November 3
November 4
November 4
November 5
November 6
November 10
November 12
November 12
November 16 & 17
November 18
November 21
November 26 & 27
Red, White, and Blue Day
Election Day
Picture Retake Day
Grades K-5 Conferences—4:00-8:00 PM
Grades K-5 Conferences 12:00-8:00 PM
SPEED Classes start 3:50-4:50 PM
Give To The Max Day
GOLD DAY—Students and Staff are encouraged to wear GOLD in the spirit of Give to the
Max Day.
PE Activity Nights for Grade 3, 6-7 PM
Site Council Meeting—8:00 AM
Barnes & Noble Bookfair 9:00-Noon
Thanksgiving Break— NO SCHOOL
December 3 End of Trimester 1
Old Man Winter is right around the corner!
This is a good time to remind your child to dress for the weather conditions. Be prepared by wearing jackets, hats, gloves and boots. Students will be outside for recess unless the temperature or wind chill drop below 0 degrees.
It is also a good time to be thinking about emergency plans in case school is cancelled or dismissed early due to bad weather conditions. If possible, have a trusted neighbor if your child were to need help in some way such as an early release, missing the bus, etc. Please discuss these emergency plans with your child.
The old Scout motto is “be prepared!”
It’s hard to believe October is coming to an end and the first eight weeks of school are behind us. During the past two months, school district officials and this office have sent out information to help you make an informed decision about the important bond vote next Tuesday, November 3. If you have any remaining questions, I encourage you to visit the district’s bond referendum page at . Most importantly, please participate in the process by voting on the bond referendum on November 3.
Michael Guthrie
For your children’s safety, please do not drop off your children at school before 9:00 a.m.
Staff members are busy planning for their day and are not available to monitor students. The first bell rings at 9:10, and that is when students are allowed into the instructional areas.
To our families that drop off children in the morning, please remember to pull as far forward as possible towards the flagpole to help expedite the morning rush hour! If you would like to walk your child in, please park in the north parking lot. Please see map on the following page for directions.
Grade Level News Grade Level News Grade Level News
Thank you parents for your help with the Fall Party! Our social studies focus in November is My Family and Holiday Traditions. We will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with a Thanksgiving Feast. In math, we continue to look at the 3 aspects of number - verbal, symbolic, and quantitative - with the numerals 0-10. The children also will continue to enjoy working independently during managed independent learning and math work places. In November, the children will be working on comparing quantities, picture graphs, repeating patterns, and problem solving. In this upcoming month of Thanksgiving, the kindergarten teachers are thankful for our school, our family and our friends, but most of all for the smiling faces of Kindergartners.
Thanks for all who helped with the Fall Party! In math we are continuing to work on place value, addition, subtraction and graphing. We are writing personal narratives now but will be writing essays next. In science, we are continuing to explore sound and light. Students will visit our Kindergarten Buddies again to enjoy “leftovers” from their
Thanksgiving feast. Please continue to encourage your child to read each night. Check PEEK at the WEEK for weekly updates. We are looking forward to seeing you at conferences. Thanks for all your support.
As we head into November, we will begin our study of Pebbles, Sand and Silt. The children will be given the opportunity to observe and compare properties of rocks; compare rocks and pebbles by size and explore places where earth materials are naturally found. The reading the children are doing at home makes such a difference in how rapidly our students make progress. Thank you for listening to your child read. In math we will focus on using addition and subtraction to compare. We are thankful for all the help and support our parents have given both at home and at school.
THANK YOU to the parent volunteers who have been helping in our classrooms and to the volunteers who made our fall party so successful! In science, we are studying about energy, magnetism, electromagnetism and circuits. In math, we continue our study of multiplication and algebra strategies. Please help your child to improve in speed and accuracy with multiplication facts (flashcard practice at home). As a fourth grade team, we are striving to help each child become successful readers. THANK YOU for providing uninterrupted reading time each night (20-25 minutes) to ensure that your child makes his/her book goal (1st trimester book goal is due
December 3). We are THANKFUL for all of your continued support at home!
