Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2013, Article ID 176470, 4 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/176470 Research Article Some Properties of the 饾憺-Extension of the 饾憹-Adic Gamma Function Hamza Menken1 and Adviye Körükçü2 1 2 Mathematics Department, Science and Arts Faculty, Mersin University, Ciftlikkoy Campus, 33343 Mersin, Turkey Mathematics Graduate Program, Institute of Science, Mersin University, Ciftlikkoy Campus, 33343 Mersin, Turkey Correspondence should be addressed to Hamza Menken; hmenken@mersin.edu.tr Received 10 October 2012; Accepted 7 February 2013 Academic Editor: Giovanni P. Galdi Copyright © 2013 H. Menken and A. Ko虉ru虉kc抬u虉. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study the 饾憺-extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹,饾憺 . We give a new identity for the 饾憺-extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma Γ饾憹,饾憺 in the case 饾憹 = 2. Also, we derive some properties and new representations of the 饾憺-extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma Γ饾憹,饾憺 in general case. 1. Introduction Let 饾憹 be a prime number and let Z饾憹 , Q饾憹 , and C饾憹 denote the ring of 饾憹-adic integers, the field of 饾憹-adic numbers, and the completion of the algebraic closure of Q饾憹 , respectively. It is well known that the analogous of the classical gamma function Γ in 饾憹-adic context depends on modifying the factorial function 饾憶! [1]. The factorial function (饾憶!)饾憹 in Q饾憹 is defined as (饾憶!)饾憹 = ∏ 饾憲. 饾憲<饾憶 (饾憹,饾憲)=1 (1) The 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹 is defined by Morita [2] as the continuous extension to Z饾憹 of the function 饾憶 → (−1)饾憶 (饾憶!)饾憹 . That is, Γ饾憹 (饾懃) is defined by the formula Γ饾憹 (饾懃) = lim (−1)饾憶 ∏ 饾憲 饾憶→饾懃 饾憲<饾憶 (饾憹,饾憲)=1 Definition 1 (see [8]). Let 饾憺 ∈ C饾憹 , |饾憺 − 1|饾憹 < 1, 饾憺 =谈 1. The 饾憺extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾懃) is defined by formula Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾懃) = lim (−1)饾憶 ∏ 饾憶→饾懃 饾憲<饾憶 (饾憹,饾憲)=1 1 − 饾憺饾憲 1−饾憺 (3) for 饾懃 ∈ Z饾憹 , where 饾憶 approaches 饾懃 through positive integers. We recall that lim饾憺 → 1 Γ饾憹,饾憺 = Γ饾憹 . The 饾憺-extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾懃) was studied by Koblitz [8, 9], Nakazato [10], Kim et al. [11], and Kim [12]. 2. Main Results (2) for 饾懃 ∈ Z饾憹 , where 饾憶 approaches 饾懃 through positive integers. The 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹 (饾懃) had been studied by Diamond [3], Barsky [4], and others. The relationship between some special functions and the 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹 (饾懃) were investigated by Gross and Koblitz [5], Cohen and Friedman [6]. and Shapiro [7]. The 饾憺-extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾懃) is defined by Koblitz as follows. In the present work, we give a new identity for the 饾憺-extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾懃) in special case 饾憹 = 