Research Article Some Operator Inequalities on Chaotic Order and

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2013, Article ID 124510, 6 pages
Research Article
Some Operator Inequalities on Chaotic Order and
Monotonicity of Related Operator Function
Changsen Yang and Yanmin Liu
College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453002, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Changsen Yang;
Received 24 March 2013; Accepted 24 April 2013
Academic Editor: Yisheng Song
Copyright © 2013 C. Yang and Y. Liu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We will discuss some operator inequalities on chaotic order about several operators, which are generalization of Furuta inequality
and show monotonicity of related Furuta type operator function.
1. Introduction
An operator 𝑇 is said to be positive (denoted by 𝑇 ≥ 0) if
(𝑇π‘₯, π‘₯) ≥ 0 for all vectors π‘₯ in a Hilbert space, and 𝑇 is said
to be strictly positive (denoted by 𝑇 > 0) if 𝑇 is positive and
Theorem LH (Löwner-Heinz inequality, denoted by (LH)
briefly). If 𝐴 ≥ 𝐡 ≥ 0 holds, then 𝐴𝛼 ≥ 𝐡𝛼 for any 𝛼 ∈ [0, 1].
This was originally proved in [1, 2] and then in [3].
Although (LH) asserts that 𝐴 ≥ 𝐡 ≥ 0 ensures 𝐴𝛼 ≥ 𝐡𝛼 for
any 𝛼 ∈ [0, 1], unfortunately 𝐴𝛼 ≥ 𝐡𝛼 does not always hold
for 𝛼 > 1. The following result has been obtained from this
point of view.
Theorem A. For 𝐴, 𝐡 > 0, the following (i) and (ii) hold:
(i) 𝐴 ≫ 𝐡 holds if and only if π΄π‘Ÿ ≥ (π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡𝑝 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )π‘Ÿ/(𝑝+π‘Ÿ) for
𝑝, π‘Ÿ ≥ 0;
(ii) 𝐴 ≫ 𝐡 holds if and only if for any fixed 𝛿 ≥ 0,
𝐹𝐴,𝐡 (𝑝, π‘Ÿ) = 𝐴−π‘Ÿ/2 (π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡𝑝 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )(𝛿+π‘Ÿ)/(𝑝+π‘Ÿ) 𝐴−π‘Ÿ/2 is a decreasing function of 𝑝 ≥ 𝛿 and π‘Ÿ ≥ 0.
(i) in Theorem A is shown in [9, 10], an excellent proof in
[11], a proof in the case 𝑝 = π‘Ÿ in [12], (ii) in [9, 10], and so
Lemma B (see [11]). Let 𝐴 be a positive invertible operator,
and let 𝐡 be an invertible operator. For any real number πœ†,
Theorem F (Furuta inequality). If 𝐴 ≥ 𝐡 ≥ 0, then for each
π‘Ÿ ≥ 0,
(i) (π΅π‘Ÿ/2 𝐴𝑝 π΅π‘Ÿ/2 )1/π‘ž ≥ (π΅π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡𝑝 π΅π‘Ÿ/2 )1/π‘ž ,
(ii) (π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐴𝑝 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )1/π‘ž ≥ (π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡𝑝 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )1/π‘ž
hold for 𝑝 ≥ 0 and π‘ž ≥ 1 with (1 + π‘Ÿ)π‘ž ≥ 𝑝 + π‘Ÿ.
The original proof of Theorem F is shown in [4], an
elementary one-page proof is in [5], and alternative ones are
in [6, 7]. We remark that the domain of the parameters 𝑝, π‘ž,
and π‘Ÿ in Theorem F is the best possible for the inequalities (i)
and (ii) under the assumption 𝐴 ≥ 𝐡 ≥ 0; see [8].
We write 𝐴 ≫ 𝐡 if log 𝐴 ≥ log 𝐡 for 𝐴, 𝐡 > 0, which is
called the chaotic order.
(𝐡𝐴𝐡∗ ) = 𝐡𝐴1/2 (𝐴1/2 𝐡∗ 𝐡𝐴1/2 )
𝐴1/2 𝐡∗ .
