Document 10831801

WQPT Quad Cities PBS
Western Illinois University – Quad Cities
Current Year
Fiscal Year 2013
WQPT Quad Cities PBS, a public media service of Western Illinois University embraces the core values of
academic excellence, educational opportunity, personal growth and social responsibility. As a public
television station focused on lifelong learning we extend the reach of WIU into the community.
While we work to further the Higher Values in Higher Education strategic plan, we also have four main
departmental goals which are listed below. Throughout this report, we will highlight the ways that our
goals of increasing outreach, programming, and technology as well as deepening our partnership with
the campus community fit into the overall University strategic plan.
Accomplishments and Productivity for FY 13
 G1, A3: Increase awareness of WIU-QC programs, students, faculty and tradition of
o WIU faculty, staff, programs and musical performances were featured on
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o WIU faculty expertise is promoted and utilized during the annual Ready to
Learn Conference
 G2, A2: Focus on the individual learner
o WIU Student Interns at WQPT: Alicia Domino (RPTA) and Chris Ebalo
o WQPT Ambassador program was supported by 5 WIU students this summer
and they reached nearly 30,000 families
o Supported CSS student group in hosting Frontline’s ͞΄ΪΪι ͩΊ͇ν͟
documentary screening on campus attracting nearly 100 attendees
o River Vision student video project mentoring of 5 student submitted
o Mentoring students (department specific and University wide)
 G2, A3: Support strong commitments to mission-driven public service and outreach
o Ready to Learn Conference expanding to 300 attendees this year and is
being held at WIU-QC Riverfront
o First Book Club reaching new sites and continues to receive community
support with sponsorships and grants
o PBS Learning Media being promoted to local teachers, parents and school
administrators as a premier digital resource – FREE!
o CARE QC: Connecting Anti-Bullying Resources and Education reached 50
people through in-person conversations, aims to reach 500 people through
online survey developed by Jill Myers, and potentially reached 50,000
viewers through on-air programming
o PBS Go Kids! Writers Contest receives nearly 350 entries and past local
winners have been awarded national honors
o Educational on-air programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
G3, A3: Support learning inside and outside the classroom and initiatives designed
to increase student success.
o Intern Site Advisors Bea Brasel and Jamie Lange
o RPTA 235 Course Instructor Bea Brasel
o RPTA 235 Trivia Night director Amanda Bergeson supported students in
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o SRA Advisor Amanda Bergeson
o RPTA Mentor Bea Brasel
o Producer Lora Adams and Videographer Chris Ryder are assisting Dr.
Ρ̯Μν·͛ν ΢arketing class to produce a video to promote the Engineering
o WIU-QC Mentoring program Amanda Bergeson, Candy Eastman, and Jamie
o Jamie Lange guest lecturer in Dr. Werner͛ν ̯ζνχΪΣ͋ ̽Μ̯νν΄ Gι̯Σχ ΡιΊχΊΣͽ
o Ana Kehoe guest lecturer in Dι΅ ͜νΜ͋ϴ͛ν education courses: Early Childhood
Research and Tools
 G4, A1: Promote health and wellness to support personal growth.
o WIU We Care: Amanda Bergeson, Bea Brasel, Candy Eastman, Chris Ryder,
Dawn Schmitt
o Western Walks: Amanda Bergeson, Bea Brasel, Candy Eastman, Jamie
Lange, Dawn Schmitt
 G4, A3: Enhance student and community engagement
o SGA involved in planning and volunteering for community engagement
events with the station
o SOE Block Party ΊΣ̽ΜϢ͇͋ν ΄΋ ̽·̯ι̯̽χ͋ι ̯Σ͇ ̽·ΊΜ͇ι͋Σ ·ν ̯̽χΊϭΊχΊ͋ν
o Trivia Night led by RPTA
o CSS Community Screening of Frontline’s ͞΄ΪΪι ͩΊ͇ν͟ featuring families from
the Quad City area
o Community Conversations and video diaries for River Vision 2020 allowing
students to lend their voice to city planning efforts around campus
o Community Conversations for CARE QC: Connecting Anti-Bullying Resources
and Education helped give tools to those who may be bullied
 G4, A4: Provide lifelong learning opportunities for faculty, staff and community
o Dawn Schmitt pursuing CMA certification
o Lora Adams pursuing BA BOT
o Jamie Lange and Dawn Schmitt earning WIU HR certificate
 G5, A1: Promote civic engagement and service learning for students to enhance
local, national and global perspectives
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Biden and Archbishop Gene Robinson
o WQPT primary channel
o MegaHertz Worldview (secondary channel) features global perspectives and
international news, drama and documentaries in English.
