OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT QUAD CITIES AND PLANNING JOE RIVES, CHRIS BROWN, DEBBIE KEPPLE-MAMROS & CAROL MARQUARDSEN APRIL 2015 WE PROVIDE COMMUNICATION, LEADERSHIP AND SUPPORT FOR THE QUAD CITIES CAMPUS, THE UNIVERSITY, AND THE COMMUNITY For the University For the Quad Cities Campus Monthly Strategic Plan Updates Accreditation and HLC Student Persistence and Completion Academy Coordinate with Macomb Communications Center Collaboration center for the Administrative Team Budget tracking Campus Planning and Operations Hosting Special University Events Transportation Hub QC Presidents & Chancellors Committee Purchasing for the Quad Cities Campus WIU QC Planning & Advisory Committee ReNew Moline City of Moline Area High Schools For the Community OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR QUAD CITIES AND PLANNING Communication with the Community Communication with the University Communication with the Campus UNIVERSITY DATA AND ANALYSIS HLC Student Persistence and Completion Team Working with implementation teams to define retention goals for Macomb, Quad Cities and Online Identifying retention risk indicators through local data Beginning with a decision tree and proceed to IBM SPSS for both a simple regression and a cluster to check/confirm valid indicators The end result will allow the institution to mitigate attrition Partnering with AIMS and IRP to develop University benchmarks Updating Peer Groups CAMPUS DATA AND ANALYSIS Forecasts, Reports and Analysis to support planning and effectiveness Examples Forecast enrollment in majors and graduate programs for fall 2015 based on enrollment trends. Helps with course planning, marketing and development Reverse Degree Audit: a report that produce a list of courses necessary for a department, campus or university to offer Report showing three year trends of a group of courses to be used to plan the new Annex Reports showing recent or future graduates Reports for alumni outreach, audits, grants, and benchmarking Implementation of Academic Integrity Pledge Form, which reduced incidence of academic dishonesty in testing center CAMPUS FISCAL AFFAIRS Continuing and evolving responsibility Detailed spreadsheets Monthly meetings with fiscal agents New this year – graphs showing current budget and expenses Tracking of travel expenses FY15 DEPARTMENT EXPENSES $14,000.00 $11,675.35 $12,000.00 $8,840.05 $8,826.68 $8,601.52 $7,700.62 $7,217.73 $5,901.51 $10,000.00 $8,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $- $3,997.14 $2,229.26 $- $- $- CAMPUS PURCHASING PURCHASING FOR: QC ADMINISTRATION QC FOUNDATION QC MARKETING QC OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE QC STUDENT SERVICES QC PHASE II RIVERFRONT Contract implementation, reporting and maintenance. HOSTING QC CAMPUS EVENTS Annual Fall Scholarship Breakfast Annual Fall Faculty Staff Welcome Back BBQ Founders’ Day and State of the University Address December Graduation Reception QC Excellence in Values & Years of Service Awards “Funding Our Future” Minority Scholarship Event Distinguished Faculty Lecture Hallwas Lecture Spring Commencement June Board of Trustees Meeting Special Events Grand Opening of Phase II Campus – August 2014 NABCA Annual Conference – April 14 – 18, 2015 (Site Host for event) HLC Peer Review Visit – February 9 – 10, 2015 CAMPUS SCHEDULING AND SIGNAGE Coordinating schedules for committees and meetings with external constituents Primary calendar responsibilities for Vice President Rives Scheduling Quad Cities campus events with WIUP/MVS Space Master Event Permit System Tertiary Campus Scheduling Back-up to Lois Retherford, Admissions & Records Officer Quad Cities Complex Classroom Use Signage COMMUNICATION HUB: FOR THE CAMPUS Primary Quad Cities Switchboard Reception Provide Friendly, Knowledgeable, Prompt Response to Callers Operate VoIP Phone System Maintain Off-line Quad Cities Campus Faculty & Staff Directory Quad Cities Facilitators of Transportation Services Assign WIU-QC Fleet Requests Communicate with Heidi Cox, Chief Clerk – Transportation Services Staff Reception Desk of Vice President’s Office Provide Support As Needed to WIU-QC Administrators Collaborate with WIU-QC Support Staff Team Facilitate Communication between Departments Weekend and Back-up Test Proctor and CLEP Test Administration COMMUNICATION HUB: FOR THE COMMUNITY Provide Friendly, Knowledgeable, Prompt Response to Callers Support Dual Enrollment Outreach Project Donor Stewardship – Support Efforts to Foster Good Ties with WIU-QC Donors Create and Update Contact Spreadsheet Prepare Mailing Campaigns Scholarship Recipient Thank You Card Follow-up Formalize Local Business Participation in New Student Discount Program NOT A PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATION… FUN FACTS ABOUT THE VP OFFICE “NOT FOR PRIME TIME PLAYERS”: Chris Brown has purchased over 20,000 cases of Diet Coke since 2008 for “VIP Visitors”….. MEMBERSHIPS QC Advisory and Planning Committee HLC Persistence and Completion Steering Team Committee QC FIT II (and III???) AIR IAIR AACRAO EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMPLETED THIS YEAR Carol Chris Debbie VoIP Phone System Payment Processing Easytrieve Training WIU-QC Share Drive University Policies for Purchasing Pentaho Reports Training Zimbra Collaboration Suite Travel Voucher Training Excel for Budgets Training WIUP/MVS – Space Master Events WIUP/MVS – Foundation Records Navigating MVS MVS – Budgets Training Excel Training WIU Financial & P-card Policies WesternOnline and ExamTrack CLEP Test Admininstration WIU State Fleet Procedures BIG SHOUT OUT TO… Our Indispensable Student Workers The President’s Office Purchasing Office Budget Office (Especially Bonnie Elder) AIMS Office of the VP for Administrative Services Foundation Office (Connie Scarbrough & Holly Fecht) Institutional Research and Planning Office Registrar’s Office Provost’s Office Human Resources for Bringing Essential Job Skills Training to WIU-QC Quad Cities Campus Office Manager Alison Shook and Our Support Staff Team GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR NEXT YEAR Analytical Goals : Accurate retention calculations A functioning job or report showing which General Education courses WIU-QC will need An App for all fiscal agents showing their updated budget, expenses and encumbrances Procedure Goals Establish standards for tracking purchase orders and expenses Strengthen ties with key community organizations Improve Communication on Campus, with Quad Cities Community, and with Macomb Campus Create a Records Retention Procedure for the office and Quad Cities HOW NOT TO DO RECORDS RETENTION: