Document 10831774

Western Illinois University – Quad Cities
Academic Advising and Student Affairs
Academic Instructional Services
Quad Cities Technology
Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report and
Fiscal Year 2015 Planning
Submitted by:
Dr. Kristi Mindrup
Assistant Vice President, Quad Cities and Planning
February 27, 2014
This annual report is a collaborative effort by all members of Western Illinois University - Quad
Cities (WIU-QC) staff in Academic Advising and Student Affairs, Academic and Instructional
Services, Quad Cities Technology, and the Assistant Vice President for Quad Cities and Planning.
This document describes fiscal year 2014 (FY2014) accomplishments and sets goals and priorities
for fiscal year 2015 (FY2015) that reflect priorities also set by the institutional strategic plan, Higher
Values in Higher Education.
“All progress occurs because people dare to be different.”
~Harry Millner
Goals included in this annual report include unit efforts to recruit and retain students, to support
the academic mission and operations of Western Illinois University – Quad Cities, and to support
the expansion of WIU-Quad Cities to the Riverfront Campus according to the institutional strategic
plan, Higher Values in Higher Education, 2012-2022. Goals for Quad Cities Technology also included
technology support and management efforts outlined under the University Technology Strategic Plan.
This report highlights those goals, describes unit progress in accomplishing these goals, and
establishes goals and related budget requests for FY2015.
Quad Cities Student Affairs, Academic Instructional Services, and Quad Cities Technology began
the calendar year looking forward to the future. As part of Vice President Rives “march to 1,500”
for student enrollment, all staff contributed their time and talents that led to accomplishing that
goal in Fall 2013. From the campus switchboard to registration to collaborating with academic
departments on courses, available seats, and scheduling, each team member contributed efforts to
create conditions that foster enrollment growth and student success.
Staff also looked ahead to WIU-Quad Cities physical growth and expansion. The Quad Cities
Facilities Implementation Team for Phase 2 (QC FIT2) was formed and co-chaired by Dr. Kristi
Mindrup and Bill Brewer. This group began meeting mid-spring, and continues to plan, provide
opportunities for input, and lay the foundation for a successful move in July 2014.
Throughout the year, the Staff Coordination Team met to carry forward shared goals to create a
campus environment that fosters positive and engaging learning experiences for students, maintain
innovative and state-of-the-art campus spaces, and provide efficient and effective instructional and
operational support for 144 WIU-Quad Cities faculty and staff.
The following sections highlight accomplishments from the Assistant Vice President, Quad Cities
Advising and Student Affairs, Quad Cities Technology, and Instructional Services.
Assistant Vice President, Quad Cities and Planning FY2014 Accomplishments
FY2014 Goal: Support the short- and long-term expansion of WIU-Quad Cities in existing and expanded
facilities at Riverfront campus. (Higher Values in Higher Education, Goal 5, Action 3f)
Quad Cities Student Affairs, Technology, Instructional Services, and the Assistant Vice President
form a team of 25 staff (Figure 1) who work collaboratively across each area, and provide
leadership and support in areas that cross all Quad Cities and Macomb-based departments. This
section discusses growth in the scope of services provided by staff, organizational expansion, and
physical campus expansion in FY2014.
Figure 1
Organization Chart for Areas Reporting to
Assistant Vice President, Quad Cities and Planning
As WIU-Quad Cities organization evolves to serve a growing population of students, there was
need to add support for the Assistant Vice President, Associate Director of Student Affairs, and
Assistant Director of Facilities for appointment scheduling, office management, and execution of
daily operations. In the past year, Alison Shook’s position changed focus and level of responsibility
to include administrative support for campus planning, the Quad Cities Phase II Facilities
Implementation Team, and by coordinating team member schedules and managing action and
follow-up items.
Jonathan McKenna expanded his role in Quad Cities Technology by taking a lead role in classroom
technology maintenance, video conferencing, equipment installation, and repair.
Student Affairs continued to identify top-quality professionals to fill vacant positions and join the
WIU-Quad Cities team:
 Ashley Wilkinson, College of Business and Technology Academic Adviser, joins the team
from the University of Texas where she was previously an academic, personal, career, and
financial aid adviser.
 Alex Wenger, Engineering Academic Adviser, served as an adviser at the University of
Iowa in the Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development.
 Alex Hall, previously with the Illinois Student Aid Commission, joins the team as the new
Financial Aid Adviser.
 Scott Brouette joins the team as Assistant Director of Student Affairs, and provides
leadership and coordination for the AmeriCorps Grant, student activities and
organizations. Scott brings expertise in child development and college student engagement, and previously worked on the Macomb campus.
As Western Illinois University – Quad Cities continues to expand, so does its reputation as a leader
in serving adult and commuter students. Dr. Kristi Mindrup serves on the directorate for the
ACPA Commission for Commuter and Adult Student Learners and on the national board for the
Council for Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS). Through connections
established through these organizations, Western Illinois University – Quad Cities was recognized
as a potential home for the National Clearinghouse for Commuter Programs (NCCP).
NCCP is a national repository for scholarship, research, and resources for good practices for
serving commuter students. Previously founded at the University of Maryland and most recently
hosted at Northeastern State University, WIU accepted the proposal to house NCCP at WIU-Quad
Cities beginning July 1, 2013. Dr. Mindrup collaborated with Administrative Services, Business
Services, University Technology and many others to establish a business and payment infrastructure
to support memberships. Chris Brown established related accounts and Paypal access so NCCP can
collect membership dues from participants. Karin Chouinard was instrumental in transitioning the
NCCP web content from NSU to WIU-Quad Cities.
