO2 (Table I) is close to the relatively low rates of many mesopelagic dwelling organisms 904 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 Fig. 7. (A) Mass-specific activity in units g21 for citrate synthase (CS) and (B) lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in whole specimens of Phronima sedentaria shown on a log scale. Regression equations are shown on the graphs. CS is an indicator of aerobic potential and LDH is an indicator on anaerobic potential. Location has a significant effect on LDH activity, error bars represent standard deviation. The x in both plots represents the mean activity level from a previous measurement done in the Bahamas, in the Central Atlantic by Bishop and Geiger, 2006, the x-axis error bar represents the size range for that study, the y-axis error bar represents the range in activity for their study. L. E. ELDER AND B. A. SEIBEL j ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF PHRONIMA SEDENTARIA Table III: Lactate accumulation (mmol g21) and relative hypoxia tolerance in selected crustacean species Species Habitat Callianassa californiensis Upogebia pugettenisis Phronima sedentaria Intertidal mud flat burrows Intertidal mud flat burrows Diel migrator in OMZ Euphausia eximia Diel migrator in OMZ Intertidal Palaemon elegans Intertidal Meganyctiphanes norvegica Diel migrator in fjords Oxygen levels Hypoxia tolerant Reference 21 Lactate P crit Anoxia 12 h 0 kPa 11.3 + 0.6 mmol g Y Zebe, 1982 Anoxia 12 h 0 kPa 22.1 + 5.6 mmol g21 Y Zebe, 1982 Deep trawl Shallow trawl Hypoxia 108C Hypoxia 168C Normoxia Hypoxia Normoxia Hypoxic 108C 1.581 –10.637 mM 48.9 –195.3 mM 0.8 kPa (10 mM) 0.8 kPa 21 kPa 0.8 kPa 21 kPa 0.66 kPa (8.96 mM) 0 kPa 22.56 + 1.38 mmol g21 26.019 + 1.78 mmol g21 4.51 + 1.24 mmol g21 8.71 + 1.24 mmol g21 2.85 + 0.40 mmol g21 7 mmol g21 2 mmol g21 13.1 + 0.25 mmol g21 Y This study Y Seibel, 2011 N Taylor and Spicer, 1987 N Taylor and Spicer, 1987 N Spicer et al., 1999 21 Anoxia, immediately after death Normoxia Anoxia, immediately after death Normoxia Hypoxia Hypoxia 18 h 21 kPa 0 kPa 3.4 –4.2 mmol g21 9.6 mmol g21 21 kPa 1.8 kPa 6 kPa Hypoxia 18 h 14.9 kPa 3.4 –4.2 mmol g21 N/A due to 100% mortality 9.91 + 1.68 mmol L21 (haemolymph) 3.01 + 1.05 mmol L21 (haemolymph) despite its shallow minimum depth of occurrence (MDO; 25 m). Respiratory rates in some mid-water groups decrease with increasing depth of occurrence (Childress, 1975). In mid-water crustaceans from the waters of southern California, excluding P. sedentaria, the range in rate for epipelagic species (MDO, 0 –100 m) was 3.47 – 21 (Childress, 1975). The 17.32 mmol g21 wet weight (ww) h range in rate for mesopelagic (MDO 400– 900 m) species 21 in the same study was 0.924 – 2.4 mmol O2 g21 ww h . Low MO2s in mesopelagic zooplankton are hypothesized to result from decreasing selection for locomotory capacity because low light levels limit predator– prey interactions among visually oriented organisms (Childress, 1995; Seibel and Drazen, 2007). Phronima sedentaria’s low MO2 may be related to its transparency, as this limits their visibility to predators and prey even in well-lit surface waters. Cephalopods are highly visual predators that exhibit a decline in oxygen consumption with increasing minimum habitat depth similar to crustaceans. However, squids from the family Cranchiidae have a low MO2 despite occupying shallow water for at least part of their life history. It has been suggested that transparency relieves them from selective pressures on locomotion and metabolism associated with predator– prey interactions (Seibel and Carlini, 2001). Phronima is highly transparent (Johnsen, 2001), as is the salp barrel they are housed in. In fact, hyperiid amphipods are the only group of pelagic 28 mM at 108C 16.7 mmol g 4 –5 kPa at 88C arthropods that are truly dominated by transparent forms (Johnsen, 2001). L-Lactate In laboratory experiments, whole specimens of P. sedentaria exposed to 1% oxygen had a significantly higher accumulation of lactate than specimens exposed to normoxic conditions (Fig. 4, Table III). Increasing temperature significantly elevated the lactate accumulation in hypoxic exposed specimens, but did not have a significant effect on normoxic exposed specimens (Fig. 4). The lactate accumulation in hypoxic conditions is lower than reported concentrations for other crustaceans considered to be relatively hypoxia intolerant ((Taylor and Spicer, 1987; Spicer et al., 1999), Table III). The low levels of lactate accumulated during hypoxic exposure in P. sedentaria are possible because total metabolism is depressed, an ability that many other species apparently lack. The scope for total lactate production may be correlated with the duration of environmental exposure to hypoxia or anoxia (Pritchard and Eddy, 1979). The prawns P. elegans and P. serratus have a low capacity for lactate accumulation, indicating they cannot survive long periods of hypoxia. Immediately after death, maximum lactate concentrations in tissue are 16.7 and 9.6 mmol g21 for P. elegans and P. serratus, respectively ((Taylor and Spicer, 905 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 Palaemon serratus Conditions JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH j VOLUME 37 Total metabolism When P. sedentaria was exposed to conditions mimicking their daytime migrations into the OMZ, total metabolism was depressed by 78% relative to normoxic conditions at surface temperatures (Fig. 6). Anaerobic metabolism (estimated from lactate accumulation) did increase in hypoxic conditions, but was not enough to compensate for the decrease in aerobic ATP production during hypoxic exposure. Hypoxic conditions alone, reduced total metabolism by 35% compared with normoxia at the same temperature. In pronounced OMZs, where oxygen concentrations are commonly below 5% of air saturation (1% O2, 15 mM), metabolic depression is anticipated to be a widespread mechanism allowing energy conservation during daytime forays into hypoxia (Seibel, 2011). Two other vertical migrators found in the ETNP exhibit metabolic depression under the same conditions to which P. sedentaria was subjected (1% O2 at 108C): Humboldt squid and the euphausiid Euphausia eximia. Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas, reduced total metabolism by 82% (Rosa and Seibel, 2010). Euphausia eximia exhibits a 45% reduction in total metabolism (Seibel, 2011). Additional work in the ETNP has demonstrated metabolic rate depression in the copepod S. subtenuis (Cass and Daly, 2014); exposed to 3% oxygen at 178C), and three species of pteropod ((Maas et al., 2012) reduced respiration rate 35– 50% under 1% oxygen at 118C), but the anaerobic contribution to total metabolism was not measured on these organisms. NUMBER 5 j PAGES 897 – 911 j 2015 Metabolic depression below resting metabolic rate would include reduction of movement, feeding, digestion, heart rate and ventilation (Storey and Storey, 1990). Decreased swimming speeds in low oxygen have been noted for two species of krill (Teal and Carey, 1967; Klevjer and Kaartvedt, 2011) The diel migrating amphipod Themisto japonica has low locomotory activity during the day in oxygenated conditions (Hiroki, 1988). One study demonstrated that P. sedentaria will swim actively only at low light levels (below 3 cd m22), and suggested that this is a mechanism to remain at a constant light level (isolume) and therefore, maintain the desired depth in the water column (Land, 1992). Thus, it is not possible to conclude definitively that low oxygen is driving the reduced locomotion at depth in OMZs. Regardless, reduced activity in response to low light at depth represents an adaptation that facilitates survival in low oxygen regions. Passage of salps through the gut of Phronima at night, required on average, 4 h 46 min and more than 14 h during the day (Diebel, 1988). This suggests that P. sedentaria may be able to decrease metabolism by reducing feeding and digestion rates at depth. In addition, P. sedentaria is able to regulate biochemical pathways to accomplish metabolic rate depression. This is evident because the current study eliminated feeding and digestion as factors with a long acclimation period, and movement was minimized by keeping specimens in darkness. Therefore, metabolic depression exhibited by hypoxiatreated specimens compared with the control specimens must have been accomplished by the shutdown of cellular processes. The arrest of cellular processes as potential mechanisms for rate reduction has not yet been examined in hyperiid amphipods, but may include reduced protein synthesis, reduced transcription/translation or ion transport (reviewed by: Storey and Storey, 2004). In the OMZ of the California Current, some migrating crustaceans are able to regulate their routine metabolism down to the lowest oxygen level they experience, and therefore remain aerobic (Antezana, 2002). These species have very low critical partial pressures (Pcrit), at which anaerobic metabolic pathways are up-regulated (Pörtner and Grieshaber, 1993; Seibel, 2011). At oxygen concentrations below the Pcrit, anaerobic pathways may be used as a supplement to oxidative phosphorylation for ATP production. In more pronounced OMZs, such as the one in the ETNP, it is uncommon for organisms to remain fully aerobic at depth because the oxygen levels are below their Pcrit. Seibel (Seibel, 2011) postulated a hypoxic threshold (0.8 kPa), below which further enhancement of oxygen extraction capacity is constrained. It is not known if P. sedentaria has adaptations for enhanced oxygen extraction. Hyperiid amphipods that 906 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 1987), Table III). Anoxia tolerant crustaceans have been found to have much higher maximum levels of lactate, up to 60 mmol g21 lactate in burrowing shrimp species Upogebia pugettenisis ((Zebe, 1982) Table III). Phronima sedentaria has a relatively high capacity for lactate accumulation, as shown by the trawl caught specimens (Fig. 5, Table III). There was no significant difference in lactate accumulation for specimens collected in the shallow versus deep trawl (Fig. 5, Table III). Specimens experienced the stresses of capture in the net including: crowding, containment, temperature and pressure changes, among others. Experimental organisms were allowed to recover from capture stress during acclimation, resulting in lower lactate concentrations than organisms frozen directly from the trawl. This indicates the importance of laboratory acclimation before conducting physiological experiments. Following exposure below their Pcrit, the relatively low levels of lactate accumulated in P. sedentaria from laboratory experiments is consistent with metabolic depression and minimal requirement for anaerobic metabolism. j L. E. ELDER AND B. A. SEIBEL j ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF PHRONIMA SEDENTARIA Table IV: Citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase activity (units g21) and regression equations for Phronima sedentaria from the three different study locations Activity (units g21) Regression equation Enzyme Location N Size range (g) Range Mean Scaled to 0.15 g CS California Current Eastern Tropical North Pacific North Atlantic California Current Eastern Tropical North Pacific North Atlantic 21 25 8 20 23 8 0.04 –0.39 0.07 –0.47 0.058 –0.497 0.04 –0.39 0.07 –0.47 0.058 –0.497 0.87–2.94 0.63–1.73 1.02–3.23 5.21–22.3 4.70–38.86 4.79–20.28 1.37 + 0.1 1.11 + 0.07 2.23 + 0.27 9.89 + 1.06 19.002 + 2.09 9.96 + 1.73 1.25 + 0.07 1.05 + 0.06 2.133 + 0.16 11.08 + 1.67 13.87 + 1.47 9.89 + 1.67 LDH Enzymatic activity The metabolic enzyme CS is an indicator of aerobic potential and LDH is an indicator of anaerobic glycolytic potential. Both of these enzymes have been previously measured in Phronima specimens from Exumas Sound, Bahamas (Bishop and Geiger, 2006) where there is no OMZ. The average CS activity of P. sedentaria from the Bahamas was 3.00 + 1.90 units g21 (mean size 0.25 g, range 0.04– 0.45 g). The CS activity of P. sedentaria in the Bahamas is higher than the mean activity for all three locations used in this study (Table IV, Fig. 7B), but is within the range of values reported here. This difference may be an artefact of the size distribution of the specimens used by Bishop and Geiger, for which we have only the range. The size ranges for their study and ours overlap but if the distribution is skewed toward large or small specimens, the mean enzymatic activity will be similarly skewed. Specimens from the North Atlantic had a significantly higher CS activity than the other two locations (Table IV, Fig. 7A). Nutritional status contributes to differences in metabolic enzyme activities in copepods, with activity decreasing in unfed specimens (Clarke and Walsh, 1993). Similarly, CS activity in the hepatopancreas of two deep sea crabs was significantly lower after 1 month of food deprivation, although activity in muscle tissue was not affected (Company et al., 2008). CS activity in the North Atlantic