Definition 1. Let 𝐴 𝑛 , 𝐴 𝑛−1 , . . . , 𝐴 2 , 𝐴 1 , 𝐡 ≥ 0, π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥
0, and 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , 𝑝𝑛 ≥ 0 for a natural number 𝑛.
Let 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛] be defined by
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛]
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 𝑝2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
[⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝐴 33 {𝐴 22 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 ) 𝐴 22 }
= π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 {𝐴 𝑛−1
π‘Ÿ /2
× π΄ 33 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ] 𝐴 𝑛−1
} π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 .
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Theorem 4. If 𝐴 𝑛 ≫ 𝐴 𝑛−1 ≫ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≫ 𝐴 2 ≫ 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡 and
π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ 0, 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , 𝑝𝑛 ≥ 0 for a natural number 𝑛.
Then the following inequality holds:
For example,
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 𝑝2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [2] = 𝐴 22 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 ) 𝐴 22 ,
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 𝑝2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [4] = 𝐴 44 {𝐴 33 [𝐴 22 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 ) 𝐴 22 ]
π‘Ÿ /2
× π΄ 33
𝐴 𝑛 ≫ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛]1/π‘ž[𝑛] ,
π‘Ÿ /2
} 𝐴 44 .
Let π‘ž[𝑛] be defined by
π‘ž [𝑛] = {⋅ ⋅ ⋅ [(𝑝1 + π‘Ÿ1 ) 𝑝2 + π‘Ÿ2 ] 𝑝3 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘›−1 } 𝑝𝑛 + π‘Ÿπ‘› . (4)
where 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛] and π‘ž[𝑛] are defined in (2) and (4).
Proof. We will show (9) by mathematical induction. In the
case 𝑛 = 1.
Since 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡 implies
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 π‘Ÿ1 /(𝑝1 +π‘Ÿ1 )
𝐴 1 ≫ (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 )
For example,
π‘ž [1] = 𝑝1 + π‘Ÿ1 ,
π‘ž [2] = (𝑝1 + π‘Ÿ1 ) 𝑝2 + π‘Ÿ2 ,
π‘ž [4] = {[(𝑝1 + π‘Ÿ1 ) 𝑝2 + π‘Ÿ2 ] 𝑝3 + π‘Ÿ3 } 𝑝4 + π‘Ÿ4 .
For the sake of convenience, we define
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [0] = 𝐡,
π‘ž [0] = 1,
holds for any 𝑝1 ≥ 0 and π‘Ÿ1 ≥ 0 by Lemma 3, whence (9) for
𝑛 = 1.
Assume that (9) holds for a natural number π‘˜ (1 ≤ π‘˜ <
𝑛). We will show that (9) holds π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘˜ , π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 ≥ 0 and
𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , π‘π‘˜ , π‘π‘˜+1 ≥ 0 for π‘˜ + 1.
Put 𝐷 = 𝐴 π‘˜+1 , 𝐸 = 𝐴 π‘˜ , and 𝐹 = C𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]1/π‘ž[π‘˜] , and (9)
holds for 𝑛 = π‘˜ implying
and these definitions in (6) may be reasonable by (2) and (4).
𝐷 ≫ 𝐸 ≫ 𝐹 > 0.
Lemma 2. For 𝐴 𝑛 , 𝐴 𝑛−1 , . . . , 𝐴 2 , 𝐴 1 , 𝐡 ≥ 0 and any natural
number 𝑛, we have
Equation (11) yields the following by Lemma 3, for π‘Ÿ ≥ 0 and
𝑝 ≥ 0:
(i) 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛] = π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 ,
(ii) π‘ž[𝑛] = π‘ž[𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 + π‘Ÿπ‘› .
Proof. (i) and (ii) can be easily obtained by definitions (2) and
Lemma 3. If 𝐴 ≫ 𝐡, for 𝑝 ≥ 0 and π‘Ÿ ≥ 0, then 𝐴 ≫
(π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡𝑝 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )1/(𝑝+π‘Ÿ) .
Proof. Since 𝐴 ≫ 𝐡, we can obtain the following inequality.
π΄π‘Ÿ ≥ (π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡𝑝 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )π‘Ÿ/(𝑝+π‘Ÿ) holds for 𝑝 ≥ 0 and π‘Ÿ ≥ 0 by (i)
of Theorem A.
Take the logarithm on both sides of the previous inequality; that is,
π‘Ÿ/2 π‘Ÿ/(𝑝+π‘Ÿ)
log 𝐴 ≥ log (𝐴 𝐡 𝐴 )
𝑝 + π‘Ÿ π‘ž [π‘˜] π‘π‘˜+1 + π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 π‘ž [π‘˜ + 1]
and we have the following desired (15) by (12) and (13):
therefor we have
Put π‘Ÿ = π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 , 𝑝 = π‘ž[π‘˜]π‘π‘˜+1 in (13), then by (ii) of Lemma 2,
the exponential power 1/(𝑝 + π‘Ÿ) of the right hand side of (13)
can be written as follows:
𝑝/π‘ž[π‘˜] π‘Ÿ/2
𝐴 π‘˜+1 )
𝐴 π‘˜+1 ≫ (π΄π‘Ÿ/2
π‘˜+1 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]
𝐴 π‘˜+1 ≫ {𝐴 π‘˜+1
(𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜])
𝐴 ≫ (π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡𝑝 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )
We will give some operator inequalities on chaotic order, and
Theorem 5 is further extension of Theorem 3.1 in [13].
π‘Ÿ/2 𝑝
𝐷 ≫ (π·π‘Ÿ/2 𝐹𝑝 π·π‘Ÿ/2 )
that is,
2. Basic Results Associated with
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛] and π‘ž[𝑛]
= 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜ + 1]
/2 1/π‘ž[π‘˜+1]
𝐴 π‘˜+1
so that (15) shows that (9) holds for π‘˜ + 1.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Theorem 5. If 𝐴 𝑛 ≫ 𝐴 𝑛−1 ≫ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≫ 𝐴 2 ≫ 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡 and
π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ 0 for a natural number 𝑛. For any fixed 𝛿 ≥ 0,
let 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , 𝑝𝑛 be satisfied by
𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘˜−1
π‘π‘˜ ≥
π‘ž [π‘˜ − 1]
π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 /2 (1+π‘Ÿ)/(𝑝+π‘Ÿ) −π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 /2
𝐴 π‘˜+1
𝐴 π‘˜+1 .
Putting 𝑝 = (π‘ž[π‘˜]π‘π‘˜+1 )/(𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘˜ ) ≥ 1, since
π‘π‘˜+1 ≥ (𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )/π‘ž[π‘˜] in (16), then we have
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
𝐴 π‘˜π‘˜ πΌπ‘˜ (π‘π‘˜ , π‘Ÿπ‘˜ ) 𝐴 π‘˜π‘˜
= 𝐡1 = 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )/π‘ž[π‘˜]
𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘›−1
𝑝𝑛 ≥
π‘ž [𝑛 − 1]
The operator function πΌπ‘˜ (π‘π‘˜ , π‘Ÿπ‘˜ ) for any natural number π‘˜ such
that 1 ≤ π‘˜ ≤ 𝑛 is defined by
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
πΌπ‘˜ (π‘π‘˜ , π‘Ÿπ‘˜ ) = 𝐴 π‘˜ π‘˜ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )/π‘ž[π‘˜] 𝐴 π‘˜ π‘˜ .
/2 (1+π‘Ÿ)/(𝑝+π‘Ÿ)
× (𝐴 π‘˜+1
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]((𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )/π‘ž[π‘˜])𝑝 𝐴 π‘˜+1
× π΄ π‘˜+1
𝐴 π‘˜−1
πΌπ‘˜−1 (π‘π‘˜−1 , π‘Ÿπ‘˜−1 ) 𝐴 π‘˜−1
≥ πΌπ‘˜ (π‘π‘˜ , π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )
for every natural number π‘˜ such that 1 ≤ π‘˜ ≤ 𝑛, where 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛]
and π‘ž[𝑛] are defined in (2) and (4).
Proof. Since 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [0] = 𝐡, π‘ž[0] = 1 in (6), we may define
𝐼0 (𝑝0 , π‘Ÿ0 ) = 𝐡𝛿 for 𝑝0 = π‘Ÿ0 = 0.