 G5΂ !3΄ Εν͋ ζ̯ιχΣ͋ιν·Ίζν χΪ ̯͇ϭ̯Σ̽͋ χ·͋ ΕΣΊϭ͋ινΊχϴ͛ν ϭΊνΊΪΣ΂ ΢ΊννΊΪΣ΂ ϭ̯ΜϢ͋ν ̯Σ͇
o American Graduate
o Achieve Quad Cities
o CARE QC (Connecting Anti-bullying Resources & Education)
o East West Riverfest
o River Vision 2020
o Ready to Learn Conference
G6, A3: Document goal achievement and support of our values by providing updates
o Community Advisory Board (open quarterly meetings)
o Development Board (open monthly meetings)
o Community Engagement Committee (as needed)
o Monthly development report shared with VP Rives, VP Bainter, WQPT staff,
and WQPT boards
o Annual local content report for donors and public
o FCC public file
o SABS to benchmark against peer stations
o SAS to report evidence of our local impact
o AFR (Audited Financial Report) to CPB
o Independent Audit
Budget Enhancements Outcomes from FY 13
 WQPT receives substantial in-kind support from Western Illinois University including
office space, human resources, payroll, IT services, gift processing and positive
association with a well-established University. We particularly benefit from the
growth and expansion in the Quad Cities market.
 WQPT is a self-sustaining unit within the University structure responsible for
generating its own revenue. No direct budget enhancements were received.
Budget Year
Fiscal Year 2014
Major Objectives and Productivity Measures for FY14
 Increase local fundraising revenue streams to replace reductions in federal and state
 Increase local programming to one local program airing on WQPT each night
Monday through Friday
 Expand outreach services to all Title one schools and bring educational programs to
outlying service areas (ie: Clinton, IA; Muscatine, IA; Sterling, IL; Geneseo, IL; and
Galesburg, IL)
 Develop new strategic plan with Western Illinois University-Quad Cities aligning with
Phase III educational priorities
Technology Goals and Objectives
 Upgrade Pro Track to virtual server
 Raise tower antenna height to improve signal quality
 Replace satellite dish at Orion site
 Gain internet access at Sterling/Rock Falls site to allow remote monitoring
 Install, test and execute WARN Phase II back-up generator equipment
Automate our closed captioning process
Create a mobile-friendly website
Internal Reallocations and Reorganizations – Quad Cities
 Hiring of full-time General Manager
 Reallocate Chief Development Manager back to full-time status
 Identify a contractual employee to support on-air sponsorship growth and
 Increase staffing through creation of either:
o Asst. General Manager
o Full Time Engineer (shared cost with Stratus Broadcast Solutions)
New Operating Revenues
 WQPT as a self-sustaining unit continues to seek private funding for operating
revenue. In the past year, we have faced a 20% reduction in our operating grant
from the Illinois Arts Council and an 18% reduction in our operating grants from the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Our proposed staff reallocations can re-double
our fundraising efforts and support revenue growth through major individual giving
and on-air sponsors.
Facilities Requests
 Participate in QC FIT Phase II and Phase III Planning
 Identify appropriate televΊνΊΪΣ νχϢ͇ΊΪ ͕̯̽ΊΜΊχΊ͋ν ΪΣ ̯̽΢ζϢν ΊΣ ΄·̯ν͋ ͜͜͜ χΪ ͋Σ̯̼Μ͋ ͞ΖΪ̼νΊχ͋͟ νχϢ͇͋Σχ Μ̯͋ιΣΊΣͽ ͋ΣϭΊιΪΣ΢͋Σχ
Accountability Report
As an organization support by local community donors and organizations, we must be
accountable for how their dollars are invested in the station. We keep our stakeholders
informed through various means such as:
 WQPT local volunteer boards include a Community Advisory Board and a Development
 Attendance and report to WIU-QC Leadership Committee quarterly
 Monthly development report shared with VP Rives and VP Bainter
 Annual local content report (Required by CPB)
 FCC public file (required by FCC)
 SABS (Station Activity Benchmarking Survey) PBS departmental comparison with other
PBS stations to identify industry best practices and trends.
 SAS (Station Activity Survey) Anecdotal narrative highlighting accomplishments and
outcomes to be shared with elected officials and the CPB.
 AFR (Audited Financial Report) to CPB
 Independent Audit