2. Also, we derive some properties and representations for the 饾憺-extension of the 饾憹-adic gamma function Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾懃). Theorem 2. If 饾憹 = 2, then for all 饾懃 ∈ Z2 Γ2,饾憺 (饾懃) Γ2,饾憺 (1 − 饾懃) = (−1)1+饾湈1 (饾懃) lim ∏ 饾憺饾憲 , 饾憶→饾懃 饾憲<饾憶 (2,饾憲)=1 (4) 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis where 饾湈1 is defined by the formula We recall that the 饾憺-factorial [饾憶; 饾憺]! is defined in [13] by the formula ∞ 饾湈1 ( ∑ 饾憥饾憲 2饾憲 ) = 饾憥1 . (5) [饾憶; 饾憺]! = [饾憶; 饾憺] [饾憶 − 1; 饾憺] ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ [2; 饾憺] [1; 饾憺] 饾憲=0 Proof. Let 饾憹 = 2 and 饾憶 ∈ N. From Proposition 3 in [12] we known that Γ2,饾憺 (饾憶 + 1) Γ2,饾憺 (−饾憶) = (−1) 饾憶+1−[饾憶/2] for 饾憶 ≥ 1, where [饾懃; 饾憺] = 饾憲 ∏ 饾憺. 饾憲<饾憶+1 (2,饾憲)=1 (6) Here, [⋅] is the greatest integer function. Taking 饾憶 − 1 in place of 饾憶, the relation becomes Γ2,饾憺 (饾憶) Γ2,饾憺 (1 − 饾憶) = (−1)饾憶−[(饾憶−1)/2] ∏ 饾憺饾憲 . 饾憲<饾憶 (2,饾憲)=1 [ 饾憶−1 ]= [ 2 2 ] Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憶 + 1) = (−1)饾憶+1 = [饾憥1 + 饾憥2 2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅] ≡ 饾憥1 (mod 2) . = (−1) 1−饾憥1 = (−1) 1+饾憥1 = (−1) 1+饾湈1 . (9) (−1 + 饾憥1 2 + 饾憥2 22 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅) 饾憶−1 [ ]= [ ] 2 2 (1 + (饾憥1 − 1) 2 + 饾憥2 22 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅) 2 , (16) where [⋅] is the greatest integer function. In particular, [饾憹饾憶 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憹 [饾憹; 饾憺] [饾憹饾憶−1 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹饾憶 ) . (17) (a) [[饾憶/饾憹饾憼 ]; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憶+1−饾憼 (−[饾憹; 饾憺])(饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1) 饾憲+1 ]; 饾憺饾憹 ]!/[[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ]; 饾憺]!∏饾憼饾憲=0 Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] + 1) ∏饾憼−1 饾憲=0 [[饾憶/饾憹 Proof. From the Theorem 3 we know that ] (10) [饾憶/饾憹] [饾憶; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憶+1 [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憶 [[ ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憶 + 1) . 饾憹 (18) By taking [饾憶/饾憹0 ], [饾憶/饾憹1 ], . . . , [饾憶/饾憹饾憼 ] instead of 饾憶, respectively, we get the relations ≡ 饾憥1 − 1 (mod 2) . Hence, (−1)饾憶−[(饾憶−1)/2] = (−1)饾憶 (−1)−[(饾憶−1)/2] [[ = (−1)2 (−1)−(饾憥1 −1) = (−1) [[饾憶/饾憹] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! (b) [饾憶; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憶+1−饾憼 (−[饾憹; 饾憺])(饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1) [[饾憶/饾憹]; 饾憺饾憹 ]! ∏饾憼饾憲=1 [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲+1 ]; 饾憺饾憹 ]!/[[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ]; 饾憺]!∏饾憼饾憲=0 Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] + 1). If 饾憥0 = 0, then = [ [饾憹; 饾憺] Theorem 4. Let 饾憶 ∈ N and let 饾憼饾憶 be the sum of the digits of 饾憶 = ∑饾憼饾憲=0 饾憥饾憲 饾憹饾憲 (饾憥饾憼 =谈 0) in base 饾憹. Then Thus, we get (−1)饾憶−[(饾憶−1)/2] = (−1)饾憶 (−1)−[(饾憶−1)/2] = (−1)1 (−1)−饾憥1 [饾憶; 饾憺]! [饾憶/饾憹] 饾憹饾憶−1 −1 (8) (15) Theorem 3 (see [12]). Let 饾憶 ∈ N. Then, 2 (饾憥0 − 1 + 饾憥1 2 + 饾憥2 22 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅) 1 − 饾憺饾懃 . 