As we conclude our first weeks of school in second grade, we want to say “thank you” to all the volunteers who helped make our Fall
Party a huge success! As readers, second grade students have been focused on identifying story elements and structure. Students are learning to identify points in a story such as the turnaround, setting, events and resolution. Students are also thinking about character traits and learning to respond in a notebook about what they have read. As mathematicians, students have worked hard on learning a variety of strategies for addition and subtraction, as well as representing numbers to 550 in many ways. Algebraic thinking has been a favorite focus for the students as well. We encourage continued practice at home on the addition and subtraction facts to 20. Our
Science units of study are Air and Weather. Students are learning basic map skills in our Social Studies unit of study. Please continue your support at home of the weekly homework routines for second grade.
Fifth graders are doing well settling into their daily routines. A special thank you to the volunteers who helped with the fall service project. Students played games during the service project party to raise money for the Sheridan Story, a local organization that fights child hunger in schools.
Now that we have ended the monarch unit, the science classes will focus their attention on the interconnectedness of living organisms in their environment. Students are enjoying learning about living organisms by observing the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems they have created.
Thank you so much for all your home support !
We have more copies of the
Shannon Park cookbook available for purchase. If you would like one, either for yourself, or for a gift, please stop in the office.
They can be purchased for: 1 for $3.00 or 2 for
We have a limited number of SP Directories available for sale in the office for $4.
Shannon Park Elementary is celebrating
Give to the Max Day on November 12!
What if you could turn a $10 donation into an additional $1,000 donation for Shannon Park?
Join us on November 12, 2015, for Give to the Max Day – and you could help make that happen! Make your donation on and help us continue to change lives at Shannon Park.
On November 12, every gift made on will be entered into an hourly drawing for a $1,000 GiveMN Golden Ticket to be awarded to a Minnesota school. That adds up to 24 opportunities for you to help us receive an extra $1,000!
Here’s the really exciting part: At the end of Give to the Max Day, one donation made on will be randomly selected to receive a $10,000 Super-Sized GiveMN Golden Ticket just for schools.
The more gifts we generate on on November 12, the more our chances increase to receive that additional $10,000 donation. Imagine what we could do with $10,000!
Be sure to mark your calendar and make your gift on November 12, by visiting and searching for our school or by using this link:
Elementary-7877629 .
Shannon Park students and staff are encouraged to wear GOLD in the spirit of Give to the Max
Day on Thursday, November 12 th .
Shannon Park hopes to be the lucky recipient of a Golden Ticket!
Think you may forget to give on Give to the Max Day?
Perhaps you just want to plan ahead? It’s simple!
Visit our school page on
Schedule your gift through the donation form beginning on November 1 st .
To make it easy…Computers will be available in the front entry way during conferences,
November 4 th and 5 th for those who wish to make their online gift early for Give to the MAX
Day .
NEW DATES****December 1, 2, 3, 8, 2015 -
The dates posted in the SP calendar are not completely accurate due to Field Trips scheduled after the calendar was printed.
The correct dates and times are as follows:
All students in Grades 3 and 5 will be taking the CogAT Test during three testing sessions beginning on December 1 - 8.
Grade 3 students will test on December 1, 2, and 8 from 11:30 to 12:30 each day.
Grade 5 students will test on December 2, 3, and 8 from 11:50
– 12:50 each day.
Please make every effort to avoid scheduling any vacations or appointments on those days.
All students in Grade 1 will be taking the NNAT2 Test on
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 from 10:00 –10:45.
Please make every effort to avoid scheduling any vacations or appointments on that day.
For more information regarding these tests please check out the Shannon Park website and look under Parent Connections and Student Assessments .
Thank you to all who participated in our fall fundraisers! Through the Read-a-thon and
Stock certificate purchases, this year’s profit is over $22,000. We really appreciate our
Shannon Park families. A special thank you to
Alba Nowlin, Carol Opdyke, Amy Schulz, Jessica
Theisen, and ALL volunteers who worked on this fundraiser. Please look for information coming home regarding the Give To The MAX Day fundraiser that takes place on NOVEMBER
12th. Together we can Open Doors to Learning for our students.
We extend thanks to Beth Johnson and Chris
Hollenbeck for compiling the new Shannon Park
Connections phone directory. We know many students and parents make use of this book and appreciate the work that goes into putting it together. Thanks to Heather Boyum for organizing the sale of spirit clothing for our school.