Because 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡, then for any fixed 𝛿 ≥ 0,
π‘Ÿ /2 (𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 )/(𝑝1 +π‘Ÿ1 )
π‘Ÿ /2
≥ 𝐴 π‘˜+1
= 𝐴 π‘˜+1
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜ + 1](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜ +π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 )/(π‘ž[π‘˜+1]) 𝐴 π‘˜+1
Then the following inequality holds:
−π‘Ÿ /2
(𝐴 π‘˜+1
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]((𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )/π‘ž[π‘˜])𝑝
𝐡1 ≥ 𝐴 π‘˜+1
𝑝1 ≥ 𝛿,
𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1
𝑝2 ≥
𝑝1 + π‘Ÿ1
Putting π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 = π‘Ÿ(𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘˜ ) in (23), then (23)
can be rewritten by
𝐡𝛿 ≥ 𝐴 1 1 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 )
−π‘Ÿ /2
𝐴1 1
= πΌπ‘˜+1 (π‘π‘˜+1 , π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 ) ,
and we have (18) for π‘˜ such that 1 ≤ π‘˜ ≤ 𝑛 by (25) and (20)
since (20) means (18) for π‘˜ = 1.
Corollary 6. If 𝐴 𝑛 ≫ 𝐴 𝑛−1 ≫ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≫ 𝐴 2 ≫ 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡 and
π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ 0 for a natural number 𝑛. For any fixed 𝛿 ≥ 0,
let 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , 𝑝𝑛 be satisfied by (16).
Then the following inequalities hold:
for 𝑝1 ≥ 𝛿, π‘Ÿ1 ≥ 0,
since 𝐹𝐴 1 ,𝐡 (𝛿, π‘Ÿ0 ) ≥ 𝐹𝐴 1 ,𝐡 (𝑝1 , π‘Ÿ1 ) holds by (ii) of Theorem A.
And (19) can be expressed as
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
𝐡𝛿 = 𝐴 00 𝐼0 (𝑝0 , π‘Ÿ0 ) 𝐴 00
≥ 𝐼1 (𝑝1 , π‘Ÿ1 ) .
Since 𝑋 ≫ π‘Œ implies that 𝑋𝑑 ≫ π‘Œπ‘‘ holds for any 𝑑 ≥ 0, (21)
𝛿+π‘Ÿ +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜
𝐴 π‘˜+11
≫ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )/π‘ž[π‘˜] .
𝛿+π‘Ÿ +π‘Ÿ +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿ
Putting 𝐴 = 𝐴 π‘˜+11 2
, 𝐡1 = 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘˜ )/π‘ž[π‘˜] and
applying (19) for 𝛿 = 1 and 𝐴 ≫ 𝐡1 , we have
𝐡1 ≥ 𝐴−π‘Ÿ/2 (π΄π‘Ÿ/2 𝐡1 π΄π‘Ÿ/2 )
holds for 𝑝 ≥ 1 and π‘Ÿ ≥ 0.
π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 (𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 )/(𝑝1 +π‘Ÿ1 )
−π‘Ÿ /2
𝐴1 1
≥ 𝐴1 1 𝐴2 2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 𝑝2
π‘Ÿ /2
× [𝐴 22 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 ) 𝐴 22 ]
We can apply Theorem 4, and we have the following (21) for
any natural number π‘˜ such that 1 ≤ π‘˜ ≤ 𝑛:
𝐴 π‘˜+1 ≫ 𝐴 π‘˜ ≫ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]1/π‘ž[π‘˜] .
−π‘Ÿ /2
𝐡𝛿 ≥ 𝐴 1 1 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 )
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 )/((𝑝1 +π‘Ÿ1 )𝑝2 +π‘Ÿ2 )
× π΄2 2 𝐴1 1
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /3
𝑛 /2
≥ 𝐴 1 1 𝐴 2 2 𝐴 3 3 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝐴 𝑛−1
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/π‘ž[𝑛]
−π‘Ÿ /3
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
𝑛 /2
× π΄−π‘Ÿ
𝐴 𝑛−1
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝐴3 3 𝐴2 2 𝐴1 1 ,
where 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛], π‘ž[𝑛], and πΌπ‘˜ (π‘π‘˜ , π‘Ÿπ‘˜ ) (1 ≤ π‘˜ ≤ 𝑛) are defined in
(2), (4), and (17).