Dr. Kristi Mindrup also continues to serve and network on behalf of WIU and the Quad Cities
campus within the following professional organizations:
 ACPA, Directorate member for the Commission for Commuter and Adult Student
 Council for Advancement of Standards in Higher Education, Board of Directors
 Illinois Association for Institutional Research, AIR/IAIR Liaison
 NCCP, Director
Dr. Mindrup also delivered presentations at the following conferences, classes, and invited events:
Fender, L., Mindrup, K.S., and Rives, J.A., (May, 2013). Student Choice: Three Paths to
Degree Completion. Association for Institutional Research. Long Beach, CA.
Fender, L., Mindrup, K.S., and Rives, J.A., (April, 2013). Student Choice: Three Paths
to Degree Completion. Higher Learning Commission. Chicago, IL.
“The Campus Environment: How Spaces Communicate to Students” Guest Lecturer,
presented with Kenny Wheeler to COMM 343 Organizational Communication, Western
Illinois University. (April 2013).
Rock Island Arsenal Women’s History Month Observance. Rock Island Arsenal, U.S.A.
(March 2013).
WIU-Quad Cities maintains a strong presence in the host community, in part by providing access
to meeting room spaces on campus for local organizations. Lois Retherford works extensively with
external stakeholders who wish to schedule and host meetings and events at WIU-Quad Cities
buildings. Lois provides tours to groups considering facilities, and creates informational and
directional signage to direct visitors to the location of their function. Lois also provides internal
coordination for technology, security staffing, and facilities about specific user needs or requests.
Most users follow up with Lois after their event to express satisfaction with the facilities, services,
and support provided by WIU-Quad Cities. All of this contributes to increased positive awareness
by the community about WIU’s presence in the Quad Cities.
Staff in all areas that report to the Assistant Vice President are active in the Quad Cities
community, and raise awareness about WIU-Quad Cities and opportunities for partnership through
their involvement in the following organizations:
Boys and Girls Club
Daughters of the Nile
Davenport West High School Tennis
Dress for Success Quad Cities
Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and
Western Humility of Mary Board
Logan Elementary – PTA President
Pleasant Valley High School Track
Quad Citians Affirming Diversity Board
Quad Cities Minority Partnership Board
Quad Cities Pridefest
Quad Cities Scholars Board
Riverssance Art Festival
United Neighbors
United Way Quad Cities
Venus Envy Quad Cities – Women in
Women’s Connection
In addition to their efforts in the community, staff were recognized for their commitment to WIU
during the past year:
 Lois Retherford, Civil Service Employee of the Month (August 2013)
 Curtis Williams, Western Illinois University 2013 Distinguished Service Award, Council
of Academic Advisers Adviser of the Month
FY2014 Goal: Plan for the expansion of WIU-Quad Cities to Riverfront Phases II and III (Goal 5, Action 4)
The Facilities Implementation Team reconvened in March 2013 to plan for WIU-Quad Cities Phase
II expansion. Comprised of representatives from Quad Cities and Macomb, QC FIT 2 was charged
with hosting input opportunities, logistics coordination, equipment and technology research,
purchase, and eventually move coordination to Riverfront Phase II.
QC FIT2 hosted the following input opportunities throughout FY2014:
 April: Phase II Open House
 June: Focus groups for science labs, Counselor Education, WQPT, and space zoning open
 August: Library focus group; Space zone input sessions (4)
 October: Campus spaces focus group (4)
 November: Student Affairs focus group, office spaces input session (2), Curriculum and
Instruction storage assessment
 December: Science planning session
 January: Faculty and staff office selection process
 February/March: Faculty/staff office layout selection, office computer selection
QC FIT2 members include:
Bill Brewer, co-chair
Dr. Kristi Mindrup, co-chair
Andrea Allison, Quad Cities
Dr. Suzanne Bailey, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration
 Amanda Bergeson, WQPT
 Chris Brown, Quad Cities
 Karin Chouinard, Quad Cities
 Christopher David, Quad Cities
 Tom Finley, Library
 Dr. Debbie Lee, Curriculum and
Dr. Charles Lydeard, Biological
Dr. Jim Patterson, College of Business
and Technology
Lois Retherford, Quad Cities
Dan Romano, University Technology
Alison Shook, Quad Cities
Dr. Erskine Smith, College of
Education and Human Services
Dr. Jeanette Thomas, Biology
Dr. Tammy Werner, Sociology
Steve Whan, Quad Cities Facilities
Curtis Williams, Quad Cities Student
FY2014 Goal: Continue to initiate institutional and community partnerships in support of building academic
and student affairs programs at WIU-Quad Cities. (Higher Values in Higher Education, Goal 5, Action 3)
Dr. Joe Rives, Kristi Mindrup, and Curtis Williams visited community colleges and private liberal
arts institutions during the past year to explore potential partnerships for linkages and pathways to
graduate education1. The goal of these meetings is to gauge interest by area institutions in
partnering with Western Illinois University’s Quad Cities and Macomb campuses, become familiar
with partner institution’s student needs, and then tailor a relationship between student affairs and
the community college that fosters student planning through intentional advisement and financial
aid resources.
