Lesson 8.3 Logs as Inverses.notebook March 30, 2012 e ≈ 2.71828... Exponential functions with a base of e are useful for describing continuous growth or decay x y ­2 e­2 ≈ 0.13534 ­1 0 1 2 e­1 ≈ 0.36788 e0 = 1 e1 ≈ 2.78183 e2 ≈ 7.38906 Continuously Compounded Interest 1 Lesson 8.3 Logs as Inverses.notebook March 30, 2012 Continuously Compounded Interest Section 8.3 Logarithmic Functions as Inverses Objective: Be able to write and evaluate logarithmic expressions 2 Lesson 8.3 Logs as Inverses.notebook March 30, 2012 A logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function exponent exponent x If y = b , then logby = x base 100 = 102 base log10100 = 2 x If y = b , then logby = x Common Logarithm - base 10 log10 y = log y log 1000 = x x = log 1 3 Lesson 8.3 Logs as Inverses.notebook March 30, 2012 e ≈ 2.71828... Exponential functions with a base of e are useful for describing continuous growth or decay x y ­2 e­2 ≈ 0.13534 ­1 0 1 2 e­1 ≈ 0.36788 e0 = 1 e1 ≈ 2.78183 e2 ≈ 7.38906 If y = bx , then logby = x Natural Logarithm - base e loge y = ln y ln 25 = x x = ln 1 4 Lesson 8.3 Logs as Inverses.notebook March 30, 2012 If y = bx , then logby = x Write in logarithmic form: 729 = 36 100 = 1 7.389 = e2 1 3 2 ( ) = 1 8 If y = bx , then logby = x Write in exponential form: 5 Lesson 8.3 Logs as Inverses.notebook March 30, 2012 If y = bx , then logby = x Evaluate each logarithm: log4 42 log 10 log4643 log327 If y = bx , then logby = x GROUP QUIZ Rewrite each equation in exponential form Rewrite each equation in logarithmic form Evaluate each expression 6 Lesson 8.3 Logs as Inverses.notebook March 30, 2012 Homework #20 VIDEO @ www.phschool.com Use web code age-0803 --> Watch the third video Problems to do: Pg 450 #22-25, 35-37 (graphs on graph paper or no credit) 8.1-8.3 QUIZ Next Thurs/Fri 7