Dear Shannon Park Families,
Over the past month ISD 196 has launched two new programs at the elementary level. The first one is called The Sheridan Story, which provides a free bag of non-perishable food items to ANY child or family that wishes to sign up. Bags are distributed on Friday's and enrollment is open-ended.
The second program is centered around mental health support for both students and families through a partnership that
ISD 196 has with FACTS (Family Adolescent and Children Therapy Services) which is located in nearby Mendota
Heights, MN. This program allows for outpatient therapy and support to be provided to children/family members either at the clinic, at school, and even in your home. The strength in this model of care is the flexibility it offers to assist students in their development both a t home and in school.
Both services are confidential and if you have any interest in learning more, please give me at call directly at Shannon
Park when convenient for you!
Jim Ciemny, LICSW
Shannon Park-School Social Worker
(651) 683-6820
Influenza, commonly called "the flu", is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus, which infects the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Symptoms of flu include fever (usually high), headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea also can occur, and are much more common among children than adults.
The best way to prevent this illness is by getting a flu vaccination each fall.
If you are healthy and 5 through 49 years of age , you can check with your medical provider to see if you are able to get the live attenuated influenza vaccine (which is given by nasal spray and not by injection).
If you are interested in getting an influenza vaccination, contact your medical provider or watch for notices about flu clinics for this fall. Vaccinations usually begin in
October when the vaccine arrives.
To prevent spread of the flu, remind children to:
Cover their nose and mouth with a tissue when they cough or sneeze – have them throw the tissue away after they use it. If none is available, cough/sneeze into their elbow.
Wash their hands often with soap and water for 15 to
20 seconds – long enough to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice, especially after they cough or sneeze. If water is not near, use an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
Remind them to not touch their eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs often spread this way.
Parents should keep sick children home from school to prevent the spread of the flu.
In an effort to keep staff and students healthy, a few reminders: If your child has had diarrhea or vomiting in the past 24 hours they must stay home. Also, your child must be fever free without the use of Tylenol or Motrin for 24 hours before they can return to school.
H.E.A.R.T. is up and running at Shannon Park.
In just 20 days the students have…
Logged 18,700 plus laps
Traveled 2,300 plus miles by foot
H ealthy E xercise A t R ecess T ime gives students an opportunity to walk/jog/run around the HEART course during their recess time. It is a choice the students make. It’s an opportunity for students to do something good for their personal fitness and overall wellness.
Students also can log mileage on indoor days by doing the inside HEART Cards. Take the challenge to be HEART
Keep up the GREAT EFFORT ON THE H.E.A.R.T. course!
Your BODY and MIND thank you!
Gr. 5 Band Concert—Thursday, Dec. 17th at
6:00 p.m.
Grade 2—Thursday, Jan. 28th at 6:00 p.m.
Grade 5—Thursday, Jan. 28th at 7:30 p.m.
Grade 1—Friday, March 4th (during the school day, specific times for each class will be announced in February)
Gr. 5 Band Concert—Thursday, April 21 st at
6:00 p.m.
Grade 3—Thursday, May 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Grade 4—Thursday, May 12th at 7:30 p.m.
Kindergarten—Friday, May 13th at 10 a.m. &
2 p.m.
The Stickers are here!
Once again Shannon Park has partnered with Square 1 Art to bring you this exciting opportunity to celebrate our artists. Coming home with your student is their Square
1 Art stickers and a custom catalog. Although Shannon Park does benefit financially from this program we participate in it to celebrate the wonderful artwork of our students and to provide a way for you to purchase meaningful keepsakes for special occasions or those hard to buy for family members. Shannon Park earns a profit from each order and as a thank you for participating; Square 1 Art gives us the stickers free of charge.
If you are considering ordering, here is some information you’ll need:
Paper orders are due Monday, November 9 th . Please turn these in to your student’s homeroom teacher. Product will arrive the week of December 7-11 and go home with your student. Orders can also be placed online. Simply go to https:// and enter the art access code from your catalog,. The online orders need to be placed by Monday, November 9 th if you want your purchases the week of December 7-11. However, you can order items all year long and have them shipped to you individually.
Thanks and enjoy the stickers!