In the case of community colleges, the goal is to establish an overarching structure for enrollment
and financial aid agreements between Western and the community college. Once the overarching
agreement is signed, the next step is to work with academic departments to facilitate connections
and develop degree-planning guides. Curtis Williams implements partnerships in the areas of
advisement, degree guides, general education articulation, and financial aid. Table 1 and Table 2
below illustrate progress on partnerships during the past year, with the most significant progress
happening with Highland Community College in Freeport and Rock Valley Community College in
Table 1
Community College Partnership Status
2012-2013 Community
Illinois Valley
Rock Valley
Southeastern Iowa
Sauk Valley
2013-2014 Community
Illinois Valley
Rock Valley
Southeastern Iowa
Sauk Valley
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
Various partnership opportunities include 1) Linkages dual enrollment option, 2) availability of reverse transfer to promote
associate’s completion, 3) pathways for Honor’s options, 4) coordination of degree planning guides, 5) student affairs
connections that implement agreements and foster good practices, and 6) networking opportunities that allow people and
institutions to become familiar with students and available options.
Table 2
College and University Partnership Status
4-year Colleges and Universities
Augustana College
Cornell College
Illinois Wesleyan University
Knox College
Loras College
Luther College
Monmouth College
Trinity College of Nursing
Wartburg College
4-year Colleges and Universities
Augustana College
Cornell College
Illinois Wesleyan University
Knox College
Loras College
Luther College
Monmouth College
Trinity College of Nursing
Wartburg College
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
As emerging partners express discipline or program specific interests, Dr. Kristi Mindrup connects
each institution with their academic counter part in the School of Graduate Studies, Honor’s
College, and colleges and departments in academic affairs.
FY2014 Goal: Support the academic mission at WIU-Quad Cities. (Higher Values in Higher Education, Goal
Quad Cities continues to coordinate course and facilities scheduling across all colleges and in
collaboration with Associate Deans Jim Schmidt and Sharon Evans, Assistant Dean Jim Patterson
and Lloyd Kilmer. Dr. Kristi Mindrup, Curtis Williams, Lois Retherford, and the entire advising
team collaborate to provide information about student demand to inform course inventory planning
and student access to seats in the course sections they need to stay on track to graduate. The
number of face-to-face course sections continues to increase each semester since 2011 (Chart 1),
and the number of students enrolled in online sections also continues to increase (Chart 2). Lois
Retherford arranged and made 2,207 course changes, compared to 1,645 in FY2014.
Chart 1
Quad Cities Face-to-Face Sections 2005-2014
Chart 2
Headcount of Quad Cities Students in Online Sections
WIU-Quad Cities staff across all areas visited and collaborated with other institutions and agencies
to increase awareness about WIU-Quad Cities and network with other student professionals. To
compliment the extensive list of visits by Quad Cities Admissions, Kristi Mindrup, Ann RowsonLove, Curtis Williams, and Audrey Adamson visited Cornell College, Kirkwood Community
College, and Wartburg College. Enrollment for Iowa students in the Quad Cities continues to
increase at the undergraduate level, and has decreased only by 5 students at the graduate level
(Chart 3).
Chart 3
Quad Cities Enrollment from Iowa Counties
Fall 2010
Fall 2011
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
Quad Cities supports planning by Macomb-based academic departments. Dr. Kristi Mindrup and
Lindsay Fender collaborated with Macomb-based academic departments to explore feasibility of
new majors, minors, and options in the Quad Cities. A team approach with departments led to
discipline specific surveys distributed to area community colleges and internally to current WIUQuad Cities students. This year feasibility studies were distributed and collected for History,
Biology, Foreign Languages, and Creative Writing.
After departments receive approval for new Quad Cities programs, or to receive updated
information about existing programs. Dr. Kristi Mindrup and a team from Quad Cities Admissions
and Student Affairs convenes with department representatives to learn about new program
requirements, courses, and career options so they are prepared to talk to prospective students and
their families. This year, such implementation meetings occurred for the integrated MBA, history,
bilingual education, Spanish, and nursing. As departments develop a presence in the Quad Cities,
staff respond to expand services and accommodate new demands. The Testing Center added
capability to offer COMPASS and language proficiency exams this Fall semester.
Staff also collaborate to host events that support academic programs. Audrey Adamson and Jean
Kenney assisted the College of Business and Technology with planning and hosting the “Night of
Networking”. The purpose of this event was to provide students the opportunity to connect with
supply chain management professionals, develop mentoring relationships, host the NAPM-QC
(local chapter of the Institute for Supply Management) meeting, and host speaker Maxine Brand.
Twenty-four students, 3 employers, 5 WIU-Quad Cities staff, and 22 NAPM-QC members
participated in the event. Alison Shook assisted and led various aspects of planning the
Sustainability Share Fair. The Share Fair was organized and implemented by an interdisciplinary
group of Quad Cities faculty and staff, and attended by 50 students and 12 sustainability-focused
business, organizations, and agencies.
Curtis Williams participated in various community-based initiatives to promote STEM for K-12
students, including collaborating with The University of Iowa and Black Hawk College on a Math
and Science program for minority students from local high schools, and development of a Woman’s
Math and Science Conference that will be held at WIU-Quad Cities Riverfront Campus in April
2013. Dr. Mindrup was invited to initial conversations with the Putnam Museum this February.
Assistant Vice President, Quad Cities and Planning FY2015 Goals
 Support the short- and long-term expansion of WIU-Quad Cities in existing and expanded
facilities at Riverfront campus. (Higher Values in Higher Education, Goal 5, Action 3f)
 Plan for the expansion of WIU-Quad Cities to Riverfront Phases II and III
 Continue to initiate institutional and community partnerships in support of building
academic and student affairs programs at WIU-Quad Cities.
