3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 3rd Grade Quick Sheet State Test Specification information. The primary purpose of test specifications is to help test developers build a test that is consistent over time. The MCA­III DRAFT Test Specifications for Mathematics, Grades 3–8 are also meant to serve as a source of information about the test design for teachers and the general public. Test specifications do not indicate what should be taught; the Minnesota academic standards do. Test specifications do not indicate how students should be taught; the classroom teacher does. Test specifications indicate which strands, standards and benchmarks will be assessed on the test and in what proportions. In addition, test specifications provide the types of items to be included, number of items and distribution of cognitive levels. Test specifications also clarify, define and/or limit how test items will be written. The purpose of the MCA­III Quick Sheet is to give teachers a quick glimpse of the above information. Each strand page outlines what is expected of all students at each grade level. Possible teaching strategies have been included with each strand to familiarize teachers with the strategies and vocabulary that is mentioned in the test spec document. Item Samplers are included with some of the standards to show possible question types. Since the item samplers have not been created by the state it is a best education guess to the question types. A variety of item types will be used on the Mathematics MCA­III, including multiple choice ﴾MC﴿ items and open­ended ﴾OE﴿ items. MC ­ Multiple Choice OE ­ Open Ended Response Consists of: Type in ­ Type in numerical answer in a box, Graphing ­ Plot data to complete various mathematical displays Drag and Drop­ Student will formulate a response using drag and drop Hot Spot ­ Select multiple correct responses or mark locations on displays and graphics If you see the terms using common algorithms. It is a non calculator item Strands Include Number and Operation Algebra Geometry and Measurement Data Analysis Introduction Graphing Sample Questions Multiple Choice Type In Drag and Drop Hot Spot Nov 10­2:31 PM 1 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook Hilighter Eraser Tool December 08, 2010 Navigating the Test Eliminate Choices Nov 18­1:26 PM Tool Samples Eliminate Choice Highlight Dec 3­2:07 PM 2 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook Navigating the Test December 08, 2010 Calculator Practice using calculator http://perspective.pearsonaccess.com/perspective/appmanager/mn/educator? _nfpb=true&_pageLabel=edu_lr_tools_page Dec 3­1:39 PM Click to see audio sample Audio sample II Dec 3­2:09 PM 3 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook Navigating the Test December 08, 2010 End Section or Test Screens Navigating the test Nov 18­12:37 PM Number and Operation 3rd Grade Quick Sheet­ 16­22 Items Compare and represent whole numbers up to 100,000 Emphasis on Place Value, Equality Vocabulary digits, value plot, locate point 146 + 10 Place value to describe whole numbers between 1000­100,000 ( in terms of 1­10,000) Vocabulary digits Identify a place a digit is in or the value 300+6+5 3 hundreds+6 tens+5 ones value 123,456 equal Write a four digit number with 4 in the 3 is in the ______ place hundreds place, 3 in the ones, 7 in the the 3 represents what value thousands, 6 in the tens. __,__ __ __ 10,000 More/less than a 5 digit number, 1000 more/less than 4 digit number What number is a thousand less than 4560 Round numbers to the nearest 10,000, 1000, 100, 10 Round 385 to the nearest a. Hundred _________ b. Ten _________ Compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000 <> Symbols are not allowed Vocabulary fewer, more less, greater Vocabulary estimate , round, nearest, closest Vocabulary least, greatest, compare, order value Jan 11­11:41 AM 4 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 Possible Item Sampler­Question Types­ Drag and Drop Type Question Hot Spot Jan 11­12:01 PM 3rd Grade Quick Sheet Number and Operation 3.1.2.__ Cont. 8­10 Items Real world multiplication and division problems including "How many in each group", "How many groups". Limits Factor 1­20, 1 factor must have 1 digit Vocabulary Dividend is no greater than 100 multiply divide product Division There are 12 pieces of candy and each child is given 3 pieces. How many children are there? If we share 12 candies between three children. How many candies do each child get? Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of addition and multiplication to multiply a two or three digit by a one digit number. Vocabulary Multiply product Limits one digit factor is 2­6 Partial Product Standard Algorithm Mental Strategies Commutative 35 x7 = 7x 35 1 24 x3 Distributive Property 3x(4+2) = (3x4) + (3x2) 3x6 = 12+6 18 = 18 72 Associative Property (3x4)x5 = 3x (4x5) 12x5 = 3x20 60 = 60 http://mathsonline.wordpress.com/ Jan 11­2:19 PM 5 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook Number and Operation December 08, 2010 3rd Grade Quick Sheet­ 8­10 Items Add and Subtract multi­digit whole numbers, based on the knowledge of place value "Including Standard Algorithms" Must be able to perform w/o a calculator Vocabulary add, subtract, sum, Limits 3 whole number addends, 4 digits at most difference, result Add and subtract to solve real world problems. Strategies include: the relationship of addition and subtraction use of technology, and context of the problem. Limits 3 whole number addends, 4 digits at most Addition and subtraction can be used in the same item. Vocabulary add, subtract, sum, difference, result