1−饾憺 Note that for 饾憶 = 0, we can define [0; 饾憺]! = 1. We use the following theorem to prove our results. (7) Now, let 饾憶 = 饾憥0 +饾憥1 2+饾憥2 2 +⋅ ⋅ ⋅ in base 2. If 饾憥0 =谈 0, then 饾憥1 = 1 in base 2 and (14) 2+饾憥1 −1 × [[ (11) = (−1)1+饾憥1 0 饾憶 [饾憶/饾憹1 ] ] ; 饾憺]! = (−1)[饾憶/饾憹 ]+1 [饾憹; 饾憺] 0 饾憹 [[ = (−1)1+饾湈1 (饾憶) . 1 饾憶 [饾憶/饾憹2 ] ] ; 饾憺]! = (−1)[饾憶/饾憹 ]+1 [饾憹; 饾憺] 1 饾憹 × [[ Thus, we have Γ2,饾憺 (饾憶) Γ2,饾憺 (1 − 饾憶) = (−1)1+饾湈1 (饾憶) ∏ 饾憺饾憲 饾憲<饾憶 (2,饾憲)=1 [[ Γ2,饾憺 (饾懃) Γ2,饾憺 (1 − 饾懃) = (−1)1+饾湈1 (饾懃) lim ∏ 饾憺饾憲 . 饾憶→饾懃 饾憲<饾憶 (2,饾憲)=1 (13) 饾憶 饾憶 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 1 ] + 1) , 饾憹2 饾憹 .. . (12) and thus, we obtain 饾憶 饾憶 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 0 ] + 1) , 1 饾憹 饾憹 饾憼 饾憶 [饾憶/饾憹饾憼+1 ] ] ; 饾憺]! = (−1)[饾憶/饾憹 ]+1 [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憼 饾憹 × [[ 饾憶 饾憶 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 饾憼 ] + 1) . 饾憹饾憼+1 饾憹 (19) Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 By multiplying of the equalities above, we can easily obtain [[ 0 饾憼 饾憶 [饾憶/饾憹1 ]+⋅⋅⋅+[饾憶/饾憹饾憼+1 ] ] ; 饾憺]! = (−1)[饾憶/饾憹 ]+⋅⋅⋅+[饾憶/饾憹 ]+饾憼+1 [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憼 饾憹 × [[ 饾憲=0 饾憶−2 (饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1) 饾憲=0 饾憹饾憲−1 −1 饾憹 (20) Therefore, we get the relation (a) ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 饾憲=0 饾憶 ]+1) , 饾憹饾憲 饾憹饾憶−1 −1 饾憲+1 By multiplying of the equalities above, we can easily obtain 饾憹0 +饾憹1 +⋅⋅⋅+饾憹饾憶−1 −饾憶 [饾憹饾憶 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憶饾憹+1 [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憶−2 饾憶 × ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 饾憲 ] + 1) 饾憹 饾憲=0 ×∏ − 1; 饾憺]! 饾憲=0 Thus, [饾憹饾憶 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憹 (− [饾憹; 饾憺]) × [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憶−2 Therefore, we get the relation (b) [饾憹饾憶−1 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]! 饾憲 饾憹 [饾憹 − 1; 饾憺 ]! (27) 饾憶 Lemma 6. Let 饾憶 ∈ Z+ , 饾憶 = ∑饾憼饾憲=0 饾憥饾憲 饾憹饾憲 (饾憥饾憼 =谈 0), and let 饾憹 be a prime number. Then, for 饾憲 = 0, 1, . . . , 饾憼 饾憶 [[ ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! 饾憹 饾憶 ×∏ ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 饾憲 ] + 1) . 饾憲 ] ; 饾憺]! 饾憹 [[饾憶/饾憹 饾憲=1 饾憲=0 −饾憶 (饾憹饾憶 −1)/(饾憹−1) ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹饾憲 ) . 饾憲+1 − 1; 饾憺]! [饾憹 饾憲=0 饾憲=0 ×∏ (21) 饾憼 饾憶 ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹饾憲 ) . (26) 饾憶 ] + 1) . 饾憹饾憲 [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲+1 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! [饾憹饾憶−1 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]! (饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1) 饾憼 [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲+1 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! 