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Proof. Applying (18) of Theorem 5 for π‘˜ such that 1 ≤ π‘˜ ≤ 𝑛,
we have
We can obtain the following inequality from the hypothesis (28) for the case 𝑛 = π‘˜:
𝐴 π‘˜π‘˜ ≥ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]π‘Ÿπ‘˜ /π‘ž[π‘˜] ,
𝐡𝛿 = π΄π‘Ÿ0 /2 𝐼0 (𝑝0 , π‘Ÿ0 ) π΄π‘Ÿ0 /2
≥ 𝐼1 (𝑝1 , π‘Ÿ1 )
−π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 (𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 )/(𝑝1 +π‘Ÿ1 )
π‘Ÿ /2
= 𝐴 1 1 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 )
−π‘Ÿ /2
𝐴 1 1 𝐼2
−π‘Ÿ /2 −π‘Ÿ /2
𝐴1 1 𝐴2 2
hence we have 𝐴 π‘˜+1 ≫ 𝐴 π‘˜ ≫ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]1/π‘ž[π‘˜] , and (i) of
Theorem A ensures
−π‘Ÿ /2
𝐴1 1
𝑝/π‘ž[π‘˜] π‘Ÿ/2
π΄π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 ≥ (π΄π‘Ÿ/2
𝐴 π‘˜+1 )
π‘˜+1 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]
−π‘Ÿ /2
(𝑝2 , π‘Ÿ2 ) 𝐴 1 1
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2 −π‘Ÿ /2 −π‘Ÿ /3
𝐴1 1 𝐴2 2 𝐴3 3
−π‘Ÿπ‘›−1 /2
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝐴 𝑛−1
−π‘Ÿ /3
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /2
(𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› )
−π‘Ÿ /2
−π‘Ÿ /3
/2 π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 /(π‘ž[π‘˜]π‘π‘˜+1 +π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 )
= 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜ + 1]π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 /π‘ž[π‘˜+1] ,
𝑛 /2
𝑛 /2
𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› ) = 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/π‘ž[𝑛] 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
𝑛 /2
= 𝐴 1 1 𝐴 2 2 𝐴 3 3 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝐴 𝑛−1
−π‘Ÿ /3
−π‘Ÿ /2
is a decreasing function of both π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ 0 and 𝑝𝑛 which satisfies
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/π‘ž[𝑛]
Theorem 8. If 𝐴 𝑛 ≫ 𝐴 𝑛−1 ≫ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≫ 𝐴 2 ≫ 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡 and
π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ 0 for a natural number 𝑛. For any fixed 𝛿 ≥ 0,
let 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , 𝑝𝑛 be satisfied by (16).
× π΄ 𝑛−1
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝐴3 3 𝐴2 2 𝐴1 1
−π‘Ÿ /2
so that (32) shows (28) for π‘˜ + 1.
𝐴 π‘˜+1
≥ (𝐴 π‘˜+1
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [π‘˜]π‘π‘˜+1 𝐴 π‘˜+1
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 )/((𝑝1 +π‘Ÿ1 )𝑝2 +π‘Ÿ2 )
× π΄2 2 𝐴1 1
for 𝑝, π‘Ÿ ≥ 0. (31)
Putting π‘Ÿ = π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 and 𝑝 = π‘ž[π‘˜]π‘π‘˜+1 , then we have the following
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 𝑝2
[𝐴 22 (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 )
π‘Ÿ /2
𝐴 22 ]
𝑝𝑛 ≥
−π‘Ÿ /2
𝑛 /2
× π΄−π‘Ÿ
𝐴 𝑛−1
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 𝐴3 3 𝐴2 2 𝐴1 1 .
𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘›−1
π‘ž [𝑛 − 1]
where 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛] and π‘ž[𝑛] are defined in (2) and (4).
3. Monotonicity Property on
Operator Functions
We would like to emphasize that the condition of Theorem 7
is stronger than Theorem 5, and moreover when we discuss
monotonicity property on operator functions, we can only
apply Theorem 7.