 Support the academic mission at WIU-Quad Cities.
Assistant Vice President, Quad Cities and Planning FY2015 Budget Requests
Academic and Student Affairs FY2014 Accomplishments
FY2014 Goal: Recruit new students to WIU-Quad Cities and assist with recruitment for Macomb.
Quad Cities Student Affairs collaborates with Quad Cities Admissions to recruit students and foster
a seamless transition between application, new student orientation (NSO), registration, and
intentional mentored experiences.
When Quad Cities Admissions meets with prospective students and their families, Student Affairs
staff serve as resources to tell the complete WIU-Quad Cities story. The Admissions and Student
Affairs teams collaborate to ensure students are aware of opportunities available at WIU-Quad
Cities, and Student Affairs team provides information to prospective students about available
majors, course requirements, registration, financial aid, scholarships, and other university
resources, policies, and procedures.
New Student Orientation is a culmination of collaborative efforts between Admissions and Student
Affairs. Curtis Williams, Audrey Adamson, Alex Hall, Kenny Wheeler, Jacquelyn Holan, Kim
Moreno, Alex Wenger, and Ashley Wilkinson all assisted with the planning, design, and
implementation of New Student Orientation. This year, NSO was redesigned to include a fun and
welcoming introduction to WIU-Quad Cities. Audrey Adamson arranged for Guys In Ties
Comedy Team from Comedy Sportz to provide college-related improvisational humor to
encourage student participation.
The revamped event also included opportunities to interact with faculty and staff, and a lunch that
strategically places faculty and staff mentor volunteers at the table with students and their families.
Admissions and Student Affairs also offered more opportunities for students to participate in New
Student Orientation, and scheduled them earlier in the year to capture their interest and connect
them to the University. The redesigned program and additional NSO dates led to an increase in
participation to 128 students for the Fall 2013 term.
In addition to regular appointments with new and returning students, Alex Hall increased efforts to
provide outreach to campus and the local community. In his new role in Quad Cities Financial Aid,
Alex participated in ISAC financial aid presentations to local high schools, designed a new financial
aid presentation for graduate students, and offered financial aid sessions at Scott Community
College. Financial Aid also ramped up financial aid communication by simplifying the short-term
loan process, redesigned the scholarship website, and designed a new financial aid information
FY2014 Goal: Increase student retention through intentional academic advising and student support services.
Quad Cities Student Affairs strives to provide holistic services and opportunities that foster student
learning in and out of the classroom, and promotes success by providing resources and removing
roadblocks for students. Through mentoring, individualized attention, pro-active communication,
and access to resources and opportunities for on or off campus engagement, WIU-Quad Cities fallto-fall retention for undergraduates has remained constant (Table 3).
Table 3
Quad Cities Fall-to-Fall Undergraduate Retention
Recognizing that early advisement and registration leads to increased retention rates, Quad Cities
Academic Advising increased efforts to reach students earlier for course planning. Compared to
Spring 2013, Fall 2013 efforts increased the number of pre-advising appointments from 307 in
Spring 2013 to 360 in Spring 2014, up by 17%. This number includes all majors, and also the
addition of academic advisement for Honor’s Cohort and Linkages students.
In addition to degree planning and registration, Academic Advising intensified the number of
contacts with students to address barriers to registration. Equipped with data provided by Lindsay
Fender and others, Academic Advising was able to work with students via telephone, e-mail, or
strategic mail communication to remove billing, grades, and personal issue roadblocks.
Academic Advising also makes an effort to meet students where they are. Advisers meet with
community college students on established monthly on-site advising days at Black Hawk College
and Scott Community College. Each semester, nearly 40 students receive comprehensive advising
for academics, registration, and financial aid.
Curtis Williams continued to provide academic advisement to Linkages and Honors Cohort
students. The number of student appointments in this area continues to increase (Table 4). Curtis
not only works closely with advisees, but also works to provide articulation and degree plan
information to shape the community partnership initiatives established by Vice President Rives and
Assistant Vice President Mindrup.
Table 4
Number of Linkages Advising Appointments Fall 2011-Spring 2013
WIU-Quad Cities Student Affairs staff serve as instructors for UNIV 100 sections as part of the
University’s overall First Year Experience initiative. Quad Cities sections of UNIV 100 increased
from 12 students to 24 per section. Curtis Williams and Audrey Adamson were instructors, and
each offered a section of this first-year focused course during Fall and Spring semester.
Academic and Student Affairs increased efforts to promote study abroad opportunities for Quad
Cities students. The number of Quad Cities students participating in Study Abroad grew 25%
compared to Spring 2013.
In addition to providing information to students about financial aid options, student affairs staff
actively participated in scholarship-related fundraising. Curtis Williams in collaboration with
United Neighbors and the Davenport School District, received a $10,000 grant from the United
States Tennis Association to operate a math and science program at Jefferson Elementary School.
The grant includes opportunities for students to learn about programs offered at area colleges and
universities. Curtis also worked with Gary Rowe to secure a $5,000 grant to help support Quad
Cities students engaged in unpaid internships.
WIU-Quad Cities maintains awareness of national best practices for retaining students, and during
this past year, Dr. Kristi Mindrup and Curtis Williams connected with University of Iowa to learn
about and modify a mentor program designed to foster success for on-campus student employees.