饾憶 × [[ ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]!∏ 饾憲 饾憹 饾憲=1 [[饾憶/饾憹 ] ; 饾憺]! 饾憼 [饾憹饾憲 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]! 饾憲+1 饾憲=0 [饾憹 = (−1)(饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1) (−1)饾憶+1−饾憼 [饾憹; 饾憺] (饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1) [饾憹饾憶−1 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹饾憶 ) . (25) 饾憹 饾憼 [饾憶; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憶+1−饾憼 (− [饾憹; 饾憺]) [饾憹1 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹2 ) , [饾憹饾憶 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憹 [饾憹; 饾憺] [[饾憶/饾憹 ] ; 饾憺 ]! 饾憶 × [[ ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]!∏ 饾憲 饾憹 饾憲=1 [[饾憶/饾憹 ] ; 饾憺]! 饾憲=0 饾憹1 −1 [饾憶/饾憹1 ]+⋅⋅⋅+[饾憶/饾憹饾憼+1 ] 饾憼 饾憼 饾憼 [饾憹0 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹1 ) , .. . [饾憶; 饾憺]! = (−1)[饾憶/饾憹 ]+⋅⋅⋅+[饾憶/饾憹 ]+饾憼+1 [饾憹; 饾憺] × ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 饾憹0 −1 [饾憹2 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憹 [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憶 (饾憶−饾憼 )/(饾憹−1) [[ 饾憼 ] ; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憶+1−饾憼 (−[饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憶 ) 饾憹 饾憼−1 [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲+1 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! 饾憼 [饾憹饾憲−1 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]!Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹饾憲 ) . (24) [饾憹0 − 1; 饾憺]! = 1 = (−1) Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹0 ) , [饾憹1 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憹 [饾憹; 饾憺] [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺]! (23) 饾憶 Taking of 0, 1, . . . , 饾憶 instead of 饾憲, respectively, we have the equalities 饾憶 ] + 1) . 饾憹饾憲 0 [饾憹饾憲 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]! [饾憹饾憲 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憹 [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憼−1 [[饾憶/饾憹 ] ; 饾憺 ]! 饾憶 饾憹 ] ; 饾憺 ]! ∏ 饾憼+1 饾憲 饾憹 饾憲=0 [[饾憶/饾憹 ] ; 饾憺]! × ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ [饾憹饾憶−1 − 1; 饾憺饾憹 ]! Proof. From Theorem 3 it follows that 饾憲+1 饾憼 (饾憹饾憶 −1)/(饾憹−1) ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 (饾憹饾憲 ) . 饾憲+1 − 1; 饾憺]! [饾憹 饾憲=0 饾憲=0 ×∏ 饾憶 ] + 1) 饾憹饾憲 = (−1)(饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1) (−1)饾憶+1−饾憼 [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憲=0 −饾憶 × [饾憹; 饾憺] 饾憶 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]!∏ 饾憲 饾憹饾憼+1 饾憲=0 [[饾憶/饾憹 ] ; 饾憺]! 