Theorem 7. If 𝐴 𝑛 ≫ 𝐴 𝑛−1 ≫ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≫ 𝐴 2 ≫ 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡 and
π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ 0, 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , 𝑝𝑛 ≥ 0 for a natural number 𝑛.
Then the following inequality holds:
π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› ≥ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛]π‘Ÿπ‘› /π‘ž[𝑛] ,
where 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛] and π‘ž[𝑛] are defined in (2) and (4).
Proof. We will show (28) by mathematical induction. In the
case 𝑛 = 1.
Since 𝐴 1 ≫ 𝐡 implies
π‘Ÿ /2
π‘Ÿ /2 π‘Ÿ1 /(𝑝1 +π‘Ÿ1 )
𝐴 1 ≥ (𝐴 11 𝐡𝑝1 𝐴 11 )
holds for any, 𝑝1 ≥ 0 and π‘Ÿ1 ≥ 0 by (i) of Theorem A, whence
(28) for 𝑛 = 1.
Assume that (28) holds for a natural number π‘˜ (1 ≤
π‘˜ < 𝑛). We will show (28) for π‘Ÿ1 , π‘Ÿ2 , . . . , π‘Ÿπ‘˜+1 ≥ 0 and
𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , . . . , π‘π‘˜ , π‘π‘˜+1 ≥ 0 for π‘˜ + 1.
Proof. Since the condition (16) with 𝛿 ≥ 0 suffices (28) in
Theorem 7, we have the following inequality by Theorem 7;
see (28).
We state the following important inequality (35) for the
forthcoming discussion which is the inequality in (16):
π‘ž [𝑛] = π‘ž [𝑛 − 1] 𝑝𝑛 + π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ 𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘›−1 + π‘Ÿπ‘› (35)
because the inequality in (35) follows by (ii) of Lemma 2, and
the inequality follows by
π‘ž [𝑛 − 1] 𝑝𝑛 ≥ 𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘›−1
obtained by (34).
(a) Proof of the result that 𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› ) is a decreasing
function of 𝑝𝑛 .
Without loss of generality, we can assume that 𝑝𝑛 > 0.
We can obtain the following inequality by (28) and by (i) of
Lemma 2:
π‘Ÿπ‘› /π‘ž[𝑛]
π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› ≥ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛]π‘Ÿπ‘› /π‘ž[𝑛] = (π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 )
= π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
(π‘Ÿπ‘› −π‘ž[𝑛])/π‘ž[𝑛]
× (𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 )
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 ,
Abstract and Applied Analysis
and (37) implies
(π‘ž[𝑛]−π‘Ÿπ‘› )/π‘ž[𝑛]
(𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 )
≥ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 .
Put 𝛼 = πœ”/𝑝𝑛 ∈ [0, 1] for 𝑝𝑛 ≥ πœ” ≥ 0, then we raise each side
of (38) to the power 𝛼 = πœ”/𝑝𝑛 ∈ [0, 1], then
(𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 )
by (35) and π‘ž[𝑛] + π‘ž[𝑛 − 1]πœ” = π‘ž[𝑛 − 1](𝑝𝑛 + πœ”) + π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ π‘ž[𝑛]
by (4), so that 𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› ) is a decreasing function of 𝑝𝑛 .
(b) Proof of the result that 𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› ) is a decreasing
function of π‘Ÿπ‘› .
Without loss of generality, we can assume that π‘Ÿπ‘› > 0.
Raise each side of (28) to the power πœ‡/π‘Ÿπ‘› ∈ [0, 1] for π‘Ÿπ‘› ≥ πœ‡ ≥
0 by LH, then
((π‘ž[𝑛]−π‘Ÿπ‘› )πœ”)/(π‘ž[𝑛]𝑝𝑛 )
π΄πœ‡π‘› ≥ (π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 )
≥ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1] .
Whence we have
We state the following inequality by (ii) of Lemma 3 and (35):
𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› )
𝑛 /2
= 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
(π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 )
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/π‘ž[𝑛]
𝑛 /2
𝑛 /2
= 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
{ (π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛
− 1]
π‘ž [𝑛] − (𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘› )
= π‘ž [𝑛 − 1] 𝑝𝑛 + π‘Ÿπ‘› − (𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘› )
= π‘ž [𝑛 − 1] 𝑝𝑛 − (𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘›−1 ) ≥ 0.