http://maine.edc.org/file.php/1/GeoGebra_Files/IntegerAddSubtract_Lv0.html Represent Multiplication/Division facts using a variety of approaches Limit Factors 1­12 Equal sized Groups Repeated addition Vocabulary Multiply Divide Repeated Subtraction 15­5=10 10­5=5 Equal Shares Jan 11­11:57 AM­ Possible Item Sampler­Question Types 5x5 5x2 Distributive 5(5+2) 5x7 5x5+5x2 Enter site, Pick topic on the right hand side http://mathsonline.wordpress.com/ http://www.ixl.com/math/standards/minnesota/third http://maine.edc.org/file.php/1/GeoGebra_Files/Compare2Products30_L.html Jan 11­3:23 PM 6 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 Number and Operation 3rd Grade Quick Sheet Read and write fractions with words and symbols. Limits Denominators 2,3,4,6 and 8 Number line denominators 2 and 4 Sets contain up to 12 objects 1. Partition Skills Vocabulary Fraction Plot locate point Divide shapes up equally. Sequence for teaching partitioning 2,3,4,6,8 2. Equal Shares What many little kids do for sharing candy and cookies. 3. Division/Partition/ Fair Share Recognize fractions as: Parts of a whole­ 4­6 items Student must full fill three conditions: 1.Parts must be divided equally amongst students. 2.Parts must be equal. 3.Parts must exhaust the whole. Parts of a set points on a number line 0 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 distances on a number line 1 1/4 Understand that the size of the fractional part is relative to the size of the whole Limits Denominators 2,3,4,6 and 8 Sets contain up to 12 objects Vocabulary Fraction .25 Extensive activity in partitioning wholes in many different ways. Use different sized objects. Relative size vs Absolute Size (Kids think in absolute size) .33 Avoid terms such as bigger Order and Compare unit Fractions and fractions with like denominators by using models and an understanding of the concept of numerator and denominator. Limits Denominators 2,3,4,6 and 8 Sets contain up to 12 objects Vocabulary fraction equal least greatest http://maine.edc.org/file.php/1/GeoGebra_Files/CompRtnlNumFrac_Lv0.html Jan 11­3:34 PM Possible Item Sampler­Question Types Interactive Teaching tools http://www.geogebra.org/en/wiki/index.php/Fractions http://maine.edc.org/file.php/1/GeoGebra_Files/FractionsSetModel_Lv0.html Games http://www.multiplication.com/interactive_games.htm Jan 14­9:33 AM 7 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 3rd Grade Quick Sheet Algebra 2­3 Items Create, describe and apply single­operation input­output rules involving addition, subtraction and multiplication to solve problems in various contexts. Vocabulary rule, input, output, value Limits At least 3 iterations of the pattern must be given Items may require identification of 3 or fewer terms beyond what is given Function x2 Subtract 100 http://teams.lacoe.edu/documentation/classrooms/amy/algebra/3­ 4/activities/functionmachine/functionmachine3_4.html Jan 12­9:58 AM 3rd Grade Quick Sheet Algebra­ 4­5 Items Understand how to interpret number sentences involving multiplication and division basic facts and unknowns. Create real­world situations to represent number sentences. Limit Variables, boxes or blanks may be used to represent unknown numbers 3+m=9 3+ =9 4x =36 Kim made 7 beaded necklaces. She used 9 plastic beads on each necklace. How many beads did Kim use in all? Vocabulary number sentence, equation, value, represent If there are 3 egg rolls in each order, how many orders does Ed need to buy to get 15 egg rolls? Concepts of relational thinking 758+89= __ +756 Use multiplication and division basic facts to represent a given problem situation using a number sentence. Use number sense and multiplication and division basic facts to find values for the unknowns that make the number sentences true. Limit Variables, boxes or blanks may be used to represent unknown numbers Vocabulary number sentence, equation, value, represent Esperanza made 4 equal stacks of wooden blocks. How many blocks did Esperanza put in each stack if she used 12 blocks in all? Jan 13­10:47 AM 8 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 Possible Item Sampler­Question Types http://mathsonline.wordpress.com/category/growth­points­in­number/d­strategies­for­ multiplication­and­division/3­abstracting­multiplication­and­division/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/maths/number/multiplication/read3.shtml Jan 14­9:33 AM Geometry and Measurement 3rd Grade Quick Sheet Identify parallel and perpendicular lines in various contexts, and use them to describe and create geometric shapes, such as right triangles, rectangles, parallelograms and trapezoids.­ 2­3 Items Vocabulary parallel, perpendicular, right, figure Limits When identifying shapes by the attribute of parallel or perpendicular lines, shapes are limited to triangle, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square and trapezoid • Allowable notation: right angle symbol ﴾square in corner﴿ Are these lines parallel? A B In the shapes above identify the parallel line by drawing them over the shapes. Which shape has a pair of perpendicular lines http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/maths/shape_space/shapes/read1.shtml Sketch polygons with a given number of sides or vertices ﴾corners﴿, such as pentagons, hexagons and octagons. Vocabulary sides, angles, vertices, figure Limits Allowable shapes: triangle, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, octagon I am a five sided figure with 5 vertices. What shape am I? How many vertices does a hexagon have? Draw a hexagon with vertices. Which shape has the fewest vertices Jan 13­10:54 AM 9 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook Geometry and Measurement December 08, 2010­ 2­3 Items 3rd Grade Quick Sheet Use half units when measuring distances. Not assessed on the MCA­III Find the perimeter of a polygon by adding the lengths of the sides. Sample Question Vocabulary perimeter, length, width, side, figure Limits Polygons may have 6 sides, at most Items may require finding the length of an unknown side given the lengths of the other sides and the perimeter Units are limited to inches, feet, yards, centimeters and meters 4in 6 in 3in ? Perimeter= What is the perimeter? 1ft 2in 4in 5m 4ft 4ft In the above figure the Perimeter is 16 inches. Identify the length of the missing side 1ft A rose garden at the Minnesota Zoo has a perimeter of 18 meters. What is the width of the missing sides? 5m Measure distances around objects. Limits Items may require identification of appropriate tools or procedures for measuring distance Vocabulary tool, ruler, yardstick, meter stick, tape measure What tool you would use to measure the length of a table? Ann was measuring her windows in her has, so that she could make curtains. What measurement tool did she most likely use. A Ruler B. Tape Measure http://mathsonline.wordpress.com/category/other­domains/measurement/perimeter­area/ http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/maths/3d/index.htm Jan 13­11:00 AM Geometry and Measurement 3rd Grade Quick Sheet­ 4­5 Items Tell time to the minute using digital and analog clocks. Determine elapsed time to the Vocabulary a.m., p.m. minute. Limits Elapsed time must be within a two­hour span It is now eleven o'clock. What time will it be in one hour and fifteen minutes? What time is it? http://www.ixl.com/math/standards/minnesota/third Know relationships among units of time. Limits Allowable conversions: minutes to hours, hours to minutes, hours to days, days to hours, days to weeks, weeks to days, months to years, years to months Items may require finding a conversion with mixed units in the answer ﴾e.g., 12 days = 1 week and 5 days﴿ How many months in a year? Vocabulary unit 2 years is how many months? 18 days is how many weeks? How many days in a year? Jan 13­11:43 AM 10 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 Make change up to 1 dollar in several different ways, including with as few coins as possible. Vocabulary greatest, least, fewest, most, value Limits Allowable coins: penny, nickel, dime, quarter Allowable notation: $5, $0.75, 75¢ When calculating change, the amount tendered is $10, at most http://www.ixl.com/math/standards/minnesota/third Use an analog thermometer to determine temperature to the nearest degree in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Limits Allowable notation: 15ºF, 37ºC Temperatures must be given in whole numbers Vocabulary thermometer, temperature, degrees, increase, decrease What is the temperature? If the temperature increases by 10 degrees. What would be the temperature? Jan 13­12:16 PM Possible Item Sampler­Question Types http://www.mathszone.co.uk/ Open site, Run your mouse over the word shape left bottom. All sites interactive http://mathsonline.wordpress.com/category/other­domains/space/shapes/ http://www.apples4theteacher.com/java/counting/money.html Jan 13­12:27 PM 11 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 Jan 28­11:13 AM 3rd Grade Quick Sheet Data Analysis Collect, display and interpret data using frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs and number line plots having a variety of scales. Use appropriate titles, labels and units. Limit Scale increments will not exceed 5 Pictograph keys will not exceed 5 Total number on graph or chart will not exceed 500 Vocabulary pictograph, tally chart, bar graph, line plot, table, data, title, label, key, represent Bar Graph Picture Graph 20 15 10 The table above shows the number of Strawberries eaten by four children. How many strawberries did Ben eat? A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5 5 Jan 13­11:00 AM 12 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 Possible Item Sampler­Question Types http://www.mathszone.co.uk/ Click on handling Data http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/maths/data/mode_median_mean/read1.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/maths/data/interpreting_data/read1.shtml Jan 14­9:34 AM Calculator Online http://perspective.pearsonaccess.com/perspective/appmanager/mn/educator? _nfpb=true&_pageLabel=edu_lr_tools_page Thatquiz.org General Websites http://www.teacherled.com/all­interactive­whiteboard­resources/ http://www.mathszone.co.uk/ http://mathsonline.wordpress.com/ Calculators 13 3rd MCA III Quick Sheets Dec 2010.notebook December 08, 2010 http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/mejhm/index.html?l=0 This multimedia resource includes interactive math activities, print activities, learning strategies, and videos that illustrate how math is used in everyday life. The resource addresses the following mathematics topics: Fractions; Integers; Percentages; Rate/Ratio/Proportion; Square Roots; Exponents; Patterns; Algebra; Linear Equations; Polynomials; Angles; Circles; Surface Area and Volume; Area and Perimeter; Triangles; Pythagoras; Trigonometry; Similarity and Congruence; Transformations; Shape Classification; Data Display and Graphs; Central Tendency and Distribution; and Probability. http://www.learnalberta.ca/content//memg/index.html Glossary Math Vocabulary on the intranet http://staff.district196.org/i196/departments/curriculum/eframeworks.cfm Interactive Glossary Dec 3­2:11 PM 14 Attachments December03 0210.wmv December03 0209.wmv