饾憼 ×∏ [饾憹饾憶 − 1; 饾憺]! = (−1)饾憹 (− [饾憹; 饾憺]) 饾憼−1 [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲+1 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! × ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ × [[ Theorem 5. Let 饾憶 ∈ N and let 饾憶 = ∑饾憼饾憲=0 饾憥饾憲 饾憹饾憲 (饾憥饾憼 =谈 0). Then [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺]! (22) [饾憹; 饾憺] [饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! [饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] = ∏ 饾憳=1 1 − 饾憺饾憳 1 − 饾憺饾憳饾憹 (0 ≤ 饾憳 ≤ 饾憼) . (28) 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. For 饾憲 = 0 Acknowledgments [饾憶; 饾憺]! = 饾憶 [饾憹; 饾憺] [饾憶; 饾憺饾憹 ]! [1; 饾憺] [2; 饾憺] ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ [饾憶, 饾憺] This work is supported by Mersin University and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TU虉BI虈TAK). The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions. 饾憶 [饾憹; 饾憺] [1; 饾憺饾憹 ] [2; 饾憺饾憹 ] ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ [饾憶; 饾憺饾憹 ] =( 1 − 饾憺饾憶 1 − 饾憺 1 − 饾憺2 ⋅⋅⋅ ) 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 饾憶 1 − 饾憺饾憹 1 − 饾憺饾憹 1 − 饾憺饾憶饾憹 × (( ⋅⋅⋅ ) ) 饾憹 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 1 − 饾憺饾憹 =( 1 − 饾憺 1 − 饾憺2 1 − 饾憺饾憶 ⋅⋅⋅ ) 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 ×( = −1 1 − 饾憺饾憹 1 − 饾憺2饾憹 1 − 饾憺饾憶饾憹 ⋅⋅⋅ ) 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 (1 − 饾憺) (1 − 饾憺2 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (1 − 饾憺饾憶 ) (1 − 饾憺饾憹 ) (1 − 饾憺2饾憹 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (1 − 饾憺饾憶饾憹 ) −1 . (29) For 1 ≤ 饾憲 ≤ 饾憼 it follows that [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺]! [饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] [饾憹; 饾憺] = [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! [1; 饾憺] [2; 饾憺] ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] , 饾憺] [饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] [饾憹; 饾憺] [1; 饾憺饾憹 ] [2; 饾憺饾憹 ] ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ] 饾憲 1 − 饾憺 1 − 饾憺2 1 − 饾憺[饾憶/饾憹 ] =( ⋅⋅⋅ ) 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 1−饾憺 [饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] 1 − 饾憺饾憹 × (( ) 1−饾憺 (30) 饾憲 1 − 饾憺[饾憶/饾憹 ]饾憹 1 − 饾憺饾憹 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ) 1 − 饾憺饾憹 1 − 饾憺饾憹 −1 饾憲 = (1 − 饾憺) (1 − 饾憺2 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (1 − 饾憺[饾憶/饾憹 ] ) 饾憲 (1 − 饾憺饾憹 ) (1 − 饾憺2饾憹 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (1 − 饾憺[饾憶/饾憹 ]饾憹 ) . Then, we obtain [饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺]! [饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] [饾憹; 饾憺] [[饾憶/饾憹饾憲 ] ; 饾憺饾憹 ]! = ∏ 饾憳=1 1 − 饾憺饾憳 . 1 − 饾憺饾憳饾憹 (31) Theorem 7. Let 饾憶 ∈ N and let 饾憼饾憶 be the sum of the digits of 饾憶 = ∑饾憼饾憲=0 饾憥饾憲 饾憹饾憲 (饾憥饾憼 =谈 0) in base 饾憹. Then ((饾憶−饾憼饾憶 )/(饾憹−1))+饾憶+1−饾憼 [饾憶; 饾憺]! = (−1) [饾憶/饾憹1 ] (1 ∏ 饾憳=1 [饾憶/饾憹饾憼 ] (1 ∏ 饾憳=1 − 饾憺饾憳饾憹 ) (1 − 饾憺饾憳 ) 饾憼 (1 − 饾憺饾憳 ) ∏Γ饾憹,饾憺 ([ 饾憲=0 − 饾憺饾憳饾憹 ) ⋅⋅⋅ (32) 饾憶 ] + 1) . 饾憹饾憲 Proof. This theorem can be proved by using Theorem 4 and Lemma 6. References [1] W. H. Schikhof, Ultrametric Calculus: An Introduction to p-adic Analysis, vol. 4, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1984. 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