(π‘ž[𝑛]+π‘ž[𝑛−1]πœ”)/π‘ž[𝑛] (𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/(π‘ž[𝑛]+π‘ž[𝑛−1]πœ”)
× π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 )
Then we have
𝑛 /2
× π΄−π‘Ÿ
𝑛 /2
= 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
{π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
× (𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]
𝑝𝑛 /2
𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› )
𝑛 /2
𝑛 /2
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛](𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/π‘ž[𝑛] 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
= 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 )
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 }
𝑛 /2
= 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
(π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘› /2 )
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/(π‘ž[𝑛]+π‘ž[𝑛−1]πœ”)
𝑛 /2
× π΄−π‘Ÿ
by Lemma B
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› −π‘ž[𝑛])/π‘ž[𝑛]
((π‘ž[𝑛]−π‘Ÿπ‘› )πœ”)/(π‘ž[𝑛]𝑝𝑛 )
× { (𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘›
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
(π‘ž[𝑛]+πœ‡)/π‘ž[𝑛] (𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› −π‘ž[𝑛])/(π‘ž[𝑛]+πœ‡)
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 )
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/(π‘ž[𝑛]+π‘ž[𝑛−1]πœ”) −π‘Ÿ /2
π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 }
𝐴𝑛 𝑛
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
𝑛 /2
≥ 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
(π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]πœ”
𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
= 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 )
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]
= 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 )
× (𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘›
𝑝𝑛 /2
𝑛 /2
× (𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘›
𝑛 /2
{π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
= 𝐴−π‘Ÿ
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/π‘ž[𝑛]
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› )/(π‘ž[𝑛−1](𝑝𝑛 +πœ”)+π‘Ÿπ‘› )
π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2)
𝑛 /2
= 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
× {𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2
× (π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2 )
= 𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 + πœ”, π‘Ÿπ‘› ) ,
and the last inequality holds by LH because (39) and (𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 +
π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘› )/(π‘ž[𝑛 − 1](𝑝𝑛 + πœ”) + π‘Ÿπ‘› ) ∈ [0, 1] which is ensured
×𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 }
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› /2
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› −π‘ž[𝑛])/(π‘ž[𝑛]+πœ‡)
Abstract and Applied Analysis
≥ 𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
[13] T. Furuta, “Operator functions on chaotic order involving
order preserving operator inequalities,” Journal of Mathematical
Inequalities, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 15–31, 2012.
× {𝐢𝐴 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘›π‘› +πœ‡
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2 }
(𝛿+π‘Ÿ1 +π‘Ÿ2 +⋅⋅⋅+π‘Ÿπ‘› −π‘ž[𝑛])/(π‘ž[𝑛]+πœ‡)
× πΆπ΄ 𝑖 ,𝐡 [𝑛 − 1]𝑝𝑛 /2
= 𝐼𝑛 (𝑝𝑛 , π‘Ÿπ‘› + πœ‡) ,
and the last inequality holds by LH because (41) and
𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘› − π‘ž [𝑛]
π‘ž [𝑛] + πœ‡
π‘ž [𝑛] − (𝛿 + π‘Ÿ1 + π‘Ÿ2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘Ÿπ‘› )
∈ [−1, 0] ,
π‘ž [𝑛] + πœ‡
so that πΌπ‘˜ (π‘π‘˜ , π‘Ÿπ‘˜ ) is a decreasing function of π‘Ÿπ‘› .
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (1127112; 11201127), Technology and
Pioneering project in Henan Province (122300410110).
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
International Journal of
Differential Equations
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
Volume 2014
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International Journal of
Advances in
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mathematical Physics
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
Journal of
Complex Analysis
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
Journal of
Mathematics and
Journal of
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Stochastic Analysis
Abstract and
Applied Analysis
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
International Journal of
Volume 2014
Volume 2014
Discrete Dynamics in
Nature and Society
Volume 2014
Volume 2014
Journal of
Journal of
Discrete Mathematics
Journal of
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Applied Mathematics
Journal of
Function Spaces
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Volume 2014