Modified from the University of Iowa “Guided Reflection on Work” (GROW) program,
CORE@WIUQC (Career Oriented Reflection Experience) was designed to facilitate connections
between students and their supervisors about their on-campus employment and how the experience
relates to classes and career goals.
All WIU-Quad Cities student employees in Academic and Student Affairs, Instructional Services,
and Quad Cities Technology are participating in the CORE@WIUQC pilot, which includes a
unique opportunity for students to connect with their supervisor mentor and talk about the ways
on-campus employment experiences prepare students for life during and after college. The
program utilizes a survey of students during the beginning and end of the semester to assess
program effectiveness. The program touches over 20 student employees, and adds further depth to
Student Affairs initiatives to infuse mentoring into Quad Cities campus culture.
FY2014 Goal: Increase WIU-Quad Cities student engagement and provide holistic services that foster student
Career Services, led by Audrey Adamson, expanded efforts to engage students and the community
toward the goal of connecting students with information and placement with businesses, agencies,
and organizations. The Fall 2013 Fall Career Fair increased employer participation by 50%, and
student participation by 33%. Participants included 31 companies and 136 students. Outreach to
employers benefits both Career Services efforts to reach students and also increases awareness
about WIU-Quad Cities with area businesses. The following employers participated in the 2013
Caterpillar Inc.
Cintas Corporation
Cobham Mission Systems
Crippen, Reid & Bowen,
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Group O
Health Markets - Insphere
Illinois Department of
John Deere
KJWW Engineering
Mass Mutual
Modern Woodmen of America
Northwestern Mutual
Olympic Steel
QPS Employment Group
R.I.A. Federal Credit Union
Robert Half
Sedona Technologies
Shared I.T Inc.
State Farm Agency
Trinity Logistics
University of Illinois
Springfield - Graduate Intern
Volt Workforce Solutions
Von Maur
WIU-QC School of Graduate
Career Services also offered individualized opportunities for students to prepare for job searches
and career planning. Audrey Adamson offered 23 workshops with 127 students in attendance.
Audrey also provides resources and consultation to students for resume writing, and offered 12 inclass presentations and 132 individual appointments.
Disability Support Services (DSS) co-hosted the Bi-State Diversity Conference for students with
disabilities. This conference provides opportunity for students with disabilities to learn about
services and resources available at local colleges and universities. The conference also features new
assistive technologies and illustrates how these tools can help students succeed in college. Nearly
50 students attended the conference in 2013.
Audrey Adamson also meets monthly with the WIU Americans with Disabilities Act Committee.
Audrey continues to serve a growing number of students, from 15 in Fall 2012 to 29 in Fall 2013.
The growth in number of students in part is due to Audrey’s continued efforts to increase
awareness of DSS to students, faculty, and staff.
WIU-Quad Cities promotes student engagement by offering opportunities for cultural and
academic-focused student organizations. This year, 320 students participated in 24 student
organizations. New student organizations emerged this year because of student interest and a result
of student leaders, including Criminal Justice Society, Academic Club for Engineering, Student
Veterans Organization, and UNITY.
Many members of the Student Affairs team serve as advisers and mentors for student organizations:
 IDEAS – Audrey Adamson
 SOE – Scott Brouette
 Toastmasters – Kenny Wheeler
 UNITY – Jacquelyn Holan
As part of the newly developed Veteran’s Appreciation Week, Monday, November 11th, WIUQuad Cities Student Affairs held the first ever Veterans Appreciation Breakfast. Over 70
individuals attended the event, including student veterans, their families, and several faculty and
staff. Curtis Williams also participates in a Veterans Committee with St. Ambrose University and
Scott Community College to discuss veteran’s issues and opportunities for combined programming.
Student Affairs continues to provide a welcoming environment for the WIU-Quad Cities
commuter student population. Part of this effort includes a rotation of on-campus food vendors
who serve meal options for lunch and dinner. Cup of Jo, The Bakery, Olive Tree Café, GiLanella’s
Pizza, and Qdoba Mexican Grill offered food options Monday through Thursday during peak class
FY2014 Goal: Maintain a current, accurate, accessible and innovative web presence to enhance efforts to
recruit, retain, and engage students, faculty, staff, and the community.
Karin Chouinard serves as the WIU-Quad Cities webmaster and engaged in activities that enhanced
content and functionality of web and campus signage communication. WIU-Quad Cities pages are
effective in driving prospective students to apply to and explore options available at WIU-Quad
Cities. Of all University web pages, the Quad Cities application page maintains the highest number
of hits. Since January 2013, WIU-Quad Cities web pages hold 4 spots in the top ten hits on
University web pages, and of the 50 top university pages, eight of these are Quad Cities pages.
Karin worked with several campus areas to create, enhance, or modify content based on user
needs. Karin worked on development of content for Admissions, areas in Academic Affairs, and
other areas to ensure up-to-date content. Karin also collaborated with Dr. Mindrup to establish a
web presence for the National Clearinghouse for Commuter Programs, including a PayPal
registration feature, and also for the new CORE@WIUQC student employment program.
Karin also empowered users to maintain their own web content. After initial design of sites, Karin
works with individuals to train them to use the Content Management System (CMS) which gives
users access to modify text and quickly create and edit web content. Alex Hall, Curtis Williams
and others now use CMS to manage content from each of their respective areas.
In addition to web communication, Karin also combines web and graphic content to her work in
campus digital signage messaging. Karin creates content and rotates WIU-Quad Cities program
information on external campus signage, and creates a custom-made graphic to further enhance
messages. Karin works closely with Director of Marketing Tami Seitz to integrate the campus and
university marketing plan into web and signage content and appearance.
FY2014 Goal: Increase opportunities for professional development and community engagement for staff.
Quad Cities Student Affairs expanded efforts to network regionally and nationally. Curtis
Williams, Audrey Adamson, and Kenny Wheeler increased activity with the Iowa Student
Personnel Association (ISPA). As a first-ever Illinois member of ISPA, Audrey Adamson along with
St. Ambrose University colleagues served as part of the ISPA committee that brought the annual
conference to Davenport. ISPA was attended by 83 individuals from 14 different institutions.
Audrey will continue in this planning role for the 2014 ISPA Conference in western Iowa, in
addition to serving for the next three years as directorate member to the Commission for
Commuter and Adult Student Learners with ACPA.
FY2014 Goal: Identify and utilize technology to create efficient and effective delivery of student services.
The following technology related initiatives were implemented during the past year:
 Beginning Fall 2013, QC Student Affairs began processing parking permits locally, which
resulted in streamlined processes and added convenience for students, faculty, and staff.
 Career Services transitioned to an online employer registration form that automatically
updates a site where students can view up-to-date list of participating employers with links
to each company’s web page. Career Services increased utilization of eRecruiting for
students to search for positions and schedule on-campus interviews.
FY2014 Goal: Hire an Assistant Director Student Services focused on student retention, academic support, and
personal well-being.
Although a new staff position within student affairs was not created, many student affairs staff
stepped forward to provide leadership in the following areas. As these functions continue to
expand and as funding becomes available, two additional positions will be needed to ensure these
initiatives are sustainable. These positions are listed under FY 2014 goals for Academic Advising
and Student Affairs.
 Audrey Adamson – IDEAS adviser, hosted the Student Success Series, implemented
CORE@WIU-Quad Cities, co-planned and implemented the Fall Graduation Celebration,
and served as on-site contact to refer students and employers to internships.
 Emily Pitz – Provides academic advising support by following up with new and current
students to schedule advising appointments.
 Temia Rice – Expanded testing to include COMPASS and foreign language proficiency
exams, Serves as ALAS adviser, processes transactions and maintains inventory for the QC
Bookstore Annex.
 Kenny Wheeler – Toastmasters adviser.
Academic and Student Affairs FY2015 Goals
 Recruit new students to WIU-Quad Cities and assist with recruitment for Macomb.
 Increase student retention through intentional academic advising and student support
 Increase WIU-Quad Cities student engagement and provide holistic services that foster
student engagement.
 Maintain a current, accurate, accessible and innovative web presence to enhance efforts to
recruit, retain, and engage students, faculty, staff, and the community.
 Increase opportunities for professional development and community engagement for staff.
Academic and Student Affairs FY2015 Budget Requests
$65,000 (Continuous) Staffing and Professional Development
 $15,000 Sustained additional duties for Associate Director/Director
o Oversee day-to-day operations of Academic Advising and Student Affairs
o Engage in course articulation to formulate degree plans in collaboration with Quad
Cities and Academic Affairs.
o Provide academic adviser training and coordination between advisers
(communication about majors/minors, student change in major), coordinate
between Quad Cities staff and Macomb-based advising centers, provide
communication and updates about advising to Assistant Deans and academic
o Form partnerships and engage in special programming with Quad Cities partners
such as United Neighbors, STEM initiatives, Moline School District, and more.
o Implement linkages agreements and school district dual enrollment agreements.
o Contribute to scholarship development and grant writing.
o Continue current duties that include leadership for day-to-day operation of
Academic Advising and Student Affairs; employee hiring, training, supervision,
and evaluation; billings and receivables administration; student activities; and
student affairs budget oversight.
 $8,000 Sustained additional duties for Assistant Director/Associate Director
o Develop, provide Quad Cities leadership for, and collaborate with Macomb on the
development of First Year Experience, Transfer Experience, and coordination of
UNIV 100 sections.
o Serve as Quad Cities-based internship portal to refer area employers to Macombbased departments and coordinators.
o Coordinate and infuse mentoring into campus wide programs and services, assess
program effectiveness.
o Implement the CORE@WIU-Quad Cities, including program assessment.
 $42,000 Assistant Director, Retention and Student Affairs (New position to enhance
depth and outreach of Associate Director/Director of Student Affairs, and transition 20
hours per week of advising appointments and additional responsibilities)
o Provide academic and social guidance to 100-300 linkages, honor’s, pre-major,
and undeclared first year students. Transition students to major advisers.
o Coordinate registration, degree planning, financial aid and other services between
partnering linkages and transfer institutions.
o Coordinate academic support including time management, peer tutoring, and links
to academic tutoring, centers (i.e. Writing Center, Accounting tutoring), and
workshop resources. Evaluate academic support needs and make
recommendations to establish new support, and referrals to on-campus or
community resources depending on student needs.
o Identify and develop population-specific programs and resources, such as veterans.
o Identify and implement surveys and other instruments designed to assess and
predict student success and challenges.
$5,000 (One-time)
 Regional and national attendance and participation at professional conferences and
Instructional Services FY2014 Accomplishments
FY2014 Goal: Continue to provide faculty and college instructional support.