was 0.68 units g21 higher than that measured in the ETNP and California Current. The higher aerobic capacity is consistent with the higher average metabolic rate in the North Atlantic than the other locations (Supplementary data, Fig. S2). The higher CS activity in the North Atlantic specimens, and the Bishop and Geiger study could be due to differences in food availability in the regions when the studies were conducted. Gonzalez and Quiñones (Gonzalez and Quiñones, 2002) hypothesized that LDH activity would be elevated in organisms adapted to low oxygen environments. Evidence in the literature for increased LDH activity in organisms, particularly crustaceans, adapted to hypoxia is mixed. Epipelagic copepods have a lower LDH activity, and are therefore less reliant on glycolytic energy sources than mesopelagic and bathypelagic copepods. Meso- and bathypelagic copepods may use glycolysis as an energy source for burst swimming in low oxygen (Thuesen et al., 1998). Thuesen et al. hypothesize that survival in low oxygen is influenced by buffering ability and substrate stores and that LDH is primarily for burst swimming (Thuesen et al., 1998). High LDH activities in some medusae were hypothesized to help sustain swimming during vertical migration, and also promote hypoxia tolerance when migrating through OMZs (Thuesen et al., 2005). In the Humboldt current system off South America, where there is a permanent subsurface OMZ, the euphausiid, Euphasia mucronata, has a LDH activity two orders of magnitude higher than the copepod, Calanus chilensis (Gonzalez and Quiñones, 2002). Calanus chilensis is a non-migrator that remains in oxygenated waters and is much smaller in maximum body size than the vertically migrating E. mucronata. Given that C. chilensis and E. mucronata are not only different taxa, but also ecologically distinct, this comparison does little to answer the question at hand. To test the hypothesis of elevated LDH activity relating to survival in hypoxia, the same, or closely related species, should be compared from regions with and without OMZs. This type of comparison would avoid confusion from variation in ecology and life history. The LDH activity of P. sedentaria from the Bahamas measured at 208C was 3.00 + 2.00 units g21 (mean size 907 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 have been examined do not have oxygen binding pigments to enhance oxygen extraction from the water (Spicer and Morritt, 1995). The reported mean Pcrit for P. sedentaria in the California Current is 2.11 kPa (28 mM at 108C (Childress, 1975)). For this study, individuals from the ETNP were able to survive 6 h at 0.8 kPa at 108C (13.4 mM) but accumulated 4.51 + 1.23 mmol g21 lactate. Assuming the Pcrit is the same for the ETNP as the California Current, P. sedentaria is adapted to survive below its Pcrit by depressing total metabolism and increasing anaerobic metabolism. CS ¼ 0.811x 20.214 CS ¼ 1.3609x 0.157 CS ¼ 1.1204x 20.328 LDH ¼ 24.63x 0.443 LDH ¼ 49.073x 0.727 LDH ¼ 7.341x 20.108 JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH j VOLUME 37 Body size in relation to oxygen availability Chapelle and Peck (Chapelle and Peck, 2004) proposed that the concentration of oxygen in the water limits the maximum potential size in aquatic amphipods. Spicer and Gaston (Spicer and Gaston, 1999) argued that oxygen partial pressure, not its concentration, would determine the restrictions on size (see Supplementary Material for further discussion). The current study did not set out to address the ongoing debate of how oxygen concentration, partial pressure or a combination of the two, drives patterns in body size of aquatic ectotherms. However, if oxygen concentration is the limiting factor in maximum body size, then this trend would also be seen across gradients of the water column such as in OMZs. We collected a single species of amphipod from four different locations, each with varying oxygen concentrations; from a severe OMZ in the ETNP to no OMZ in the North Atlantic (Fig. 2). Due to this broad coverage, we felt it relevant to address the ongoing debate by examining the size range of specimens from our collection. There was no significant difference in body size between the four study sites (one-way ANOVA f(3,5) ¼ 4.31; P , 0.0748 comparing the 95% largest specimens, see Supplementary Material