Mrs. Stahl
Art Specialist
Upcoming Events:
Nov 4
Nov 5 th th
– Picture Retake Day
– Conference Dinner for Staff — Provide dinner and beverages for staff during conferences, Please contact Alicia Westbrock if you are able to help out
Nov 12 th – GIVE TO THE MAX Day — Fundraiser opportunity – Computers will be set up at conferences in the main lobby to schedule your online donation. Information will be sent out.
Nov 21 st – Barnes and Noble Fundraiser — 9am- noon at the Eagan B&N. More information to be sent out.
BIG THANKS to Beth Johnson for putting together the Shannon Park Directory and to
Julie DeGroot for coordinating Picture Day and to the parent volunteers who helped out making sure our kiddos were “picture ready!” Also THANK YOU to Kate Swanson for counting and submitting MILK MOOLA.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES - We are always looking for volunteers to help at school. Please check out the Shannon Park website for more volunteers opportunities or sign-up at
Welcome Desk
Book Fair- February
Videographer – for grade level performances and band concerts
Music – In need of someone who can sew and repair costumes and put together props for grade level music programs.
Limited Supply for Purchase
Shannon Park Cookbook 1 for $3.00 or 2 for $5.00
Shannon Park Directory $4.00 each
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Hollenbeck @ 651-423-7670 or send an email to
October 21, 2015
Site Council Meeting Minutes
Parent Members Present : Stephanie Charpentier, Stephanie Kelly, Alba Nowlin, Cyndie Sikorski, Jessica Theisen
Parent Members Absent : None
Staff Present: Michael Guthrie, Ann Kvittem, Chris Hollenbeck, Naomi Plowman, Kathleen Radspinner, Roxann Rutt
Staff Absent: None
Others Present: Rebecca Habel- Student Teacher
1. CALL TO ORDER: Stephanie Charpentier called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
3. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 23RD MEETING MINUTES: MOTION to approve minutes of September 23, 2015 meeting . SECOND . Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION : (Response to Audience Input): None
Rosemount Area Arts Council requesting financial support for picture frames. Council will revisit request at next meeting.
Jessica Theisen suggested Show Your Colors run fundraiser. It consists of 4 color stations set up along the course to make sure you reach your maximum color level, along with a post race throw of colors. It would be colored cornstarch safe to use and washes off your clothes, skin and hair. Also, it’s safe to use on grass and doesn’t hurt the environment.
8. TREASURER REPORT: Jessica Theisen
Checking - $60,313.02
Saving - $9,302.95
Total - $69,615.97
Future Expenses: Scholarship, Popcorn, Perma-Bound (Library), Math Night 3-4, Math Night 1-2, Art Night, water and Read-a-thon
Pizza winners.
9. PARENT LEADER REPORT: Cyndie Sikorski
The Sheridan Story, a program focusing on fighting child hunger, is now offered at some of our schools in School District 196. The
Sheridan Story fills the food gap between Friday and Monday, when children are not able to participate in the free or reduced meal programs at school. The bags of food distributed are filled with 4- 5 pounds of substantive and nutritious shelf-stable food. For more information visit or ask your school.
Parent leaders were divided into groups and discussed School District 196 elementary, middle school & high school start time changes pros and cons.
On Picture Day there were a few glitches, but they were resolved. Retake Picture Day: Wednesday, November 4.
Give to the Max Volunteers
Math & Reading Literacy volunteers needed.
Welcome Desk and Music/Art volunteers needed.
Opening Doors to Learning Fundraiser progress: $21,805.50 of our $25,000 goal. Thank you Read-A-Thon volunteers for your hard work.
Give to Max Day (Thursday, November 12) will be known as Gold Day . Every gift made will be entered into an hourly drawing for a $1,000.00 Golden Ticket to be awarded . Donate at
select find a cause tab and type Shannon Park.
Upcoming Barnes and Noble Fundraiser Eagan Location (November 21) all proceeds towards the library books.
12, The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
13. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, November 18 , 2015.
For each sale made, Barnes & Noble will contribute a percentage of the sale to
Shannon Park! Come buy your holiday presents, 2016 calendars, or donations for the Shannon Park picnic raffle!
*Raffle drawing!
*Principal and teacher story time!
Visit to support us online from 11/22/15 to 11/26/15 BY ENTERING Bookfair ID 11733920 at checkout.
A percentage of your Barnes & Noble purchases will benefit our school.