The Instructional Services team continued to provide excellent support for faculty and instruction
at WIU-Quad Cities. Jean Kenney, Emily Pitz, Liz Eckman, and Janet Wilson work together to
assist faculty with materials and document preparation, communication and mailing, and through
support and operation of campus mail and copy centers.
The team welcomed Liz Eckman to the new role of Office Support Assistant. Liz provides
instructional services for the College of Education and Human Services and the department of
Biological Sciences.
Alison Shook provided leadership for the area of instructional services by continuing to engage the
team in ongoing communication and planning. Alison communicates with QC FIT2 on behalf of
the team, and liaises between the groups to share and contribute input to planning.
Table 5
Instructional Services Numbers
Course Evaluations
Proctored Exams
Vehicle Reservations
Spring 2013
Summer 2013
Fall 2013
Decreasing numbers for course evaluations and vehicle reservations are due to increased efficiencies
in support of these areas that require less support. Course evaluations are increasingly organized
and distributed through department staff or faculty, and vehicle reservations decreased significantly
due to increased use of video conferencing as an alternative to traveling to Macomb.
FY2014 Goal: Engage in professional development opportunities.
Following the addition of responsibilities to support academic advising appointments and
communication efforts, manage the operation of the 60th Street mail and copy center, and for her
work establishing and maintaining a new vehicle reservation system, Emily Pitz received a
successful desk audit to Office Support Specialist. Emily’s connection with students increased
efficiency of advising appointment scheduling and enhanced communication as part of an overall
initiative to retain students.
Staff also engaged in these professional development opportunities:
 Administrative Professionals training with Quad Cities Professional Development Network
(Alison Shook, Janet Wilson, and Lois Retherford)
 Professional Supervisor Certification with Quad Cities Professional Development Network
(Lois Retherford)
 Microsoft Word and Excel with Quad Cities Professional Development Network (Liz
 Pursuing Master of Arts in Museum Studies (Liz Eckman)
 English as a Second Language Workshop hosted by World Relief (Liz Eckman)
FY2014 Goal: Foster communication and collaboration across departments, buildings, and campuses.
The Instructional Services team provides communication between Riverfront and 60 th Street
buildings to ensure operational efficiency and reliable service. Communication ensures timely
delivery of materials, reliable coordination for coverage of 473 faculty evaluations in 2013, and a
friendly and informed presence at welcome areas in both buildings. The team also contributed
their expertise to the planning and coordination of operations for QC FIT2 and related sub-groups
focused on operations.
Liz Eckman re-designed communication fliers and forms for Testing Center, textbook return, and
other forms of communication at 60th Street and Riverfront.
Instructional Services FY2015 Goals
 Work as a unit to maintain connectedness, plan for operational changes, and examine
opportunities to increase efficiency during transition to Riverfront Phase II.
 Work with Human Resources, Civil Service Employee Council, and other Macomb-based
offices to identify opportunities to enhance opportunities, workflow, and hiring practices
for current and prospective civil service staff.
 Provide excellent instructional support for faculty across colleges and departments.
 Examine ways to increase sustainability and decrease paper use and photocopying.
 Provide training on various new office operations for faculty and staff in Phase II.
 Engage in professional development opportunities.
QC Instructional Services FY2015 Budget Requests
$24,000 Staffing
 $24,000 Faculty Support and phase II operations support (mail/delivery coordination,
faculty/staff supplies, copy center management, DPS coordination)
Quad Cities Technology FY2014 Accomplishments
Quad Cities Technology provides technology services, planning, installation, innovation, and
ongoing user support for 29 WIU-Quad Cities classrooms, 3 instructional computer labs, 2 student
computer labs, 1 engineering computer lab, 5 conference rooms, 4 engineering specific
laboratories and WIU’s WQPT-TV operations. In addition, QC Technology Staff continues to
provide technology support for various community events held at QC Campus spaces.
FY2014 Goal: Actively participate in Riverfront Campus Phase I completion and Phase II planning and
After successful completion of Riverfront Campus Phase I, Quad Cities Technology continues to
actively participate in all facets of Riverfront Campus Phase II planning and design. In FY2014,
Quad Cities Technology planned to expand and move core Quad Cities technology infrastructure,
operations, classrooms, offices and other campus spaces to the new Phase II Riverfront Campus
buildings. To coordinate and streamline infrastructure and technology procurement, Quad Cities
Technology participates in the Phase II QC Facilities Implementation Team II, and the QC
Technology Sub-Committee.
FY2014 Goal: Complete the following infrastructure projects. (Higher Values in Higher Education, Goal 1,
Action 3)
Quad Cities Technology, facilities staff and WIU uTech administration met with ICN and Central
Management Systems (Springfield) network administration and engineers to plan for the relocation
of the ICN Point of Presence (POP) to Riverfront Phase II. After initial discussions about space,
power requirements, and climate control discussions, ICN and Central Management Systems are
working to enable additional new fiber connection to the proposed new POP site. A second POP
will be relocated to the new location as a prelude to de-commissioning the existing POP at the 60th
Street building.
ICN increased WIU-Quad Cities bandwidth allocation to 234 MBPS with no increase to monthly
costs. This bandwidth increase will increase both speed and reliability of completing a wide range of
bandwidth intensive tasks, such as video conferencing, downloading and uploading data, and using
multiple Internet services simultaneously. This increase also prepares WIU-Quad Cities to provide
Internet access to more mobile devices in Phase II. Additional enhanced computing capacity,
virtual servers, network storage, remote engineering lab access and expanded wireless capabilities
for BYODs (bring your own devices) were also included in Phase II plans.