for more details). The lack of a significant difference in maximum size between locations indicates environmental oxygen concentration does not limit maximum size in this amphipod. Significance Climate change is causing an increase in surface water temperature and decrease in oxygen concentrations (Keeling et al., 2010), which will have important impacts NUMBER 5 j PAGES 897 – 911 j 2015 on zooplankton ecology, vertical distribution and physiology, as well as carbon cycling in the region (Vinogradov and Voronina, 1962; Seibel, 2011). Ecological implications include: altered species composition of an area, changes in prey availability, prey size or predation risk and/or changes in trophic dynamics due to shifts in predator– prey interactions (Taylor and Rand, 2003; Kodama et al., 2006; Ikeda, 2012; Wishner et al., 2013). Anaerobic metabolism and metabolic depression are not sustainable for long periods of time due to substrate limitation and end-product accumulation. Organisms must return to oxygenated surface waters for part of the night to burn off accumulated end products. As surface waters warm, they will become stressful for some organisms, restricting how shallow zooplankton migrate (Seibel, 2011; Elder and Seibel, 2015). Phronima sedentaria occasionally experiences its upper critical temperature of 298C during the summer in the ETNP (Fig. 2A), and demonstrates a thermal stress response when exposed to this temperature (Elder and Seibel, 2015). This stress response includes oxygen limitation in normoxic waters due to a mismatch between oxygen supply and demand at higher temperatures. Other diel migrators are likely to live close to their thermal limits. Increasing temperature and decreasing oxygen supply will vertically compress the habitable night-time depth range of diel migrating species, both from above and below (see Fig. 7 in (Seibel, 2011). In the southern California Current region, a .60% decline in some mesopelagic fishes is likely due to the decline of mid-water oxygen levels. The aggregation of mesoplagic micronekton in the hypoxic boundary layer of the OMZ in the California Current, suggests that they descend as deeply as possible to evade visual predators while avoiding the effects of hypoxia. The shoaling of the OMZ may increase the vulnerability of these diel migrators by forcing them into better-lit waters during the day, enhancing the chance of predation from visually oriented predators (Koslow et al., 2011). Expanding OMZs would similarly affect zooplankton diel migrators that track oxygen levels (Wishner et al., 2013). Diel migrators that are not able to alter daytime depths will be exposed to lower oxygen for a greater time and distance. In the ETNP, the daytime biomass peak at 200 – 300 m, associated with diel vertical migration and located at the upper oxycline or OMZ core, was present at the same depth at two locations, despite different oxygen concentrations between the locations (Wishner et al., 2013). Nordic krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, is an example of a crustacean that is not specifically adapted to maintain oxygen uptake or capacity for anaerobic metabolism, but still vertically migrates into hypoxia (oxygen concentrations equivalent to their Pcrit of 4 – 6 kPa). Their migration rhythm must be strong, and not overridden by 908 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 0.25 g, range 0.04 – 0.45 g, (Bishop and Geiger, 2006), which is lower than activities for all locations in this study (Fig. 7B). Similar to the difference in CS activity between the present study and Bishop and Geiger, the lower LDH value may be an artefact of the size distribution of the specimens, or variation in nutritional status. Phronima sedentaria is expected to use anaerobic glycolysis for burst swimming as well as metabolic demand while migrating into regions of low oxygen. Anaerobic glycolysis may be an important strategy for burst swimming when manoeuvring the salp barrel they live in (Bishop and Geiger, 2006). In the current study, P. sedentaria mean scaled LDH activity for a 0.15-g organism measured at 208C was not significantly different between specimens collected from regions with OMZs versus the oxygenated Atlantic Ocean (Supplementary data, Fig. S3B). This study adds to the growing support that LDH activity is not related to survival in