Quad Cities Technology successfully tested and implemented Distributed File Services (DFS)
replication between Riverfront and Macomb Campuses. This process resulted in full redundancy
and business continuity between WIU Macomb and Riverfront campus. All data in folders
currently in Group Shares (S:) drives are now actively replicated on both campuses. In case of
server failure on one campus, users will maintain access to data replicated on servers at the other
FY2014 Goal: Support campus learning and workspaces. (Higher Values in Higher Education, Goal 2, Action
Anticipating increased office spaces and bandwidth requirements in Phase II, Quad Cities
Technology staff met with focus groups from various colleges and departments including WQPT
TV to evaluate departmental and discipline specific technology requirements. This essential
function was done in order to plan and create required technology equipment purchase lists for
classrooms, faculty and staff offices, and backend infrastructure support equipment.
Lois Retherford coordinates with Quad Cities Technology, uTech, and other Macomb staff to
coordinate videoconference classes and meetings. Lois’ Zimbra-based scheduling methods have
been shared and adopted across departments and campuses.
In preparation for upcoming logistics planning for centralized technology delivery, set up, and
staging, Quad Cities Technology designated 60th Street Room B15 as a technology staging area.
QC Technology Staff will also provide on-time support services with configuration, move and
technology installation in numerous new faculty and staff offices and re-configured work spaces in
all campus buildings.
Quad Cities Technology initiated and continues to explore:
 Options for interior and exterior digital signage systems at Riverfront Campus Phase II.
 Secure wireless connectivity to enable the increased demand from students and faculty to
incorporate use of personal devices (iPads, iPhones and Android devices and more) with
existing classroom technology.
Quad Cities Student Affairs, in collaboration with Quad Cities Technology added video surveillance
equipment to the Testing Center to foster academic integrity.
FY2014 Goal: Complete the following goals aimed at increasing operational and QC Technology Team
efficiency and effectiveness
Quad Cities Technology continues to maintain and provide first level response via telephone at
extension x62294 and via e-mail at, Monday through Saturday during lab
and building hours. In FY2014 Quad Cities Technology maintained 63 hours of support at the 60th
Street building, and increased from 57 to 60 hours at Riverfront.
Quad Cities Technology staff will also continue to provide faculty and staff user training and
orientation on the VoIP telephone system and classroom technology. In addition to providing tech
support to the QC Community for public events held on QC Campus facilities and areas, QC
Technology staff will also continue to hire and provides facilitators to assist faculty with various
video conference classes.
Lois Retherford and Karin Chouinard implemented and trained faculty and staff on a new online
room reservation form that increased efficiency with room reservation requests and approval
process for student organization meetings. The form is also available to external stakeholders who
hold meetings on campus.
Lois also maintains the “Front Line” intranet page that serves as a web-based portal for classroom
schedules, final exam schedules, faculty/staff directory, adjunct lists and other resources critical to
staff support and communication.
FY2014 Goal: Provide opportunities for technology staff professional development. (Higher Values in Higher
Education, Goal 1, Action 2d; and Goal 5, Action 1l)
All QC Technology Staff members participate in ongoing training on the campus wide help desk
management software system. With funding and support from QC Administration, all QC
Technology Staff members continue to have 24/7 access and regularly participate in continuing
hardware and software education through the annually subscribed online Lynda CBT Software and
Business Technology Management Learning tools.
Christopher David is scheduled to begin Information Technology Infrastructure Library
training as the university moves towards implementation of standards on IT Governance.
Christopher David also continues to work on upgrading his Microsoft Windows Server and
VM Ware certifications.
Andrea Allison continues to work on Windows 7 and Mac OS X Platforms training.
Michael Weinrich continues to further his training and certifications on programming and
configuring AMX touch-screen technology.
Paul Finley continues to work on Cisco Certification at Blackhawk College.
Jonathan McKenna is enrolled in Western Illinois University and is currently working on a
Bachelor of Arts Degree in General Studies at WIU. Funds permitting, Mr. McKenna will
also be starting his AMX installer and programmer training.
The entire technology staff provide various training opportunities to faculty and staff. Michael
Weinrich provides training each semester to new faculty or those needing a refresher about
classroom technology. Lois Retherford and Andrea Allison provide MVS training for faculty, new
academic advisers and support staff, and Andrea Allison provides. These are just two among many
examples of the ways technology and all Quad Cities share resources of expertise to ensure faculty
and staff have technology tools they need to do their work.
Quad Cities Technology FY2015 Goals
 Actively participate in Riverfront Campus Phase II completion and Phase III planning and
 Complete Riverfront Phase II infrastructure projects, and continue to ensure a reliable,
secure, and effective infrastructure campus wide in the Quad Cities. (Higher Values in
Higher Education, Goal 1, Action 3)
 Support campus learning and work spaces. (Higher Values in Higher Education, Goal 2,
Action 3B)
 Increase QC Technology Team efficiency and effectiveness.
 Provide opportunities for technology staff professional development. (Higher Values in
Higher Education, Goal 1, Action 2d; and Goal 5, Action 1l)
QC Technology FY2015 Budget Requests
$15,725 Staffing and Professional Development
$10,725 (Continuous) Multi-Purpose Lab/Help Desk student employees (20 hours/week)
$5,000 (One-Time) Online and classroom based professional development for 5