low oxygen environments. j L. E. ELDER AND B. A. SEIBEL j ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF PHRONIMA SEDENTARIA low oxygen stress, since these krill enter potentially lethal conditions presumably to avoid visual predators (Spicer et al., 1999). As OMZs expand, some species of zooplankton may not be able to modify this migration rhythm. The distance to travel and duration in low oxygen could be beyond their physiological abilities, which could compromise their long-term existence in regions with expanding OMZs (Wishner et al., 2013). Diel migrating zooplankton play a significant role in the biological carbon pump (Ducklow et al., 2001). Zooplankton consume phytoplankton near the ocean surface at night and migrate down during the day where they metabolize ingested food, release carbon in the forms of dissolved organic carbon, sinking faecal material and CO2, therefore transporting carbon to depth (Longhurst et al., 1990; Ducklow et al., 2001). Respiration and metabolic activity are among the most important components of carbon flux (Burd et al., 2010). To depress metabolism, P. sedentaria will decrease feeding, digestion and respiration. This depression will result in a reduction of faecal pellet production and CO2 excretion at depth, leading to an overall decrease in the species’ contribution to carbon flux. If metabolic depression is common to vertically migrating zooplankton, the decreased carbon input at depth would reduce the efficiency of the biological carbon pump in regions with pronounced OMZs (Seibel, 2011). S U P P L E M E N TA RY DATA CONCLUSIONS FUNDING In the ETNP, the amphipod P. sedentaria is adapted for diel exposure to critical oxygen partial pressures by depressing metabolism while migrating into the OMZ. LDH activity of P. sedentaria did not increase with decreasing environmental oxygen concentrations. This indicates that the enzyme LDH is not used to increase anaerobic potential for P. sedentaria to survive migration into hypoxic conditions. As global warming continues, OMZs are predicted to expand and P. sedentaria may change its vertical depth range to avoid hypoxic waters and thermal stress at the surface. This would have significant impacts on predator– prey interactions in the region as well as carbon cycling (Seibel, 2011). Metabolic depression may be a common adaptation in OMZ dwelling zooplankton (Seibel, 2011); therefore, OMZ expansion will have a similar effect on night-time habitat ranges of other diel migrators. Anaerobic metabolism and metabolic depression are not sustainable for long periods of time due to substrate limitations and end-product accumulation. Therefore, the longterm existence of some species of zooplankton may be compromised in OMZs if the distance to travel and duration in low oxygen are beyond physiological abilities. This work was supported by the following National Science Foundation grants: In the ETNP OCE-0526502 to K.W. and B.S. In the North Atlantic OCE-0852160 and in the Gulf of California OCE-0526493, both to B.S. Support was awarded to L.E. for work in the California Current as a participant in the 2012 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) chief scientist training cruise, which was funded by National Science Foundation grant OCE-1041068. Supplementary data can be found online at http://plankt. AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S REFERENCES Antezana, T. (2002) Adaptive behaviour of Euphausia mucronata in relation to the oxygen minimum layer of the Humboldt Current. Oceanogr. East. Pac., 2, 29– 40. Beecham, R. V., Small, B. C. and Minchew, C. D. (2006) Using portable lactate and glucose meters for catfish research: acceptable alternatives to established laboratory methods? North Am. J. Aquacult., 68, 291 –295. Bergmeyer, H. U., Bergmeyer, J. and Grabl, M. (1985) Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, Germany, VIII. 909 Downloaded from at Yale University on September 22, 2015 Thanks to Kendra Daly for organizing the ETNP cruises, which provided ship time for L. E. (National Science Foundation grant OCE-0526545). Thanks to Karen Wishner for critical review on earlier drafts of this paper, as well as insightful discussions. Useful comments by two anonymous reviewers also improved the quality of this manuscript. 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